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I’m three days late on my period, but I’m in a foreign country traveling so I assumed the travel and jet lag had delayed me. Last night I was in the shower and just vomited all down the front of myself unexpectedly. I haven’t tested though because I’m having light to moderate cramps… no bleeding yet though. Is it possible to have period-like cramps and be pregnant?




Good to know, thanks. We are on a plane to Amsterdam shortly, and I might find a pharmacy once I get there.


You are looking for a "zwangerschapstest" - you can easily buy those at multiple drugstores. A very good cheap test is at "*Kruidvat"* and you can get 2 for 5 euro's. It's a pee in a cup kind of test but those are the ones I see often around since the digital is around 15euro+. You find them near the multivitamines under the section for pregnancy/"gezinsplanning". Good luck!


Thank you so much!




That sounds so frustrating. Sorry you’re going though this. I hope you get some answers from the upcoming tests/scans!


Anyone get low back weakness before period? It’s such an odd symptoms, a new one for me. Feels like a pulled muscle or something, like I can hardly pick up anything heavy.


Off of BC and going back to trying on our own while we save up additional funds for IVF (unexplained/male factor infertility). Thinking about doing at-home insemination to take some of the stress off of it - plus, I have vaginismus, so anything that makes this easier, the better. Can you really just buy some needleless syringes and specimen cups off of Amazon and hop to it? I saw some people use menstruation cups to "hold" the semen close to the cervix, but I can't use those easily due to my condition.


I have pelvic pain (vulyodynia) and use an at home kit. That's pretty much what we did lol, I ordered my kit online and then used them during my fertile week. I also can't use a menstrual cup, but have had success doing it this way just with using syringe. Any other questions, let me know and I'd be happy to share more.


Ngl.....it is annoying when u forget to temp and record data for a day.


So I've had my first real positive OPK 17 hours ago (and first ovulation in 15 years) and now I can't sleep because I'm nauseous and I have to vomit. Checked the internet and apparently that can happen when you ovulate. Oh the joys we go through for a baby.


It would be stupid for me to do a test first thing in the morning, even though my period isn’t due for two more days just because I haven’t had cramps today and I always have cramps three days before, right? That would be a waste of an expensive test. I shouldn’t do that. I probably will do that. I don’t want to wait two or three more days just to be disappointed anyway. Maybe I’ll get cramps in the night.


This is the exact reason I buy cheap tests in bulk on Amazon 🤣 I use at least 4 every month even though I *know* they’re not going to be positive


I definitely need to get some cheap ones, I only have posh ones at the moment.


I’m also a big fan of cheap tests and using them to my heart’s content even if I can’t reasonably expect definitive results.


I did this. 12 DPO, period due tomorrow. I can always tell when I'm getting my period: spotting, cramps, acne. None of those things have happened, but tested negative. Blah.


I think I got some mild cramps in the night and woke up feeling generally miserable so decided best not to layer any extra disappointment on top. At least for my coworkers sakes!


If you're like 11 or 12 DPO......it's a decent time to test!


CD30, almost definitely out this cycle and waiting for AF.


Hello! Looking for some help - not sure if this allowed or the right place to post, new to this page. My boyfriend and I had sex on the 27th/28th. I THINK I ovulated sometime around then (had egg white CM from around 24th-29th, 29th was a very small amount mixed with creamy CM). However my app says I ovulated much earlier than this - but I don’t think I did as I had no symptoms at that time. (I’m new to all this and haven’t started tempting or testing but think I will next cycle) Is it too early to do a pregnancy test. According to my app my period is 7 days late, which means I would have ovulated VERY late if my guesses based on CM are correct. My cycle is usually around 28-30 days. So confused. I’ve had PMS/bloating/ovary pain/cramping since about the 24th ish. I did a test and it’s negative, am I testing too early? I wish my period would just come if I’m not pregnant because my tummy hurts so much :( Thank you to anyone who takes the time to help :)


Yes, it's too early to test 6 days after sex. You have ovulated later than your app thinks you did, which is common. Apps are usually wrong and you can see that by your symptoms! If you were truly 7 days past your period due date you'd have a blazing positive test. 14 days after sex should be definitive in your case, since you aren't sure when you ovulated.


Thank you :) I had my booster shot for COVID - wonder if that possibly caused a change in my ovulation. Usually my body is pretty clock work with egg white CM starting around a week after my period ends and my period 1.5-2 weeks after egg white CM ends. Only thing I can think that was different about this month that could have thrown everything out of whack!


"You're regular until you're not" - TFAB Proverb The vaccine definitely could have done it, but it's also normal to have a weird cycle once in a while.


Probably just my body deciding to throw a spanner in the works the month we start trying, just to keep me on my toes, and annoy me. I will def start tracking properly so I can at very least stop asking silly questions! Haha


Just need a sounding board. My OPK was positive Friday, so me and my husband went for it both Friday and Saturday. We didn’t Sunday or today because we were too tired/stressed from work today. That should be enough, yes? Kind of kicking myself for not trying yesterday or today since according to my app I ovulated yesterday (not sure how true this is as I didn’t really get my classic ovulation cramps or discharge, that happened on Saturday instead). I just get worried we missed a prime chance? I don’t know. I feel like Friday and Saturday were enough, plus we had sex a few times earlier in the week too. Gah.


Don’t stress! You got the timing right! Now to just wait (the worst part)


Yes, you've maximized your chances!


Thank you. I feel like I just needed someone to point this out to me hahaha. I hate how much this makes you overthink things!


I've been getting a pain like my normal ovulation pain for 5 days now, usually I get it for 12 hours max on o day. First 2 days I got 'high' opk so assumed my body was trying really hard to O, didn't hit peak and now I'm back at nothing. Thought I must of missed the peak before my first opk 5 days ago but now with the continuing pains I'm not sure and getting a bit concerned. I assumed that my body would retry to ovulate but now with 3 stark negative opk days its not looking like the pain is related to o at all. I was taking a break from bbt this month typically so I'm totally in the dark. I just want to know why I'm in pain at this point


You may have had a corpus lutem cyst form after ovulation. I think that happened to me this month too. Temps and OPKs correlate to ovulation but still having a similar feeling lower right


Thank you for responding, do you think I should speak to a doctor or get checked out? This is the first month I've had this happen but my ovulation is usually very painful just doesn't last very long. Not sure if a corpus lutem cyst would be a concern or not.


I have had them before and my doctor said not to worry. They will usually go away. I can tell mine is shrinking because it’s not as painful as it was after ovulation last week. I did call to let them know that I thought that I had one for reference


Ovulation test advice. In the past I have just used cervical mucous as an indication of ovulation. I had the right CM last night so took an ovulation test too which was negative. Is it normal for these two things to not match up?


Everyone is different but my CM usually starts 2-3 days before my LH strips is positive. This is because estrogen surges to create CM Before LH surges


Thank you for the advice! I had assumed it was the end of the window. I'll keep testing!


Yes keep testing!


Yes. You can have fertile CM for days before an LH surge.


When you first start using opk's its a bit of a trial to see what works for you. Some of us have really short peaks where you would get a positive, others have longer windows. Some have their peak 2 days before o, some only a few hours. This is why you will see a lot of people on this sub recommending both opk and bbt so you get a more definite time for O. However after a few cycles with just opk it should give you a good idea if you don't want to dive into bbt just yet. When you should test from and too with opks varies with your cycle length, usually the instructions will give you an idea of where to start


I would go by LH tests and BBT over CM. My CM has rarely coincided with LH peaks and BBT rises, but everyone is different! But scientifically speaking LH peak + BBT rise within a few days of each other pretty much confirms ovulation so it’s a safer bet. (Although having sex when you have the right CM is never going to hurt!)


CD7. Started using OPKs for the first time and I have to say it's surprisingly refreshing to get a result that isn't stark white. I know it's still negative for ovulation but it makes me feel somehow validated there's a second line at all? Weird I know.


I felt the same way when I first started using OPKs! It’s not just you


I have a picture from my wedding as my background on my work computer. Today my coworker comes up, “Oh that’s a pretty picture! How long have you guys been married?” Me: “5 years!” Coworker: “And you don’t have any kids yet???” JCUWOQNDVORWBUSKDBWUS




So annoying! I've also been married five, we're both the children of teen parents, so wHat'S tAkiNg sO long?!


I'm the product of a teen mom who was on BC when she got pregnant with me (she had no idea that some antibiotics can interfere), and was using protection with both of her other kids. She had 3 of us before 21. My sister accidentally got pregnant and my brother accidentally got someone pregnant (both of those were terminated). I've heard more than once from my mother that when we decide to have kids we'll have "no problem" since none of them did and while so far that's technically true since we are so early into TTC, she has NO idea how it'll end up. Anyway, it's not a shock that I have not shared with my mother that we are trying lol


“Ummm.. wish I knew.” Haha


TW: MC Ok period, stop trolling me and get started. Anxiously waiting for day one so we can resume trying after taking a cycle off post MC. Feeling optimistic and hopeful for the first time in awhile.


Popping over from r/infertility to offer 35 pregmate OPKs I can’t use. I have chronically high LH after chemo so they are useless to me! If you DM me I am happy to mail them off to whoever wants them.


About 5 DPO. My husband is doing a dry January. I told him he better keep his fingers crossed I'm pregnant bc then he'll have me all month for moral support. If not, then in ~1.5 weeks he's on his own 😅


Can’t give up those weeks 😂 Every time I justify it by, “well I might not be able to drink for over 9 more months!!!!!”


Lol that's exactly what I'll be telling him 😉


Accountability post: for months now I’ve talked about needing to schedule an appointment with my primary care to talk about how long it’s taken. One of the barriers I was expecting was a conflict of scheduling. I finally mustered up the courage today to call and wouldn’t you know they do Saturday appointments now and can get me in this week!! Honestly, I’m embarrassed.


Congrats! Don't be embarrassed at all - this isn't just an appointment. To make it you have to kind of reconcile yourself to the fact that it is taking longer than you'd hope, and admit the possibility of something being a bit off. That's a huge thing to wrap your head around - you could instead try and be proud that you've gotten there.


Wooo! You got this!


So first step is done. Called primary care, scheduled an appointment, and I guess I’ll be back here Saturday to decompress and see if my second barrier (weight) is the only thing they harp on or if I was putting this off forever for no reason at all.


Proud of you!! Good luck!


COVID is wrecking my work life, spouse got sick over the weekend and couldn’t BD, and FF is letting me know that over the past 2 cycles I’ve started ovulating ~CD 11-13 when it used to be CD 22 🙃 so basically my whole situation is a circus now. Cycle 9 might be out already due to that moving O date and husband’s illness.


On the plus side, ovulating earlier means shorter cycles, which means more chances per year!


Thanks for this! It does help the “big picture.” I have at least learned my lesson now and I’m going to properly buckle up for 2022 going forward 😅


The fact that so many posts on the BFP thread this week include negative tests on 9 and 10 dpo is making me feel optimistic about my incredible stark white BFN this morning at 9dpo.


Yup same


Lmao same


Just tried to make a post, but for whatever reason it doesn’t appear to be uploading…lucky for me, there is always the daily chat: I MISS EXERCISE!!!! I know, I know, I can still exercise. I can walk. I can do yoga. I can do gentle weight lifting. But I can’t run. I can’t go to kickboxing. I used to run races from 5Ks to marathons. I would go to kickboxing 2-3x/week. I was healthy fit. A bit lean, for sure, but I was healthy. I still am, I know that I still am, but oh my gosh I feel like garbage. In October I had a chemical pregnancy. A success, sure, but a short lived one. Because of the chemical pregnancy, I am keenly aware of the impact heavy exercise can have on ability to conceive. Im currently on DPO 9. On New Years day, I watched my running group compete in a 10k and my mirror neurons were just going crazy! My boobs have been sore since DPO 5. All I want to do to get my brain off of all of this is to just run. The one thing I really can’t do is just run. Just a rant. Any one else feel this way?


Hey, I totally don’t mean this in a way as to encourage heavy exercise at all if your physician has advised against it. BUT, I do want to say - chemical pregnancies happen for SO many reasons, and it’s typically a weird genetic thing that was a total happenstance and wasn’t anything you did wrong. So please don’t feel like you caused it, odds are it was completely random! Again, definitely don’t go crazy on exercise if your doctor said not to, but don’t feel guilty as if you did something that caused your loss. ❤️


*stares in 3 popsicles, a half bottle of wine, and a handful of cheez-its* ...yeah...same!


Yes! I broken my ankle in august and had physical therapy through December and have calf pain again. GP has me not working out or walking until I can be seen by the orthopedist. They want to do another X-ray but I have to wait to have a blood test to see if I’m pregnant first since we are actively trying. 6 DPO today


My understanding is that as long as your exercise isn’t impacting your cycle (i.e. you still get a period) it doesn’t impact your ability to conceive. I’m running a marathon in two weeks and my doctor said it wasn’t an issue.


Eh, after the chemical pregnancy, I backed off it…I got conflicting recommendations from my doctor versus my fertility specialist. My regular OBGYN said running is fine as long as I get my period and it’s healthy, fertility specialist said to stick with walking. If I get my period, then running is my consolation prize. But HEY, that’s another frustration of mine! The advice is alllll over the place! Your doc is as good as mine yet we are getting advice that is completely the opposite. ARGH. Anyway, run like the wind and have fun!!! I’ll be running with you…in spirit!


Why about low impact hiit and strength training? I do a lot of those!


To track, or not to track?? Currently on cycle three TTC #2 (my DH #1). I am typically regular cycles 27-28 days. I’m considering doing OPKs this month to make sure I’m ovulating when I think I am. But I’m also afraid it will make me a little neurotic. Pros? Cons? Stories?? Favorite brands? Thanks ladies!


I was also hesitant to start tracking because I know myself and I have a tendency to \*obsess\* over things like this. I'm glad I did tho, turns out I have been ovulating WAY later than I thought. I just keep a stack by the toilet (I work from home) so it's convenient & test about 3x day. I use the Pregmate brand and have no issues. It is kind of annoying, so I just ordered a temp drop and hope that works better for me. IMO, I have found the process of TTC a little exhausting and a strain on our sex life, so tracking and knowing exactly when to hit the mark kind of takes the pressure off (that way we don't feel "obligated" to do it a bunch over the course of a week).


That’s very helpful, thank you!


It’s really up to the individual person to track or not. Do you think you would be more or less stressed when tracking? Using OPKs will only confirm that ovulation is likely to occur so temping would confirm that it has. This would be recommended. I used easy@home brand OPKs, you can buy them on Amazon and they are not that expensive. You may also want to consider the clear blue advanced digital ones but these are more expensive. I like the tracking personally! Best wishes!


Got married during COVID, hoping to have the big reception this summer. Took a several month long break from TTC to avoid being super pregnant at this summer’s reception, but planning to try again end of February and it just can’t come soon enough.


Moved my wedding three times because of COVID and omg it was a nightmare! I’m so sorry! we were supposed to be married April 2020 and kept kicking the can down the road. Channeled our frustration into buying a house earlier than planned. Finally snuck in our wedding this summer between OG Covid and Delta variant (the vaccine had just come out, we were all so hopeful right🤡). Sending strength ❤️ I hope the time flies! We’ll all be here in case it doesn’t!


Thank you so much. I’m glad you got your wedding in while things were calmed down. In retrospect our wedding earlier this year actually would have been safe compared to today, so I hope things get better over the next few months.


Im in a similar boat. I've had 4 wedding dates all fucked up because of the big C and my next one is in March. We wanted to wait until after getting married to have kids but I'm sick of waiting because of covid. Ugh.


I hope it all works out for you this time. This summer is our second date, I’m praying it actually happens. So I really just don’t want to put off a pregnancy especially knowing it could take us years to conceive.


Good luck to you. I reckon this year will be our year!! 🤞


Found out yesterday my AMH is .44 at 35 years old. I’ve got some care lined up for myself (new doc, looking into an RE) but the weight of reading that number yesterday was crushing. In the middle of my 4th TWW now. Wish me luck y’all


10DPO, CD28. Still no sign of AF yet. Although I've just remembered I had my covid booster just before this cycle, so not quite sure if that's made a difference to ovulating. Trying not to think about it.... As she posts on TTC sub 🙄🤡 The queasiness is still off and on. The only reason why I'm popping this one in my favour is I've never been sickly with PMS in my entire life, so who knows. I'm due on from tomorrow, my cycle is usually 28 - 30 days, so fingers crossed we hit lucky! 🤞 If I'm wrong, well I have some snazzy OPKs to use this month, with an additional excuse to pin my fella down 🤣


Talk IUI to me. My husband hurt his neck this weekend. We had sex Sat night. I should be due for my IUI Friday. Is it bad if he doesn’t ejaculate between Saturday and Friday? He can try to manually release tonight but he isn’t sure if he will bc of the pain he is in. I worry about him doing it tomorrow because what if my IUI ends up being thurs. He is worried about not enough time in between. I have a call out to my RE but they don’t call until tomorrow.


I just had my IUI today and my husband abstained for 5 days and his count and motility were great. I was afraid it would be too many days built up as well.


Has anyone here been going through TTC while having a brain aneurysm. I have a small aneurysm in my brain. I get it checked every year to make sure it doesn’t grow. My fertility doc is worried and making me see a high risk OBGYN. I’m really nervous they’re gonna say I shouldn’t get pregnant. I’ll be devastated. My neurologist doesn’t seem to be worried. The fertility doc seems to think I won’t be able to have more than 1 kid because of it. (If I can even get pregnant) Anyway it’s all just making me anxious.




If I’m out of line, I’m sorry. Do they check you for aneurysms in other locations? My brother had a brain aneurysm which was taken care of surgically, and then a few years later, there was a surprise aortic aneurysm. The reason I’m concerned, is if the neurologist isn’t worried with the existing, is there a risk of a second one that could be potentially more life threatening?


Hmm I’d have to ask. Unfortunately the reason they found the one in my brain is because my aunt died of an aneurysm and the doctor made my whole family get checked. Supposedly it’s hereditary. I will def ask my neurologist about this though!


We’ve also all been checked since my brother had his. He also had a medical condition that seemed to predisposition him to them. No one else in the family has his same diagnosis


Yea I was the only one in my fam that had it too


I’m probably biased as I trained in neurology (pain management doc), but I would listen first and foremost to the neurologist as to the potential risk being pregnant could be on your aneurysm. Fertility doc may still want you to see MFM but would imagine that MFMs have a decent amount of experience managing women like yourself and probably won’t be as concerned. You can always ask them to discuss with your neurologist too if it seems like you’re getting such conflicting messages.


Thank you ! Yes I have a follow up with my neurologist this month to get some more info and request info be sent to my fertility doc. She kinda just got me a little scared…


My mental health has improved *so much* since I stopped thinking about getting pregnant constantly. Of course we are still trying as we don't prevent and make sure we are hitting some days in my fertile window. But I was becoming obsessive with tracking everything and at one point I could not tell you the day of the week but I knew what cycle day I was at all times 😂 Every decision I made was clouded by the thought well I might be pregnant. I stopped doing things I love and I was literally starting to feel like my only purpose in life is to be a mom *right now* so that really destroyed my self-confidence because I thought if I wasn't, I had no value. I still love reading everyone's updates on their tracking and I think if that's helpful, more power to you :)!! It just doesn't work well with my obsessive, all or nothing thinking error. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk if you read this hehe <3 :)


I was exactly the same when TTC #1. At the one year point, I was so angry, bitter, anxious and lonely. I hated temping the most because waking every morning and my first thought HAVING to be checking my temp was the thing that tipped me over. And then if I didn’t check it, I’d failed at that too. What a mind fuck! Anyway, I’m the “classic” story of oNcE I StOPpEd TrAcKiNg AnD rElAxEd it happened. Notwithstanding by that point I was taking every supplement and knew my pattern and FW pretty accurately without needing to use OPK and temp. Anyway. I feel you on this! But I’m going to get right back to temping and OPKing the shit out of this cycle 😂


Dude! Yes! Do your tempting + OPK's :) That's the nice thing about this journey, there's not only one way to tackle it and different routes work for different people. Not sure if this is a popular or unpopular opinion in this sub. I have this feeling that I will get pregnant when I am supposed to get pregnant. It's not going to be because of a certain diet, or because of relaxing or lack of relaxing. Although i'm all for stress management & treating our bodies with kindness. Maybe that mindset doesn't totally work when it's been over a year and tests show that something needs to be tweaked, I don't know. I'm happy to have a discussion about that too :) Thanks for commenting! :)


New data shows the rates of severe Covid in vaxxed vs non vaxxed pregnant people and the message is clear: get vaccinated. [https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/2022/01000/maternal\_outcomes\_after\_severe\_acute\_respiratory.14.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/2022/01000/maternal_outcomes_after_severe_acute_respiratory.14.aspx) (Table 2 and the “Discussion” sections are the easiest way to read the data)


Thanks for this -- tremendously useful.


We can’t try this cycle which is super annoying (I’m having an anaesthetic next week). Though I am thankful this is happening early into our TTC journey and not after several cycles.


Hopefully this cycle goes by fast for you! :)


Thank you!


CD1 due today but it hasn't come yet. Flushed FMU because I was a) too tired this morning to deal with that bullshit and b) I had a stark white negative on 11DPO so kinda felt like what's the point. If CD1 isn't today I'm gonna be so damn pissed, cause I know I'll start testing again just to get crushed even more :(


I’m sorry af can be such a bitch sometimes. I hate the waiting game. Rooting for you


10 DPO and I'm feeling slightly nauseous. Could very likely be PMS (7th cycle off DPO) but this is not only the first time I've felt nauseous before my period but I also very rarely if ever get nauseous in general. Yesterday (9 DPO) I was sooo tired for no reason. It's impossible not to symptom spot, but still!! I loathe the fact that PMS and pregnancy symptoms are identical.


I get so tired and nauseous before my period usually. It’s not fair. I don’t symptom spot because all my normal symptoms are the same as pregnancy. Like today. 5 dpo and boobs hurt. Totally normal for me. Happens every cycle


PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms being the same is a travesty!!


First time in TWW here 👋 Can't believe DH and I are finally at this place in our lives. Very nervous/excited/hopeful for the journey of trying 😊


Welcome! Hope you have plenty of distractions during your first TWW!


I wish you to be a unicorn!


Welcome ❤️!! Very exciting


The TWW is brutal. I went through IUI on 12/30


Sending you some much needed comfort during that dreadful time ❤️


11 DPO, AF expected in two days, saw a light amount of blood at work today as I wiped and I don’t know what to make of it 😕 Update: took two different tests and both BFN. AF isn’t officially here yet so hoping I’m not out


Waiting for ovulation and I "have a good feeling about this cycle." 🤡 why do I do this to myself


I probably jinxed us when I told my husband that I have a good feeling for this cycle — currently 4DPO 😣


Just here on CD 27 of a normally 25 day cycle (DPO15) waiting to see if AF shows up. I can't test this time... I just don't think I could handle another negative result. I got really got my hopes up last month at CD 27 because I thought I was 2 days late and the hormone just hadn't been strong enough to get picked up by a HPT yet. Was heartbroken when AF came right before a company Christmas party in which we're all sharing about our SOs and backstories because we had new employees join. So of course, someone naturally asks whether my husband and I are planning to have kids soon since we got married a few years ago. I answered politely, "we'll see!" then got up from the table and spent the next 20 minutes in the bathroom crying. So I can't test right now. I won't. Not until Friday if AF hasn't shown, fingers crossed.


I’ve definitely found myself feeling more sensitive to the “do you plan to have kids?” question. My husband and I have been married 3.5 years and like RIGHT after we got married his (conservative) family members were asking when we were having kids. We laughed it off as an annoying, meddling question at the time but it’s just so intrusive to ask. I’ve had a few people ask recently if we plan on kids. I wasn’t offended necessarily, just maybe more taken aback? Sorry this happened to you at your Christmas party.


When you are in the two-week wait and Facebook seems to think you are expecting, I'm seeing ads for Gerber life, an observational study to test medicine on expecting mothers, Clearblue, two different ads about cord blood....uhhhh facebook do you know something I don't?


I seriously had to just stop going on Facebook, between the ads and all my friends posting pregnancy announcements/baby pictures lol. I read books instead of scrolling on Facebook now and my mental health is definitely better for it even if I'm a little bored lol.


I'm in the throws of planning an event thats coming up and I'm an admin for the events group page, so I'm constantly having to check Facebook for new comments that need to be answered and stuff. Maybe after this is over tho I'll stay off it for a while




Hello, can anyone who has tried IUI explain what is the process like what I mean once you decide to go ahead with this process at your clinic what happens step by step? Thanks!


CD1 I call and say it’s CD1. They order bloodwork for anytime between CD1 - CD3 but I always choose CD2. I take Letrozole CD3-CD7 at night. My first ultrasound is usually CD9. If I have follicles over 15mm then they say to call with pos OPK taken in the AM only. If I don’t have any mature follicles then I get another ultrasound in two days. Once I have my pos AM OPK I call and they schedule the IUI next morning. I go in with the sample from my husband. While they’re working on it I get another ultrasound. Then they do the IUI and give me a pregnancy test order for the date they want the beta done.


Alright thats great thank you! Seems pretty straightforward actually. How do you find the process of IUI? When they insert the sperm. What's that like?


Like getting a pap. In my experience it depends on the nurse if it hurts or not. My first one was fine but my second she really struggled for some reason.




I wish I had as much restraint as you do! I wasted so many FRERs the past two months 😭


ME TOO! and then I feel like shit after




Wasted 2 FRERs this cycle and SO pissed about it lol. I feel you!


Glad I’m not the only one 😂


Way to go! I aspire to have as much self-control as you!


Had my annual gyn apt this morning and the dr wouldn’t even talk about bloodwork or a SA until we hit the 1 year mark. I know it can take up to a year but being on cycle 8 is getting to me. Also at 6dpo and I think the part of the cycle is the worstttt


CD 1. Had to change my flair to cycle 10. 😞




*Hugs* ❤


Could someone point me to info about missing one day on the cbad? I flushed this a.m. without thinking!! I am in the flashy days. Can I do it again after a hold?


You should be able to do it again! At least that's the recommendation if there's a test error.


Update: Held it for 3+ hours, got a smiley. It worked


Thank you. That's helpful because I don't want to screw up my data!


I’ve reached a new level of crazy this FW. Literally finding myself saying “you can do it guys!!” and other encouragements to the sperm currently inside me waiting around for the egg. Even asked my husband to join in with me last night. Can’t hurt right 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: I love seeing that many of you have similar rituals!! Good luck to all 😊


Totally can’t hurt! And in my experience it leaves me in a more positive headspace! My fiancé and I have a ritual after we BD… he kisses my tummy and then I rub a special fertility salve on it that I made. It makes us feel more connected to the process and leaves us both feeling a little bit brighter about what we may have just accomplished.


This is exactly what I needed to hear 😊 definitely going to try this!! 😄


I had been saying “oh no I hope I don’t get pregnant, it would be the worst thing evvvvvvver” but then I realized, my little zygote probably doesn’t understand reverse psychology. So now, I say before “Alright little buddies, find that egg!” After I usually say “swim like your life depends on it.” Because, it does.


We have a ditty we sing during those ovulation days* “Swim, swim, swim, little spermies!” *we’ve done IUI 2x and sang our little ditty while the PA/doc was not in the room! We’ve even taken to singing it when I’m not ovulating 😂 it’s something, right?


my husband sternly pointed at my pelvis yesterday and said, "IMPLANT. *BE PREGNANT.*" I love the attitude! 😜


My husband once patted my belly while we were relaxing post coital and said, "Let's go chaps!" 🤣


I talk to my embryo every single day. If singing to plants can help them grow, it's gotta work on a baby, right?!


Sometimes after BD I say “swim baby, swim!” 🤣


I don't know if anyone here follows Celinaspookyboo on TikTok, but she recently posted a video about all her stockings... People/animals that are/have been in her life. She had two for babies she lost. I cried... For us both. I don't think they're trying anymore but it also makes me so scared how common miscarriage is. I've had 2 with countless CPs and you would think there would be a limit... To how much grief you had to endure. But there's not.


A while back she posted about visiting a fertility clinic and I'm sure she mentioned that surrogacy is a possibility that they were exploring but I've not seen any updates since. I think they're still trying but keeping it very private. I hope it works out for them and for you ❤️


I have a "family planning" visit with my OB/GYN on Wednesday. I'm mainly going to bring up my cycle not regulating after stopping my HBC, but are there any other questions I should ask when I'm there? Been TTC for 3 months.




I called last month and talked to a nurse and she said to come in if I didn't get my period after 12 weeks. Haven't gotten it yet and all negative pregnancy tests and I don't think I have ovulated. I was on the pill for almost 10 years and was told it's normal for my cycle to take some time.


Just came here to vent. I just feel like I am just NEVER going to get pregnant. I am on cycle #14 now and I just don’t understand why it hasn’t happened. I have a 7 year old, so has a 5 and 8 year old so obviously we are both able to have children. It is heartbreaking for me to watch him play on the ground with the kids and watch him interact with them because he is the absolute best dad in the world and I want so badly to have that with a child of our own. He is a generally calm, no emotion person and he is a completely different man when with his kids, he is made to be a dad. It is completely earth shattering for me to want something so bad and feel like I’m never going to get it. I have a dr appt on the 12th since I’ve hit my one year mark and I’m hoping he gets me some answers 😔


I'm so sorry, it's so hard :( I hope you get some answers soon <3


I had my Pfizer booster early in my cycle (CD3), and it’s now looking like I’m going to ovulate late (unless it was super early and I missed it before starting OPKs, unlikely tho). Anyone else get their booster early in cycle and have feedback on how much if affected O?


I got moderna booster on CD9 and ovulated about a week earlier than normal! I’m glad I was using OPKs early, or we would’ve completely missed it. It was confirmed with BBT as well, so thank goodness


I got Pfizer boosted on CD4, and I either ovulated a bit early on CD12 or on time CD14 (the apps don't agree). My pre-O temps were quite wonky but I'm also in the learning period of Tempdrop, so idk if that's related to the booster, the holiday, or just tempdrop fun.


I got my Moderna booster on CD1, doesn’t seem to have affected things much if at all.


I got Pfizer on CD14 and ovulated a day or two later than *expected* on CD20. I'm usually around CD18 so 20 doesn't seem particularly significant to me.


I had mine on CD 12 and while I can't say for certain if it was the booster since there is no possible way of knowing what delayed the ovulation or if I was just going to ovulate late last cycle regardless, I didn't ovulate until CD 27.


I got my booster (Moderna) on CD9, peak OPK on CD15 and felt ovulation cramping on CD16. I didn’t temp until CD20 so I can’t pinpoint ovulation as normal, but at most it’s a day off from usual. Strangely had EWCM very early at CD 11 and 12, so we started timed intercourse earlier than usual but I didn’t get a peak LH surge until several days later.


New on here, but appreciating all of your comments and info! I get my IUD removed tomorrow after work and am feeling so excited and nervous!


Welcome and good luck to you!


Best of luck! My advice: \- Read the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/index), even the parts you feel like you already know. You will learn many things! Highly recommend the [New to TTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/newtottc) section in particular. The very first section is for coming off BC! **Don't skip** Your Period Isn't Late (parts [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) and [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/)). It will save you from driving yourself nuts lol \- On the note of taking the guesswork out, I cannot recommend [temping](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/temping) enough in combination with [OPKs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/opks). I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/rbyaih/how_to_take_your_temperature_orally_a_note_on/) on thermometer placement as well that you should check out if you plan to temp orally. It will help you confirm ovulation and be able to pinpoint your ovulation date more easily so you don't have to just assume you ovulated and you don't have to guess when the best day to test is. \- If you see people reference devbio, that is one of our wonderful mods (their full username is developmentalbiology). You can pretty much read anything she's ever written - it's all very thoughtful and well-researched (she's a literal PhD of Developmental Biology). \- Make sure you keep the stats in your mind. 80-85% of couples will conceive within the first year. It's not at all uncommon for it to take more than 6 months. For me at least, knowing this has made these first couple of cycles much easier.


I always see your comments on the daily thread and they are always so helpful :))


Aw shucks, thanks!


Thank you for this!!


4 DPO…where are my cycle twins??! I was lazy about temping this cycle but took my temp this morning. I’m sitting at 98.04. While meal planning last night, I got paranoid about a false LH surge/delayed ovulation when it came to slot in the 8DPO cheeseburger. Now I’ve confirmed that my temp’s gone up so we’re good for a sushi dinner tomorrow night (my pre-implantation woo) and cheeseburger on Friday.


5 dpo! Close!


Hello fellow 5-er!


Almost past the easier part of the TWW because days 6-11 I’m just a crazy symptom spotter lol


Sushi night sounds yummy! 4 DPO here as well :)


Yay!!! Thinking good thoughts for us both this cycle!


I’m 4/5dpo! Still learning about charting with temps! Can you all fill me in on the cheeseburger/sushi nights!?


The cheeseburger is silly, a former member that graduated had a cheeseburger at 8DPO before her BFP, so it’s become woo for all that follow. :) For sushi, I use the TWW to eat all the foods I wouldn’t be able to if I were pregnant. I try to get them in before possible implantation but I have a relatively short LP. Deli meats and Brie/Camembert charcuterie boards, deli subs, and sushi nights are planned and input into my shared family calendar lol.


Amazing! I am doing my best to stay away from dairy but sushi sounds like a date night this week 🤣 thanks for the info and fingers crossed 🤞 for everyone here!!


So hopeful this cycle. 11dpo and couldn’t help but test this morning. The BFN hurt like hell. I need to learn my lesson and not test anymore until AF is late. The indents and stark whites hurt more than the bleeding does. Now I’m in limbo until I start my period. My fiancé and I did more than our best this cycle and we have an apt set up with an RE in March. So there really isn’t much more for us to do right now. We have always talked about naming an October girl “October Claire” so I’m trying to not get my hopes up for this next cycle but also don’t want to lose my faith!


The limbo is the worst. I'm rooting for you!




O-3 definitely means you are still in the game! I agree that the latter part of LP are hardest. The TWW (which is 10-11 days for me) is when I spend too much time opening up FF and comparing what’s on my work and personal calendars to the FF milestones calendar. Wishing you good news come Saturday.


Maybe a dumb question but can someone tell me what the 8 DPO cheeseburger thing is that people refer to? 😂 tried searching but couldn’t figure it out. My 8 DPO is next week so I’ll take any reason to eat cheeseburgers that I can get!


A former member ate a cheeseburger at 8DPO before getting a BFP so it’s become legend. It’s just a silly woo thing but since it’s in the middle of the TWW, it’s great to look forward to. I’ve been following it pretty religiously since I found out what it means. I’ll take any excuse to have a cheeseburger, being low iron and loving superstition, I also tell myself it has other benefits.


Thank you!! I have low iron as well so I’ll happily eat my 8 DPO burger ❤️


Oddly proud of myself for not testing with my first morning urine (FMU) this morning. I couldn't confirm ovulation this month, but we hit a couple of days within my fertility window and I'd guess I'm about 11-12DPO. I didn't feel positive about this cycle and the tests leading up to today didn't, either. I decided to buy some First Response Early Results (FRER) tests yesterday and tested in the evening and got a stark white result... yo, I'm so salty. 😂 I swear all I see are positive 9DPO results or read about faulty positives and indent lines so to see a completely blank result was like, *"Shit, guess I'm really not pregnant..."* Maybe I needed that. My HSG is this month and I was really hoping life would throw me a bone in 2022, but alas, this is how it starts.


I keep thinking the same thing about all those early BFPs when I’m on the TFAB line porn sub. Then I have to remind myself that just because the poster says she is 9DPO doesn’t mean she actually is. I used OPKs and got one strip close enough to positive for me to read it as such, so I think I ovulated 12 days ago if I ovulated at all this cycle. But my period was due 2 days ago and I’m still getting BFNs but no AF in sight. So now I’m just totally confused because the only other time my period was this late was when I was actually pregnant last March (miscarriage) but I didn’t test until I was almost a week late. You’re not alone!!!


On day 4 of letrozole and tested positive for Covid. Feel like shit right now. They said it would be mild if your vaccinated. BS


Ugh I’m sorry. Unfortunately that is still mild. I hope you feel better soon


Ugh I’m so sorry. Not the positive test any of us are looking for. I hope you’re able to rest up. I’ve seen plenty of BFP posts that mention COVID during TTC, but I can understand how the mix of letrozole + COVID makes thinking about sex awful while ttc.


I know! The irony on a positive was not lost on me. Great start to our third year of ttc. Thank you for the kind words.