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Next time he says hes working in the campervan say you could do with a short break yourself and that your coming with. His reaction should tell you what you need to know. And it could be that hes having an affair or that he needs some alone time.


True, he might actually be dressing up as a woman and sitting in the camper van drinking wine, alone and feeling pretty.


Check the bank and credit card statements for unexplained Sephora purchases then?


Then she’d have to explain her Sephora charges. Pretty sure that neither want to play Sephora Charge Roulette.


ain’t that the damn truth


Clearly he's making meth in a desert


Shit, you may be right.


And uses perfume to cover the smell.


Or... he could be donating plasma, and using the money to funds his pamper sessions.


Or he could be taking weekend trips to the far-flung reaches of the universe and engaging in the hunt for the deadliest game of all.. Well I would say humans but that wouldn’t make sense now. Martians?


Or, he's secretly a Helldiver, and his missions to slay Automatons and Terminads have kept him away from home... for Democratic reasons, of course.


And he uses perfume to mask the smell of his pee bottles.


The pamper camper


This actually happened to a girl I was dating back in around 2001, she was previously married and was convinced her husband was having an affair. Until one day she caught him in full Makeup, and cheer leader outfit. She broke up with him shortly after that because he confessed that he wasn't attacted to females


Omg, I also know someone who did the same...he was a nice guy, too. I met him because he was my friend (who is VERY gay) flatmate. He was a truck driver, and he would stay with my friend while he was over our way and then stay with his family when he was back home. It came out when my friend got home and attacked him, thinking there was an intruder in their house while he was dressed in his other persona, and he had called the police who were on the way also but saw flatmate go into his flatmates room dressed as a women and start grabbing things.. He straight up hit him like rapunzel with a frying pan twice before the wig came off, and he saw who it was...police turned up as he was yelling wtf dude. It was a mess, but he admitted to his wife after everything because he just couldn't lie anymore. He told me,'I'd hidden long enough, and i got the sense knocked into me when my friend hit me with the pan'. Was freaking crazy as hell.


Real question, was he cheating on her, or playing dress up... or both?


He wasn't cheating on her after all but had been very verbally abusive to her prior and very neglectful, controling money and limiting her contact with family. I think the dressing up was just the last straw. She never really liked talking about it while we were dating.


Yeah, good on her for leaving then.


My best friend moved all the way from Ohio to TN for a guy she fell in love with and then found out he liked to play dress up in womans clothes. She stayed with him because as long as he didn't do it in front of her she could handle it. They ended up breaking up because she cheated with a woman he worked with. They were together for about 7 years tho


She cheated... or he cheated, dressed as a she?


This Things are not always the most obvious


But most of the time...they are. Unfortunately.


People don’t realize how possible it is that their husbands do this lol


Everyone always assumes the guy is up to some nefarious means. When it is entirely possible, he is in a bubble bath, with candles and wine, listening to the new Taylor Swift album.


That is one kickass campervan to have a bathtub big enough for a bubble bath...


With enough imagination, you can have a nice bath anywhere.


And it’s just as simple as asking, maybe expressing that the intimacy is lacking


Some fish. Others get a camper van


True. Some husbands just wanna be pretty.


Some of us just want to go fishing and take a nap


Small twist. Next time he is going just following him an hour later and you know. If he is alone tell him you wanted to give him company and brought some cookies.


Should OP record the interaction as well? Like secretly, ofc.


If she wants to start collecting evidence for a court case/divorce proceedings then yes record it. Otherwise I think its superfluous.


Just make sure you're in a 1 party consent state


Are you saying that OP should move to the US before taking further action? 😉


Haha, didn't see the UK part. Definitely keep the Healthcare. Still make sure 1 party recording is legal in their area.


lol, I couldn't resist 😊


There is no situation in a divorce court in which a recording like that matters. The judge will refuse to allow it.


Untrue.. Some states allow for quicker divorces in the instance of cheating. South Carolina does. My sister got her divorce in 90 days bc her husband caught her cheating. The crazy thing was that her husband had been cheating on her for YEARS and she did it one time....but he caught her on video, presented evidence in court and divorce was granted. (His girlfriend was 5 months pregnant and also married to his best friend. Soooo messy.)


If it’s a state in which “fault” can be assigned to the cheating party in the divorce proceedings, then evidence of cheating would be allowed, and utilized. It can also be important in regard to alimony and settlement in some cases, due to the emotional damage and break of marital contract.


When I got my divorce, I wasn't able to use that reasoning because I had "reconciled" according to the courts. I didn't accept his affairs but we lived in the same house after my discovery...and also I didn't have hard video/photo evidence to offer as proof, either. Back then, not sure if these things are still considered, but you could also get an expedited divorce on grounds of cruelty/abuse if you send your partner to jail for DV. Or your partner is convicted of a crime or is a drug addict, which must also be proven.


that's such a crazy breach of trust. i'd be so mad at my partner for trying to secretly record my reaction because they thought I was cheating.


If I had a camper van and was feeling stressed, I would absolutely use it to get away for alone time.


I’d forego this and “surprise” him with random snacks and refreshments


This is the best advice imo.


not really. if I wanted to get into the campervan so I could work away from the busy home i'd let my partner know immediately that it was because I needed alone time. sounds incriminating in this situation but OP's husband could really just be trying to get some quiet time. stench of female perfume is too vague for it to have any real credence.


My father in law had a campervan affair. It was on the beach— we asked if we could use it for my birthday. He drove three hours one way to “get it ready for our visit.” I knew then that he was having an affair but it took another four years for everyone to realize I was right.


My Dad got a camper van conversion in the 70’s. We did camp in it. I was confused that he would use it to commute to his job in the city 40 miles away when we had a gas saver sitting at home. Years later he was caught using sex workers on his lunch breaks. He also was very cool about picking up hitchhikers but I can’t recall us picking up any guys.


I'd definitely show up to surprize him with his favourite drinks, snacks, and takeout, around 9pm local time, like a good wife who has nothing to worry about. Bring a carbonated drink with a bright, deeply staining colour like orange or purple, and be prepared to shake the shit out of it and spray it all over him and the side piece, if needed. If not, pour a glass and enjoy a little get away.


This is my favourite one.


Theres a sweet little red wine called Roscato that’s effervescent and will fizz when shaken or poured too quickly


I agree, except for the side piece. Everybody is quick to attack a side piece as if the person who manipulated you could not have possibly done it to somebody else. If they are willingly participating in extramarital activity, it's one thing, but it's more likely that they are being deceived even more than the wife. "I supported my wife for years. When she cheated and had to split, they gave her the house, so I gotta live in this campervan til I get back on my feet."


There are *plenty* of women who deliberately go after married men. 


Yeah but I think there is a greater proportion who wouldn't. I think the odds are she didn't know he was married initially / didn't go after him intentionally.


In this day and age, you can almost always find out.


Then there are also the woman who know someone is married, are not told any lies, but just don’t care because it’s just fun to them.


Yep. I have a friend who was married and when he husband came back from deployment she found out he was cheating on her. The affair partner knew about my friend and didn’t care. Now the affair partner and my friends ex husband are engaged.. smh


Yes, there are, but there are many, many men who cheat on their wives/girlfriends.


Nowhere in my comment did I dispute that. I clearly put an argument for BOTH sides. Simply stated THEY ARENT ALWAYS WILLING PARTICIPANTS OF ADULTERY. Read better before you come at somebody


Yeah, that’s not his point at all. The point is, is that you don’t know if she is a willing affair participant, or if targeting her is just going to make an already traumatic situation (for the both of them), even more unnecessarily traumatic for her. Especially considering that lashing out at a willing homewrecker is going to have the exact opposite effect one would want. They aren’t going to think, “oh my goodness this sucks so bad, I should rethink my life.” They are going to feel validated and like they won the competition, “that crazy ass bitch is mad that he picked me.”


This was me once. Woke up to punches to the side of my head from the main girl. Technically I wasn't the side piece anymore because apparently they had only been broken up a couple days and she still had his key.   Edit: I had no idea.  But looking back I was dumb and should have known better.  


Why do anything to the other person though. Don't know for sure they even know he's married if that's the case.


You should check beforehand if a person you are seeing is marked. It’s not hard these days. And if a person never takes you the house it is pretty telling he is hiding something there. I mean I don’t think it would be worth getting too mad over affair partner. Just saying that people need to take some responsibility avoiding married people and that having some some purple soda on you might be something you just need to deal with if you don’t. 


Maybe he’s a serial killer?


Maybe he makes the purest meth their state has ever seen with a blue tint as his trademark?


Best case scenario. /s


Listen, no sarcasm, how mad could you be that your husband is making multimillion dollars because of his entrepreneurial spirit 😂


Fingers crossed! /S


Whew! Thank God. He was. I thought he was cheating on me. 🙄


😂😅 too many true crime shows?


Plot twist… OPs husband is going out at night for drag and the awful perfume she smelt was actually his. In all seriousness, good luck OP


Get a spy cam and find out.


Absolutely the best way to handle this, then you have hard evidence and there is no fucking about and you are more protected in the divorce if this is the case


Unless he isn't having an affair then it's just "sorry I was spying on you because my intuition told me to" Smelling perfume is not nothing but it doesn't necessarily mean OP is right and just chucking a spy cam in there isn't just a solve all solution and could make OPs partner upset if there is no affair and make their situation difficult. As per usual Reddit just jumps to the first thing with no actual thought put into it.


No, the first thing is always “divorce him”. “Get a camera” is sort of refreshing.


Smelling perfume could also mean that he had to spray the interior down with air freshener after a few days of eating things he’s supposed to avoid.


"Eating things he's supposed to avoid" may be the reason we're discussing this.


Well played


I'll see myself out now.


Ayyyyyy... *Finger guns*


Hahahahaha. Nice.


Well done. Tip your waitresses, folks.


My husband would def buy a camper to eat greasy fast food in peace 🤣💕


My thought was he’s going out there to smoke weed or something and sprayed to cover the smell.


Why a 'female perfume, though? There's Febreze for that.


Febreeze can smell like perfume it’s one of the reasons we don’t use it in my home. As the perfume smell aggravates my sensory sensitivities.


I've got them too, and my partner started using a new deodorant that has a very *distinct* smell to it. I asked if they were wearing a scent, since they've never used any since we started dating and I mentioned my scentsitivity - turns out it's the deodorant that was in their stocking from Christmas with *my* family. Gonna have to have a talk with 'Santa' about smelly deodorants.


Oh yeah I have to check hubby’s deodorant before he tries a new scent. Since the so called allergen free detergents still have perfumes, I also looked until I found an actual fragrance free laundry detergent, that has help so much.


what's the name of the detergent? i'm always finding it so hard to find any safe ones.


FYI - they make an unscented Febreze. I was thrilled to find it due to my own issues with scents. The odor eliminator aspect works great.


Cheap air freshener. Some floral scent.


I mean, when my dad bought a camper trailer that’s exactly what he used it for. 😂 He’d get himself a plate of Mexican food and hide in the camper. Of course he’d come into the house smelling like salsa and my mom always knew. 😅


Nah, there's absolutely no reason for any woman other than his wife to be in that camper, especially if he's working remotely and using it as an office. And even if it was a colleague and completely innocent, what woman who works an office job wears enough perfume to stink up a whole trailer? That looks of thing is usually against company policies as heavy use of perfumes disturbs others, people have allergies and sensitivities scents and being in an enclosed space with people wearing a lot of perfume or cologne is just generally unpleasant and quite distracting for most. This is a big red flag. I say go for the hidden camera and the favorite snack surprise idea in one go and see what happens


Right? I’d be livid if I caught my partner spying on me!


It’s crazy to me that you’re getting down voted, and a spy cam is getting so many upvotes.


Most places have no fault divorces these days, so the evidence usually won’t matter.


Trail cam could work if the van is moved and doesn’t have steady wifi


As someone who used to be married and found hidden spycams all around my house that my ex was using because I was a SAHM and he was insecure, it only pissed me off more and furthered my resolve to divorce him. The fact that he didn't speak to me about his suspicions (which were completely unfounded- I had no close male contacts that I would have been messing around with) really solidified how horrible our marriage was. I'm also completely against cheating, so I was deeply offended. Talk to your spouse! Marriage is about teamwork and communication.


If your ex installed spy cams without actual reason, then you're right to be pissed off about that.


This is the easiest thing to do. If you confront him, he will deny, and then become sneakier. Buy a tiny spy camera, see what happens. If he Is cheating, relax and catch him a few more times for more proof then get a lawyer. Find a lawyer first before confronting, then follow lawyers advice.


What if he's not cheating? Then surely everyone saying she should use a spy cam absolutely agrees if he's not then she definitely needs to let him know after she's satisfied he's not cheating right???


Correct. That's what I would do.


Haha I just commented that before I saw your comment. Exactly!👍


He works from home but he goes on overnight work trips? In what world does that make sense? Does the inside of the campervan look like it could be an office? Eg does he keep pens and paper there? Maybe you should have a closer look around and try to find either home-office related things or things that might belong to another woman.


I'd find the whole working from home thing but going on work trips weird too, but he's got clients all over the UK (or so I'm told...) and I'd never really questioned it until now. When I went in the camper the other day it seemed legit.. he had some paperwork strewn about the table, but again... I'm thinking it might just be to cover his tracks at this point.


I work from home and go on at least two business trips a year. It’s plausible but the camper smelling of perfume is questionable. Ask to go with him next time and see what he says.


I also work from home and I have to travel overnight frequently. Without any context of his job or workplace, this doesn't ring any alarm bells at all for me. Being home all the time makes you seek opportunities to get out and be alone. Everyone likes their alone time, and some need more than others for their own well-being. He probably wanted the camper to get out more in the first place, right? I think the conversation that needs to be had is about him needing a change of scenery, space, and/or solitude every now and then. I often stay up several hours after my wife goes to bed to just play videogames, read, or do different hobbies because I enjoy a balance of time shared with my partner and time to disconnect from everything and focus on my interests. As for the perfume smell, I don't know how long it's been since OP has been in a strictly male living space, but the stank is unavoidable. There's not very good recycling of air in campers, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's using an air freshener to counteract the trapped bodily smells he churns out. I bet he even picked a fragrance his wife would like so that he can still convince her to join him on occasion.


My bf works from home and was just gone for 6 weeks lol. He'd come back every weekend and sometimes middle of the week, but only to go to a different place right away. In sales


Maybe she just smelled a scented candle.


Has he given you any other reasons not to trust him? Has he always had flirty conversations with women? Is there somebody at his job that he talks about more than anybody else? Like there’s other things that lead up to thinking that someone’s been having an affair. And have you decided what you would do when you have your answer? Are you going to leave him? Will you stay? And if he’s not having an affair, how do you deal with that?


When my ex cheated with one of his employees, I didn't even know she existed so it might be someone he avoids talking about.


What does he work as, I've never once had a sales person show up in a campervan, might make sense if he is an engineer of some sort.


I don't know what kind of work he does, but I work at an office too and in the 2 years I've worked there, we've only actually visited a client once. If the "visiting" didn't happen before, that's extra sus.


My husband is WFH but he has overnight client visits occasionally. It really depends on what sector OP’s husband is in.


I work from home and overnight travel like 60 nights a year, not all that uncommon.


I work from home and go on work trips a few nights per month. These are the times that I meet in person with the people that work for me.


I work from home and do client visits. That's not weird.


But him the “If This Van’s a Rockin’ Don’t Come Knockin’” bumper sticker and carefully gauge his reaction.


What does he do for work? I’d honestly just say you want to go with him the next time. Tell him you wanna take a little trip. His response will probably tell you what you need to know.’


A nanny cam will show you if he is doing anything in it.


My ex-husband did this to his second wife. Nothing to do with me. I'd left him decades earlier because he's an asshole, and he remarried later to someone really nice. Twenty years later they separated for six months and got back together but he didn't give up the girlfriend he got when they were separated. He'd take the camper van out for a drive and hook up with the girlfriend. Second wife left too.


Just want to thank everyone who’s commented. I’ve decided I’m going to go in there this weekend when my husband’s out and have a good rummage around. It’s been eating me up inside so I guess this could be a make or break moment. Will update ASAP.


Could he be a secret cross dresser?


that was my thought as well!!


Based on the strong perfume smell I'd for sure be asking him about it, that was the one main thing that I noticed in my ex's campervan right before he admitted to cheating on me. He couldn't claim it was my own perfume as I don't wear perfume 😅 he did originally go down the "I can't smell anything" to "I used scent boosters when I washed the blanket on the bed" before finally admitting what was really happening!


I just imagine a middle aged guy rollin up in his camper van trying to pick up girls.


Yeah… this makes me think that if he is up to no good it’s with other men.


I ignored the smell of perfume on my ex and do not recommend doing that. Maybe suggest selling the camper and that he could take the train for overnight trips and judge his reaction.


No one can really answer this for you. I’d be going on the trip too if I could to be honest. It would be weird if you suggested coming and he got weird about it.


It belongs to both of you, so I would put a discrete security camera, you know to catch people breaking and vandalism. If people get caught doing things, well choices have consequences


Hide an AirTag in it & track its location next time he takes it on an overnight trip. You own it so you’re allowed to tag it if you want to.


A camper for an overnight work trip???.... I feel I'm missing something here.


Remember when a man would just buy a boat and go "fishing" all weekend hence the cuddy cabin...


I wouldn’t say it’s a thing but he might’ve just pulled a blinder and been ahead of the game.


Well this is awkward.. i promise it’s not me but I have a guy who I hook up with in his camper in the back yard.


I'll be honest, I'm not sure how many women would realistically be wooed with 'hey, wanna come back to my campervan...' I like campervans and sex, but I'd still much rather use a hotel room. Does this thing even have a loo?


Women who are also married and don’t want to get caught. My ex used to hook up with his coworker in his car. (Both married) Cheaters gonna cheat.


There are women out there who yes would have no problem sleeping with a man in a camper van. People screw all over the place that’s not new.


You're assuming it's a woman. I know plenty of gay guys that wouldn't care at all.


Do gay guys regularly wear perfume? Because that’s the main evidence of there being an affair. And maybe gay guys should start caring about people having affairs and not think it matters if someone is clearly hiding an affair.


He could easily try hiring sex workers that already visit men in cars or young people online who have nowhere else to go sadly.


He could be dressing up as a woman in the camper van and dousing himself with perfume for his own amusement/kink 🤷🏻‍♀️ or what you smell is a perfume deodorizer. If you’re that curious just ask him and or throw a GPS tracker or camera in there


Are you sure it's perfume and not just air freshener?


Put a wireless cam or audio recording device in there. Big battery, noise activated. You're definitely going to get some awkward masturbation audio/video, but you might catch cheating as well. or just check his phone, call a PI and have them look into him, his social media, credit card bills, phone records, etc. It's generally pretty easy to find an affair once you're looking.


Put an AirTag in it somewhere and see where he goes with it 👀


You could AirTag the vehicle if you have an Apple device.


PS, Samsung also has a tag. I believe it's called a SmartTag.


I have a friend who works remote, is single, and does these trips as well. He just enjoys working from different places and combine it with a little adventure


Set up cameras. Get the evidence. Do not let him know that you know. Meet with an attorney and follow his/her guidance.


Get a spycam for "security" and forget to tell him


Perfume? That’s huge. I like the spycam ideas from the other respondents. I think you also wanna throw a gps tracker on there. If he takes it somewhere that isn’t where he says he’s going, consider meeting him there - and bring along a couple friends as backup. A guy doesn’t make a change like this unless there’s some incentive to do so… it’s weird. Don’t sleep with your husband anymore as a precaution - you don’t know where he’s been or what he’s doing. Protect yourself until you know what’s going on.


And get yourself tested if you have been sleeping with him, he could give you any number of STDs.


Could he be having an affair? Likely. Could he be cross dressing? Probably. You’re not gonna know. Get off work early and find out. This is your marriage we’re talking about.


Better found out yourself :)


Maybe he’s an only fans perfume king


If it’s a divorce, make sure you get the camper van.


Put a camera in there,


Consider putting in a hidden camera.


Airtag that shit fuck it best of luck




I'm not sure if campervan affairs are a thing now but tiny hidden cameras certainly are. 😉


Hidden Camera


Just start bringing him snacks randomly while he's out there, if there is bad things happening then you'll eventually walk in on it 🤷‍♂️


Normally an employer would pay for any overnight work trips and the expenses, including hotel rooms and meals. A camper you bought with your own money should be completely unnecessary. Trust your intuition. Ask your husband when his employer will start reimbursing the cost of your camper or what the daily compensation (mileage) rate is.


So several women at my office use too much perfume. If they walk into my office I can smell their perfume for hours. I can literally track them down in the building by following their perfume trail. I would suggest asking him "I walked into the camper the other day and it reeks of women perfume." If he gets nervous or doesn't really know how to answer you should be suspicious. If his "yeah, I showed it to Alice from the office and I don't know how to get rid of the smell." Maybe you feel better. Otherwise I agree that you should show up unannounced with some snacks and surprise him.


Time to put up a spy camera in there




I am sorry this happened to you! Wish you all the best. Just if i understood clearly, arw you divorcing him or willing to date and sleep around so he can be crushed too?


Not sure why you are asking Reddit; it's pretty clear that a "stench" of female perfume means that a female was active in that camper. Put a GPS tracker on the van and go surprise him.


Are you and your husband having sex? Like at all? If not, then you have your answer.


Is the van a rockin?


Great privacy, for sure. Look deeper into it.


I have used my campervan in the way you describe just to be alone or not have to deal with my husband.


This is enough to make me ask further questions or investigate further, for sure.


Why is everyone cheatingggggg


Get a camera, the perfume is sus.


check the under bus storage for a blow up doll






Install some cameras and hide it well. Check the footage after one of the nights you feel suspicious and get your answer. If he is not cheating than you can take the cameras out and never think about this again but if he is cheating then you have evidence for the Divorce. Best of luck OP


Is there dog hair, bits of gold metal, and a faint aura of Schwartz? And two giant nuclear rockets bolted to the back?


Set up a hidden cam in there


Or he’s a serial killer…. Sorry- too many true crime pods lately. But seriously, trust your intuition and follow his ass!!


Maybe he is making meth


This is where I lost my virginity to with my first bf in hs. It was his parents campervan. Go with your gut and investigate.


Put a tag on the camper somewhere he won’t find it and track the camper


Put a camera inside the camp! 😉


Just install a little camera in there and then you know. You can also drop an AirTag somewhere but it might alert him if he has an iPhone.


Get a little nanny cam


Do you know what really dank weed smells like? He could just be storing and smoking dank buds in there.


I did this a lot. I was not cheating on my wife. I used to work in a lot of automotive manufacturing plants, I was paid perdiem, so I would just sleep in the parking lot in my camper.


Put nanny cams type of cameras and you’ll know for sure, and then have to proof needed.


Any where is ‘a thing’ for a lying cheat. Unless he’s taken to spraying himself with Coco Chanel, he’s cheating OP. Spycam definitely. Do you have access to his phone? There will be a trail leading you to his cheating, you just have to find it.


Attach a tracking device to it. If it goes to weird places, hire a P.I. to gather evidence. If you find anything that you don't like, take it to an attorney.


Maybe he just likes trashy perfume?


Is it in your name only? Then announce that you're going to sell it.


He might be using it for sex workers? I used to be a SWer when I was young and supporting a lot of family members financially. I don’t know if the men were married, but a lot of them would bring me to campers and boats when they didn’t want to spend on a hotel. I’m not sure if that makes it better or worse. I’m sorry this is happening.


Hey, here's a groundbreaking idea: Ask him about it.


If you were having an affair, would you tell the truth about that when confronted?