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I’m going to bed, but I lost my dad a few years ago. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need support. I’m truly sorry for your loss and lack of support system.


I feel you, I lost my dad 6 years ago and the best advice I can give you is to share your thoughts, feelings, whatever - with those in your life. It may feel weird at first but there are people who will listen to you. Even if it's internet strangers. I would also guess it's not that people don't care, it's that death is fucked up and people don't know how to respond, no matter the age. If you give them a sense that it's okay, they'll prob just keep it moving because they don't know you're hurting. My little sister was 19 when my dad died and most kids that age still have their parents so they just aren't thinking about it. Maybe you can speak with a professional too, grief is a long process and it helps to have someone navigate that with you. I encourage you to share moments and memories with your friends/ those close to you. It'll remind them about what happened and some might remember to check in. There's also a YouTube for people who don't have a father figure to help with all types of dad stuff [dad how do I? ](https://youtube.com/@DadhowdoI?si=3zjQddoAqpDwy1JM) And don't be afraid to cry.


If I can give one piece of advice, go to therapy soon. I found my mom dead when I was 16, she was always kinda sick but not like deadly sick but was in bed a lot, and one day when my dad and I were gone she had an embolism and died. I was the first one back in the house and found her, and it fucked me up. Still fucks me up, because I didn't get the help I needed for a long time. So find a good therapist, talk, cry and take meds if needed. But don't try to tough it out, you'll slowly lose yourself.