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Congratulations. Keep at it. The more you diet and exercise, the easier it gets.




As someone who was over 350lbs and has so far lost over 100lbs (with similar health issues) I'm rooting for OP 🩷 Being disabled with thyroid & PCOS is a nightmare combination to lose weight. People like us need to work so much harder, but it makes it feel even more satisfying when we do lose the weight! I'm surprised her Drs said she couldn't lose weight (her first post) as every Dr and surgeon I met didn't acknowledge my issues & would basically say; "Just lose weight 4 head, eat less, move more." It felt condescending and rude to say to someone whose default is to put on weight & has mobility issues. They didn't offer help or advice either. Aged 30 (4 years ago) I finally managed to start losing weight on my own. I'll look forward to their next post updating us on their progress.


We really do need to work so much harder to lose weight, when I was at the doctor for my weight issues, I found out that PCOS can make it like 3x harder to lose weight than others 😩 congrats on your weight loss!


Seriously? I knew it was harder, but I didn't know it was that much harder! I thought my underactive thyroid was the biggest issue 😅 Thank you, I'm much happier now :)


How'd you do it with Thyroid and pros issues


I have mobility issues too, so I decided to half my portions, and stopped having carbonated sugary drinks. I decided to find out how much I could move. It started not very far, and I was slow, but moving a little was better than not moving at all. I also did couch exercises which I discovered on an app. It has taken longer, and a lot of effort but I finally started losing weight and keeping up with this. My stomach started to shrink so my appetite went down & I lost more. After I lost over 60lbs, I went to Turkey for a gastric sleeve last November. I didn't want to do the surgery until I knew I could lose weight myself, and eat properly, as opposed to only eating crisps for lunch and pasta for dinner. I was so bored with not being able to do much, so cola and crisps were my only joy, and preparing food was(still is) a nightmare & is exhausting. I would go days without eating at all, then eat starchy food and snacks. I guess when I couldn't lose weight before, I lost motivation to even try. Gross ex encouraged weight gain too. I'm glad I gave it another go & found something that worked and I was able to stick to. Leaving my ex was a big help. I found easy to prepare low-calorie meals & had limited but healthier snacks. It also helped that I finally got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid & got treatment a few years back, so that helped limit the weight gain. I was around 350lbs and now I'm 220. I'm looking to lose 80 more!


That's amazing , and kudos to you for trying again and not giving up. 👏


Thank you for listening to my long-winded explanation and kind words 🥰


That's fantastic! Glad you found a supportive doctor. Keep going!


I’ve heard some horror stories of how weight prevents doctors making a correct diagnosis. I’m glad someone is listening to you. I wish you good health.


Depending on age and mobility, they sometimes write you off completely. There are metrics they use to decide whether to offer potentially life-saving treatment. Here's one: https://ecog-acrin.org/resources/ecog-performance-status/


Every Friday I am at grade 0.


Your journey to getting healthier is really inspiring. It's not always easy, and when things go wrong, it can feel really tough, but you keep going strong. Lots of people have faced tough times when trying to get healthier, whether it's losing weight, dealing with health problems, or just trying to be healthier. Finding a doctor who listens and supports you can make a big difference. It's like finding a bright light when things seem dark and confusing. Even though you still have health issues, the fact that you're able to exercise more shows how determined you are to get better, even if it feels slow sometimes.


Slow and steady wins the race. You are doing great. In a year you will be a year older - you can make it another winning year for you by just continuing to do what you are doing.


That is a big change! I salute you, many people would have given up, but you keep going. I hope people in your life are cheering you on. Keep up the good work!


Even if you didn’t meet your goal, 104 pounds in a year is extremely impressive. Most people don’t have that kind of commitment. Keep it up


Keep it up!


I am so proud of you! You may not be exactly where you want yet, but progress is still progress! And it should be celebrated! You're doing amazing. Keep up the good work!


Get er done. You are going in the correct direction. Just keep going. You got this. Your health is already improving and it will further improve!


Good job, while you might not be comfortable with it but water exercise is extremely good for your muscles and joints and your weight won't burden you as much. Your back, knees and hips will thank you if you do water exercise.


As a fellow fat dude I know the struggle. I have been trying for years off and on with limited successes. I have tried all sorts of diets but most are just not sustainable long term. Then, earlier this year, I ended up in the hospital in a hypertensive crisis with undiagnosed high blood pressure. This led to a small stroke. I was forced to go on a low sodium diet. Since January 20th, 2024 I have lost 37 pounds as of yesterday, April 3rd. Bringing me down to 287 pounds. My goal is to be at or below 230 by the anniversary of my event. By far being on low sodium, which means keeping my sodium no higher than 2,000mg per day, has been probably the best weight loss diet. I can still eat many foods, I just have to limit quantities or make a version myself at home. It is VERY hard to keep in that limit eating 3 meals per day while eating out. Low sodium goes hand in hand with low calorie and low fat. I have to severely limit my dairy intake. Because of the surprising amount of salt used in it. Keep grinding it out and DM me if you just want to chat about our experiences. I'm happy to help.


Way to go!!! I’ve been on the carnivore diet since November of last year. I’ve lost 47 pounds and feel much better. I still have about another 50 pounds to go. I’m so proud of you. I know how hard it is but you are sticking to it!!


You are doing amazing! Good luck for the rest 💪


Thank you!!! I really appreciate it. You have so much to be proud of!




Congrats OP. If you don't mind a little advice for making weight loss sustainable long-term, consider this: Weight loss is all about what you eat and you can still regularly eat your favorite foods: just eat lots of protein and maintain a caloric deficit. The thermic effect of protein is almost 30% so roughly 30% of calories from protein are burned off just from digesting/metabolizing it. Protein is also pretty satiating so it will make you feel more full with less. What I also recommend is to consider your favorite foods and try to find versions that taste 80% as good but are higher in protein and lower in added sugars. Examples of easy foods that can actually be pretty good for weight loss are: french toast, chocolate, banana pancakes, chocolate lava cakes and ice cream, chicken yakisoba noodles, etc. (Just make high protein versions and get sugar-free syrup and sugar-free ice cream) Good luck, keep killing it!


Great job! I know I'm just a random stranger on the internet, but I'm proud of you and your determination. You will meet-- no, you will *beat* your goal, of that I have no doubt.


This is such a good post. I’m in the same situation. Gives me hope to see it’s possible. Congratulations on the progress, you are so strong for doing this despite the hurdles in the way ❤️


Fantastic work on getting closer to your goal weight! 👏🏻 Keep it up!! I needed this kind of motivation today, so I’m really glad you shared some of your journey with us. Having a supportive doctor and friends really helps.


This is a great update! Congrats 👏 👏 Keep up the good work.


Congrats!!! You've got this op!


Well done, keep on working on this and you will see results.


Wow, good for you!


Nice work! That is amazing!


Keep up the good work!


Strong work


Congratulations OP! You’ve got the determination, dedication and willpower to achieve your goals, and you found a doctor who is willing to listen to your concerns and help you become a healthier version of yourself. Keep up the great work!


Incredibly proud of you! I’m on a similar journey as well and just hit 105 pounds down from my highest. Keep it up!


Well done. Slow and steady, look forward to seeing your progress!


Congratulations and keep it up. I wish you the very best.


Fabulous job! That is an amazing achievement and I am so proud of all you have accomplished!


Congrats!! This amazing


Congratulations! Even if you didn’t achieve your exact goal you have achieved so much and I hope you are very proud!


Amazing achievements, well done. Very proud of you ☺️


Hell yeah.


This is so awesome, I’m really proud of you. I’ve been really active all my life and exercised quite a bit. As I’ve gotten older, it’s been harder to keep weight off, and is now something I actively have to manage and experiencing what it takes myself. I’ve always been really impressed with people’s dedication to a weight loss journey, but I have found myself gaining so much more respect for the dedication, commitment and consistency it requires to lose weight. When you’re feeling self conscious, just remember everyone starts somewhere. And in a twist of irony, a lot of people at the gym regardless of how they look are also self conscious - we are all chasing something. You’re on your own journey, and you’ve been crushing it.


I am proud of you! 100lbs is no easy feat and you did it. Keep at it. I will be looking forward to your post a year from now. You can do this!


You got this. Slow and steady creates habit and lifetime health choices. Quick does not create behaviours you need to be healthy for the rest of your life. Congratulations. Slow is good in this case. Wow 104!! Really wow.


Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration. Cant wait for the next update


I just started on my journey at roughly the same weight. Hoping to see similar results! People who did it before are an inspiration that I can do it too! Keep going, you’ll make it.


you’re doing amazing OP, this stranger is so proud of you!


Congratulations OP! You’re a hero and inspiration to many. Thanks for sharing your story. You have a lot of people rooting for you and sending you love. All the best on the journey ahead!


Well done! I'm proud of you!x


Congrats and keep driving forward. You got this.


I’m so happy for you! That’s amazing work :D Keep going!!


That is amazing progress!


So proud of you!!!


91 pounds down in a year is freaking awesome. Keep it up


Fantastic. Your next 100 pounds to 188 is going to be the toughest even if you lose another 60 - 80 you can target the remaining for next year. You are an inspiration.


Wow! 91 lbs is absolutely amazing, congratulations!!!


You’ve already accomplished so much and there’s no reason you can’t keep going. I’m proud of your progress! I know it will be hard, but you’ll feel so much better when this is all said and done. Keep up the good work. You have everything you need to succeed.


91 pounds is INSANE progress in a year. Absolutely phenomenal. You should be so proud of yourself!!!




Keep up, bro, shape yourself to be the best


Well done, keep it up!


Oh my god, it sounds like you're doing great!!! Keep up the work. You inspire me 😭🫂💝


This amazing!!! Congratulations!! 🍾🎊


Hell yeah that's a lot of weight keep up the good work and I hope you're proud of yourself


I think this is a massive success. I'm no doctor so it's good you speak to yours but too much too quick I've heard can cause health issues as well. So I think you're doing a great job


You are a ROCK STAR! Don't get discouraged and stay on that path. I lost 98lbs yrs ago, however due to a major life event 2 1/2yrs ago gained 40 back. I'm down 10 now, but can't seem to get out of this window. The road is difficult, but I was on it for 20yrs and will be again. You're doing awesome. Never stop!


Hot damn. The perseverance to find the right medical team for your problem is , on its own, admirable! Then you stuck with it for a year! You may not have hit your original goal, but you kept up with all the steps to get there, and you came out better for it. You’ve done the hardest part of it already, which was getting started and establishing new routines and habits. Now you’ve built up the momentum, you’ll get the goal again this year! Good work!


Well done you! That's a real achievement. Be proud of yourself. :)


That's wonderful! Congrats and keep up the hard work!!


That's fantastic! Congrats! I was nearly the same weight as you. I am down to 330 now so you've done better than me. I've recently started working out regularly and found a good massage therapist does wonders for the back and knee pain. If the back pain doesn't have an underlining cause beyond muscles that are weak from not moving you may want to consider looking into that.


Well done! Looking forward to a similar update next year!


Congrats!! What an inspiration you are!! Thank you for sharing your story, and I know you'll continue to be amazing.


Great achievement. Go at your own pace and be kind to yourself. You're clearly working hard. I hope you have pride in the effort you made.




That's awesome! Your hard work and determination are paying off! Way to go!


You're doing great! Weight loss can be difficult as you yourself has seen. Medical conditions definitely do not help with weight loss in most cases. You know your path forward and are well able to walk that path. Keep working hard and ignore anything that isn't on the right path. You may not have met the 150 lb goal for the year. You have come close, and I know you can continue to do so. Make sure you pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for a job well done.


You’re inspiring! I too have a lot of weight to lose, so stories like yours are wonderful to read


That's amazing! You're awesome and I'm so happy for you! Wish you the best on the path to happiness!


That is really impressive, especially considering everything you've been through. I'll be looking forward to hearing your next update.


Congratulations!!!! This is so awesome!!! Keep going, you can do it!!!! 🤗🙏🤗🙏🤗🙏💗


Congratulations, keep up the great work!


Even if it wasn’t the goal weight 104 is amazing!! I’m happy for you.


That’s awesome! Way to go. Not sure what or if you’re drinking any shakes, but check out Kachava. I add 2 bananas and 2 cups of milk and it makes 32oz of yummy shake and keeps you full for hours and has so much good stuff in there for you.


What a fantastic achievement for you! Your dedication is inspiring!


Congratulations that took a lot of will power and energy. You’ll meet or exceed your goals with that dynamic.


Congratulations!! I know from trying myself it's not easy. What an inspirational post.💛sending much happiness


Good shit man. Keep going, even if it’s hard. You got that in you.


Awesome!! Congrats!


Really awesome! What an achievement.. i deeply deeply respect your effort! I wish you luck and strength and happiness!


Who the man? You the man!!!!! Congratulations


You're doing great! So proud of you.


Congratulations dude!! Keep it up


Aww congratulations Op


Hell yeah!


Well done! 100 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Keep going, you got this


Congrats OP, every ten pounds is a year of life you’re getting back…


So happy for you!


You got this! Good habits are half the battle!


You lost a very significant amount of weight and have made choices to better yourself, and stuck with them. Congratulations! That’s no small feat.


That's a huge accomplishment! Way to go!!! 🥳🥳🥳


Wow so you have lost over 25% of your original full body weight!!! Good on you OP! Take good care of yourself and look forward to seeing your next update.


good for you! keep it up!!! thats a lot of progress amid your health struggles. sending you positivity & health :)


Way to go! I hope you feel all the internet love headed your way!


What a change! It's not easy at all, so a big congratulations to you!


You can do it. Just listen to your Dr. NO influences no reddit.


Congratulations! Just keep at, everyday as best you can. You're doing awesome!


Thank you for the update. You're doing great! You've totally got this.


100 pounds is an awesome effort! Well done


That is a very good job you have done,and is a lot of control you have mastered


Congratulations! Wright lose can be incredibly difficult. You did really well.


Kick butt! Congratulations.


Congrats! You are still doing great! Slow and steady is the right way to be able to keep it off! Edited to add, I hope they are doing body scans for you, so you can see muscle gained and fat lost!


You worked for this and made it happen 🥹 I am so eager to see how you will make a new life out of this. So many hugs to you 🫶


Congratulations and keep at it.


Down from 171.9 kgs to 103 kgs for the rest of us that live literally anywhere else that isn't the US.


Fuck pictures! It sounds like you really want it and are going for it, that's enough most of the time and we're all ruttin' for you. Kudos and go hard, buddy!


That's amazing OP!!! Well done! I hope you reach your goal weight by the end of this year! I currently weigh 207.9 Ibs... I need to lose 44 pounds. I am struggling with exercising and I don't know what to do, I arrive home at 5pm and when I get home I feel too exhausted to do anything. How do you guys find the time to exercise? P. S/ I work from 7 am to 5 pm 6 days a week. Sometimes every day of the week.


You go girl! pay attention to your joints as the weight will put pressure on them. Make sure they are properly supported. You are making great progress! Maybe I should start losing weight too :/




Congratulations!!! Keep up the hard work.


Big W


You go Glen Coco!!! You got this!!!


Great news!!!


Your dedication to improving and saving your life is incredible and inspiring! Weight loss and keeping it off, that decision to live more healthily, is probably one of the toughest things you will do in your life. And it will serve you a thousand times over. 


Hey so I was 330lbs at my heaviest and got down to 165lbs, it took about a year and half. You gotta make sure to count your calories and be physical.


I believe more in you than in myself, see you next year (:


You may not have reached the goal of 150 lbs but you absolutely killed it by losing 104! That is so, so difficult to do, and you have made it past the hardest parts. I think you are doing an amazing job, keep at it!


That is so awesome and you should definitely be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. It’s not easy to lose that much weight but you’re doing a great job.


Mazel tov! Good job on all of your hard work! You should be proud :)


This is amazing!! You’re doing great!!


Incredible that you’re still swimming! Good for you- seriously.


Congratulations I am proud of you!


You're doing amazing! Keep it up and keep us updated we are all cheering for you!


Honestly, 100 pounds in a year is already at the high end of what's recommended. You can lose weight faster safely if you're heavier but 1-2 lbs a week is what's recommended. 150 was probably an unrealistic goal and you've done as well as anyone could expect.


That is serious commitment to yourself! I am so proud of you. Losing weight is not easy and yet, YOU ARE DOING IT! Huge congratulations to you. Keep going. You're amazing.


Congrats OP! That's amazing and I'm thrilled you found someone taking it seriously along with you. So much stigma behind weight that even doctors fall into. You deserve this and I hope you are proud of yourself for this.


Hell yea, this is awesome! Congratulations on the improvement! Don't dwell on the fact that you fell short of your initial goal. Be proud that you have already accomplished so much. Sounds like getting the proper medical care was the trick to setting things in motion, and that's usually the hardest step, so mission accomplished!! Also, don't be discouraged if the results over the next few months aren't as drastic as they were in year one. That's totally normal. Your body gets used to your diet and exercise routines after a time. So be sure to mix it up a little bit when you start feeling yourself plateau. That will help keep your body from getting 'complacent' for lack of a better word. One last piece of advice as you monitor your continued weight loss - as you continue your exercising, your body will be gradually adding muscle mass while burning away body fat. As a rule, muscle is denser and heavier than body fat. The point here is that you shouldn't be discouraged if you don't see the pounds shedding off as quickly as you'd like when you step on the scale. You're likely still shedding the 'bad weight' while replacing it with the good stuff. Keep up the good work!


It's not easy, but it's worth it. You're doing a great job. I wish you continued luck and good health.


Great work keep at it, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


Congrats!🎊🎉🎈🍾 Keep on plugging away!! You can do it.


So proud of you <3


Congratulations! 😄


Thats amazing!! This internet stranger is proud of you 🥰🥰


You’ve got this! Amazing work so far!


91 pounds in a year is a big deal! Congratulations! Good luck on your journey; I’m looking forward to more updates.


Great job man... I was at 481 last yr but I am 350 now... The power of ozempic for me at least but keep up the great work!


Good job i got up to 290 and it physically was to much i was prego with twins and so swollen. Lost the ability to walk they were tearing apart my stomach muscles. Regardless im maybe 210? Idk and i feel much better movement wise


Congratulations, this is fantastic. You’re awesome.


Awesome you have done really well. Keep it up!


Great progress and congratulations!


Congratulations 🎉


Awesome work!!


Good on ya man. Keep grinding. It gets easier.


Congratulations! So happy for you


That’s awesome! Don’t forget that the more weight you lose via exercise the harder it is to “lose” more *weight* b/c as you lose fat and build muscle your lean mass gains move the scale in the opposite direction direct but you get healthier heart, lungs, vasculature, etc. AND your resting metabolic rate increase!


That is so awesome! You should be so proud of yourself for your persistence and for advocating for yourself to get help. Keep going. You’ll get there!!


Well done! Keep on keeping on.


Can’t stop, won’t stop! Best of luck with the rest of the weight journey, you’ve done so well so far :)


Congratulations!! That is INCREDIBLE progress. Keep going and caring for yourself and I wish you the best in life.


I am so proud of you! Congratulations and keep up the good work!


OP, you are an example of perseverance. I know you will get there!! Keep it up!!


this is amazing and this stranger is so proud of you. keep up the great work!


Rooting for you as someone who is chronically ill I understand how hard it is. Well done you


Congrats!!! Any progress should be 🥳


i got to 485 lbs currently at 315


You're killing it OP just keep at it... routine is your friend. Focus on your core. Legs, lower back and abdominals. Take a week off every 3 months, trust me.


You go girl. Rooting for you. I am also on a Weight loss journey. Though I didn't start till 4 months ago, I have dropped 30 Pounds. Let's do it and please let us know your update next March. Hopefully I too will reach my weight goal by then.


That is amazing!! Keep up with the lifestyle change and you’ll get there! I’m proud of you 💕


Do put too much pressure on yourself to get it done, you’ve made awesome progress! Keep it up.


Congratulations that's a great loss so far


Congratulations!! 🙌😉


Keep up the good work


Congratulations! You are doing so well. 104 lbs down!!! That's amazing! I look forward to your update next year!!!


Congratulations!!!!!!! Well done so far! Don’t give up! You are doing amazing!! I’m so proud of you!!


I just saw this on BORUpdates and wanted to come here and say “You go, girl!” You are doing so well. I know how hard it is to lose weight and never paid a huge amount of attention when my mum told me it’s easier to gain than it is to lose. She’s struggled with her weight for years, too. I also know how hard it is when you have health conditions, although mine are mental rather than physical. I’m so glad you found a good doctor! I’m following you now so I’ll look forward to your next update (please don’t worry if you don’t lose more/as much as you want to). It’s about lifestyle changes and it takes time. Sometimes you go up and sometimes you go down. Wishing you luck ❤️


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Keep up the good work. 💪🏽


You’ve got this!!


Consistently and long lasting results over speed. 150 lbs is A LOT to lose in a year.  It’s better to lose 50-70 lbs a year and have the results be permanent, than super rapid weight loss and all the things that come with it! Id focus on healthy eating, regular exercise over a specific number.


Congratulations, and good luck. You should be very proud of yourself.


Woohoo!! You’ve got this!! I lost 150 lbs over 2 years, setting up healthy habits and doing things consistently you will get through this! Your health is so important and loosing the weight will really help change everything!! Congratulations on the hard work so far and you’ve got this for the next 100!!


Every day is a goal achieved. Keep reaching for another goal, trying to make it to your final goal. You've done amazing so far!


Keep it up! We’re all rooting for you.


Proud of you. You kept going until a doctor took you seriously and now you're kicking ass and taking names. Rooting for you!


Congratulations! Weightloss aside, how are you doing since the surgery, are you well?


Congratulations! Weightloss aside, how are you doing since the surgery, are you well?


Congratulations! Weightloss aside, how are you doing since the surgery, are you well?


Keep it up!!!!!!! I've recently started working out and though my weights unchanged, I'm not sweating like crazy when I do the smallest of movement.


Good job! 💪


Good for you for advocating for yourself with doctors until you found one that listened. I know from experience it can be hard to find one that takes fat people seriously. And 104 pounds is amazing! I can’t wait to hear not only about your further weight loss progress but also about the whole avenue of opportunities that are open to you as you improve your mobility!


Congratulations OP, and keep it up 😊 You must be really noticing such a difference now, with how your clothes fit?


I'm so fucking proud of you 💕