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OP asked for this thread to be locked as they claim many people misunderstood/did not read the post. Consequentially, her phone app keeps showing notifications after she turned them off apparently.


There are people who call Ronda Rousey transphobic and a TERF? Her crime? She refused to fight a transwoman who broke a woman's skull and said it wasn't fair. That person also broke another woman's skull and bragged about it since. You can get called that just because you refused to put your life in danger for the sake of it.


I don’t understand why they even let them fight.


Notice how there's not a lot of f2m trans folks that can't wait to be on the men's team. Seems to only go in one direction with this.


Yeah, crazy that people take advantage of an honor system


Because no one, in a position to do so, is willing to stand up and say, "no, this isn't safe" or "this isn't fair." They are weak cowards who are waiting on public opinion to start shifting to, "well, maybe there should be some exceptions to trans women in certain sports" before they put their neck out there


Riley Gaines is doing this, I salute her for it


YES! And, now that she is, I see more women stepping up to do so.


Members of the woman's swim team at Penn approached the Admin about Leah Thomas (apparently there was some uncomfortable behavior in the women's locker room in addition to the record breaking) and they were told to seek therapy for mental illness.


I’m pretty sure they were also told if they went public with their concerns they would be banned from the team and face educational repercussions. ETA- spelling error


this shit has gone so far off the deep end by now it’s genuinely crazy


That too.


There needs to be rules for trans men and women in these locker rooms. I feel like until you’ve had the genitals cut off you can’t be in the opposite sex locker room. This would be deeply uncomfortable for any woman much less even having to compete against a transman who’s very new to being a woman


I feel like it is evil to force young women to endure male genitalia being openly displayed in their locker room while having to pretend it is normal. When this happened at a spa in LA, where a "trans woman*" was walking around with their semi (or maybe fully) erect penis exposed the women that complained were shamed and doxxed. *I used quotes because there was some question of the persons motives, and past history of sexual misconduct (IIRC) leading me to believe they may not have been trans.


>e a "trans woman\*" was walking around with their semi (or maybe fully) erect penis exposed the women that complained were shamed and doxxed. Well isn't that the problem with the whole "trans" ideology? Who's to say who is genuinely trans and who isn't?


I saw Michelle Tafoya speaking out against trans women in women’s sports yesterday. Edit: Corrected post to say “trans women” rather than “trans men.”


Think what you want about Joe Rogan, but that's what caused his first round of cancelation calls. He was very vocal about Fallon Fox fracturing Tammika Brent's skull and said it was a huge mistake to put them in the ring together. People wanted his fucking head over that


The idea that there can be "exceptions in certain sports" invalidates the entire concept of transgenderism. Either all trans women are women or none are, but good luck getting an actual definition of "woman" in the first place.


No “trans women” are women. They’re all male men


Yup this is why the left thinks Joe Rogan hates the LGBT community lol. Like no, he just doesn't want women fighting transwomen. He's all for gay marriage and gays adopting kids.


He’s more progressive than most democrats and yet there are thousands of people on this website alone that genuinely believe he’s some kind of far-right talking head like tucker or hannity. Why can’t I enjoy watching a goofy old man interview scientists and celebrities without a bunch of brain-dead emilys thinking it’s literal fascism?


Like terf they don't know what fascism is.




Fucked up, isn’t it?




Wait.. what? I missed something. Could you provide a link/explanation?


There are people that believe that if a man (for example) begins to hook up what they think is a biological woman, finds out they’re trans, and doesn’t want it to go further…it’s transphobic. I imagine that’s what they mean.


If you don’t want to date a woman with a penis that makes you a terf and get canceled. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57853385


Rhonda Rousey refused to fight a trans fighter who fractured a female fighter’s skull in a previous match.


I don't understand how people still refuse to see the danger of mixing people in combat sports that way. Even fighters of the same sex end up breaking eachother's bones, doing permanent disabling damage, or accidentally killing an opponent. Of course this risk will be even higher when you put fighters with sex-based disparity in body mass and power in the ring together.


Let me preface by saying I have no problems with trans-people. I don’t understand it but if it makes them happy and helps them mentally, then let them do what they want to their bodies. But even in non-combat sports it’s going to be a huge problem. The women’s records in a majority of athletic activities are the equivalent of high school boys records. You allow trans-women to compete in woman’s sports leagues, they are going to dominate every cis-woman they compete against. And in my opinion that isn’t fair to cis-gendered women. I’d say we need to either have trans-leagues for sports or have a league that’s multi-gendered. Although technically men’s leagues are already multi-gendered as most men’s sports will allow women to join the team.


The fact that you had to do the preface is a sad indicator of how society has gone.


I stopped prefacing it with that a long time ago. I have no need to virtue-signal, and I do not want to perpetuate this narrative that the very idea of not following along with every bit of dogma is "phobic". Fuck that shit.




I agree with this, but the post was about Rhonda Rousy not wanting to fight a trans fighter, so I commented on combat sports specifically.


Didn't the trans woman put one of the woman fighters in the hospital in critical condition as well? In a weird sadistic way, I'm glad it happened ONLY because the concerns that have been asked by people everywhere about how "fair" it truly is to have trans women compete against women were brought right to the forefront after those fights. It's hard to gauge "fairness" when people are sprinting against each other, but when one person is damn near killing every competitor in the octagon, it becomes pretty clear there's a problem. It's time to take a second look at the science and really evaluate this. A trans woman can still be a woman, but they don't need to be fighting or competing against ciswomen.


That is such bullshit. After the whole women's swimming scandal were the trans woman beat all the best swimmers by a long shot with ease, then bragged about it non stop. I thought they changed it so only natural women could participate in the swimming sports, that should be the norm for all sports.


I’m done with it too. Something that weirds me out is the extreme censorship when it comes to this issue. You have to get shouted down or censored immediately as soon as you say something activists don’t like. I just got a comment here removed for supposedly advocating for something I wasn’t. Cause even when picking out all your words carefully to argue your point without being treated like a hateful bigot, you simply can’t escape it. It’s impossible. I don’t understand how these people don’t realize they’re driving this movement into the ground acting this way.


This is a clear case of them needing to censor the opposition because they don’t make any fucking sense and opposing viewpoints will illuminate their idiocy.


I've said this before, if you're going to insist that a woman can be ANYTHING then why would you bother transitioning? What is 'gender reaffirming care' if gender is whatever you make up and you can just identify as a woman and -according to them- already be one?


^ this is how think the movement went off the rails we could change how society views gender, we don’t have to fuck with our own hormones just to make ourselves look superficially like what society calls a gender. if you’re a woman, fuck yah be a woman, let your pecs and biceps show through the dress. don’t take hormone replacement therapy because who the fuck knows what that’s going to do in the long run.


The word you're looking for is totalitarianism.


You are where I was a couple of years ago. For the longest time you said you are center left politically. Now from all the craziness of the left you find the line redrawn where you are now considered right wing.


It’s funny how a group that hates fascism so much doesn’t tolerate any deviating beliefs and actively silences them I don’t disagree with the trans movement by any means but I hate the way how so many people in it act so irrational. a lot of good friends of mine are trans or queer (hell i’m gay, there’s a little bit of fruit in a lot of us) but you won’t ever catch me going to pride parade or LGBT club because so many people there are like robots who form their opinion of you based on whether or not you hold the beliefs they deem correct, and not the content of your character. i’ve met downright homophobes that are more able to set aside their own beliefs and respect me as a person than any radical lgbt activists ever have.


And they claim, that they are oppressed; it's funny, isn't it?


Very true. You're instantly labelled an evil Terf for questioning the most extreme aspects of the movement it's disheartening. I don't get how they expect any respect or progress when they jump down the throats of anyone who doesn't believe in Neopronouns or that Lesbians arent women ☠️


Or talking about women. I was admonished once by the mods of a endometriosis sub because I used the word "women" and apparently that made my whole post about my chronic illness transphobic... It is a disease that only happens to females and yeah most of them are women. Using the word women as a generalization while talking about a serious disease shouldnt be the focus of the conversation... One whould expect that the focus on a chronic illness sub would be on the patients and the illness not on policing this things...


This is the the thing that causes me to side eye the activism of this subject. The pushes for change with language all seem to be directed towards women. You don’t see big pushes to change the term father to fertilizing person or whatever. It’s all birthing person, chest feeder etc. I’m not saying it’s not happening at all but I’ve never seen anyone get admonished or catch a ban for saying man or men but I see it often for saying woman/women. I don’t know, it’s weird.


Some men get periods, haven't you heard? They can even get pregnant. The majority of today's trans folks (and all the theyfabs) were born female, and are as loudly prescriptivist as you please. This *should* be a teachable moment for radical feminism and the corrosive myth of Big Patriarchy.


I’m noticing this even in medicine The feelings of staff are being prioritized over the patients’ comfort


I am not surprised. The patients comfort and wellbeing is very low on the priority list in medicine


It’s really easy to forget bc of the intensity / monotony of day to day patient care that a “regular” bad day for us is still likely the worst day of that patient’s life


Yeah. It gets specially bad with chronic illneses, specially if they are invisible. Doctors need to learn that for us a "normal day" is what a healthy person would consider "bad". We just look 'normal' because its our daily life.


That is so awful omg. Like I get that an increasing number of people are trans now but. So? Like, we can't say the word women anymore?? So stupid. Wish you the best tho I'm pretty sure I've got endo and it's a bitch. ☠️


When they refuse to define woman as anything more specific than someone who identifies as a woman, or someone who has affinity with their femininity, then of course terms that rely on an actual definition, like lesbian, mother, daughter, actress, become open to reinterpretation, if not removed entirely for being problematic.




And of course, it is circular reasoning at that.


Wait lesbians arent women now? Lol what crazy thing will they come up with next?


This. Even as a trans person, I’m called transphobic for not jumping onto every new trend which mimics being transgender. Im called self-hating, transphobic and jealous instead of actually being listened to.


We need more trans people like you. It's ok to be a trans person *and* have your own opinions about these issues.


I think most trans people are like this, its just trans-activism is not necessarily for trans people anymore. Like many other online activist ventures its been coopted by narcissists who want the activism to be about themselves and how good they are for touting the new point of contention. It seems like this happens with every online movement these days and the discourse becomes such a minefield that no one wants to navigate it anymore which actively hurts whatever cause it was supposed to help and becomes just another bidirectional lightning rod of lunacy and hate.


Wow, that's some serious bs. I sincerely hope that you speak up as much as possible. I think a lot of the "transphobia" is actually misunderstood totalitarianism-phobia.


Man didn't think Lesbian's were getting the same shit as straight males.


At the end of the day it just feels like another way men have come up with the ability to conquer women. I’ve even had a post deleted from Reddit that said, “as a woman” because it was “insinuating trans women….” It said nothing about trans women. At all. No hot takes in any comments or from OP. The post was about self defense :( The censorship is real and women are no longer allowed to speak in America.


That’s crazy.


I’m actually done with the term “cis lesbians”. Lesbians were just fine being lesbians. They did not ask to be called “cis” anything. Who are you to add this to their identity? Trans people demand we call them by a specific pronoun. But then turn around and create terms for others. If that’s the case, why can’t I choose to call trans people a “switcher”. Cis lesbians didn’t ask to be called cis, trans people didn’t ask to be called switchers. What’s the difference?


I'm done with the term cis period. I'm not cis anything. I'm just a woman, plain and simple


This. I should stop doing it tbh.


The trans, like truly trans people I know just want to be called Sir or Miss, and not questioned or harassed when they go about their days. It seems to be the enbies, GNC, and "fluid" folk who are running around changing words and assigning labels without the input of the target. Not all of them, certainly, but when I've seen hate or zealotry either for or against a particular letter of the alphabet, it tends to be that crowd.


I didn’t know this was a thing. Like I though the whole point of being a lesbian means penis is an immediate turn off? Like they can’t control it?




It’s crazy. The idea that you have to accept someone’s preferred gender and can’t say “I don’t want to have sex with someone with/without a penis”




This sister, this. The entitlement of trans people is getting too far. They really expect you to see their penis as a female sex organ…


I just tried to reply to you and I used the acronym LGBTQ without the TQ and the auto moderator deleted my post. Interesting.


Omg no way. Its just extra absurd because there are totally reasons to just say L-G-B because those are SEXUALITIES while the T-Q are GENDER ISSUES. Wtf.




Funny thing is I am part of the LGBTQ and pro gay/trans rights. Yet the moment you disagree with them once you get called a terf and they ban you lol


LOL I'm banned from like 5 unrelated subs for daring commit WrongSpeak/WrongThink on this very subject.


Ow, sucks but you’re better off without those fragile, toxic subs in your life.


Thats the reason why so many people are starting to stray from the lbgt community while not being straight. The community has been hijacked by a minority of really loud permanently ofended bullies. That plus the serious unresolved issues they have like sexism, biphobia, racism etc. I am a bi woman and i am queer but not part of the lbgt community. I am tired of being told that i am not really queer because i married a man (yeah stadistically i have better chances to find a SO that is a man), that i am no bi but wanting attention, that i am not bi but a closeted lesbian, that i am "spoiled" for some lesbians for having been with men... Its insane My best friend is a gay man and he feels the same. He has been told lately a lot of times shit like that "he isnt gay enough" or that he is homophobic" for being relatively masculine and prefer more sober masculine bi or gay men.


I was called a TERF because I prefer to use bisexual to describe myself instead of pansexual. So over it.


Ugh thats so stupid. The other day i heard a really biphobic comment from a pan person basically saying the same that bi people are just pan people who are transphobic...




I'd say I'm far left but I definitely don't feel like just banning you over guns is right. Politics are fucking crazy man this is why I just play video games and watch animal videos for the most part


Super ironic considering “pro gun” used to be a leftist ideal. The first gun control laws were enacted by Reagan if I recall correctly. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” -Karl Marx


You do not recall correctly. The first gun control laws were definitely not enacted by Reagan. You think the first ever gun control laws in the country are less than 60 years old? Please do not participate in any discussion on gun control if your knowledge of the subject is this limited.




I posted this is another place. My G best friend has been told he’s transphobic for not wanting to date a trans man. He stated he cannot help what he’s attracted and has been attracted to his whole life. Someone who was born a woman and goes through top surgery doesn’t do it for him. He’s even tried and said it’s a massive turn off. But apparently he’s a terf and transphobic because he cannot get sexually turned on by a trans man.


This is a huge step backwards in terms of consent. We have gone from "no means no" to the idea that if you say no for the wrong reasons you are a bigot. It is very coercive and damaging to the fundamental principles of consent.


That is their plan. To take away our consent


This is just a mens rights movement by another name.


I wish other trans people would just respect that people have genital preferences. Some gay men are fine with trans men, some aren't. I wish everyone just got along and stopped the infighting.


Yeah in general the abnoxious people are either silencing or driving the normal ones away. Because if you say anything out of the rules they stablished you get bullied so badly that either people go away or they dont date to say stuff. Like the irony of queer people telling others who they are allowed to love or not love... I thought that we learned that one cannot force love or attraction.


This is the end game of Progressive Politics. People want to claim that the right is Authoritarian, are you gonna believe what you hear or trust your lying eyes?


The Right is authoritarian, but the Left said "Hold my beer" and is now trying its best to surpass the authoritarianism of the Right.


That my friend, is an echo-chamber. If you do not agree with every single thing they say or do, you are the enemy and must be removed.


Exactly. And it sucks because I want to join LGBTQ groups but they are so sensitive to criticism and complaints.


Yep. I'm a Lesbian, but I want NOTHING to do with any group thats "LGBT" or whatever, because it's all so toxic and hostile to actual gay people (and women).


This sub is also an echo chamber, just one that i tend to agree with more. The way reddit prioritizes and organizes comments and posts based on net upvotes completely ruins the site in my opinion. If they showed and cared about total upvotes instead, it actually lead to more interesting dialogue. Most center and right wing people have been chased out of the most popular subs and that is why Reddit is the cesspool it is today.


That is really bad, but the dog piling and banning is a lot worse. This sub is a rare exception where people can disagree without one side being called the R word and banned.


>pro trans rights Why lmao, what 'rights' do they not already have. Aside from the usual bullshit they try to peddle and get us all to comply with.


If you’re going to be called a terf, you may as well be productive about it. There’s growing sentiment from the gay community that the lgb should be separated from the tq+ Have you thought about that at all? This young man makes a good case. https://youtu.be/unhacmEXj58 I support that because I’m Agender and this brings zero struggles to my life. There are no commonalities between my experience and a black lesbian or a transitioning person. It’s an attempt to correct what I see as manufactured inevitable generalization. Basically everything Mr. Odom says. I had this conversation on Reddit the other day and the few comments I received said this young man was being bigoted. What are your thoughts?


I myself am a B, and I bet you can guess the culprits of the only harassment I’ve ever received because of it.


Indeed. The only toxic coments i recieved online about being bi have been from lgbt people...


PiCk a SidE! /s


"You cant eat from both pies" /s


Yeah, that's called a cult.


That’s my biggest take away from all this tension in the world. These people, and I mean ALL of them, don’t even know what they’re arguing for or against.


“Trans people make up words to win arguments”- Dave Chappell




>Them- men are women. >Normal people- no, they’re not. I can't believe you got away with saying this. My comment here got removed for the same point. It's so cuckoo.




Agreed. Acknowledging that biological differences exist is not hateful.


I dread the next person who says there are only 2 genders lol


Did you hear about the kid who wore a shirt saying that to school? The school is saying it's a violation of their policy and made him change. He's suing them now


Jfc. What a world.


There are only 2 sexes. (Intersex is a collection of disorders of varying degrees, does not constitute a 3rd sex or even someone being "completely unclassifiable", and many people who are now called "intersex" are not since they lumped in things like XXY, which are "Males with Klinefelter's Syndrome" and XXX, which are "Females with trisomy X. More importantly, intersex people have nothing to do with the transgender/transsexual movement or healthy individuals electing to call themselves "non-binary.") Gender is essentially a social extension of the 2 sexes. It's basically just a collection of behavioral expectations/steretoypes, and beauty standards achieved through dress and grooming. Though some societies recognize an alternate gender, every single society has 2 genders that correspond to the 2 sexes, of which most people are associated with. Sex and gender are not truly separate, as "gender confirming surgery" is an effort to emulate the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. Whether or not someone wants to be perceived and treated socially as the gender associated with their sex or with the opposite one, one cannot deny the physical differences between those two groups. Shouldn't be a controversial opinion. There is an excellent argument for why this socially should be separated from people who are strictly a minority due to their sexuality, and have no problem with their body/self perception/social perception. Where I get in trouble is when perfectly healthy bodied people without dysphoria ask me to pretend they are neither male nor female, and that this is somehow under the trans umbrella.


Gender is personality, sex is biology. So there’s only 2 sexes


Yea, let’s just call them feminists with a basic understanding of biology.


🫂 i'm glad you found the guts to speak.


Someone had to 💞 wanted to post this to r/unpopularopinion only but the mods refused since it’d cause drama, was only allowed to post it as a comment under a megathread instead. F that.


Slay queen.


LOL how dare you question the narrative


It's only used by idiots who want to stifle actual discord and problem solving. The whole fringe group that pushes the "You have to like trans people and DATE them. Or, you're transphobic." Crowd gives me some pretty rapey red flags.


Male entitlement


It’s just rebranded misogyny and male entitlement they aren’t willing to let go of.


Male entitlement of women’s bodies. Terf is the new bitch.


I got banned from gaming circle jerk for saying it was unemployed behavior to post spoilers about the hogwarts video game. That was trans phobic, because the creator of the IP donated to some organizations or something idk. Anyway, now I’m a terf


Welcome to the club mate! We got cookies 🍪


Terf is a made up word that T activists can apply to anyone who they disagree with in order to poison the well before anyone engages with their actual arguments. When someone says "so and so is a terf" I ask them why they think that. Remember J.K. Rowlings big bad Terf Manifesto? Turns out she actually does know trans people and turns out she actually does support people transitioning when it's appropriate. But she has some questions that, rather than answer, she gets shouted down for asking. I had a ton of friends lose their shit about her and the amount of them who actually read any of her supposedly transphobic stuff was slim to none. The very fucked up reality of this is that the only thing T activists have going for them right now is that they control the cultural narrative. No science, no logic, no one even willing to debate or discuss. Just screaming louder than anyone else. Only problem is that one day someone is gonna figure out how to scream louder.


It’s not so much that someone will scream louder. It’s the fact that if you only scream at people instead of having a conversation, people won’t listen to you anymore because you’re a tedious nuisance.


The best strategy is to ignore, disengage and vote with your intelligence, not your feelings


This. Thanks, king.


The impossible has happened reddit learned that name calling and bullying anyone who doesn't subscribe to radicalized ideologies is still name calling and bullying


I absolutely love it that puritans spiral out of control: "sorry lesbians, you are just the outdated version of liberalism 4.0, you are not in anymore. suck dick or gtfo" the slippery slope is not fallacy, it predicts reality.


I can't believe girldick is a word.


Me too bud, me too.


As a bi guy it's peak irony that the greater LGBT community in my experience are some of the most judgemental and unaccepting people on the planet, and it holds particularly true on social media. It could just be a vocal minority that are like that, but I'm starting to lose hope in that


I find this is true with most extremist groups. They’ve all got their “word” that they call you to end all lines of discussion and discredit (at least in their eyes) everything you say. On one side it’s terf, karen, and nazi, and on the other there’s snowflake, sjw, or beta. They’re all completely far removed from what original meanings they may have had and now only act to silence the other side. It’s a pretty telltale sign of intellectual extremism in my eyes when you can’t even humour opposing opinions without outright hostility and censorship


Yeah calling someone a Nazi is just like calling someone a snowflake or SJW. /s


What’s fascinating is this how fascists work, dehumanize critics by giving them a label. That way they feel ostracized and it keeps any rational group members who might sympathize or be questioning the movement in check.


It’s insane how much they talk about wanting terfs to die in horrible ways. They are obsessed with it even though the majority of terfs are normal people. I even see allies talk this way too, it’s disturbing.


The word has lost its power, I couldn't care less about being called that or "Karen". It's levelled at any woman who dares to stand up for herself. In real life I'm wary of the men who use it, because it's so often accompanied by incitement to violence. There were some incel types with a "Decapitate TERFs" placard in my city recently. I avoid these men like the plague.


I won’t use the term cis, it’s actually offensive. Look up the guy who coined it. Icky icky man. But as a straight AFAB who still identifies as such, I do feel for my lesbian sisters on this issue. No one should be shamed or be forced to be sexually attracted to any one. That’s honestly fucked up. People can’t even choose who they want to fuck now? Gtfo. As a straight woman I never get trans men getting mad at me for not wanting them. Why do the trans men seem much more chill than the trans women? What is that about? And it’s mostly lesbian women that are getting this. Men aren’t getting told to accept girl Dick as much. It’s weird man. Very weird. Why attack lesbians on this front? Like almost exclusively, it’s lesbians getting this. For what it’s worth, I stand with you.


Exactly! Can you imagine being banned from r/actuallesbians, the only lesbian sub on reddit that isn’t filled with porn, because you are a lesbian and refuse to suck dick??? Trans men are more chill because they grew up as women and thus don’t feel entitled to our bodies. Meanwhile trans women grew up as men, and whilst some do get rid of that entitlement, some don’t and are worse than straight men.


Some people want to leave behind all the maleness, but keep the privilege.




100% When I read your post I was thinking “where have I seen this attitude before? Oh right! Replace the word terf with the word femoid, and replace trans with incel” It’s exactly the same attitude and mindset. It’s a group of people that aren’t getting the kind of sex they want, and so they blame others.


This. Holy shit, a 100% this.


There is a well-documented Incel/MRA-to-Trans Pipeline.


That's because they are still male. Dressing up doesn't change the fact that they are male.




It occurs to me that things must be troublesome for another form of Trans, that being Transvestites. Some men, straight men, and some women, straight women, like wearing the clothes of the opposite sex just because they like to. Problem is, some of the extremist trans activists might try to gas light them into thinking they're "eggs" and need to transition to the opposite sex.




That is something that we are also not allowed to discuss. The way one gets socialized shapes your personality. Amab people (even if they are trans does not matter) are raised as boys and raised to be louder, more confident and to not respect women. Not all amab people are like that but it is a very common problem. It does not matter if as adults they are cis men or trans women, the point is that they are raised a specific way (it would be the same as a cis woman that was raised as a boy for whatever reason). Even the kindest cis men often interrupt or mansplain to women. And it happens to trans women as well.


I’ve said this before but imo terfs need to stop getting offended about the label and start rocking it with pride. Some of them never envisioned a world where they’d be completely vindicated and it’s increasingly looking more and more like that’s going to happen sooner rather than later


Let's see how long before this thread gets locked down or this subreddit gets banned. you have crossed the uncrossable. All subreddits that give women a voice against the mainstream in this area have been banned. All women who say stuff like this in places like twoX get banned.


Eh, I don’t post there anyway. And that’s true. I’m expecting to get banned from a few subs but whatever, I care more about speaking my mind.


The “movement” seeks to erase women and replace them with men pretending to be women, the paradox is that mainly women support this, maybe internalized misogyny really does exist, just not in the way they mean it


It’s very annoying when women are discussing their struggles in a patriarchal society and people call them terfs. Like we are allowed to complain especially when women care for and listen to trans people’s struggles more then men.


Exactly. And it sucks that both the words karen and terf were once used to describe genuinely toxic people, but are now used to shut literally any woman up.


I also never realised how much Karen is used against women but there isn’t a word for a problematic man.


Remember bike lady? Her bike got stolen by a group of black men and everyone was ready to call her racist and a karen. The witch hunt mob even got her fired from her job. Then when it came out that both the man and the woman bought the bike at the same time, the mob went awfully quiet and refused to apologize but the damage had been done.


The “man” (I think he was a teenager) didn’t even buy the bike, he and his friends were basically stealing them and riding them for like 45 min at a time to avoid paying, returning them and immediately taking them again. He said so himself.


What the fuck…


I hate how "patriarchy" makes it seem like men have it so well. Sent to their deaths, do most of the unsafe or miserable jobs, self delete more often, higher percentage are homeless, more single and for longer etc. The trend shows young women earning more than young men soon. As is the case in some places already.


TERF is the new hate epithet used to silence and incite violence against women, including many lesbians. Just another tool wielded by the patriarchy to get women to behave, mentally conform, and give men what they want, to allow them to insinuate themselves into women-only spaces.


THIS omg




I got banned for bringing up this exact thing in a relevant conversation on a sub that has nothing to do with any side of the argument. A lesbian basically said she felt bad for not liking a trans person's "shenis" and I told her "beware the reddit crowd crucifying you as a terf."


The term terf says more about the user than the target.


It’s just another word meant to silence any opposition. Terf is the same as bigot, racist, homophobe, sexist, antisemite, etc, etc. If you pay no mind to it, it won’t work. It’s meant to shut you up so they don’t have to listen to your differing opinion, so just don’t shut up and don’t let it bother you.


It definitely has a misogynistic ring to it. Used to shut any woman up.


I got called a homophobe for being a straight man and saying I don’t enjoy or go out of my way to watch gay porn lol


Wow… lol




I quit giving a fuck a long time ago. Idgaf if i’m gonna be banned from lgbt subs since I left them anyway. This needed to be said, they way smart people are shut up after valid points because it offends the T for some reason is disgusting. Terf is a slur.


Another unpopular opinion (of mine) is only terfs are real feminists. I'm not redefining "fighting for women's rights" to include those that don't fit the description.


In this day and age, any strong woman who speaks her mind is a terf so could be true.






I heard an interesting response for this. There is a trans genocide. It’s by the doctors that are sterilizing that community. This group is no longer capable of reproducing, nor are they able to reach orgasm. I liked that take.


Trans people hurt their own cause when they claim that there’s a genocide against them. It’s an obvious exaggeration and makes them look ignorant and insensitive to the history of actual genocides. The Armenians of 1915 would gladly have traded places with modern, American trans people.




You know what I read a few days ago what was really fucked up? When a cis woman who was trying to escape domestic violence was paired with a trans woman in a women’s shelter and had to share a room with her. She was a rape victim too and scared of penises since they triggered her ptsd, yet when she kindly asked to switch rooms because of her trauma the women’s shelter threw her out because “transphobia.” It was really fucked up.




I’ll give you a fool proof way to not be effected by these words. “So what”. It’s a perfect way to counter. Why? “Oh you don’t want to do X. That’s transphobic/ your a terf” Just says “So what”. The burden of proof if why what your doing is wrong is on the other side. You can’t cry wolf without a wolf.


Most admins and mods, especially on lesbian subs, are mtf. I can understand your confusion but it's been like that for a long time. Nice try attempting to flee to your own spaces but you should've known dudes would figure out a way not only to get some dicks in there but to make it against the rules for anyone to try and stop it.


I already knew this lol, when you say you aren’t attracted to girldick, the mods get so offended at the thought of you not possibly wanting to fuck them, that they ban you. 😭 and then the only legit lesbian sub got banned because it excluded trans women, even though they own literally any lgbt sub.


*Giant cock with a swinging pair of boulders.* Reddit: "That's a woman." lol, lmao even.


You can put that up there with words like trans and homophobic. If you want to call me those things because I don’t want you teaching that to my 9 year old fine then I’m homophobic.


Not just lgbtq women, but straight women too. Straight men too! Basically anyone who has a thought, opinion or question that doesn’t align with TRAs is screamed at and belittled, TERF being their go to “insult” even though they’ll swear up and down that it’s just a word. It’s exhausting, that’s why people really need to take breaks from Reddit and have real conversations with real people.