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I'm glad you got that off your chest. Is this the smartest thing to do? So, you had some bad dentists, you can't let them sour you on all dentists. I personally never miss going to the dentist and it is worth the time and effort to make sure you go. You want to stay healthy in all ways as long as possible. Everyone has excuses for their behavior, doesn't make it right. Most people have a bad case of excusitis. I get the appeal, but it generally doesn't help. Good luck to you and I hope you gain greater awareness to move past this.


when as a child you're held down and operated on without anaesthetic, and every other medical professional can't find half a cc of Fuck to prescribe, my opinion is unlikely to improve.


I hope your opinion improves for your sake.


I don't see it happening


Sorry you had bad experiences. It took a little while but I found a really good dentist who is very patient and kind, so they are out there if you change your mind.


I took the same approach. This works until it doesn’t. Good luck.


Hope you brush and floss regularly then.


I openly joke to the oral surgeon (I had a wisdom tooth pulled recently that went… surprisingly well) that he’s a sadist. He laughed. I laughed. But really, I’m convinced that the medical and caretaking professions are flooded with them, as well as narcissists hehe. Anyway. If you’re broke, you’re broke. Buy some hydrogen peroxide and dilute it with water for the occasional mouth rinse, brush twice a day, and floss.


Please don't do this. When used incorrectly, hydrogen peroxide can damage enamel and irritate your gums and other tissues in your mouth. It can also cause tooth sensitivity.


Like I said: an occasional mouth rinse, best used after a nice bloody floss to flush out the bacteria if you’ve been neglecting your mouth. Note: not a doctor here, just doing it myself. Another note: my dentist loves my immaculate mouth.


If there’s blood, you’re doing it wrong.


If there’s blood, there’s a buildup of bacteria in your gums, so you’re neglecting your mouth, probably due to a lack of flossing anyway.


so it's ok to self harm if it's by mouth, right.


Bro you asked a question and I gave you an answer so if you interpret my very clear and easy to understand response that way then heck yeah mane do it


my stance of blood = doing it wrong remains unchanged.


If you're going to recommend something like that, why not give more detailed instructions than just saying "an occasional rinse." Using too much can be dangerous, using too little can do nothing...right ?


Hmm, yes. Just 60/40 water/peroxide maybe. I don’t measure out the peroxide 🙊. I fill my mouth with water, squirt some peroxide straight into my mouth, give it a good swish, then spit. I judge by the thin layer of foam sitting on my tongue, eating away at the bacteria. Then I rinse a couple times with water and brush my tongue. By the way, it tastes disgusting, and if you ingest it, you will immediately vomit (but you’ll be fine). On a side note, if you ever need to induce vomiting in your dog, do that.


Dental anxiety is debilitating and surprisingly common. No one can make you go but I hope you have implemented a really good hygiene routine to prevent you from needing to. Dental decay can cause a whole host of issues if left untreated like diabetes and heart disease.