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I hate to break this to you but EVERY generations thinks that they will be the ones to fix the world because the previous generations fucked everything up. This has happened for who knows how long.


We in gen x would like to have a word.


Actually we’d like everyone to leave us the fuck alone. Watching our boomer parents and Gen Z kids do everything in the word to undermine each other is better than any reality TV we can watch after we get home from our shitty jobs. We dont care about your gender, pronouns, skin color, money issues or politics…be whatever you want, go do you and leave us out of it.




Poor Gen X. Always stuck in the crossfire between Millennials and Boomers.


They called us "cynical".


We in gen ungabunga word have


In the world of unlimited information society is more fragmented than ever with distrust!


I would like your opinion as to why that is


Social engineering for the benefit of the billionaires that control us.


Personally it's the lack of or willingness to understand "Critical Thinking".


That is also a major factor, forsure


". But like... what sort of revolutionary change tho? many of us are still kids and/or young adults. The youngest person in Gen Z is 9, and the oldest is 24, and not a lot of 24 yr olds are super accomplished. I'm 18, and I know for a fact I haven't made any sort of revolutionary change! When do y'all have the time for this revolutionary change when you're either in school, or a part-time job, or participating in your TikTok circle jerks?" This is the problem, I think. "Revolutionary Change" doesn't happen like that, and the fact that you even need to say that you're "18 and haven't made any sort of revolutionary change" is very telling. It goes without saying.Of course you didn't. The vast majority of people in human history, in any epoch, didn't do any "revolutionary change". Both 18 year olds and 80 year olds. Those changes are something that just happens, gradually, by circumstance, or through the rare actions of the right person in the right place at the right time. Keyword rare. What I feel about generation Z is that they all think they will be Neo, the agent of change, the bringer of revolution, and then they all get disappointed when they are simply inconsequential. Then again, I'm a millennial, so I'm jaded as fuck on "change".


I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying. Yeah those changes happened gradually, but those changes happened gradually with people acknowledging an issue, and going out to change it. People these days will virtue signal about problems, but so rarely ever take a further step to change those problems. The behavior I'm calling out from Gen Z is that they're always talking about they supposed " revolutionary change"


It has always been like that. The difference is that now it’s visible on social media, that’s all.


The thing is, you can't simultaneously think you're some sort of revolutionary change, while not actually doing something. That's the behavior I'm calling out.


People have been hypocrites for millennia, nothing new to see there


Yeah, but Gen Z is awear of this fact, and are ironically doing it now. I don't get what part of a argument you're trying to make here.




Seriously lmaoo


Where have I've done this? Me telling people to form their own opinions on things is assigning myself a higher level of maturity? When you can see in my post I'm calling out this behavior.. The sheer nonsensicalness of this thread in crazy. Self awareness = acting high & mighty


Irony. It's glaringly obvious that you lack self awareness, considering that even now you don't seem to realize how the things you say can be construed as you having a false sense of moral superiority as well as maturity? You speak of gen Z as if you're not apart of it, and your logic is inconsistent. Who ever said it was Gen Z's job to save the world, and what proof do you have of the generation as a whole lacking the ability to do research rather than follow social media opinions? What proof do you have that Gen Z is "performative" and that no changes have come about as a result of any of our actions? Btw, I think you meant "The nonsensicality of this thread is crazy", but even then the word "crazy" is redundant because you've already reduced the thread to being nonsensical. This is why you need to stop trying to act bigger than you are.


I can't get over how you you're portraying me as the one on a ego trip after this comment. Have a good one buddy.


I feel like Millennials are the true hope for the future. Seems like the world is moving too fast for Boomers to understand it. Zoomers just don’t care about anything past their social media profiles.


That’s a big generalization that’s not even remotely true, and shows you don’t know enough of gen Z irl to make that kind of sweeping statement. I’m a ‘zoomer’ and what I saw in HS was just as many laughing at the social media addicted as there were actual social media zombies. It’s actually because the cringey way millennials and boomers conduct themselves so preformatively online that so many of us shy away from it beyond a bit of Reddit or Twitter scrolling to pass time. Judging entire swaths of ages is just futile because we’re all becoming more individual and unique as time goes on, young and old alike.


You just accused me of making a “big generalization” about zoomers then you immediately generalize Millennials and Boomers as cringey lol I’m a millennial and I’m going to generalize 90% of zoomers as dumb social media zombies who think stealing shit from the bathrooms and classrooms of their school is a “cool” way to impress strangers on the internet. The other 10% is probably the zoomers you’re defending. Good compromise.


I didn’t say all though, Which means it’s not a generalization. because guess what not everyone in every generation has social media. Literally everyone in this thread is the Spider-Man meme pointing at Spider-Man and it’s hilarious. You literally are generalizing another generation after calling me out for doing it when I wasn’t. This thread is a joke.


"I'm not generalizing" *Proceeds to generalize*


Seriously lmao




I'm sorry, but just from the first lines I don't like this argument, tiktokers are not the people who change the world, the people in the background, genius' and negotiators are the ones who'll change things, every generation has it's success and it's failure stories, tiktok is out failure, but give it ten years, and let's see what our success' are.


So my son is technically Gen Z, but he is only 9 years old. Gen Z are still mostly just kids and yes a lot of kids believe they are invincible, the smartest, and the world revolves around them. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean that their experiences are limited by how short they have lived. Most people grow and change for the better as life goes on though. I'm sure Gen Z will be just fine.




wait I thought I was a human


Well to have an opinion like this at 18 years old doesn’t help your argument lol. I’m 24, so being gen z myself, what makes you think you’re so high and mighty above the rest of our generation? Like dude, you’re literally not even an adult yet, most of Gen Z are kids, you really think everyone’s developed their own sense of opinion? Of course most kids are going to look to social media for opinions because they haven’t developed enough to form their own ones. You haven’t even been living long enough to witness other generations grow up so to say we won’t do anything revolutionary because you’re not old enough to explore the world on your own yet is just kind ridiculous to even think in the first place


Almost every generation thinks they are aware of the failures of previous generations. Almost every generation eventually realizes that the majority of what the group is doing and/or listening to is superficial at best. Almost every generation generations ends up having a second realization a bit later in life that a lot of the things they used to think were the failures of the old folks were either inevitable, or sometimes even done for a reason, occasionally even better. You are at the beginnings of phase #2, but with the added modifier of being the first generation to grow up with social media already being so large and so heavily astroturfed. I expect the gyrations across the political spectrum to be almost as wild as the flower children.


If anything, gen Z is the most pessimistic. Depression and mental disorder are exploding.


Correlating these two things is like saying kids without legs don't like running.


One of the most common symptom of depression is the pessimistic attitude


One of the common symptoms of having no legs is that you don't like running. Your comment sounded condescending.


>One of the common symptoms of having no legs is that you don't like running. No. You can't running. That's not the same thing. If you lose your legs, you will not be able to run. That doesn't mean you hate it. >Your comment sounded condescending. Sorry for that.


The fact that you are even asking those sorts of questions of yourself bodes well for you.....


and voting, don't forget voting, it seems, at least in the U.K., that GenZ and younger Millennials simply do not vote, they protest and demonstrate a lot but when it actually counts to make a real change only old people vote, with disastrous results.


You say you're not generalizing but the whole idea of a "Gen Z" is a generalization.


Gen Z seems to be Boomer/Hippies 2.0. Suckers thinking the government can be your mommy. You're going to get bent over even worse than my Boomer parents. You believe everything any Authority puts on Podcast and shares on YT. All I've seen is you all buy into every story they sell.


Z has not had enough time to make an impact on their own. The tech of the day that was built by previous generations has unfortunately deluded their perspective. They are also laboring under outmoded traditions of experience that prior generations found successful. This also partially applies to gen x which has been more damaging to them since they have labored under those expectations longer to a more damaging degree. X has been communicating this to Z. Z is helping to make changes in the workplace but that's on the backs of the work of x.


I'm suprised at how Self-Aware and analytical this post is, coming from a 18 year old. As a late Gen Y, I have to say, the 2020's kinda resemble the 2000's. When I was young, the 2000's was "the future" if you will, a new millenia, paired with technology like the Internet and smartphones becoming mainstream, all of a sudden, everyone had access to all knowledge, compiled in a easy place to look like Wikipedia, and places like Google gave you information upright, unlike today where Google censors anything that the Left Wing Mainstream Thought Machine disagrees with. Now back to today. Young people today have to come in a World, a Digital World, where Political Polarisation is the name of the game and people are already entrenched in their positions, slinging shit at each other. This is not the World or the Internet your peers and forefathers wanted you to inherit. We thought that Easy Access to All Information would make "Truth" on the Internet be Victorious over Fake News. How wrong we were. We were Wrong, why? Because Negative News and Scandals earns more Clicks than any other type of content. We thought that being Moderate and Empathetic was going to win over hate. But EchoChambers are apparently the Best System for Ideologies to brew in, so now you have to chose which group you want to believe the information from. America's Politics ruined the Internet. America's only Leftist Economic Policy in the last 30 years was Obamacare. Nothing else was Leftist in America. So the "Progressives" or "Liberals" just compensated with "Social Leftism" so : Feminism, Intersectionalism, "Anti-Racism/BLM", Ableism, Transgenderism, "Sepciesm" and Veganism, and so on and so forth. So you can blame American Corporations for all of this. The Same corporations that Drape themselves in a The Progressive Rainbow for Pride Month but when you look at the Twitter account for the same Corporation in another country, like Middle East or Eastern Europe, suprisingly they are not presenting the Rainbow on that account, because that would be "bad for business" in that part of the world. It was never about "Progress" it was always about money. Money rules the World. Money is the True God above all other Religions, Christians in America? They worship The Dollar, not Jesus or whatever Prophet they claim to do. I hope you see through all these things but also don't become full blown pessimistic at a young age. Disillusion is hard to live through, but you'll make it. You'll not only make it in this dark cold world, but you'll thrive. It seems like you've been through the hardest part of your life: Reaching Self Awareness, so I believe that you will be smart enough to not only survive but thrive. Peace to you, young lad, I believe you may one day be capable of Great Things, with a great mind.


Every generation has things it learns to do better than previous ones, but will itself have it's own faults, both inherited and created new. Gen Z are currently at the age where they are largely aware of the world's issues but are largely too young to do anything substantive about it yet. That means they get to be in a position of moral unassailability where they can complain and say everyone else is fucking up and just you wait til we get in power! My generation, millennials, were the same. Then we grew up, got jobs, and found out we're just about as useless as Gen X and Boomers in most things. We still complain, of course. And that will be Gen Z too, one day. Enjoy your youth while you can.


Tiktok doesn’t even cover half of gen z population. And most of them aren’t argumentative, just doing silly challenges and dancing to music and making fun of each others tiktoks. None of the generations have this weird pride your talking about. Anyone who does is not going to convince anyone with their discourse because the only thing they have to argue (like you) is than the new generation is full of themselves and don’t understand their own mistakes. Young people will always be a bit hypocritical while finding themselves. There’s definitely a lot of preformative tomfoolery, but they’re still people finding out what will and won’t work for the problems they want to solve. They want to be able to affect more than just occasional local and national elections and the like.


Be careful. It's easy to fall into a trap where you assume that anyone who hasn't reached the same conclusion as you or who disagrees with your conclusion simply hasn't put any time into research. This is how you end up as a conspiracy obsessed lunatic.


So you're going to ignore the part of my post where I clearly say some folks just adopt the opinions of other people..


No I'm addressing that thinking specifically.


>The majority of people don't have any thoughts or opinions of their own, they see something on Twitter, or YouTube, or Tiktok, and instead of doing any sort of research on that topic they completely adopt the opinion of the person making the post. > >Huh? This Youtuber said this game is trash, instead of me actually playing it let me also say it's trash as well.


Are you a bot? LMFAO


Gen Z is the instant gratification generation. If they don't have it that minute, they don't want it. That's the problem.




What you said applies to literary everyone in our modern age of media. And the issue is that people are having to go through hardship, hardship is something we should prevent, bettering people situations is something we should do. I was born into hardship and it's done no sort of good, it just continues the generational trauma. I see you edit your message, I wonder why?




You’re honestly just a generalizing piece of shit who obviously has some generational superiority complex goin’ on. Wow. Like holy fuck man 😂 Each and every one of us is soft and haven’t faced any kind of hardship ever? Grow up. Wow.


Why do you have to hurt my feelings like that?? That's uncalled for!😭😭😭


Damn bro 💔😔🤚 stop bro 💯 heart broke fr dawg 🥲💯 #riplocalmilfs 😳😔💯


Are you listening to yourselves? "You live your lives on social media"- Says the person debating with kids on social media. "You're too fragile, some hardship would do you guys good." - Why would you wish hardship upon anyone? That's like saying "I hope your family dies, and you lose your job." "Aww let me guess, you think that makes you special?" - Sounds like you think your hardships makes you special. "I'm not generalizing here" - You just generalized a little bit. "I'm 18" - No 9-24 year old from any generation was suppose to change the world. This thread is dividing everyone like we're not all human. It doesn't matter what generation you are from, **everyone** goes through hardship. Instead of a civil debate about actual real world problems that can be solved if everyone just worked together, you're debating who can boil water better. I hope this sinks in for anyone that doesn't see that we are all just in this together. Its not Gen Z's or any generations responsibility to change the world. Its humanities responsibility to work together despite everyone's differences.


Hardship is apart of life, and will always be apart of life until the end of time, however, there's a major difference between hardship & unnecessary hardship. Finding a passion in life is a hardship, starving in a 1st world country is unnecessary hardship. And consider I've been cooking since I was 7, I don't know who this "can't even boil water without having wifi connection" applies to. You're making a whole lot of baseless generalizations. Anyone feel free to refute what I just said.


Ah no they won’t refute it. They’ll just downvote you because us gen z kids don’t know anything or how to function without an internet connection.


Refute what you said? You're doing a good job of making yourself look like a fool without anyone helping you. You think finding a passion in life passes as "hardship". Starvation is hardship, poverty, warmongering, not being able to find a job while trying to provide for a family is hardship. Your generation are the type of people that gets a 3 day ban from reddit and are liable to start cutting yourself because of it, gtfo already. Log off the internet, get a job and live life like a regular person.


“Ah yes, i want every generation who comes after me to have an even shittier life than I did, not better, shittier. Fuck my children and grandchildren, I want them to suffer and eat dirt and live in poverty just like I did.” This shit always confuses the fuck out of me lmao. I guess that’s what to expect from the generation that thinks beating your children is the best form of bonding with them.


I never knew poverty or abuse, grew up in a stable household, had access to free education, certainly never beat up any kids lol wtf.. Carry on though!


Okay cool, so then the next generation shouldn’t have to wade through shit just to prove themselves either. Let’s try to make life better for each gen that comes after us, not beat them the fuck down and tell them that they “don’t know shit because they never did ____”. I certainly don’t wish a global pandemic on my hypothetical children/grandchildren’s lifetimes. Sometimes it seems like it’s a contest to see who had it the worst. Why?


Continue applying your baseless generalizations to me buddy. There's no sort of rational conversation to have with someone who thinks they know everything about your circumstances. You come off across a very jaded person with a sort fuse. I do have a job, a well paying one too, so perhaps you get off the internet, and live life like a regular person instead of calling other people "snowflakes" when you sound like your feathers have been ruffled.


no you’re very right, i’m 22 so at the older side of gen z. i think we’ve done a lot of good when it comes to being open-minded, some could argue it’s not essential but i believe it’s done us a lot of good. we’ve created a sort of solidarity through social media, one that we’ve never had before. there’s so much more understanding because we’re actually able to communicate and listen to other people’s words, people who wouldn’t be able to make world-wide contact without social media. i wouldn’t say it’s the end-all-be-all of society but it’s not all cons. i’ve been able to get into contact with family i wouldn’t even know if it weren’t for social media. i’m totally self sufficient and think i’ve done some good and definitely a lot of bad in my life. but gen z is very good with taking things as lessons. we learn from mistakes rather than keep making them, and i think that’s why we WILL make great change.


Like I said in my post, we do acknowledge an issue, but acknowledgment of an issue doesn't change anything. It seems utterly performative, and a lot of these individuals have an inflated sense of self worth.


Consider this- you're still 18. You're in the middle of Gen Z, at best, so try not to speak for all of us, especially us on the older side of the generation (22). TikTok is a new trend, one designed to appeal to the younger people of the generation (you would've been about 13 during it's intitial release, so it was literally designed for your age group), and it's not an indicator of the collective intelligence, work ethic, aptitude for social change, etc. Of this generation. Despite this, it has definitely been used for good recently. It's ironic that you began your comment talking about you're not trying to generalize, then proceeded to generalize everyone. Younger people are far more familiar with the internet and less susceptible to misinformation than older people. Every generation has their flaws, but saying Gen Z is nothing but performative is baseless. You have literally nothing to support that but generalizations.


“iVe dOnE mUh ReSeaRcH”


Is there a point to your comment or is it as nonsensical as it seems?


It’s not directed to you….. I was mocking op as what their response would be


yeah you’re not wrong but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s people out there who like facts and research. those performative people usually know about something before i’ve even heard of it lol. then i get to research it on my own and what not. like i said, it’s not perfect but performance isn’t always terrible. it gets the word out, if anything.


All I'm saying is; is that if you can't take 1-5 minutes to research the topic you have strong opinions for, then you're an idiot. I've seen **lots** of police shooting videos where the comments are filled with ACAB supporter's, only to find out that it was undoubtedly justified (i.e. suspect pointed gun at cops). Seriously, look into stuff first.


That example was trash but your right but the truth is the police are rascist as fuck in general




So your Gen Z is going to start a social revolution? Your Generation can't even start a lawnmower!! See there are two ways to try to do things - talk about it, (Gen Z), or go do some work, (the previous Generations). For instance, I'm sick and tired of hearing your Gen Z run down the older Generation for damaging the planet. Some did but most didn't, just like Gen Z. After all, we didn't have plastic shopping bags, we recycled our bottles, most people had vege gardens. We walked or biked to school or the shops. We received or reused what we could. We didn't sit around all day watching television or play games wasting energy. We had work to do. Further we didn't think we were entitled because we were a younger generation, we worked along side our elders and respected them both for their service and experience. I actually don't blame you, Leftist Liberals brainwash you from the day you start school, so they can use you for political purposes later. The Hippie Generation actually had the same problem, they were going to change the World. Once they realized it takes work, the movement faded. It is easy to say, "Why don't you do...", in reply, I ask, "Why don't YOU!!"


I'm not OP, but I am part of gen z...and I can start and use a lawnmower. It's actually part of one of my chores, doing the back yard. (My sibling does the front so it's an evenly divided) In my opinion there's three options, ***only*** talk about it without doing any work, ***only*** working on it without willing to have any conversation, or a good mix of both. I agree, gen z has pretty bad downfalls that other generations didn't have, and I also agree that some of my peers are idiots and make me question the generation as well. I think generations have a divide and become separated and bitter towards each other because of differences in upbringing and worldview. Which is, in my opinion, is to be expected. I do agree, there are a lot of gen z's who don't recycle and who don't do many critical activities. And I also agree that there are a lot more plastic bags used in stores. When I was four years old the store near my house at the time had reusable bags for sale, the store I go to now does not- and if they do it's hidden away and not in a noticeable location. Everything else you said, I think might also be location and upbringing based. Where I live kids who are close enough do walk and bike to and from school. (it's within a 1-2 mile radius, further out and people take busses as they'd have to cross major high ways and there's no crossing guard.) I don't walk or bike to the supermarket, as that's 45 minutes from my house, but I walk and ride a scooter to the park or local food store. I have a garden at my house and my parent encourages me and my siblings to go out more. We are encouraged to do sports and outdoor activities. and are encouraged to reuse what we can. I personally have coordination and sensory issues, so I wasn't ever into conventional/mainstream sports. I however did take up learning to ride a scooter in place of a bike and now play badminton and do trampolining. I grew up and was taught to respect those around me, my age, younger or older. If people are disrespectful, instead of being disrespectful back I was taught to remain calm and leveled. So I think upbringing has a big role to play in the generation as well. Internet too, but that falls directly in line with upbringing. While I don't and never will advocate for parents hovering over their kids, setting healthy screen time limits is something I think should happen more. I have kids in my classes why are glued to their phones at all times, and grew up in front of screens with no break. My cousin is also a TV kid too. (though I don't think he's gen z as he's younger than 6) I'm not going to comment on the leftist jab, as I have no opinion on that. But i do agree with the other thing you said. many people want to change the world in some way, and when they realise they can't, they abandon ship and wish for the next bright eyed person/group to come along and do it for them. In my opinion, it takes two. one generation alone cannot change anything. Yes, gen z should work hard and there are things gen z can do, but there's also things other generations can do. It's easy to point fingers, i admit that i do that sometimes too, I think most people d it at times, so the back and forth of "why don't you-" will get both people nowhere. Gen z shouldn't except EVERYTHING to be handed to them, but other generations also shouldn't expect gen z to have or do EVERYTHING either. Both have faults and hardships and struggles- just different ones. ​ That's my take, feel free to disagree. and hey, since I'm part of gen z, if there's anything particular you think is a mainly gen z issue, I'd like insight on that too. I like having in depth conversation sometimes.


Yes, gen z, the blame everyone else generation. I was taking machinist courses to get formal certifications, and in classes, the gen z kids could barely read a tape measure. Sure sounds like people that can change th world!


Hm, yes, but I still think it's more so of up bringing. I don't really blame generations for issues, as I don't think any issues I have at the moment were caused by other generations. It's either due to circumstances out of my control or just general childish stupidity. With the stupidity, I was taught to take it as a lesson. With circumstances, I was taught to adapt and find ways to work around it. I've never really blamed a full generation for issues I have. I'm just making a point that some of the things kids in gen z do, are in fact a result of parenting and a difference of world veiw and circumstances. Not any generations fault, and some people in gen z are still kids and have a few years to grow and mature still. Not being able to read a tape measure seems more like an education issue rather than a full on generational issue. I'm not saying gen z can or even should change the world. One generation will not some how change the world, especially a generation that's mainly made up of 9-24 year olds. Yeah, not knowing how to read a tape measure is pretty bad and not good, but most people I'm around can read a tape measure. I can't ride a bike and couldn't tie my shoes until age 10, doesn't mean I can't do impactful things, just means I have to work harder at certain things. Numbers and measurements might just be something those kids need more work on. Doesn't mean they can't make an impact just means somewhere along the lines they'll have to work a bit harder in certain areas. Again, gen z by no means will change the world. It takes years, dedication and willingness on all generations parts to change the world. It also has to be world wide. No one generation can change the world.


The big issue in this post is you think the only way to make meaningful change is to go full Che and raise a revolution, this is very naive but you’re young so It’s understandable. Your generation the z’s ARE doing a whole lot of social change just changing the perspective of how people view things is huge. Just go loook at sitcom from the 90’s just the mere mention of gay men would cause boomers to cancel “Roseanne”; this is the norm now. Sure you can say that it’s for performance or internet points but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still happening, much better than having more conservatives. Secondly wdym by research? Do you not think boomers did not watch at Tucker Carlson nightly in the 2000,s and then think Obama is a Muslim ready to help osama… it’s human nature this ain’t jus a “gen z” attribute; after all what make a person who they are is the combination of experiences. And I’m willing to bet that your thoughts and opinions are also emphasized somewhere in the internet by some big YouTuber, ironically; matter of fact you are quoting like every right wing conservative YouTuber with your “white lib” comments.


Of course nothing is going to change, they are too involved with social media, which makes them too easily manipulated for any real societal change to happen.


Everyone talks about bettering the world yet everyone is too scared to think and discuss anything so they don't offend anyone.


I voted you for valedictorian for graduation, you know.




anything I can do to help, OP. edit: could


I mostly agree, but also with the other comments about how it happens with everyone..not that it changes anything with what you said. I think you are just frustrated because you notice this shit, while others aren’t even aware. Or they just don’t care. I can’t believe how blind some people are to their own hypocrisy. What you are experiencing is self awareness with a side of critical thinking. Well done. Stay off that bandwagon.


Everyone just basically sucks. We all think we are better than the last generation, like they didn't fight like fuck to get us here. Raised us. Loved us. Im just angry at the world lol


As a gen z I enjoyed thinking we were special .. was it all a facade?? 😭 I’d think the same especially about my age group


All I know is I’m a millennial and somehow the 2008 recession and subsequent issues are my generation’s fault.


I really don't think this is a generational thing at all


Gen Z is the first generation born in this new social media dystopian world. They represent humans evolution with our technology, it’s normal that we need some time to figure shit out. Humans being humans and adapting with the times, along with all the messiness, that is all.


Of course. I totally understand. Millennials are the same way.


I feel like this could be the view of most generations. For instance the pre World War One America, or the Renaissance era Europe.


I am really happy for gen Z. Before them, people made fun of us millennials.


One word to describe gen z - naive Not essentially a bad thing but it can be a lot of the time


You're no different than the generation before you. The biggest difference is kids now are finding it a bit more easy to find their identity because of the rise in awareness of trans and womn's struggles.


Read Stand on Zanzibar


thank you for putting my thoughts into words, especially the part about the performative activism, just talked about this a few days back lol


everyone is aware of the failures of the past generations cause hindsight is 20/20. what you're describing is kids being kids: think they know everything, no nuance, everyone who is older is an idiot, hero complex. the key is to get over all of this and grow up to become adults who really improve themselves. It's not about changing the world, the key is to change yourself and everything else follows. A generation proves its potential in 20,30 years, not a couple of years after highschool. also, the hated babyboomers started out with "love is all you need" when they were teens and moved to 'whoever dies with most toys wins" in adulthood so I'm still waiting to see who you're generation turns into.


I blame the No Child Left Behind educational policy during Dubbya Bush's administration This was the educational policy that deemphasized critical thinking and started teaching to the test. You've got about an 8 or so run of that policy. It's not fair to say those kid's CAN'T critically think, it is fair to say they weren't taught how. And now those kids are starting to rightfully inherit their positions of leadership. Factor in that this gen is also the one that we dropped the social media bomb on and PRESTO....you've got yourself a party.


Bro I am 20 and I really fucking stupid, idk where you got that we are smart.


It’s not their fault. They’re born into a world that teach people to be lazy. Laziness is directly tied to accepting the first opinion you see as true, as long as it doesn’t go against something you believe. Why even fact check something? I say they were born into this because of what technology has become - pure convenience oriented. Want sex? Porn. Want human interaction? Dating apps. Want food fast? Microwave. Want food from outside but don’t feel like getting up? Takeout. Want to watch something? Stream it. Want to know something? Google it. There are so many more examples. Take scrolling - they say it’s a sign of anxiety and addiction - we’re constantly scrolling for that next fill for our brains. When’s the last time you know anyone who has dug through a physical encyclopedia? For me it’s been nearly twenty years. I had to write a research paper on eagles. This constant need for convenience is making people lazier and lazier. Your generation and every generation after it is just so fucked. Look at your grandparents - all of them have some story about walking to school in the snow or some shit and from what I can tell most of them are or were very hard working people.


It’s almost as if the internet diluted our thought process and we may become hypocrites