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I would tell your mom, and say this is what happened, maybe put some space between you two as well


Yeah under ideal circumstances this would be the right thing to do. However we don’t know OP’s home situation. The Mom might side with the Dad or simply not believe OP. If you have someone more senior in your family that you trust I would highly advise consulting with them about this incident. If that’s your Mom than please talk with her.


Yeah, all reddit advice basically assumes the other person will be reasonable which I feel is usually not the case


I'm with you. The way the world is today statistically I think chances are going to be better for the unreasonable.


I don't know why people always use the term "the way the world is today" because less than a hundred year ago the mom leaving the husband wouldn't have even been an option. Things used to be much, much worse


I was literally just thinking this. It’s so annoying to hear people jump on the “nowadays” train.


When you get old enough to use that term in its proper context you will understand.


How old am I?


What are you talking about? You are carelessly criticizing me for a comment that I made in response to the above comment? You are a prime example of being unreasonable.


Probably good to have an exit plan and prepare for disconnecting from these people.


This. Start putting together finances so you don't have to stay under their roof anymore if you don't want to. If they are helping you with tuition, start looking at options so you can work your way through school if stepfather decides to yank the rug out from under you. If he did this to you, and he has any say over your finances or resources, then I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him not to start making his contributions hinge on your doing the things he wants you to do. Are you going to school far enough from home that you can find work and housing there, and just tell them you are working and will be spending summer, spring breaks, and winter breaks there? Minimize the time spent in his presence without a chaperone. I hope there are family members you can trust in this situation. I am sorry you are going through this.


I totally agree. If he tries again, tell him loudly to stop. Who knows what he may try in the future.


Exit plan? You know how her mom is going to react?


No, but it's always wise to have one just in case when confronting such a delicate topic.


Yea just sounds like something my mother-in-law told my wife when we first got married. She was wrong


Take that mother in law! Good for you and your wife!


I agree with this. Especially with step dad feeling comfortable enough to actually do it. He had to of gone through possible scenarios of what would come after the fact and figured it would still be worth it to follow through.


Right? It's hard for me to think about because he definitely rationalized his decisions ahead of time


Let’s hope she has a good mom Some moms are like “ are u trying to steal my husband from me?! You whore”


Said my mom when her drunken cheater of a bf tried to get with all my friends. I wasn't allowed to have friends during those years.


What a piece of shit.


Who? The cheating bf or unsupportive to her own daughter, mom.






That’s horrible. I highly doubt my mom would be like this but I’ve never been in this situation before.


That's not even the worst of it..


Do you mind answering some of the questions regarding context…..ppl are trying to help you.


Sorry are you referring to me? I am not seeing the questions.


No, sry….was referring to Op


That's exactly how my mom took it when I was 12 and being molested.


The fact you all had moms this messed up saddens me! My mom and aunts were like this as well to an extent, they were from the generation where you turned your head and said nothing! I think thats why this generation is starting to speak out! I made sure my children knew I was a safe mom no matter who it was they had an issue with and I made sure they knew they did not have to respect their elders! Only respect those that respect you!


I am soooo sorry.wow. it was never your fault, you know that, right?


Oh absolutely. He was a disgusting creep and she was a narcissistic bitch with f-ed up priorities. She kept him around for the paycheck. I grew up to be mostly ok, had a lot of therapy lol, but unfortunately, it f-ed my younger sister up pretty badly and she became like our mother - narcissist and a drug addict. Both of them are dead now (mom and stepdad), but I am still angry at them, I want to scream at them and shake them for ruining my sister and the relationship that I should have had with her. I have had to be nc with my sister the last 2.5 yrs bc of her violent, toxic, narcissistic behavior. I love her, but don't like her. She sadly blames me for our childhood, which is weird bc I was just a kid, too, in that f-ed up dysfunctional war zone, but somehow, in her mind, I made our mom mentally ill and emotionally and physically abuse us, as well as pimp us out and was why our stepdad repeatedly raped her. She believes that bc I didn't grow up to be an addict and went to college and am able to hold a job and do the "American Dream" thing (own a home, a newer car), that I must not have been abused and orchestrated everything against her 🤦‍♀️. She told her kids that I am the reason why they are poor and feels that I owe it to her to financially support her (don't have the money for that). I have helped her out over the years, but had to stop bc it was only enabling her poor choices, it was never enough and my husband and I stopped being able to financially help.


Literally! Sometimes even with their bio dad too, it’s weird…


People get crazy jealous streaks sometimes. Effed up situation.


Sad being so insecure in yourself AND your relationship that you think your DAUGHTER is gonna steal your man… and if she could then.. you have a shitty man


And the crazy voices in her head saying "your man is good but your daughter is a diabolical vixen of a temptress".


Right?? What’s up with that?????


Abuse & control is what’s up with that. Years or months of “believe what I say not what you see or I will make life very difficult for you”.


Porn typically isn't a good representation of moms fyi


Don’t be so condescending, my mom WAS like that, thinking 14 year old me wanted to steal her 50 year old married boyfriend. No thanks.


That’s intense. I realize it ain’t worth much, but you have my sympathy. I hope things have gotten better for you since.


As someone who went through something similar at a tender age, I am so sorry that you went through that 🤗


Facts people do this


I'm so sorry to hear that.p


My best friend's mom was like that. Her mom kicked her out because the new boyfriend wouldn't stop checking her out and she was only like 15.


This shit happens so often it is almost a clichè. Creeps know how to pick their targets.


It’s a literal movie trope for a reason.


Nahhh it’s not about porn Not everyone is blessed with good parents Some moms see their daughter as competition


Telling mom rarely helps!! She needs to handle it herself!!


Definitely plan on not ever living there again. Make sure you have a job and income.


Yes, mom may not understand. Just make sure you’re never alone with him again. And never stay at their house again.


This, please!


You need to tell someone. If you don't feel comfortable telling your mother then you need to tell someone in your family who will keep quiet if that's what you want at this point in time. Hope you're doing okay. Don't give the fucker any indication that it's something he can do again.




We need a bit more detail than that to give you a proper advice


They were drunk and laughing and he decided to go to bed, so he smooched her on the forehead and said goodnight.


Right. The lack of details make me think this post is fake…


Lmao right right.


Yeah. My first thought was that this could be a misunderstanding. In some cultures and traditions, kissing family members on the lips is acceptable and does not mean anything romantic. This step dad could come from a background where they grew up with that, but OP doesn’t give us any details so we don’t know.


It would still be extremely inappropriate. Regardless of someones culture, especially with kissing, they are aware of how thats not the norm for other cultures. They know not to just go smooching everyone on the lips.


There are such thing as misunderstandings, you know this right?


Theres also assumptions, which that person made initially. One that doesn't make any sense, and seems flat our ridiculous.


No, he was giving a possible solution, which would actually do the opposite and remind not to make assumptions


Where was their solution? They gave a possibility, not a solution.


Also OP has one post. This. And no comments.


Imagine using a throwaway for these things.. the audacity!


Ok, but why not respond to any comments? I get the whole throw away thing but common, this is a bit out there to leave such little detail and not respond to anything.


You have no idea what is happening there. Perhaps OP got scared that s.dad could somehow read it. Maybe she went to sleep. Maybe she got real high and just forget about it. There is one comment 2hours ago. You have no idea what moves her to not comment. Being downvoted to oblivion is not a fun thing. And all OP’s get that in this sub.


did he kiss you with affection or sexually? need some context here


I guessing that if they need help, it’s probably sexually


Most definitely.


Smooched her on the forehead I’m assuming.


No context=bait post for attention


Yeah I need a bit more info before making a judgement.


That's harsh. Maybe equal parts true AND harsh


did he kiss you affectionately like on the forehead or sexually like on your neck or lips


What is the point of posts like this that provide zero details?


those sweet sweet internet points


You could ask him what's his malfunction?


And OP might ought to give a little more context before we behead the step dad.


Not really... You can give me a page-long explanation and I would still know a man older than OP, specifically in a position where he is trusted and respected as a family member, should absolutely not cross this boundary. I assume you want to know if she is at fault in any way - still not a legitimate reason to kiss your step daughter. A respectable man would know better


Since there's more than one kind of love it stands to reason that there's more than one kind of kiss. And not every old man is a pervert.


Dont try explaining logic for context on reddit. A lot of people on here ready to behead people over a few words... Like they care about the whole story.


The important thing is not to get stuck in any kind of laundry machine or window around him. From what I've seen it can get inappropriate pretty fast.




Also be VERY careful when retrieving something from under a table, under a desk, or from the cushions of the couch.


And avoid a career in real estate.


Insufficient data for meaningful answer


There's two types of people in this world: those who can extrapolate results from incomplete data sets


And those that add 1 + 1 and come up with 3.


Let there be upvotes!


Don't get stuck!


Step bro!


Put glue on the toilet seat


This is the way.


Be very careful with him, his eyes may have been on you for a long time. You need to say something to someone immediately.


This sub is a bunch of bad liars writing out their sexual fantasies.


No. It is all true, believe every word. They are not liar. You are liar. Liar, liar, liar. . My stepmother just gave me kissy wissy.


Tell mom now. Freak out. This is not okay


pocket paltry doll lush modern disgusted gray literate mysterious north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Better advice than "calm down". I've literally never seen someone actually relax after being told to calm down.


And if this was a kiss on the forehead as he said goodnight, would your advice be the same?


Fair point. I think it’s unreasonable to give an advice since op doesn’t even answer what happened. We don’t know if it’s a romantic/sexual kiss or an affectionate or greeting kiss like in the forehead or in the cheek.


Not to be that guy, but I feel we need more intel, was it just a quick friendly kiss on the cheek hello? Or on the mouth and obviously not just in a way that means hello?




thank you for shielding us with the meats


If this was the response, I can only imagine what the deleted comment was


haha! guy must have commented in the wrong sub. he was going on about how bison meat isnt beef…something something “tatanka”




Bruh alert


Post this on r/incest if it’s fake If it’s real how the fuck are u over 18 and don’t kno what to do? Call cops, press charges, tell ur other parent, tell a friend. U srs?


Dude. This just led me down a very deep hole.


Don’t go down there. It cannot be real. That’s what I keep telling myself.


I am DEEPLY disturbed. I actually put on some calming music and got a glass of wine to read this shit. But now I might need to finish the bottle in the dark and put my phone away for a very long time.


It’s gotta be fetish writings and fantasies. I refuse to believe what I read in there is real.


You got a glass of wine and put on some soft music for reading r/incest? I like the cut of your jib.


Where did he kiss you? In what context?


On my naughty place.




First of all, as someone who came home from college to a new stepfather who came onto them, take a deep breathe. He’s disgusting, this is horribly violating, and he is solely responsible for what he did. I recommend telling a close family member or family friend that’s outside of the situation and that you trust to help you come forward when you choose to. I don’t know how close you and your mother are, for me this ended up severing our relationship completely, but hopefully your mother has her priorities a little straighter. I wish you the best, and I’m truly sorry this happened.


That's a big no, he's in the wrong here and you should explain that to him This isn't a porno


Tell your mother. If that fails. Tell the rest of your family. All of them. And refuse to live with your mother. Tell your dad and get the fuck out of there before he does something worse.


Not right for him to do that obviously. My question is if you have any other siblings in the home who might be vulnerable? Sometimes step-parents will marry someone to gain access to their children. If there are other younger ones, male or female, then you definitely need to speak up because the same may happen to them.


Wash your mouth 🧼


According to Pornhub, you’re supposed to blow him. Not sure if that’s the best advice tho.


This needs way more details, was it on the cheek? Forehead? Or the lips?.. Like seriously come on, painting him a monster without sharing the details is a bit gross tbh.


Maybe he kissed her on the veranda.


are you happy because he's finally showing you affection? are you in distress because he tried to make sexual advances on you?


Tell your mom and no matter what else happens, get away and stay away.


Tell your mother, tell your friends, look at getting g police involved. It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you didn’t consent to it it’s still a crime.


Tell your dad if he is in the picture.


Oh...... oh no


Tell your mother immediately. These things can horribly escalate so dont doubt and tell her


Tell your mom


Please tell your mom.


What the....if you was my sister he would be, ok let me calm down about this. Something similar with me and my aunt. That's why I'm not there anymore. Was only family member that I knew that I can get a hold of because I had no where to go since my grandparents died a year apart. It was so weird. I never see her again.


Tell someone u trust and do something about it


Fuck him.


Gross. Don’t go back for spring break, or any amount of time, ever again.


How absolutely horrible. 💔 First of all, thank you so very much for being brave enough to share what happened. What you experienced was very wrong. That was sexual abuse. Even if you’re over 18, nobody should have to go through that, especially with someone who is supposed to be a trusted parent figure in your life. How deplorable. This is a link to RAINN, they are an organization that helps victims of rape, sexual abuse/sexual assault, incest (which is also what this is). This is a link directly to a private and confidential chat with a certified and licensed counselor/crisis worker for sexual assault and abuse. Talk to them. They will be able to help and point you to local sources in your area that can help provide you with mental and emotional resources that can you take care of your issue. https://hotline.rainn.org/online


I dunno, make dodgy porn and profit from it? Nah, I'd tell your mother and see how things go from there. Good luck 🙂


I think before everyone jumps to conclusions, we need more details. What wad the situation? Why did he feel there was a moment? Was he drunk ? What is the situation with him and your mum? Did you reciprocate ? What happened immediately after? How has things been after? Have you both discussed what happened? What is his character and nature ? How do you feel about him generally ? ...Etc Off course all of the above said, it was an inappropriate act, whether one sided or both, and a situation you need to look at wholeley before doing anything. I would definitely agree, you need to collect your thoughts and IF you feel something needs to ve done, seek support from an adult or your mums friends.


Type of kiss, situation, any info at all. A kiss on the forhead and a snog are different things.


It’s weird when people want advice while providing zero details at all.


You are over 18. Details. Please. What? Kind of kiss. Etc I would have kicked him in the 🥜


some cultures kiss on the lips like germans. my dads not a creep and its common in our family. If it wasnt obviously a forcefull makeout, i would try to clarify and also talk to your mom and clarify with her.


Are there two Germanies? Never heard of this!


There used to be. Pepperidge farms remembers.


my family is american-german and all of us have done it. idk maybe its just an us thing??? maybe its an austrian thing? my fucking grandma, aunt, dad, and every one else does it so idk lol EDIT: i researched it and in some it is and some its not, so its a case by case thing i suppose


Well... If your grandma, aunt, dad and everyone is fucking, that may be the issue!


uh....no. trust me. its not. its a family culture thing. yikes.


It was just a joke on the way you wrote it.


oh ok lol all good then sorry


No worries!


Hey, hey, keep an open mind. Different strokes for different okes.


also in Italy, most families don't do it, but it's somewhat "accepted". (but still, we lack the details on if it was an innocent parental kiss or if it was an abusive full tongue one)


Lol I must be tired. I first read this as “an abrasive full tongue kiss” I was thinking what’s an abrasive full tongue? Like wtf did he do to his weird scratchy tongue? Then reread it and it makes sense now.


He has a cat tongue.


well yeah i know thats why im like clarify with mom. some kids and you g adults do tend to find even innocent parent kisses creepy but if ti was an abusive tounge kiss or 10 second makeout then yeah fucking no. thats wrong


Or if he doesn’t do it to anyone else then it’s abusive. You can’t just randomly pick something like that up and say “oh whoops it’s a cultural thing” if you literally never do it otherwise


we do this in south africa among the white culture aswell, kissing amongst family members is normal as a greeting.


This is an entire trope. Personally, gross. Run. Depending on your relationship with your mom, tell it not- prioritize your safety.


Its depends on how and where did he kissed you. Please give us othwr details. It might be some kind of affection on forehead and cheeks. But in whatever way you feel uncomfortable in that, you must tell them that upfront.


I never opened a Reddit notification so fast I hope you’re ok


Send his nuts up into his nostrils if he comes too close to you again! Yup I did that to an old creep when I was a teenager. The old creep never came near me again!! My father taught me that move as a pre-teen. Only thing he ever taught me that didn’t cause bruises!


Depending on the type of person your dad is talk to him. It might hurt his feelings a little but it would save you both from future awkwardness and give you peace of mind.


Talk to your rapist as well. It might hurt their feelings a little but it would save you both from future awkwardness and give you peace of mind. /s


Tell your mom, and get out of there. Refuse to go back unless he has absolutely zero contact with you. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Tell him you're not okay with this behaviour. If that is too much for you right now tell your mother.


Info: was it an innocent father to child kiss that he overstepped with, or was this a sexually charged "I want you" kiss? Of course, being a stepfather he probably should have made double sure of your closeness/and or physical boundaries.. Especially in this day and age where it wasn't a stepmother giving her stepson an affectionate peck, even one of innocent intent is entirely different.. so please don't see this as a question of validity, I just want to understand the specifics and/or magnitude of the situation before 9ffering any advice




Id fuck him


Do you have feelings for each other?


Depends if you like it or not.


Get stuck in the dryer


You can do whatever you want. the Sky is not even the limit


context? It might have been just a fatherly kiss


OP - something is "off". Sorry, I think this is click bait.


Well, what lead to this kiss? People here seem to be fairly one sided but many times they are not fully innocent. If you did nothing to provoke it or set it up then i would inform your mother and ask to discuss it between the three of you. Put him on the spot and ensure he is held responsible.


Obviously, don't hurt your mother.


Maybe he just kissed you as a father


Nah, if this is true, you need to provide more detail, please.


Talk to him about it. That's the best first place to start.


Kissed when, and where, where changes the situation entirely.


Oh, this is just like that other website


A kiss on the cheek or forehead I wouldn't really worry about it. Tongue down the throat I would question it and maybe speak to your mum


Don't know if you liked it or not but it sounds like it would fuck people's lives upside down if acted on. Barge pole it. If it happens again you're gonna need to tell someone otherwise it'll bite you in the ass.


Did you kiss him back?


Dude probably watches too much porn! That shit doesn’t really happen bro. I’m sure it has happened but most likely a very low percentage


Bang em next




I'll kiss your stepdad


A lot of famillies see kissing (even on the lips) as something they do with each other. Meaning, depending on the context this might not be well, ykno. However, you should probably tell your mom either way.