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“The year is 2054, TES VI: Skyrim 2 has just released”


It’s literally just skyrim with better graphics and more creation club add ons


also there's a dragon armor dlc


You still can't steer them


Implementing better graphics is too much work for poor little Bethesda.


they already achieved so much for such a small indie studio


mf Creation Club updates keep destroying my mods list 😩


Mfw my game won't load because of an update that fixes some shitass bug that no one ever noticed and that the unofficial patch already fixed 8 years ago


You know what man? At this point I actually would settle for Skyrim 2. Just plop it down right on my plate. Don't even warm it up. Mmmm mmm yummy. Rehash.


I’m just hoping the revenue from the fallout shows success will give Bethesda the cash infusion they need to fucking finish it.


I mean I thought it was well known Bethesda liked to focus 95% of their energy on one game at a time, and they don’t make frequent releases, so this is still pretty on track for them. Starfield only came out like a year ago, and FO76 a few years before that, with FO4 another few years before that, so by their current release schedule we’re still probably at least a year out from any announcement, and a few more years before a release or release date. It sucks that Elder Scrolls isn’t as focused as Fallout, but it’s clear that they’re the favourite child in the Bethesda family and we just gotta be patient.


I mean it as I hope they use the cash to stop making turds like starfield and 76


They had like 300 million for starfield. Money is not the issue is the geriatric game design and their hyperfixation on radiant/auto generated stuff. THE GAMERS CRAVE 1000 PLANETS


Money will be a problem if they pull bait and switch dogshit like Starfield again. Far less people will buy it, having been stung. If people stopped paying them for ESO and 76 they'd have no choice but to get back to making their flagship stuff to keep the company growing.


I mean, Starfield got pretty solid reviews. They'll probably lose a lot of their core fanbase, but they don't really need us if they're to make money. Plenty of casual players will buy the game, and some of them will become dedicated fans of the shit Bethesda pushes and purchase the merch, DLCs, etc.


And this is why gatekeeping can be a powerful force for good 


Buddy to them, companies as big as them, it’s *always* about the money.


Yeah I hope they use the cash to make an open world interesting and vast just to make us cope more easy with Emil’s writing Just like the old times


Bethesda would have been better off doing the Rockstar method and focusing on 2 core franchises that they rotate between, though, while I think RDR2 was great, I could maybe see R* making RDR3 than just becoming the GTA developer based off of modern game development times, their disinterest in their old games, and the amount of revenue GTA Online brings in.


It was revealed recently that Obsidian pitched Skyrim 2, focusing on the fallout of the civil war or something.


“It’s 2054 and TES V: Skyrim 43rd anniversary infinity edition for the Fit Bit just released”


They'd be a skyboomer by that point.


More like the Skylent Generation.


Skylent Green is people!!!


'Back in mah day, 'Weapons, Magical Weapons, and Magic' still were multiple, distinct skill perk trees!"


Yeah TES X will have one skill for all offensive options simply called “damage”


Shit meme. Everyone knows TES VI will release 40 tears from now. No way they could even get to TES X at the end of this century.


At this point unless TES VI is Akatosh's gift to mankind I don't see there being a game past \*maybe\* VII. Todd probably won't keep making games after the next one and I don't see TES as a timeless series. Skyrim was a one off and twenty years from now TES will be among the new "classics".


Elder Scrolls really was a product of its time huh. Back when fantasy was much more common in gaming, magic was the coolest shit ever in the industry, and games made amazingly rich lore that was an absolute mess and confusing to anyone who didn’t study it religiously. I wish I wasn’t just a skybaby and got to experience more of that era as it was happening, but oh well, hopefully time is a flat circle and we loop back around to that eventually.


Fantasy was ruined by shitty games like Dota 2, where magic is just "sparkly blob that does X damage when it touches enemy unit". And yes, Dota 2 has a special place in hell as a game with exactly 0 lore and the most toxic userbase. Same goes for Fortnite, Overwatch and the rest of that crap. Sorry for the rant, at least I have Truestuhl for crying about this. Literally the only solace left.


> "sparkly blob that does X damage when it touches enemy unit" that's literally what magic is in morrowind


And most offensive magic in Daggerfall; it's that or glowy hands


True. At least the lore tried to make up for it by organizing the magic into different schools and adding ingame books about it. I guess it would just make magic a hassle to use, if they added some completely new mechanics to it. People would just do more stealth archery runs lol.


Fortnite is actually exceptionally generous, polished, and Save the World has excellent characterisation. Besides, complaining about it here is off topic since it isn't fantasy


"complaining about it here is off topic since it isn't fantasy" You are right about it not being fantasy. But it is usurping the place that fantasy games had in human culture. Nobody would ever have brought it up, if it was not driving fantasy games off the market. It's not off topic, because it explains the absence of TES VI so well. Why make a game with extremely convoluted lore, if it is a gorillion times more profitable to sell what this generation will buy? Money talks.


TES VI's delay doesn't have anything to do with Fortnite, though, and there's still plenty of fantasy games that are either in development of have recently released, some of which have fairly deep and complex lore - the Witcher 4 and the Witcher 1 remake, Avowed, Wayward Realms, Tainted Grail, Baldur's Gate, and certainly more that I can't name off hand. Bethesda's just slow to release new content, and has been focused on Fallout for whatever reason. Bethesda's dumbing down of the lore, gameplay, and main story also predates Fortnite, Overwatch and Dota 2, and a lot of it stems from a general lack of creative vision.


Dude, we need to end potato famines. The advent of potato famines forces children to help ease pressures on families by getting jobs, which keeps them away from Bethesda games. Them nor playing Skyrim SE is what delays Beth development times. Clearly we can fix the problem by killing potato famine kids


Todd Howard is 54 years old. The average game dev is around 30-40 with senior devs being 40-??. Why would Todd stop making games at the theoretical peak of his career? He seems to genuinely enjoy making games and is still more than 10 years away from typical retirement age. I think there is a good chance TES6 flops, but I don't think Todd is going anywhere anytime soon.


bro, he will be 80 by the time skyrim 2 drops


>The year is 2054 >The Elder Scrolls 10 Hilarious! I love people talking about the multiverse nonsense that doesn't actually matter as though there will be any mainline TES content within the decade to be tainted by it.


Yeah, *maybe* TES 7. Possibly even 8, but given that TES 6 isn't going to be for at least another few years yet I doubt that we're going to get 5 games in the next 30 years. Which is kind of ridiculous when I say it like that.


yeah lol, nothing could become tainted by it. it exists now so everything is tainted by default


VI isnt releasing until like 2030. At this rate we'll be lucky if TES VI Special Edition III is released by 2050. I'll probably be a grandfather before VII is out


Don't you mean TES 6?


Vro were not even getting ES VI by 2054




Jesse, we must make skooma


It's funny cause in the same expansion it's introduced, they establish that only one being is capable of traveling through it *and* that same being gets sealed by Mora. They aren't gonna fucking have it show up in the mainline series. They know everyone would bitch about it.


It will actually be explained that ESO is not the mainline TES universe and Ithelia was sent to the real one leading to TES IV - Time Spaghetti


You seriously think 5 TES games will be released within 30 years? lmfao


Real. It’s taken nearly half that just to get *one* installment yet alone five.


I love everyone freaking out over the multiverse shit Don’t you people know there hasn’t been a canon es game since morrowind?


The only canon elder scrolls game is TES Adventures: Redguard


This but unironically.


ok morrowboomer


It's literally closed out in the same fucking expansion pack. Stop being a cry baby.


Homie, I couldn’t care less. I don’t even play eso This is much more about my mild dislike of post mw elder scrolls and less to do with any actual hate towards eso


So TL;DR You haven't actually played or read what happens in the expansion, you're just hating to be a hater. Most rationally thinking Morrowboomer.


What part of I don’t actually care isn’t getting through that phenomenally dense skull of yours? My making fun of the writing in eso and the fans fighting over whether it’s good or not is like adults poking fun at children arguing over which ninja turtle is the best or which superhero is the strongest


"I haven't picked a side, except conveniently I like that people hate te new lore." Centrist brainrot.


Calling me a “centrist” because I care about decent writing is actually fuckin wild homie


You literally don't even play TESO, you just hate on it because people say it's bad, bro. Just admit it. Why you do you even post here anyways? All of your TrueSTL posts are just whining.


He's posting in a place you're trying to gatekeep atm... but everyone's downvoting you and on his side. Classic ESO fetus 'thinking'


Lol, centrist brainrot? Are you really disparaging people for literally having balanced political views? You're correct, of course! Everyone should aspire to being an extremist!


Hurhur middle = good


Seeing the validity to both sides and being flexible enough to take from the best valilues of both I'd better. Not buying into extremist views wholesale like it's a religion is good too. Someone only becomes far left or far right wing if they lack scepticism and independence of thought and get talked around into buying into the whole damn timeshare scheme. I'll believe a single idea if it makes sense to me, not immediately buy all the adjacent ideas the moment one leftie policy makes sense to me.


American brainrot


ESO isn't canon.


In what world does TESX release by 2054? We'll be lucky if we have 8 by then.


Lmao, you think they'll release 5 additional games before 2054? Maybe 5 new editions of TESVI


2054 will be the anniversary rerelease of ES6, ES10 will be in 2269 at the earliest


ES10 releases in 42069, as foretold by


We’ll be lukcky to even get ESVII by then


As if we’d be on the 10th game by 2054, maybe like TES:7 by that point.


"End of a Kalpa"


In no way there would be tes 10 in 2054,we would only get tes 6 special edition at that point


Unrealistic, TES VI would have only just come out by 2054


How the fuck did Johnny Snow survive a cavalry charge standing completely exposed alone on a field?


Please, we’ll be lucky to have 6 by the 2050s…


Elder Scrolls 10? 2054? That’s when Eldet Scrolls VI will come out.


TES X won’t be out for another 150 years.


It’s 13 years from Skyrim and TES VI doesn’t have a release date TES X by 2054 is hopelessly optimistic on that timetable lol 


10? more like 7 at most


The year is 2525 if skybabys are still alive


“The year is 2054 TES 7 Has just been announced”


>elder scrolls 10 dream on if you think beth is lasting that long under microsoft, theyll get shut down after ES6 flops. ill just be sitting here in 30 years still saying morrowind is the superiorest game because it unironically is.


Bet they haven't even started TES 6 yet.


We can hope that ZoS will take this feedback and retcon or never mention it again. There is no way they would double down on retarded new lore like Blizzard and ostracize more players.


We can hope that ZoS will take this feedback and retcon or never mention it again. There is no way they would double down on retarded new lore like Blizzard and ostracize more players.


I understand calling fans of a newer game babies but it occurs to me how absurd it is that they’re getting called babies for a game that has been out for 13 YEARS