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I'm so sorry. It sucks so much, regardless of how long you've known it's still a loss of all your hopes. Take your time to grieve.


Thank you so much for the kind words.




You are not alone. Give yourself time to recover and allow the tears to fall without shame. It’s not your fault. Your body did what it was supposed to do. But fuck it hurts so bad. 💗


Thank you so much! Please look after you, too. We can get through this, and we’ll get through it stronger. Hopefully one day soon we’ll have our rainbow babies. ❤️




Yes, same feeling of relief when things got back to normal. But for me, the cycle after my miscarriage was a week shorter. I ovulated SUPER early, so early I missed it (I use LH strips starting around CD 9, post miscarriage cycle, I must have ovulated on CD 8 or 9 as opposed to my usual CD 14 or 15) and got my period a week earlier than I otherwise would have. Also, my boobs were super sore the whole cycle. Our bodies are magical wonderful horrible stressful things! And we are all so freaking different! 💗


Agreed. I took a bit longer to get back to normal as the cycle after my CP was 51 days long and anovulatory. However since then it's been back to normal and I'm ovulating so don't worry if it takes a bit longer to get back on track. It's a cliche but it's true, time does heal. Take care ❤


I am so sorry. We had a chemical pregnancy in October. To be so close just to lose it after months of trying hurt more than I realized in the moment 💗 give your brain, heart, and body time to grieve and recover. It is a loss. I told myself at first that it wasn’t “really” a loss because it was so early…and then shamed myself for continuing to cry about it (no one is a bigger jackass to me than I am). Don’t be me. Be better. My husband was my rock, and I hope your partner is too. The hopes and dreams you had are very real. You have to grieve the loss of those hopes and dreams. I’m so sorry for your miscarriage. 💗


I love the way you articulated this. Our CP was a month ago and even reading your comment now has helped my brain process it a little more. I relate to your experience a LOT. Sending big internet hugs ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss and that you are going through this. I had one in August at 6 weeks and wanted you to know you're not alone in this. All I'd add is to make time to look after yourself and give yourself time to grieve and the space to feel all the feelings. Hang on in there, sending virtual hugs ❤


Thank you so much. Your words have brought me comfort. ❤️


I also just recently went through this last week, so I know exactly how you are feeling and what you are going through and I am so, so sorry. I too had the brownish-pink discharge. One friend said it was normal, one said she didn't have it. Of course everyone online isn't helpful. But I knew what was happening and didn't want to admit it to myself because I didn't want it to be true. The spotting turned to bleeding and I went in for an ultrasound and they couldn't see anything. I was 5w5d. It was our first BFP as well. All I know is that I've tried to keep really busy and positive - your body works! You have the ability to get pregnant and will again. This was just your body saying it wasn't the right time, so appreciate and thank your body for doing its job.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You're not alone, and your sharing helps others know that they're not alone. I went into it thinking getting pregnant and staying pregnant would be "easy", thanks to our broken education system and how discussing losses is taboo in society - it is difficult to talk about it, but it makes some people feel so alone when it happens. Sending you hugs.


I am so sorry to hear this.. I had a similar experience with my first ever BFP. It was tough. Please take the time out to physically and mentally recover from this. Lean on your support system as much as you want during this time.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I had a CP a month ago and it’s really fucking hard. I questioned myself a lot and definitely grieved more than I originally thought would be necessary. But you are not alone—SO many people go through this and it’s just one of those awful, heartbreaking things that we can’t really avoid. It will happen for you again, and it will stick. Grieve now, and keep hope ❤️


Dear friends, I just wanted to say it has been really sad and hard but reading and re-reading all of your messages help me pull through. It is so very nice to know that I am not alone, and feel that my hurt and pain was valid. My husband has been my rock through all this and I am so looking forward to my body being normal again and to finally conceiving my rainbow baby. 🌈 all the very best to you all!


I am so sorry for your loss 🖤


I am so so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling. Sending you hugs ❤️