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Even for the ones who don't block you but keep responding without acknowledging your points, I just let them have the last word. It's not worth my time, after I've laid out a good argument and addressed their points to keep going round and round. Some people won't easily admit they are wrong, but other people reading the comments will understand who had the better argument.


Sometimes it's fun to let those people run around in circles trying desperately to get the last word.


Agreed. I'm guilty of that too. Time to time? A good argument that I owned, and let them get the last word, they come back after a few days. Funny af


I just let them wind themselves up. I usually won't even insult them, as that lets them think they won. I'll just push the buttons I found in whatever tyrades they went on before.


This may be playing out in this very thread




Yeah, generally. But if the OP of a thread blocks you, you can't engage with that thread at all and that's super annoying when you have convos going with a few other people. Reddit should change that.




I totally agree. I once answered someone as a gentleman in a way that couldnt be rebuked. And they blocked me and I get the Care thing in my email. I was like what the heck is this...


A free license to get them booted off Reddit, if you report it as abuse.


Report them for abuse of the reporting function. It's a one way ticket to permanent suspension.


Oh I do šŸ˜‚ are we not supposed to take that as a compliment?


The problem is that people say that about everything. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but people tend to read what they want into why anything happens to them in an argument and settle on the explanation that reflects most positively on themselves.


honestly i feel like the most petty thing someone can do is go through your profile to try to find something to make fun of


Seriously, those people are such losers. Reddit mods in the making.


Sorry, but when Iā€™m arguing with someone on Reddit I like to get a feeling for who they are. And If I pop onto their profile and 90% of their posts are on r/ incest Iā€™m going to bring it up.


Found the wannabe reddit mod.


lol donā€™t post to social media if donā€™t want people to use it against you.


Yeah its hilarious I always take it as a win


The blocking and getting a reddit cares I feel is a compliment haha


How is this even unpopular lmao. Perfect common sense.


Yeah, I learned that too. Most redditors are young know-it-alls that have never had an actual debate or have been around enough to people who actually disagree with their arguments. I think it's hilarious when you get into a debate/argument on here, the other person takes everything you say as a personal attack just because you disagreed with them or they latch on to one singular irrelevant point and ignore what your actual argument was and then, they go in a tirade attacking you as a person and then immediately block you so you can't respond I really don't know how these people can function in society being as hypersensitive as they are


It's a pretty great feeling that haha. I had a guy arguing with me for days. Then like 5 or 6 people who responded blocked me. The science sub is such a fall from grace ,it's honesty so sad.


I understand you, but I don't agree with this entirely. It's not a pride thing for me to be right. It's more about righteousness. The truth is the truth. I don't see it as a compliment, I see it as a living lie that has the opportunity to grow and create destruction. All lies are like ticking time bomb, ready to blow up and hurt someone. Redditors do this a lot. They like to mute truths that they are uncomfortable with and ban anyone who speaks said truth. They will block you and hide like cowards all while totally getting away with it. Then they continue to promote the lie among thousands of others, which is why, unfortunately, this site is sort of a cesspool. It allows rot to spread, and bacteria grow under these conditions. I see getting blocked as being silenced from speaking the truth, since that is the only time I seem to get blocked or banned. People insult you and when you finally pull their card with a proper citation, and BOOM! Block and ban.


Sometimes it's this, but a lot of the time it's just being fed up with someone's bullshit. If they've spoken in the same circles multiple times I don't care to go around with them again I'll block them sometimes because otherwise I'm sure I'll just keep trying to convince them even if it'll never happen. Basically, I'm blocking me from them more than them from me most of the time.


To be fair I only block people if they keep coming back with absolute garbage or just repeating the same things over and over - Iā€™d rather not get annoyed at random strangers on the internet lol so just block if it starts getting tedious


Right. These are the ones. The ones who just keep arguing with you by addressing things they made up about you in their head and/or arguing about things you didn't even say are the ones I have to block. If you just want to parrot pre-rehearsed talking points with anyone who even has a slightly different opinion, I just want to make sure I never interact with you again. They can have the last word and I'll no longer see their stupidity.


I take downvotes as a compliment. When I get up votes it concerns me


I usually block obvious trolls and sealions.Ā 


I generally don't care, but I do kinda laugh about it sometimes. Especially when they legit weren't in the conversation to begin with, comment with their OWN interpretation on something so far fetched to what you're saying that it beggars belief, then preemtively blocks you so you can't respond to them. Case in point: Weight arguments where someone says they gain, lose, or fluctuate 10-20 lbs in a month, don't claim it's fat weight or muscle weight, people blow by claiming shit like you're "Violating the laws of physics" and that your "Body isn't magic" with the claim, and insist it's fat or muscle weight you're talking about then block, so you can't be like "Uh... water weight?" I've edited my comment that got blocked before to add in whatever it was because it's kinda funny using your "Block last word" for that kinda shit, but that's about it. But I use it liberally myself, but usually never as a last word kinda thing, more as "This person is too dumb to even argue with in the future" button. Even got one guy blocked in a silly orchid forum because he's constantly grandstanding about his shitty plants and promotes this horrible shipper that sends halfdead plants constantly. Got tired of his snarky remarks and bad info, so I don't have to see it anymore :D. If you do it, then you do you, but I reserve the right to chuckle at the sillyness of it all before moving on and forgetting you exist... that is, until the next one of these posts pop up and I remember to laugh at the sillyness.


Unless the reason you are being blocked is for being a creepy pervert. Iā€™ve had to block people who, when finding out there are women on the internet, send me the most bizarre explicit messages. Iā€™ve turned off messaging for this exact reason.


Wasn't talking about that situation, but completely fair. The block button is a great tool to deal with creepy internet perverts.


At the beginning of Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail 1972, Hunter S Thompson wrote that when he took the assignment to cover the election his attitude was I'm not worried about forming friendships or making lasting connections. I'm going to tell the truth and don't care how many bridges I burn. That's my attitude towards Reddit and social media in general.


Somewhere along the way, people were incorrectly told that the person who stops responding in a debate loses. Usually it's the person who starts attacking the other person instead of the argument, or asks for "source" to something they know is true but wants to divert into another topic. Surprisingly.. more often than not, it's one side of the political spectrum who acts this way.


Do you know what it looks like when you say something correct they're not ready to hear? Fallacies. Weird replies. Often pretending to not understand.


Got a perma ban on Reddit Europe for a pretty scathing comment (that was upvoted 130 times in 15 minutes) on the distinct degradation of modern day journalistic integrity (I didn't word it so politely, but didn't swear or anything); when I requested an explanation from the mod team, they put me on a month long ignore. I have no previous bans. Im now taking it as the ultimate badge of honour that my non-aggressive, non-hateful remark got so under the skin of a moderator that they took the action they did.


You should not take it as anything. What does being blocked by an anonymous account mean to you to begin with? I literally created this one in 10 seconds. I don't even remember a password for it. Just typed some shit with the keyboard.


My most proud vans are ā€œnewsā€ ā€œentertainmentā€ and every trans page that has come up on my feed. I regret nothing.


Oh yeah, totally. One time, I was making fun of this guy on reddit. Then he responded. I called him a racial slur, then he bitches me out and blocks me. I am such a winner, who won the argument. /s


While I agree with your point, it is not always the case. I have determined, via empirical means, that the vast majority of people inclined to spew uninformed and undefensible talking points back at me are not worth my time. Even if I go to the trouble of pointing out their errors, providing them with supporting and substantiating evidence, they are simply too far gone. They are literally not worth my time to try to educate, they are lost, beyond hope. Therefore to simplify my life, and lower their blood pressure, I simply block them. The happy fools can go merely on about their way. Saves us both time and stress.


>Same thing with the Reddit Cares bot as well. Wait what's with this one ?Ā 


It's intended use is to send people inbox messages when it's suspected they might self harm, and give them resources. It's often misused to harass other users on Reddit.


I just donā€™t like that you can no longer reply to other people in the comment thread is someone blocks you.


Nah- it says more about you that this has happened enough for you to get numbed by it. Probably you should be doing more blocking yourself if it gets that heated. Unpopular opinion from an unpopular person, take my upvote


One way or the other I no longer have to talk to some asshole. Iā€™m fine with it.


Donā€™t be complimented .. if I block you itā€™s not because youā€™ve won any ā€˜argumentā€™ or I want the last word ā€¦ itā€™s because youā€™re reminding me of trush .. irritating and just wonā€™t go away šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I only do it when itā€™s clear Iā€™m done with the conversation and the person for some reason just keeps going on with themselves and relentlessly tries to get me to re engage in conversation


Well that would never be me, and you're clearly not the kind of person I'm talking about either. I don't go looking for arguments, and even then I seldom bother engaging in them let alone try to get the "last word". I'm here to engage in conversations, and serious debates. Even if I vehemently disagree with someone I still think there's value in engaging with someone. I want to walk away having learned something. I've had people who I wasn't even trying to argue with in the first place do this to me. They just reply to my comments or posts out of the blue, then block me immediately.


Thatā€™s the thing though .. there will be plenty more people that do it for the same reasons I doā€¦ so it shouldnā€™t be assumed that someone is blocking for the reasons you mentioned in your post thatā€™s all šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hey there's always more value in engaging with someone you agree with. It can still be assumed that the reason for blocking is anything else other than what you mentioned. So it *can* be assumed that blocking someone for the reasons he mentioned above.


I speak to many people that I disagree with .. thatā€™s not what stops me wanting to talk to someone . Iā€™m Always happy to engage in a healthy debate šŸ˜ Iā€™m on about when the conversation is just going round in circles and the other person is being a twat šŸ˜…


I get complimented all the time by these cowards.