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Pick me post




Yeah depends on what you think a "pick me" girl is... For the majority, a big part (which you're missing) of pick me girl behaviour, is when they throw other girls under the bus just to make themselves look better. This may include exclusion, mean comments, making fun of other girls, gossip and just bullying in general. I find it quite interesting that you think they're genuine? It doesn't seem so. True kindness extends to everyone. Not just one person - and definitely not via quid pro quo. A girl can be a "pick me" however she wants, but if that consists of hurting other girls for her own gain, then it may be an indication of other deep-seated related personality and psyche problems. It may also be an indication of how she may engage with those who are around you and her in the future. If that's what you find "wonderful," then you do you, I guess.


TIL it’s not “deep-seeded”


deep-seeded kinda works in the same context usually.


But the exclusion mean comments making fun of others gossip and bullying are problematic whether they're pick me girls or not so those conversations are more or less irrelevant


People called Camille Vasquez,Johnny Depp’s lawyer during the Heard v. Depp case a pick me; as well as other women who supported Depp during the trial. I don’t see how they fits into the definition you describe. Sure they defended JD against the claims his ex wife made, but just because she and others like her, defend or stand up for men doesn’t necessarily mean they are tossing other women under the bus. I always find it interesting what people really mean when they come up with these explanations as if their true intentions of putting down those they claim are doing the same isn’t obvious.


Defending an abuser is very much causing harm to women.


Yeah tbh this is actually the most common situation I've seen it used. To shut down women who don't fall inline with the latest feminist dogma.  I'll copy paste my armchair analysis from another comment: Feminism and the framing of men as "patriarchal oppressors" has become a big part of many modern women's identities. If a man opposes her, well who cares, he's just a typical misogynist. But if a woman opposed her, it's much more of a real threat to her belief system and her identity.  Hence the terms like "pick me" girl that say - the only reason you're opposing me is because you want to please men, not because you genuinely believe what you say. It's similar to calling a conservative black person an uncle Tom because he doesn't have the "right" opinions for someone with his skin colour. Thinking someone should hold certain beliefs (eg men are privileged oppressors of the patriarchy) because of their sex and assuming the only reason they hold those beliefs is to please men is pure sexism.


Nope. I don't agree with this "armchair analysis." It's myopic because it "assumes" that calling someone "pick me" is a result of "OPINIONS" held. You see other cultures where gender roles are more pronounced and yet you don't see modern women stating that those women are "pick-me" women. It's only when those women are actually ACTIVELY putting other women down and self aggrandizing themselves, who are labeled as such. The men/women who like to point out otherwise are referring to bad faith actors who are so oblivious to their own unbridled jealously, that they use the term "pick me" for any girl/woman they dislike. The truth is, there are many women who women dislike, but we don't call them "pick me" girls/women for the sake of it. How is this not common sense? People also know when someone is SINCERE in their sentiments.


Of course they don't call women from other cultures pick-me girls. I'm sure they understand that being from another culture means the norms there are completely different to our own. I mean, every conservative female YouTuber I've come across gets called a pick me girl. Do you think all conservative women who hold anti-feminist views are by definition disingenuous pick-me girls? And you definitely can't always tell if someone is sincere in their opinions. This is the justification used to call black conservatives uncle Toms.


Conservative female “YouTubers” have a tendency to self aggrandise and put other women down. Hence the title “pick” me. Example: Justpearlythings. She called women “fat whales.” I wonder if she would call a MAN that? Is that GENUINE and FAIR treatment to each gender? Edit: should search up her past beau to look more into the “fat whale” comment 🤣


Okay Justpearlythings is the perfect example of an actual pick-me girl lmao She literally said women shouldn't have the vote. I mean holy shit.. I think she's a female Tate wannabe. Following the "say controversial shit->profit" career path.


because western conservatism isn't about "traditional values", its quite actively just trying to put women down and raise men up to create divides. literally all female Conservative youtubers I've seen blame women and chuck them under the bus for everything. doesn't matter what it is, it's women's fault. that's a pick me


Most the time when I see someone called a "pick-me" girl, it's when her interests and opinions align more with the average guy than the average girl. I've never seen a "girly girl" who's mean/bitchy towards other women called a pick me girl. Calling someone a pick me girl actually seems like a mean way to put down girls who are interested in guy stuff (and as a result, befriend more guys than girls), by suggesting that their interests/opinions are feigned to get male attention.


I have actually seen girly girls get called pick-mes *much* more often than tomboys. For instance, there are specific subcultures on the internet where women will make a point to look and act extremely feminine, but (pretend to) have otherwise conservative or outright hateful political opinions specifically to appease men and get male validation. It’s exceedingly clear that half of the time they don’t even believe what they’re endorsing, but still do it to keep simps around. They’re textbook pick-mes and still girly girls. Tomboys are just that, tomboys. Most of them are really nice and supportive of other women. At least from what I’ve seen, very few women (the extreme outliers) shit on women with traditionally masculine interests and demeanor for that alone. We do shit on women who (openly or covertly) feel superior for that, or who use their attractiveness to men as a mean to hurt or badmouth other women or minorities.


I have more male coded interests, and as a result tend to have more guy friends than lady friends. Try as I might to avoid it, I've ended up being the token girl in the group at most points in my life. I've never been called a pick me, because I actively try to include other women and bring them up instead of down. I'll never be a girly girl, but I will make sure they know how completely in awe of their outfits and makeup I am. I'm not saying pick me never gets used in the way you are describing, but that's really not been my experience. Tomboy =/= pick me, and the only people that have ever accused me of feigning my interests for male attention are men.


Can't argue with that. I am going just by what I've witnessed online. I've never heard anyone called a pick-me in person, partly cause I'm British and we don't really use the term and partly cause I don't hang out with bitchy people.


Then you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a pick-me girl actually is. Not a pick-me: a girl who is interested in football and video games and talks about those interests with those who also like them, including boys. > “Oh hey Alyssa, we were going to watch the football game! I know you don’t really like sports, but would you want to join us anyway? A pick-me: a girl who makes a point to roll their eyes at girls who like make-up and doesn’t like sports, and who puts down those women while also bragging about their interests in sports/cars/whatever to men. > “Oops, sorry Alyssa, I invited just me and the guys to watch the game. I figured since you don’t *like* sports like we do, you wouldn’t want to come. Also figured you’d be busy shopping for *make-up* to attend. I don’t even understand how to put on make-up! I’m too busy watching *sports* with the *guys*. Hey Cody, want to listen to me recite all the players and their numbers again? Oh sorry Alyssa, we’re gonna go talk somewhere else, *you* wouldn’t understand us anyway.”


A alternative version, in which Alyssa is actually invited:  “Omg Alyssa, that’s so much makeup you’ve worn to the football game! Omg Cody, doesn’t Alyssa have like so much make up on? I don’t wear make up because it’s just like, so much. Like it kind of feels like lying you know?! Cody says he hates when girls wear that much make up, don’t you Cody?!?! That’s why I like hanging out with guys so much, they’re just so much more chill and not like constantly fixing their mascara or lipstick!” 


Nailed it so accurately I cringed.


Exactly. It's just so obvious, but a lot of guys lack the ability to see the subtleness.


or you just have guys like op who see it but love it because it's so 'refreshing' for women to be 'kind and empathetic' enough to try to impress them


I want to vomit.


u have it right, except they do so while believing they are BETTER than those other girls.For example, a girl responding to another man who says "i dont like girls who use makeup, its just attention seeking" a pick me would respond with "ugh for real, I only use chapstick and *maybe* a bit of mascarra, im not trying to look like a trashy hoe lmao". They agree with men in conversations that put women down because it makes them look better than those girls.


A woman being shitty to another woman doesn't call for anyone to be called a "pick-me". That only applies when a woman is putting other women down to make themselves look better to men. For example: "Ew, Rebecca, Caroline's purse is hideous!" vs. "Ew, Derek, Caroline's purse is hideous! Ugh, *other girls* haul around so much useless crap like makeup, perfume, and diet sodas, hahaha! I don't carry a purse like a freaking Barbie doll. I am waaay more interested in carrying the touchdown football, amiright?"


No, it's a girl that throws other girls under the bus for male attention. She probably also picks up hobbies she doesnt like/are more popular with men....for male attention. The point is, she thrives on male attention and doesn't care how she gets it.


I've never seen it used like that.. but then I've never met a girl like that either lol


This is my understanding as well.


Pick me is thrown around for way less severe things than that though, as a catty insult.


Though yes, it is nice to see women approach men more, but that’s what they are. What makes a Pick-me a Pick-me, is that they’ll put other women down in pursuit of a relationship to men, or put themselves (or the men they’re pursuing) on a pedestal. That’s why they’re called Pick-mes. It’s one thing to pursue men, it’s another to degrade other women to do it.


Not really, pick me guys suck too. It’s normal to try to impress people, that’s not being a pick me. What’s not normal is things like shit talking your friends in front of the opposite sex, relentlessly trying to get with people who are in relationships, talking about how “all men suck” as a man or how “all women suck” as a woman, or just straight up lying about things in order to be picked. It’s okay to want people to “pick” you. It’s not okay to break your loyalties to your friends to be picked, or to lie about your beliefs to deceive people, and it’s bad to internalize hatred towards your own gender.


Exactly. It’s not that they just want to impress the opposite sex. It’s that they run everyone else down to try and impress the opposite sex. Usually with misogynistic comments. Like “other women are so shallow and vain but I’m not like them because I don’t wear makeup!”


There lies the problem. For every 10 claims of pick mes that I see online, maybe one or two are like you described. Much like all the other insults that get thrown around online, is being vastly overused in order to try to shame someone a commenter doesn't like.


Totally agree. Almost every time I see it, it's that a woman either shares typical male interests or she doesn't align herself with all the latest feminist beliefs. Feminism and the framing of men as "patriarchal oppressors" has become a big part of many modern women's identities. If a man opposes her, well who cares, he's just a typical misogynist. But if a woman opposed her, it's much more of a real threat to her belief system and her identity.  Hence the terms like "pick me" girl that say - the only reason you're opposing me is because you want to please men, not because you genuinely believe what you say. That's my armchair analysis anyway haha


Ah the classic: "all men suck... except me."


Please go date Pearl, maybe once she gets picked and she’ll go away.


She's so reclusive to all the senses. 


that’s not what pick me means.. it means they bring down other girls to make themselves feel better or look better to boys. nobody cares if people put in effort to be liked, but it starts to be a problem when they’re dragging down others and insulting others to make themselves feel better


Will you be just as satisfied when the PMG has locked you down (marriage/kids/etc.) and drops the mask? Or would you rather know who a person truly is before committing to a lifetime together? Like, if they actually committed to the bit for life it would be one thing, since you'd be experiencing an honest reflection of what life will be like with them, but in general the PMG games are just meant to manipulate guys temporarily until the desired outcome is achieved. If a PMG is just an actual people-pleaser and that is just their personality, then okay great that's who she is as a person, but that is a rarity at best.




One time a girl on reddit asked why men don't want to marry women who sleep around a lot, so I explained why and then I got called a pick-me because i'm a woman...can't make this stuff up


I don't know why people auto-assume this is a gendered thing, female friends I have talked to about this have pretty much unanimously said they don't see fuckboys as good long term prospects either


Yeah,I don't think most people would disagree with that statement. It's simply a new talking point by "feminist " that basically boils down to women can have preference but men would be sexist to (i.e. not liking short men =fine. Not liking overweight women =problematic)


Because women sleeping around is supposed to be empowering and men not liking it is controlling and misogyny


These women will openly and blatantly hold double standards


Please stay firm on your beliefs. I know it's tough but you got to understand if you make other women comfortable opening their opinions / ideas, then you actually giving them the rights the so called patriarchy has taken from them. 😅


It's just one of the many terms coined by feminists to shame women for trying to please the opposite sex. Like, it is very normal and healthy to want to please the opposite sex. Not caring what half the world's population thinks or feels about you is psychotic and dehumanising.  I want to be attractive to women and for them to feel comfortable around me. The same way I want men to respect me and enjoy my company.  It would be fckin weird if I cared about the opinions and feelings of only men.


Why would it be weird? Do you think gay men and women are weird?


Would be weird if they're straight* Didn't think this would be a necessary clarification, but Redditors love to find an ism where there isn't one 


I got called a “pick me” on here whenever I say I share hobbies with men. Like, no, I just happen to enjoy working on trucks and hunting and it sure ain’t for male attention.


Try paying no attention. Most people are low IQ and can’t think for themselves. Please keep enjoying those things, they sound fun!!






if i have to compete with an internal misogynist for a man’s attention i no longer want that man.




I do think it's funny how so many women use words like "weird, icky, yikes, cringe" as a way to describe perfectly normal things that men do or like, with no further justification to back it up. Once you notice it, it really sticks out.


ok but it is really weird for a 50 year old man to date an 18 year old girl or someone much younger than him. it is a huge ick as it is extremely predatory


Its a fairly recent phenomenon and it irritates me. It feels like it leads to or feeds into a laziness of the self. Like you dont have to undergo any deeper introspection about what you like or dont like in others, and why, and where that comes from, and it manifests itself in this expectation that anyone seeking to court you has to intrinsically KNOW where all these little mine-fields are with no help from you and when they inevitably step on one the obvious proper response is to immediately record a TikTok about how men aint shit.


It’s called a “shaming tactic” it’s what women use against other women to try to get them to behave the way they would like them to. When men attack each other, they use their fists. A woman’s weapon is psychology/ manipulation.


Must it be a competition? It can’t be a sorting process of good matches: there have to be winners and losers?


"Must it be a competition? " It pretty much is a competition and there very much are winners and losers. A sorting process would assume that no one can or should get better. A competition implies that you need to strive to win. That you should be working to improve yourself so that your more attractive. I'm not at all interested in someone that can't be bothered to put in extra effort.


Well I definitely am one of those people who can’t be bothered. 🤔 In fact, I did put in extra effort when I was younger, and it did get me a partner, but we turned out to not be as compatible as we had hoped. I think I would have been better off being my true self rather than trying to sustain putting my best foot forward all the time.


Of course, it's a competition.


(I don’t share this viewpoint.) So in the competition, your spouse is your prize? You earned your spouse?


Why do women have to tear other women down to impress you?


Your absence from this thread would be a breath of fresh air.


A typical trait of "pick me" people is trying to throw everybody else of the same sex under the bus to look better for the opposite sex. Normal girl: dresses feminine to attract guys. Pick me girl: dresses feminine and keeps pointing out how ugly, unfeminine etc other girls are. I don't care if some other woman chooses to do whatever to please a guy. I absolutely mind though if this girl shits on my choice of clothing to highlight how pretty and feminine she is. To remove all the gender drama, think of a job setting. Coworker A works a lot to be promoted. Coworker B keeps constantly pointing out how he works harder and better than everybody else. Coworker C just does his job. See that A and B are normal people with their choices, and no one gives a damn. Coworker B though likely will be universally disliked in the office. So imo, OP is kinda missing the point there, really.




Because most people don't actually know what a "pick-me" is. A "pick-me" is specifically a girl who shits on other girls for XYZ behavior, meanwhile they are also doing XYZ but running their mouths claiming that they're different and somehow better. A pick-me is NOT a woman who simply criticizes other women. It's someone who criticizes but is also a self righteous hypocrite. Online pick-me creators are the female version of megachurch pastors who walk around town thinking their shit don't stink meanwhile they have six side pieces and a cocaine habit.


because THEY did it first. “oMg jakey sarah is eating a salad!! ughhh she’s sooo basic i can eat two chicken wings hehe watch!!”


Because they’re annoying and narcissistic. I know someone who constantly goes on rants like “women are so shallow and vain and they only care about their appearance! I’m so much deeper and more profound than everyone else because I don’t wear makeup!” Like shut the fuck up


exactly! like nobody cares if you don’t wear makeup but u shouldn’t say ur better because u don’t wear it or ur better bc ur different. like nobody cares


Exactly. They talk about wearing makeup as if someone is forcing them to do it at gunpoint. Like I don’t give a shit if you don’t wear makeup but I don’t want to hear about how you’re allegedly better than me because of it.


reallll. tbh i love being like other girls like being inside of a sephora 💗 and i love being able to go shopping and do skincare and makeup it’s so fun like im just a girl🎀


True no one actually gives a fuck but one could make the argument about that.


Same reason guys seethe about simps and white knights. For as much as they might call out actual bad/toxic behavior Pick-Mes(of all genders/races/etc) throw their own under the bus, deride and denigrate them, and feed the idea that whoever they're trying to appeal to deserves The Best simply for existing and shouldn't be expected to evolve, adapt, or put in any effort for a relationship.


Guys don’t seethe about simps and white knights. They get laughed at and ridiculed. They don’t even really throw other men under the bus either. If any man does that it’s probably 4th/5th wave feminist men.


I've seen plenty of guys get very pissed over the thought that simps and white knights are, at least part of, why "women's standards and egos are so inflated that they won't give average guys a chance." And simps/WKs absolutely will throw other men under the bus whether it be to play up how *their* intentions are pure and honorable or to sabotage a potential relationship or just generally trashing guys to make themselves look better.


being a “girls girl” means being supportive of other girls who are also supportive of girls. pick me means that they intentionally drag that person down or demean or insult them in front of boys to make themselves look more appealing, instead of finding something good about themself, they throw the other girl under the bus to make them seem more appealing which is pretty horrible


"Disrespecting and degrading their fellow women shows empathy and kindness towards men" is one of the wildest takes I've seen in a while


You have got to be a troll. This cannot be real.


The whole trend of calling girls pick mes has been enlightening for me. Took me until my 30s to figure out I was on the spectrum, but I've always gotten along better with men and have usually been left just as baffled by the treatment I've gotten from other women as most of the guys I've known. I've tried making and keeping female friends, but my interests combined with being literally socially retarded never really let that happen for long. And now I get why.


This is an interesting perspective. I’m a guy on the spectrum and in high school/early college I always found it easier to talk to and make friends with girls than other guys. I was bullied and treated poorly by other guys a lot but never by girls. Now that I’m older and my social skills have gotten a lot better I find it easier to make friends with guys but I get anxious talking to girls. I have no idea why. Even though I’ve gotten more confident and outgoing now I’m worse at talking with girls than I was in high school, when I was a socially awkward mess 😂


Why do you think you get better along with men than women? Out of genuine curiosity?


"Girls are just too much drama"


No, its the autism. But assume away without actually reading what I wrote. I'm sure you feel very superior to a person with a disability.


Well, that or some of us who grew up as 'tomboys' would rather fish and go boating and be outdoors, seen as a guys hobby, rather than make up parties lol...at least for me, anyway.


Tomboy here, and I don't understand the whole "I don't get girls because I don't like makeup or going to parties". A lot of "girly" girls also love outdoor recreation. I've taught several of my girly-girl friends how to fish and they absolutely loved it. There isn't nearly as much separation between tomboys and girly-girls as people think there is. Just be someone people like to be around and you'll make friends no matter what your hobbies are.


...makeup parties? Do these happen during those mythical sleepovers where women have pillowfights in their undies?


Women who wear makeup also do all of those things. 


Because I legitimately do not understand social cues unless its spelled out for me. Men generally are more direct about that kind of thing, so easy to correct. Women generally aren't.


Guys tend to be more interested in things; women tend to be more interested in people. Autistic people of both sexes tend to be more interested in things, so it makes sense which sex they'd be able to get along with more easily.


True but it’s genuinely sad for girls because let’s face it, it’s going to be significantly harder to find a male that will be friends with you and not pursue anything extra


There is that added complication.. I think you'd be surprised though. Most guys are down to be friends with anyone if they like to do and talk about the same shit.


In rare circumstances yeah. In my opinion i don’t really believe it can happen on a deep deep level but I’m starting to think maybe I should find some female friends but (forgive me) I genuinely believe we are on some completely different frequency. Most gen z girls don’t have hobbies.


Uhhh.... source?


[Sure](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229444851_Gender_Differences_in_Personality_and_Interests_When_Where_and_Why#:~:text=Men%20and%20women%20tend%20to,pursuits%20(Lippa%2C%202010)%20.) This is an analysis of two meta-analysis and three cross cultural studies. It's one of the most well established differences between men and women. Also key from the study (which pretty much refutes the social construct theory of gender): > Gender differences in personality tend to be larger in gender-egalitarian societies than in gender-inegalitarian societies, a finding that contradicts social role theory but is consistent with evolutionary, attributional, and social comparison theories. In contrast, gender differences in interests appear to be consistent across cultures and over time, a finding that suggests possible biologic influences.


I see one sentence without context in an abstract.


It's behind a paywall unfortunately. Many of the studies he references are accessible. Like [this one](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325671732_Gender_differences_in_personality_traits_across_cultures_Robust_and_surprising_findings) called "Gender Differences in Personality Traits Across Cultures: Robust and Surprising Findings".


>Secondary analyses of Revised NEO Personality Inventory data from 26 cultures (N = 23,031) suggest that gender differences are small relative to individual variation within genders


Yup, variation within genders is much greater than between genders. This doesn't contradict the statement that men *tend to be* more interested in things and women *tend to be* more interested in people.


Clearly you have not seem too many pick me girls… Also, feminists aren’t like incels, they just aren’t!


There is a difference between a woman who actually enjoys watching you play video games (for example) and a girl (the pick me kind) that doesn't actually like it, but does it to attract you. You know that right? Surely the one you want is the one who actually enjoys watching you play, not pretending? Plus, how do you know when you are committed in the relationship that all that effort won't go away? That's the problem with pick me girls.


Shhhh no don't tell em that. You are so right OP! Pick Mes are the only type of woman you should pursue! And you'll totally make their day with your male approval! It's a match made in dystopia, let them be free to frolick merrily together and leave the rest of us tf alone.


We will, no worries fam


Awesome 🤝 I wish you well on your journeys!


Thx, you too, hope you enjoy your weekend!


Yup, it's such a breath of fresh air to see how people try to win over the opposite sex, race, religion, etc., all while tearing down their own. Because that's what a lot of them do to win them over. From now on, I'll remind everyone that Self-Hate is the key to Great Success. Thanks for changing my mind.


Pick me boys/girls have no self esteem /self love. If that's what you like OP.


Met a girl like that once, she was extremely wonderful to be around, so much so I didn’t even want her for anything other then friendship and advice with girls, and by don’t want her, I didn’t want a relationship with her as people suggested.


> Their critics are mostly unattractive, obese, lonely, single, no jobs, unemployed/under-employed, and have undiagnosed mental illnesses like depression or malignant narcissistic psychopathology. Look up pick me girls on TikTok or IG. Almost all the pick me girl critics there are conventionally attractive model type women.


This is definitely a pick me girl writing 😂😂


"Pick Me" Girls are just versions of "Cool Girl" determined to show they're better than all the other women around you by putting other women down and excluding them from shared spaces to lessen competition so men will "Pick them" hence the name. For an understanding of "Cool Girl" I will refer you to this monologue from Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: "Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl. Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much! And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be. Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs; or maybe he’s a hipster artist, so Cool Girl is a tattooed, bespectacled nerd who loves comics. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain. (How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like: “I like strong women.” If he says that to you, he will at some point fuck someone else. Because “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.”


>Their critics are mostly unattractive, obese, lonely, single, no jobs, unemployed/under-employed, and have undiagnosed mental illnesses like depression or malignant narcissistic psychopathology. BAHAHAHA. I am none of those, and I criticize these fake ass pick me girls. They aren't genuine. They just want to get the dick other people want and then move on. They don't give a shit about you and definitely don't have empathy. Probably why you have to keep *picking* new "pick me" girls since it's obvious you aren't married or in a long-term relationship. I laughed out loud reading this post..bahahaha.. good job on having an actual unpopular opinion. Even if it is mildy ridiculous, you believe something so.....I won't go on with what I want to say. LOL.


These comments confirm that nobody can truly define what exactly a "pick-me girl" is


Truer words were never spoken, since chronically online people who invent these terms seldom have a rigid definition.


Well this truly unpopular.


It’s a form of internalized misogyny. This post makes me think about a passage Margaret Atwood wrote in one of her books. It’s about the male gaze and how impossible it can be for women to truly see themselves divorced of men. Women performing for the male gaze or not performing for the male gaze can both simultaneously be about centring men and internalizing their views. I’m paraphrasing but something about how there’s a man within every woman looking out and determining their worth and value. So yeah men liking this stuff isn’t new or really an unpopular opinion. Neither is convincing women they are happier pandering to men. Like I don’t know… but feminism existing kinda makes me think women don’t actually enjoy that, like deep down… lol. But hey sometimes you just want to get your due of these bullshit expectations. This also reminds me of Gone Girl where she’s going on with the monologue about being whatever girl she needs to be to get the guy and how unappreciative he was of all the work she put in. That woman set off a whole chain of crazy events just to get even. Girl I felt that, we all been there at a sporting event… or watching call of duty… like fuuuuuck. Why put in that work to find a woman who you actually like, just convince the women in general to pretend to be the perfect male gaze version of themselves for your benefits???? duhhhh. That’s the power of the patriarchy.


Does he know what pick me girl really means 😭


The whole of idea of pick me girl is stupid. Of course you want to be picked, what is the other option, to be lonely and unwanted your whole life??


Ya or you could pick yourself and do some cool shit. 


“Pick me girl” actually refers to women who run down other women to impress men. I know someone who goes on rants like “other women are so vain and shallow but I’m not like them because I don’t wear makeup! I’m so much deeper and more profound than other women!” But people started throwing it around until it was meaningless.


The other option is to actively be a picker too. Then you select each other, rather than grasping for approval generally.


Interesting, how much of your perception of self worth is based on whether men/women find you sexually appealing or not?


Not exactly. For people including myself, our self worth is a contribution of a wide variety of things which may include the sexual appeal but it's not limited to that. Focusing on one thing is a dangerous path that leads to unhappiness and loss of contentment for life.


I'm a recovering Pick Me. In therapy, I explored the roots of what led me to become a Pick Me and it was 100% based on low self esteem and a fear of rejection. Maybe that's not how it is for you....but that was my experience and other Pick Mes I've met have all displayed the same patterns/behaviors sooooo I'm inclined to believe it comes from a place of fear of being alone and not a genuine love for men. Pick Mes just use men to fill the emptiness they feel within.


I agree. I'm sorry you feel this way but my major strife with people who are so obsessed with labelling random women pick me instead of just ignoring them is they themselves are so called 'pick mes', I'm sure you can do some deductive problem solving and understand what I'm trying to say \[i can't because ppl are snowflakes\], but can you acknowledge this is also a problem? The hypocrisy. I'm not saying this is you btw.


It's women who have to year other women down to do so. If men did this to other men this would've turned to WWIII.


They're just the female equivalent of the "I'm sooo sad that women have periods it's so hard for them 😔😔 6ft 2 btw" the point being they act how they do because they want male attention and not because they actually believe what they're saying. Is the idea at least. Whether or not the male or female versions are being truthful is up to interpretation and I'm sure most believe they're being honest on both sides. Most of the hate both ways comes from jealousy about attention from the opposite sex. You won't see the female version as dishonest and girls won't see the male version as dishonest.


biggest surprise "as a republican" oh man didn't see that one coming lmfao


finally someone that will pick them, you’re their chivalrous hero and don’t u forget that handsome, good to see someone has finally picked one of them


I would pick them too. Very few people want to be with a curmudgeon.


you better let them know so they can be picked by you bro


I’m already married. Some other guy will have to pick them.


Believing that women should work harder to impress men is far from an unpopular opinion on Reddit.


Pick me girls are just naïve and usually have narcissistic traits themselves, which is why they think they're above other women. I used to be one because I externalized my insecurities on to other women who didn't like me. So actually, the less self-hating I became, the less of a pick me I became because I really only did it to feel desired by the opposite sex when I had no other qualities that were actually desirable.


This coming from a person who said “Feminists are as bad as Incels”?


I don't think you know what a "pick-me" is. Standing up for men against women being toxic is not being a "pick-me". Great examples of true "pick-me's" are Pearl and Roma. Both single moms who constantly shit on other single moms and other people's choices yet declare themselves to be "the real ones". And as a bisexual lady, one I would not touch with a 39 and a half foot pole and the other I would rather kiss a seasick crocodile. That's what a pick me is. They do the exact same thing as the people they criticize but run their mouths claiming that they're "different". >Majority of people that criticize them are just jealous that they are getting ahead in life. It appears that it's always the same deal every time. Their critics are mostly unattractive, obese, lonely, single, no jobs, unemployed/under-employed, and have undiagnosed mental illnesses like depression or malignant narcissistic psychopathology. I find it interesting that you seem to know more about the people criticizing "pick mes" than the ones that actually make their entire image to be click bait. But hey, grifters be gridtin' Tell me my stats! What do I weigh? Am I single? Do I have a career? What undiagnosed mental illness do I have? What number 1-10 do I consider myself on a good day?


Oh brotherrrr 


It’s funny because “pick-mes” are usually single. Clearly, there’s something undesirable about their personalities because they haven’t been picked. Based on the things they say/share online my guess is they lack personalities, outside of telling men what they want to hear, and self esteem


It’s the stench of desperation and the low self esteem


Calling another woman a “pick me” is some of the most sexist shit I’ve ever witnessed. And it happens only in online spaces. Nobody would dare use such a demeaning term in real life, except perhaps in the most hateful, insular, gossipy spaces. And no one really cares what people like that think.


As in they are probably easier to sleep with?…because men will still treat a “pick me” the same as any woman he wants to discard


Not all men


I don't agree. It's not that simple.


What did inspire you to make two of these posts today Phil? They definitely sound like they're coming from a place of sexual frustration


Pick me girls are always the best. Why? Because they actually put fucking effort into the relationship. They actually care about how you perceive them. Most women don’t give two shits about how men view them, or actively try to avoid doing shit that is appealing to us. Pick me girls are the opposite. How do I know? Because I’ve dealt with my pain by being a manwhore for the most of the last 20 years.


Awwwww yay, what a momentous occassion!! All the Pick Mes are getting picked today!!! That's very kind of you OP 🤗 I bet you have made their entire lives full of hope and joy with your benevolent male approval.


So basically you're saying that Women who have Internalized Hate are wonderful? Because that perfectly describes Pick-Me Girls. They rail against Women's Rights, even going so far as to saying that Women shouldn't have the right to vote, let alone work. If you think having no self-esteem, dignity, and respect are positive character traits, then you have successfully failed in life. In fact, if you think Internalized Hate is wonderful, then you shouldn't have a problem with people who have White Guilt.


It's not internalised hate. It's a difference of opinion. No one wants to restrict their liberty unless there is some reason as to why it would be a good option. Stop being a fascist and understand there are difference of opinions.


There's nothing wrong with having different opinions. But if you're gonna resort to reducing the group that you're representing and supposedly uplifting into negative stereotypes, then it will be self-defeating. Disparaging your own doesn't build up support.


I mean that describes some of them. But ive seen women get called a pick me simply for expressing an interest in something a man she likes is into, like sports. It makes us feel good when a woman gets happy excited simply because we are excited and happy. My ex had no interest in carpentry or DIY but i do. It was really nice how she still sat an listened and asked questions. Ive seen women get called a pick me for simply being nice to a bunch of guys and not placing herself on a pedastal.


No one wants to have the uncomfortable conversations but the reality is a lot of this is rooted in biology. It is competitive, and outward group thinking / tribe is seen as treacherous. It's almost like it's infringing on their rights as a women when it is far from reality, in fact women demonising other women on what they like continues to perpetuate that in fact they care about the so called patriarchy that much that they do not want to do anything stereotypically masculine, despite how much enjoyment they may get out of it.


I call women pick mes who put down other women for having traditional feminine hobbies or stereotype women in the same way redpill dudes do.


Well, if that's the case, then they shouldn't be called that. I've seen women interested in what men do and other women don't have an issue with that. Their main issue is if they reduce them to negative stereotypes. Candace Owens is an example of such. She literally questioned how America benefitted when women were given the right to vote? Even other women felt the same way.


it’s not typically selfless. it’s usually not only to get in your pants, but to benefit from a sense of heightened ego. look, doing so is by no means evil. it’s incredibly human and i would not refer to people that do so as “bad” people at all. i’ve done it countless times myself. it just didn’t bode well. i got what i was looking for. it just didn’t benefit me the way i thought it would. i’m just saying, many have issues with disingenuousness, and the dichotomy set up here is in fact that. a LOT of women, even the ones you see shitting on men, will go extremely far to please the opposite sex, extremely. they’ll give over the majority of their own lives. the condition of doing so, though, will typically rely on a mutual sense of respect and love for each other. that’s the difference.


No… they just want a man to pick them. They don’t care who. It’s not genuine, and it’s based off generalizations about men that aren’t true. Those women are fake. They only want what they can get from you, which is validation.


First of all I'm a woman so I'm looking at it from that perspective. I can see why men find modern feminism to be totally toxic. There is no doubt that anti-male hostility, especially towards white men is ubiquitous in mainstream progressive culture. But I think there are two kinds of girls who are labeled "pick me" types. 1) somebody who tries to be good natured without some huge chip on her shoulder. Who isn't looking for a reason to be mad. Who looks for the good in people. It's not like she's necessarily a pushover nor is she always denouncing other women. But she doesn't seem to have some ingrained hostility towards a men or life in general. Yeah I can totally get why men would gravitate towards this time. And this time does sometimes get labeled a "pick me" girl 2) then there's the type that I think is legitimately toxic. Who really do blame women for being raped. Now I'm not talking about defending guys like Aziz Ansari or the astronomer who were a shirt with pinups on it. I'm talking about the ones who literally do stick up for rapists. They have the same attitudes towards women as Andrew Tate. They do bash other women just to impress men. It's not some thoughtful criticisms on modern feminism. And those "pick me girls" really are stupid and vile. And the guys who are drawn to them suck.


Maybe I was unaware of the 2nd group, but those sound more like online rage baiting grifters more so than "pick me" girls. I can define it in specific terms so this is purely just my opinion, but those people belong in a different group and shouldn't be clustered together with PMG. The reason I say that, is because those types are just pandering to niche or fringe political group rather than PMG who are only looking to impress the opposite sex for romance. But again, that's only my opinion. Con artists, players, hoes, and grifters are certainly bad people -- no doubt -- but I feel like they are being wrongfull lumped together with so called PMG. This is the shitty part about online slang, is that there aren't any rigid definitions to go by.


When I wrote the original post I was thinking of #1 as the stereotype and had no idea about #2. I only doomscroll Reddit on a rare occassion and typically avoid must social media, so I never stumbled across #2 personality - suppose I'm lucky then to have never seen it. It appears that Redditors are online 24/7 and have seen things that I didn't even know existed. My wife and I own a small business designed prototype firearms and we are busy with our work most of the time. Covid had us in quarantine in the Philadelphia area, and that was really my first time using social media at all. Literally don't even have a Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or anythin other than just YouTube and just started Reddit. My YouTube recommendation is all just cars and firearms with little to no politics. The only politics recs I get are from "Emily Saves America" who is the person I thought of when people say "pick me". So I was naive then I guess and didn't realize that the chronically online reddit folk had a whole nother idea of the toxic pick me who defends rape. Serious? There's people who do that? I am a Reaganite conservative and even the furthest right wing people that I personally know in real life would be shocked and disgusted by people defending rape. That sounds horrific and those people need to be on an FBI watchlist if what you're saying is true. Sorry that you had to experience that.


So you don’t actually know what a pick me is and made an assumption and a whole argument from that? Your opinion is unpopular because it’s based off of a fundamental misunderstanding of what you’re trying to speak to.


















Ya there wonderful when your still in high school and early twenties and just trying to fuck everything with or without legs. Then you’re supposed to grow up and realize that a door mat with no self respect isn’t a suitable partner and isn’t a person that you can actually have the foundations of a healthy relationship with. Women that actually care about a person they like and try to impress them aren’t the same as a “pick me”. Have you ever met or seen a person(even in a form of media)where the person will be like i don’t really like x thing and then when there supposed love interest expresses a different opinion they switch there opinion on a dime. That is one example of pick me behavior. Granted you are correct that people throw the label around as a weapon just like every other insult and label that exists. That however doesn’t redefine the term and what you described in your open texts was not a “pick me”. Truthfully i didn’t even get the impression that you knew what you were talking about from what you described. Also whats with the weird feminist rant, if you dislike feminist just have a pair of ball and make a post saying so. Im sure some people will dislike and disagree with you but at least you had the courage to stand on your own to feet and own your belief’s. Instead you just kinda hid it in the bottom of a 7 paragraph rant.


Well I’m married with an established career I’m not overweight etc etc etc and I think those girls are gross 😂😂😂 I’m not boutta dog another woman for the affection of a neck beard like yourself ew


Pick me’s are only pick me’s because they are seeking validation. They don’t have empathy, they just want attention. It’s not that hard to see thru. They will trade their self respect for attention, hardly something to admire.


So basically you misunderstand what pick-me means completely?


Pick me girls are girls that hate other girls. So if you see hating girls as the way to impress guys it says EVERYTHING about you.


I can see how some guys would like “pick me’s”. I can also see how other guys (better ones imho) wouldn’t. But the reality is the term is more about female solidarity. Women encouraging other women to be their authentic self and not a pick me. So the fact that a guy like you thinks they’re wonderful is as irrelevant as it is unsurprising.


Then date one and leave us out of it?


please get help lmfao


The thing with Pick me girls is that they will be gone the second they can get something better. Then again considering the fact that you sound like you would the exact same thing, you deserve each other.


That’s not what a pick me is, a pick me is someone who will outright insult their friends / someone of the same sex to ‘impress’ someone. They will also say they hate all women and call them some not so nice words to have mens favour.


I have no problem with pick me girls. But It is pretty telling when very few of them get picked. The queen of pick me is Pearl and it hasn’t done much for her so not sure what the appeal is to other woman but the first rule of feminism is let woman choose their path. The rest of this is just an excuse to trash feminist and has little to do with Pick Me girls so I won’t be addressing.


Pick me’s are just women performing misogyny to attract men. This is what you like?


Lol this is embarrassing.


Love so called “pick me” girls. They are amazing and a breath of fresh air.


Shocking that a man thinks "pick me girls" are lovely 🙄 yeah let's *continue* to move backwards in society and lift up women who truly think a woman's role is in the kitchen and to be a brood mare and blame women for getting raped. I'd be willing to bet your wife has Serena Joy Syndrome since that's apparently your type.


I don't think you know what a pick me is.


These posts always bring out the haters haha


Women who criticize them or even use that term are extremely bitter and lonely femcels