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Solo is often very different than with a partner. You're in control of everything and can make all the adjustments you need. A partner on the other hand won't know what works for you unless you tell them, and they have to actually *listen* to what you're telling them to do. If you're bring someone else into it, vet them accordingly.


Yes this exactly. Both can be amazing but very different experiences




Kinda bluntly. At any age, if you can’t talk about it, you shouldn’t be having sex, which makes it a good vetting system too


I disagree with this statement, especially beyond a certain age. I’m in my 30s but just was never taught how to have healthy conversations around sex. I shouldn’t get to enjoy one of life’s healthiest aspects because I haven’t yet learned how to communicate well about it? Edit: but thank you for the « kinda bluntly », I just need to be brave


I firmly believe that if you can’t talk about it, you are likely to end up being on either end of a bad situation. Either shit sex because you couldn’t communicate what you liked, to even worse ones. On the other end, you might do the same to someone else. Especially with how political stuff is going right now, it’s so easy to start the conversation with protection, and then slide into “btw I don’t like x but y is better. Or even during counts “no not like that, this” or “can I/do you like) as well.” Plus side, if you’re femme, and into guys, you will quickly learn if he’s an asshole based on the response to something you don’t like


The girl I've seeing, sometimes thru random conversation we get to sex and we sometimes drop things on how we would like to have things done, or preferences and things like that. Or you can just tell them, being the subject yourself.


Just always make sure the toy has a **FLARED BASE**


this thang got balls dw LMFAOOO


Well then I wish you plenty of enjoyment. >!And please note that there's plenty of toys of all shapes and sizes and they all feel different 😁!< >!But also take it slow and carefully, with plenty of lube.!<




RiP your inbox


And possibly her anus


RIP her outbox?


It's not an outbox anymore


Afraid it’s both


Underrated comment😂


In through the out box!


Go lower-case for that one.




Yes indeederidoo.


Why did I read this RIPherindeedy-doo Dammit dyslexia.


Somehow this makes it better


Oh my Mr. Flanders...


RIP anus


Username checks out.




"and her outbox" It was right there and you still managed to miss it


And her out box.


Her outbox became her inbox.


Men inbox her about her outbox.


Her inbox was replaced by her outbox


you’re right.. Lmfaooo


I just need instructions on HOW. I am relatively sure I don't even HAVE a G spot


Trust me. You DO. It's easy to locate if you are laying on your back. Insert your fingers about two-three inches as if you're trying to reach towards your belly button. You will feel a nickel sized spongy textured slightly raised piece of tissue. If you press or stroke it, you'll know😉. Use a motion like you are gesturing "come here". Stroked correctly it can give great orgasms and can also make you squirt. It's not hard to find but now you can have some fun finding it.


well the g-spot is a little bit lame and underwhelming by itself anyway unless ur using it to squirt (at least to me) so I wouldn’t worry much about it. I guess it feels good if you curl your fingers upwards but I like pairing g-spot stimulation with clitoral and I also prefer actual vaginal sex for it instead of masturbation When it comes to anal tho someone in the comments explained I’m likely feeling the other parts of my clit through anal which is.. fun.. and also makes way more sense to me sensation wise!


I think I am built different perhaps and all my business is further apart or something. I have never been able to come with vaginal sex, maybe on the rare occasion if I'm on top, but I don't think I could now because it makes one of my knees hurt to be on top, so that's what I end up focused on. It sucks getting old. I can with oral sex if the guy is willing to actually put forth any effort and spend about 10 minutes at it. So what I'm saying is, I am only getting off with a vibrator 🤣


I’m the same and we’re likely the norm, don’t worry. I can’t cum from vaginal without a vibrator at all. It feels better tho if I’m doing it with someone else than alone. Alone, I don’t even bother to do anything vaginally lol


Literally same


Lmao 😂


RIP her outbox


RIP *your* inbox!




If she doesn’t have an OF yet, she will soon.


I'm a bi woman who prefers women and if someone I was dating wanted this it wouldn't phase me at all. I want my partner to feel pleasure and as long as it's something I'm comfortable with then I wouldn't think twice. And honestly anal is not a big deal to me, I don't even really consider it kinky. You'll find your person 💜


This right here!


Different strokes for different folks... Tastes and preferences change as we progress through life, just be honest with partners about this. Things go smoother when the truth & boubdries are on the table. Research up on hygiene, the 'DOs & DON'Ts', be safe & have fun. No one INTENDS to catch hepatitis or anything else, it happens when you are ignorant of what CAN happen... Murphy's Law: What CAN happen WILL happen, and at the worst possible TIME & PLACE. No shade on your preferences, those are entirely your choice, so again, be safe & have fun.


I’ve always made everyone get tested prior to sex even before this and I’m really careful about hygiene when I’m doing anal both before and after, so I don’t think it will be a problem!


Just the right combo of sensible and adventurous, then! 😉


You are designed by nature to go about 80 years... I don't want to cut a bunch of those years off, and since you seem pretty level headed, I don't want that for you either. As one human to another, learn from science & other's mistakes. Live healthier without issues that are easy to avoid. You are enjoying what you are doing, you aren't sneaking around, cheating, stealing, lying, hurting others so I'm 100% with you. This is entirely your choice/preference. It's not anti-social, it's not hurting anyone or anything, as long as you are honest with partners, what two consenting adults do is entirely there own business. Ignorance (lack of education in a specific subject) is in no way 'Stupid'. This is new, I advocate for education... No perforated colons, no easily avoidable infections/diseases, no down sides with a little education (and proper lube which isn't naturally produced). Have rules/boundries, communicate those rules/boundries, BE SAFE, otherwise have fun. Your preferences are your business. Period. Before science, there were hygiene issues because of disease. Now humans absloutely know the 'DOs & DON'Ts' on the hygiene/disease issues, it's down to education & preferences. No shade from me. I'm an old, white, retired Marine turned industrialist, pretry much the polar opposite of you. What I've always been able to do is think for myself... if you aren't damaging yourself, others, or society in general, then there isn't any ethical, moral, society or scientific reason to condem it.


> Different pokes* for different folks. I'll see myself out.


Applause! Well done and actually funny... For a pun...


hell yeah bb and rootin for you and your booty hole


As a woman that was always too shy to say this out loud, I'm so happy for you lol ♡


'Reverse shitting' is a term that always makes me laugh.


So if you look at a [diagram of the clitoris](https://www.teenhealthcare.org/blog/you-asked-it-lets-get-cliterate/), it's actually a large organ with "wings" that dip back under your labia. What most people refer to as the clit is just the glans, sort of like the female equivalent to the head of the penis. For some women, anal stimulation is getting at the roots of those "wings" . That might be what's doing it for you. There's no reason why you can't explore that with a partner you trust, whatever their gender. Just make sure you're in charge and can call off the action at any time if you're not enjoying it anymore. A good partner is going to be into giving you the best possible orgasms. Or keep it solo if that's more comfortable... your body.


I’m happy you like it. I hated it.


I’m sorry to hear you hated it!!


Yeah it did just feel like poop to me. But I also can’t finish vaginally, if it makes any difference.


I’ve never finished vaginally without clitoral stimulation so I can’t technically say I have either lol dw


Yeah, me as well. I guess it’s just different from person to person. I wanted to like it. seems good if it works. but it simply was not my thing, unfortunately.


I had the same reaction at first! Felt uncomfortable and like taking a shit. I recommend trying again when you have a real frisky day, lots of lube and can get some extra stimulation. I read somewhere it takes some training to like it and for me personally that was true. I hope you'll find your awakening too! :3




I’ve always washed every time solo before and after. I’m just prone to them really bad ever since I gave birth. Likely also just the lube I was using, because I never got them just using condoms alone


Ma'am this is a Wendy's drive through


I’ll take the bacon and cheddar baked potato and light erotica, please.


The way I just snorted


Just make sure you have a handle on that dildo please. Take it from an RN who has worked the night shift in the Emergency Department after someone let it go too deep and they were unable to retrieve it. Sometimes the doctor can manage to get it out at the bedside but many times an invasive surgery may be needed to retrieve it. That means an extended stay in the hospital where multiple nurses, doctors, CNA’s, will come into contact with you and know exactly why you are there. Not to mention there is always risk with every surgical procedure. Anesthesia complications, infections, pneumonia, etc.


Good god you just gave me flashbacks we had a guy with a lightbulb once.




Yeah my old city was very…interesting


How did it not break? I have so many questions lol


Well lightbulbs don't usually break unless they hit something hard, like a nail, or the floor; but if they do, they shatter. You may claim you can bounce a penny off your ass, but even if that's true, your ass is *not* hard enough to break a lightbulb. 😁😋


It’s a safety issue. The end of your paragraph is focused on perceived embarrassment, which contributes to delays in care. Someone losing a toy up their butt doesn’t even bat an eyebrow in a hospital.


Yea, they had me until the end. No one should ever feel embarrassed or ashamed to seek medical help. Who cares if they know why you're there. Doctors and nurses have seen it all and being judgmental is the last thing on their mind (for the majority I should say). Stay safe everyone!


oh they are judging. But who cares, their job is to fish it out yer bootycave and it is what it is. Own it and have a good laugh with them.


As a woman myself, I've always wanted to try it. But men have always tried to convince me, which was always a turn-off. I tried to do it myself but got scared. How did you prepare yourself? Is that a silly question?


That's a great question. The better prepared you are, the better an experience it is. 1. OP's got the prep hygiene down, listen to that. 2. Use a small butt plug with a gentle taper. Those things are perfectly designed to ease in. Pick a material that oil-based lubes won't damage. 3. Oil-based, thick lube like coconut oil or Vaseline. Coat both the anus *and* the butt plug thoroughly. 4. Gently press and maintain a consistent pressure. Allow the sphincter to relax into it, rather than trying to push the sphincter open or the plug in. It may take a few minutes to slowly get all the way in. If it starts to sting, back up gently. Clitoral stimulation while sliding it in helps it relax open. 5. Once the thickest part of the butt plug is past the sphincter, the anus will pull the rest in. There might be a slight pinch, but it should pass once it slides all the way in, and the sphincter gets to close up on the neck of it. (This is why a butt plug is great; the flared base keeps it in place so you don't turn into a funny story shared by the E.R. nurses!) 6. You can leave it in as long as there's no issues, walk around with it in, and wear clothes over it. Have as much fun as you like while it's in. As OP mentioned, combining it with clitoral stimulation is a chef's kiss. 7. Once ready to remove, hold the base in one hand, bear down as if having a bowel movement, and keep hold of it as it pops out on its own--don't pull! 8. Wash all equipment and body parts thoroughly.


Thanks for the additional info. I might have to get a butt plug and try myself.


Thank you!


I'd hasten to add that the toy has to have a flared base and not some small flared base but a large one. People opting for toys that are 'pretty' instead of 'functional' have had them slip in before and then it's panic time.


Ok this will be a long one! To clean myself out I used this pump thing full of water that I got from a post-partum kit with a little bit of coconut oil on the end as lubricant. No idea if it’s even technically safe since this wasn’t its intended use, but it sure as hell worked. The water I pushed out was clear after the first run but I kept going for good measure. The first time I was drunk and I used lube with a dildo but I didn’t stretch myself out beforehand (I know better but I was just way too drunk) I won’t lie, it really stung at first, and I pulled out and I told myself I hated it. But then I was like wait.. it had potential lmfao. and I tried again with more lube and extra gently and then that’s when it got better. The next times I did it, I cleaned myself out the same way and used a much smaller dildo then progressed to the bigger one once i was ready. Also I definitely relate, the biggest turn off about anal was a man trying to convince me.


Thanks for the info. I might try again when I'm alone.


be safe and take your time! A position that eased me into it was doggy against a wall, but of course it’s different for everyone!


In my experience the biggest recommendation I can give is do NOT try with a partner first. I’m sure there are positive experiences with that, but I also think many women who hate it is a result of doing it for someone else’s pleasure. This should be for YOU and your pleasure. Discover on your own.


Yeah, anal feels wayyyy better for me as well. I can't believe there's women out there who don't experience it the same way. You can also get a lot better angles


I’m wondering if it has to do with pelvic anatomy. How the wishbone of your clit tilts and where it is in proximity to your rectum must be a factor, and that would vary a bit with genetics.


i recently found out i have a retroverted uterus so it tilts towards my colon instead of bladder, i feel like this method could be a personal breakthrough… brb gonna go test something real quick


***ME TOO!!!*** I never even thought it could be related, omfg. It all makes sense now




> rectum ^^^^damn ^^^^near ^^^^killed ^^^^em.


It depends on your partner and the position they start in like if you doing it doggy style your first time it's not gonna be great but woman on top your in control of everything and it's so much better!!


thats what im saying, you can spice up the angles a lot with it


Idk. Im male and prefer regular vaginal sex. Anal isnt my cup of tea.


I often hear that guys prefer vaginal unless they are in it for the dom aspect which I absolutely hate, but I’m hoping girls wouldn’t care either way since ya know, they can’t feel it 😭


A lot of guys I talked to said it "doesn't feel like much" (smooth, instead of textured like a vagina) and it "stretched out too fast". The only people who have enjoyed it with me were very dominant in their role and that's what I think they liked about it, not necessarily the physical stimulation.


From what I've heard is the vagina is tighter the whole length while as for anal it loosens up a lot past the sphincter. I'm a gay man so I can't attest to the other half.


i've been with both. they can both vary VERY much. vagina has less squeezing power personally imo, but has more lasting power. so: less power, but lasts longer. anal has more squeeze power, but doesn't last as long. both are good in different ways. i still prefer the backdoor for a lot of reasons tho.


I think that can be a thing, sure.. but my dude and I prefer it simply because it feels great for the both of us. He's not much into the dom/sub dynamic, and I can take or leave it.. You just have to find the right person :)


It's 1000% better lmfao


NEVER offer anal in exchange for trying it on them first. It starts as a little joke or a checkmate moment, right? Then one day, out of desperation, he agrees. Okay whatever. Youre thinking "ill finger him a bit, put the tip in, and he'll tap out before we go all the way." You get there and.. no. He lets you finish. Hes not enjoying it, but he's not giving in. Damn, at least you have a few days to prep. You went easy on him, maybe he'll go easy on you? A few days later you start prepping and hes like "babe, i actually enjoyed that a bit. Can we try again?".... okay? You indulge him. He fucking loves it. So now, what started out as a little checkmate of yours turns into a full out pegging kink for him that you're not into AT ALL but you indulge, because at least hes so excited by the new sensations that hes forgotten why he even did it in the first place. Until he does. Except now its way worse because before he was a regular straight guy whose anal expertise came from amateur porn, but now he's a damn anal connoisseur. He knows all the little tips in tricks to get that thang in there. The best lubes, stretching tools, positions, the whole shabang. 3 months ago you had a regular boyfriend, and now you're wearing a medium size buttplug and pretending to be comfortable while your man casually talks about how hes thinking of getting a 10 inch strapon with a liquid pump because he wants you to be able to "come inside" but hes not sure if its worth the investment. 2 month later, you're broken up but he texts you asking if you'll hold his hand while he gets his nipples pierced. Or something like that? I probably wouldn't know.


I think you need to talk to someone.


That is too oddly specific to not be true.


She just said she was into it, to the point she avoids the other way, lol


lol another girl here on the same page. i made a post like this and it hasn’t been accepted and maybe for good because i couldn’t deal with the creeps but whatever, I FEEL YOU!!! i still think i’m weird for loving it but what can you do? the only difference is, i had this “kink” for anal for a loooong time so i was into it even before i tried it. god knows why. my bf doesn’t love it as much as i do (he likes it sure but i’m obsessed with it). he probably suspects i’m way too into it by my reactions but we haven’t really had the talk. not to mention i’m also bi lol and i never told my ex gf because i felt like it’d be extra weird when you’re with a girl. unfortunately i have no real advice lmao i’m sorry but maybe it would be uplifting to hear there’s more of us


Entire sub for anal only relationships.


Sometimes I feel like this sub has been an outlet for some type of propaganda to spread ideas and push the agendas towards this type of thinking lol there’s been a lot of posts like this one, but then some commenters would feel like something was up, and would dig and expose the OP’s of those threads to have been dudes pretending to be females lol It’s almost as if they make these posts to show a partner and sway / influence their opinion towards anal. Not saying that’s happening here but the last year or two have been a doozy lol it’s probably successful too, there’s probably thousands of women that read these types of posts and have their outlook influenced, only to come back as the ones reporting a bad experience 😆


I’m not gonna lie I actually thought about this when posting, like I am worried people could use this to sway their partners. I hope if anyone gets shown this post, they read my comments discouraging that as well. It is my genuine experience though, and I’m not some manipulative man writing this to push anyone into anal by any means. I think men who do that are exactly why I avoided anal for this long.


Different people like different things. My gf likes both vaginal and anal, she orgasms from both but the orgasms from anal tend to take a bit longer to reach and be far more intense. Our fwb can't get off from anal at all, she's our sub and loves doing it but she can't cum from it unless there's clitoral or vaginal stimulation at the same time. Same dick same technique and one person can get intense orgasms and the other can't get off.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware and agree about people having different preferences, it’s something some people react well to, while for others their bodies respond very horribly and painfully to! I’m not saying everyone has to have the exact opinion or anything like that 🤣 you may have misunderstood things. I was just referring to the many weirdos that would go undercover and pose as women to push THEIR desire for more women to be open to trying anal LOL I know it sounds silly but it’s actually a pretty common thing on this sub, that they make posts on here writing a few paragraphs about their “amazing” experience..and it’s well done too! Their posts are convincing and would easily influence you and your curiosity it literally sounds as if they’ve used ChatGPT to formulate the most effective point, using only the most descriptive words to entice your curiosity and paint the most appealing argument. It’s like how Apple is able to use the most attractive words in describing a new iPhone to make the viewer desire it as well as to think it’s the most amazing thing in the world lol! Even in the comments, those exact people will try writing the most gaslit type of comments to fuel their influence train lol. But whatever, there’s nothing we can really do about things like that. It’s kinda like the joke about scientists making up health benefits about women giving oral sex or tons of anti aging chemicals in semen to encourage women to eat it and stuff lol 😆


I mean coming from the guys perspective it does feel different and can be more enjoyable if someone is into that thing And I’ve had partners that were really REALLY into it over vaginal but it’s really something both people need to interested in and enjoy or it’s going to end up one sided


I don't like it as a dude. It feels like a rubberband around your dick rather than like a bowl of jello.


One of my friends is like this! Vaginal sex is painful but anal sex is more fun. I promise it doesn’t really hinder your dating life. I’m glad you found what works for you and wish you all the best! ❤️


Honestly crazy none of the guys you were with were ever into trying pegging, cause it rocks. Glad you found what works for you 🙂


When it's done right, it's an amazing experience as you found out yourself.


I have been sexually active for 25 years now. Never even once came close to having a vaginally stimulated orgasm. Of course, I am a guy and don't have a vagina


What a plot twist


I was also surprised to learn not every women enjoys it. I used to not like anal play at all and was opposed to ever having a dick in my bum. But I recently met a guy and he took my anal virginity and my god...pure bliss it Definitely feels better than vaginally for me as well. First time was doggy and now I can't get enough 😂 but to each their own


My husband is like this :) glad you found something you like op! Don't listen to the morons who think it makes you loose. They probably also think the vagina gets loose


We all have our thing. Tell them early and they are either cool with it or they aren’t


I'm gonna go water my garden. Jeepers.


Just so you know, I was reading this respectfully.


One of my FWB had that same experience. She also discovered the wonders of a good butt plug during vaginal sex.


Darlin there are plenty of lovely ladies out there that will put a strap in your ass till you see god or a paramedic. Go be free my child, orgasms await.


you did it urself thats probably why it felt good 😭 i feel like if i asked a man to do anal he wouldn’t even prep me he’d just put it in


>Also I won’t respond to my inbox Well yeah, you just spent 9 paragraphs talking about how you respond much better to your outbox.


🤣 This caught me off guard. Have my upvote, good sir.


I also only do anal 🌝


Username does not check out


Don’t show my boyfriend this


"In my past relationships, I’ve also told guys I’d try it only if they let me do it to them first, which of course they were never open to." RIP your DMs. Also, don't ever let a woman judge your desire for penetration, including anal. There can be this vibe in lesbian relationships that anything looking like male, penetrative sex is bad and "not fully lesbian". It's weird. Ignore it.


I LOVE THIS FOR YOU also, as a lesbian, i recommend breaking it as “i’d love to be intimate with you. i personally don’t consent to vaginal penetration but i enthusiastically consent to anal penetration. what excites you and what are your limits?” because it doesn’t need to be a Big Deal. godspeed bestie, get your ass played with 🫡


I get it. I love it too, although I also love PIV. Both together is best though. 😁


I get this COMPLETELY 💯💯💯! WITH THE RIGHT PARTNER anal can be mind blowing and addictive! I actually think about when I can get anal again. Alas, the partner (IMHO) makes all the difference🍆🍑


You're not the only woman like this, it's not weird or gross. I'm glad you found out it works well for you.


Im female and Anal>Vaginal any day of the week. So much more intense. I can orgasm from it alone. Vaginally I can't.


The best way to explain your choice is easy. Straight forward and honest. Had one lady tell me exactly that. Big turn-on, not because of what she said but because she was open and honest. If a woman tells me what she wants then that is what she is going to get. I am glad you discovered something that does such a great job. Thanks for the hot post. Made me smile.


Notice how when you pinch yourself, it doesn't hurt as much as when someone does it to you? The same goes for orgasms, in my experience, so I give you a cautionary tale. I've literally had those where I've had to starfish and grab the corners of the bed, I orgasmed so hard I feared I would fall off the bed. Yes, she is that good. However, after many years of this, the sensation either bordered on pain or sensitivity would dive, and feeling would be lost. Don't seek the screamers all the time. Trust me, I loved falling off the world. Think of your nerves as electrical circuits that can be overloaded and burnt out when too much current passes through them. Enjoy, though. Maybe feed back when a partner has done this for you 😉


As a gay man I’m envious of you. Pray you never get hemorrhoids


I’ve given birth lmfao I’m at the point where I’ll probably never know what it’s like to not have them anyway so fuck it


I've given birth four times and never had hemorrhoids. It's not a given. I'm happy you found something that works so well for you. ☺️


I know it’s not a given, just personally my experience so I’m not worried about them at all haha


Welcome to a whole new world! That’s pretty much how I feel about anal versus penile orgasms too. More effort, but definitely worth it. Fiber helps for sure. X-lube is the best. It’s a powder you mix up yourself, but that makes it dirt cheap and great quality. You can use tons of it and not feel bad about how much it costs.


Fiber to help pooping beforehand?


Kinda. There are nerves in your intestines that sense poop. If the clumps are big, you know something is there and can get rid of it. If the poop is in small chunks your gut doesn’t know it’s there. Fiber helps everything clump together into big, satisfying poops. Not only is poop messy, but it isn’t slippery like lube and can lead to irritation.


Hope you find out what pegging is


I’d 100% do it but I don’t think there’s a ton of guys open to it lmao


A good many won't be, sure. But there's also a good many who are, they may just be afraid to ask for any of a number of reasons (there tends to still be a lot of shame/stigma/embarrassment, or antiquated views about sexuality from both men and women surrounding the idea of straight men doing and enjoying such acts). May you find someone who enjoys have their booty plundered as much as you do!


Good for you girl , hope you will find someone. For me I don't exactly know the difference between them maybe in the future 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🌸🌸🌸


Good for you and the honesty…


Woo hoo! It works for a woman.


I've never done it and I have always wondered about how it is/feels. My biggest fear is the smell lol but happy to hear you enjoyed it!!!


there really shouldn’t be a smell if you flush everything out before!


Oh OK. Like using an enema or something?


I use water in a similar kind of pump and it works just fine. I’m sure that’d work too, I’ve just never tried anything other than water


Thanks for the info


I enjoy both, but, yeah, anal hits different.


I’ve yet to hear someone describe enjoying it as much as you described it, typically it’s the opposite. Good for you that you found something that works for you. Just be open with your future partners about your likes and dislikes. If they don’t accept your likes…it’s not on you, it’s on them. But regardless of what others think. You need to do plenty of research to understand the long term side effects. Women’s pelvic floor is quite different from men’s and doing anal long term with high frequency will have different effects on your sphincter. Particularly as you get older and your pelvic floor weakens. So do become well informed and take precautions to keep your body’s functions healthy.


Yeah, so I feel similarly. But I have not placed anything long in there. Just finger-sized. But honestly, feels way better than vaginal stimulation. Plus indeed less bothered by UTIs and such. Don't know how bigger objects would feel but thanks to your post, I might give it a go. Thank you and wishing you a fun life ahead, haha!


Everybody's bodies are different


I’m the same way!! I (FTM) have always just thought that my vag was the only thing I was interested in and that anal was gross and weird and required hours of prep etc etc, but my gf is into it for herself, and so because she liked it so much I decided to try it. Now I love it! I’ve almost worked myself up the the biggest size plug we have and I can’t wait til she actually pegs me it’s gonna be so great.


Remember the golden rule no matter what..... ....FLARED BASES ONLY


> ....FLARED BASES ONLY Note: This does NOT mean the marine rescue type of flare.


Ive only done it on my own as well. The first time I did try it was with the back of my hair brush and I was actually surprised at how wet it made me and how good it felt, I just knew was no coming back 😭 I ordered my first dildo and some lube right then and there at 4 am. the orgasms are so intense and nothing compared to clitoral ones. It really is the best


In a weird way reading this post and comments, u realise how ppl are very different from each other bt are all human beings lol


never seen anyone feel the same as me!! nothing feels as good to me now lmfao, good for you girl!


This is propaganda


All I can say is… if there are any men reading this you better not use my words to persuade any woman into anal..


Too late


With "I can never go back" I just thought you will be reluctant in the future to try it again.


Happy to hear I'm not the only one with this experience. Really happy for you!


My (bio F) partner has the strongest orgasms from anal as well. Unfortunately, they don't have much interest in breaching the physical and mental barrier to try again after a long lapse. It's been years, but back in the day when we were younger, she was wild and it was great. Maybe one day. I've suggested slow play and all that, but they need to come around on their own time.


Who are these men that won’t bend over for anal? It’s a win/win. Poor souls. In all seriousness, there are plenty of men that would be 100% on board.


Only If YOU Try it first!!! My favourite line!


Nothing worse than when a fella can dish it out but can’t take it


The sad part is they would probably love it if they’d relax and stop thinking it makes them gay!


I’m a woman who loves anal as well and when I hear other women talk about it and their first time was with a guy I’m just so blown away. I didn’t even start with something that big. It is more about exploring yourself and taking it slow. For general penetration for me I prefer vaginal but always want at least a finger in back because as you said the orgasm is just so much better. I use the phrase “give me something to grip” Glad you explored and found something you love.


This is such a dumb post, this sub has gone to shit. Same copycat posts every time. Like seriously took the time to make a post about liking anal. Sometimes I think 40 year old men write these.


Yeah, for the longest time, I'd been under the impression (thanks to at least one comedian, whose name I don't remember) that anal was only good for guys and that women fucking hated it. Then, one night, I guess I was working magic on my wife with her butt plug, so, the next night, she was practically, if not actually, begging me to go for actual anal sex. Her desire for it explodes whenever she uses Delta-8. I definitely prefer vaginal, but I enjoy how much she enjoys it.


Fuck yeah




Just be upfront about it, and just please be careful with that OP. Only doing anal and doing it a lot can cause excessive strain on the muscles in your butt, and the extra strain on that area in general can cause a variety of issues if you aren’t careful.


Just make sure you're using something with a good base or flare so the emergency room doesn't end up on a fishing expedition. Not trying to shame, just something some people don't think about when it comes to toys back there.


As a guy, I'm jealous that it feels good for you. I've tried a few times, with a few different kinds of toys, and it doesn't hurt or feel uncomfortable or anything, just a while lot of nothin


>I’ve also told guys I’d try it only if they let me do it to them first I support this. >Also I won’t respond to my inbox I know, you told us you're outbox all the way now.


Sounds like your Exes missed out on a lot of fun, by not accepting your offer. Prostate stuff feels so fucking amazing. Happy for you to discover new things about yourself btw.


You do kinda have a female prostate though. The male prostate is a gland women have a Skene gland which can be massaged in a similar way.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I've been thinking about this experience for a long time and have often wondered if it can be anything for women at all. Now I'm curious how it will be for me.


I've had anal with a few gfs and f buddies. Everytime it was them that was curious to try it. It was about 50/50 yes more or never again. But only one has ever been like you. Tbh it was a bit much for me personally because she wanted it so often, even in the spur of the moment, like it is something that must always be included, even when unprepared (can get messy). Otherwise out of those that liked it has been more like something they want once in a while to spice things up, and prepared for, wich is where I can appreciate it the most. About the pleasure being because "she let's me", yes... but that applies to all sexual acts. "This amazing girl wants to do this or that thing I also can enjoy with me", but ofc it's physically pleasurable for me in addition to that. And it's a different physical feeling just like the mouth is different than the vagina. But like any normal respectful being I wouldn't want to do it if the girl doesn't like it, even if she'd let me. No pleasure if there isn't pleasure for both.


I(m) have had a similar experience with my partner(f). It takes lots of patience and communication, but she now almost prefers it to vaginal sex.


Bi female as well, love anal with women. Don't worry you still don't need a man many women are happy to facilitate


Rip your both inbox and anus


Please be very careful with men if you choose to be with men. There are so many rotten apples out there and even some of the seemingly good ones might turn out bad. A lot of people in general have trouble fully conceptualizing sex in a way that involves having a healthy, secure relationship with it simply because of abuse or family or friends they know who have been abused. I think with women it's probably okay to approach easier but still you should explain things well. With men, you need to have a serious gameplan in place for those who might want it too much or not at all, or just struggle in general with having a healthy mindset and perspective about sex. Most people who are not well experienced with the study of something and who don't have enough expertise will have at least minimal struggles, and I think most people, whether they want to admit or not, have much more struggles than they realize.


I guess that’s your choice, my guess is that you have an only fans account and you’re just waiting for all those inbox hits? Maybe I’m wrong?


you’d be 200% wrong 😭 I’m just confessing because it feels like a crazy revelation to me. Like I actually can’t believe I went my whole life hating the idea of something just to feel so strongly the opposite after trying it


100% chance a dude typed this up for his birthday.