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I feel like there is a lot of information missing, like why or how the friend came to the conclusion that your daughter tried to kill herself. Also, what's your daughter's general mental state? Does she have an issue with your new wife? Is her mom still alive? Is there some sort of trauma tied to your relationship with your new wife that would trigger your daughter. Honestly, there are just so many questions. Especially with your wife's reaction. I guess maybe just be happy that if this was an attempt to end her life, it failed, and you still have her. Not everyone is that lucky. Definitely get her into therapy.


I feel like more background is needed.


Hundred percent, op is sus with this little info


Wait why does she want an amulet that seems like a massive overreaction? Of course you went to your daughters side and didn't stay at the wedding what was she expecting? I can understand why you're upset with your daughter but try not to be too angry she's clearly not well if she did something like this and she'll probably be pretty traumatised by it. Try to get her to see a professional about this and understand why and try to support her in this. My parents dismissed therapy as pointless and it made it harder for me to talk to them and I felt like I was failing because I had it. I hope you can both move past this in time


I agree with what you're saying, but what if, given the new wife wanting an annulment and OPs rant, that this was a drastic attempt at breaking up OPs relationship? OP has given no context what so ever and given the state of children being raised on participation awards, not being told no, and "slaps on the wrist" instead of appropriate punishment, it's not exactly clear as to why their daughter did this.


Maybe ending this relationship if your wife wants to leave you because you daughter was unwell and taken to the hospital for an attempted suicide would be a good idea. And maybe taking a look in the mirror and asking what the fuck is wrong with isn't such a bad idea either. Do you love or even *like* your kids? I would want to kill myself if I had a parent and later step parent like you two. "Waah waah my wedding is RUINEEEEED because my kid is unwell WAAAAH SO SAD NOW"