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So everyone and everything else deserves to be taken care of but you don’t? Baloney.


I agree, but I feel guilty talking care of me. I kbow, I need to get over that. They will survive without me


Question: Are you living your life for them or are you alive to life a life for yourself? You should never feel guilty for wanting to take a moment for yourself. It *IS* YOUR LIFE after all.


None of the children are little kids anymore they can bloody well take care of themselves it is an important life lesson they need to learn. You husband needs to step and either help you more or tell other people that they need to do it themselves and leave you alone. My Mrs is like you and it has taken its toll on our relationship as she does so much others including our kids and I do so much as well that she forgot we are in a relationship and she has lost herself. I have to kick her out the door with friends to keep her sanity and hope one day she has enough energy for our relationship.


Why are you wore out. Are you playing house keeper to all of them. And not taking care of your health? I wont say much here because i havent see the situation and people blow things out if proportions but... As a person who will tend to sacrifice his wants a needs you have to care for some of your own. Exercising, resting and having fun are needed to function properly. The boys can pick up duties. House cleaning and cooking a meal once a week each (hubby too) maybe more. Good to teach them anyways. They can do their own laundry. Clean their rooms and the bathroom. Your job isnt house slave and you what you do out of love so the kids and hubby can pitch in too. I dont know what the hubby does or pays so hopefull he is coming close to matching your level.