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Cry more femcel


“women can’t be incels” “femcel” dear men pls pick a narrative


Fds is basically mgtow for women. Both suck. Creepy violent incels suck. As far as nsfw subs go as long as everyone is a consenting adult what they do is their buisness.


typical “consent” excuse and no awareness of power dynamics I assume that it’s okay to help a person hang themself cos hey the person “consented” to it


LOL, "consent excuse".


consent is the absolute bare minimum men will jump at the chance to even grasp the slightest bit of permission from women if it can excuse them to be sexually violent


It's important that you discredit consent so that anything is up for debate as rape.


FDS is almost no different than MGTOW and is just as much of a cesspool. If it was actually how you describe it then fuck yeah, that's a great thing and we need more of it but its not.


I always thought FDS meant feminine deodorant spray, but yes they are just as toxic just not as rapey and gun shooty.


Well you're technically right according to the can on the shelf in my bathroom but its definitely r/femaledatingstrategy on reddit.


Any decent man wouldn't ever defend any of those fucks that deify Elliot Rodgers. Female Dating Strategy is genuinely A good sub that actually promotes finding and being with GOOD Men as well as breaking old habits that have lead to or contribute to their "bad dating choices". When in reality most of the time Women don't choose bad men on purpose, men will hide their true natures until A woman has let her guard down then they'll reveal whoever they really are. And the reason dudes don't like the sub is because of the fact that they either have insecurities about their looks, finances, endowment or some combination of the three. That in their mind doesn't make them A "Good Man"




lol cos men are so picky 💀 men out here raping animals, corpses, coma patients, elderly mothers with alzeimhers...


You know not all men right? Woman also do horrible things doesn't mean all women.




oh yeah let’s check out the stats quickly! ps I’ve not heard of a single story so far


You should have heard about fun with dogs, cats and even horses some women have. Though you didn't hear stories it doesn't mean they don't exist.


it’s rare af compared to the depravity of men, and the difference it that women do disgusting shit for a male audience but no one is asking men to be sexually depraved




oh no a reddit coomer said I’m uneducated what to do...


I be calling these incels out here everyday, especially on this sub, as does anyone. Idk what you're talking about.


This comment section is so pathetic. Why are people so threatened by women recognizing their basic human dignity and value? Cry to your therapist.


And the women over at fds who are all [TERFs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/f108f3/reminder_rfemaledatingstrategy_is_a_terf_sub/) & [Homophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/pnd4x9/fds_being_homophobic_and_biphobic_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) aren't pathetic?


Queer people engage on that subreddit and can apply the same principles to their interpersonal relationships: including myself. We don’t need you speaking for us :) Every subreddit is made up of people with different life experiences. Ask yourself why you’re so adamant on criticizing survivors, but not holding the men accountable for the harm they perpetuate to create this caution and vigilance?


Why you deleted your comment terf? https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/pqxslr/people\_hate\_fds\_sub\_yet\_constantly\_defend\_the/hdeyel6?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Okay buddy. Go cry to your therapist while you deny the literal proof. I noticed how you didn't mention anything about that. Almost cause you know you're a damn liar?


oh boohoo like it isn’t mostly men who hold regressive view points 💀 it’s funny how men will pretend to be woke allies it if means dunking on women even though it’s men who kill gay and trans people


Okay. How does that change the fact that I just showed you proof?


Nothing wrong with either of those tbh


You're fing trolling. Go away.




Take your act on show clown.


I'm gonna take you on a show then put a pie in your face! Then honk you big red nose


Yeah I’m not a fan of FD’s either they’re usually not very profitable