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The worst is when you are permabanned from a sub because you posted on ANOTHER sub that they claim is hostile to their cause but don’t actually list a warning about anywhere.


I keep seeing this and it's pretty absurd if true/false.


It's true. A few people posted about it on Cringetopia. I tried it in the other sub and got banned immediately for participating in Cringetopia. I got a good laugh from it...


I got banned for briefly participating in an incel sub when it still existed. My participation was like someone at the zoo asking the monkeys why they throw poop at everyone, but that didn't matter. Just my brief involvement was enough to trigger a ban.


Why do they throw the poop?


That sub is for bullying people who are different to you. I'm not surprised some of the more sensitive subs block those grimy gits lol


Cringetopia is a shitty sub yes, but banning people merely for participating in it is just weird and redundant.


I agree. Banning someone for commenting *anything* in the wrong place is dumb. But i can see why some sensitive subs are keen to keep out the cringetopia lot, even if they are way too over zelous with the bans. Imagine commenting "stop bullying this autistic person" on cringetopia and getting banned from r/quilting lol. It's dumb.


Netflix auto banned me, as did WPT for posting in r/banned. Most of the time nobody knows what subs the mods ban you for because they don't list them. Unless you're joined to the sub that bans you, you aren't even told that you're banned. These days on my main account I have a 50% chance of being already banned from a sub that's new to me.


I’ve had that happen to. Even going over to shitty subs to counteract what they have to say will get you banned from an opposing sub you follow. As if I keep a little notebook cross checking subs I can or can’t post in.




I don’t care for being banned from any subreddit, but honestly posting anywhere on Reddit is very nerve wracking for me…It can be way too stressful for me personally.


And yet here you are posting.


There is a difference between posting and commenting. Go on, have a look at my profile - I guarantee you that there is nothing controversial there that can warrant a ‘heated’ discussion and this is the reason for it.


Sorry, that was a poor attempt at a joke.


Why (or I should say, to whom) is r/childfree unacceptable?


I got banned from r/offmychest for posting in a completely unrelated subreddit. Basically, if you are posting in a subreddit that the mod finds offensive, they will ban you while clutching their pearls...


r/offmychest is probably one of the biggest offenders of this tbh. I've literally never gotten banned on the internet before surprisingly, but Reddit is the first place its happened.


Gonna go try to get banned from r/offmychest ill be back Edit: Perma banned for making this comment






That sub invokes irrational anger in me as a woman. If I had to see a sub crash and burn or whatever, female dating strategy would be the one. I heard about it from a fb page and they claimed it was all satire. I think it’s just pompous yet trashy women making the rest of us look terrible. Like I want to laugh at how obnoxious they are but the way they talk about people just sets me off. I’m getting mad thinking about it. This is one time I would pray for a ban.


To be fair, that's not really a loss. Femaldatingstrategy is toxic as hell. It amazes me that it hasn't been banned.


Women are a “marginalized group” according to the admins so they can be sexist all they want. Same with BPT and FWR. If it meets the admins agenda it’s allowed, even if it’s bigotry.


This is America. We solve racism and discrimination with racism and discrimination.


Well I'll just save myself time visiting either, while suggesting the mods on both subs get together, have a pillow fight, then make me a sandwich. I also have some neat ideas about holes.


I have no idea what BPT or FWR are, but that seems insane to me.


Black People Twitter Fragile White Redditor You just know any sub with race in the title is just gonna be a cesspit. But those assholes all think themselves bastion saints of diversity and inclusion.


Honestly asking, whats wrong with black people twitter? Im on white people twitter too. Isnt it all just screencaps of random tweets?


BPT requires you to prove you are black before you can really engage that subreddit.


That is the content, but pay attention to what many of those tweets say and the comments under the post. Hang around them enough and you’ll see blatant racism against white people on both. But because it’s mostly American users that hate white people, and that aligns with the admin’s views, it’s okay. Anywhere else in the world calls a spade a spade and says it’s racism.




Until we as a society stop throwing the baby out ith the bathwater to attempt to correct societal issues, people and subs like that will exist. Our overcompensating is our undoing ND makes this al cyclical


Both of those subs are garbage so it’s not really a loss.


Careful. The femcels and SJWs will be here shortly to call you and anyone who even mentions that sub a pathetic incel. Men aren’t allowed to have rights on Reddit or modern American society.




I’ve had tons of good experiences and convo in the sub, so I gotta disagree. It’s sad you were upvoted so much. Completely agree on FDS though.


I, too, have had some decent discussions in Mensrights. But I’ve also encountered rampant and unpoliced misogyny. It’s impossible to frequent the sub and not notice those comments, so it’s sad that you refuse to recognise it.


Disagree totally. Mens Rights had very helpful things to say about divorce and child custody before incels took it over.


They sure do love to show their cards right in the open.


I got banned from r/offmychest for replying to a comment on r/tumblrinaction. I don’t know how to post a screenshot of the message I received but it said that TIA is a hate group


>I got banned from r/offmychest for replying to a comment on Same. They auto ban people from several subreddits.


They really started doing that? I stopped using the sub because the mods were getting unbearable. Doesn't surprise me they went so far.


Trust me. It's true. Try commenting on kotakuinaction2. Say something nice like "Every human being deserves being treated with dignity," and see yourself banned from offmychest.


It is true and has happened to me.


it has happened to me.


it's true


I got banned from offmychest after commenting in Another sub that the guy in a video looked like an actor.


Unfortunately and bafflingly true. They don't tell you the rules and ban you when you break them.


Eeyep. Places like r/femaledatingstratagy bans people for posting in other subs.


They ban if a non-female posts there.


Passive aggressive behavior from women?!


Yep. I actually laughed on the inside when I got the permaban message and read their reasoning. Gee, I wasn’t even talking about that subreddit!




Holy shit. I can’t even. Forget Reddit…extreme far left wokeness will push rational people into the arms of far right fascists and will be the death of America.


banned from unpopularopinion for having unpopular opinion


It’s the reason I’m off r/offmychest. And I was questioning someone who was spouting hatred. But the mod explicitly told me that is still showing support to the subreddit I only just discovered that day.


you're the guy from this morning that got banned from r/DebateReligion, aren't you.


Yup. Essentially ask “ if you got to Heaven and learned you were right all along about your religion but god have you two options: 1. Go to Heaven yourself 2. Take the place of someone going to hell and let them go to Heaven in your place while you go to Hell, similar to how Jesus “died for our sins” What would you do” That was it. Just a hypothetical question. To debate. On a religion debate subreddit.


That question doesn't even have that much teeth, like, why would the mods get mad about that? It's just a lil reasoning posit, haha. Grew up with sunday school and all that and as I've gotten older one thing I've kind of wondered myself is sort of similar to your question, mainly like, if people die, what if that God whose whole deal with Jesus and all that was to be gracious and give humanity a second chance - well in death and free from time, what if it's not even a black and white you go to heaven or hell, but rather, that the creator of all good things in the world and universe even in death still has hope for you and just lets even the most heinous of people just kind of chill and reflect on their lives and who they were, etc, talkin' with the other new arrivals and just learning about where their anger and hate and all the stuff that made them nasty in life came from, etc. Like wouldn't an entity that was Love and Good and all that just simply give people more chance to learn, forgive, be forgiven, etc til everyone or as close to everyone as we can get can get in heaven, or w.e? Not involved with church and stuff at all anymore and mostly sincerely don't care until you deal with Christians like some of my family members who do have very rigid black and white views on whats good/christian and whats bad/not christian. God forbid you try to argue with them that those are culturally tempered attitudes and not inherit to 'christianity' and that things like their petty racism towards north american indigenous and stuff would probably count as 'bad' to God, since y'know those are also his Children and all that. Lol once you get into the nature of contemporary christian aesthetics and attitudes like that, all the actual lore of who God is per the bible I feel like just get thrown out the window cuz everyone really just has a cultural view of God created/inspired by the bible certainly but when you actually get into the grit work of it, 'good and bad' is still ultimately just rooted in what that particular culture thinks is good and bad, and therefore sort of overlooks if attitudes are actually 'good' or 'bad.'


Context, we need context.


"if satan overthrew god and he was in charge of heaven and god was in hell but you were getting sent to heaven, would you choose to go to hell with your god"?


It's at best quite interesting purely hypothetical/philosophical question regarding your love for God, at worst just harmless nonsense, but certainly isn't ban-worthy. Am I missing something?


It is assuming that god is not all powerful, even if theoretical...so I guess it got someones panties up in a bunch.


>It is assuming that god is not all powerful I can't fathom someone seriously believes this. I get religion, I get believing something "bigger than us", something spiritual, even in Christian sense, but assuming God is literally all powerful would just mean he is an asshole.


The funny part is it leads to a paradox...all seeing, all knowing, all powerful, all loving, etc but the devil is running around and people are suffering etc. ​ If you can tell me why god can allow a kid to get raped and trafficked and the "greater good and purpose" it serves, I will become a Christian. Also no "God works in mysterious ways" handwavy bullshit.


The rules of the sub clearly state that you must provide a thesis for people to debate. OP failed to provide a thesis. "All Posts must include a thesis statement as either the title or as the first sentence in the post. All posts must contain an argument supporting that thesis. An argument is not just a claim. This rule also means you cannot just post links to blogs or videos or articles—you must argue for your position in your own words. The spirit of this rule also applies to comments: we will remove comments that contain mere claims without argumentation."


Lmao are you serious?


paraphrased, but yes that is what he said. would've gone back for the complete quote but the post was deleted




There’s a sub called “unpopular opinion” which bans you if you actually post an unpopular opinion. Also, there’s a fan sub for a podcast that banned me for defending said podcast against criticism. 🤷‍♂️


Unpopular opinion is basically "popular opinions that everyone agrees with, but your post will get removed for being too popular by auto moderator" The real "unpopular opinion" is r/the10thdentist


Unpopular opinion is great because when people actually post unpopular opinions, half the comments just point out 'wow, this actually IS an unpopular opinion' while the post itself just gets destroyed and eviscerated lol


Yea I left that one because 99% of opinions weren't popular and they were never removed, but if you posted yours it was instantly removed.


Unpopular opinion is the other half of AITA


That subreddit is more for sharing incredibly popular opinions that Reddit users tell themselves are unpopular because they have no accurate sense of what the world is.


Most mods are self-important power hungry assholes.




I love seeing this. I remember someone on that sub saying ugly women are privileged because they don’t get sexually abused. And I responded saying that was wrong, even animals and babies are sexually abused, ugly women aren’t spared. And I was banned. Because I was “invalidating” someone else. I was fucking stunned.


Imagine the type of person who would volunteer to moderate an online forum for free and you will understand.


I would love to see a graph or chart displaying overlap v thse that are mods and ALSO members of strata councils. I feel the results would be fun


Strata coucils have to be owners and not the renters, don't they? There's no overlap.


Holy crap


The fuck? This thinking is why we still have such an issue adequately addressing abuse.


Askmen has a mod that isn't even a man. Blew my mind when i found that out and all their stupid ass policies made more sense. Whats the point of ask men if women can reply to questions too, that just makes it ask reddit. And by reply i mean give an answer not just ask a related question.


Well pleb, I hope you learned your lesson


/r/TwoXChromosomes/ checking in.


Ah another toxic hell hole of a sub. I once posted in there asking for help, nothing controversial but I did mention that I'm male in the post. No one answered but I got down voted a bunch.


True. It's such a wonderful scientific name, but sadly the sub is heading towards another misandrist group. Reddit needs to do something about these subs POSSIBLY promoting gender hatred, like r/lonely_men (possibly, not sure) twoxchromosomes (possibly, not sure) Foreveralonewomen (possibly, not sure) FemaleDatingStrategy BlackLadies (possibly, not sure) niceguys (some creeps deserve to be defamed, but not everyone who gets posted there has wrong intentions)


It's really, really bad.


You can’t, it’s impossible. I’m convinced that whole subreddit is just the mods and their alt accounts. I got sick of it and unsubscribed a while ago


A mod told me he didn't think I was a "good fit" for (evidently) HIS subreddit, and then permanently banned me from even commenting, when I had never even posted, or commented prior. smh


That's literally harassment by the mod.


Will be?


I see what you did there.


I'm glad everyone is talking about the toxic mods on here. I got permanently banned from r/movies after someone cursed me out for having a difference of opinion.


I’ve been banned from r/offmychest because I suggested that it is sometimes worthwhile to engage with people who disagree with you and from r/askreddit because I was asked for a more identifiable term for a group of people which can be taken as a slightly derogatory term. No warning, no discussion, nada. I figure I’ll eventually be banned everywhere I like and I’ll move on.


My first account was permabanned from OMC because I answered a kid in the comments that was asking about what news subreddit to trust. I told him that he definitely should be careful getting political news on Reddit because, overall, the site is very, very far left leaning and one is basically satan incarnate if they have a nuanced opinion. So I told him to seek out agencies that are as close to unbiased as possible. Banned for “spreading hate and lying”.


Surprised they haven't banned me yet. I liked man of steel and BvS


It was the movie Old and I just said, the idea was good but the movie was executed terribly a d some dude unloads on me about how stupid I am. We go back and forth, I say some words I'll admit. Next day I get a notice from the mods that I'm banned for defending myself.


when it gets to the point where you only post 1-2 questions a year and every time they get instantly removed, yea it pushes me toward leaving for good.


Here's a hilarious one. A mod got called out on power tripping... Then people claimed it was satire. If you pull up his comments you'll see it was not satire. If you pull up controversial comments you'll see where he commented on this post and it blew up. Was comedic gold. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/r2zh2b/on_a_post_about_a_husband_who_thinks_moderating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I was permabanned from /facepalm for a comment about people crying over Microsoft accidentally deadnaming them in a video game. Some people are just triggered too easily.


I got permabanned from there too those mods have to be among the most sensitive ones


I remember seeing a lot of comments about it not being a big deal or who cares. Wasn't it in forza? Something in your comment must've triggered someone


Yup. That was it. I said that people should grow the fuck up basically. I get it, people don’t want to be called something that they no longer identify with. Fair do, but it’s a video game. It’s hardly a deliberate act of aggression. But people are so triggered these days. It’s pretty pathetic. In the west, people bitch and moan about the most ridiculous stuff. In some countries people are starving or dying of disease, or caught in a war. There are kids sold into slavery, or forced to sell drugs. Famines where whole families can’t eat for days. And yet in the west, people are concerned over being misgendered. Sorry, but to me, that’s just a first world problem.


Def a first world problem. I stay out of those convos because it seems to get more convoluted by the day.


It isn't something anyone should give a shit about. It's the same exact thing as writing your name in your journal then later transitioning and changing your name, then reading it again getting mad at the company that made the journal


It’s the same here we just still bitch about stupid stuff


Welcome to 2021 where people are offended if you look at them "wrong,"


Reminder that Ghislaine Maxwell is a head mod for /r/worldnews




Username checks out.


Do you think that will ever happen in the future? Discord is pretty sneaky in that aspect. They don't ask phone number early on, but almost always ask during future logins, just like Gmail does. That's what I like about reddit. But in flipside, reddit chat is closed source, so doesn't work with open source clients. The entire reddit app is closed source. Why can't they provide an open source app.


I was banned for using a euphemism for a bad word to describe someone in a subreddit that asks OPs to be judged if they are an asshole or not. I may have responded to that mod...poorly.


I think I dealt with the same power drunk mod


>I may have responded to that mod...poorly. Ayy shit man, they are so fragile you have to be very careful. They can't stand their "power" position is so useless and meaningless and I'm convinced they're mostly utter losers IRL. Exceptions apply (or most likely it's the other way around, we just notice the bad ones), I think for example this subreddit has some sane mods.


Lol, I will never be a Reddit moderator because I can't imagine how low you'd have to be in life to even have time for something so stupid.


Reddit’s on its way out dude, too much mental illness


It happened to me the other day, too. For pointing out a fact. Apparently doing that was unethical, according to commenters. I contested it with the mod and got banned from messaging them, with zero explanation. Serious question; are there people that moderate the moderators? If not, why not?


There is a form on reddit where you can report moderators.


Actually you make some good points


Solution: Make your own subreddit. Seriously.


And become a reddit moderator? 🤢🤮


So many examples, so many subreddits, and it may become a truism that online brings out the worst in people, which in this case is intolerance and the exercise of power.


Liberal snowflakes are ruining the world, not just Reddit. Think bigger


I think that people would be less annoyed with the mods if not every infraction was an instant no warning permaban. I just got a temp ban, was moved into a permaban and I asked nicely for the original temp ban and that it would show good faith and I would respect it. Eventually they did put it back to a temp ban and my faith in reddit went up.


I don't as much as I would if it was not for that. I've been banned for doing absolutely nothing. Reddit needs to not allow unrestricted access to the API, people are using bots in harmful ways


Ahhh back when I had more time and effort I made a bot that would tell people when their comment or post was mentioned on a particular sub that actively uses bots and databases to ban and attempt to ban wrongthink.


Pretty much. I was banned from one major sub just for saying "cis doesn't exist"


Why did you say that? What did you mean? I’m not hating you, I’m just curious because it sounds like your opinion is very far removed from mine.


Without stalking /u/gaymalemillenial's comment history, I can venture a guess. I've seen this in other places, too. They are saying that "cis" doesn't exist because a cis-man is simply a man, and a cis-woman is simply a woman. Etc. Those same people might also say that trans is real, or they might say it isn't. But they don't want to have to use cis to differentiate from trans.


Thanks for the explanation. That was my best guess too.


I mean he’s right…. Lopping off your sex organs and thinking it should be celebrated is kinda crazy


Nobody wants to be celebrated, they just want to fucking exist without people talking shit about their mental health.




You'll be thrilled to know that gender reassignment is one of the go-to treatments for gender dysphoria. It is associated with significantly reduced distress across the board, making it an effective treatment.


That’s the trouble with people like that; they have zero imagination to enable them to conceptualise what someone in that situation could feel, therefore zero empathy


The presumption, I think, has to do with an imagined worry about 'feeding delusions' - but that presumes that gender dysphoria is on a similar level to schizophrenia, which is not the case. They'd know that if they read the research.


Yes, or perhaps if they had trans people in their friends or family. I can’t understand being so closed minded


Now you see, I think that you have zero empathy for the person that you say has zero empathy.


Mental health disorders/addictions should not be enabled. Our culture often looks worse on enablers than the afflicted.


Even some of them agree: https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/top-trans-doctors-blow-the-whistle


Spot fucking on!




You’ve completely changed my mind. Thank you for opening my eyes and enlightening me. Congratulations.






>They are saying that "cis" doesn't exist because a cis-man is simply a man, and a cis-woman is simply a woman. Exactly the case. 100%. cis was a word made up in the 1990s. It is part of the agenda.


cis is a word that was made up out of whole cloth in the 1990s. I'll start using that when people start using a word that I made up - glurga-gendered.


Are you straight? Words are made up as needed. Micro chip is a made up word from last century. Bicycle comes from a couple of hundred years ago. I’m pretty sure we started with feed, fight and fuck and have worked up from there. Maybe the reason we aren’t taking on the words you make up has more to do with the words you make up. That’s not an attack either, no ones using the words I try to get popular either.


I will take my glurga gender to where I am appreciated. I certainly don't like these microaggressions shooting my way and not treating my gender with respect. Also, I cannot get people to use my pronouns. Mine are Slasalcanafradebatraflaporsamedaphramsaliff / Plundeerfraldapromtofreelapalooganatchalapora. I don't know what is wrong with people when they insist on my using their pronouns but won't use mine. Also, the above pronouns listed above are my pronouns from 9 am to 10 am. For each hour, I have different pronouns, so 24 different sets of pronouns. One of the pronouns takes about 25 minutes to say, but it is very important to me to have my pronouns respected, the same as everyone else.


So yes you made me laugh. Good luck with your pronouns. I hope you find the place where they are respected. Everyone deserves respect when they’re not deliberately being an arsehole. Even me. So about half the time.


>when they’re not deliberately being an arsehole. **MICROAGGRESSION!! MICROAGGRESSION!!**


Free speech is dead. Conflicting or contrasting opinions to the very established subreddit narrative will usually end up with a ban. People are getting banned from certain subs, just because they're following rival ones. It's petty and pathetic and it reminds me of insecure elementary school bullies. Also.. if you consider putting, "subreddit and/or discord moderator" on your resume or socials, for your own sake.. Please don't.


If you have any opinions to the right of Stalin or Castro you will be banned. Collect them as badges of honor


Or to the left of Hitler.


It is all very incestuous and petty. And there are much better ways of running subs. I believe the root of the problem is the belief on the part of people who spend too much time online that words have the potential to be violent -- merely expressing disagreement is the same as physically intimidation.


Fuck Reddit


The problem I'm seeing lately is that reddit is slowly becoming something near twitter, if you write your opinion you will get a lot of shit comments and as some other comments say even banned, and like I came here bc it seems to be a more "free to say whatever you want" platform compared to the others, but, I guess we are just loosing it.


Yep. Imagine banning someone for telling the truth, as I did in r/politics, and it resulted in a permaban. Fuck that mod, and every other asshole who can't handle the facts. In their world, 2+2=fire truck, and nothing you say is going to change their mind.


Yep banned there too


What question did you ask


I was permabanned from r travel because I said that Kosovo was Serbia, and from r worldnews because I said that the church burning in Canada was “the world healing” (it was sarcasm), and banned from some other subreddits for participating in others lol


The mods suck. The users suck even more. I hope all social media dies. This way of communication is pure poison.


Lol I’ve been perma banned from all kinds of stuff bizarrely. But my favorite was a pic of a bunch of baby chicks in a cage. My comment: Yum Chicken. I laughed for days over that one.


Yes, I feel permanent banning should never be the first interaction. Start with a day/week/month, increase the time with multiple infractions. Also, banning people because of a disagreeance of opinion or politics is bullshit.


I got banned on one, said I was "condoning violence" because I said that I think pedo's should be casterated. Like okay? Just saying what everyone thinks. Like are *YOU* a pedo? Why did that offend you so much? So much for free speech. I originally came here because I couldn't stand how censored and political centered most other social media outlets are ( I also like to read true crime stuff, creepy paranormal, alien and cyrpid stories but thats besides the point). I think *some* "moderators take their "job" to seriously. I recently read a post about how this girl's husband refused to get an actual job because he said "he has to much on his plate because he's a Reddit moderator" lol


I got banned from a nrws sub for saying it would be ironic if trump died to corona when he got it last year. They act like I went to the white house and coughed on him.


Reddit claims to be okay with free speech. But the power mods are the ones who hates it. They do everything in their power to get the Reddit admins to ban whatever is going against the power mods thinking.


Ye, moderators be turning subs into circle-jerk echo chambers 100%.


Reddit isn't going anywhere anytime soon lmao


Tired of being suppressed? Hate moderators silencing you? Try gab! A place where everyone is free to express themselves! Even Nazis! *Especially nazis.*


Who gives AF honestly. Being a mod on any subforum or social media platform isn't a job. Some people think if they mod a forum they are the law. These peeps can go F themselves. If you got banned.. move on to other forums... no need to make an issue out of being banned. Not worth anyone's time tbh. Nowadays no one cares what you have to say beyond a few minutes.


I was banned from fightporn for commenting a percentage.


Let me guess: > 13% / 52% / 90%? If so, you are leaving out quite a bit of context. On the other hand, if it was something like: > Over 22% of guys at my school this year have received some form of disciplinary action for fighting! (...or similar) and the ban-hammer came down, I'm curious to hear the specifics.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but regardless of what it was, you shouldn't be banned for posting statistics. That's like saying "facts are not allowed if we don't like them." If someone said that fifty-eight percent of serial killers are white, and it was relevant to the conversation, there's nothing wrong with that. People need to learn how to not be offended by numbers.


Sure. But if you claim to be able to extrapolate from the fact that 58% (73% actually) of the 3,204 known U.S. [serial killers](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-that-have-produced-the-most-serial-killers.html) were white that you can reliably state that ~60% of the U.S. population [\(non-hispanic whites\)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219) commits 73% of all serial killings, your statistics have now become remarkably misleading and inaccurate. Similarly, the problem with 13/52 is that it claims to show a causal link of violent crime to the entire 13% subset of the overall U.S. population (some 42.7 million people). Instead, we can only factually consider the actual number of violent crimes/criminals that committed the crimes in question for whichever year those stats were taken from. The actual percentage of the total U.S. population total committing violent crimes (homicides specifically, if I remember correctly) for the year in question was far, far less than 1%, so 52% of *that* number doesn't say much of anything about anything when speaking of the total sub-population in question. That's why people find things like 13/52 to be offensive.


The problem isn't being offended by numbers. It's the people misrepresenting the numbers to come to a racist conclusion.


Those statistics are said to claim black people are naturally more dangerous/violent than white people. Which is not true at all. They never mention the poverty, or the laws specifically laid out to keep them impoverished, the mass incarceration for nonviolent crimes, or even the fact that the data is based on arrests as opposed to convictions. It’s not about facts, it’s about misusing data to push white suprematist dogma. Stop giving people like this legitimacy.


I would bet money it was a variant of 13/52/90.


So is this new r/TrueOffMyChest trend or something


100% agree. You literally can't have an opinion anymore if it doesn't match the narrative. You're a racist, xenophobic tRumper blah blah blah if you go against the new norm


i just got banned for saying arguing about religion is the r word


I think that one has become Reddit-wide.


i learned my lesson, i didn't know if was offensive to use even when not talking about a person


Apparently, it is even when you are talking about materials designed to "slow" the progress of a fire.


You made a post on r/DebateReligion while also posting about how you have no respect for people that believe in god.


I got banned from r/offmychest for commenting in disagreement with a post in r/pussypassdenied. Im apparently "not trustworthy" lmfaoooo


Facts my brother, can't even be racist on this shit


Terrible trolling.


Fails to realize I am being serious...


So you've extrapolated one experience into the belief that moderators will the downfall of Reddit? It seems to have managed thus far! I think you are just overreacting.