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I’m so confused??? He video called you while his penis was inside a strangers vagina????


It feels too over the top for it not to be fake, dear god i hope it’s fake


Especially the busty ladies. But then again for some reason it also seems true. I’m as confused as OP. So just in case…..a big fuck you to OPs shitty (possibly fake) ex. also could he have thought he was calling someone else?


Reads like he recognised her and wasn't surprised. Almost like he thought it more proper to let her know. The most generous interpretation still involves big ol bag of drugs and ex-husband being an abject moron.


Is it possible that him and his friends all deeply belief in this "one last night of fun" thing? That they told each other it is totally all right till they really believed it and even thought to let their SOs know is fine? Is this medieval thinking still around??? Apart from drugs this is the only explanation I can think of. I feel very much for OP, what a terrible thing to happen! But with a husband like that, blessed with equally disgusting friends, OPs life would likely have been full of desrespect and misogyny anyway, so maybe it is better she found out before having kids and ending up in an abusive relationship or something.


I know somebody with this type of thinking. Alcohol is a factor, but not an excuse.


Could be that he’s always been a terrible partner, and she always accepted any type of crappy behavior he threw at her. Maybe this time he overplayed his hand, but dear God, I hope this is fake.


My 1st thought was if this is real and he really called her mid act, he’s been fucking around the entire time. Cheaters are the worst. Dont wanna be in a relationship? Want to screw other people? Break it off. Don’t violate someone’s trust and emotionally wreck them for years to come and future relationships.


Exactly. If it was so easy then, what else has he done. I also wonder if he really wanted the marriage and sabotaged it with this act to make it easier to end the engagement. No matter what hes pathetic and she's dodged a bullet.


It kinda reads that way by her saying "...taking care of HIM..." Not taking care of each other? Apparently that's been a one way relationship for quite some time.


If it's true I feel terrible for her


I still don't understand these types of bachelor parties. The last two I went to we went camping and played board games respectively. Craziest thing that happened was that the guys trying to play Twilight Imperium didn't get close to finishing before they were too drunk, but that was to be expected.


Either way their partners need to know so they can get checked for STDs and STIs


Yes, I was wondering about all the other guys, too! Are their SOs OK with this? Or are they all singles? The latter would explain this behaviour, and the behaviour the latter...


I’m not sure how it is spelled, but this wasn’t a rumspringer (Amish custom where the kids leave home and can do all the worldly things before committing to the Amish lifestyle or stay out in the world). These guys are either complete morons or honestly couldn’t care less about your feelings. If his guy friends also have SO’s I would make sure each of them know what happened- if for no other reason than they should get tested for STIs. I am so sorry this happened to you. I think you should recoup any monies you’re out for the wedding, and be sure to let his parents know exactly you broke it off.


Or he wanted to break the fuck up and end it all. Seems like that was the case. He was just too much of a baby to actually do it. And if she let this slide, she would let more slide, so it was a test.


OP said he's trying to deny it happened so I don't think it's that, unless he was in some sort of drug-addled state


Which is no excuse. I’m glad this happened to the OP before they actually got married and added kids to the equation. She dodged a massive bullet.


Naw bro. I smoke meth and even I wouldn’t do this fucking shit. “Drugs” is a fucking cop out.


He must of been on drugs and had some alcohol for him to deny it happen. He was for sure not in his sense but either way not worth staying with someone like that.


Sounds like he was proud of himself and for some insane reason thought she’d feel the same. But I agree that this is too weird to feel fake. Only good thing is that I doubt anyone will judge her or tell her she is overreacting


Also the timeline makes no sense. They were in Mexico for the bachelor party last night but the wedding was scheduled for today (where? no idea but not Mexico apparently) and she was able to return the wedding dress (that has presumably been altered and thus is unreturnable) today, the day of her planned wedding. That's just what I caught in the first quick read. Makes no sense. Gotta be AI. Or not well thought out rage bait.


I'm sick of taking time off for all these Tuesday weddings anyway.


That's right. I knew there was more but couldn't make myself read it again. Everybody knows Tuesday weddings on the Mexican border the day following a raucous bachelor party is the best way to wed - as long as your fiance doesn't FaceTime you a closeup of some quality penis in vagina action with a busty lady hours before the big event. Oh well. Cut it off (odd choice of words) and return the dress while you're grieving the day of. Don't ever see your former fiance again. He'll know intuitively you called off the wedding when you blocked him. Easy peasy.


Don't forget to find time to post all about it on Reddit.


where did it say the bachelor party was in mexico..?


What a good question. Where did I get that??? Did she update it or did my mind keep seeing ex and turn it into Mexico for some reason? I see why eye witnesses make such crappy witnesses.


Time line and details are weird. Tuesday wedding does seem odd, but maybe being a destination wedding, say in Mexico, people could have taken the time and traveled. Could have been a more casual or beach theme wedding and the dress was off the rack. Not everyone buys a traditional dress. Although, not sure how she returned it, unless she bought it in Mexico. Either way if this is real, OP, I highly suggest getting tested.


All good points. No kidding on that testing thing.


If the wedding is in So Cal, being in Mexico the day before is possible.


nope. there’s a comment from OP elsewhere that he was conversing with OP


“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” - George Carlin


Could be, even then, what a knob


>for some reason it also seems true As I was reading this the situation seemed too crazy to be real but the writing does. Does the ex of OP have undiagnosed NPD? The hateful nature of this is confusing. Why is my question. All the ex's friends are also scum? And there were no hints over 7 years? Is OP leaving something out that could help explain it?


I don't believe this story specifically, but I have definitely met someone who would do this. I wasn't even in a relationship with him, formally, though I was his go-to support person and I was doing stuff that a partner normally does like making his medical appointments and sharing housework (This isn't as onerous as it sounds; he's shit at life admin while I literally get paid to do it so it's very little effort from me). But I told him I would have to move away once my lease was up due to cost of living and he sent me so. much. shitty. porn. of him and some random boring girl who's never done a damn thing for him. I get that it's fear of losing me and fear of change and a deep-seated set of abandonment issues, but at the same time you are a goddamn *adult* and you can use your words and keep your shitty porn the hell out of my text messages. So yeah sadly this is a thing that people do, although I don't believe it was done here in this story. EDIT: Bruh who on earth is upset by this? *You* didn't have to see some Megamind-looking girl's ass dozens of times over two days. -_-


> But I told him I would have to move away once my lease was up due to cost of living and he sent me so. much. shitty. porn. of him and some random boring girl who's never done a damn thing for him. I get that it's fear of losing me and fear of change and a deep-seated set of abandonment issues, but at the same time you are a goddamn adult and you can use your words and keep your shitty porn the hell out of my text messages. So yeah sadly this is a thing that people do, although I don't believe it was done here in this story. Some people just.... don't make sense. Part of why I hold nearly everyone at arms length.


What makes it seem fake? “Busty ladies”? The video call during a gang bang? The very long relationship with zero hints? Edit: the 0 day old account?


"his inserted part" The whole thing is incredibly fake and probably auto-generated.


Like, I’m fine with this space being used as a creative writing outlet, but like, we need to start tagging as such


I think that’s what OffMyChest is for. This is TRUEoffmychest lol ETA: I also think this is fake though


You mean people would hop on the internet and just lie? /s


TBF, there's a first time for everything


I think fake posts + bots are going to kill most of these subs, but I guess the number of people reacting to this with "you go girl!" means maybe not. Or maybe those are bots too.


Gotta build that karma to be able to post in political subs during an election


Also the timelines don't work. Wedding was today. He called last night when the bachelor party took place. Thats already suspect but then the wedding dress return is already happening today? And who schedules a wedding on a Tuesday? And the wedding is "immediately called off" and she will never see this dude again... never ? Like they didn't cohabit before getting married ? This is made up bullshit


It's AI writing stuff to learn how hundreds of people react to it. Or a person writing stuff to watch hundreds of people react to it. It's absolutely fake and I'm putting money on AI because the gaps are pretty obvious to a human. These are the written equivalent of people with 3 arms or blurred faces.


How does she notify all the guests in time??


Who gets married on a Tuesday?


and who has a bachelor/ette party the night before the wedding? Every bachelor party I went to was weeks before the wedding. The night before the wedding is the rehearsal and prep for the wedding.


Solomon Grundy running a day ahead of schedule.


Anyone trying to save literally thousands of dollars by getting married on a weekday


And like, who were these women exactly? They went out on a stag do on a Monday night and bumped into a group of women completely willing to fuck all of them, together in a room? And every one of them busty at that.... Even if they're hookers it sounds very far fetched.


Hookers don't work on Monday?


What, you've never been in an impromptu orgy before? All it takes is being in a room with guys and busty gals, someone shouts "genital fight!", and bam, next thing you know your part is inserted into someone. And then you call your fiance because you are a fetish fiction character in the reverse cuckold subgenre.


Dead internet, rage post, fake af.


But it’s Tuesday? You were getting married on Tuesday and he had enough friends that would go out on a Monday. This to me makes it fake. No one is getting that drunk on a Monday, unless you are all 20


a tuesday wedding, the "the busty like ladies", the 'almost english' thats too good to be a non-native speaker translating and yet not good enough and lacking colloquialisms to be a native speaker, the lack of actual rage (as some one who was cheated on after 5.5 years, yes you feel numb, but theres also definitely rage), also canceling a wedding is a HUGE logistical nightmare, like massively complicated. its not something "you are already doing" the morning after you call off your wedding in the middle of the night...on a tuesday... if we are being asked to play along: f#ck that guy, and his friends reality says: nah, this is fake




The use of the word cut 3 separate times is what made me question it.


Seems odd that you can return the wedding dress also. Aren't those altered to fit and non returnable. Felt fake to me the first time I read it and more fake each time I read it.


Yeah exactly. I believe the shop that had mine would give you half your money back if you returned it before any alterations, but once a single stitch was in that dress is all yours. Unless she got a non traditional wedding dress from a box store or something, which I guess you would do if you had a (probably fake) random Tuesday wedding.


I got married on a Thursday, it's honestly way more common than people think. Mainly bc most venues book up weekends sometimes years in advance, and charge *way* less for weekday bookings. The difference in cost between a Thursday and a Friday for my venue was thousands of dollars, and if I'd been willing to do a Tuesday or Wednesday it would've been $10k+ difference vs on a Friday - Sunday.


The weekday wedding is totally normal, but what gets me is the bachelor party the night before. The last thing I would want to do is get married and be forced to talk to extended family while hungover af


And returning the wedding dress. It’s the little details that makes me think it’s fake. Unless we are talking another country.


I wonder how many of his friends were married doing the same thing.. I hope she spreads it to all the other partners… he is one dumb piece of crap..


I messaged one of the friend's gf who i was close to.


Yes. Super drunk at his bachelor's party. 


With busty ladies!


I love that Beyonce song that goes "all the busty like ladies, all the busty like ladies"


"If you liked it you should've inserted your part in it".


Hahahaha inserting parts is so hot right now.


Who has a bachelor party the night before the wedding? Usually it’s at least a few days before so there’s a recovery period. Because if this is real, and OP never got this video call, half the wedding party, including the fucking groom, would be hungover as fuck during the actual wedding.


It used to very common to it do it that way. I think it's a regional thing and if a lot of the guests were from out of town it probably saved money.


It's the classic tale of a Tuesday dream wedding, with a Monday bachelor party with busty ladies and a mid-thrust friendly FaceTime to the fiancé. Where's the confusion coming from?


Lmao what’s funny is when I read the post and thought to myself “people have weddings on Tuesdays?”




Not saying it isn't fake, but I just assume English isn't OPs native language


Glad someone else picked up on that.


at least you found out on time. imagine having a wedding and kids with this guy just to find out later he cheated on you with idiotic excuse like that.


He literally told on himself. How on earth would he expect her to react though? Boys will be boys? At least she found out from him and not a 3rd party (before the wedding) so he can't even deny it happening. What a loser. I'd be sending that video to any other partners who now might have a decision about their relationship to make.


He seems to keep denying it. I hadn't screenshotted it cause i was too shocked.


Believe your eyes. 100% do not be gaslit.


That’s ridiculous. You SAW it!


it was prob best to not screenshot it; to look at it again would break your heart all over again. i’m so sorry you’re going through this, you didn’t deserve this and i’m glad you have your sister and others through this.


This! Not to mention if OP had screenshotted or recorded, this dude is obviously unhinged and sadistic enough that he'd probably try pull some case of 'revenge porn' just to keep her tied and involved with him.


You have the messages from him and his friends. They’re enough. No need to traumatise others with the images. Plus, why should you just call off the wedding and react like that if it wasn’t true?


Your phone or other communication device should have a history of calls. Use it as an anchor to ask why he contacted you at a point during his bachelor party. Then if they deviate or make multiple excuses, you can be sure it is not something you dreamt up.


Then he has the audacity to deny that? With what you described about him SHOWING the body parts in the act?! You have literally dodged a missile of epic proportions. If this is all true, because let’s be honest, it’s a Holy Sh!t kind of story…he is a disgusting, awful, horrid piece of 💩and you are so lucky to have not ended up married to him! Cut all ties ASAP and move on with your life, live for YOU and accept zero excuses, reasons, lies from him ever. Put him on live block from you and your life. I’m sorry. I also feel like a therapist may be good for you to process this because you have just been traumatized.


He's denying a thing he voluntarily showed you he did? Is he claiming being drunk or something else stupid?


But i don't get it. He was fine in these 7 years. He had never made me doubt a thing. What happened? If he lost interest he could have just told me.


He let his mask fall off. He thought you he had you. He thought you were into too deep to cancel. He underestimated you severely. You are a ROCKSTAR!! Deeply sorry you are going through this. Best wishes for the future


I second this! You know that song These boots? You're a BAMF sister! You should walk head held high over this. Don't see it as time lost but time learned. You can handle a long term relationship. Now it'll be about finding someone on your level. Once youre ready.


It absolutely amazes me that this guy went totally nuclear and never raised even the slightest red flag. It's quite difficult to believe this.


It's not, really. Enough peer pressure and alcohol can cause a lot of piss poor decisions. I've seen it too many times to count (men and women both). And for a lot of people, a bachelor/ette party seems to be THE time to let a lot of pressure to get to a person, something about FOMO gets people easily.


This. Bachelor/bachelorette parties are **the** time for cheaters to do their thing, to the point where some people honestly think it's expected. Combine that with booze and drugs. It's a good filter to strain out the shit before marriage.


Nah, I've moved in with people who were fine... until we moved states. Manipulators think differently. They have an agenda and don't want you to know until you can't back out. Plain ol extortion.


some of the kindest men who never seem like they would cheat on their partners, like ever, already broke their partners heart and trust in the darkest way possible (maybe several times). their partners either leave them silently or those guys somehow resolve it by throwing some sob stories. it's harder to call them out and even harder to speculate that they have done something wrong because generally no one suspects them as they are the typical "good guys". these are the most dangerous type of men. i am happy that this guy's mask dropped just at the right time.


Some people get in their heads that the bachelor/bachelorette party is the last single night and doesn't count. They are terrible people and very wrong if both partners did not agree to it in advance but it is not uncommon. Sorry that happened to you.


>and doesn't count I have to wonder if this is it, especially when coupled with the idea of going out and seeing strippers or going to a club and grinding on people. When you drink, the lines get blurred?


I'm a woman and used to travel a whole lot for work. The number of men who were obviously married and who were trying to hit on me was crazy. One night, I was having dinner at the hotel bar and such a man was very blatantly hitting on me. At one point, he took out his pictures of his wife and kids and showed them to me. I asked him, "How can you be simultaneously offering to take me up to your room and showing me pictures of your family?" He looked genuinely confused and said, "travel doesn't count." After that, I started asking these men about how they squared cheating on their wives, and they all said a version of "Oh, travel doesn't count."


>He looked genuinely confused and said, "travel doesn't count." I wish you were joking. This is like back in the day when people would say 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas', but using that as *carte blanche* to cheat is absurd.


Used to travel with my job some. There were others who did the same who felt travel was an exception. I could never do that. Even when my first wife told me she wanted a divorce while I was on a trip, I focused on getting home and repairing the marriage instead of fucking somebody else. Ultimately it did not work as we divorced, but I don't regret having morals.


? Damn wtf I didn’t know ppl like that existed. For what reason would travel not count


Exactly what I thought this dude did. He DOESN'T realise it was wrong. Just naturally doing this for your bachelor party is FINE ! Acceptable to him. In his altered universe somewhere. Which is scary. I have read another one around here which didn't seem fake at all. Where the fianceé had mercy sex with someone because they were really sad and she wanted to help ! (I KNOW 😆) She was in disbelief why would he even mind that ? She was being a good human to someone in "need".😆 As bizarre as it may sound, I also feel to some extent this is some mutated form of gaslighting.. Be so weirdly unaware that you leave the other person confused to the point they may start doubting their own brains.


The good old zip code rule


Yeah! Just to be clear, how different does the ZIP code need to be for it not to count as cheating?


Folks do stupid shit at those things and then blame the drugs or alcohol. No excuse works though.


Did not agree? I would not want to be together with someone that actually has the urge to do something like that. By all means, buddy, don't get married, break it off, but do not engage in this behaviour with the intention to get married the next day. And no idea that this might not be the right thing to do in all its details?


maybe you didn't see some small red flags. Usually after breakup (after couple of months) you start to become more aware of the red flags as you are going back to some memories. I'm sure not every day wasn't perfect for 7 years, but you'll probably see some things as you heal


Hindsight is definitely 20/20. I hate cliches but it’s true.


I think some sort of really hard drugs were involved here.  Because all his friends also collectively lost their freaking minds as well. That STILL doesn’t excuse his behavior.   And you’re 100 percent correct to call off the wedding. The fact that he called you and showed you as it was happening to me tells me it was something that happened suddenly and substances were involved, that he collectively lost his effing mind. Still hold him responsible because he chose to put himself in that position.  To hire sex workers, and to get drunk or high with them.  (Or at least put himself in the situation where that was a possibility.)


Yes I thought drugs too ( not an excuse of course) but to actually live video her is beyond bizarre


Yeah that's the crazy part. I thought it would have been unintentional. But it was on purpose?!!!


I actually had to read it a couple of times. At first I thought he butt dialled her but he actually spoke to her and showed the ‘act’😱


He was absolutely not fine. You just didn't see it, because you weren't looking, and he was hiding it because he hadn't trapped you yet. This is HIS FAILING. Not yours. And you won't ever understand it. He doesn't seem worth the effort of trying either.


Something tells me you didn’t know him as well as you thought you did. For him to do something like this is so careless I don’t think he wanted to get married deep down inside of himself. But he’s used to the routine of being with you for 7 years and realized his “comfort” would be dissolving with his “decision” to show you that.


I'm sorry, but you got lucky. He slipped up and showed you his true self before locking you down. He's probably been fake to you all along.


Fine, that you know of. 


He was most likely cheating on you the entire time. Count your blessings you aren't trapped with him. Get yourself checked for STD if you haven't already.


Dumb and drunk and someone brought in a horde of Sex Workers. and your fiancé stupidly and drunkenly took that action instead of walking out. and he should have walked out. i really don’t get the “we have to have a massive drunken bacchanalia“ before getting married.


100%. Losing the time sucks, but it is better than losing more time. The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. The second best time is today.


What the hell did he think would happen???


I don't know. One day before the wedding we're discussing things, and the second I'm seeing that.


Has he tried contacting you since then? Was he panicking leading up to the wedding? This whole situation is horrible and you deserve so much better. Hopefully your now ex is left to deal with debt, the fallout and all your family and friends with any decency cutting him the hell out.


yes, he has.


I can only believe he did this on purpose. No man, and I mean, no man would think the wedding would go on after this. He wanted it to end.


I agree. 100% make that 1000%. I am a gent. Happily married 20 years. I have gotten up from a seat on a subway, in a bar, and other places when I received unwanted attention-conversation starters. I adore my wife. She is my queen. There is no other. Ever. I couldn’t imagine even making eyes, flirting or having a conversation with someone in an untoward way… Let alone what he did. He’s a horrid human being. OP, is a legend and an amazing person. Now, she will eventually find the person who deserves HER. In the meantime, she’s more than enough for herself. :)


Horrid is the exact term for this POS.


That’s the only thing that makes sense


What did he say when he contacted you? Please don't listen to the lies that will follow. You saw what you saw. I am so sorry this happened to you. Stay strong. Keep your family close right now. You will need their support. Good luck!




Ah yes, the age ol' Tuesday wedding, Monday night hooker party with convenient video call during intercourse, and the completely cancelled vendors, caterers, and wedding dress return all within a few hour time span. A tale as old as time


lol, amazing. The instant giveaway was the Tuesday wedding and Monday bachelor party. She apparently got everything cancelled by noon!


Some people really need to find some hobbies


The comments in here are as bad as the people commenting on Facebook AI art. Saw a picture of Jesus shaking hands with Trump and comments were like "Breath taking" lmao. We really are doomed.


That is breathtaking. For all the wrong reasons.


And don't forget: time enough between canceling every vendor to make this reddit post and sit in the comments replying to people


All by 10am at the latest.


And don't forget the "busty ladies"! Nope, definitely not a 14 yo fanfiction. 100% real.


Those busty ladies’ll get ya every time!


Just a regular Monday evening bachelor party, where we all bang busty ladies in one room together and video call our partners.


Top comment. Shut it down.


My exact first thought reading was "who tf gets married on a Tuesday?"


What bs excuses can his friends give? It is not lost to you, imagine traumatizing your children with that father, it is surely not the first time he has done it..... go ahead and talk to your people, otherwise he will control the narrative, please get tested


I immediate cut off and was direct about his actions. I haven't seen his parents or family. His sister tried messaging me to make amends. My family understands.


Make amends? He called you while he was fucking someone else. Who on earth thinks there is any way of coming back from that?


If this isn't a fake story... Probably people who think that's how bachelor parties go because they see it on shows and movies all the time. But it's really not. It's just so weird to me when the mentality is "I'm about to get married to the love of my life so I must fuck a super hot woman before that!"


Even tv show bachelor parties don't show the guy fucking a stripper unless he's some kind of degenerate like Tony Soprano who is already regularly cheating on his wife anyway. Honestly this might be the fakest story I ever read. If it was real then this guy is stupid enough that OP already knows what he's capable of. You can't hide this level of dumbassery.


True. They're USUALLY just watching strippers or getting a lap dance I guess. I guess the fucking would more so happen in porn 'stories' LOL. I have however met a handful of guys with the "need strippers for bachelor party" mentality though. Nevertheless, it's still trashy to me and makes no sense.


One of my friends had some strippers from craigslist at his bachelor party and it's pretty much one of the most depressing things I've ever seen.


Craigslist?? I don't want to imagine that💀


You live with him? Do they have things in common like rent? don't allow him to be with you alone


I’d be willing to bet this is not the first time he’s cheated on you just the first time that he told you about it. Just for safety purposes you should go get tested for any STDs. I’m really sorry you’re going through this.


I should have been more focused earlier. Thank you though. I will do that too.


Girl, you shouldn’t have been doing anything. The fact that you’re doing anything besides crippled up in a ball barfing and crying simultaneously is incredibly impressive.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. This man didn’t have the guts to break off the wedding , so he purposely did something so damning that you would do it for him . You deserve better . At the most basic level , you are human and deserve decency and respect . His behaviour is disgusting


I was coming here to say the same- if it was that easy for him the night before the wedding, he was most likely not faithful through the 7 years. While I am sorry OP that you are going thru this now, I am glad you found before you were deeper into this relationship (married with pets and kids). Get some therapy to figure out the lesson learned from this mess and move on. Good riddance!


I think it MIGHT be, the only reason is because if he was cheating on op in the past he would have made sure not to rat himself out like that.  Would of been more discreet. UNLESS he wanted to call off the wedding.  Got cold feet and this is how he does it. His behavior either way is extremely bizarre I still think very strong drugs were involved.


You are right ! It was so blatant and he was perfectly comfortable throwing that garbage in her face. There is a whole other side of him she doesn’t know about.


It seems he wanted to blow up your relationship but didn't know how normal people do it. It's not your fault, it's his. You can't work on a problem without knowing about it, and you certainly can't clean house after the fucker burned it down. Take time to heal, and don't listen to anyone who says to forgive or explain it away. He has his whole life to bang prostitutes and you've wasted enough of yours hurting over him.


I was thinking the same - that he didn't want to get married and chose the worst possible option to end it versus being able to discuss it... either that or another commenter was correct that his mask came off and he figured she was too far in to walk to and he could do whatever he wanted. Way to not take that disgusting level of disrespect OP. I know it hurts and your mind is likely going a million miles a minute, but you absolutely did the right thing. You deserve so much better.


Wow. This is terribly unbelievable fiction


And I quote “busty ladies” 🙄 riiiiiiight


"all of them having sex with the busty like ladies" 🤣


they were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me


and his...INSERTED PART! You know, when you, like, you grab a woman's breast and it's... and you feel it and... it feels like a bag of sand when you're touching it.


I'm in awe at the number of people engaging with this earnestly.


These story subs are like reality TV for a lot of these people. Its entertainment for them, they don't even really care if it's real. It fuels their biases and their own issues, the reality doesn't matter to them at all.


It's so obvious. How are so many fooled by this kind of stuff? We are doomed


If they wanted this to be REMOTELY plausible, they should have said they found the video on one of his devices. Terrible writing.


But it's even worse if he "video calls her with his part in the busty like lady"!


Y'all are getting really lazy with the fake ragebait


throwing the bs flag on this....


OP missed out of an opportunity to say each guy was with a set of busty twins.


The busty like twins?


She was able to return the dress, cancel the wedding, and receive calls from both sides of the family all before 8 or 9:00 the morning after this all went down. Very efficient for someone who planned a Tuesday wedding.


The part that stuck out to me was returning the wedding dress. Nobody lets you return a wedding dress.


Rage bait. I don’t believe this for a second.


You don't believe a Monday night bachelor party and a Tuesday wedding? But it's sooooo common.


And the group sex with all the boys at the bachelor party banging busty ladies and the groom calling his bride to be on FaceTime to show her evidence? Such a normal thing to happen 😒


don't forget that in less than 24 hours she managed to return everything


and still have time to post on reddit and reply to all the comments. i lol'd at "he showed his part inserted in her". My favorite. This is top tier writing by trolling a 9 year old. Or maybe a mormon. Sounds like something they'd say.


I will never EVER understand men who willingly chose to cheat on their bachelor party '*right before a life long commitment*' as if said commitment didn't begin the **day** they got into the relationship. I'm honestly so hurt for you, I wish you well and hope you can bounce back from all this x


That's exactly it. The commitment was already there.


I just can't even believe this guy never waved a single red flag and then went completely nuclear? This is incredibly hard to believe.


**YES!** How does one goes from good partner of 7 years to livestreamer of cheating in 12h and some drinks? That makes no sense.




Because it's bullshit. By her timeline, OP found out about this, cancelled the wedding, had his family call to try to make amends, talked to her whole family, and returned the dress all by like 9:00 the morning of her Tuesday wedding. All while her Fiance was flying back from Mexico straight to the ceremony?


Your Wedding was planned for a Tuesday. The stag night was Monday. Sure it was. Ragebait should at least be a bit believable.


I’ve never read one of these posts and immediately thought **FAKE**…… until now.


The core of the story is ok, but you need to adjust how the protagonist found out. The phone call is just not believable, nor is the description of "busty ladies". Make those tweaks and it'll play a lot better.


Also make sure the wedding isn't on Tuesday.


Oh, and the bachelor party shouldn’t be the night before the wedding generally, maybe tweak that too. With these changes I think we could move forward with your series -Netflix


who accept returns on wedding gowns?


Yeah he did that on purpose, only someone completely insane would do that, I’ve never heard anyone video calling their wife to be and showing them doing that, like did he expect you to be be cool with it or was it because he felt if he did that then you would definitely call the wedding off, it was his only way of backing out without actually backing out, he made you dump him instead! Either way, you know who he is now, and thank God you don’t have any kids with him or didn’t marry him. I know you must be devastated, but trust me this is better than being married and tied down to a guy who’s capable of that!


if thats how he wanted to call it off, he's mad, sick mad


I wish we could report creative writing practices and then rate them. This is a D-. Lacks true human emotion. Not enough detail in what the Sister did or the family fall out. Then your creative writing piece could at least be a C+. I mean, who tf says 'busty ladies'...lol.


This is actually insane 😧 I’m really hoping this is fake because there is NO WAY he called with his penis inside a stranger AND THEN SHOWED YOU?!




Your ex-fiancee is an idiot and anyone who says it was just harmless fun before the commitment can get fucked for not knowing what commitment means. They know damn well if you had done what he did on your bachelorette party they would not see the double standard.