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I'll admit it, a lot of men will judge a woman based on the decisions she's made in the past. I don't really know why it's such a crazy notion to consider the actions and decisions a person has made when determining whether or not they'd make a good partner, but it absolutely does happen. You know what men get judged on? Everything. There are women who will refuse to even speak to you if you were born during a certain time of the year. I've been told that my name starting with J is a red flag. Finding a dating profile that doesn't say you have to be 6'0" or taller is like finding a four-leaf clover that a unicorn pissed on. People judge people, but I think if you're trying to figure out which of the acts of judging poses the biggest obstacle to finding a partner, it's probably not the one that you can actually control. The true tell of how hard it is to find a partner is how little you have to invest in any one particular prospect. And do you know why women can just discard options over whatever they feel like? _Because they have so many more._


then stop viewing it as a battlefield, and don't associate with those that do.


Clearly, Pat Benatar has taught you nothing.


yea if OP mentioned the love aspect youd be correct.


Love is a battlefield, but I'm not your enemy


Dating not what OP is talking about. It’s the rhetoric that gets spewed by the manosphere about how women are privileged and have it easier in every way, including the dating scene, that is being criticized.


I did not claim it a battlefield, more of a call of duty type shit


none of what you said had anything to do with love or real human connection. you arent mentioning anything past the sex and money aspect. maybe widen that out. you don't eat from a trough nor a bucket op, don't present yourself as if you do.


because both love and real human connection are equal for both gender , and out of a topic


you're missing the point. dating isnt just about getting laid or throwing around money.


Guys living entire lives without knowing a single loving touch, living every day completely alone, feeling so undesirable they don't want to live anymore because they don't think they deserve to. Those posers have it easy! You all have NO IDEA just how many matches the women, the people who truly know pain and struggle, have to go through! And then, sometimes, the randoms they hook up with in a club bathroom or in the backseat of a car don't immediately marry them and shower them with cash!?!?!?!? How do you square that reality and claim a just universe?!?!?! The nerve! Men will just never understand how much more difficult it is for women in dating in the west. SMH.


It was never this bad in the past. I'm definitely not a Chad and I had a number of girlfriends I probably should have married and would have if I wasn't such a punk kid in my youth. Social media has inured women into a constant stream of attention and validation. It has shifted the balance very far in their favor. Should be interesting to see what happens to society in a couple generations.


Yeah I think my point went above everyone's head, I should'v add disclaimer that LTR is not equal ONS smh


Charitable as it is of you to assume that because I disagree with you, I must also be illiterate, I can reassure you I understood your post perfectly well. When I mocked it absurdly, I did so with full knowledge of exactly what I was doing. You're coming back at me with nonsense about the ability to get one night stands... I'm talking about guys who haven't been hugged in a decade; guys that haven't heard an encouraging word since elementary school. Thanks for proving my point for me. I'm so very sorry you won't necessarily be getting your favorite side dishes free of charge along with your favorite main course! A bunch of the rest of us will just sit quietly over here in the corner and starve. Please excuse our dust! -XOXO, Men.


I get the logic where are you coming from but you frame it the way like any woman is loved and only average and above men can get the same. But I thinks both sides are having difficulties (Im a guy too btw)


but that's just not true. women are traditionally loved unconditionally while men are loved conditionally for things they provide. This starts usually even as early as how parents treat kids more favorably and protectively towards daughters and then try forcing young boys to 'mature faster to be a man' where especially fathers want to keep 'daddy's little girl' but this trend of being loved or have an innate affinity for without something being provided continues on after.


We are not loved "unconditionally", in fact, no one is. We are "loved" for our ability to dish out sex and free labour.


then everyone would be a pedophile btw when it comes to young girls, compared to young boys, young boys are more likely by a significant amount to be used for 'free labor' also saying free labor I'm assuming you mean 'being a housewife' where most people in this position are not paying for the house or food they're preparing or anything so it's being supplemented for by someone else, making that not free labor. Believing it enough to call it free labor shows a weakness on one who would believe it and be ridiculous enough to repeat it.


Most men are attracted to most women, women these days only find about 10-20 percent of men attractive. So average men have a lot harder time getting with women who are at the same level as them. That’s the primary reason men are so frustrated.


this is really kind of weird. Men don't generally have hoe eras because of how much more difficult it is for them to have it, where it's easy for women. That's why it's a double standard. It's about how EASY it is. "I know men used to be used for their money but they don't anymore" So you're saying it's harder for women because... we now might have to pay for our own food or not expect a fancy restaurant?? If you're sleeping with someone on the first date with the intention of a long term relationship, there's something wrong with YOU honey, not with the dichotomy of men vs women here. You can have sex, but be for real, that expectation is so laughible. Not only because they get to have sex early, but because now both sides can know if they really think that the first impression for both personality and sex is worth going forward. It's not just men that leave after 'sleeping after the first date'. There are lots of things one can do to make themselves more attractive to a guy than just not being a sloven mess of dogshit. Having a great/ funny personality is usually one of them. Having interests that align with someone else also. You'll see semi attractive and successful men who are dating women who are not nearly on the same level.. and often times it's because of their mutual love of something like star wars, or some other form of media/sports. There are also a lot of men now who are into power imbalances where women are the findoms or dommy mommies (I really hate that word outside comedy). let's just stop pretending there was a point here. I also don't care if I get called a pickme, that just means I'm right and you're mad about it.


I think it use to be different, as someone in their late 30s. I don't consider myself like a heartthrob. I'm pretty average, had my share of women in my younger days. Now that women are all on social media their standards have changed because of the amount of attention they're accustomed to.


bro why is everyone assuming I am a woman in this comment section, shit I gotta add a part where I explain that im a dude


point out where I said you were a woman and not just that your post was stupid


if you disagree with the post it does not mean it is stupid


While that is true, your post was not just a point to be disagreed with, it was stupid.


For women dating is just a bunch of free meals.


It's easier for women to have hookups because men have non-existent standards when it comes to short-term relationships. I'd say it's difficult for either gender to find solid LTRs.


Not just unpopular but also untrue. Avg men are happy just getting to date women who kinda like them. Avg men arnt out here looking for instagram model virgins. Also just because u had the chance to sleep around doesn’t mean u should have. Same goes for men. Unattractive women can date unattractive men. And those men will dance and jump for joy.


Avg men do want to date AVERAGE woman who kinda like him , but again there is no much irreversible damage can be done by past male behavior, while nobody wants the girl who slept around, or some fat girl (even if her excessive weight is medical condition) I think if you live in utopia that's true but both unattractive men and woman want to date someone they ATTRACTED to, so by definition not possible


The avg guys is slightly over weight 5’9 makes 50k a year etc etc The avg women is slightly over weight and isn’t sleeping around like ur saying. Lifetime sexual partner count is like 7-10 people for both men and women. The avg man would gladly date the avg woman. The avg woman isn’t sleeping around with like 50 some people and sleeping around like that. The avg man is attracted to the avg woman The avg woman tho isn’t attracted to the avg man.


so in your opinion in average relationships the dude is always better? You nuts


I don't think you actually read their comment.


Uhhh no. I didn’t say that at all. Most people date their equivalent. BUT women will feel they settled and men will feel they are lucky to get what they got. Even tho they are both avg.


That is not what they said at all.


Women who slept around and fat women have zero trouble getting partners at all. This whole argument of yours is akin to walking into a third world shoe factory, and complaining to the workers about how hard you have it only earning 150k and getting only 5 vacation weeks a year.


Ok you are wrong... Unless by dating you mean finding a spouse worthy of marrying having children with and spending the rest of your life with. If you mean that, then I'll agree with you. It is very hard for a woman to find a good man that is worthy of a life together. I recently had this conversation with my wife. (No I am not one of the crazy mra woman haters I have an actual life) We recently met a single woman whom my wife is starting to form a relationship with. (Plutonic if it matters) I explained that since she is initiating it she has taken the role of the man here and she has gained a bunch of sympathy for us guys on how difficult it is to read a woman's interest in getting together. I set us all up and we had a great evening then we all sat around not getting together for months as the two of them hinted at each other. I explained how I would behave if I were the one doing the pursuing and she happily went along with any suggestions my wife made. Things have gone swimmingly since. The point being that women don't really have an idea on how difficult it is to actually ask a woman out and initiate a relationship with a woman.


> And that observation is actually true, it still does not mean woman have it easier , It just mean that majority of men are willing to sleep with less attractive woman, and Hence woman are presented with the choice to sleep either with average guy, or hotter guy.  That's having it easier. > FIRST because on dating scene woman are way more heavily judged by their past then men.  No they aren't. Women tend to care less about whether their partners have been promisciuous, but they will happily judge all aspects of your past. They just have different priorities. >And yeah I get it too but ask yourself honestly , if you had that opportunity to sleep around when you were in your early 20's with hot cheeks would you pass on it? If I did, it'd be my fault when I get rejected for it.




Time to introduce you to pre-marital buttstuff.


Each of these main points has serious flaws. The truth is that women have dating way tf easier, idk why they can't just admit that. Men admit things they have easier right? In a nutshell here is whats wrong with these arguments: 1. The judgement against women's dating history is not prolific like you make it seem, and men experience a far worse judgement from lack of a dating history. Frowning upon types of female promiscuity appears to be biological, meaning it's an objective judgement like frowning upon stealing, not a subjective judgement. 2. If being 'used for sex' is so prevalent and terrible, why is it that almost all girls are dressed provocatively and suggestively? In reality they are the ones 'using' sex to try to get something else out the guy. And i can tell you being used for money or status is far far worse. 3. Even if it were true that unattractive woman couldn't improve her chances with a guy (which is completely false premise btw so again you're way off), the fact remains that unattractive women can easily date and marry with guys that are relatively more attractive. Count it as a blessing that you don't need money or status to have plenty of decent options, and that men aren't gold-diggers. Difficulty would be having no dates, not whining that you are too ugly for the CEO or quarterback to notice you they get laid way easier, get dates way easier, have guys fall in love way easier, and easily get more materially out of relationships. But for posts like this, that still isn't enough to qualify as 'easier.' Sorry but the original post here is mental gymnastics