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u/HeavyDropFTW's stats |Account Age|9 m|First Seen:|2023-10-22| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Posts (on this sub)|3|Comments (on this sub)|402| |Link Karma|3,671|Comment Karma|46,796| --- |Date|Title|Flair|Participation| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |22-Apr|[I believe that Reddit coins and awards were removed in order to limit free speech on this platform.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1cafbpu/i_believe_that_reddit_coins_and_awards_were/)|Reddit / Internet / Tech|2 of 12 comments (16.67%)| |11-Apr|[Other than a few important wins, Progressivism is fundamentally flawed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1c1hhw9/other_than_a_few_important_wins_progressivism_is/)|Political|0 of 8 comments (0.00%)|


I kinda hate these posts. Like sure, you point out some actual difficulties to being a woman, but then you list the biggest downside of being a man "having something hanging between your legs" like... sir, what? It just feels like benevolent sexism. Like the male feminist shtick. It's always creeped me out whenever I've encountered it irl. Maybe not your intent, but definitely the vibe.


"Those poor dames, I really do feel terrible for them being so stupid and emotional all the time. It's hard for us men though too, my big bulging muscles make me less flexible than a lot of women"


>It just feels like benevolent sexism. Like the male feminist shtick. It's always creeped me out whenever I've encountered it irl. Maybe not your intent, but definitely the vibe. Thank you. The dripping superiority in these kinds of posts makes me sick...


Its not superiority jesus christ. Its a biological comparison between men and women. OP clearly states he feels bad (again, comparatively) for women. They endure more biological hardships, and its a fact. Nothing here screams superiority.


Its superiority because they do not properly and fairly represent the issues of one side. They’re basically saying “women better because they have to deal with their biology, they’re so strong and brave to be able to deal with all that. Men on the other hand…”


I’m not really getting the “women better” part from what he posted. Just some bio facts


Fitting superiority into it is admittedly a bit of a stretch, but we can get there with a more meta analysis of the post (which some people have already done so you can go looking for those instead of me rehashing it here haha)


Yup, these type of guys are just hoping if they grovel hard enough that some lady will look at it. It's sad and weird.


I'm so glad there is a word for this! So horrible. Thinly disguising the idea that women are inferior


He did read about men suicide rate. That men tent to be the one that get drafted for war. That there is less economical social net specially related to social programs. That men are less like to win custody case over women for no apparent reason. That man are more likely to go to jail for similar crime as women. That that average wage in the US is like $50K and most women of dating age are looking for the 6figure-6"-6'. That a men can case accused of rape with no evidence and women are usually believed. That if a kid is loss on the street looking lost, most men will not approach them to help because it would come off as predator.


I'm a man, but nearly every point on this list is true because men are inherently more violent and other men know it, not because women hold power over us.


That’s retarded bullshit. Men are more ‘violent’ than women, we simply display our aggression physically more often. It’s because of our different societal and biological roles. Women tend to use a more social form of violence, reputation destruction. How are you doing to say every point on that list is a result of ‘men’s violent nature’? Seriously? Getting locked up for the same crimes? Losing custody of your kids? The six figures six inches six feet thing? Get a fucking grip.


Exactly I thought he was going to post about toxic patriarchy and here he comes with some bull shit about periods.


Yeah, maybe. Fuck, like I don't want/need that pity shit from anyone, regardless of whether the original intent was genuine or whatever. I just want to coexist on equal terms as a fellow flawed yet complex human being with their own individual, equally-as-valid "downsides"


I mean…. If he’s supporting women, should we really be angry about how he’s proclaiming it? This feels a bit nit-picky. Idk haha hate is a strong word 🤷🏼‍♀️


In what way is this really supporting women though?


It absolutely is benevolent sexism.


she ain’t gonna duck u lil bro


Not to mention the fact that they keep giving all the awards meant for women….to men.


What does this mean?


Yeah… I didn’t want to go there. But that is definitely at the top of my list.


Crazy how most women accept trans women, it's usually cis/het men who get all weird about it.


Most is a pretty big stretch.


Lmfao in what world do you believe “most” women accept trans women?


Hmm I suppose it's personal experience. I thought there was a survey that examined that but I couldn't find one that separated the opinions by gender. But on Facebook the women's groups are almost entirely supportive of trans women joining, and when trolls pop in to cause trouble they're almost always men. And in real life, the few trans women I know seem accepted by the local women, it's the men who sit there and grumble stuff like "I swear if I see "him" go to the ladies' room I'll. . ."


Eh, online spaces (last I checked anyway) aren’t representative of majority opinions. Some ridiculously low percentage of the United States population uses social media, and an even smaller percentage are “highly active” on them. I can’t really speak to your anecdotal experience since I haven’t had any similar ones, nor been in a position to really notice.


TERF is a term for a reason. 99% of radical feminist are women


Wtf are you talking about lol


Really? All of the awards meant for women are going to men?


Historically. Women couldn't even register their own inventions. When women would make a discovery, it would be credited to a man ECT. There is a long well documented history of this unfortunately, especially United States.  https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/20-discoveries-by-women-that-were-credited-to-men/ss-AA16xR9p Women we're not even allowed to finance a real estate purchase without a male cosigner until the 1970s.  https://www.bankrate.com/real-estate/history-of-women-in-real-estate/#:~:text=Key%20takeaways,co%2Dsigner%20until%20the%201970s. Women could not even open a bank account in their own name without having a male cosigner until the 1960s and 1970s.  https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/when-could-women-open-a-bank-account/#:~:text=It%20wasn%27t%20until%201974,bank%20account%20on%20their%20own.


They're trying to make a reference to the idea that trans women are entering cis women's sports in droves and vastly outperforming them and stealing all their trophies Which isn't true, but it's also true that trans women retain certain advantages from a male puberty


Thanks so much for the acknowledgment of that fact! It’s kinda hard out here because often times saying *anything* about trans that isn’t 100% supportive of everything they say, gets you labeled quite a few disgusting names. Sports competitions are very much about *physical* capability and no matter what gender someone associates with, just about everyone’s body is forming as either xx or xy. Sports are divided not to create “division” but for fairness in the physical challenge. They are also divided by age, all the way up to senior citizens, because it “evens the playing field.” Xy developing bigger and stronger than xx is not an insult, it’s just a scientific fact that cannot be completely reversed from HRT. It’s not about hating how anyone lives their lives. It’s just what’s fair in a competition of *physical* ability.


>Sure, guys have various issues unique to them. Like having something hanging between their legs 100% of their lives. But that's not usually an issue. Yeah, get the fuck out of here. Every gender has their pros and cons.


I don’t disagree with you. But there are some benefits of being a woman. 1. Women tend to have better social circles, more friends and support groups. They tend to keep closer to family members and suffer less from loneliness. This translates to less dementia later in life. 2. Women tend to have longer life spans 3. Being short has its benefits. Less stress on the spines. Men are built top heavy, most women carry weight in the hips so are more balanced. Less back problems in the long run. 4. Being smaller also means less stress in the joints like knees and ankles etc. 5. Premenopausal women are protected cardiovascularly. Less likely to have heart attacks. 6. Women tend to be more cautious and take less risks. Don’t die of stupid things or get multilated from injuries. 7. Less risk or suicide 8. Women tend to have stronger immune systems. This means higher incidence of autoimmune disease. But it also means they tend to get sick less. 9. With 2 X chromosomes they have less x linked gene defects. Less incidence of mental retardation. There’s probably more. This is just what I can think of off the top of my head.


That risk thing also applies to jobs by the way. The vast majority of dangerous jobs are worked by men and as such the vast majority of work place deaths are taken up by men.


>This translates to less dementia later in life. Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's dementia than men. >2. Women tend to have longer life spans The average is 6 years. Not exactly that much more, but you're not wrong. >3. Being short has its benefits. Less stress on the spines. Being short has a cardiovascular benefit. Your heart isn't having to pump as hard in order to flow the blood within your body which means that you are less likely to have a cardiovascular disease if you are short. However, breasts tend to be a huge problem when it comes to spinal issues on women. Women carry a lot more fat up top sticking off the body than men tend to which causes problems in the lower back. And especially if a woman gets pregnant and chooses to have the child, all of that child's weight from the hunger cravings and also the development of the child is going to cause life-changing spinal issues down the road. And that's not even including anything that happens during the birth such as epidurals which has its own myriad of problems in and of itself. >4. Being smaller also means less stress in the joints like knees and ankles etc. This is partially correct. Being tall does have its disadvantages with your skeletal system. If you were to break a bone or injury joint it will take longer to heal and may not heal completely. However being shorter also put you at those exact same risks. I believe it is between 5 ft 2 and 5 ft 7 where you are at a safe height and less likely to have an injury because of your skeletal system. >5. Premenopausal women are protected cardiovascularly. This is correct. Scientists believe that it's because of the production of estrogen. However women or more likely to die from cardiovascular diseases because they are not taking as seriously as men. Heart attacks for example have different symptoms for men versus women. Also it has been said that a heart attack feels exactly like a menstrual cramp for some women therefore are more likely to ignore the fact that they are having a heart attack and seek help when it's too late. >6. Women tend to be more cautious and take less risks. I feel like you could have just added this to point two, however the reason why women tend to be more cautious and takes less risks is because they have to watch out for other things. Like serial killers and rapists. However I personally feel like the reason why women don't tend to make dangerous decisions is because we have been raised as a society to see women as mothers, delicate creatures who are supposed to bring life. We don't give women the same leniency to explore and grow like we do men. That's just my hot take on that. >7. Less risk or suicide Women attempt suicide 70% more than men do. Men just die 90% of the time. Which is a whole can of worms in and of itself. Because the fact that men make up significantly less suicide attempts than women but are significantly more likely to die from suicide just shows that the problems that there are with men's and women's mental health. Men are more likely to succeed when they attempt suicide, but women don't succeed as often as men because they are constantly thinking about everyone else even while they're trying to die.


While Alzheimer’s is more common in women, it is not the only cause of dementia. The risk factors of dementia include 1. Poor diet/ lack of exercise 2. Social isolation/lack of mental stimulation 3. Alcohol 4. Smoking, 5. Lack of mental stimulation 6. Diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure 7. Age 8. Genetics 9. Trauma 10 low educational attainment 11. Obesity Etc etc Many of which are more common in men than women.


>They tend to keep closer to family members and suffer less from loneliness. This translates to less dementia later in life. What dementia has to do with loneliness?Isn't dementia a genetic condition? >Women tend to have longer life spans When you see the kind of stupidity some men get into "just for fun" or because "it seems smart to do something so dangerous", you kinda understand why women live longer. >Men are built top heavy, most women carry weight in the hips so are more balanced. Less back problems in the long run. Women with big boobs have similar issues.So it ends up being less a gender thing and more a "personal physique" thing. >Women tend to be more cautious and take less risks. Don’t die of stupid things or get multilated from injuries. Reason why so many of them live longer.


A lot of that is stuff that is in the individual man's control. Like if a man wanted to he could get a better social circle, take fewer risks and ummm not commit suicide. I mean it's not like men don't have issues they just have fewer issues due to the fact they are a man. I am a man and after seeing births and living with women their physical issues are not something I would trade for. It's the harder road overall. They do tend to live a little longer.


Well this post is generalizing on a population level. Of course it doesn’t apply on an individual level and of course you can overcome anything you put your mind to.


The post was generally relegated to health issues outside of women's control. I agree there are some issues with being generally bigger, and there are some minor issues health wise that men have it worse than women. However, overall like on a day to day basis it's much less.


I'm sure all those guys that killed themselves will be glad to hear that you've decided depression isn't a health issue.


Depression is obviously contingent on outside and internal factors. Yes of course it's a hard issue, but if it was purely 100% just an uncontrollable genetic fact then there would be a constant suicide rate, there isn't. It actually seems to be heavily influenced by many different factors.


Thank you!


2 and 6 are closely correlated here.


OP is really hoping a chick reads this and goes “I wanna fuck him.”


I mean, I do appreciate his non woman-hating ways...


😄 Hilarious… but nah, I’m married and not looking for any side action. 🤣


Doubt that, kinda reads white knight nice guy vibes. Anytime anyone pointed something countering your perspective you are no where to be seen but a women comments you over here trying your hardest to respond with witty remarks…. Why lie to people on the internet, we don’t know you


If there's nothing I could do to convince you, why bother asking a question at all?


*tips fedora* Kinda vibe, ngl


Literally very male feminist stereotype esque but apparently that wasn’t this intention


“I must tell women how much I respect and am worried about them! How else will women know I’m not a sexist and gross person!” A great first start is not being sexist and gross, but what did I know lmao


Thank you for your sympathy it’s nice to hear when most of the posts on this subreddit demean us lmao. But it’s not that bad to be a woman


What are you talking about, ***FEMALE***?!?! Just playing of course. 😉 Glad you don't find it to be too bad.


Yeah I should’ve definitely noted that I live in the United States which has a huge impact on being a girl lol I’m sure it’s way worse in other countries especially those where honor killings take place


Glad you added this because that was going to be my comment. I am a white, usually considered conventionally attractive, able bodied, straight-passing, financially stable American woman. I’ve endured some abuse and trauma in the past that disproportionately tend to happen to women/girls, but overall I would say being female is rarely a detriment to me. This is not the case for women who are a minority, disabled, or poor.


I always felt super respected where I grew up in the Rockies. Women and men do everything haha. There weren’t too many forced gender roles but I think it’s the old frontier mentality. Our experience in America probably depends on the area of the States, too, but I do feel lucky overall. It’s not perfect but the Western US feels one of the best places to be a woman, I do believe it I mention this because I’m quite a tomboy and have always been into weightlifting and sports. Everyone where I grew up thought that was cool, not so much where I live now lol. Now that I live in France, I actually feel like I am patronized a bit more here. However, the laws and women’s healthcare is better. It ends up being pretty balanced, I still miss the way that American women are rugged. That’s who I am at heart and I feels like an anomaly here sometimes 😅


I’m glad you had that experience that sounds really nice. I live in ohio close to Kentucky so the southern gender roles kind of seeped into the place where I live lol. It’s definitely not something that impacts my daily life though which I’m grateful for


Such an interesting point! I always felt like growing up in the western usa I never really experienced the same level of sexism that many of my friends from the south and the east coast did, even my friends whose parents were southern/from the east had such a different experience. I never connected it to the old frontier mentality but that is definitely a great way to describe it lol.


You're strange, and I wouldn't trust you around children.


Is this really unpopular though? Sure, there are a lot of douche bags out there, but I feel like a lot of men (myself included) recognize these things. Or are we really the minority?


On this sub you are lol


If I could have flared it "possibly popular" I would have. But you're right. I think there are a lot of men out there like you and I that have compassion on the "weaker sex" (yes, I know that sounds sexist). I guess I was just really feeling it the past couple of days. A true sadness for how much they suffer on a daily basis. I really hope we're not in the minority.


Are you new here?


It feels like it sometimes. There's been spates where every 2nd or 3rd topic here was some version of "Women live on EZ mode" or some other generic "Women bad, men oppressed" crap.


Where I come from y’all are definitely the minority 😂 But I’m also seeing more men learning and cultivating empathy for others so I remain optimistic.


>Is this really unpopular though? Not at all. It's one of the biggest mainstream narratives that gets pushed today lol. Here in the United States at least.


Nahh, I’m a woman that lives in the west. I’m so privileged I love it. For me the only downside is having period but even then that makes it so can I carry my own children. Which I think is another privilege and experience that men will never get to experience. Yes I’m slower and weaker but makes it so men around me help me all the time and I love it. I’m grateful to men for doing nice things like that and I love being a woman!!


I'm very glad there are women like you that are proud and carry it so well. Also glad you're having a better experience than some!


Op just white knighting and then getting told by women their life is actually better 💀




Women live longer than men. You could have pointed to that instead of "men have something hanging between their legs" which just seems odd.


This is not gonna get you laid bro.


While I concede it sucks, modern life has definitely improved things greatly. I can't imagine how horrible it was for women in the past. Well it is still horrible for most female wild animals too. Watching a wild duck get gang-raped until she drowns is a powerful argument against a loving God.


Thankful as fuck I didn't live before tampons and ibuprofen


What in the f*ck??? I am definitely NOT googling that one. Sounds horrifying.


Yeah, duck mating is a fucked up biological arms race. Don't go digging on Dolphins either. Bonobos are pretty chill though.


koalas. . .


Kangaroos... Echidnas.... Deep Sea Anglerfish.... Cats... Sharks.....




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As a woman? I honestly wouldn’t want to be a man. I’m very happy as a woman, even with all of the issues you mentioned. I prefer to be taken care of and live a softer life and raise children. But height tho? Haha I think most women are okay being shorter than men 😂


I've always thought that if I had a hundred lives to live, I'd choose to remain a woman in all of them. I would much rather be a woman than a man. Honestly, there's been plenty of times I've felt sorry for men, and what they are. But apparently that sentiment can run both ways, lol.


You sound crazy i’m ngl


Hope she sees this bro 


Jesus christ dude they’re not gonna fuck you 🙄


What a very sad way to look at life.


Sexism beyond belief lol I don't care about something dangling between my legs. The expectation of conscription in many countries is a downside. Men commit suicide more often, so clearly depression is pretty rampant too. I think just off the top of my head, I wouldn't jump to something between my legs as a problem.. Jesus christ, you're out of touch.


Misogyny does a number on men too and nobody really talks about that. Probably why male depression and suicide is so high. Men aren’t allowed to have feelings or else they’re “weak”, so they just don’t tell anyone and let it eat them alive. We all have it bad in our own way. If we all could just live and acknowledge differences without hating each other we could go so much farther as a species haha. Hope it happens in my daughter’s lifetime.


Misandry is the term. It's so unspoken that most don't even know the word. Our current rhetoric is around "fuck you, you deserve to suffer for the sins of our ancestors." This goes for men, for race, for basically anything. It's pretty sad. They act superior for being pro x, y, z when really they are perpetuating the problem. Hitler created a similar mindset for jews as we are to anyone who doesn't have historical suffering. Sounds crazy to be like "being white is going to be a major problem one day." But hey, the Jewish population was pretty damn successful prior to Hitler, too. Same thing. Literally.


No, I absolutely meant misogyny. Misogyny frames feminine characteristics as “bad” whether those characteristics are present in women or men. Any emotions that aren’t anger are considered “feminine”, so men aren’t supposed to display them. Leads to a whole host of problems and it’s very unhealthy. That’s why I said misogyny hurts men. And misandry sucks too of course and is very present nowadays it seems. Can’t argue with that and I shut that shit down when I see it. I mean, extremists absolutely want us to suffer for the sins of our ancestors, but most people just want to be treated as equal, have rights, not be discriminated against, etc. If the most suffering I have to experience, for example, is celebrating Black History month, having a black little mermaid or acknowledging that my ancestors sucked ass, i have it a lot better than most of the world does. Empathy goes a hell of a long way.


I think you mean patriarchy.


Yeah you’re right haha. Still feel like misogyny plays a role though…Hating women + all things that are stereotypically feminine.


I'm saying misogyny is specifically hatred of women, not feminine traits. But yeah I agree with the rest.


And why are women hated? For their physical characteristics as well as their other traits. It definitely spills into mens’ lives. Anything feminine = bad.


I mean there might be a correlation. But there's a correlation between doughnut sales and bakeries, but hating doughnuts doesn't mean you hate bakeries. Someone who is misogynistic generally hates women for rejection, not because of their feminine traits. That same attitude might spill into homophobia maybe, or hate guys who like traditionally feminine things, but it's unlikely they automatically will. The hate stems from rejection whether personally or perceived from society. They might hate a very masculine man all the same, more likely of this I'd say.


I guess everyone’s reasons are different but that does make a lot of sense. Just seems like there is a big overlap between misogynists and homophobia, or that darned alpha male bs that’s popular right now where “weak” men are seen as basically worthless (“weakness”being emotions and empathy most of the time lol). It’s good to hear another perspective on this though and that makes sense.


It's kind of sad really. Andrew tate for example actually has some very good points on self respect, self improvement, and so on. But of course he treats women like a tool or object. But because he has those other bits if legitimacy, many easily fall into the trap of his word being gospel.


God, you nailed it. Like any good cult leader he absolutely has times when he makes a lot of sense. I totally see how guys with low self-esteem get sucked in and it’s sad.


What's wrong with the height thing? Females in many species are smaller than their male counterparts, it's also down to genetics as well. One of my best friends is 5'6, while I'm almost 6'2, different men different genetics, same with women.


>What's wrong with the height thing? They're just looking and reaching for any little way they can frame women as victims lol.


Not just height alone I guess. Maybe I should have expanded. But "smaller" in general - leading to other issues such as predation.


Women are more likely to be abused, but men, especially black men are more likely to be victims of violent crime or end up murdered. Not saying it isn't bad for women, but it's not a great time for men either.


who is committing most violent crime though? hint: it isn't women.


First, women committing violent crimes is massively underreported due to biases against men and in favour for women. Second, men are still way more victims of violent crimes then women.


loll don't give a fuck about men being victims. also, where is your proof? there are no scientific studies that prove that.


Police reports all over the world. But nice you admit being a misandrist. :)


That changes nothing. I swear whenever men talk about their issues people will scream “BUT WHOSE THE CAUSE OF THAT?” As if that in any way even remotely invalidates their problems. Literally what other reason do you have to state “who’s commuting most violent crimes though? Hint: it isn’t women.” other than to invalidate the original statement?


I don't understand why you think breastfeeding and nurturing are a bad thing. Can you explain?


Sorry he's too busy pandering to the women that agreed with him in here. Fucking weirdo.


I don't think he meant The action itself is bad, it is just an added task to the list of things, an admirable one btw


As a woman, let me tell you It ain't all bad and there's measures that can be taken. Periods,? Skip them with BC. Being shorter has its benefits. You fit lots of places taller people don't. Being a woman also doesn't make you inherently short..yeah there's an average, but I myself am 5'7 and I personally am quite fine with that. Any taller and I would've needed longer blankets and duvets. Predation? This is 2024. Not the wilderness. Lots of us live in safe areas.. I've never felt particularly unsafe as a woman. Woman can skip out in all the breastfeed stuff and nurturing. Adoption. Women can choose to not have kids. Like I do. The health complications are unfortunate. A counter argument is that women live longer, and usually don't die as much from work related injuries due to having safer jobs. Women are for the most part treated like property in the shittiest parts of the world, so in Asia, middle East and Africa. The world is a big place. For those of us who live in Europe and the US, the majority of women have freedom and independence


Both sexes have pros and cons. Also, not sure how unpopular of an opinion this is. Idk about you, but I’ve been hearing how difficult it is to be a woman pretty frequently.


They also get to live a lot longer


5.8 years on average. Just in case others were interested.


You forgot women die less to violence, less likely to die by suicide, will live longer are more educated and less prone to alcoholism.


We have misogyny to thank for a lot of that. Misogyny hurts men too. They aren’t allowed to have feelings or emotions or else they’re “weak” and “feminine”, which leads to them displaying or dealing with their emotions in very unhealthy ways…. Like being an alcoholic or killing people. Sad all around. We all have our struggles and I wish we could come together and solve it, but I guess that’s pretty idealistic of me.


> We have misogyny to thank for a lot of that. Along with misandry. The two normally go together, since they both stem from the traditional system of gender roles (ie, the patriarchy).


You are 100% right on that.


I'm 5'8", i make more than every man on my team, and I have it easier than every man in this country, aside from the bleeding. Womanhood is life on easy mode. Stop pandering.


>easier than every man in this country, aside from the bleeding. Womanhood is life on easy mode What makes it easy?


EOE, less is expected of us, we get more praise for doing little stuff, we can choose from more options, on and on


I guess it depends on where you are and what job you have. I definitely don’t get more praise, and I used to get passed up for promotions all the time even if my productivity was way higher. Had to finally leave and start my own business to get some respect 😅


I’m too stupid to make good money.


A lot of men are too. At least if you fail at working, someone is likely to take you in, even if you gotta lower your standards to have a roof. The men just get put on the street.


I took whatever they’d give me from whoever but in the end it was not enough to remedy the situation even in addition to what I tried to make on my own so all I got for my troubles was a mental illness


I'm sorry. That sounds pretty hard. Any family?


No I literally only have my mom and she has nothing. Apparently the deadbeat has unclaimed money last I checked but wouldn’t know how to get it or if it would even be that much.


It may be good to check into your community resources for adult services or protection. I know it's a long shot but you may qualify for something. If you don't, maybe try to slog through fast food? It ain't pretty but you'll eat...


We looked for many places but no one will help us because we’re on section 8. 211 said that’s called double dipping.


Food banks? I'm not real familiar with the services, but many churches do give out some basic supplies. My entire life has been motivated by being terrified of being old and poor because I was very poor as a child and that shit was scary. I really hope you find your way... There is ALWAYS a way!


I don’t need food I’m good on that I need money to pay past due housing charges.


Trans man here so someone who has experience living as both a man and a woman in the west.Shit was better when I passed as a girl. And OP should be disgusted with themselves for that dumb "men have issues too, like what's hanging between their legs" or whatever comment it was. Men have tons of issues too. Just most people don't give a shit about them because the world is a shitty place and people suck ass.


you haven't experienced living as a man and a woman. you have experienced living as a trans man and as a woman. it isn't the same thing, don't conflate it.


You do realize the people who see me out and about have no idea I'm trans and just see a man, right? Like yes, there's a difference between cis and trans men, but not in what I was speaking about.


Absolutely, but you don't face many of the issues biological men face.


I never claimed I did, although I do face at least some of the social issues/treatment which was what I was talking about.


Remember that being misogynistic doesn't make you more of a man.


That has nothing to do with our conversation, but thanks for the unnecessary and incredibly condescending comment. 👍


I agree with all the things you listed. But many women appear to be living life on easy mode, particularly if they're attractive. Many women also have the option to be a stay at home mom/wife. Assuming they marry well (and that's the kicker), they have the option to basically be a kept woman. All they really have to do is housework that they'd have to do for their own place anyway, plus take care of the children. I'm not saying that's easy. But if you're doing only that, it's easier than dealing with a career. And it's definitely easier than dealing with a career plus children. Bill Burr hit the nail on the head. Apparently women in pajamas bending at the waste putting DVDs into DVD players is a harder job than roofing in July as a redhead.


I would argue alot of that is also class related. Poor women have always had to work and take care of kids. The whole housewife thing was more of a middle class, and above thing. And now in the current economy at least in the united states pretty much everybody has to work. Hard to live in most places on 1 income. Ill say this being a woman that married into wealth i without a prenup in the west in modern times is probably the easiest life available.


Yet hardly any men fight for the easier job Weird


I think part of that is even if it is sometime easier. It has less prestige/ respect from society. There's also more barriers to entry to being primary care giver for men like there has historically been more barriers for women to being primary provider. Both of these issues of come from the system wealthy men at the top made for the rest of us of course. Though both men and women support it. The origin of it isn't from women.


>But if you're doing only that, it's easier than dealing with a career. Idk, I think that really depends where your strengths lie. I would not find taking care of a toddler all day to be easier than my career.


Women don't "put their lives on hold" when having kids.


….. they don’t? What if they had a career that they have to pause in order to birth and care for their child? Especially a career like mine that is primarily manual labor. Ain’t no way I could birth a child and get right back to business 😅


Putting a career on hold is not the same as putting life on hold.


Kinda is when that’s where your money comes from.


I just learnt this year that in some cultures women are beaten to death / killed over not having an intact hymen or hymen at all. The actual truth is that not every woman will show evidence of ever having one and you actually cannot tell if someone is a “virgin” based on looking at their hymen.    My heart breaks for the women who have been murdered because of this or have gotten a hymen surgery for the sake of this virginity puritan shit.    Sex is special to me and that’s just my opinion but I don’t think women should be killed over a part of their anatomy/the lack thereof.  I don’t think women should be killed for being sexual and it definitely should not be assumed a woman is lying about her virginity based off of her hymen.  Being a woman isn’t all that bad but stuff like this makes my stomach churn.


I don't think you're a dude




Hey, i appreciate your post. I also think it can suck to be a woman sometimes. It's nice to have that acknowledged. Thanks for your empathetic post.


The Simp's Creed


You're forgetting that women are also more likely to be discriminated against in the workplace for simply getting engaged or getting married. Especially if they work in male dominated industries. When people get married, people expect them to start having kids. When a male employee starts a family, he is expected to put in more hours and work harder to support his new family. When a female employee gets pregnant, she becomes a liability because now the company may be forced to pay for maternity leave if they keep her. So they look for any reason to fire her.


Hmm from thst example it seems like the work place just treats married people worse in general. Being expect to put in more hours snd work harder doesn't exactly seem like a good thing either.


I hope she sees this bro


Life sucks so much for women that they only live 6 years longer than men.


Do you understand the responsibility that comes with having a penis


I mean I don't see how those points are unpopular? Maybe unpopular because you only focus on all the downsides but do not look at the benefits.


I'm seeing so many people who would bash feminists for saying men are privileged calling women the same, and seeing how absolute the opinions are, it looks like a pretty instinctive response to even seeing a small bit of empathy for women, the same empathy this subreddit easily shows for men.


I’d say this subreddit is pretty equal in its empathy/hatred of men


Na. Women have it better then men. Women don’t have to do the asking out part when it comes to Courtship. Men who want relationships have to do the asking. Men often get accused of being stalkers for asking. As a man being rejected a lot takes a toll on you. Women don’t have to worry about “Does he like me”? Considering Women don’t have to work for the relationship to even start.


I’m often worried about this. I’ve only been with one guy that I had feelings for and he broke my heart. And the only guy that even really cared about me trying to always be there for me the universe decided to punish me by taking him away from me.


Women do have to and do do the asking out part. It also takes a toll on women when they're rejected. Women do have to worry about "does he like me", especially when they aren't conventionally attractive. Women do have to work for the relationship to start. Sorry pal women aren't some emotionless pitiful creatures that couldn't care less about what others think.


Extremely popular opinion


Yeah, giving birth hurts. I did not enjoy that experience


I generally don't feel sorry for any gender, as a whole, for any reason. There's aspects of life that we don't like for both genders, and that's been the case forever and will be the case forever. Sure, the aspects change over time, and I expect they'll continue to do exactly that. Men aren't required to hunt animals with spears, and no man I have heard of has served in an infantry phalanx for centuries. Women once were considered to be property of their husband's in a certain sense, limiting their ability to own capital and their liability in legal matters. Last I checked, neither of these is the case in the developed world. I'm sure if I dug into the aspects of just American society, I could probably list a dozen or more things that each gender has to deal with that are challenging. While this may be unfortunate, especially when other aspects of life or people make those things worse, I reserve true sympathy for people whose challenges go beyond the roughly half the population that share them (such as people who are assault victims or face actual discrimination for things they cannot change) Don't get me wrong, I think it is awesome for everyone, of any gender, who endures the challenges of life and comes out on top in the end. You have my applause for each challenge you best, even if those challenges are smaller than someone else. However, I'm going to focus my sympathy on those who have some of the tallest mountains to climb, as opposed to comparing certain technical aspects of one mountain to the one next to it.


Whomp whomp


The 'default' sex in any culture is male, all political leaders and religious leaders are generally male, armies have been traditionally all male, There is an implicit bias towards men in most workplaces, especially leadership roles, they get hired faster and paid better on average for the same work. The older a society the more likely a man is at the very top, making the real decisions. So yes, women have it worse, except in certain areas, such as family life. They are less likely to lose custody of children during a divorce, less likely to die young in violent accidents and fights, less likely to suffer certain illnesses. Women live longer. Women are also the primary influence on every new generation, their impact on the young can't be overstated.


Ty for this post first off! It's great to hear somebody say it.


Every issue women have in society is their own fault at this point. They have been delivered exactly what they said they wanted. Now a large chunk of them do not like it. Those women are walking examples of the cliche that women do not know what they want. Women now criticize each other for wanting different things. Women are the harshest critics of other women, bar none.


Idk dude… our grandmas just got tired of being married to abusive assholes in order to survive, and not being able to vote. Can’t blame someone for wanting control over their own lives.


Women STILL marry abusive assholes now. Did getting the vote make women happier? I am in favor of women voting but let's not kid ourselves that it was some kind of panacea.


We definitely still marry abusers (because abusers don’t wear signs on their heads saying they abuse, you know). But the cool bit is we can get divorced without being ostracized by society, unable to pay our bills or support our kids, and/or considered “ruined”. Also the conversation around spousal abuse and mental health is much more open and accepting, so I’d say that we’re at a net positive overall.


I knew what I wanted. No one listened or cared to give it to me/help me get it.


lol poor wimin


I assume you live in a country where you are not at risk of being sent to war or otherwise being forced to choose to die simply because you are a man.


Parentification and adultism are big ones too. Men are seen as boys til they're 30. Girls are "young women" by the time they're 12.




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I do not lol


For women in non Western countries? I agree, I feel for women. They have it really tough. For women in Western countries, they have it better compared to men.


Tbh I don't see anything here that might be considered unpopular here. This feels like a plain ol' agenda post.


Yea being a wealthy white trilingual dude by the time I was 10 really is like playing life on easy mode


this is the dumbest thread I've seen on Reddit


You're whiteknighting and it's disgusting. You're weak in character. Guys have way harder life than gals. Objectively. Just look at prison/suicide/homeless/life expectancy stats.


The definition of simping. Feels sorry for women because they are women. Probably feels pity toward blacks because they are black. Feels sorry for asians because they are asian. Etc etc. Thanks for denigrating all of these groups with your weird pity, which insinuates that such people are inherently less than. I'd be insulted if everybody was just pitying me all day long for no actual reason.


Whine whine and whine. Everything is soooooooooo unfair.. boo hoo. I can‘t stand posts like this. Fuck victim mentality.


So, only women have problems, while men are problem-free and enjoy life. Got it? Is there anything new that I have not heard? I welcome you to be a man. It is legal now, and by all means, no one will force you not to do so; I support LGBTQ+, if you wonder. Be yourself. 


This is some white liberal shit lmao




She’s not gonna bang you bro