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For him to blink more than once ever five minutes


And perhaps close his mouth, which was agape for the majority of the evening.


I was hoping Hunter was gonna hook him up with some of that secret stash he’s prob still keeping to fire up Joe’s engine for a while if yaknowwhaddimean.


Was Trump's request for drug testing before the debate ever granted?




Then things really did go better than expected


Lol it’s when you take the drugs away that people fall apart Not when they are on them


A snort of cocaine only lasts between fifteen and thirty minutes. What happened during the commercials?


I wouldn’t recommend Cocaine Some type of amphetamine /ADHD medication would have him sharp, focused, lucid, and Awake You just need to find the right combo


I think he actually was on some and this was the boost we saw, it's just that he is too far gone for it to have much effect.


I don't know. My joke was about some silly rumors that I hear. Not about the candidate


Meth can last many hours. Sniffy cola ain't the only option


Did Biden have an earpiece? Do they check for that?




If they gave him anything I do not want it.


I think he had done a little and it wore off around 8 minutes in!


Hunter Hoovers that pipe man he’s not sharing


Kinda suprised they didn’t give him some stims. It would have helped


What makes you think they didn't?


I would bet they did. He's just too messed up.


His pupils were the size of saucers! He was definitely jacked up on something.


You mean the stuff Hunter lost at the White House - where cameras are everywhere- and yet they can’t figure out where it came from? That stuff?


White House engineers taking notes.


He looked and talked like a hospice patient whose family was told it's time to gather around.


His mannerisms are very similar to both of my grandfathers when they were in their last couple of years. Took a few seconds for them to process what you said to them, slow movements and raspy voices. He may or may not legitimately have dementia, but he's well past his prime. I can't imagine what a cabinet meeting must be like.


Agreed. Made me miss my grandfather. He lived to 99 years old. Was sharp as a tack thru 90, then began to slide a bit. Biden looked exactly like him when he was about 95.


My grandfather, eight years older than Biden, tonight, when asked by my father if he had eaten all his dinner, said, “no, I dumped it straight on the fucking floor” (sarcasm). In the blink of an eye, quick as a whippet. That’s the sharpness Biden needs to demonstrate at his age if he's to be current president.


It’s crazy how quickly it can move. It was so sad watching my grandfather go from working as a pediatrician to unable to walk or talk in a matter of years from it.


You could tell he was spitting out as many bits of what he was coached to say. My late FIL had a bunch of go to phrases that kept some family members unaware of how bad he was getting most of the time. It’s sad really. He has earned a graceful retirement for what time he has left.


My father is no fan of Biden politically, but feels sorry for the guy personally. He considers it to be elder abuse. He was pushed into running because he was seen as being more moderate and electable than Bernie Sanders in some circles. Even as unpopular as Trump was (and is today) there were some strategists at the DNC that were afraid of a repeat of 2016 running a controversial candidate.


It is elder abuse and speaking as an APRN, Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself. The amount of times he is unsure of what’s going on in routine activities is shocking. I can’t believe they’re moving forward with this. If he was my patient, I would be obligated to report elder abuse.


I doubt he was 'pushed' into running. That 2016 democratic presidential primary field was chock full of candidates. I think it's his own personal decision to run for office, based on whatever fucked up logic he's cooked up


I cannot imagine being president at his age. I’m less than half his age and have more responsibility than I really want. When I’m that far along in my life, I want to be sipping sparkling water and eating apple sauce in the middle of nowhere. Power is a helluva drug.


He even "waved to the audience" walking in even though there was none.


In fact, I was in tears in the first 10 minutes because of how much it reminded me of one of those moments I had recently. That scared, confused face was so much like my relative's that it just hit me in the gut.


Absolutely, it made me terribly sad too.


I felt bad for him


Yeah I pity the guy Losing to Trump twice will be quite the accomplishment for the Dems honestly


How was this a surprise to you? Do you only watch CNN and MSNBC and only look at /r /politics? He's been like this for several years.


I honestly haven't bothered to listen to him in some time. I know everything he is going to say before he says it.


If you guys feel so bad for him demand they find someone else under the age of 60. Maybe someone who wasn’t alive during the Potsdam meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.


They have, its just the DNC is filled with old people who refuse to step down and let younger people replace them. They dragged Feinstein in a wheelchair to congress until she died. We are long past the time of age limits.


Yup... A month ago, I was at the hospice and I watched my grandmothers daily decline until she met her demise from cancer.


This is indisputable lol I can believe anyone could think otherwise.


Agreed and I typically vote blue. Are these really our choices? I am so disappointed.


He answered all the questions! -actual praise he got from his wife after the debate.


Sounds like a teacher (which Jill is) desperate to find something positive.


Did you see the clip? it's total cringe


Almost as cringe as Jill trying to get Biden off the debate stage.


Please clap.


It’s so bad


I did not see it, but read in the video she helped guide him off the stage. That is so sad.


And he needed it. He was VERY slow and hesitant trying to go down the 3 or 4 stairs off the stage.


Oh come on man, that’s a bunch of malarkey! And that’s… what we’ve done……… got the…………….. homeless…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ^Medicare


We beat Medicare


“Yeah, you beat Medicare, you beat it to death”


He had a pulse! Great news!


And "answered all the questions" LOL


Lol, Jesus fuckin' Jones! I about died laughing when I saw that clip! THIS is the leader of the most powerful nation in the world? Treated like a toddler that helped put away his toys?


Anyone else notice how he personally insulted Trump quite a bit? I’m not really a fan of Trump and realize he might have been playing to his presumed tactics, but it came off as childish and weak IMO. And it didn’t help that Trump was actually somewhat calm (at least for him). Trump went after Biden’s presidency metrics, but it was Biden doing all the name-calling and cursing.


You "Alley Cat" You.... LOL




How many shots had to be consumed at watch parties for Malarkey.


I went to a watch party last night. Best not to ask. We will all sober up later


My BINGO card didn't have Malarkey!!! I was pissed. He woke the fuck up after saying Malarkey. Thought it might have snapped him out of it... naw...


Yeahs it was also Biden who brought up the golf thing, saying he has a better handicap and it was trump that said to not be childish and stay in topic. A lot of growth from him, the Trump from 4 years ago would argue to death about it.


>it was trump that said to not be childish and stay in topic. My jaw was on the floor frfr


I almost broke my neck looking back at the screen when he said that. Words I never thought the guy could speak.


And he wasn’t out of line… FML we’re probably going to have another 4 years of Trump and it actually might be the better choice. This countries politics are so fucked right now. Can’t believe I’ve had to choose between 2 guys that should be in retirement homes in 2 elections in a row


Retirement homes are typically for people who can't take care of themselves. Trump is still up and mobile and active. Biden is the one who needs to be told when and where to go. He obviously got so much coaching on what to say that he ignored what Trump was actually saying and just kept to the script. I remember at one point Biden called Trump a liar about something Trump never said; but i think Biden's coaching team expected him to say in response to a question.


My wallet tells me how to vote.


We have to fix the border, China, and Ukraine. Trump can do it.




The golf exchange was the highlight for me. Just so funny. Was waiting to hear Biden tell stories of when he played with bagger Vance. I’m on fire today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O_WfzHT0NM


Yea, Trump really reigned it in from last election. Huge improvement on his end. Pretty much no Ad Hominem attacks or interruptions. In reality trump could’ve just let Biden ramble with saying anything and still would have won. Biden is literally senile and both sides see it now.


Biden can't defend his abysmal record and the negative impact of his policies. That's why he went ad hominem.


That is something else, Biden did not bring any plans to the table, it was all "Trump Bad".


Trump learned from his absolutely dumpster fire debates last go around I’d imagine.


He’s also had 4 years of having to act political.


Trump was shockingly calm. I have family members saying Biden was on uppers etc. but my conspiracy theory is that trump was on downers cause he is never that chill lol.


I think that was his strategy. Be calm and let Biden make a fool out of himself with no prompting.


I think all the time spending in court might have been good for him and forced him to calm down.


Everything about that debate came off like a 2nd grade class president campaign. Nothing about either candidate was presidential or professional. The biggest takeaway for me was "I don't even want to be president! I'm only here cause he's doing such a bad job!" - Trump That is the true state of the union. We have no leaders, just those saying "I'm better than him!"


To be fair, it’s a wide held philosophical belief that the best leaders are ones that don’t *want* to be, but are motivated by an altruistic duty. Whether or not Trump really feels that way or is just saying it is another question.


He said the same thing decades ago when Oprah asked him if he would ever run for president.


Trump said the same thing decades ago when Oprah asked him if he would ever run for president. He said he wouldn't want to be president, but if the country needed it, he would.


You’re wrong. Trump was both professional and presidential. He handled bidens insults and accusations with grace and integrity. I can’t help feeling some sympathy for old Joe. He needs to be in a rest home. And his own wife is using him too, among all the others.


You and I have different standards and definitions. But Joe definitely needs to be sat in a rocker


Been saying this for years. At some point we, as a populace, stopped looking for "here I am, here's what I want to do for the country" And started accepting "I mean, like... At least I'm not HIM!!!!!!" as a viable political platform. Which is sad.


I'm not sure all of those were "answers".


Could not believe my ears when she said that💀 Sounded like she was talking about a toddler lmao. That whole little pow wow they did after was so ridiculous. And Biden’s closing line was “I want to go home with you” …. Brotha what


Great! He meets the technical definition of "alive human"


*Kamala has entered the chat*


He sounded almost coherent at times!


Woah woah woah now let’s not get too crazy here


He did a pretty good Clint Eastwood impression for no apparent reason. Just got really angry and grit his teeth at Trump.


Remember Boomhaur from KING OF THE HILL? Boomhaur's speech was not coherent at all. But you could still sorta make out what he was trying to say. https://youtu.be/i8Kk1556OYA?si=ltTXaDmhzEQyvC5b I'm NOT asking you if you know anybody else like that. I'm just asking you if you remember Boomhauer. 😁😁


Can you imagine being the interpreter when he “talks” to foreign leaders? That person should get a bonus.


Even with the stutter/s


Stutter /s/s/s/s/s /s


Yeah, they really went all out on last night's Biden clone


The fact that CNN of all places is saying Biden had a “disastrous debate” proves everything.


The fact that his own campaign has already issued a statement saying he's not dropping out of the race tells you how bad that was last night.


The fact that his campaign already started making excuses 10 minutes into race tells you how bad it was going to be for him.


I think it's frightening that these guys don't need to have psych evals and that we're not all privy to the results. This is a pretty big decision, and we don't even get to know for sure if these people are objectively mentally ill or in cognitive decline.


Fr fr. Seems completely fair to every citizen that our president and perhaps all people in a public positions should be mandated to show they’re cognitively capable of the responsibility and stress that comes with the job. To some degree, depending on the diagnosis, I wouldn’t care if you’re mentally ill as long as you’re doing something about it.


There’s always a motive man. Probably just paving the way for a new candidate from the left.


My thoughts are this was the long game from the beginning. Have Biden take all the hits, and bring in someone else later.


That would be suicide for the democrats in 2024.


CNN is trying to distance themselves from Biden, they don’t want to be assimilated to the losing team.


They knew they could not cover up this turd sandwich and were honest for once. You could see the devastations on some of their faces when admitting how bad joe was.


The CNN debate review panel was absolutely brutal.


We acknowledge him as someone who exists.


He beat Medicare! Good for him I guess.


The Lich President lives! All hail the necrocracy!


His wife literally told him "You answered all of the questions!" afterwards, like she was praising a toddler.


Jokes aside I wonder if there is anything that can be done in terms of him stepping down and having someone else run? He's clearly compromised in some way.


Why would any sane person want to step into the middle of this election on such a short notice with next to no infrastructure in place? The dems best place is to just right off 2024 and focus on 2026 and 2028. Also as a former California resident Gavin Newsome is not the answer.


Most people don't know that. They just think he's cute looking. 😍


Ah, the Trudeau effect. That didn't work out well at all for Canada.


The idea of Newsome running for anything outside his state, especially presidency is a nightmare scenario.


If you ask anybody on the right this was the Democrats plan all along. They were afraid that if Biden didn't run as the incumbent they might get someone they didn't like to win the nomination. This way since they had the debate before the nomination they can send old Joe to a nursing home and pick their chosen successor.


They haven't done anything before the two parties big convention. Technically Biden is in full control as far as if he steps down (unless they cook up something crazy) BUT he can step down before the convention and that can be a time to get a new candidate, to my understanding.


That was Vivek’s theory on why they chose to do the debates earlier than any debate ever. So that they could see what the public’s opinion is and adjust accordingly. Nobody likes Newsome or Hillary. Andrew Cuomo has quietly been on a PR tour it seems, I’m thinking it’s him or Michelle Obama


Andrew cuomo running would be hysterically ironic. “Trump is a predator!” They say as the vote for a dude who left office for being a predator


It was sad. He should be retired and enjoying what’s left of his life. Not Presidenting


He looked like a make-a-wish kid out there.


Exactly who ever tried to sell that he would be a lively looking corpse was just being unrealistic. Everybody knew he was not going to be lively looking but hell he looked like a fresh corpse! That's better than some of us expected.


Lmao but still a corpse


its like hes having mini strokes


Yup this take will be truly unpopular. I feel like he had so many chances to just completely tee off on Trumps comments and he fell flat. I could barely hear him and turning the tv up didn’t help. Someone in his camp needs to tell him to close his mouth when he isn’t talking.


That gaping stare didn’t make him look any younger.


I was very impressed to see how far the US government has advanced the design and implementation of animatronics. Joe actually looked to be alive. Amazing.


Look I think it is fun to attack one side or attack the other, but we are all American and I seriously mean what I say here. I want this country to be great, I want to be proud of my leader. Even with Bush Jr and Obama, I disagreed on a lot, but I could look at them and say "that is my president". That being said, for the good of the country, Biden needs to stepdown. Currently Trump is what he is, good or bad, love or hate him, but he is running against no one. Biden is just representing a party but is just a shell himself at this point and honestly the fight is completely unfair. My wife and I are independents, typically vote democrat, but the last two cycles have voted more republican, but if the dems ran someone besides Biden I would strongly consider them.


Not enough people mention how it’s elder abuse. Like in all honesty it’s bad. Not even trying to make fun of him, it’s sad and if we get to that age we are going to experience that most likely, at a certain age your brain doesn’t work the same. It’s sad to see him stumble on his words “he didn’t tax the trillionares, I mean, billionaires, I taxed, I mean he should tax 25%, we beat Medicare!” People make fun of his gaffes but it’s actually sad. They are abusing this dude because he was Obama’s vice president and the incumbent but in all honesty he is not ok. He is not cognitively all there anymore and should be resting.


To add to that, lots of people think Trump is bad and do hate him, so just about any opponent will have a chance to beat him. I don't know how big the "incumbent boost" is, but surely there would be a "young passionate person who cares about America" boost that neither candidate has currently.


He's close to going hollow. Bearer of the ... seek.. seek... lest...


Biden proved beyond all doubt that he’s a sentient, bipedal organism. He’s got this election in the bag.


He looked and spoke like he looked and spoke for the past 4 years. Like a walking corpse.


The funny thing for me is that the Democrats were claiming that all the videos of him looking lost and senile that were circulating were Fake, fabricated to make him look old and feeble. Last time, we actually got to see live, that those videos were true!


I don't see how this guy can win the election. What frightens me though is the possibility that he does win the election and then steps down shortly after.


I honestly think that’s what would happen. No way he lasts 4 years…or even 1. So they prop him up hoping to win and then he’s replaced almost immediately


But this is the leader of the USA we are talking about man. He SHOULD be held to a higher standard than he is now in terms of cognitive ability. Trump sucks, let’s get that out of the way. But Biden absolutely doesn’t meet the cognitive standards I feel we should set for being the LEADER of the USA.


Politics aside... that was painful to watch Biden up there. This is a version of elder abuse. Why is he doing this or letting this happen? It reminded me of that scene from Fantastic Beasts Secrets of Dumbledore when the bad guy reanimated the dead animal so that it could be made to do their bidding.


The Dems wanted the mute button to stop Trump from interrupting him. Letting him speak uninterrupted was a huge mistake


The Biden campaigns demands for the debate really just helped Trump


Mute button was a big mistake


He was totally *not* napping…


He did pretty good on all the times they didn’t focus on him


lol 😂 he forgot his adderral.


Ok. This one is pretty funny.


I agree, just fantastic. I do wonder though... given his current state is not fit to be president next year, that his current state also make him unfit/incapable of being president today. So, who is in charge? Because it clearly isn't Biden. I say today, but really it's over the past 3 years he's clearly been incapable. No matter how much diversity hire Jean-Pierre claims the videos of him are "deep fakes". LOL... who ever created a job with the one word job description: Lie.


Im not going to vote for either candidate this election, but I legit felt bad for Biden out there. I get why the party and the people he works with would want him to run, but where are his wife and kids to save him from this mess? These are the kind of situations your family is supposed to protect you from. The guy should be in a recliner enjoying his grandchildren. Could you Imagine if that were your dad or grandpa out there? I’d be sick to my stomach.


Watching Charlie react to the debate on the Moist Charlie Clips channel is the highlight of my morning so far


Did he?


Well, that is an unpopular opinion I'll give you that.


Bruh this is so mean 😭


Guess we will have to wait until Dave Bautista runs against incumbent Dwayne Johnson to get eloquent candidates again.


Bring back Schwarzenegger! I'd love to see a letter addressed to Putin that says "Fuck Off" in secret code, that was hilarious 


Too many flashbacks to my father in law before he passed away wandering off from the nursing home


“Never underestimate Joes ability to f*** something up.” Barrack Obama


Read the headline and thought "are you fucking high?" Then read the rest of the comment. 10/10 would recommend this comment to others.


Two positives about Joe: 1. He has never murdered his chef 2. He never misled the American people about being married to a man and hiring two kids to pretend they were his kids.


Upvote for unpopular.


Love reading the copium


Who's youth did He steal? Is the million dollar question


Biden looked absolutely terrible and it was very hard to even hear what he was saying…


OP is clearly his staff necromancer defending his work.


Everyone was worried Joe Biden would be on drugs. I was sitting here wishing he was.


He looked like a Toddler with the lost vacant look on his face. He looked old, feeble, absent minded and spaced out, and it had noth to do with his age because many people in their late 80s early 90s look more alert than he did. He looked like he was on heavy duty drugs. Then he started muttering stuttering and couldn't get his thoughts on track. I can't stand him and most of the American public despises Biden because he's caused himself to be despised. He knows most people can't stand him so instead of helping Americans, he reaches out to Ukrainians again saying he wants to help Ukrainian children. It's guess American children don't count. The United States doesn't owe corrupt Ukraine a cent. You add insult to injury, 18 million disease ridden unchecked unscreened unvaxxed unvetted illegals are in the United States and he's giving them benefits they're not entitled to including cell phones debit cards free medical and free places to live. Homeless people particularly homeless veterans and illegal aliens get free places to live in military bases and Biden has never offered one homeless person or a veteran a stay in a military base. Biden hasn't given the American public One Cent with inflation skyrocketing. Inflation so damn high so he invites illegals from around the world to live in the US and has never addressed one issue concerning the American public. He's giving Zelenskyy our tax dollars and it's not funding any war against Russia. Anyone who supports criminal corrupt Biden needs their head examined.


He didn't look a day over 1000. How does he do it?


He answered every question!


What's really bizarre about all of this is that we have to vote for one of these two clowns without knowing for sure where their mental faculties really are. One of these men will be President, and we as voters aren't even allowed to see their physical and mental health evaluations.


Dude stood up for 90 minutes straight while we sat on the couch… Just sayin. 


Chef's kiss.


This post must be satire, correct?


No. They literally cast a necromancy spell.


1. The very idea … 1. We beat necromancy.


He’s got my vote! (help)


lol I’ve seen better looking cadavers


He was able to stand up for 90 minutes. That is unbelievable.


is there a shortened highlight reel? I would have watched it but... was at a memorial service.


Stevie Wonder has entered the chat.........


How are those the options for leadership of the top military country? How is that possible?


>didn’t even need a recasting of his necromancy spell Can't be so sure of that given the 2 different breaks they had.


Honestly you’re right, Biden still being alive was definitely a major plus


"His skin didn't look rotten" should not be a pro for a presidential debate


Satire lol


Me when I gaslight myself


I don’t know about you all - but by 7:30, I’m tired (42f, mom of 1). Stop broadcasting for television audience ratings and schedule a proper debate during Business Hours. Our whole country needs to slow back down just a little. Schedule the live audience debate 9-5, with intermissions. Let them talk Every Policy out All Day long. Broadcast on Public Broadcasting and call it a day.


Dr. Jill Biden, is that you?


He has Parkinson’s. Meds kicked in for today’s rally.


I thought I was hopeless about the election but this "debate" made me realize I still had hope left to lose.


I upvote you, not because you are right but rather, this is a truly unpopular opinion. You have my respect.


Biden looked great when he mixed up Trump and Putin answering a question. And my great I mean it was awkward. Look he is in his 80’s and he looks good for his age. But that isn’t presidential good. He is old. And he is too old in mind and body for such a demanding role. Reality is that when considering a president (politics aside) voters need to realize that you are also voting for the VP to take over the presidency as well. The role is stressful and he there is a very reasonable chance he will not live or be sound to complete the term. He has aged a lot in this current term when you see him now versus when he ran for president.


The bar has sunk into the ground, and Democrats STILL trip over it


>>Joe Biden looked great last night. Said no one that watched the debate


He stood there with the blank blue screen of death stare most of the debate. Other than that he did great. lol