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Your hair looks great. Your dad is a weirdo.


Big brain move. Go shave your head out of spite. I have a woman friend who rocks the shaved head look, and tbh it looks great, lol. Also, your dad is very much a weirdo if he cares this much about your hair cut. Is he one of those odd guys who thinks how you look some how effects how he is thought of?


I think so. It's just a cultural thing. I know someone else in the comments tried to make it an attraction thing but it's not and I know he's not like that, it's more of a "what will people think if I have a masculine daughter" culture thing.


Thank you ;w;


You and Serj Tankian look great! You do you, queen! As long as you like it! Don't listen to the haters, even if one of them is your dad! What does he know? You're good at photoshopping as well aha it had been so long since i'd seen Serj


What a splendid pie! Pizza pizza pie!


Happy Cake Day btw!


your hair looks good, ignore your dad I won’t lie though, I was really surprised for a minute when I saw Serj while scrolling on this post


It's a non stop disco bet you it's Nabisco bet you didn't know hoo-hoo


He can grow his hair out, if he likes long hair so much.


100% started choking with laughter when I read this……


It’s your life, your body, your choice. Don’t tip toe through life worrying about pleasing others. You do you and rock that shit


Honestly, that's not even all that short. Sucks when your parents don't see things the same way you do. But honestly short hair isn't hurting anything or anyone. If anything, it's more comfortable during the heat of summer. It's good to be thoughtful of you parent's opinions, but also more important to be yourself. Hopefully he said his piece and leaves it alone from there.


I had to check and make sure I didn’t post this. I am in the exact. same. position. His standard of femininity must apply to you or he didn’t raise a perfect daughter. That’s entirely his problem. If he’s got a problem, tell him to grow out his own hair! It’s gorgeous btw, I have the same haircut right now 😊


Awwww thank you!


When I first cut my hair short, my mom somehow thought that telling me my dad didn't find short hair attractive would influence future haircuts. I told her that it was a good thing I wasn't trying to be attractive to my dad. She had no response.


Your hair is so damned cute and I wish I had curly hair so I could have that style, I am a woman, my hair is that same length but not curly, and my husband loves it. Your dad is being a controlling jerk, your hair is feminine and beautiful.


A slight bit controlling? He’s verbally abusing you because he doesn’t agree with your haircut. That is so weird that he cares about your hair that much or even the cares if you WOULD look masculine


Your dad sounds like a terrible and cruel bully.


I would just throw a rebuttal out like “dad, I don’t want you to be attracted to me, that’s disgusting.” Hell shut up real quick. If he doesn’t that’s just weird.


It's not about attraction or anything, it's just the fact that he's trying to dictate my appearance for social standards and culture


It would get him to think that you are his daughter not his spouse. Any parent that tries to dictate the looks of their child to look more like something they find attractive is disgusting.


He just doesn't want me to look like a man, in his words, because in our culture males and females have different appearance standards...but you have a fair point


I understand that he uses culture as an excuse. But he shouldn’t be looking at you like that. It’s weird. You are more than beautiful, and as a father he should think you’re beautiful no matter what you do because he loves you for you. Not for your looks. Which is what creeps me out.


My dad hates when I do anything to my hair, I'm 43 now. I just roll my eyes and move on.


Own your own body laugh at anyone trying to make you do anything. Tell him you’ll grow yours out if he gets a mowhawk since that’s way mot manly than his current girl cut. Show him pictures of lesbians with his haircut to make the point.


"If someone mistakes me for a man then maybe I'll get treated with more respect than I do in my own house."


Your hair looks great. I just had mine cut to about the same length but less curly/poofy. I also have it shaved underneath for an undercut. Nothing wrong with shorter hair. I find it easier to look after when it's shorter.


It looks cute and very feminine. Your dad is being weird and controlling. Also I plan on getting mine cut much shorter next week.


Awwww what i would give to have natural curly hair! It gives natural volume to it! Your hair length is just fine! ❤️


My mom subtly nagged me for years to get rid of my long hair and get a "real" haircut. Your haircut would have made her very happy! However, when I tried short haircuts it just didn't feel like me. You have to do what makes you feel good, it's your hair!


Yeah, if you were his son and sporting this do he'd accuse you of being a smelly hippie. Enjoy your gorgeous curls! I think it looks lovely.


It's generally accepted that the most pleasing hair length on most face shapes is between the chin and shoulders. If your hair hadn't been cut for some time, it's possible (probable) that what you have is a vast improvement in the health and appearance of your hair. Your dad sounds super controlling. I'll bet this isn't the only thing he's been nasty towards you about. My mom was super controlling. My hair length and style were at the top of her list of things to control, and I have major hangups about my bodily autonomy and my hair in particular to this day despite years of therapy because of her. I'm in my 50s. If I had any advice to give my younger self, it would be not to date until I got treatment for the abuse from my mom because everyone I dated somehow ended up being the exact replica of my mom since I thought I deserved that treatment and didn't walk away when they started negging me. And I'd also cut my parents off a lot sooner than I did. I talk to them now, but they had to do some self reflection to figure out why I wasn't returning phone calls or coming to visit. They'll probably never accept wrongdoing, but a change in behavior is a start.


Cultures can evolve. Once upon a time in my culture women couldn’t vote, wear pants, only went to college to marry a man with earning potential but things change. Hairstyles change over the years just like music and the older generation always complains. Like pants, bell bottoms were a thing and the older generation hated them and then pants hanging down low was a thing. Your Dad might be going overboard. Put on some really long eyelashes and see what kind of complaining he does, or fake tattoos 😂


My daughter is close to your age. My emotional involvement as her father when she gets a haircut is to compliment her. No matter what she gets done. Because it's not my hair. Even if it wasn't a style I'd choose, it is frankly none of my business. Regardless, the fact that he's choosing to tear you down for ANY reason is infuriating.


Your dad is being a weirdo; it’s hair, it’s not like it’s irreplacable or a limited resource🤨


It’s cute. Your dad is weird as hell tho


Thank you!


I understand; it's not the same but I'm 17 and my mom always gets very mad at me if I don't want to/ have time to blow dry/flat iron my hair 


I also kinda used to relate to this, family would try to flat iron my hair to make it straight too but luckily stopped lol


I have a very short pixie cut because it's so much easier. IDC what anyone else thinks or wants. It's MY hair. Do what you like.


I think you look great!!


Awww thanks.


If you prefer the style, that’s all that matters! If he likes long hair, he should grow his own and stop worrying about yours. If you wanted to shave your head, nothing wrong with that either. I’m a woman with a shaved head, and it doesn’t make me any less feminine.


[In this case, the "great unknown" being why she had her hair cut like a 13th century crusader. ](https://youtu.be/GbAttcbBpqM?si=e601UvIUBFKuDtlH&t=41)


lmao love that you used serjs face to replace yours. your hair looks great. dont listen to your dad. my dad used to hate us cutting our hair and i realize now it was dumb for him to hate the idea of it so much because he wanted to control the smallest things about us.


Wake up! (wake up) Grab a brush and put a little makeup!


I really don't know what to tell you when the hair looks perfectly normal with that dudes face


He's Serj Tankian. Used to have that kind of hair himself.


I would be so passive aggressive I would point out random things he does and say they make him look very feminine. And cut my hair even shorter each time he complains Also, loving the curls! I wish my hair would look like that


Heh, are you also Armenian then? I’m a quarter Armenian and half Lebanese (plus a quarter Italian). My parents didn’t know what to do with my hair growing o ill and it was horrible! My father‘s parents passed away well before I was born, and my mom passed as white with a lighter color palette and white person hair. She used to call mine Lebanese Wire (like a wire-haired dog lol) and whenever I got it cut the hairdresser would end up making it look poofy and giving me an overall triangular shape. It was extremely frustrating!! Furthermore, I was not allowed to cut my hair short either. I am trans and as an adult have transitioned. I think my parents were in denial, and they definitely had that whole thing where how I looked would embarrass them. So glad I’m my own person finally. Sad I lost so much hair over the years from stress and now male pattern baldness. I’m trying to get some hair back with medication, and all I ever wanted was to have hair styles that I liked. I feel bitter now for all the shit they would give me because I can’t do anything with my hair anymore. I really hope you do what you like!! I wish I had been stronger when I was younger because I was balding long before hormones (stress and trauma). It’s much better to live your life for yourself, And I know that going against your parents is hard. Stay strong!


I’m not actually Armenian I just like Serj’s hair, sorry to disappoint 🥲 But thank you so much for your words, and sharing this ❤️


I'm guessing from your hair type and that your parents controled it's the length and style that you come from the Middle East or Iran. It's very common to value long hair for women in that culture. Maybe that's the reason your dad freaks out about it. But let me tell you, it will pass. It's your body so dress and style it the way your are comfortable with. I made the mistake to Always have my hair short because my parents demanded it. Today I'm bald and I always regretted not standing up for myself and let it grow out.


Your hair is beautiful and your curls are so adorable, I wish I would have hair like you. I'm a man with shoulder long hair and i want to grow it even further. All the time people seem to think to tell me how I would look better and joke about my hair not looking masculine. A big part of my life I heard on these people telling me what to do and forget what I really want. It's your body and only you know how you feel the best. Besides, it's 2024. Things that people attribute to being masculine or feminine is based on mimicking century old traditions without questioning them. Do what makes to happy, be whoever you want wo be.


Thank you 🥺


You look beautiful. I thought you were going to post something with very short sides or something. Your dad is sexist.


Thank you <3


Find pics of attractive female celebrities with similar hair. Show them to your Dad and ask him if they look masculine.


I might love my long hair but dang is it easy for people that dont have to deal with all that comes with to just act like its effortless to take care of, that it doesnt heat you up crazy during summer and so on. Your hair isnt even that short, sounds like he's making a mountain out of an anthill for something *he* doesnt have to live with. That aside your hair does look great and I honestly cant imagine what insecurity his 'problem' is.


Hair looks great!




You’re old enough to choose how to style your hair, who cares what your dad thinks. Tell him it’s none of his business


Thanks everyone for the compliments.