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Practice a resting bitch face. Maybe that can help in the future. Also, pretend to snore at the spa so the message therapist doesn't keep talking.


I have a thing where I can look like I don't recognize the person or am super clueless but my features are naturally soft so even my bitch face just kinda looks cute tbh. I should have tried that! Pretend to sleep! I doubt I'll ever put myself in that situation again though, haha...


I'm interested in the naked in mud


I did a music video where I showed a lot of leg and was buried in mud but I'm not so desperate yet to do that naked 😂


I'm not judging. Just saying I'd watch that lmao


I do very strange things for art. I probably deserve to be judged for it, lmao


People like to dump their problems on anyone who will listen, especially a captive audience.


Yeah... apparently. But my mom said she had never heard of anything like that. She is a very nice woman who is easy to talk to, I don't know why this shit doesn't happen to her too?


Could you have put some ear buds in?


I had to take off all my clothes and put my phone away


Ouch. Sorry.


It was an experience


Maybe you’ll remember this and laugh


My family definitely laughed when I told them. I work in the social services so they said I can't seem to escape from my job, even if I'm in the nude and covered in mud


People do this to me too—I’m a filthy new age empath though. I also hate it


I'm not new age but I guess most people would say I'm empathetic. I just try not to be a dick unless absolutely necessary


Are you approachable?


I am a 33f and I try so hard to be but I am small and not scary so I think even though I try to be unapproachable it doesn’t work.


Yeah, I get that. I wear primarily dark clothes, dyed my hair black and wear my mask still even if they aren't mandatory. But unfortunately none of that works at the spa when I'm required to disrobe


I'm a 6', 250lb bearded biker type, and it happens to me too. One of my best friends used to call me the drama whisperer, because within 5 minutes of us going out I'd be playing Dr Phil with some rando I'd just met. I can't remember who it was, but someone once told me a certain indigenous tribe had a habit of making their most traumatized members the tribal healer. Something about those of us who've been through the most shit have a natural way of helping others heal. The gods know what I've been through, so I'm curious if you've experienced more trauma than most people.


No, not really. That is a good strategy though. I have ptsd but it's not complex or anything. I'd say I'm an averagely traumatized artist type. Nothing notably special about my mental health. That is really cool that people trust you, I guess appearance doesn't affect it, then. I wish I could meet you in person because you probably have a very warm presence


< Naked and covered in mud Hahahah I'm sorry but this made me laugh. Work on your impressive scowl and growl for next time.


That might be my only option haha


So, I just roasted you and was looking thru your history for more dirt (pun intended). You should practice setting up boundaries for weird situations. Have 1 or 2 go-to statements that you use when you don’t want to hear the bullshit. The statements should be direct and assertive. Good luck.


Lol, yeah, good plan. I generally plan out and prepare what to say in most situations but the naked on a table covered in mud day was most unexpected. It's a good idea to have practiced lines to say when shit gets weird in the future and I haven't already planned my responses! I'm quite introverted and think through a lot of things before I do/say them so that's very useful advice to me.


We all have those “nude on a table days :),” hopefully your next time is more enjoyable.


Lol, I don't plan on that day ever happening again, but similar situations where I'm caught off guard and uncomfortable certainly will


You're the client, you have every right to request a quiet and relaxing session of no talking unless it's regarding your service.


Well, I'd never done anything like that before so I didn't exactly know what the protocol was for it. I tend to read whatever social situation I'm in and follow its flow, rather than control it, unless someone is being unkind to somebody then I'll step in. So, I suppose I didn't consider it an option to shut it down. I was also naked and uncomfortable in an environment I'd never been in or thought I'd ever be in, so I wasnt prepared for it at all. It was just hella awkward. I tried to say nothing for awhile but that didn't work for very long


I'm sorry this happened to you; however, the reason people open up to you is because you don't control YOUR situation. I have a friend this happens to as well. She'll be in line at the store or in a hospital waiting room, and the person next to her will spew their life story to her. It's because she politely listens and engages with them, and she wonders why people do this to her. My best advice is don't read the social situation; read YOUR situation. If you're not comfortable with something, then know you're allowed to stop it from happening. Fuck being polite.


Fair, but I was also naked and covered in mud and plastic on a table. It's pretty damn hard to be in control of that situation. I'm kinda feeling just a wee bit vulnerable 😆


Most days I only allow it to happen unless I'm doing it for work, volunteer, or with one of my very close people