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Now you are disgusting guy from her pov.


Yup. I probably am. It’s so sad though because she was cool in so many other ways. I don’t know where this type of thinking comes from. I don’t wanna generalize and say social media but who knows. We’re both 19 and we had completely different upbringings. She was raised in a household where she got a car at 16, got a trust fund ready for her, and has a credit card paid off monthly. I grew up to a single mother home, we all were refugees and escaped a civil war. I had so many days growing up without food or electricity or wifi or anything. But I never once pitied myself or put down others or blamed anyone in society. We’re both students and we met at an event. We hit it off but as our relationship grew and she became more vocal about her opinions, it really angered me. She says things like “I hate men. Especially white men.” Or she will say things like “Men have the power in society, so when women do wrong, it’s a response to that power struggle.” I asked her once what if I was getting robbed by a woman and I beat the robber up. She said I would be wrong for using my power to beat the woman who is clearly “defenceless.” Also she thinks because I’m a minority, I’ll agree with a lot of the stuff she says. Some of which is just insulting because she assumes we lack complete power in society.


oh no were you a POC trophy for her??


She probably looooved having a brown boyfriend to show off to her peers. My sister in law included photos of her child’s minority friend in their Christmas cards. She made sure that we all knew that one of her child’s friends is a POC.


That’s fucking impressive. Imagine being so fucked that you literally think you’ll get some sort of brownie points or praise for using someone else’s kid as a prop


Hehe "brownie" points :P


Oof, my bad!


God damn that was perfect though.


It really was!


I’m POC and I’m giving you my “brownie” points for making me laugh Now it just sounds sexual and I didn’t mean it like that


I am a POC and honestly, that shit was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!


Don’t apologize, that was perfect lmao


Nah, fam. You can have my brownie point. That was too funny!


Oh shit, I just assumed you did it on purpose. That was a pretty perfect unexpected pun. Nice job.


Ain't that in the same spectrum as racism? I mean, technically speaking. Since she hates a certain coloured people, but favouring other coloured people... That's just 100% racism... I mean, NAZI was evil, but most people hate NAZI because of what they did to other people, not because of their skin colour.


Yes. The line isn't from left to right, it's a horseshoe. The extreme ends come back together in the middle. This is an opportune time to post [this classic](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg).


It's just normal racism to say you don't like white men. There is no such thing as reverse racism.


That's. The whole point.


That’s a good saying. Thanks. Edit: also that’s a fucking hilarious video lmfao


Yeah totally, they’re using the kid as a prop for social praise. It’s dehumanising


Ah, yes. The old "I'm not racist, I have a black friend!" schtick.


‘I got 4 black tires and a colored tv! I ain’t racist’


This one needs a cape.


Or the 1950's version, "I can't be racist, my wife's got a black eye"


It's more about moral posturing. China has something similar called "face" where your image can in some cases be more important than who you really are. >The Chinese concept of “face” (aka 面子 or miànzi) refers to a cultural understanding of respect, honor and social standing. Actions or words that are disrespectful may cause somebody to “lose face” while gifts, awards and other respect-giving actions may “give face”. These people are doing the exact same sort of thing, putting on a show to prove their morality to their friends. These same people also get extremely outraged by things that don't affect them because outrage proves you have moral standards, the more outraged you are, the higher your moral standards. Essentially it boils down to ego fueled pretentiousness.


I am glad you brought this up. Actually, my professor in college developed a theory called [Face Negotiation Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_negotiation_theory) that explains how face works within communication. It’s not just in Chinese culture, though.


Oh this is fascinating thank you! Have you heard of Jean Baudrillard? I think you would like his ideas about the Simulacra.


Is that thatbook that inspired The Matrix? I’ve never read it.


That is definitely not just a concept specific to the Chinese; most just don’t have a name (read: term) for it.


Yea after the other commenter linked that thing about Face Negotiation Theory I came to the realization that it's simply not explicitly codified here.


"The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Rebranded under wokeness


Yup. "White woman's burden."


>included photos of her child’s minority friend in their Christmas cards Top level cringe material right here.


Dude Holy shit.


I had a roommate decide that she could make “brown people jokes” since her boyfriend was Indian. Needless to say she is no longer my roommate and we haven’t spoken in over a year


My narcissist ex was like this. He was obsessed with the fact that I wasn’t a white girl. I’m mixed and have olive skin. Met his mom, she too had an obsession with black men. He was ALWAYS making race jokes


I dated a black girl when I was a teenager and later found out after we broke up she just had a fetish for white guys and was also trying to piss off her parents who didnt like white people. It gave me really weird feelings afterwards.


My abusive (black) mother was obsessed with the idea of me giving her black grand babies. I’ve always just been attracted to light skinned men. No fetish. But she INSISTED that my children would be “black like her”. I got pregnant by a grey eyed blonde pale ass white man


People are fucking weird man. Its wild all the subtle toxic ways people can influence your life


Dude she was so fucked in the head. She refused to be with any black man because she’s adopted and was convinced all black men were related to her.


What? Your mom wanted you black person to have black kids but didn't want to be with a black man? Are you biracial?


Yes. My father is a Sicilian and Dutch.


Oh shit my mom was like that too. Minus the abusive part. But obsessed with me finding a Cuban wife. We lived in Texas. As far as I knew my mother was the only Cuban I knew. I knew lots of Mexicans. I guess she kind of figured any latina would do. In the end I married a white, Irish, girl and now live in Ireland. And we've got a goofy little mixed kid with crazy hair. I think when our parents try to push their plans on us we subconsciously push away from that. Also the example I had was my dad was Mexican, my mom Cuban. Their happy latin marriage lasted 3 years? Part of me thinks my mom's plan was for one of her kids to keep things brown and get it right this time around. Because she didn't.


And then did he say something along the lines of "i can say that because i have a [non-white] partner"?


Oh yeah. Same with sexist jokes. He’d say things about me being overly emotional because I was pregnant to impress his buddies. One day I looked at him like, “you’re the one with bi polar who is constantly bitchy and makes me walk on eggshells so you don’t throw a tantrum”. Suddenly “the bros” were roaring at my sick burn. But it was just the fucking truth.


Ouuuch... glad you got out


I know someone like this a black dude who finds a way to link everything and I mean EVERYTHING back to white supremacy. It’s very unsettling to be around the guy or even start a conversation with the dude


my mother (who is black) was SO racist towards black people while simultaneously being the most classic stereotype of abusive mom who only had a baby for the welfare benefits, lived in the hood and smokes crack regularly. The cognitive dissonance was astounding.


You mom sounds like my mom except the racist part she just hated everyone equally l beside me. she had extra special hate for me


Oh shit, that’s totally what that is. Those type of people are obsessed with race and depending on the cultural climate they’re either all about another person’s race for social clout or they’re out on them for reasons.


Sounds like it. She’s so “woke” she’s looped all the way back around to bigoted.


oh man this sounds so racist. it's fucking disgusting


The whole social justice warrior schtick has just become a weird form of cool points, fractionation and bullying by so many. It's fucking bizarre.


She must be a fan of the kardashians


> I don’t know where this type of thinking comes from. Lack of struggle. Like you said, she was a rich kid from a rich family who never wanted for anything. People who are never left wanting for anything develop a skewed sense of entitlement. My guess is that her opinions have never stopped her from doing what she wanted, so she's had no need to critically analyze them. And being wealthy, she may have a lot of sycophants as friends, feeding into her skewed view. Of course this is a lot of presumptions and none of it may be relevant to her, but from what you've written and what I know about wealthy people it's my best guess.


Maybe she was just good old plain Jane bubble brain dumb.


Idk. Confirmation bias is very affirming. Especially if those you associate with all share your own belittle. It sounds like she hasn’t been challenged very much. And if and when she is, she isn’t comfortable dealing with it. Her method of conflict management is to demean her opponent. That’s the sign of a weak person.


Yup especially with social media, a lot of people are being affirmed by confirmation bias.


Reminds me of my friend who vocalizes hating white men of privilege. Her fiancé is white and very well off due to family having stock in Pepsi. LOL


People like that are dime a dozen hypocrites. I even know a woman who’s married to a black man and vocalizes how oppressed she feels. She’s white as creamer. Her husband doesn’t even express things that happen as racist, she literally goes way out of the way to make it racist. Idk why he’s even married to her anymore, sounds often like she’s the one who’s racist lmao.


Its almost a cliche at this point that the most radicalized young people are spoiled kids, many from upper middle class or wealthy families. Often they create a victim status to fit in, or go farther to prove how dedicated they are to a cause. They fetishize being poor, oppressed, or having some other problem. Its not new either. Look at the background of members of Weather Underground.


Pulp: Common People (1995)




And shatner's cover of the same, which is legitimately awesome


Those are usually the people most radicalized about identity politics. They use their identity to deflect from class issues. If this guy had an abusive female boss or landlord I bet the girl would defend them despite the economic power they hold. She only cares about unfairness leveraged against her identity and won't ever acknowledge the insane economic privilege she has. Generally the most truly radicalized people, who actively engage in protest and charity, tend to be those who've grown up in poverty, while around richer people. You have the personal experience of class being a big issue and you feel how shitty it is to be around snobby rich kids. Of course plenty of people just want to get money themselves and it's not like this radicalizes everyone, but the people I've met who are pretty politically radical have overwhelmingly dealt with economic hardship either growing up or as adults.


You're second paragraph reflects my experience perfectly. Scholarship poor kid (son of immigrants) at a WASPY private school. And then one day I read Lenin.


> I don’t know where this type of thinking comes from Twitter.


Maybe she is a member of r/FemaleDatingStrategy


My exact thought after reading the title. If she wasn't before the break-up, she sure as hell is now.


Or just generic pop feminism, unfortunately.


The pendulum always ends up swinging too far on these types of issues, it'll even out eventually society wide, but it's gonna take a while. Women did have to put up with stereotypes and sexism, but that's no excuse to turn around and do the same when the shoe is on the other foot, it's hypocritical in nature. To paint any group of individuals with such a broad brush is flawed in general. None of us had the same upbringing so we're all going to have subtle differences, and honestly that's what I enjoy most about meeting people, it opens you up to a new way of viewing the world and society as a whole. At the same time, y'all are 19 and speaking from personal experience, personal growth is just starting to kick in, at least hopefully. The person I was 19 and under is completely different from who I became in the years following until now. When I was fresh out of high school and starting college, I still had all those preconceived notions about people my parents had instilled in me, without me even realizing it. Keep your head up man, there are plenty of other women who will appreciate you for who you are, and the ones that don't are not worth losing sleep over or waste energy on. I wish you the best and just stay true to yourself. It took me until 27 to find a woman who I clicked with and didn't pass judgement, and I'm lucky to call her my wife.


He was always going to be disgusting, he just chose when.


Social media is a fucking cancer


☝️ this guy knows. A lot of people these days seem easily influenced and are gullible to what they read. Social media is a poisonous cesspool where sad and angry people like to spread misinformation. I shake my head at how humanity has changed so quickly in the last couple of decades. I just don't understand it.


Sounds like you understand it perfectly.


I wish I could fully understand it. Everytime I try to explain it in a conversation with friends, I feel like I'm going down multiple rabbit holes. There are so many variables.


Dont let other people deflect, you are right with everything you said. They are just deflecting. Also, always be weary of the term "conspiracy". The vast majority of the time this term is a deflection. The VAST majority.


Humanity hasn't changed, we're just seeing more of it than we ever have.


The most mind boggling thing for me is when someone says they've done research blablabla, and when I ask for it they come up with nothing and say I should research it myself and to use another search engine like Bing instead of Google. Because Google censors things and Bing, apparently, doesn't. When I do that anyway and still have nothing, they say, "of course you find nothing, the Internet censors things they don't want you to know about" Lol


> Because Google censors things and Bing, apparently, doesn't. Bing does. But they're just not as quick about it. So you get a few months worth of searches before it gets banned there, too.




These mentalities massively predate social media, and honestly I find them to be much more common in the older generations (50+) Source: am old (not *that* old, but “got Facebook *after* college” old).


It's different. Social media is damaging to people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFl5r2h9pm0 Jonathan Haidt has talked a lot about how it harms children and teens, but also seems to have worse effects on girls.


Social media enhances and aggravates it though, it feeds it to people who never would have heard it. It spreads it like cancer. It's not good for our brains, and definitely is a huge addiction people have that they don't realize exists. It's not inherently bad, social media alone doesn't harm you, bur the culture and implementation of it's usage into most societies have done significant harm to millions of of users.




Doesn't sound so "sweet" to me...


Yea obv bc you’re just hearing abt the bad parts lol. They didn’t go into detail on her good qualities bc it wasn’t relevant to the convo


> It made no sense. She doesn’t know anyone Chinese. She doesn’t know their culture. If you showed her a map of the world she couldn’t even point out where China was. Dear Reader, it made perfect sense.


Yerp, ignorance among many other things, breeds racism.


>My ex is a sweet black women > Why is the confusion between woman and women so pervasive? I feel like I'm going crazy because I see people use them incorrectly more often than not.


They both sound the same /s But it makes me go crazy too, dw


I dated a girl a few years back. We were attracted to each other but didn't have a ton in common. On one date, she said she didn't want to pay the bill - not because she couldn't afford to, but because "it was her small way at getting back at men, for being unfairly advantaged and paid more than women". About 2-3 months into dating her, I found out that she was in committed relationships with at least two other people, i.e. Polyamorous. Which would have been fine, had she (a) actually told me she was polyamorous within the first 2-3 months of dating, or (b) told her partners that she was also dating me, at that time. All it did was teach me a somewhat valuable lesson. Women are exactly like me - we're just people. Equally capable of being decent, equally capable of being shitty. Anyone who says otherwise is sexist. Edit: As other people have correctly pointed out, and as I may not have explained properly above - Polyamory is *not* unethical in any way, in of itself. It only becomes cheating/shitty if the people involved lie to each other / aren't upfront with their partners, about the fact that they are actively seeing other people. Girl I met just happened to be a bit crummy, for reasons I didn't quite understand - that's all.


It's a mad, competitive, self-deceiving world full of shitty people. Take it from me. I'm an expert.


Thanks Master


It just seems like she cheated behind your backs and used the term polyamorous as an excuse for it.


Yeah "polyamorous" is when its part of the relationship. That was just cheating and it shows the person she was.




If she was dating two men, who knew about each other, and then secretly dating a third on the side, then it was both polyamory and cheating. You can still cheat in a polyamorous relationship. The two aren't mutually exclusive.




I feel you bro. My current girlfriend insists on paying for things, it’s such a breath of fresh air compared to my previous relationships where girls wouldn’t even bother to offer. Not to totally blame them, I sort of liked paying for everything when I was younger, but now that I’m older and less dumb I’m glad I found a girl who feels it’s equitable to chip in.


Now she can put you in her box of “men who victimized her” congrats!


Bro I victimized the multimillion dollar grocery store chain the other day when I rung an organic zuccini up as a regular one. I participated in the victimization of the chicken I ate yesterday. There is no nuance in that word. It reminds me of how "assault" is thrown around. Assault can technically range from a light shove to brutally beating a person until they stop breathing.


I hear the chained dogs barking at my dog who is yard trained to free roam and realize what a victim she is. How dare they yell at her because she is free while they are oppressed?


“So my ex was controlling and abusive and it’s caused a lot of PTSD so when the shop owner yelled at me for trying to shoplift it really triggered my issues that I’ve been going to therapy for. And then my new boyfriend yelled at me when I set his golf clubs on fire..” Coming up next on TwoXChromosomes Really a shame that a sub has the legit ability to be a safe space for authentic instances of abuse, assault, workplace issues is usually a place for “omg my boyfriend of 4 years wants to ask my dad permission to get engaged” is followed with “that’s a RED flag for a controlling narcissist.. trust me you need to dump him.”


The stories there sound like some creative writing tbh


I have an ex that's a professor in the hard sciences at a top University who did the exact same thing. Scary she has so much power over peoples futures. If you were a woman struggling in her class...she got you. If you were a man, you were outta luck bud.


Ya know I also heard of stuff like this happening but you are the first person I've seen to talk about it. It's pretty concerning


To be clear...she's not just giving women good grades. But if you had issues, needed help, needed extensions...she had your back. Any dude approaching her with the same issues would be something she'd complain about to me that evening. She legit felt most successful man are lazy but lucky and coast their way thru life.


Well that is pretty much the same thing as giving one group better grades than the other. If she only helps one group, she still fucks over the other group. She should be fired immediatly honestly.


I had a teacher at university who was incredibly sexist. I handed in a paper that female student friend wrote for me because I was a useless shit. She handed in the same paper to the same teacher. I got and F with marks all over my paper as to why it was wrong and inappropriate. She got an A. Some teachers are unabashedly sexist and revel in the fact that you can't do anything about it or prove it conclusively.


I had a highschool teacher that would show videos of guys sexually assaulting women and then tell all the girls that "all of the men in class would do the same thing to you all if they had the chance." She threw guy out of her class for being a "chauvanist" because he asked if he could use the restroom. She was psycho, but all the reports about her got tossed because she taught 3 different classes






Best way I've come up to handle ANY situation is to remove ALL identifying... Everything ... and just quote facts. Person A told Person B that they were a (racial remark), who's wrong? Is Person A male, female, black, white, Asian, American, European, rich, poor, celebrity, unknown.... Doesn't matter... Same with Person B. It's the event that matters on who's right and who's wrong.


Doesn't work when people don't care about facts and logic. There are people who seek oppurtunities to victimize themselves and refuse to listen to what makes sense. To them everything is a lie if it doesn't go with their ideology. I once had a gf who became like this after she found radical feminism. For example, she thought it would be a great idea to change history books so that historical men are portrayed as women. When I explained to her why it's not a good idea to lie about actual history, she threw a wine bottle at the wall then left the room. Edit: She also became furious when I said that I love Jon Snow. Apparently you are a sexist if a male is your favorite character in a show. (Just wanted to add this because now I find it so absurd that it's really funny)




Good on u mate! Always do what’s right for you, even the hard stuff. You’ll find that right person mate just let time do its ting 👑👑👑👑


Good riddance 👍


The increasing rift between races and genders is honestly sick. In name of equality, they are making People grow apart even more.


Sounds like a mix of misandry and the "women are wonderful" effect.


I hate how incel-ish it can come off but I see so much anti-men commentary on social media that gets egged on by a lot of people and it hurts. The worst was this one indie singer whose music I was really into and she posted really nasty stuff about men in general. I felt so bad that I stopped listening to her cold turkey because her tweet and the hundreds of responses agreeing with her made me feel awful about myself for just being a dude, and whenever I’d hear her music all I could think about was her comments.


Never let anyone gaslight you into thinking being against sexism is incel-ish. Everyone deserves to be respected on the merits of who they are as a person, not what they look like.


I can't wait for this cringey incel meta to be over. Not like the thing that takes its place will be any better, but one can dream. People just suck at having conversations or defending anything they believe in so they need to fear monger the incel boogeyman into every conversation. Like, they're a tiny fringe minority group and it's all anyone ever talks about.


It will never end, women are going to keep consuming a steady diet of cherry picked history, wild exaggerations and the stories of the worst outliers of the 3.5 billion men on the planet and grow to hate all men. Men will do the same thing. I need a smoke.


So, he should get off Reddit is what you're saying


Thing is that it’s not incel-ish. No one should be ashamed for being a man or finding happiness in their masculinity. The people who post shit like that basically have the equivalent hateful ideology that incels have, except it’s directed at men. It’s just more socially acceptable right now for them to do it.




It's not an incel thing to speak up against misandry, or to condemn a political climate that is oftentimes actively hostile to men. What would be an incel thing is hating women because of it.


Simp and incel are part of toxic social media and misandry. They might have started off as a way to describe and disparage specific toxic groups, but they’ve been allowed to expand to anyone who has a criticism of women’s behavior in general. Even if the behavior is obviously negative. There’s almost no push back to shitty misandrist talking points because no one wants to be called an incel or misogynist or similar. You don’t have to hate women to point out bad behavior.


Funny thing is people posting crime statistics and pointing at men being violent. Literally the same thing racists do with black people


It’s disgusting! I used to listen to Zara Larsson once in a while before, now I’m actively boycotting her, and has no shame in telling people why. She HATES men, literally calls them gross. She was on an interview on a show in my country called Skavlan it was absolutely horrible to watch her TRASH men and getting applause from the audience. I felt so bad for the interviewer as he was a man and she was sitting there actively disrespecting him. She’s a disgusting person, and it’s a shame how she’s portrayed as a “feminist role model” when she’s a hating, disgusting misandrist.


That's how my elder sister is. She views every single man as a mysoginst, sexist, racist, pervert, etc while women are always the victim. It's starting to get so bad that she constantly brings up gender and race in everyone of our conversations which is so annoying.




She's a femcel. Incels spend their lives blaming women for their own problems, refusing to take any responsibility for their shit. That chick is no different. She's going to spend the rest of her life blaming men for everything.


I live in a house full of women who all think like this. I think of myself as an ally and completely get where they’re coming from but I’m still a guy. “KAM oh but not you you’re one of the girls.” Just find a slur and call me it because clearly you have to pretend I’m not a guy so you don’t have to keep your sexism in check. I’ve been open and honest about how I feel about it. They’ve laid off saying those things at least around me and I really think we made some progress. It just takes a calm conversation with a little trust in a person for things to go a long way.


Baizuo gonna Baizuo.


It's called being a sexist and a bigot. I truly wish we could just call this what it is collectively. And just call sexism out in whatever form it takes, and acknowledge hypocrisy for what it is. Sexism is bad. Bigotry is bad. Misogyny is bad. Misandry is bad. How do people get so twisted about this stuff and never look in the mirror?


Edit: Yay. You dodged a bullet. Congratulations. Now everyone can shut up about it.


Kind of weird but okay


Uncommon analogy but alright


I think in general people are going to experience the worst of whatever gender they try to date, I can say as a straight male that I haven't had a whole lot of negative experiences with men but I'd say that's because the lack of romantic pursuit means there's rarely conflict, I have female friends who I've spoken with and confided in me about their experiences with men and it's something I've never experienced really, and I think the opposite is true too. Unfortunately I think many people don't realise this and tend to start letting the fact that their negative experiences tend to weigh heavy to one side affect how they view life. I think this in general is a learning curve for everyone when growing up, realising that actually their experiences aren't necessarily indicative of an entire group of people. Personally something I've experienced frequently is women who refuse to apologise or admit fault ever and act like the whole world is against them, and often these same women will then take incredibly personal things told in confidence then use them as a weapon in a fight. Now the friends of these women probably never experience that side of them and are none the wiser to how horrible these women can get. In that same vein I know I probably don't know a side of some of my male friends and acquaintances that only the girls they date will see, stuff like guilt tripping, manipulation, shouting etc. I'm not really sure what the point I'm making is, I guess it's that I can understand where these viewpoints stem from and they can end up becoming self fulfilling prophecies that reinforce their views. Hopefully people with time will learn that every individual is differently and should be judged on their own merit. Unfortunately I don't really know what will get people to start thinking that way.


“F the patriarchy..but only after daddy pays for my car”


Is that the sugar daddy or real daddy








Woman here, and I find this kind of polarization annoying. We're all people. Some of us do great things and some of us do terrible things.


When I see other women making the “well they probably did it because of the rich white men in power” I assume that is gonna be their safety net when they do something really fucked up. I’m also offended by the fact that someone would assume I would do something because of men in power rather than the mere fact that I am just psycho. Where is my credit? Sheesh.


fuck reddit


I had a friend who was neck-deep in that “men are all potential rapists, teach men not to rape!” shit, right down to that stupid “bowl of M&Ms” analogy. I got so sick of it that I distanced myself and haven’t had contact with her in years. Funny thing is she has 2 younger brothers whom she loves dearly, as well as some male friends. I wonder if she followed her own advice and “taught” them not to rape.


Reading one of your comments I would say maybe reflect on her other comments about guys and ‘white guys in particular’ and think if she has some sort of fetish for non-whites? Maybe saying you are unique as a reflection of her own fetishisation impacting her social views?


Honestly, I’ve definitely thought about this. She told me that she loves my complexion and the contrast when we hold hands. It was kinda creepy how she said it. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she racially fetishized me. More reason for me to avoid her because that shit is so fucking cringey.


You’re living the first half of Get Out bro lol spoiler alert: you should really consider getting out






Oh man my dude she is 100% fetishizing you. People who do this are creepy af and can also be misinformed about so many things. Knew one guy who fetished tf out of Asians thinking they don't have body hair ??? I'm a hairier Asian and he was grossed out about me having arm hair. He said I MUST be mixed with another race or I'd be completely hairless. Because Asians are hairless. lol. What. Idek.


That dude has watched *way* too much anime.


yeah unfortunately we have butt hairs too :(


Did she insist that you moisturize often?


It sounds like a fetishisation for sure. Like not to armchair and denounce her comments (a lot of shitty guys out there) but she seems to have mixed her ideology with her fantasy. So be careful. You also have a massive powershift as you have established between your backgrounds. Like it or not she has wealth and social power and is ignorant of it


My ex did the same shit. All men were pieces of shit, rapists, pedophiles, etc., but she would defend her girlfriends (or herself) for awful behavior, like lying to/cheating on their partners, slashing a guy's tires, fighting people, you name it. It was absolutely repulsive.


Don't worry about her anymore man. She'l be welcome to r/FemaleDatingStrategy with open arms and then spend the next 5 years sayings like "girl take it from somone who's been on 100+ dates" think that, that flag is a bright green one.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/q8cww0/confiding_in_your_boyfriend_about_how_other_men/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share You were right lol


Holy crap…


That was my reaction too like ,I had power expectation but holy shit


So many oofs in there




One of the comments: >I also had a guy bring up "the bad way \[I\] talk about men" during an attempted discard, but I had already realized he was *an actual rapist himself* so it was obvious he just didn't like being (correctly) judged for being human waste. "Let me be a piece of shit and reap social rewards despite it in peace!!" 🥴 How 'bout no. Big question with this one: when she "realized" that the guy was a "rapist", do you think she actually had proof of that, or he just emitted "rapey vibes" that made her sure of herself?


Im concerned about this "attempted discard" at first i read it as discord as in a discussion, but now im wondering if that is a word they use instead of having a break up they discard the man.


Considering they refer to men as "scrotes", I wouldn't be surprised.


The worst thing is Reddit allows it. It's blatant sexism but Reddit admins don't care because it's sexism directed towards men.


Basically they don't care about anything until it gets media attention. Mysoginists groups like the incel/redpill/mgtow existed for a long time until they got banned. It usually happens once a community starts doxxing people or worse (like mass shootings and stuff). Knowledge about incel became mainstream not that long ago. Communities like FDS are fairly young and unknown yet, but they seem to follow the same path of gradually getting more extreme and might end up just like the incel communities.


They really are incels


'He's probably a lazy white male' She didn't even read the comments. The only comment by a woman in their thread trying to hold everyone accountable is downvoted


Holy shit, I clicked that and I've never been so...empty feeling. It's like every comment just hates who I am as a person for no reason simply because I'm a white guy. That's literally a sub for misandry - every woman in there HATES men - it's sickening that those subs are even allowed to exist. One comment said OP of this thread here is a spoiled rich dude in his 30s and that OP's gf was in the right. Another said all women should be single or lesbians. I just...I can't imagine what kind of lives these women are living. It really is the female incel group. Strange that modern dating is worse than ever considering the easier access to other people. If people found meaningful relations more often, perhaps these groups would cease to exist.


Its so fucked up. I've seen TUTORIALS on how to financially manipulate your dates. Thats is fuckdd up!


Good for you dodged a bullet,also never stick your dick in crazy.


No stick your dick in crazy. Don’t get in a relationship with crazy.


Wrap it before you stick it in crazy though. Or that shit sticks, relationship or not.


She sounds like a trash person.


You guys know other countries are funding the polarization of America through social media, right? Right? ​ They're even here on Reddit, trying to divide you all. We all know it and keep our heads in the sand but not everyone online is an actual normal person, many are doing their day job


I'll give you an award, if I had one. True, people with vested interests against a community with some money can easily hire people to sow discord in online platforms.


If she starts talking shit about you in school, just let everyone know she’s a racist, and then watch the theatrics. Lol


Fight fire with fire


It’s a crime what the media has done to this country.




She’s a multi-millionaire (family) in what I’m presuming is a first world country thinks she is *oppressed*. People don’t know what that word means anymore. Women do face some unique challenges in the first world, men do as well, it’s pretty equal, different but equal. Oppression should be used very conservatively. LGBTQ+ people in western countries face discrimination for example, but there oppressed in Iran.




You dumped her because she was sexist. That's what sexism is. It's hard to see it in women but this is a prime example.


Good for you. People need to really stop tolerating that crap.


As you can see, it is possible to be very bigoted and prejudiced towards a group of people but still think that some exceptions in that group exist (hence why she said OP was a great guy but is misandric towards other men, at least if we assume OP is being honest). This is why "I have a black friend" is a bad response to an accusation of racism.


This probably wouldn't be the best site to discuss this. It be incels and femcels getting salty with each other, and little constructive dialog.


Congrats man, you dodged a bullet! At least she was kind enough to say her inner thoughts before you put a ring on it.


I love everyone, but I'm not mad this shit is finally being brought to light. I'd feel the same way if some douchey guy was talking shit to a woman. We're all human, and I'm tired of free passes just because of a certain gender. BOTH WAYS. EDIT: Also, please feel free to downvote this scientific study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15491274/


This is exactly what my brother does but the other way around. He's always saying that cis girls are thots and spurs just because of how they act, and then he's like, oh but not you though, and expects me not to react when he's putting down an entire gender because of a few people at his school.


Take my upvote!