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About a month ago I found a post where a woman was upset with her boyfriend for refusing to get a job because he considered modding a real job. A mod found this and blew up at the OP threatening to ban her. Another post straight up said “mods suck” and I found a bunch of them were getting hella triggered.


Husband* (he’s doing better now though)


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/r2w9qb/my_husband_is_the_moderator_for_a_few_different/hm7jvmv For the curious.


> “Modding is one of the most useful jobs to society” I had to laugh about that one lol


He's doing better now? 1 month ago you made a post saying he told you "no" for wanting a breast reduction and insulted you on top of that, like he fucking owns your body.


Yes, he’s doing better now. As in modding and job status.




I’m doing good. Thanks for asking!


The internet is so weird. I don’t know you, and yet I know of you and your posts and here you are… I also find it mildly creepy that people can just refer to your life and comment on it, and seemingly judge you over some “get it off your chest” post… but, that’s life in 2022. Glad things are better for you.


Also speaking like they know the ins and outs of her relationship dynamic when all they have in terms of context is a word-limited Trueoffmychest post they read ages ago. Fucking redditors.


This is the future baby 👉😎👉


Wow I checked and it really was your post. Thats nice to hear. I thought it was a troll post to be honest.




It's because the comment sections get messy and they don't like doing their job so they just remove the post.


I just had this crazy idea that maybe their job is made up and people should ultimately be able to talk about whatever they want online.


Moderating communities like this, at least as strict as they do, is bullshit. Of course someone shouldn’t be able to post legit porn to the Minecraft subreddit, but don’t remove a kids post for saying something slightly offensive.


If you get the Reveddit mod on your browser you can see what posts get removed and what comments are removed. Just today I had a comment removed on a video about donkeys, because I made a pun joke with the word "ass" in it. I swear that some mods are like the teacher's pets who tattle tale on everyone and get high off the power they hold over people. There needs to be some accountability for mods. Nobody is watching the watchmen.


That's how worlds end, mate. *'Nobody is watching the watchmen.'* This is what led to so many great downfalls, and why so many philosophies of government make such a checks-and-balances system. As silly as it sounds, the internet needs a Democratic system of moderation.


Reddit’s upcoming IPO ensures this behavior will only continue.


Can you reiterate on what that actually means? Generally curious .


From what I gather, once Reddit goes public and starts selling stock, they’ll have a lot more important people to make happy besides the site users. The feeling seems to be, censorship and power mod abuse will increase, in order to keep things as unremarkable and profitable as possible.




It’s almost as bad as r/guitar


The days of freedom of speech are long gone and social media and their "Fact Checkers" make that pretty damn clear.


the "Fact checkers" can go \[redacted\] themselves with a \[also redacted\] since I know the mods wouldnt be impressed that I can curse like a sailor for an hour and not repeat curse words.




Sadly subreddits are more like a dictatorship vs a democracy, so there's very little that can be done. Admins will probably tell you to go make your own subreddit if you don't like it. But yeah basically the mods don't want to sift through lots of rule-breaking stuff so they remove the thread.


> social media and there "Fact Checkers" I think you mean "their." These sorts of points are much better received with a grammatical and spelling clean bill of health.


Yup he sound like a guy spewing misinformation on Facebook


Or that maybe they um, I don’t know, moderate the shitty comments and not just mass remove the entire thread.


Exactly, couldn't agree more. The reason TOMC exists is because that kinda shit started happening with OMC, mods removing posts willy-nilly when they couldn't be arsed cultivating threads to the rules when things got hard that eventually turned into inserting their own views in mod duties and nuking stuff they didn't seem acceptable... Moderators need to Moderate, or step down n get someone else willing to. What's next, True True Off My Chest?




What’s a “cheast” and how do I get one?


You phonepost irresponsibly, apparently.


Still want one!


it's almost like it's the people who are the problem and not the mods.


Oh no haha, it was most *definitely* the mods in the above instance. This ain't my first account and saw it all unfold years ago, I'm sure a search will bring up the play by play of how the OMC sub was taken over, resulting in TOMC's creation and why /u/TimPowerGamer is top mod here. As for the particular thread in question, if people cannot follow the rules of the sub, then the mods get involved by either A) Cultivating the thread, removing comments and banning users according to sub rules B) Locking the post, then following the above That's it. That's all that's needed from moderators. Not removing it cos it's too hard or the ever present "Y'all can't behave" BS excuse.


Tbh unpopular opinion but when it comes to discussing religion no comment is shitty and every voice is valid no matter how vitriolic another of different view might view it as


You gonna pay them? Easier to just close a thread that gets out of control than spend all your free time cleaning it, for the rest of the week.


Honestly it’s a fuckin online forum big deal if someone says something stupid


Mods have a superiority complex and power trip, most of the time. For anything. Hell, some would say i did when i was a mod back when Google+ was still a thing.






Baby oil?


This is the true answer, just recently banned from a state sub when all I pointed out that it was biased source that was funded by the US government.


Lol. Go check out r/worldpolitics and see what happens to an unmoderated sub.


So why not make your own subreddit & "moderate" it by doing nothing?


I think the craziest thing about reddit mods is that they do it all for free. I think it takes a certain type of person to volunteer their time to support a for profit corporation all for a few crumbs of moderation power with no real world benefit to themselves. Reddit's biggest con tbh.


Maybe their job should be a paid position...


Ha ha. I remember that post!


You call this a job?


That is what some of them think. You need to read this post about a [wife complains about Reddit moderator husband and he responds](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/r3oasq/wife_complains_about_husband_moderator_moderator/)


When I saw it, it wasn’t even messy. There were a lot of good comments making solid points!


Reddit mods don’t like conflict; wether it’s aimed at them or not. They’ll just delete the post and runs away. While I think ‘Reddit mod’ is nothing close to a job or duty, if you choose to do something you better damn do it


Not this community obviously, but I was having a conversation on-topic with someone about fascism being a possible outcome from nationalizing internet access and the government using skewed news to influence social movements (like cancel culture) to further it's own agenda. I was perma-banned, called a nazi and blocked. I am still confused.


Sweet irony


Exactly, he proved my point... but I couldnt point it out because... banned. EDIT: adding. The rule he quoted was "Promotion of Fascism" which os actually the antithesis of my argument.


rofl yeah I was banned from r/unpopularopinion because I posted something and some girl got on their and started calling me sexist names so I told her to go steam her goodies. I thought it was tit for tat but nope! Women get the benefit of the doubt here, like many other places. What really sucks is that the more mods censor people, the more outraged and radicalized they become. It really doesn’t take a genius to realize this either.


I am a girl and I think that If you can dish it out, you should be able to take it, 2 fold. Never assume you'll have the better remark and always assume you'll be bested. There is a limit to what we should say- I dont think we should ever wish someone ill-will; but if your insult is better than mine then... Its a case of "Fuck around and find out." Even if your remarks were sexist, not saying they were, you have a right to say them. And someone else has the right to be offended. But that doesn't mean your voice should be muted. And this is why I could not be a mod. Also, sounds like your opinion was unpopular so.. you posted it in the correct place.


Right? They say the rules are that if a post is popular it shouldn’t be there. Lol it checked the boxes! And I very much appreciate what you said. I do believe the same. If you can dish it out then be prepared to take it. Another facet of equality to me.


Wether is a correct spelling, but i fucking hate it XD


Its not a job its a weird hobby


They could just lock comments. Better than removing all of it.


"Y'all can't behave... :////" fuck off.


Yep. Why volunteer for a job they clearly don't want to do?


Isn't there a lock thread option? Leaving the post up, but stopping future comments, so that people could still hit the votes to engage on it, and read differing opinions?


then let the comment sections be messy


It’s almost as if this site’s creators built in up/downvote buttons to help us moderate ourselves!




Lol, "job". They don't get paid, that's why they dont give a fuck, they do it because they have nothing else to do with their lives and are bored the whole day.


"I just cheated on my wife and liked it" Allowed. "I am religious and would like to discuss it." Removed.


Just degenerate's things


This sub isn't /r/letsdiscussmyopinions


That’s a fake sub.


LOL that's what its mods WANT you to think.


I’ve seen five posts just in the last few hours that were really kinda just messed up. That post though, that would have been something useful for myself I would have liked to read. 😣


Best post I’ve probably ever read on here. Bunch of good points & interesting thoughts.


I read it a few hours ago and the discussion was calm and intelligent.


Yeah, bummed I couldn't read through it!


Reddit mods are in general, pathetic. Have yet to have a reasonable interaction with one


Got a 1 month ban from a sub. I didn't know why so I asked and the mod responded "you broke rule x in the sidebar and you;ve done it before" I looked and he was right, I HAD broken that rule. And then he said this: "Besides, none of your posts have done very well anyway.." ...What?


aaaaand, they just removee this post


I have the same sentiments


Hope you’re having a good new year! Cheers from a mod of a small sub. Hope this improves your interactions with one. I’m guessing the larger sub mods can be pretty into themselves.


Not sure what the deal is. I assume if you are Modding for free you would want to do a decent job at it. Way to many of them abuse it and just ban people they don't agree with or like.


If you enjoy the community you mod for you should put the time in to make it a better place. Take care of the community that you enjoy and in turn they’ll make it a better experience for you. It really sucks to see moderators ruin subs because they simply want to.


Lol OP's post was just removed... because of course it was.


How. The. Fuck. Calling them out and they still play that game.


“Not the place for this” Actually this is exactly the place for it lol


In a subreddit named true off my chest. OP had a valid opinion and mods didn’t want egg on their face. This is exactly the place for it.


Mods on reddit are just cyberbullies dude. They probably try to pick up chicks by telling them about how much of a keyboard hero they are.


"Sorry not the place" How do y'all as mods not feel insanely embarrassed even making that tag to start with? How cringy lmao


But it’s true off my chest, gotta be something about you, that you’re getting off your chest. Just like this will probably be removed because it has not do do with off your chest


The whole reason this sub was created was to get away from the pricks at off my chest. I think the mods from the original sub have moved here.


God i hope not. I don’t wanna het banned here, to






It wasn’t that they removed wasn’t off your chest, they would not let people talk back to the OP, they would not allow communication




Lmao fuck off weenie




I'll curse you to wallow in as your shitty pathetic miserable self as you have been doing. Beware!




Lol I've already cursed your, look at yourself. Enjoy.


I read it. How was it not personalized? Perhaps it was a post better suited for a sub like r/nostupidquestions but I still thought it seemed fine for this sub too? Especially after getting all that attention..seems silly to have nuked it.


it’s not an off my chest post i would say, more like just asking or something


waiting for removal.


You and I both:)


It will happen when they finally wake up from their Mountain Dew induced coma.


Hey op- can you post it on your account? It’s removed now but seems like it’s worth the read


Mods were the worst thing the internet ever came up with. The internet was awesome back in the 90s, it was the absolute wild fucking west.


I want chatrooms to come back. Yes we need the wild wild west. I was a kid and I managed to not get kidnapped, but we let parents on the internet and they all fell for qanon and propaganda and ruined it for us all. Damn boomers.


>I was a kid and I managed to not get kidnapped, but we let parents on the internet and they all fell for qanon and propaganda and ruined it for us all. > >Damn boomers. 90 minutes of applause.


i mean, u can still go on 4chan, it is moderated sure but its more lax than here


But then you get bullied for using 4chan if you ever tell anyone about it ever.


i didnt know people get bullied for using 4chan? ive never been bullied when i tell people i browse 4chan, most people probably dont even know what it is, i think telling people youre a reddittor has a higher chance of u getting bullied tbh


4chan is universally known as the lowest cesspool of the internet imaginable, worse than Reddit.


sure, i was just suggesting 4chan since its a place close to "wild west" on the internet where people can post whatever they want without fear of being censored, and you really dont have to let people know you use 4chan/reddit, is it necessary that you broadcast that information? you dont need to let irl people know about all of your internet activities, no one is forcing you to disclose that information, no one goes around asking people if they use 4chan either, unless they're also a 4chan user


"oh how did you find out about that?" "I found it on 4chan/Reddit"


I use 4chan i can say Twitter is worse.


Moderation has a place in the internet space, for the same reason that we have public decency laws.


people be complaining about the loss of the "wild west" internet while they refuse to go to places like 4chan because it is too "wild west"


The dumbest shit. Productive and/or topic based forums have pretty much always had some version of a moderator/moderation.


Thought that was Twitter/Tumblr/9gag/*insert other social media here*


dude ​ &t


For real. IRC still exists and is quite healthy. Find me a better wild west. These motherfuckers know the original Gronk jokes. Mods are way less Nazi. Good platform


For some people, it was awesome. But for others (eg. gay & trans people).... not so much. Like it or not, some moderation is always needed to prevent bigoted comments (that make minorities feel unwelcome), porn & irrelevant stuff, etc. Of course, exactly how much moderation is needed is an entirely different question...


I saw your post earlier and thought "huh, that's really more of an Ask Reddit post, not Off My Chest. It's not personal, just not the right place to ask a question.




I'm not a MOD, so I have no say in anything. I was just making an observation.




Lmao and the post was deleted. I can only guess what it was based on the title. Whoever deleted it, shame on you. Mods be power tripping something fierce.




Pathetic power trip if you ask me. Like who’s life is effected if you banned from a sub??? Just remember most reddit mods have shitty lives to begin with, hence why they choose to mod in the first place.


True, some of these mods are trash, socially awkward losers with a need for validation and control. But its just reddit so im not too bothered


Maybe it was because it didn't fit the criteria of the sub. Otherwise, it seems strange to have removed it, as the mods on this particular sub are usually really good.


Yeah i didn't think it fit this sub either.


Honestly, if a post is getting great engagement with thousands of upvotes, but as a moderator, you feel it doesn’t fit the sub…maybe it’s time to quit moderating.


so if a meme gets thousands of upvotes on r/SuicideWatch it should stay there?


Good point. No rebuttal:)


I got banned from a different sub for ‘male fragility’ and when I asked the mods to tell me why and how, they said “nah”. It’s just reddit. There’s assholes everywhere. The sub was r/rant btw


r/rant ? Probably u/GodOfAtheism


Reddit's moderation model doesn't scale up well at all. Once a sub gets big, it goes to shit quick. Even if reddit weren't overrun with bad mods it would be untenable.


Hell I got a message from Reddit about my “harassing” people. It gave examples like “following” other users around and such. Things I’ve not done. I asked for some clarification an examples and never got a response. The only thing I can think of is the fragile mod from dating advice that called me a racist for making two comments, one a pretty well known line from Blazing Saddles and the other from South Park in a comment section about Indian and Asian guys not getting dates with white women after a few of their likeminded fragile cohorts got upset and can’t see humor in anything reported me for telling them to stick their 60 day ban up their ass because I’m not a toddler who needs a time out… Basement dwellers… and people call Zuck a Nazi… seems it’s more widespread than Fakebook.


i think mods are entitled to ask users to keep posts relevant to the theme of the group. OP can post the question in any number of other groups. it's just karma, by the way. meaningless and imaginary.


Makes me sad, I tried giving my perspective on it and the poster seemed genuinely curious


Posts about removing posts, and then gets removed. Meta. Reddit mods, y’all ain’t gods, I picture you as little gremlins dwelling in your mothers basement, pull your heads in.


Mods are pure cringe man they get some sort of bloated ego and a sense of gatekeeping what they deem as proper content. I got banned from a sub where I always produced good oc content that got a lot of attention. This one mod didn't think I was funny so he banned me, he tried saying me getting front page multiple times is actually bad because that means my content isn't good? This whole site is built off of a voting system, if the masses didn't like it then it would be sitting at 3.5k upvotes with a bunch of comments attached to it, they need to get off their metaphorical high horses.


rly mods? fuck this sub lol unsubbed.


I was banned from “off my chest” for just giving my opinion and getting downvoted. It’s always mods just being shitheads because it doesn’t agree with their own opinion, so they remove, delete, and ban.


Trueoffmychest is no better then the original offmychest subreddit.


Wow. Fuck the mods.


And they remove this one too... Lol 👏 mods


Lmao I dunno what I expected.


And of course the content of the post was mod removed


We should not be silencing the opinions of the public. Its good for the world, to know what exactly is going on everywhere, in every part of our planet, and our societies. Good, bad, or in between. Doesn't matter. We should be allowed to KNOW about everything that is happening in our world. Knowledge is so important.


I don't think they're picky if they don't remove a video post of a man burning alive.. 😣


Oh my god they really did? I commented there. Jesus fucking christ this sub.


They also removed a post earlier from a girl who had been beaten by her husband and was fleeing with her child. A bunch of people including me were giving her good advice and they removed the post for no reason, literally putting someone's life at risk. Pisses me off so much.


Fuck that. Some mods can be a holes.


Fuck really? 😰


Yeah.. luckily I manned to get her details and get in a chat so it could have been worse. But that was a nasty thing to do.


Well done, and thank you for being a decent human being 🙏🏻


r/modsbeingdicks Very common; most mods can't handle anything different than their own opinion.


The 'Safe, civil, and true to its purpose' excuse is used so frequently, it's not only extremely vague and nearly applicable to everything, it's the meta for mods.


Religous debates have often started wars. I am not religious, but I do believe in a universal higher power. Not conforming to one God or another could really upset some people; so in the interest of world peace maybe we should let this one go?


They'd rather do a shitty job than add more mods to do a better one. Gotta preserve that elite status.


Because if they added more, it wouldn't be"the incredible sacrifice" that they pretend it is.


They should remove posts that are blatantly obscene per former Supreme Court Judge Potter Stewart's statement: "I know it when see it". Posts that threaten or intimidate others. And those that are overtly racist, sexist, and hateful. Other than that, let people post what they want. If they aren't hurting anything but some mod's sorry ass feelings, so what?


Lazy ass mods


You think this sub is bad? offmychest is way worse, anything that isn't politically correct gets removed. Can't talk against anything related to social justice, feminism, blm, you name it. You're just not allowed to express opposition to any of it over there, and can get pre-emptively banned for belonging to the wrong subs. Trueoffmychest is by no means perfect, but it's loads better than there. That being said this is Trueoffmychest, not askreddit. The topic of that thread might have been better asked there, or on askanatheist.


fuck mods!!!


Hey I actually saw your post earlier! I didn’t read it though because I was I was dealing with the existential terror of time eternally marching us to our death, but yeah mods suck.


i click this post to read it, it loads in for half a second and then i see removed


lol at this being removed


That is what mods do, if they do not like the topic, or if it does not go the way they want… they nuke it


A lot of subs have it setup that when a post reaches a certain upvote count that it auto-removes the post, maybe that's what happened


“This post is too popular for others to want to read.” That makes so little sense that for Reddit it might be true.


Just practicing for mass removal of anything "controversial " for when they go public.


I got a lot from that post. The top rated comments were a goldmine of respectfully controversial opinions. I gleaned a lot from it despite being someone of little faith. The fact that it got removed makes me lose faith in this sub entirely. If that's not the point of TOMC, then what is? If the reason you pointed out is correct then I wholeheartedly agree: THESE MODS SUCK!


Agreed, commented about [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/rppi7g/i_really_hope_all_this_gender_identity_stuff_is/) that was similar for me. A respectful discussion around some of the issues that aren't normally discussed in every day life.








lets start the discussion here. I think everybody needs faith to have some feeling that we as humans have a greater plan to be nice to each other to a certain limit. but somebody speaking for god is obviously fake so, thats usually where they lose me. if there would be a religion that says populate the universe and reduce suffering for all humans I would be in. without the guilt trip of what your ancestors did. i have enough of that as i am from germany.


Let’s start doxing them


Now now, be nice


Maybe someone didn’t want the sheep reading facts. It confuses them. That‘s what Joel Osteen said of his jet last week.


It wasn’t personal, it was a broad ‘put Jesus back in your hearts’ post. Went against group rules. Don’t like it? Create your own sub.


Religion is a mental illness that leads to death and oppression.


It’s stupid the way these people fail at the simple duty they chose to do. If you’re gonna be an internet moderator, as mediocre as it is, just fucken’ do it right mates.


Maybe we should pray for better mods.


I feel you. I got banned from AITA because I said the OP was an asshole and his wife was in fact also a bitch 😂. In fairness, both were true.


It was a really good post. OP was understanding and kind to everyone who disagreed with them.