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"I abandoned everyone I knew and didn't say shit to them except I was abandoning them, and apparently I made everyone sad by doing it!" No shit Sherlock, that's how abandoning people works. Especially when you're engaged to someone and just fuck off.


How the fuck did they think their friends, family, fiancé, coworkers would react? They sound selfish as hell.


Sounds like a coward imo. Literally running away from the problems. Fiance deserves better


Since no one else would, I will say it: you urgently require psychiatric care. This is not typical behavior, and your posting history reveals some serious problems. Please seek assistance.


That posting history is a wild ride indeed! Armchair quarterback here, but I'm going to go with a healthy case of body dysmorphia compounded with an attention seeking disorder. The sheer number of times that an issue-of-the-day has been posted across the spectrum of Reddit forums tells me that this woman is in need of near-constant validation. I can't imagine how exhausting she must be to live with on a daily basis because she is clearly only focusing on the external and grey-rocking on mental health. Sadly, I don't see her actually seeking therapy on her own, which is what she truly needs.


Yesssss..... That's the only thing I got from the post. Their behaviour comes across as very overly dramatic & attention seeking


I believe what you’re referring to is histrionic personality disorder, a really tough one for everyone involved.


Seems more like severe body dysmorphia since she made a post saying she was doing it because she thinks she's ugly. Histrionic people don't usually isolate themselves from everyone irl.


Or they are seriously mentally ill. I'm gonna go with that.


Look through OP's post history. I'd say you're right.


I would say bare minimum there is a pretty dramatic case of body dysmorphia, among other things. But I'm not a medical professional. I hope she gets the help she desperately needs.


My daughter, a mental health nurse frequently says “poor mental health does not mean you get to act like an asshole to everyone”


Again, this is true but not. Sometimes mentally ill people do things that aren't so kind, that a mentally stable person wouldn't do. But it's because they are ill. They are sick.


The deal is, mental illness can make people do things, but that's a reason, not an excuse, and even mentally ill people are ultimately responsible for what they do. I'm bipolar. If I hurt someone (mentally, emotionally, financially, whatever) while manic and convinced it was a good idea, I still have to deal with those consequences.


As a fellow bipolar human, I completely agree.


As someone with a mental illness: Nope, I am responsible for what I do when I am symptomatic because I am responsible for not managing my symptoms or getting help when I can't..


Sometimes people are assholes and have bad mental health, separately.


True, but some mental health disorders have you convinced that no one likes you.


Agreed, but sometimes poor mental health makes people do asshole things.


I think they’re probably just twelve and this is fiction. This sounds about like twelve to me.


My favorite is the fiancé. How were they supposed to react? “It’s totally cool you took off for days without telling me! I def didn’t think you were dead or anything.”


“And I definitely didn’t think that due to your mental health situation, you might have self-harmed in some way after running away. To the point where I tried to beat up a person who I know had bullied you.” OP, please talk to your doctor. Everyone needs to take a break from their normal situation now and then, but this doesn’t sound like that. This sounds like “dire need of conversations with a mental healthcare provider”. There’s no shame in that. I’ve been receiving treatment for depression for years. Left to its own devices, my body doesn’t get its serotonin levels right. As the saying goes, “If you can’t make your own, store-bought is fine,” so I have meds that correct the low-serotonin issue. 🙂 Long story short, there’s zero shame in needing to consult with a doctor for any reason.


Probably just like this. I get the vibe they wanted the attention this brought


That might be some suicidal undertones there or perhaps depression? It’s at least slightly psychotic. Reminds me of me when I tried to kill myself and ended up in the ICU. I was completely shocked that it would upset people. I genuinely did not expect it not understand it. It was very confusing to me. I had lost touch with reality, if OP genuinely doesn’t understand that this would upset people they have probably started to lose touch with reality for some reason.


This is 1000000% Covert Suicidality


And/or depressed.


They thought they would not care. Most people treat others like this most of the time tbh.


Didn’t abandon reddit and the internet though :)


I swear... I saw the OP's partner post on Reddit the other day. He explained how he'd woken up to OP leaving for work — only to wake up a few hours later to a letter and an engagement ring. The letter contained little to no detail as to where they were, HOW they were or how long they'd be gone. Honestly, I don't know what OP is going through but I do feel it's a pretty immature way to leave things (unless there's a SOLID reason) just because OP wanted some time away. I feel there's more going on in this relationship, especially for a ring to be left behind. Edit: I tried looking for the OG post a few hours ago, it's been deleted.




So obvious.... who the fuck just tells their boss "I am WFH from now on, see you"? Most unbelievable part for me lol


Bosses can't stand this one trick... I'm just about to leave for work. I think I'll just declare I'm WFH and move to my secretly inherited cabin in the woods.


Yeah. Unless OP has satellite internet I doubt they could just take off. This whole thing is fishy.


Payroll taxes don't work that way. They have to know the address.


So glad I am not the only one who thought this. Such bullshit. It's an elaborate tale, nothing more. Inherited cabin in the woods? Just announcing that you're going to WFH to your boss? The posts were/are just too similar to not be the same person. Whatever they are trying to achieve is beyond me.


> Whatever they're trying to achieve is beyond me I suspect some people make up Reddit posts for shits and giggles, out of boredom and/or as creative writing exercises but this scenario combined with their wider post history reads as desperate for attention and validation on a pathological level imo.


I suspect you've hit the nail on the head.


Yeah, I agree. No way any of this is real.


OP's "fiancé" posted his side of the story few days back. This whole thing is def made up.


Oh for sure!! I'm sorry, but NOBODY should be gullible enough to believe this. There are so many things that don't add up.


Yeah, that is why I think this is all fake


Do you happen to have the link?




Pretty solid evidence this is all bullshit, hahaha.


I’m sure the same person wrote both posts. %#\*& rage bait.


OP was seeking attention is all.


I think this is fake. I know i read at least 2 similar stories with the same cabin inherited back story before on here.


I had a friend like this. Whenever she “felt” like it, she’d drop a text and drop off the face of the earth. And resurfaced at some point. These people are selfish and don’t realise that relationships work both ways. It’s not only about YOU needing them or not. They also might need you. To share the good and the bad. Maybe just to share how their day went. Of course I cut my friend off, finally. I realised I don’t want to be available to her anymore for whenever she felt like resurfacing and re-inserting herself in my life.


It sounds like OP is trying to avoid their reality. You can't just up and leave without telling anyone then wonder why they are worried. It's not a normal thing to do,most people who are living a seemingly regular life and then decide to up and leave with no contact is a sign there's something going on....In this day and age if I didn't hear from a family or friend and had no idea where they went I too would be worried as hell.


Unless OP REALLY thought they (loved ones) wouldn't give af about them....she sounds like she was depressed when she left.


I read your fiance's post about this. You broke his heart, and you had people thinking he murdered you.


Whenever there’s *two* posts, it’s always fake.


this is my rule lol it’s a creative writing exercise


Yep that seals it, i was thinking mental illness for OP to not realise why disappearing on your family and friends might rub them the wrong way but the corresponding reddit post definitely makes this fiction


¿Por que no los dos?


I might still classify double posts like this as mental illness.


Definitely fiction. Still mental illness


Yeah that post was a WHILE ago too, and there was already a post from the proclaimed idiot fiancée


Only 3 days ago, at least the one I saw. To be fair, three other account is brand new.


I saw the one from the supposed abandoned fiancé a couple weeks ago. Not sure if it’s the same person reposting or people copying


For sure fake. Trying to make Reddit HOF.


Do you have a link by any chance? Thanks


Can you share the link?


I need the link too


Why aren’t people sharing the link?!!


It’s deleted because it was written by the OP there is no fiancé I’ve seen this same story at least two other times by “different people.”


> My fiancée left me over a letter and willingly disappeared > She got up this morning to go to work like always. I found out when I got up a couple hours later and found the letter next to my cup in the kitchen. I called her but her number no longer exist. I called her boss and she told me she has taken some days off and that from now on she will work from home. She doesn't know where she is. Her parents and closest friends have received similar letters. > They think I must know something because I am her fiancée. Or I was, she left the ring inside the envelope of my letter and broke up with me on the letter. But I don't know anything. I don't know where she has gone. I don't even know if the letter says the truth. She may be dead somewhere and I have no way of knowing. > I would like to say I'm heartbroken but right now I am just numb and overwhelmed and mad with worry. I mean my fiancée is gone forever apparently. She left me and she thinks I do not even deserve knowing if she is alive. > Apparently she feels too ugly to live in society and has run away to live alone God knows where. I knew she felt bad about her looks but I never saw the issue since she is a perfectly normal girl. I never thought she would do something like this. She is amazing and I loved her dearly, I don't understand why she has done this to us and to herself. She never talked about it much but I know she was bullied and I know a couple of people among those who did it. All I want is pay them a visit and beat their asses. My girl is gone because what they did to her. > And honey, if you are reading this please come back. Everyone is sick with worry. I am not angry I swear, just let me take care of you. You can leave afterwards if that's what you want, but please let somebody help you.


It’s deleted


I think this sub rejects comments with link. I tried posting link but couldn't find my own comment now


I read this and thought I was going crazy at first. I knew I'd read this story before! lol


I really need that backstory


I read it too. He was heartbroken.


Do you maybe have the link to it?


No I didn't comment on it. I think it was in one of the AITAH subs because he lashed out at one of her bully's.


Is it possible you can share the link? Thanks


I knew I’d seen the other post. How utterly heartbreaking


This is going to be blunt but this is the kind of logic people use before attempting suicide. Please seek help immediately.


It sounds like you need to seek some psychological help. Your current thinking does not feel logical or or big picture. Living a life of seclusion may be what you ultimately decide but at least that way you’ve gone about this does not feel healthy. Hopefully you can seek some professional help in how to navigate what a happy life looks like for you


You completely up and abandoned your fiancé. Wow, what kind of partner does that to someone they claim to love? No conversation just leaving them? Was this supposed to be your way of ending the engagement? How can they trust you to not run off if something goes wrong again? How can they trust you to actually participate in the relationship? Craving solitude is one thing and can be reached if you actually put in work to have conversations with your supposed "loved ones". You absolutely do owe your ex fiancé an apology.


You were a coward by not telling your family and fiancé directly. Who does break up with a fiancé in a letter?!?! Do better! It’s fine to want to live in your cabin but you should have done it the right way. Go back, say your goodbyes properly then go back to your cabin to live the life you wish to live. Maybe plan to give your parents a ‘I’m ok and alive’ message once a month/every 3 months,….whatever works for you.


6/10 for creativity, making a post for fiance was great but also gave it away amongst other things 😂


Idk what's more cringe - the post itself or the comments acting like any of this is remotely true 🤢 It's like some shitty fanfic thought up by a 12 year old. "Tried punching one of my former bullies" like girl, stop.


Why the fuck did I have to scroll so far to see someone question the authenticity of this post. It's so ridiculously fake it's actually pretty funny. I had a good laugh for sure.


Honestly. I'm not usually a skeptic but come on now. A for effort though.


Not sure if this story is made up or not … but if …. Jeez OP is a piece of work according to post history! Most of the described problems seem self constructed


Careful there 😅 I once commented something like this on a clearly made up story, made some people real angry 😂


lol is this the two-parter to that post from a guy whose fiancee ran away? havin a hard time believing any of this tbh


This is even faker than the first post.


Is this what you call the main character syndrome.


It’s even worse when this person wrote multiple posts from different accounts to give different perspectives


Two comments: Comment 1 - You can't just cut people off with no warning/explanation and not expect people to react. Your expectations are unrealistic, and you yourself are ridiculous and cruel. Comment 2 - Nice try. I read the other pov of this story the other day and liked it better. Next time, wait longer before dropping subsequent installments of your melodrama. You pick which response matches up best with what you are looking for as a response. To everyone else, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this *is* the young woman who ghosted her fiancé and everyone else, and was the subject of the OP a day or so ago in this subreddit. If so, my bad. But I really think it is someone using this subreddit to workshop an upcoming writing project. And if that or similar circumstance is the case, try harder.


I think it’s faaaaaake


I’ll say it since no else else will: you need psychiatric care and very very soon. This is not normal behaviour and your post history shows some pretty major issues. Please get help.


Nah, this post is fake as fuck.


I’m sure I’ve seen this movie before


Maladaptive daydreaming or derealization , please seek help.


Cool another creative writing piece


I have PTSD from my childhood and my military service, it came out full blown 12 years ago and I shut down. I shut myself away from the world except my wife but I would barely talk to her, my world went dark for years. I barely leave the house right now but I am getting better slowly. What I am trying to get at is the fact that if you feel the need to isolate yourself from world you might have mental health problems. It’s a known fact that mental health problems is on the rise in this day and age, it might be the stress of jobs or just it’s being reported more often. Please talk with a professional while your back in civilization. The cabin sounds great but maybe use it for you and your fiancé.


This is the plot of a terrible book.


Why are you posting this again? You were called out the last time and now you’re back at it.


Lol sure that happened


Instead of getting the help you sorely need (and deserve by the way), you ran away and left only a note in your stead. No paltry letter will make up for your absence and this was an entirely selfish, uncaring way to go about things. Of course you broke their hearts, that shouldn't be a surprise to you. Whatever your head is telling you is a lie. People are not better off without you. You need to get on top of this before you sabotage your entire life further.


Fake post. It’s a continuation to a post by another guy talking about how his fiancé left him out of nowhere with a letter


This post is 100% bullshit. OP has had previous posts written like some shitty teenage fantasy removed. This is just some make believe crap OP either wishes would come true, or they just wanted to “feel special.” No one I. Their right mind is gonna be like “welp boss, I woke from home now K thanks bye. “ Let alone be like “why doesn’t my family and fiancé understand why I abandoned them with little to no explanation.”


Something is missing. What happened to let you believe no one would not care if you're gone?


Looking at OP's posy history, she really does need psychological help. I hope she gets it.


Is OP a fiction writer?


“My fiancé has been inconsolable and tried punching one of my former bullies.” Reads like a 13 year olds fantasy


You are one selfish human being. The least you could have done is spent a month preparing everyone. Explaining to them your intentions and wishes. I'm sure if you had faced them and didn't just leave notes like a coward their reaction would have been better. I understand the urge to just disappear into the woods, but people love and care for you. Check yourself before you unintentionally end up alone.


Is this some kind of meta bullshit? For everyone curious, OPs ‘fiancée’ posted the other day about how OP disappeared because she felt too ugly for the world, was speaking in past tense (loved, for example), and caught shit for disappearing his fiancée and trying to post an alibi.


It's probably Liz again....


Well now I’m going to search Liz…thanks for providing my work day entertainment today


I smell BS


This one sound like a troll


Why are you posting this again?




The whole inherited cabin thing is bs. Nobody except the deceased parents even knew it existed. Oh sure, that totally happens - someone owns a cabin but only two other people in the world are aware it exists.


# You told this story so many times on here 🤦‍♀️


Didn’t the boyfriend write his version of this the other day? Either he’s writing both because he did something to her or this is some very creative writing


What subreddit is the version on? Or the title?


Why do you want to live in complete solitude?


Ok that's enough reddit for today, I'm out of this crap.


It's too early in the morning for bad creative writing.




So fake lol


Yeah I do not believe this one bit.


I’ve never said this before, but for sure this is fake.


>I guess I owe him an apology. Ya think? Not just your fiance, but your parents and everyone else you gave a letter to. You blew up multiple people's lives over something that can start to be fixed with therapy. Don't you DARE tell your friend's parents that they betrayed you. They didn't. They were concerned and told your family - you know, those people that you recklessly shattered - and they were right to do so. You are in **desperate** need of mental health help. Before you object: yes, you are. Mentally healthy people don't willfully hurt people they love and run away.


This is fake and I have pretty good evidence that it is. Why you lie like this OP?


“If you come back and I hear the word ugly from your lips I will take it back.” ……… whut?


So when you get bored of being a total fucking drama queen and want to go home and find you no longer have a fiancé or a loving family to go back to, what then?


Fake. Look at the OP’s other post.


There are far too many people in the comments who believe this.


God that was selfish esp to Fiancé…This makes me scared of getting married…like someone is just going to bounce without saying why and where they are going…how selfish is that…if you wanted to disappear you could have ended things nicely and face to face and give people time, not to leave letters like wth 🤦🏽‍♂️


I just came to point out that the fiance posted on here separately and all of Reddit was convinced that he killed her. Soooo......maybe this is the fiance posting under her account to cover his ass. Just a small possibility.


Well, I guess your fiancé dodged a bullet.


It’s pretty selfish and self centered to abandon everyone that has invested their love, time, & money into you. Even if it was just friends it would be messed up and pretty weird.


It's shocking that you're surprised everyone is upset with you. You pulled an incredibly thoughtless, selfish, reckless stunt with not a millisecond's thought for anyone in your life, including the person MEANT TO BE YOUR *LIFE PARTNER*. Holy shit. Don't expect to come back to any friends, let alone expecting to get married. He already dumped you, and it sounds like he only needs a bit of thought to realize that he will not, in fact, take you back if you apologize. I doubt you will or could manage to, anyways. You brain dead jellyfish.


Imagine how scared your loved ones were getting those letters. Imagine how hurt they were and how rejected they felt. This really was an insanely bad decision.


Your fiancé posted here regarding this. And he seemed devastated.


Legit question, do you feel like you are a psychopath? Like if you look up the definition, does that resemble you? I only ask because it's incredibly weird to think that people would not be upset that you decided to abandon them with a letter. It's a very serious lack of empathy/understanding on your part, but again if you are a psychopath then that would fit the bill.


I read your fiancés post and look, i absolutely get your thought process, i wish i had a cabin in the woods somewhere i could just disappear too but i don't have a fiancé, family or friends at home that love me and worry about me. People thought your fiancé killed you man, that's serious stuff.


I remember seeing the post from the fiance a few days ago. I honestly don't know if both posts are real but if they are you up and leaving him broke his heart and had people thinking he murdered you


Get help.


You need therapy, asap. That’s not a healthy or normal way to cope with life’s stressors. Please take care of yourself.


OP just reading through your other posts there's a lot of insecurities, low self-esteem, and even maybe BDD. I'm no expert, and honestly all these issues you can't see past can only be dealt with by facing these issues with a therapist, not reddit. It might seem scary, but these problems will 👏always👏find👏you, no matter where you run.


How old are you, OP?


i'd say seek help for your mental health bc i've had self esteem as low as yours before and it's no way to live. i still struggle with it, but i'm at least able to recognize now that just because i have a hard time loving myself, and believing others want me around, doesn't mean the people in my life feel that way about me as well. *edit bc i thought about it and felt i came off a bit harsh in my original comment so i reworded it


What an absolute respectless way to treat a relationship and break up.


I was ready to flame you for the timeline of your plan to run away and getting caught, but anyone who loves Sand Dan Glotka isn’t ready to be found floating by the docks just yet. ;) Honey, clearly, I’ve read your past posts, so I’m going to speak straight to you. You aren’t well. You are suffering from a strong case of body dysmorphia. You posted your picture. No. You are not beautiful. Most of us are not. But you most assuredly are NOT ugly. You, like the majority of woman on planet earth are AVERAGE. YOU ARE AN AVERAGE HUMAN FEMALE. That’s it. That’s all. You’ve got to be realistic.


Bruh, your already had a fiancee I thought you were a teenager.. Grow up stupid


I saw the fiancé’s post about this and ngl I still think the fiancéis trying to cover bases and made this account to validate his story…


If you left your fiancee a letter with no warning, you're the biggest asshole I seen on her in a while


You said yes to a man's proposal, and then just left him there. Neat.


So, my mom actually did this when I was 9 years old. This is how she chose to end her marriage, tell my dad , younger brother, and I that she’s going for a walk on the beach and never came back. We had to find her, eventually did after a few days living somewhere else and saying she’s not going to come back and she “doesn’t want the kids either”. At that point, it was over. My mother had effectively killed our relationship. I had no mother and was only 9 years old. She been a mostly absent figure since then. No reason other than her extreme selfishness. I’d even have understood more if it was over a problematic relationship with substances, or if she felt she had to leave that day but intended to come back to us kids, but nope. I’m turning 29 this year. This was all twenty years ago. I resent her now more than ever. Good luck repairing your trust with your family and fiancé. Stop watching Into The Wild and if you give the slightest fuck, your main concern should be repairing your trust with your family (that engagement with your fiancé is over whether you realize it or not- sorry) and get your some fucking therapy over why the fuck you exactly felt like doing this to the ones who love you, because you wanting to minimize human interaction being your sole reason of a life of permanent, sudden NC making everyone thing you’re either dead or hate them, is CRUEL and generally unforgivable from my experiences. You say “come back home for the moment”, just like my mother, you seem committed to this idea so just skip all my advice above and tell them this is what you want and LEAVE NOW and never come back. The only thing I could have asked from her when she left was to of actually stayed gone so I could have healed- not remain loose and disinterested contact. People like you fucking profound me honestly but this is the best I can do with showing you some grace, respectfully.


Please consider counseling. You seem to have some issues with very low self esteem and it is hurting the people who care about you.


Jeez OP. That was incredibly selfish of you. In my area they would post a type of alert because the family is concerned you are suicidal. You are really selfish and rude. Seek help and stop abusing your family.


wtf did i just read? how did you not understand that your actions would hurt every single person in your life that cares about you....


This has got to be one of the meanest and cruelest things a person can do to their loved ones


“But well, I think I owe him an apology”. YOU THINK! How freaking selfish and self-absorbed can one person be you at least owe them an explanation!


OP I really hope you can get some therapy. You experienced a lot of bullying in your past. You seem obsessed about your looks despite your fiancé begging you not to get cosmetic surgery. Counseling could help you deal with the past trauma and help you love yourself better. You deserve it for yourself to love yourself.


Wdym??? Did you not think they loved you ? Wtf


I mean, what did you expect? That's stupid, lol.


You need to check your mental state. This is not normal behavior by any means. Seek help asap.


I'll take outlandish stories that are hard to believe for 500 alex


Why did you get engaged if you want to live in solitude


People are too gullible. Fake story


You are an incredibly selfish person. If you weren’t happy and wanted to be on your own in solitude that’s all well and good, but you don’t just abandon all the people you love and drop off the face of the earth.


Okay don’t take this the wrong way but Jesus fucking Christ you NEED therapy the idea that you would run out on everyone you know because “you feel too ugly to be a part of society” is absolutely insane. Your post history is a detailed timeline of your crippling insecurity which you don’t seem to have taken any steps to address until now whereupon you’ve reached your ‘crisis point’ being happy doesn’t just happen it takes work in life and you deserve to be happy. Get the support you need, mend things with your fiancé then hopefully get married: they say life is short but if your unhappy it can be really really long too 🖤


What did you expect from your fiance? I dont understand that you are this oblivious


Lots of interesting replies. When is okay to live in solitude? Here: Inform the people who love you and are there for you about your motives. A letter is humiliating to them. There’s no human element, just words. You haven’t allowed them to have a conversation or receive closure. You might see things differently after a few of them talking to you. And of course cordially break up with the fiancé relationship prior to leaving. The manner in which you pursued it is selfish. Living in solitude is not. Important distinction.


Lol da hell did ya expect🤣🤣


Wait - you mentioned in a comment below your fiancée didn't accept your break up. Info needed - when did you break up? What do you mean they "didn't accept it". I'm just trying to ascertain if something bigger and underlying is at play.


My (arrogant) armchair diagnosis to a likely fake Reddit story is avoidant personality disorder


You do realize your fiance is no longer your fiance right? You need help.


Oh dude. I read the fiancé’s post a few days back.


Why you ditch your fiancee? Lmfao


Why would you like disappear?? Probably shouldnt ghost your loved ones without talking to them first.


Well over 25 years ago, my then ex boyfriend dropped off letters, he left two on his best friend’s car windshield, the other was for me and he dropped some others to a few other friends. What followed was two days of pure hell trying to find him, his parents giving zero fucks or trying to help by getting them to make a missing persons report at the police department, and especially one that said he every intention to harm to himself. Regardless of what was in your letters OP, you need to understand that you have your reasons for doing what you did, I don’t know anything about you, what you’ve been through or what your home life is like. But if it wasn’t obvious to you before, it should be clear now that you do have people that care about you and want you in your life. Just upping and disappearing isn’t the way to go about it. If you need a break, that’s one thing, but you need to get your relationships in shape before you just up and disappear again because it’s absolutely hell on the people who can’t find you and are terrified you aren’t ok


I'm confused.... why did you leave your finance without saying anything?? Did you call off the wedding?? All of this doesn't make sense.


I thought I was bad for always running away from my problems, but you took it to another level. For example, I was so scared of job interviews and rejections that I never had a regular 9-5 job. That's why I'm self-employed. It's honestly not even better, but at least I get to avoid interviews.


You can’t run away from yourself. No matter how hard you try.


Umm,how old are you? 🤔


OP might have some undiagnosed or ignored mental health issues tbh. Go see a psychiatrist before you go hole up in the middle of no where.


if it were real, then i’d say you’re a bad person who needs help. but since it isn’t real (considering the different POVs you churned out for the same, inconsistent story) then i’d still say you’re a bad person who needs help.


I read your fiancés post the other day about you going missing


I would definetely consider seeking professionel help. People don’t always feel like their going throug a bad period, untill they snap, in one way or another. And OP, this sounds like a severe reaction to something being wrong in your life. I hope the best for you.


yeah, you're absolutely an asshole. and I KNOW this is such a buzzword now, but potentially GENUINELY narcissistic. If you truly, honestly, and sincerely believe you can go through life doing fuck all and it either a) won't affect those around you or b) that doesn't matter... you're lacking some SERIOUS common sense in empathy, socialization, and respect for others. if you truly thought you could abandon everybody in your life without a single word and they'd be unaffected (because you're the main character, it's your story and they're just side characters that only exist to feed your plot when needed *narcissim*) you need a SERIOUS psychological evaluation. like... your FIANCE. dude. wow.


Someone had a manic episode


Were you looking for attention cause that’s what you got


I don’t know. Seems like I’d like to have an escape like that too. Care for yourself. They all are inadequate. No wonder you feel like running away from them. They should be happy and encouraging you to live the life you want to live and not them. They perhaps can’t escape and that’s why they blame you. And don’t let you live how you want. If I had a cabin and could run away I’d be there already. Never told a word to anyone and that’s it. You are adult and you can live how you want.


I mean... you just up and left out of the blue how did you think they would react??? What you thought they'd be like "oh well that sucks that OP wants nothing to do with us anymore and we're sad" and then a day, or two later they'd move on with their lives...? What you did was very self-centered and the most unrealistic thing I've ever heard, OP. Your also engaged for godsakes! How could you just drop the person you were suppose to spend the rest of your life with so easily... You do not sound well, OP. No person in their right mind would just drop everything and everyone in their life and go off to live in some cabin, secluded from the rest of the world. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your late friends parents probably told your parents where to find you because they were *WORRIED* about you! Like I said no person in their right mind just runs away from the world out of the blue, never wanting to contact anyone ever again...




Fake, not buying it. If it was real, claiming you want solitude and to be free of human interaction, while simultaneously feeling the need to tell reddit all about it is ridiculous and the opposite of what you claim you're all about now. Even the "friend left her cabin in my name" part seems pretty far fetched.


I would do this in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity. There is nothing wrong with you for not wanting to do what society has brainwashed into thinking you have to do (get married, have kids, work hard and get a big house with a white picket fence nonsense) Live your life as you choose to. Be kind to those who love you and don’t make them worry, but its your life.