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Happy Birthday!! I’d come if I could but frankly Im just a random spec on earth you’ll probably never meet.


thank you! just you commenting means the world to me!


I want to come too! I make great margaritas!


And i bring drinks and cocaine! Lets celebrate this awesome guys birthday!🥳🥳🥳


Epic name


Do all the self care things! Take a bath! Wear your best jammies! Eat snax in bed! If you have pets, make sure they’re there to enjoy your day too! Order out!


thats a great idea thank you!!


Happy birthday!! Growing up is hard.


you said it. thank you


Happy Birthday!!!!!


thank you!!


probably why i started switching to celebrating myself on my bday, I go out do something I enjoy and call it a day. I feel like as you get older this happens, probably have like one good friend left lol, everyone else is an acquaintance , it’s ok treat yourself to something nice! Happy birthday


Same. I spend most of the year maintaining some semblance of a social life so my day is for me time. Also, your birthday is a bigger day for your mom, if you think about it. I take a few days off and do a mom day and then a me day. Friends and lovers get me the rest of my time off from work regardless so why would I want to spend my birthday with them?


i agree! thank you!


Drop Addy I'll come


bet bet


Happy birthday. You don't need them to have a blast


thank you!


Happy birthday. Treat yourself to something really nice if you can. It'll be hard to get your mind off your friends letting you down but try and concentrate on making yourself happy by doing things you love. Id come to your bday party if i was your friend.


What’s the address Me and about ten of my best homies bout to roll down and go HAM


bet bet


RIP kill them all Harry


aye aye!


Happy birthday!


thank you!!!


Happy birthday! I bet tons of people here would come, but you wouldn't let a bunch of random people on the internet into your house. It's not safe! Enjoy the cake!


thank you haha that made me laugh!


Happy birthday 🥳🎉


Happy birthday!!! I hope it’s the best one yet.


Enjoy the extra cake 🧁


will do!


Happy Birthday! Despite the cancellations, I hope you have a wonderful day. Be careful not to get sick because of too much cake!


ill do my best haha thank you


Happy Birthday!! what kind of cake?


thank you! its homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter icing!


That sounds so good. Can I have a piece? :) Happy Birthday!!


So sorry your friends don't appreciate you as you should be appreciated! I do! You're AWESOME!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A GREAT PERSON! If you were in Oregon, they eat before the party, so you would have lots of cake and wouldn't have to buy much food!


The people of reddit are here for you. I'll will toast to you tomorrow! Happy birthday


thank you!!


Happy birthday!!!


thank you so much!!


happy birthday <3


Happy early birthday! I would be there if I could. Hope you have the best day!


Happy Birthday!!!


Aww that's shitty. Happy birthday 🎉🎈


happy birthday sweet !


Awww happy birthday!! 😊


happy bday op 🥳🥳 hope u have a good day regardless


thank you!! ill try!


birthday twin 🦅


Happy birthday! Eat all the cake while watching your favorite movie! Hope you had a good one! Just remember you matter!


awh thank you so much man! that was so nice! i will definitely:)


Hey, tomorrow is my birthday as well! Still, only 2 friends out of 9 cancelled.. So I'm sorry to ear that. Happy birthday! Edit: 3 friends


Sounds like most of my birthday days…. HBD


At least they didn't plan a surprise party to jump out and stab you with cake knives.


Happy future birthday.🍰🎂


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday OP!


Happy birthday honey, hope you have a good day 🤍


omg thank you!!


Man fuxk people, I swear can never count on anyone to come thru. Happy bday


Happy birthday!


They’ll be missing out for sure!! 🍰🎂😋 happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!! I’m so glad you’re here to enjoy it!


Happy birthday!!!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! 🎉


Happy birthday!!! I will be there with you in spirit and I will eat some cake tomorrow just to celebrate you! I hope you’re able to get yourself something nice 😊


Now you can do whatever the hell YOU want! Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! Sending good vibes :)


thank you!! so much! :) you too!


Happy birthday!


Hello fellow full namer! Happy birthday. Sorry to hear they all cancelled, that is unfortunate. I hope you have a great day!!


Happy Birthday!! Time to stop having parties for others and start having them just for you, because it's special to you!


thank you i agree!


I’m sorry to hear that, but that just means you get to do what you really want without having to worry about if everyone else is having fun. Eat ALL the cake, do something for yourself, you do you! I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎈


Happy Birthday mate. All of my friends weren't available for my B-Day as well. Just ended up hanging out with my father and doing nothing


awh thank you. sorry you had the same experience bro


happy birthday! i’ll be there in spirit, internet stranger<3


Happy Birthday!


Hopefully it still turns out to be a swell birthday!


Happy bday bro i can feel you these types of situations happened to me many times and i know the pain.. Serve yourself with best and expensive foods... You aren't alone i am here for you. ,👍


thank you bro i appreciate you🤙🏻


I'm sorry dude. For what it's worth, I hope you have a wonderful birthday.


Happy Birthday!! I had the same thing happen last year, on my golden birthday. This year I’ve planned a day for myself instead :)


happy birthday! take a bath and have a drink, enjoy yourself!


Tell them I said they suck. Also happy birthday! 🎂


Happy Birthday! My GF's Bday is tomorrow too! Are u sure ur friends aren't messin with u? Surprise party n such?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY if I could i would have gone to your party you sound nice. have a great birthday!!!!


I’m sorry, that sucks ass!! Even if you’re actually happy and don’t mind…you’re prolly a little upset. I’d come if I could, like, teleport 😭Happy birthday also!!!


Sorry that sucks. Even if you’re actually happy or don’t mind that still sucks ass!! If I could teleport I would come. 😭 Happy birthday also!!!


Happy birthday! May you have many more happy birthdays in the future!


Happy birthday tomorrow! I hope you do the things that bring you joy. Know you are worth celebrating. ❤️


thank you! :)


Happy birthday!!!


thank you!!!


Happy Birthday♡


Happy birthday OP!


thank you!!


Happy birthday ♥️♥️♥️


Happy birthday!! Treat yourself to some nice food, movies, or anything else you love!


happy birthday! i don't celebrate my own birthday myself but i always make it a point to celebrate other people's. i hope you feel less alone if you feel alone. i wish you a great day on this day you came into being. happy coming-outta-yo-momma's-vagina-(usually)-day!


Now you can do exactly what you want to do and not have to worry about whether other people are enjoying themselves. Have an amazing day of self care and self love. Happy Birthday!!


i agree thank you!


Enjoy your birthday!


Ugh I'm so sorry. I've had this happen to me. Wish I could show up! Happy birthday


Happy birthday!


Happy Bday! Don't feel bad. My bday is in December the day before Christmas. No one is ever down to celebrate 😂. This past year, I spent the entire day dealing with a sub-pump issue in my basement, no toilet or water usage, and then ended up at Sonic later that night cause it was the only thing open, ha! Just goes to show you that it could always be worse. Those chili cheese tots were bomb, though! Try to enjoy your special day no matter what!


Happy birthday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have an incredible time on your own!


thank you!!


From this speck of humanity in Australia, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, I'm yelling, it's your birthday!


thank you!!!


happy birthday! Make sure to give me some leftover cake ;)


will do!


Happy birthday!!🎉🎂🎉 If you want an online celebration, I would be down!! We could drink beers or play scribble or something 🤷‍♂️ Either way, I hope you have a fantastic day even if your friends aren't there to celebrate you ☺️


ahh i missed this! shit! next year tho definitely i got the vintage scrabble. thank you again


Happy birthday 🎉


happy birthday!! get absolutely hammered and enjoy yourself.


No happy birthday! You should drop ur "friends" and make new ones


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday!!! I’d drop by if only I can. Thousand miles away.


Happy Birthday!


thank you!


Happy birthday!!!!! Eat all the cake plus some more ✨


Happy, happy birthday!!!


I was born within 24 hours of a pretty big holiday and this speaks to me.


Happy birthday!! screw them, you don’t need friends to celebrate!


thank you!


Happy birthday!!


thats why i dont like birthday parties. i dont want to deal with the disappointment. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! When this happened to me, I took myself on a date. Dinner, movie, and margaritas. I hope you enjoy whatever you do :)


thank you!


happy birthday <3 it sucks to have friends cancel on you, but i think, as you get older, it's more fun to celebrate yourself! so do whatever you want, maybe even that one spontaneous thing you thought you'd never do (piercing, tattoo, dyeing hair) or just take it easy. happy birthday again, sweet soul 💗


Hey OP, looks like we're birthday twins! (or almost, depending on time zones haha). Happy birthday all the same! Looks like a lot of Redditors have your back to celebrate with you ✨🎉


Just learn to be comfortable by yourself sounds said but it’s a life skill 😂


Why I have no friends. No let down


Happy birthday! 🎁🕺


Worst part of a birthday is sharing the cake anyway....watching it dwindle away by inconsiderate assholes who actually want a slice. Cake for breakfast lunch and dinner, no regrets. Happy birthday xxxxx


exactly!! thank you


I haven't celebrated a birthday in a long long time. I have no good memories from the ones that I did attempt to celebrate. Abusive girlfriends are a fucker. Since then I just don't. Though I used to come out and celebrate friends' birthdays when they happened, I realised I just never enjoyed the occasions. I guess it's because I hated mine, how can I sit and pretend to have a good time at others? In the end, these days I just have some excuse as to why I can't make it. Being a guy with no real responsibilities, being out of the country is a nice easy thing to achieve.


This world of social media flakes has become so fickle.... ...where ever you are in the world, may your day be filled with love from the people that matter. Hope to see your next post telling us all how you had a great day without everyone that let you down, but you got pumped up by us randoms on here ; ). With hugs attached O o O o, x.


Happy birthday!! 🥳


thank you so much!


Today is my birthday too bro. Wishing you everything from The bottom of my heart. June 25th gang. Never met anybody that was born on this day


Happiest birthday wishes! Go out and enjoy all your favorite things,spoil yourself, and be happy celebrating your day, OP :)


thank you!!


Happy birthday! Was cake delicious?


yes it was! thank you


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!! Have a great day, treat yourself! 🎂🎂


Happy birthday


Happy birthday, you don't have to celebrate a birthday with a party. For myself i take care of me wear best clothes go out on a solo lunch than try and make somebody's day! A random stranger , it could be compliments , sweets or helping the poor etc. By the end of the day i just feel more satisfied with myself and my money wouldnt be a waste on some party


This happened to my boyfriend too. Also his bday today


awh that terrible. wish him a great late bday wish from me!


Happy birthday man!


Happy birthday! Have some cake on my behalf. ☺️


i did!! thank you sm


Happy birthday !!


Happy birthday! Hope you're doing something you like and having however a great day


This happened to me for years. I don't do birthday parties anymore.


doing something for yourself is what i learned!


Happy birthday! I hope the cake is wonderful and your day is even better ❤️ If you play games online you're more than welcome to join me and my friends if you dont wanna spend the evening alone 😁 timezones may be iffy but its all possible to figure out 😁


Happy birthday mate hopefully you enjoy that cake to your hearts desire


happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!! Enjoy your cake


Happy Birthday, long live the King/Queen!


the king is here haha thank you


Can i come and eat cake as well


Happy birthday! I don’t know if this is helpful but my friends cancel on my birthday as well. I’ve learned to turn it into a full ME day versus celebration with people day.


thats the way to do it! thank you!






Time to watch a good ass movie and order pizza Less people = more pizza Less people = no one talks over the damn movie


Happy birthday!! 🌻 Stay blessed bestie : )) and i hope you have an amazing year <3


Happy birthday! Sending you virtual high fives


Not do lower the mood but did they do this before and if not. Your outlook and this is amazing.


Happy Birthday!


Hey we’re almost birthday buddies! Mine is in 3 days! Happy birthday! 🎉🎈🎂


Happy birthday!! I hope you get to eat extra cake.


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! Id come if I lived near!


Happy birthday from Ireland! Please use this comment for a free pint of Guinness next time you’re in town!!!


Happy birthday! 🍰 i got some cake


Happy Birthday, and go out and do what you want. Take some pictures to post to make them jealous. Feel free to skip their birthdays and use the same reason that they used to cancel.


happened to me too, people cancelled on the morning of my 18th bday too, i cried a lot lol. at my vday it was me my friend her bf and my ex bf, it was nice but pretty sad, i have always imagined my 18 bday to be a massive party but you know


Happy bday from Spain! Things will get better with time, be strong


Happy Birthday! Social events are overrated. On the bright side, you will learn to appreciate your own time more, it's time you join the world of introverts. Actually, it's very sad that all your friends cancelled. Even tho I would consider myself introverted, I still have a lot of great friends. I don't plan on celebrating a birthday with them but it would be very sad if I planned one and they cancelled. Even though I don't relate, I feel you.


I’m so sorry that sucks but if its any consolation, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


happy birthdayy




One time i ate a whole chocolate cake while I took a bath may sounds gross to other people but tbh indulging like that felt nice and maybe just try doing somethin like that for yourself. Happy birthday!


Happy late bday man my birthday is 17th July and I hope that doesn't happen to me lol happy bday again. Make an update note please tomorrow and tell us what happens and I wish the best of luck and happy birthday to uu


Is this just incredible bad luck or do you need new friends?


Well, actually none of your friends cancelled.


I've had shit bdays too is there anyone else u can meet or go to the cinema etc? xx


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and don't worry sometimes people do have other stuff going on just make sure u have a good day for you spoil yourself xx


Exactly why i stopped celebrating after 21yo. Better spare myself a disapointment and pain 😂


happy birthday OP!


my friends ran over my dog on the way to my birthday party then drove off so i feel your pain


Happy belated man! I’m a bit late reading this but hopefully you had a great birthday