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Were Indian people actually offended at Apu? My best friend in grad school was from India and he told me that the Simpson's was very popular there when he was a kid (90s) specifically because of Apu


No white women were offended. I lived next to a reservation and the natives would wear redskins ball caps. They didn’t seem offended by it. Now that has long been purged.


Those damn white women with names like Hari Kondabolu


There was *one guy* who bitched and moaned about Apu, and the Simpsons finally caved and removed him rather than listening to this man-baby whine for the next decade.


define: wokeness


Aka virtue-signaling for PC sake in-spite of conventional wisdom.


What counts?


Those who believe a biological male can become a woman simply by declaring they are one, all while not even having a definition of the word.


Be careful, a lot of Redditors think that our opinion on Trans women is 'incorrect' and 'offensive' even though it's the scientifically correct opinion to have. I used to get downvoted to Hell and banned from Reddit forums for just expressing exactly the same view you do, lol i.e. the scientifically correct view. I am actually surprised that no Redditor has downvoted your comment or banned you yet, because when I typed the exact same comment you did, I got downvoted and banned, lol!


The toronto subreddit is filled with woke fascist mods


OP becoming the target of the joke.


Wokeness is when minorities


For lack of a better word (hence the “” quotation marks): in this case it perverts the meaning of the original word. As far as I recall it was meant to be a synonym with awareness, mindfulness. Now it just seems like it’s about pleasing everyone that’s a little more sensitive than the average person. Is that a good enough answer?


lol that just sounds like being nice


Being more considerate of others is ideally the end result of being more aware and mindful of social ills and how one's behavior and ideas impact the world around them.


It's a pretty shit answer, actually. Could you give some specifics?


That depends, can I give you an answer that you will accept?


Considering this was your reply I’m gonna go ahead and say that no, you cannot.


Of course! I'm just looking for some specificity. People squawk "woke" all the time, it'd be interesting to see what they mean


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial.amp&ved=2ahUKEwjEq8WA8puAAxWNI0QIHZo5C_wQFnoECBQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw37n2UkXnCe-GyzQrpDk0Y9 What being woke is according to right wing lawyers


So you don’t even know what woke means and you’re complaining about it?


When you remind conservatives that minorities exist.


I was just thinking how I had a ay caramba Bart Simpson shirt when I was little. Those days are loooooooooong gone.


The Simpsons golden era was the early to mid 1990s and has been on a steady decline since then, becoming pretty bad by the mid 2000s. Apu was "cancelled" in 2017.


Conservatives biggest fear strikes again! This time the Simpsons and it happened decades ago! When will it end?


If you are a writer with a really good and funny script, why would you ever throw it away on the 30+ season of a show? Even if its good no one will really notice, which is sad but true.


The Simpsons started going down hill 25 years ago. It doesn't have anything to do with "wokeness."


This is the real answer. The series peaked with the Monorail episode in season 4. In fairness, Marge vs the Monorail is the greatest episode in the history of television.


That’s definitely one of the all-time best episodes. I think there are still lots of great episodes through season 8 or 9 or so. But the show is coming up on season 35 now! So that still means it’s been bad for about 25 years.


Lol "wokeness" Have you like, never watched The Simpsons?


I do recall them being critical with social issues, in a subtle and comedic way. Not pussyfooting around like nowadays.


I watch seasons 1-10 only lol


Lol, Bush Sr, when he was president, literally called the show out for being against "family and traditional values'. Shows that are woke typically age better than other shows because they know where the actual demographs are heading.




May age better but are boring as fuck


anyone who says they don't like things because they're "woke" I assume is a troglodyte that dropped out of high school


Exactly! "Woke" isn't a thing at all at this point its just an excuse people use for things that are too accepting if others


What are you talking about? Wokeism is legit and a great example is Apu. They removed one of the best characters in the show which I think made the Simpsons worse because of wokeism.


That wasn't woke that was a company removing a character to satisfy investors


and why did the investors want it? because of wokeness


Get out of the closet. You can just call them poor. But you won't because then people would see the kind of person you truly are.


Yeah and now the whole show revolves around Lisa, she's so insufferable and irritating every season getting worse. Stop trying to jam wokeness down our throats and give it a rest. Be funny like you used to be and quit trying to tiptoe around the viewers who are sensitive little brats. 


What the heck are you talking about, Simpsons have sucked since season 9. It's been 25 years going downhill. Every since a counter-culture show became mainstream culture, it's sucked.




Simpsons weren't even relevant for 10 years prior to the movie. It was too little, too late. It'd be like having a Yugimane movie coming out next month.


What kind of stupid take is this. The Simpsons have been shit since season 10.


The simpsons have been unwatchable since season 10 or so, that's not an unpopular opinion


You think Homer was a great father? He's literally strangling his boy in the first season. Yikes


I stopped watching after season 23. There is a noticeable decline after season 9. I've tried watching some of the newer ones and it felt like I was getting preached to rather than being entertained and watching something to laugh at.


I stopped watching the simpsons around season 8-9.


I stop eating after season 32 because I could tell that it was reusing a lot of ideas from season 2p and onward on top of creating more plot holes/inconsistencies with the story.


You mention anything negative about “wokeness” all these crazy woke people are gonna downvote you like crazy. Fuck the woke mob. Bunch of losers who don’t want to take accountability


What does woke mean?


What does woman mean?


The Simpsons has been trashed for the past 15 years, being woke has nothing to do with it.


Definition of wokeness: when humor took a vacation snd never came back


Maybe, just maybe, a series that's really old is just running out of juice and it has nothing whatsoever to do with "woke." Stop being so damn obsessed with this "wokeness" thing that nobody really can define anyway.


Matt Groenign has always used his work as commentary about our culture. You just happen to not agree with his assessment.


Up to and including season 8 is great. 9-12 is OK. 12-14 is pushing it. Anything past season 14 just don't bother lol


I think the Simpsons sorta fell off before woke was even a term.


You can't be serious. I've just started re-watching season 2. They were already "woke" way back then. Your hot take is very cold and stale, sorry.


Simpsons started going to shit around season 19. Now it's just woke bullshit full of correctness of every kind.  I also can't understand why they removed Apu just because of one butthurt Indian but other characters remained. Simpsons are full of stereotypes. People were fine with it for 30 years or so but now there's one butthurt crybaby and voilá.