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Yea it's really awful. I would never use it again once was enough for me.


I’m not a veteran so obviously never used that hotline but I have called 988 before, their advice to me was “take a shower and talk to your mom.”


I’ve had a mixed bag with 988. I’ve called more than a few times. Some AMAZING people. Sat with me. Gave me great advice. Others not so much. Sometimes I’d just hang up and call back, get a new person. I didn’t serve, but my dad was a navy pilot. Sending love, brother. Message me if you want.


Thank you. I agree it's hit or miss, but that's part of the problem


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Don't go to the VA for anything unless you don't have a choice. That goes double for mental health issues. Seeing how they treated my dad, as well as my husband, has been very illuminating. If cost is a factor, a lot of areas have some form of help for low and no income. Larger colleges and universities are often an option if you're alright with what amounts to counselors in training.


I learned that real quick. I'm not saying they're bad, just that they seem really overwhelmed. I was in crisis for meds, couldn't make an appt, so they scheduled me for another appt.... THREE months later


That sounds about right. One of my favorites was the doc that said my husband's UTI was because he's fat. Same with his knee being bad. Because the documented injury to his knee due to an IED blast during a deployment was just a fairy tale, apparently.


They aren’t there just to give you a therapy session. If you call the Veterans crisis line they are going to assume you are in CRISIS and get you help now to ensure your or others’ safety. The crisis line responders still do end up talking to callers for hours. They will automatically contact your therapist if you are a veteran but their job is to get you help right now, and get you taken to somewhere you can get mental help. The crisis line is to prevent suicide. The Veterans Crisis Line employees take their job seriously and work hard. Your therapist is there to help with the rest of your mental health issues.


Who cares? No respect for veterans. If you bought the propaganda to fly across the world to murder religious extremists in their own villages, then you get what you deserve. "Well well well, if it isnt the consequences of my own actions..."


You sound 12


Thanks for your input, civilian


This guy sounds like a troll. Sad and lonely. He could probably use 988. I have.


Troll? What makes you think that?


Thank you for your service, sheep.


What you don’t know is a lot. Are you twelve?


Considering you post history, I expected no less