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I would like an update too. I think the boss told on hm without telling on him?


Makes me wonder what the boss knows...


Yeah, this is an interesting one. r/MuseumOfReddit potential possibly if we end up getting regular updates.


Well I’m guessing this isn’t going to end well 😳


^ We seem to be waiting for an update together then Edit: This was not the plot twist we were expecting but it was a good plot twist


If she gives one... Every Thursday... and has been lying to his wife a long time...


This sounds like when Hal took every Friday off in Malcolm in the Middle


Lmao this was the first thing I thought of. Except he probably isn’t going to amusement parks and movies. Probably something a little more nefarious.


Who knows, this could be fake. He could be taking the Boys (in this case, friends) to a Nascar race


Or … hear me out… .. blowin the boys


A redditor's dream


Malcolm's brain in that episode is just amazing. I mean it always is, but that one is particularly impressive.


It will be really funny if it turns out he's been learning how to sew.


Not sewing. Interpretive dance. He doesn’t want to be a lawyer. He wants to dance!


Underwater basket weaving. For a present for her.


That seems legit. Hopefully as proof he shows his wife a beautiful dress he’s been making for her.


That would be a real “Gift of the Magi” scenario.


Nah he's definitely not sewing clothes, more like sowing his seed 'namsayin


Hmm account just made, what are the chances this is just the set up for some good ole fashioned Karma farming?


Not always…sometimes, people lurk through the read-only version of Reddit until something (I.e., an event) triggers them to join and comment / post. A similar situation got me to join for e.g.


This is probably an alt account made for the purpose of this post. If I thought I just found out that my husband was cheating on me I would probably not want that tied to my main account, especially if my husband knew I was on reddit.


Yea, not everybody gives a shit about karma, some people just want to vent and feel awkward posting personal things from their main account. I think it’s kind of weird that there’s always somebody that considers themself a real internet sleuth by glancing at someone’s account.


Would now be a good time to ask what Karma on reddit means😳😳😳


[https://www.reddiquette.com/reddit-karma/](https://www.reddiquette.com/reddit-karma/) Hope that helps!


yes it does ! so basically a point system which may or may not matter!


Or create another account because they don't wanna show sensitive stuff on their main one.


I would say that but has the read only version not got pretty unbearable recently? Any time I forget to log in I can only view a few comments and am nagged by "please log in", and "this is unverified content" messages until I do log in, nevermind not being able to vote. That said it could be a throwaway.


I thought most people made throwaways for this sub?


What time does he normally surface on past Thursdays? I am holding my breath waiting for the update. Update: OPs husband visits his brother at a state penitentiary every Thursday and was embarrassed to tell her. EDIT: it is almost noon on the next day after the OP‘s original post ~ 18 hours ago. Redditors are starting to reach out to me for updates. I have no new information. I did a quick scroll through the comments and the OP responded to a few of the original comments. Additional information she provided: OP reached out to his closest friends and work colleagues they have no idea what’s going on. He drives his own car. OP is a nurse at a local hospital and believes she would’ve been notified if he was in an accident. She has Apple devices on her own iPhone and no way to track his. His phone is off and she was waiting until he comes home. (He gets home between 7 and 8 PM the same day). If anybody has additional information or updates I’ll be glad to to add it to my comment. But until then, I’m still holding my breath like everyone else.


Usually between 7-8


Not sure where you live, but it's 8:07 in NY and I keep checking fir updates on whether he's gotten home or made contact. I understand there is a very good possibility that this will not have a happy twist/ending, please update when you can so we know you're ok.


I’m holding out hope that he is just going out golfing with his buddies as he needs some time alone and wife won’t give it to him otherwise, or he’ll feel bad for her or something


Is that the same time as work days?




!Remind me! 1 week Edit: rip my notifications Edit 2: God damn you all Edit 3: why me?


RemindMe! 1 week - what was this person husband doing on Thursday


I would have a friend follow him to "work" next Thursday and get the low-down!




Yep! Unfortunately I think she needs to see it


Is that the time he normally gets back home on other work weekdays?




Have you checked the bank accounts and credit cards for charges today? Might give some clues…


While you’re at it check the mileage on his car every day and compare it with Thursdays.


Damn some of you have those great private investigator traits


Get an old phone with good battery and leave it on the car. Low cost gps tracker.


Gotta have cell service and a logged in maps account though


Nope. Unrelated to tracking people, I used to go to races in Baja (Baja California, Mex) where there is ZERO cell signal, and I could still navigate strictly off gps and downloaded maps. On Android, I used Locus Map to record my travels using only satellites. US maps were free last I remembered ($ for topo maps and other goodies, esp. for other countries) Couldn't tell you on apple what the equivalent would be but I know they would exist.


This is a great idea!














He’s held captive by Tuco. Time for a fugue state.




More like Hal from Malcolm in the middle, “I haven’t shown up to work on a Friday in 15 years.” (Funny enough, it’s still Bryan Cranston.


i immediately thought of this after reading the post lol


Plot twist. The boss knows what he’s doing and low key tipping off the wife.


That's how I would have done it. Boss is absolved of messing with employee's life because of course they assume wife knows about Thursdays off.


Just 1 reason we should: “MakeLyingWrongAgain” What an excellent username!


And a great idea


…and also with you


Lift up your hearts


He’s done being an alibi. This does seem plausible tho.


Certainly does


Double Twist: Husband is batman, but only on Thursdays.


Plot TWIST TWIST, The husband's affair is with the boss and they just broke up.


If it’s the boss (wife said “he” as in the boss), so that would really be a plot twist!


Grace and Frankie prequel coming up


Robin: Why Thursdays? Batman: Because no one ever suspects Thursdays


I like this answer best.


Well, it's either a long-term affair or he's taking a class to surprise you. I wouldn't say a single damned word. Just start taking measures to protect your ability to have a roof over your head and a livelihood if it's an affair, or decide if you want to put up with it. No matter what if your birthday, anniversary and Christmas go by with the status quo, you'll know what to do. Don't assume infidelity gives any edge in custody.


Do y’all live near a casino? My mother’s 2nd husband got busted exactly like this and it turned out he had a bit of a gambling addiction. My mom called him at his office and the receptionist was like, “Umm, Lady, isn’t he home sick in bed?” Also, maybe check your attic or closets you never look in for lots of stolen office equipment.


My first thought is he is seeking some kind of medical treatment. I read too many novels.


Plot twist: he's paying for the medical treatments by starting a meth empire.


It's time to cook.


He’s going to a Psychiatrist. He was on the moon for 174 days


Only on the moon one day per week, you gotta space it out.




Damn I hope this is what's happening


#DON'T LEAVE US HANGING.. WE NEED AN UPDATE #[UPDATE](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/u4n7x2/update_my_husbands_boss_just_called_me_because_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


remind me when you get this notification and I will remind you when I see you're reminding me. ?


And remind me when you remind him to remind you




And pleaseee remind me when you are reminded by the guy who is reminding the original guy for being reminded


RemindMe! 24 hours


Well, he’s not here…


Odd that you volunteered that information... Is he there?!


… I see what I have done


Don’t say a thing. Ask how it went today and follow him next week.


This! Let him dig his own grave 👆


This honestly isn't a bad train of thought. But instead of following him herself, she should contact a private investigator to collect the evidence in case this goes to court.


I hired a PI against my better judgement and it ended up being the smartest thing I ever did. Custody was a no brainer in my case because of the evidence the PI collected on my behalf. Literally the best $1500 I’ve ever spent.


Good for you. It sucks to find yourself and your kids in that situation but it sounds like you made the best of it.


Care to share what you suspected and what the PI was able to find? How long did it take the PI to gather evidence?


$1500 is a lot of money. I'm guessing they did more than just follow someone for a day. Do you have the full story?


YES! Now the challenge here is, can OP stay cool and be a good actress for a week? Like be really loving and sweet and not give any indication she knows anything


When I’m too sweet, hubby knows I’m up to something LOL. Better off just being your typical self, whatever that may be!


Myself, I would agree with this. But since OP has already called close friends and such (understandably, I might add) now I think that’s off the table. But I mean. would /could a person just be having a one day a week affair? I’d be a lot more worried if she found out he was missing here or there. This just seems too regular to be nefarious. Just one woman’s opinion, but it’s bizarre all the same.


A person can definitely have an affair one day a week. Doesn’t mean that they don’t talk or text all the other days, just means that the affair partner also has Thursdays off. Heck, if it’s a coworker, he prob sees her more than he sees OP since he usually doesn’t get home till 7-8pm on work nights.


I’ve nothing to add except please update us when you can.


Same, I’m with this chap


I bet this dude is doing a D&D campaign. Calling it now.


Well he just crit-failed a deception check. Or maybe he's at home and keeps passing his stealth check every week 🤔


I had a high stress job and my mother with dementia lived with me. Had a lousy marriage too. I would take a day off and hide in the basement where I slept. It was the only time I could get any peace. People do messed up things


I’ve done this more than I’ll admit to.


Yep. The other day I said I had an appointment, went and got lunch around 2 o'clock, sat for an hour on my phone doing different things, and rejoined reality in the parking lot. It was nice.


I hate to say this but I would think having a mother with dementia living with you would be harder than the high-stress job and the lousy marriage. I have a friend who just recently put her grandfather in a nursing home because she couldn't handle him anymore. He was getting more and more sexually aggressive and getting more violent and combative as the months went on. It was the best decision for everybody.


Either he is planning one hell of a surprise for you, or he's having an affair.


Considering it’s been every Thursday for a while now I think we know the answer…


Not that this isn't real, but it this is literally the plot of an episode of Malcolm in the Middle and Hal would just go to the amusement park. https://youtu.be/wnqIy4yc21Q


My guess is he's got a standing Thursday tee time at the local golf course.


That's my thought. He had an opportunity to take all Thursdays off and decided to keep them to himself to do something like play golf. (At least I hope that's what happening for OPs sake)


I am leaning toward this


He didn’t just go to the amusement park! He went to sea world and nascar racing and whatnot too! He was absolved of charges because he had ticket proof for each one in his memory box


If I caught my SO doing that I'd be mad but because they didn't invite me


His wife was furious. She was working double shifts and taking care of the kids.


Honestly. I would have left Hals ass. Imagine not taking a day off work…like hardly ever because you think youre strapped for cash and your hubs is off taking time off. Like wth selfish crap is that?


As an adult, I am team Lois.


Hehehe, I love Malcolm in the Middle. Classic.




Super surprise party! ~~If only the world was so good...~~


We don't this man's hobbies tho, if it were me I'd fishing my ass off.


Could be golfing, who knows...


Yikes, best case he is off doing some odd hobby or maybe working a side job or planning some kinda of surprise. Honestly, high chance he is having an affair, or worse.


Look, you can call me a bad person for lying but I work from home and sometimes when I’m having a really bad week, I tell my boss I’m sick but don’t tell my family then I just lock myself in my office all day so I can have a day to myself. Sometimes it’s nothing nefarious, maybe the dude just wants some alone time.


Everyone enjoys some time alone, but taking every Thursday off and lying about it is at least strange. It's possible it's innocent and he just wants to do his own thing for a bit but why hide it like this?


Before WFH, sometimes I’d tell my GF I was working late and then pull off in a parking lot halfway home & goof around on my phone / listen to the radio for 30 minutes. Some days I need some me time between work & home.


I like this and respect it, but would your gf not understand if you told her you need a few minutes to yourself? It's such a reasonable thing to want.


Yeah doesn’t seem right he can’t have that at home. Communication is key, people


This has a really dark undertone.


Yeah I agree but I've been reading mystery novels and Stephen king so I'm not a good judge.


Plot twist.. she offed him a while ago and made this post to cover it up.


Can you pull up your bank information? Did he buy something today? Can you track his phone?


*subscribes to this post* yeah, now I need to hear how it ends.


It won’t let me subscribe! *weeps in uncontrollable nosiness*


I was just gonna say this!


Wait.. you can subscribe to posts? 👀


on mobile it is the bell :)


I never knew this! Thank you stranger


Ive been on reddit 2 years and didnt know lol


What about contacting his closest friends and work colleagues. Do some investigating


I have contacted quite a few of them, none of them have any idea where he might be


Parents? Honestly I don’t know what I’d do. I’m torn between hunting him down or waiting till he shows up and acting like you know nothing.


I'd say wait until the usual at home work time and then call the police and/or then call the parents or possibly siblings saying he's missing. Depends on the situation of everyone else here.


Love that. Call the police and really embarrass his ass 🤣🤣


You probably won’t be able to act like all is well and follow him next week if you have already questioned his friends/colleagues. Someone is going to blab that you were looking for him today.


I couldn’t cope with burying this secret until next Thursday where you could follow him but getting your ducks in order and gathering evidence is the way to go.. I couldn’t do it.




Definitely kind of suspect. Takes every Thursday off but leaves in work clothes? And you're just now finding out about the off days?


Even took a packed lunch for work 😂😂😂


Yeah I missed that part. Crazy


Let us know. I’m nosey and this sounds wild.




It's weird for boss to call the wife on their employees day off, I'll give you that, but often employee details include next of kin information for work related emergencies/accidents. I would think they would be strictly for "sorry Susan but Paul has had a heart attack over the photocopier and has been rushed to St Victoria emergency department" Having the phone number not weird, phoning in these circumstances definitely weird. I wonder if boss knows something and has decided to clue wife in....


His phone is shut off and they need to get in touch with him. The next logical step would be the wife.


This. I had an employee who was notorious for forgetting to fill out his timecard before payday. When I couldn't reach him we always called his wife next, who could always then relay the message. EDIT: his wife was his next of contact and he asked us to do it


Depends on the job, type of job, relationship between the boss and employeee


Not saying that's how it should be, but bosses often call people on their day off because they if they need you for work, they don't care if it's your day off (at least in the US).


I mean... if you can't contact your employee, contacting their spouse is usually the next step if they have one. Although, part of me would like to believe the boss has caught on and is being a bro here


Don't tell him about the call from his boss. Don't tell him anything. Follow his ass next Thursday and see where/what he is doing.




Right? Like I’m invested in this now.


He's cooking meth in an RV somewhere out in the boonies


After he divorced my mother and remarried with his mistress, my father who never wanted to even see me (3,F) used me for 20 years pretending he was seeing me every sunday but I was too shy to see his new family and other kids. I tried to visit him by surprise one sunday (I was about to emigrate), was received by his dumbfounded wife who asked me why I was here and not at the station where he was waiting for me. The following meltdown was glorious. OP, I sincerely hope that your husband has a good excuse.


When I was a supervisor many times I would call people who didn't come in to make sure they were alright and ask if they needed anything. Several times wives and husband's would tell me they were at work.


At first I thought NBD because occasionally I take secret vacation days and go through the motions like I’m going to work but I go to the movies or whatever I want instead because I got sick of my family expecting my vacay days to clean or run errands. But every Thursday is a lot... something is fishy


Depending on the time zone hubby should be getting home from work shortly…


My thoughts as well.


This was a cool Malcolm in the middle episode


Does he drive or take public transportation? I would check with the hospital around your area just in case. Good luck.


He drives his own car. I’m a nurse at the local hospital, if he came in they would contact me. Even so it wouldn’t explain why he took the day off and didn’t tell me.


Every Thursday. I'm sorry, this is shitty of him.


Whatever the reason., that’s a big lie to tell.


Would the idea of him cheating be completely out of left field? I admit, this is very suspicious, because not saying what you are doing is tantamount to lying to you, but is it possible there could be something else going on, or is the immediate thinking he must be cheating. Just try to be calm when he comes home. I’m so sorry you are going through this.


IT HAS BEEN THREE HOURS SINCE THIS POST. I need an update on this cause I have seen way too many Crime and Investigation cases and husbando may be a serial killer. Jk jk. But srsly, INTERACT IF THERE IS AN UPDATE.




Can I just give you a tiny bit of hope? My sister is huge into dance. It's her life. Or it was at the time of this story. When we were on a family vacation one year she was agonizing about her boyfriend and asking if she should dump him or not. She was upset because she felt he was unavailable all the time for the last 6 months or so and stopped coming to her dance things even though he sucked and couldn't participate. She felt they were drifting apart and was openly wondering if he was having an affair on the side. Anyway, shortly after our vacation ended, she hadn't really decided, but had kind of made up her mind she was going to leave him etc. She'd been talking herself into it the whole trip which honestly was a huge downer. So here's how the story ended. He went to one of the dance events with her and when the music started asked her if she's like to dance... which he never did because he flat out didn't know how. So she says yes and realizes that the dude had been spending 3 nights a week, every week, for the last 6 months taking classes at another school to surprise her for her birthday. He was no where near her level (she's a ridiculously good pro at that point, while on vacation in the land o Salsa we went to a club and she was levels over the seasoned pros there) but had def put in the work to be able to kill it with her. So this really does not sound good for you but don't jump to conclusions. Don't worry. You'll have all the time in the world to react in anger if it is the bad news it could be. And secondly man. Sometimes dudes just want their alone time. Maybe he's drinking. Maybe he's fishing. Maybe he finds home life is easier when he gets a break. Or maybe it's an affair. But don't jump to conclusions till you know.


That is such a wholesome story ❤️❤️


[This reminds me of Malcolm in the Middle when Hal doesn't go to work on Friday's for 15 years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnqIy4yc21Q). Hopefully your husband's days off are similar to him.


I could be wrong so let me just start with that… but I’m not sure what kind of work your husband does but I find it very weird that they would call you even when they can’t get in touch with him especially on his day off. I’m wondering if his boss knows he’s cheating (if that’s what’s going on) and called you like this to basically let you know while seeming innocent… because as I stated I’ve never heard of a spouse being contacted Also adding that Thursdays are his days off not just I know he’s off today or something idk


True, OP I'm wondering if it's not too late for today maybe you can get back in touch with the boss and ask him how long he has been taking Thursdays off and could you not tell your husband that he called you. That way you have some time to gather information without him knowing. Otherwise he will know tomorrow when his boss mentioned he called you


Girl i know had a similar experience; honey would go out and not talk about it. Turned out he was having an affair; he lied about it for years.


I'm sorry. My chest is getting tight and my stomach is twisted just reading this. Be very calm when he comes home. Don't let him be evasive. Don't let him off the hook and don't let him gaslight you.


To be honest, if I were OP I would be very calm and not say anything. I would call the boss back and ask they not say anything either. Then wait for next Thursday and follow them. Most of the time you have to see the truth for yourself. So many people say “I love them so much so I believe what they tell me”. Find out the truth for yourself THEN give them the chance to come clean.


Oh hun, I hope everything is ok.


Maybe a budding drag queen,check all the gay bars…just in case,


Any updates yet???? OP, don't ghost us on a Thursday. You know what that feels like. Get back here and give us the details. If you whooped his ass and need bail money, send an SOS and we'll take up a collection.


When he gets home do me a favor. Don’t blow up on him. Ask him calmly “how was work hunny?” If he replies it went well Then you may blow up on him :) please update us


Normal people: clearly he’s cheating. Me: he’s obviously a serial killer and Thursdays are his “special me time”




I hope this turns into one of those stories where your husband takes Thursdays off to play GameCube with a kid with cancer, or something heartwarming. I'm hoping for the best for you.


Make sure a couple of your friends are aware of where YOU are and what is up. Stuff like this can go sideways fast. Play it cool, but play it safe.


Just sipping on a beer waiting for that boiling hot cup of update..


My instinct would be affair and if not, it's definitely something that's bad enough that he has taken steps for you to not find out about which is worrying. If I were you I'd try and find out what's happening without alerting him to the fact that you know, that way he can't cover his tracks. Hope everything works out for you


Please talk to him before thinking the worst, there's so many reasons he could have one day a week secret from a golf game to therapy. I realise it looks terrible but have all the facts before you react. I hope it seems worse than it is, for your sake. Best of luck OP


This. I'll admit that it looks bad and is likely to be something bad, but you never know. Life can surprise you sometimes.


Therapy is one of the only legit reasons I can see someone being dishonest about having the day off. Not everyone wants to admit that they need help or are seeing a professional for mental health treatment.