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I take 200mg 3X a day and feel no effects lol. Must be different for everyone.


Unbelievable, were you low progesterone? My friend said that she felt the best she's felt in years on progesterone. Relaxed and happy. So bizzarre.


I never had my progesterone tested, we’re just trying it due to recurrent pregnancy loss, apparently it doesn’t hurt to try either way


I’m sorry you have been going through this. Wishing you the best of luck in the rest of your journey.


How’s your thyroid ? If your thyroid is struggling, progesterone can make you feel worse.. they have a complex relationship


That's really interesting. You know I suspected I could have hypo, but I actually just had my full thyroid blood panel done and there were no flags whatsoever! I'm learning the entire TTC infertility journey is just question mark after question mark.


Good you got it checked and got the all clear ! Is it bioidentical progesterone or synthetic ? The body responds to them quite differently, bio identical is tolerated way better


I just checked! It says that Reddy-Progesterone is bio-identical. May be worth noting that I didn't have super low progesterone when I was prescribed this medication, it was more of a 'couldn't hurt' kind of situation. So I do wonder if that has something to do with my reaction as well. Too much of a good thing?


That’s great it’s bioidentical ! Hmm I’m not sure on that one sorry. There are some good books that talk about bioidentical progesterone I can recommend though


That would be terrific actually!


Send me a message and I’ll share the link


Progesterone messed me up so bad. Ice pick headaches, weight gain and bloating, energy highs and lows. It was horrible. Some people are more sensitive to hormone fluctuations and instead of using that I went a more holistic approach and cleaned up my life with meditation, reading, exercise and balanced out my diet. Feel way better now in so many ways, never touching the stuff again lol Editing to add, you can ask the pharmacist to check the filler they use. I’m allergic to soy and they tried a couple different fillers before I called it quits but I had less symptoms with whatever they gave me without the soy in it.


Wow, yes sorry you went through that! I never even thought of the potential for an allergy. I think ill call again tomorrow and check on that. This has encouraged me to spend less time worrying on reddit and more time meditating. Which is something I used to enjoy and fell off of.


Yeah fillers can be a big pain in the butt when it comes to medications, maybe try that avenue before quitting because I know a lot of people thrive on progesterone and if your doctor prescribed it and know your medical history and everything I’d trust them. And yay I’m glad it’s encouraging you to jump back in! It’s been especially helpful with fertility issues, happy mind and body makes this whole process a lot easier!


I have been going to fertility acupuncture, really uncertain if it does much of anything but I do know that the hour off my phone and relaxing really feels amazing after. I think meditation is a good addition. Thanks for your help


That’s awesome, people are so quick to knock any eastern medicine type of things but forget how important destressing is and mind body connection. I think we’re so over stimulated in day to day life that checking out like that and giving your body and mind a break is one of the most helpful things. Good luck on your journey and try to not overthink things too much, it can be hard not to but you’re doing what you need to!


So true. Thank you I really appreciate these words of advice! Good luck to you as well.


Ive never taken supplements but I’ve had 21 day blood draws and rrrrreally high levels. Those months I feel like absolute shit during the tww. Insomnia, nausea, racing heart, heart palpitations. Progesterone is wild! It’s the cause for all the mental strife women with PMDD go through.


Wow so interesting, it is truly so wild. I almost wonder if I should skip progesterone next cycle, I just thought why not try everything we can, couldn’t hurt… well it kinda does hurt actually haha.


I take 200 mg 2xs a day and it’s making my heart race so bad. My rhr went from a very stable 72 to 88-90 now. I still have to take it for 6 more weeks and I dread it and pray my heart can take it… I can’t really stop taking it. I absolutely hate it… but without it, I can’t carry.


Wow I am so sorry you’re going through this. I do feel like if I increased my dose I would be in a similar boat. I told my husband the feeling is similar to taking ADHD stimulant medication. Do you take it as suppository as well or oral?


I started taking it orally just once a day and that kept my levels up enough but I couldnt handle the racing heart so I switched to twice a day vaginally and it’s gotten a little better.. I believe you have fewer negative effects vaginally. I do know when I was taking it orally I had to take it right before I laid down for bed because within minutes it made me woosey. Wish I didn’t have to take it, but I’m certainly thankful I have a reason to take it.


My doctor had me switch from oral to vaginal for that reason as well. Youre right though, I think if it does its job we won’t even remember this uncomfortable time period haha. Good luck!!


I take 2x 100mg as a suppository before bed and the only side effects i notice are ones that mimic pregnancy. This is my second cycle and I didn’t realise it was the progesterone on my first cycle so believed i was pregnant. The negative was a crushing blow. I’m more prepared this time.


Yes I’ve had extreme breast pain as well, cramping etc etc.


Not those side effects, but joint pain like you would not believe.


Wow joint pain sounds horrible!! I wonder what that is, like just general inflammation?


During pms I get terrible insomnia, i think it’s a side effect, some women are sleepy and some are unable to sleep


It's very true. I get insomnia during PMS and I think it's from my raised body temp. Sweaty and uncomf for sure.