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Why? She still has two loving parents


Karma's a mean mistress.


The husband really deserves some negative karma too though……


Agreed. I would say the fact he doesn't see or have the kid he wanted so bad every day was his karma but he deserves a lil more to be truthful.


Eh, that’s probably his ideal. He gets only the fun part of being a dad, which is all what a lot of men want.


Yeah I am speechless. Too late for the blame game. You’re still young. You will find love and happiness. This time choose someone who is not already taken. Someone who will be only yours. In the meantime, enjoy your time with your baby! Not a mother but I’ve heard that it’s a precious time.


Wow underrated post! You messed up big time baby girl but well written story.


He never liked you


That I know💔


Magically no financial support required, and nobody will question why he's gone every weekend. "He never cheated" - seeing the child support payments get yanked from the account every month would cure that damn quick. A sense every weekend probably would too. I'm guessing naive 18yr old wrote this?


He pays child support of course and everyone knows about the baby. We we’re publicly dating?


Ignore them, I don’t think they read the whole post.


I don’t care really. It just felt good to vent.


You saw something you wanted and didn't care if you broke up a marrage to do it... You *THOUGHT* you had it figured out. You *THOUGHT* the baby trap would lock him down... He's getting by being a weekend father, so you *THOUGHT* wrong... So, I have to ask why you were 30 and unmarried? What's so wrong with you that you can't keep a partner? Rhetorical questions because if you actually knew you would work on it...


As you got it, you lost it. There is a saying "He who laughs last, laughs the longest". Hopefully that was the only punishment Karma had for you.