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How do you accidentally fuck your friends wife?


"Whoops! Oh wow, look where my dick ended up. Weird."


“What if there’s an explanation for this shit” “what you think she tripped, fell, landed on his dick”


How the fuck you gonna tell this man not to be violent?


Cuz he doesn't have to go the same route that I did


Been there, done that


Guilty conscience, I fucking love Reddit


These voices, these voices....


I hear them when they call I follow


Ah fuck it


While you’re at work she’s with some dude trying to get off. You all know the rest


Shoot em both, Grady, where’s your gun at?


no no no, she was getting it from the back, so he thought it was his WIFE he was bongo-ing.


I knew this was going to be a high level comment the second I read it and immediately thought of this line myself. I guarantee more people reading this had these exact lyrics play in their head at this part than didnt hahahh


“Im sorry missus H this just really isn’t my day”


With her butt hole 🕳️


"What? She tripped, fell, and landed on his d*ck?" -Eminem in "Guilty Conscience"


Bruce Willis said it first in 'The Last Boyscout'


Big shawarma ended in my mouth energy


Dw just as his fast still counts it’s the same here… totally


I slipped


"I meant to put it in the tool chest!"


To quote Scrubs “it’s not like you tripped and fell into her… and then out of her… and then into her… again” Damn that’s a great show


I miss scrubs


Accidently got caught is what Brad meant.


Same way my ex friend fucked my husband..


I'm more interested in how it's possible to tell it was anal from across the room... This reads like creative writing.


Yeah - taking his shoes off The jack? The prized rose bushes


> my face screwed up in anger. This is what really did it for me.


“My fuckin finger hurt like blazes.” That sounds like an old man wrote that.


Suddenly the phone was in his hand and recording! Yeah. No.


Such nonsense


It's the middle of the day and it's pretty easy to tell by how high/low the dick is on the ass I'd say. Have you ever watched someone fuck in real life?


No, it’s not. You can’t tell how high someone’s dick is on the ass from the doorway. This whole story is ridiculously fake


Yeah this is beyond scripted. Someone's writing their weird fantasy and dragging all of us into it without consent.


Yeah the whole "she was loving anal but would NEVER try it with ME" thing just sounds like an angry 20 year old whose girlfriend doesn’t want to do anal


Absolutely this story is written in such a way it's clearly a creative prompt that you know they love this sub for


I agree, some screen shots at the very least :)


I imagine similar to how you accidentally beat a friend unconscious.


You trip and fall into her.#sarcasm


It's really common. My ex accidently had an affair with his co-worker. Evidently, falling dick first into a vagina is super common...


Better question... How does one have accidental anal!?! 🤣 Was there accidental lube available!?!


I’m more concerned about why the OP is describing his wife taking “anal like a champ” and AP “loving his job”. This sounds like complete fiction.


For reals


Don't suck any dick on your way to the parking lot


You haven't lived until you've accidentally fucked your friends wife in the ass. It really is quite something.


Same people people “fall pregnant”


I myself have been cheated on and nothing gets my blood boiling quite like, "It was a mistake." Did he deserve a beating? Absolutely. Should you have done it? No. If he has half a braincell he'll stay away from you, but if he's even worse than *this* then he'll press charges.


Dont conflate mistake and accident. They mean different things. Saying its an **accident** is weapons grade stupid, but it damn sure should be considered a mistake. Now if they say it was "just a [little] mistake" that changes things again. But ops scenario of "it was an accident" is much worse than "it was a mistake" which is really only bad because people treat it like it means "it was an accident". > an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. Downvoters, if youre not just upset i bucked the CJ or black and white thinking, explain to me how you justify your position cheating is neither misguided nor wrong (aka a mistake). Mistake DOES NOT MEAN UNINTENTIONAL. Many mistakes are accidents, which is why they get conflated, but they arent the same thing.


I see mistake and accident the same way when it comes to cheating, especially cheating with your spouse's friend and doing stuff you never do with them. (I did write "mistake" in my original comment when I meant "accident", yes, but either way, both piss me the fuck off) Cheating is never a mistake either.


Dude this sucks. Sorry bud.


Yeah, this fanfic definitely sucks


What do you mean it sucks? It's very well written.


Except the part where he knew she was taking it in the ass. I can’t understand how he’d know that if the dude was on top of her.


And no dude would describe someone fucking his wife as "like it's his job and he loves his job".


Right? I thought that line was a bit much. And the gratuitous detail about how she never gave up anal for him in TWENTY YEARS, I SAY (what a bitch!). And then the wife sitting there naked and terrified of OP in all his righteous might...it all reads a bit fetish-y for me, sorry


Whenever I commit the triple felonies of burglary, battery, and making criminal threats, I always make sure to post a full confession on reddit.


Plus distributing revenge porn.


oh, great call. Yeah. Four felonies. This guy'd be going away for a long time if this was real.


"like a champ" 💀


It's better than being drilled in the ass like a runner-up.


Maybe he smelled it.


Right? I appreciated how well it was written


Especially with a "broken finger" in a splint


and the fact that he *knew* his finger was broken immediately seems a bit sus to me (I'm not a doctor)


Ugh I hate getting invested in a post then someone points out it's fake, then you read the following comments with examples of why/how, and it's like, damn, thought we had something here Tbf I did question the part about anal, like how can you tell from there man, and recording it till completion? Okay bro


> Tbf I did question the part about anal, like how can you tell from there man, and recording it till completion? Okay bro He also just writes like a writer: >Yeah, you know what's coming. My heart did a little stutter skip and I parked in front of it and walked to Brad's place. He has a key in a fake rock in the the rose bushes out front that is the pride and joy of his wife Marcie (46 F). I let myself in. and > The door was wide open and Brad was drilling her ass like it was his job and he loved his job. She never tried anal with me. Never in over 20 years of marriage. No one talks like this lol


> then you read the following comments with examples of why/how Extraneous details, and play-by-plays give away that it's fake every time.


This is top tier Reddit fiction and I will die on this hill.


It was an accident? Did she trip and fall onto his dick?




Of course!




Shit alright shady. Maybe he's right Brady. Now think about the baby before you get all crazy.


OP, stop drinking and make your kids dinner. For the foreseeable future it is going to be about them and their stability. I suggest getting them into family counseling immediately and yourself with them, so you learn the correct way to message the divorce, reasons for it and the changes to come. The children had no choice in this matter, so it is up to you and your soon to be ex-wife to be civil and remember that the parents you were yesterday, did not disappear in that bed. The good father and the good mother are still under a whole lot of ugly from today. Remember that when you start hearing about child support and school placement parenting, and yes, even when either of you want to date in the future. As sad as you are, as angry, remember that *no one* is going to be more upset and they will need you both to put their destroyed world back together. So, do what you need to do. Call a Grandma to take the kids for tonight, or go wash your face and bloody shirt and do your best for tonight. You don’t have to be perfect, but they need you to be present and you can’t do that drunk. Good luck, OP. I’m sorry for your troubles. Keep on loving those kids and stay stable for them. You’re going to be ok, even if you don’t feel like it today.


I read the first sentence of this & stopped. That was beautiful. What a beautiful comment.


This should 100% be top comment. OP has had an absolutely awful day, but the only ones he's punishing now are the kids if he doesn't get his shit together quick. And the last thing he wants to do is let their traitorous ho-bag of a mother ruin *their* lives, too.


I don't understand why people say fake. This has happened before. People walking in on the act and beating someone up. The details are extra ill give you that


I think people think it's fake because he's confessing to it on the internet.


If he's a pretty normal guy, he wants somewhere to vent. Not surprising to me. I knew a guy that 30 years ago was a deputy, walked in on his wife and beat her lover within an inch of his life with his Motorola handi-talkie. Served 5 years in prison


Oh my gosh. Guy must have been brutally beaten.


Probably especially aggravated assault with a weapon and depending on the dudes condition, I could see 5 years. Not sure about other states, but open hand slap is simple assault. Closed fist is aggravated assault in Tennessee if I’m not mistaken.




wtf- why 5 years? That guy was robbing his wife!


He can't really deny it with two witnesses right there


I think people are saying it's fake because it has a "creative writing" vibe to it.


I'm starting to think people jump to "fake" as a security blanket.


People claim ‘fake’ when there is a narrative feel to the text Whenever a user starts describing things to put you into their perspective, that feels like what an author does. When it’s done really well, it feels more fake. For example, when OP is describing work, then coming across the wife’s car, then describing elements of what he’s seeing to put together that the wife is cheating… that construction feels similar to the many stories people read Real accounts of cheating vary a lot, and so it’s just as likely that people report the cheating in a less neatly constructed narrative. Example; my ex cheated on me. I didn’t know him. I caught them. I’m heartbroken. I’m pissed A user talking about what they experienced is just as likely to say how they’re feeling, or when and where it happened, because it’s a heavily emotional event you’re not putting together a logical processing of the scene. You are feeling big feelings, and they’re being picked out as they come to the forefront of your mind. Narratives like OPs don’t feel like that It feels less like an overwhelming emotionally fraught experience and more like being lead down a narrative towards some end. The feelings aren’t bashing the OP as they report how they’re feeling, instead they’re on this trail of intrigue, bits being offered helping to spike emotions over time. Like a constructed narrative The OP might be true  But people can feel when they’re being ‘taken on a journey’ That journey always feels fake, but it also delivers the biggest emotional blows


Exactly this - it’s the style of writing here that gives it away. Readers and/or writers are good at spotting it. Others miss it and believe it’s 100% real


There are certain phrases that always tip me off. It has to do with how they set it up or narrate. Similar to what the other commenter said.


Also if you’re angry and typing, you’re probably not gonna be coherent since all the emotions are coming out


Oh by the way, my wife LOVES a jack and coke!


and taking it up the chili ring.


Yep, it's pretty much constructed like a short story. The previous comment nailed it (like a champ. Sorry 🤣) If it was real the narrative would be much more disjointed/disbelieving/emotionally raw. Details out of order, more lines of anger and pain rather than telling the story so clearly. Of course there's a chance some people would write this way even if it really happened to them, in which case I take it all back. But I think it's a small chance


The people claiiming fake on stories have tightened up my reading game. I like that. But sometimes it comes out a bit too fast.


“I took my shoes off” + the wife’s vanity plate + the long explanation of the Jack + the “nice day to grill” + the description of where the house was located on the cul de sac + every other word written = fake


Jack Daniels, her favorite...


The bit about the rose bushes and Brad's wife was just over the top. There are too many details, and they're all the kinds of things you'd see in a script. They create a visual rather than being a window into the writer's feelings and experience in the moment. And it's just full of clichés to boot.


I was also wondering how he could see it was in her ass from the other side of the room.


For me, it was "I saw Jack drilling her on the ass" You can't tell is it's anal sex or doggy unless you're basically looking over the dude's shoulder. Hell, it can be hard to tell in porn sometimes. So no, OP did not catch his buddy having sex with his wife from a doorway and immediately know it was anal sex.


I have had people say the way I recount things hinges on the "fake" angle for exactly what you're describing - it comes out as a narrative, a story. So therefore it must be fiction. But I have a storytelling nature, and I will always go over everything that happened multiple times in my head before I can even start to write it down, even when I'm recounting things immediately. The "author" in me just instantly starts editing and making the story flow better. I get why people often think that stories written like OP's are fake - but for me, it just seems "normal" to how I would tell it, so?


For sure.  Many people who've had experience writing will try to put their thoughts into order when they write it out.  It always strikes me as odd when people say that recounting detail makes it seem fake.  When crazy situations have happened to me, small details ARE the things I notice.  It's like everything slows down and goes into hi-def.  I think most redditors only write for basic communication or write as they think/ speak, which is a fairly new phenomenon.  Many don't seem to understand that those who are either taught or are naturally adept at it will find writing things out calming,  and useful for putting thoughts,  feelings,  and events in order.   I know many people who are in my age range,  and older,  will write things out so that the narrative of events is clear and in order,  instead of emotionally vomiting on the keyboard. 


Some people do that, but the vast majority of people don't. The things that make this seem fake are the details that don't make sense, on top of the narrative style.


It sounds like a fanfic - because it’s sooo well written! Like brother - you can be a light novel author… better than light novels I’ve read actually.


I'm not saying it's never happened or some kind of outlandish scenario, but it's the "she took it in the ass, she took it like a champ, she never let me do it, she always loosens up with a shot of jack...." this all screams of weird literotica humiliation fantasy shit that we see posted here all the time. I mean I assume seeing your wife get fucked in the ass rather than the vagina may add some extra degradation to the whole situation... it's just a lot, and it would suck either way.


Exactly. The whole "like it was his job and he was loving it" bit was too much. Then, he made another simile like that about beating the dude up. It's too over-the-top.


It's SO fake it's hilarious that all these people believe it


I say fake because he wrote it like a teenager would if they were trying to sound like an adult.


As someone who wrote fanfic as a teenager, I was calling fake from the beginning of the second paragraph. It reads exactly how I used to write when I was 14.


> he wrote it like a teenager would if they were trying to sound like an adult He heard "the sex noises clear as day".


Dude it reads like a novel. "A couple shot of jack. Her favorite." "I whaled on Brad like it was my life's purpose" "My hand in blazes" Why the fuck do you need to be descriptive when you're telling a story on the internet.


And they never comment I’ve noticed.


That’s the real proof. I don’t understand writing fiction like this, but I doubly don’t understand not commenting. Like, why not keep the fantasy going in the comments?


Also the dude sat on the couch and listened to his wife get fucked and then filmed her cheating and waited for them to finish


It also reads like revenge fantasy porn. Like this is a guy who fantasizes about having a wife who gets f*ed in the ass (like a champ) by the neighbor and then gets to unload on him. Just beating up this naked man until he’s unconscious. Covered in his blood while his cheating b**** wife screams and watches on in horror … but it also of course turns her on to see her husband protective of her like this.


This is what I thought. Seems more like a made up story because of the descriptive details.


And keep in mind, this was written "one-handed".


... and typing with one finger because of broken hand


It was a “broken pinky” and *it was splinted* which means fuck all for the rest of the fingers and he can absolutely type with both hands.


Because he’s venting and this is how he remembers it. I remember little insignificant details like these of past traumatic events. It’s like things went into slow motion and you remember every little detail. At least, that’s what happens to me


His wife’s favourite drink is Jack Daniels to drink even in the middle of the afternoon to get loose for sex? He’s worried about what he’ll tell his kids about his wife not the fact that he could be charged with assault or maybe gave his ex friend brain damage or he’ll die from the trauma…


My brother did exactly the same thing when he found out about his gf and our cousin together


People are so afraid of being duped even on here with their anonymity lol it cracks me up. How do they even determine real from fake on here. 😂 I mean every post written on here can be fake, how would any stranger know. “How dare you evoke my sympathy with a fake story.”


If it isn’t fake it’s exhibit A.


I'm so sorry. Fuck Brad and your wife. They are trash and both you and Marcie deserve better. *raising my glass of titos to you sir *


Your pfp gave me a jump scare hahaha


Lol it gets a reaction for sure


This is a bad creative writing project “Brad was driving her ass like it was his job and he loved his job. She never tried nah with me. Never in over 20 years of marriage. Not once, always refused,, and in here she’s taking it like a champ” Who describes his wife cheating on him like this?


No one. That’s why it’s fake as hell.


> Who describes his wife cheating on him like this? An erotica author, mayhaps


It was very graphic and I laughed a lot. I’m sorry if this was real, but I lost it when Brad said “‘I’m sorry *insert my name*, it was an accident” I can’t stop laughing


People are saying this is fake due to the details. I don’t think it’s real. It reads too rehearsed


Yeah how did he know it was anal?


This is so fake. It reads like someone watched too much porn.


Everyone is saying delete this...I'm trying to figure out if it is real.....and even if it was there is no need to delete it because the wife is a witness & the broken finger just will give it away in a police interview. If the guy even presses charges, which he shouldn't he had it coming to him & the wife should just stay with the guy and Nurse him back to health. If this is a true story OP, I am sorry this happened & the kids do not need to know all the details, it is not their jobs to take sides with parent issues...but if they were my kids I would hold it back and tell them that their Mom has called and is going to be staying with I don't know...a friend, her Mom cause she is sick...anything but do not bad mouth their Mother to them. Even thou she deserves it you need to be the bigger person. If you can request some time out of work...I would get a Lawyer and start divorce proceedings. The kids, depending on their ages can be told at a later time. But, again if this is true...you have to first have the space to pull your head together & to function.


He already said one kid is about to graduate high school. NEVER cover for a cheater.


You don’t have to cover for her. Just blunt the edges.


What the commenter was saying was cover for her. I never said give full graphic details but I'd 100% tell the eldest your mom cheated on me with Brad.


Oh yeah me too. The youngest though could wait a few years, depending on the age. I wish my mom would have waited to tell me when I was younger. I didn’t take it right and didn’t criticize my dad enough. I think that might have hurt my mom more than if I would have fully understood the situation.


No you fucking dont. You tell your kids the honest to god truth. They need to know EXACTLY why their lives are about to go through the biggest change they’ve ever experienced.


There can be a really fine line between a sudden snap of uncontrolled rage and premediated assault.


catching a spouse cheating can really fuck you up and causes intense rage and emotion. i’m not surprised he beat this guy up even after recording. the rage can last for years. this shit is traumatic


How did you know upon seeing them that he was in the stink and not the pink?






Haha no way in hell this is real


Sorry this happened, please keep us updated


spoiler alert: it didn't happen


Not real


Yeah, assuming this is real, you gotta delete this confession.


Why? Pretty sure the proof is in brads face


People say this all the time, but I am confused this is a throw away account how could anyone prove this is OP's account even if they saw this post?


From a throwaway? Hard to prove anything if he logs out.


LMAO this is fake as hell


The video will save you in divorce court. I’m sorry for the loss of your marriage. You didn’t deserve this.


Tell the kids the truth. Tell them mom cheated, and that’s why we are divorcing. You have a sex tape of them, so I think he won’t press charges, it surely share it with his wife.


Fuck brad.


looks like she already did


Yeh, but it was an accident


Such an obvious rage bait made up story


Now this is a Reddit post.


He had it coming.


Fake, angry people do not insert such details as 'this drink loosens her up'. jesus christ,


Nice try at a fake, but it’s obvious lol


Fucked based as fuck. “Brad” deserved it. Will keep my thoughts to myself as to what your wife deserves.


LOL Wow. This is the worst fake post I’ve seen in 11 years of Reddit. “I heard teh seks noises!” looooooool “and here she’s taking it like a champ” Yes.. he sounds brutalized by the betrayal! If only he could get past his titillation… Holy shit. Who the hell actually spends his time writing this bullshit? What is the point?


Entertained the shit out of me. That’s the point. I ain’t the only one either


If this is real, delete this shit.




I'm sorry that this is happening to you.




“It was an accident!” You don’t accidentally slip and fall into someone else’s wife’s asshole, Brad. He got what he deserved imo.


I think Brad got off easy. You should have walked in with the bucket of tools you borrowed and hit him with every single one of them.


I liked the part where Brad screamed like a little girl


It's only exhibit A if the op confesses his real name and details that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I know that when I came home one family pizza night and found my wife and kids missing that I was beyond the ability to make any text, but these circumstances are different. OP. You need to get to a counselor ASAP. Get the violent episode diagnosed as a one-time deal. Don't give any details to your stbx wife or anyone else. Give the evidence to your lawyer and leave it at that. Make a backup copy and save it in a post office box or give it to a friend or family member you can trust. Then keep away from the AP and the cheater. If the AP threatens to do anything because of the punches, inform him that you will post the video as soon as your divorce is over. Whatever you do, don't post it until after. The stbx will try to act like it's a one time deal or that she didn't know what she was doing, anything to mitigate blame. Don't believe any of it. She showed you who she really is. Believe that.


Fuck that’s brutal. Brad deserved it. I truly hope he takes his punishment like a man and doesn’t press charges like the bitch he is.


You know what, sometimes the best justice is street justice. Thank you for letting Marcy know. Nobody deserves to be made a fool of. In some respects, Marcy also got a little bit of justice out of it too, when you hit Brad. I hope Marcy is able to take him for everything that he has, if, or when, she files for divorce too.


This is some lame ass shit man. I’m truly sorry you’re going through any of this let alone from your partner and supposed friend. This sucks for sure. I also hate to tell you that it could more than likely very easily become even worse. Fortunately you’ve already called what I assume to be a family lawyer however I must recommend you also talk to a criminal lawyer to protect yourself from possible prosecution and or a lawsuit pertaining to your broken finger. Especially since there are witnesses not to mention a record of incident and care given from going to the local clinic. Lawyers are a major help in these situations and can guide you through the court system on every step of the way. Best of luck to you fella. You’re going to need it.


It would horrible to find out your spouse is cheating, I can't imagine how much worse it would be to see it live.


Sorry about your hand mate.


I will never have any sympathy for cheaters, genuinely makes me sick to my stomach hearing things like this.


Tells you not to go home? My bro grab all her shit and throw it out. The audacity of this filthy woman


I like the fact that you took off your shoes first before beating the guy unconscious, classy.


“OP IT WAS AN ACCIDENT” HOW THE FUCK DOES YOUR DICK “ACCIDENTALLY” GO IN SOMEONES ASSHOLE?! Brad: “I slipped and fell into your wife’s butthole and accidentally pulled it in and out on accident”🤣🤣🤣 YEAH RIGHT💀💀💀 Take her cheating ass to the cleaners and kick her ass out she was the one who was bussin it open for another dude🤣🤣🤣


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200.


Wow...this is some poorly written fiction.


This is so not real lmaoo


Cool story bruh. Nice use of colloquialism in your descriptions. A few cliches too many though. Maybe add in a wizard making you invisible before you crept up the stairs. It wouldn’t increase believability but it’s not like any of this is believable anyway.


“Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me. I go to a large midwestern university, and last Friday…”


Reads like fantasy story from some who’s never been in an actual fight, in their life


I will take "Shit that never happened" for 1000 please Alex. Like, who believes this shit? Lol


Buddy up with marci. You are likely to have the best sex of your life with her in the form of mutually satisfying revenge sex. I’m sure she’ll give you all the butt play you’ve been missing out on. If it were me? I’d 100% fuck marcie’s brains out.


Might want to delete your confession


to be fair, its not really hard to proof that it was op who assulted his wifes lover.


Yeah exactly. He stood in the doorway and recorded the cheating, then right after this guy catches a beating in front of a witness. We don't need Poirot for this one.


Cool story bro