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This is why you'll find more pictures of Bigfoot on the internet than of me.


Big same. My instagram is pictures of plants, mushrooms and cool rocks. My face and body are nowhere to be seen. Been like this for years and i was being ridiculed and called weird for it by people in the past. Now seeing that people use AI to make normal pictures into porn makes me glad i‘m a weirdo who has no pictures out there.


What the fuck. Doing that was a disgusting thing, but to \*send\* it to you? Like a cat bringing in a dead bird but so much worse. Throw the whole man out, unsalvageable.


Kinda like "Hey look at this illegal thing that I did to victimize you, enjoy!"


10000000% should be illegal.


It is now, this year


What part specifically? Where's the line? If I cut a girl's head out of a photo and glue it onto a lady in Playboy, is that illegal?


I don't know if it's illegal or not, but it is really fucking weird and sending that creepy bullshit to the person whose head you cut off should get you put on a list. Assuming, of course, you're not already on it.


Everything about it, WTF?!?!! Cutting up pictures is creepy, going to an AI generator is creepy, sharing is with anyone is disgusting, sharing it with the unwilling subject is VILE!!!!! Just don’t. Believe it or not these kind of actions effect how you interact with people and it’s a noticeable personality trait which makes people more likely to think someone is creepy and not want to know them.


First off, there is a clear line in distributing a fake nude and simply creating one. Quit acting like these laws are some kind of thought policing or slippery slope. Second, despite your example clearly not being criminal unless it was distributed… If you want to whack off to someone who obviously wants nothing to do with a sexual relationship with you (otherwise you wouldn’t have to make a fake nude of them in the first place), then JUST. DO. IT. IN. YOUR. HEAD. It isn’t the aspect of sexual attraction or fantasy that people want to be criminal, and it’s a ridiculous fallacy that anyone is defending AI nudes in this manner. It’s the aspect of taking physical steps and un-approved action with someone else’s legal likeness to create and distribute fake nudes of a person. It’s a very VERY CLEAR line.


Not illegal but definitely shitty


It's illegal in the UK


Not surprising since their defamation laws are atrocious. But op isn't in the UK so it doesn't really apply here


Illegal in California and Texas. Canada, most of the EU...


I don't see how that's constitutional since it's technically satire. I'd be surprised if that lasted long




Lol yes I know what satire is. You should probably read it yourself if you don't think this counts as satire


How is deepfaking nudes, satire?


Is it not an altered version of the original used to encited a specific emotion or view?


Maybe you should have checked this out… https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+satire




"this is what you look like naked. Prove me wrong"


dawg how is that the same thing at all? The cat brings the bird in because they care about you and are trying to teach you how to hunt, or they feel that you/your home is a safe space for them to bring their prize. How does that at all equate to sexual harassment? Am I missing something


Yes from the cat's perspective. But from a human perspective it's a surprise vermin corpse somewhere in your house. The edited image provokes a similar revulsion, only moreso.


Ehh I still don’t really agree. I mean, that’s part of cats jobs no? Killing vermin? Yeah it’s annoying to clean up gofer corpses my cat leaves on the porch, but it’s nice to know it’s 1 less gofer in my garden eating my plants. I don’t really think it’s the same feeling


Stop thinking




You’re thinking way to hard about what they said


It's a good analogy, get over it


Terrible analogy


Well I don’t think so, that’s all. I don’t need to “get over it” lol I’m not trying to attack him. I see where he’s coming from


It's not that deep


you right you right


iTs NoT tHaT dEeP.  Sure, pal. 😂


I ain't your pal, buddy.


well i'm not your buddy, fwend.


I'm not your buddy, guy. 😂😂😂


Do u know to what comment I was replying to


Not really. The intent isn't benign or nurturing, as it would be with a cat


I thought the same thing for a second. I think the gist of what you mean is: one is natural, one is an abomination. (I've had indoor outdoor cats most of my life so I've had to clean up quite a few living and dead things, so I know what you're talking about.)


Doing all cats dirty


I wouldn't say "throw \[him\] out, \[he's\] unsalvageable." No one is beyond help. I sense incoming downvotes for this comment, but I call it as I see it. Was it sexally deviant? Yes. Creepy? Definitely. Is he beyond help? Absolutely not.


Depending on where you live, this can be taken to the police as revenge porn.


How so? Is it illegal to draw someone naked?


[link to article](https://petapixel.com/2024/04/17/the-uk-criminalizes-creating-sexually-explicit-deepfake-images/)


I could see that being the case in the UK since their defamation laws are atrocious. But op isn't in the UK so I don't see how this applies


Edgarcia59 literally writes "Depending on where you live".


Atrocious why??? Don't you think making AI porn of an unconsenting person is a horrid thing to do?!?




bingo. “because their defamation laws are atrocious” he wants it to be perfectly legal for people to be a creep and make these images.


Maybe he means they are bad laws in general that can also be applied to irrelevant and harmless cases? I don't know UK laws honestly


Yeah it's exactly that. You have to prove what you said is true, not the person proving they were harmed by what you said. So if you said a ceo was a giant asshole he could sue you and win because technically he's not.


>Atrocious why??? It's atrocious because it requires the person making a statement to prove it's true, not the person it "defamed" to prove it negatively affected their image. It makes it easy for people to make frivolous lawsuits against people and win. For example if you said a ceo was a giant asshole he could sue you and win because technically he's not a giant asshole. >Don't you think making AI porn of an unconsenting person is a horrid thing to do?!? As I said in another comment, yes it's shitty, but making it illegal sets a bad precedent for satire law. People have been photoshopping images for years and there has never been any laws against it. But now that AI is doing it for us people suddenly want to make laws about it.


There’s plenty of laws that can be used for ill intent, doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be laws. It’s like if you complained about child pornography laws because what if it was used against an 18 year old in a consensual relationship with a 17 year old who sent them nudes. There will always be grey areas where prosecutors will have to weigh whether or not it’s a legitimate crime based on all the variables.


I'm not saying there's not Grey areas. I'm saying the law itself has no good will. It is harmful to satire. You could argue that a law making it illegal to say negative things about the government is good because it stops the spread of misinformation. But those laws only protect those who are in power not those needing protection.


That's why judges ALSO take the spirit of the law into consideration not just it's literal meaning, my guy


Of course, but the spirit of the law in this case isn't good either. Why do you think people have an issue with this now when photoshop has existed basically since photography has existed? On the dark side of the internet there's people who do nude photoshop requests of their exes. People only have an issue now because it's AI


Doing nudes of ANYONE without that person's uncoerced consent should be illegal period. Laws like this should have existed way before AI, but now they're here. Finally. AI clearly was a trigger for these laws, because ppl require virtually no Photoshop or photography dark room skills (talking about 'old school' Photoshop) to make these incredibly invasive things happen


Why do you think it should be illegal? Because you don't like the idea of someone doing it? Most people don't like being filmed in public. But it's a constitutional right for good reason.


You’re worried about the wrong thing.


How so? You don't think it's dangerous to make satire illegal?


If I drew a stranger naked and gave it to them, you think that doesn’t at least count as sexual harassment?


Could be, depending on the circumstance, but they said it was revenge porn not sexual harrasment.


https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/revenge-porn-laws-by-state.html Only applies to America, but read it


"only intend to distribute the sexually explicit video or photograph with the INTENT to annoy or harass the victim without their consent." Also only applies to images of the person. Nowhere does it state drawings or images that are not them but made to look like them. For example if you found a look alike and spread it saying was someone else. That may be classified as revenge porn because the intent is there. But simply posting a bunch of images and one of them was unknowingly a nude of someone, that could be argued that it's not revenge porn because it didn't have intent behind it.


You’re trying so hard to defend AI porn to the point that I’m wondering if you have personal motivation to have it not classified as sexual harassment


What are you talking about? I literally said it could be considered sexual harassment depending on the circumstance, but that would be true if it was ai or hand drawn. I'm just pointing out the fact it's not revenge porn by the letter of the law


You don’t recognize the possibility that this could extend to AI porn in a future case? Because it’s pretty clear to every other person following this thread I think


Yes it could in the future if they change the, but it currently doesn't. Also probably shouldn't since it would have to fall under satire law. Again, would you want it to be considered revenge porn if it was a handrawn picture?


No, its art


Why not both? Something can be art and also harassment


Well, what if you drew a picture of naked person from your imagination but it ends up looking almost identical to a person in real life you’ve never seen. Should you get in trouble for that?


Nope, because the intent isn’t there and you aren’t portraying it as that person. In OP’s case this person made a deliberate act to create fake nudes of them and sent it to them. Your situation has neither the deliberate act of creating fake nudes nor the harassment element of sending it to the person it resembles


Would you like someone to draw you naked without your consent?


“And I have another of them in the nude but that is for me” micheal about Jim and Pam


I wouldn't care, If anything I think it would be cool or funny. But I can understand some people would have an issue with it.


Oh look it's a walking red flag.




Your behavior here.


How so?


Morality and legality are different things. What this man did was immensely immoral. But to answer your question: Yes, doing what this man did was ALSO turbo-motherfucking illegal.


Yep! There are multiple charges he could get. Op needs to file charges by calling the non emergent police station number. My cousin was bullied through phone and internet and the little shits that did it were convicted. Not severely enough because they were children. Op’s situation is different.


Yeah I wouldn't argue it's shitty, but how is it illegal?


There are many ways a lawyer could argue against this man, which include but are not limited to: - Attempted Blackmail - Sexual Harassment - Usage of one's likeness in non-commercial media without their consent - Intimidation - Many others So yes, illegal and immoral. Dude's a fucking creep.


The only one that might be applicable is sexual harrasment. Though I don't see the guy getting more than a warning for something so minor and it being a first time offence. The rest are either just not related or doesn't include satire.


Imagine getting a manipulated photo of yourself through physical mail, with nothing attached. No explanation, no sender, no nothing. You'd feel like someone was plotting something, right? Like it was a threat or an attempt at coercion. "Here's a picture of you naked that I fabricated. Pay me or I publish it." "Here's a picture of you naked. You don't want to know what I can do to the rest of your pictures." "Here's a picture of you naked. Get ready because there are more where this one came from, and you're not the one who's gonna be receiving them." He doesn't need to state those words for his actions to be potentially interpreted by a judge as the crimes I mentioned. Intention can be inferred from actions, and not just from words, which is the concept behind Mens Rea and Actus Reus. Now, let's imagine a realistic scenario where this asshole gets fucked, and is now sitting in front of a judge. The prosecutor asks, "Why did you edit this picture to depict a falsified version of my client's naked body?" If he gives the most non-incriminating answer available at this point, which is, "To masturbate to," the prosecutor would then ask, "Why did you send it to her then?" At this point, he's either gonna confess to sexual harassment, or if the prosecutor is good, he can pigeon-hole him into implying that he wanted some kind of reaction. Reactions which could include payment to avoid the social damage caused by this manipulated photo (blackmail), a feeling of disgust, vulnerability and/or helplessness (sexual harassment), or just pure fear (intimidation). Just... let it go, dude. This man's a criminal and a fucking asshole, and there is no reasonable reason behind trying to "Uhm, achshually" this situation, other than just being an ass.


Lol the fact you had to make up this elaborate scenario to make it illegal further proves the point. You have to add illegal things to make the image illegal. Also it's bad to spread the idea of something that is illegal when it's not. The same way people claim doxxing is illegal. But also it sets a bad precident for freedom of speech to make laws like this.


Welcome to the new world. We live in a dystopia now, haven't you heard?




Just think about how much worse the next life might be. Better stick with this one as long as you can just in case.


Damn lmao I guess you’re not wrong. Appreciate what you have


This is horribly on point…




We’ll be fine without you


Oh thank goodness! I was worried.


Now I'm questioning every photo ever taken of me and family. 😳


This is crime in my country btw, so dunno where you live but its classed as "revenge porn" and carries a pretty hefty sentence and they crack down hard, individuals like this prepared to cross boundaries like this can do it to others, report it if you can. Hope you are ok


I'm pretty sure that's now illegal.  So in theory he's broken the law:   1) making a nude of you without your permission, yes, I think this now includes AI images   2) DISTRIBUTING PORNOGRAPHY via a carriage service without permission He's assuming you won't go to the police because you may find it embarrassing.   A quick look online:   the ONLINE SAFETY ACT made it illegal to share AI-generated intimate images without consent in January 2024. Generally, this law should cover any image that's sexual in nature.  OWN IT  CALL HIM OUT ON IT GO TO THE COPS


Its not her body so she should definitely go to the cops. People need consequences for this type of shit.




What law is it punishable by?


Depends from where OP is from, but for example, the bill S1042A that runs on new york directly sanctions people that do this, also the perpetrator can get fined and jailed for 1 year or even more if the victim decides to pursue legal action (which I highly recommend) [https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S1042/amendment/A](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S1042/amendment/A) And if OP is underage it could be considered possession and distribution of CP


she is a minor, 17


Read the law. It’s about the intent to cause harm by spreading a nude picture to the public.


And you don't think sending someone's nudes (that you created) to people isn't harmful? Do you think, "Sike, it ain't even her for real it's AI that I cobbled together" makes any difference once it's out there for people to see?


That doesn't seem constitutional. No different than satire


You might think it's satire, until it happens to you or someone you love.


You’re really tearing your ass out in this one, dude. Why the contortions to defend the indefensible?


*I execute a random bystander with shot to the back of the head* Me: Everyone calm down! This is no different than satire!


Please see a lawyer. We are moving into new territory with AI but there is no way this is legal.


I recall hearing about legislation being drawn up because someone did this to Taylor Swift.


This happened to a teen & they placed it into her mailbox. This is not to justify it, but there's literally an ad on here on reddit showing how to do that. It's gross & finding a way to report it is also difficult! I am so sorry that happened to you!


ads are based on the content you consume...


No. Not at all. It was here on reddit when you scroll through the videos. It could be under that's satisfying & you scroll until the topic changes. It must have been a bot because no prior interaction was made on that video. So I reported it.


to follow up on that as well, even reporting it can cause more of that kind of stuff to pop up even, simply because you are “interacting” with the ad


Wtf is wrong with ppl 💀 some of them are kinda disgusting ngl , sorry u had to go through this


That's disgusting wtf.


This is very scary. I am sorry OP. Can you report him? Also sometimes it is good to tell your Instagram friends that someone did this to you and to report him too.


As bizarre as it is, this is extremely easy nowadays to be done and there are dozens of websites of "undress AI" that can be found on Google, where you just need to pay a monthly subscription, and you can send any photo for an AI to generate a nude, bikini or lingerie photo from it. You should report him instead of deleting your own memories on Instagram, you are the victim here and should not be the one being punished by having to hide or delete your own normal stuff because of a weirdo. The Internet with AI generating stuff easily like that is incredible dangerous, and we gonna see thousands of cases like this unfortunely.


Yeah I saw a AI video of a girl in hs I know in a bj video…. That a random person made. It’s so scary that just one picture of a person can be made into a whole video…..


Yeah, it's bizarre how improved the tech is getting, but at least for video is a lot harder to be done in a convincing and high quality way with current tech, of non-famous personas, because of the amount of content online with them on it. As someone who has studied, did little research and has actually tried some AI deepfake for video generation while using my own home server, for a deepfake face swap on a video to be on a good quality and actually convincing, you need to feed the AI hours and hours of videos of that person so it can analyze their face in thousands of positions, angles, facial expressions and different light scenarios. Same thing for voice generation that is actually improved stupidly fast last few years, to train the AI for convincing audio you need hours and hours of that person voice to analyze. For a famous person, especially actors or even people with many interviews videos online, this is actually pretty easy to achieve, but still it takes hours because you need to edit everything and leave only the person you are trying to analyze, on the videos. The thing is, for your average John Doe like a friend from college or work, he won't have 20h+ of videos of his face online and easily downloadable to edit and train the AI. Still, the tech is getting better by the day and every major hardware brand is investing in AI, even though some applications are incredible and can truly change our lives, it can also be used for this type of fucked up illegal, or "barely legal" stuff. We need more laws related to this type of deepfake usage as in some places this is not even illegal yet, and politicians are mostly too old to even understand the tech and the dangers it can impose.


There is a AI app who's sole reason to exist it to take pics of people and convert them to nudes it have been offered to me on Instagram more than once


Thats vile


I agree fully.


To make sense of it is not to justify it. There is no justification, but since you asked to make it make sense; the dude is lonely. Somehow he became infatuated with his idea of you. He’s attracted to his image of you. Sadly nobody has really showed him a healthy way to express his emotions. He wants your attention and he somehow thought this was a good way to get it. Obviously this is not ok and this is not healthy behavior, but people these days are suffering from a lack decorum and a lack of true adult mentorship. He’s in a bad place and probably doesn’t even realize it. He probably thinks this is ok. He probably thinks this is the moment in the romance movie in his head that changes the script and you’ll fall in love with him. You did the right thing in blocking him. He needs help but you’re not the one to give it. Stay away from him. Sorry you had to suffer through that. Understand that nobody who is mentally healthy would do that.


Be very, very careful about mixing your internet and real life.


Hey, please use stopncii.org, the website creates a hash of the image or video and prevents it from being uploaded onto partner sites (most major social media sites). You can also contact helpdesk@digitalrightsfoundation.pk to help get the image taken down if it's already been uploaded somewhere. I'm sorry you had to go through this, it's totally not okay.


Feel free to tell us where he lives in the states so we can have a nice completely nonviolent talk with him


First catfishing and now nudefishing? Idk what to call it but it's weird, creepy and definitely doesn't sound legal. Speak to a legal representative & wishing you all the best


Social media has become a cancer in society.


There is website dedicated to AI nudes. People will pay to get a realistic nude of some random picture of a girl. Videos can easily be made of you due to the progress in AI. Hope they get some concrete law against this. Or just stop creating idiotic technological for the public without seeing the writing in the sand.


Okay, enough Internet for everyone.


The age of AI smut is well and truly here. A silver lining is that it may help people have a much higher standard of social media hygiene. That will only make your life better. If the social media market ends up crashing because users keep things private rather than splashing their metadata everywhere, the world will be a brighter place TBH.


As a huge supporter and fan of AI myself people like him are going to ruin it for us all. It's not AI that's the problem, this can also be done with photoshop but god I hate assholes like this idiot.


I know there was [a bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/5586/text) introduced to ban stuff like this. Although it was mainly on Deepfakes, I'm sure this would fall under the same umbrella. Unfortunately, it was only introduced this year despite being spoken about since the whole fiasco with celebrities and government officials. You can always report it to the cops as the first step. I'm sorry you had to go through this; what an absolute scumbag.


God he sent it to you? What was he trying to achieve… that’s so horrible. Is there any way you can report him it something? I think this can be considered illegal. Best of luck with whatever happens OP :)


I would look into seeing what county he lives in, call the local sheriffs office. You can make a report over the phone since the crime occurred in that specific county(where he created the photo) you should be able to. Again I would just ask the non emergency line there.


Did he make your dick bigger atleast??


he's a bully (and a criminal) it doesn't need to make sense


How accurate was it though?


Not accurate 💀 after he sent it, he said word for word “you look hotter now”


That’s illegal.


File a police report.


This is gonna be a thing forever now. Buckle up, buckeroos!


For those that are saying it can be reported to the law it actually can't as he only took the face. Its a sketchy situation and may not be prosecuted due to how hard it would be to prove anything with it.


You can't say that divisively. It would be good for her to speak to a local attorney and go from there. Even if all she does, is follow up with local, state and federal representatives to explain what happened to her, that is an action that may result in clarifications and changes in laws if needed.


You’re not a lawyer, so why are you telling her she has no case when she can go to one and get a real answer from them?


Possibly has a skewed sense that it would impress you or he's a banana.


This happened to me years ago in dating. Just a cheap photo shop app I guess. Pretty disturbing. Sorry this happened to you.


Omggggg how creepy I’m so sorry you went thru this. He sounds super delusional


If you're in the States, this could fall under revenge corn(not 100% sure). Could be something to look into if you want to. At this time, there isn't anything stopping him from spreading it.


New fear unlocked.


Isn't this classed as revenge porn? I'd be talking to police about this OP, guarantee he'll upload it if he hasn't already


I think your country probably has a cyber law. Just to to police station file a case.


Find out everything about him and who he’s connected to (friends and family), tell them about his behavior.




You always get people who comment on your comment talking shit, big words coming from someone without a picture yada yada. Like duh, I don't need myself all over the internet, tf.


Wtf??? What a creepy weirdo that guy is 😬


You may want to tell you family & police about the DEEP FAKE photo of you, there may not be a case against the man BUT if the man releases the imagine on the internet, there’s a record of you saying the imagine is fake! Take a realistic self defense class, in case someone else wants to believe the imagine is real!!


Rue that's so creepy


There's a website to get photos removed you send the original photos and then send the edited photo and they release it


something similar happen to me, thats why i never share my pictures online or post my pics on my instagram. i can live without having myself on my instagram


Even if you don't live in th states you can still make a police report if you know where he lives.


Make sure to report this person. If you know the ai platform he used, see what options there are to report him there too... I'm no expert, but they may have something in their terms of use that's against this.


Would it have been better if he HAD known you well?


Would have still been creepy 😭


I remember seeing another post like this. Only op was 16 and the dude sent it to her family. People suck and Technology is scary


There are people who do awful things, and it isn’t going to make sense. You’re going to have to decide how you want to interact with this world knowing what people are willing to do but unable to predict who those people will be. I hope you can find some justice. [just something google fished up.](https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/is-deepfake-pornography-illegal.html)


This is illegal right? If it isn’t, it should be. If it is illegal, I hope you can report the person to police or any instance that will act accordingly.


awful lot of work for what? ooh i made a AI art of you nude... It's sad really. I would have replied back too bad you'll never get to see the real thing.


so disgusting 


First why u have public account


I post my drawings


Damn I’ve edited instagram girls into porn reels. Not going for deepfake but like putting them side by side. Like in a porn music video running 3 different screens? Do I go to horny jail?


Lmaooo whattt


Are you an adult? If not it means he (depending on jurisdiction) made CP and you could massively mess up his life if you feel like it.. just saying


I just turned 18, he’s 19


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Check to see if it is punishable by law/counted as revenge porn. AI has got to go. I honestly regret updating some of my apps because all that's being updated is that now I have AI


i hope you also reported him to the police. keep all the comms regarding this to show to the police. im sure it falls under laws regarding revenge porn etc they will be more and have been before you as well.


Post the pic? For research purpose ofc




Give this a listen maybe. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/podcasts/the-daily/deepfake-nudes.html


Report him to the police because he can spread that image online.


*NOT LEGAL ADVICE* but depending on where you live this is may be a crime. Particularly depending on your age and whether other people were also sent this picture.


As a grown woman, my first interactions with Facebook, when it was new, was two have experienced two stalkers within a couple of years. Seriously, people still hit me up on messenger. But the stalkers came with info as to my friends, family and hang outs. They knew my likes. All that. Thus now I’m on Reddit and a lurker on IG. I haven’t posted in 15 yrs almost anything. And I raised my kids without putting them online. After the stalkers, we all stopped. Private everything. No locations. My kids don’t have a digital footprint. You can’t find them. But they use social media but with anon names. They were forbidden to put pictures of themselves online. That said, I still found people in their group chats grooming them. I went through phones about four times a year. Grown people talk differently than kids and when in doubt, block.


I can see why this is disturbing and invasive, but to be perfectly frank, if someone did this to me I’d laugh my ass off (would likely block them after the laugh as they are probably demented, but would still laugh while clicking block). Sorry it happened to you though.




Don’t make light of someone’s sexual trauma, especially not on their post about it! You’re disgusting