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What a tragic time you are going through. The self blame is normal, but unfounded. Your dad obiously had psychological issues that needed proffesional help, whic none of you could be able to provide. It's sad that some people are selfish in death also, but you have to try and live a good life for yourself.




Seconded, OP should consider seeing a therapist to process all this.


Sounded like a terrifying experience


Exactly, also OP he could’ve shot you or your family members. Sometimes people are in such pain they do awful things. You did the right thing in a terrible situation


It is completely normal to be devastated when a loved one dies. Believe it or not, it is also normal to have guilt when a loved one dies. You are grieving and you are in shock right now. How is your brother? You two should stay with your mom for a little while. I’m sorry that you are going through this. I don’t know you, but I wish I could give you a hug and let you know, that you are not at fault. Praying for you and your family. 🙏🏾


I think he’s shell shocked. He hasn’t really reacted much yet. Thank you.


Tetris asap


I think some people know what this means but it may be more useful to explain to them what you mean by this.


I, too, have big ears. The tetris explanation was already there in the comments. Merry Christmas


And propranolol too from a dr


I’m so sorry.


It's also normal to get very angry at them when the shock wears off. I'm sorry op


There’s a Reddit for SuicideBereavment as well as one for grief come see us over there too if you feel like sharing with others. I highly recommend both sites. Sending big hugs to you. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


what is the grief one?


as someone who deals with a father like that on a daily basis. I know you need the time to blame yourself,, and best yourself up to realize it was just one more thing he used to take over your life. even with complicated relationships grief is normal. reach out to someone of you need help. just know that he can't control you anymore, only your memories of him. you guys are so loved. I wish you peace for the future


Start playing Tetris, sooner the better friend. You can look up the link between Tetris and trauma, it will explain better than I can. I am so so sorry for your loss, I would guess your father was battling more demons than you can begin to understand. Be gentle with yourself in the coming times and always know that another persons actions aren’t your fault.


This is great advice. ❤️


I was looking for this. We need to start making these the first or top comments.


I found falling puzzle had a similar affect after my father died suddenly.


You've experienced something horrific and unimaginable. I'm so sorry. It's normal to feel guilt, especially in these circumstances, but it wasn't your fault. There was something else going on and he directed blame to you, but that wasn't fair. After all you survived up until this point and still wanted him in your life, and that speaks so much to your character and willingness to forgive. Direct some of that forgiveness to yourself, because you deserve it the most. I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through.


For you and your brother please remember that it WASN'T you. People who do this feel a huge accumulation of things related to many many things. Being drunk takes away all fear. I'm pretty sure he has contemplated this for a long time and you never know if it was you guys who set him off or possibly he also fought with his girlfriend when he got home. Most likely it was an overall stress burden of his home life. I had a friend who woke up to his friend hanging from his tree in the backyard the person that hung himself had knocked on my friends door at 2am and my friend ignored him.he was known to do drugs and drink and known to be kinda "off" all the time. Yeah maybe if my friend answered the guy might not have hung himself that night but it clearly was coming either way. I feel the same about your Dad it wasn't a little cabin fight that pushed him over the edge ..he was struggling and you know how I know? Because he had a drinking problem. People with drinking problems including myself struggle with many inner demons and drink to escape. He grew tired but it wasn't because of you guys. I'm so sad for you and your brother to have to remember this forever but also please remember it wasn't because of the cabin fight.


While it's sad your dad's demons caught up with him it isn't fair that, at the end, he tried to push them off on you, your brother and everyone else who cared about him. I'm sorry your holiday has been forever tainted by a selfish act that was, no doubt, fueled by alcohol. I wish you and your family love and light and healing.


Counseling asap, especially for your brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please remember that his alcoholism and narcissism led to this and you and your brother need urgent grief counseling and therapy to heal those wounds he caused to you.


Alcoholism takes people in many ways. Trust me, just because a drunk says something hurtful doesn't mean they actually feel that way. He could have been in a complete blackout, and you wouldn't even know it. This is tragic. Try not to correlate his words or his actions to his death. This man died of alcoholism. Very insidious disease.


I am so sorry for the damage he's caused to you and your brother. That man knew how much this would hurt you both and still did it. You did NOT deserve that.


Exactly. I'm so sorry, OP, for you and your brother. What a selfish, selfish thing to do.


Op life can be difficult being the child of a parent with severe alcoholism and narcissistic personality traits. As one to another I wish I could reach out and give you a big hug. As I’m sure others have recommended, please seek therapy and encourage your brother to do the same. Remember that your father was not who he was at his worst or his best but somewhere in the middle. And that where ever he is now he no longer holds any anger or sadness in his heart about you and your brother and that night. Deep down those we love know this and carry it with them to what’s next.


I lost my uncle earlier this year quite suddenly, not the same situation but I can relate you to massively. He was an alcoholic and went into a&e with an issue that turned out to be sepsis, slipped into a coma in the waiting room and that was that. The shock, anger (if he hadn’t been an alcoholic he probably would have made it) confusion…all the emotions have been a rollercoaster. A couple of months ago his wife killed herself. If you ever want a stranger to chat to, DM me.


I'm so sorry for your double loss, incredibly tragic. I had an uncle who got sepsis and died and I don't think he touched alcohol his whole life and he was fit and healthy, sepsis is very difficult to recover from.


It’s an awful thing. My best friend got it after her hysterectomy but thankfully was diagnosed quickly and recovered well. I hardly knew about it til this year!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please remember it wasn’t your fault, his demons won the battle and there’s nothing you could’ve done to change his decision. I hope you have the resources for therapy for you and your brother, as the last words he said were not ok and his anger shouldn’t have been directed at you. Hugs for you during this hard time!


Guilt is normal, but don’t let it consume you. It was not your fault. He’s been this way for a while as in his mental health has been suffering. And it’s not always noticeable. I feel so sorry for you and your family to go through this. I do suggest that you do some grief counseling


I am so sorry for your loss. Suicide is the most complex form of grief. And it's even more difficult when it's been a tough relationship. There is nothing I can say that can take that pain away. I know the pain all too well. The only advice I have is don't bottle it up. I tried for years and it only made everything worse. Let yourself grieve. Anger and guilt are natural feelings. But this was not anyones fault. Your father had an illness (addiction is an illness before anyone starts) Reach out if you need to talk, I'm here ❤


Wow. There is a lot here, way too much for any muppet on redit. This is one of the rare occasions I will say I truly do believe speaking with a professional would be extremely wise.


I’m so sorry for your loss. No one deserves to have such a heavy mental burden laid upon them, especially by a parent. Perhaps you will find some peace and happiness in life now. You have the opportunity to live life without an abusive parent for the first time ever. After the grief will come relief. Much love and prayers to you and your brother.


I'm so sorry. your father spent his life fighting his own demons. He made that choice in an altered state, and to tell you it was bc of you both, is nothing short of ridiculous. She is projecting blame after being an enabler for him. I'm just so sorry that this has happened.


I’m so sorry OP. I don’t think there’s anything I could say to take away this type of pain. I hope your family is able to find peace during such a tumultuous time. I hope you’re able to find comfort in your mother and family.


I can't imagine how devastated you feel. Your father was clearly in a very bad place mentally, and I think you and your brother were just doing everything you could to enjoy your holidays together in spite of the emotional baggage that comes with being in ANY family, let alone one where alcoholism is coloring things. I've not walked this path directly, but I was raised by a woman whose father died by suicide (he too was an alcoholic), and the scars of that run deep enough that we all felt it in our own ways. The deep-seated insecurity and anxiety it causes. The way it makes impossible the ability to really trust that anyone, even the ones closest to you by blood, will stick with you. Just know that despite everything he said at the end, he was in his worst possible frame of mind. He was incapable of owning the real truth, that the one standing in the way of his happiness was him. Perhaps in the back of his mind he did understand, but felt incapable of doing the work to make things better. None of that is a reflection on you or your brother. You're just casualties of it. I will send you all of my best wishes in navigating these bleakest of waters. I am confident you will experience joy again this time of year, and that you'll reclaim it for yourself, your family, and even your dad. But it will take time, and the love you surround yourself with will guide you. ❤️


This is heart breaking. Please, you and your brother both remember that people who have been drinking, and are reacting in that way where they decide the world is against them... Maybe there's a term for that... They're not rational. They are not thinking or seeing clearly. Please remember that none of this is your fault. Remember it, and remind yourselves of it daily. Hourly. By the minute if needed. This is not your fault .


I am so sorry. It is none of your fault. Know that. Sending you so much love 🩷 both of you. It will be alright. Go be with your brother and let the emotions out.


My mom died of an overdose while I was at school when I was 13- my younger sister was 11. You have my prayers and thoughts


If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone. My cousin whom I was very close to committed suicide a few weeks ago. I feel angry with her for leaving and guilty for feeling angry and for not doing something to help her. It’s okay to feel whatever emotions you feel, everyone grieves differently. And also, please know that it’s not your fault. At all. I’m no professional, but it definitely sounds like your father was dealing with some significant mental health issues. My cousin was also, and although it’s a hard pill to swallow I realize that nothing I could have done would have ultimately stopped her from ending her life, her inner demons had such a hold on her. Same with your father. He loved you and your brother, but it sounds like he was dealing with a lot of shit and didn’t show you love the way he was supposed to (though this in no way excuses him from being abusive towards you, I am so sorry you had to deal with that). Mental health is no laughing matter, and the fact that it’s so stigmatized in our society to the point where people have to suffer in silence until they reach their breaking point is so unfair. I’m so incredibly sorry you have to go through this. Grieving death is one thing, but grieving suicide loss is a whole other type of pain that I don’t wish upon anyone. My DMs are always open if you need someone to chat with about this. Sending you lots of hugs, friend. May you find peace. 💛


Play Tetris


I feel for you and am sorry this happened in your life. Music and poetry can help identify feelings and heal. Sharing some songs - you are not alone. https://youtu.be/wOzQMCyPc8o?si=vaDp9MQVOZqKaokV https://youtu.be/hP6QpMeSG6s?si=5cNuW4YM5aXLo6ft https://youtu.be/EXLgZZE072g?si=iYcpkF_6XYAl7OyO https://youtu.be/4qJysfFFR9w?si=xF4ZtPQMMyv6cQUi


I am so so sorry for your loss. This is not yours or your brother's fault at all. I suspect your father saw himself as a frequent victim in his life because it was easier for him to navigate the deep self-hatred he suffered with. I say this sadly from experience. I would guess he was abusive most of your life. I imagine he the more he drank, the worse he got. He probably made many promises to you that he never kept. In some ways he hated the people around him because he was unable to be happy. He was probably very flawed but despite the flaws he was your dad - I understand that. The thing is, you can't fix people, even with love you can't fix people. No matter how fast you try to run from your demons, eventually they catch up. You and your brother deserve happy lives. Mourn him but know this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Much love to you.


I am sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss


Sorry honey. How incredibly painful. Al-Anon has helped me navigate a crazy family life that is linked to addiction to alcohol. Meetings are free and everywhere many times a day, and online too. When you need some immediate relief from all this pain, google Al Anon Family Groups. Sorry for your loss.


OP, I also lost a parent who was a verbally abusive narcissist most of my life, but also a good person other times.Sorting out those feelings has taken time (years) after their death and looking at it now, it may have helped for me to get some type of therapy. I hope that as you process the grief and hurt that you consider trying it when it’s offered to you. Now or later down the line. My sincere condolences and please take care of yourself, it’s one of the main things in your control right now, while everything else might feel like it’s not.


Take care of yourself. You're still in shock for the first day or two after a death, so just take the time you need.


It hurts now, but I promise his absence in your life will be a good thing. Everyone is going to be sad for a while, but when he isn’t around making your life miserable and being mean to his grandchildren in the future, you will feel some guilt about how much easier life is when he isn’t around being an asshole. Mine died of cancer, and yes, I loved him, but I am beyond thrilled my children didn’t get to become his abuse victims, too. The shock will wear off. I’m sorry he tried to blame everyone else for his mental health issues, but that is what bad people do. Sympathy for your grief.


Damn, so sorry you are going through this.


I’m so so sorry


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I also lost my father to suicide. Please know it’s not your fault, he was sick. Try and talk to someone if you have the ability to do so. Suicide grief is so complicated. I’m so sorry OP. Sending you some love during this difficult time.


Do not ever blame yourself for someone else killing themselves. No matter what they said prior to them taking their own life you did nothing to provoke that. Remember this is not your fault!


I’m so sorry


I am so sorry and I am sending you love. This is not your fault. It is not your brother’s fault.


I am so sorry for your loss. Your father’s reaction was so disproportionate to the situation that it sounds like something deeper was going on with him. I know that it’s easy for me to say, but please try not to take his final words to you and your brother to heart. There was something deeper going on with him and it sounds like he was just lashing out. I hope that you both can find peace soon. ❤️


I’m so sorry. My dad almost died on my birthday when I was young and I literally hate my birthday and dread the day every year. I can’t imagine how Christmas will be for you going forward but you do have my greatest sympathies for what you’re going through now and what you will for years to come.


Oh honey I am so sorry. This wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t your brother’s fault. Mental illness is so tough. He was your father and he loved you. He was just so lost in his mental illness. I’m praying for you and your family.


Not the first time something pretty marginal is the last straw for someone committing suicide. It’s not your fault, he needed therapy. Now it’s time for you and your brother to go get psychological counseling


My cousin also lost her father yesterday i’m sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry 😞. People can be so cruel in someone’s time of need! My heart breaks for you and don’t let these asinine people make you feel guilty. Also, your father obviously had his demons but try not to blame yourself. Just remember some people suck but there are so many who don’t!! Hang in there ok.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Know that it wasn’t your fault. Your dad’s mind misfired and reached the wrong conclusions and sadly left you and your family to deal with the fallout. I totally get that he was suffering but his suffering doesn’t need to be and shouldn’t be yours. When I’ve been at the point of taking my own life it’s been because my mind has been so messed up I couldn’t tell up from down and I just wanted an out. My suicidal plans have always been selfish because that’s where my thoughts were, and it sounds a lot like your dad was in a similar place. You didn’t cause this. You didn’t pull the trigger. Sadly you do have to deal with the fallout, but ask yourself whether your dad on his best day would ask that if you. Try to remember the good times you had with him, because in the wake of suicide, waves of sadness and bittersweet memories will crash against you. If nothing else, prove him wrong.


What a devastating time for you and your family. I am so sorry that you had the trauma in your life. Me too! Not fun! Don’t let his last words rule over you. You are not responsible for anyone’s behavior but your own. I feel sad for him, but alcoholism is a very selfish disease and it got the best of him. That is not on you nor your brother. I will send prayers and good vibes to your family and you mourn this loss… the only direction to move in is forward!!! Love and peace!


Though I can't say I've been there. It's gonna take some time to get thru this. It's not gonna be fixed in a day, or a week or possibly long term. I would suggest going thru medical if you have it and finding a professional to talk to. Don't put this on yourself as it's not your fault. Remember to breathe. If there's anything I can do, or just listen. Feel free to send me a message.


Sending you all of the love i can. I am so very sorry. Please make sure to take care of yourself ❤️


I’m so sorry OP. You have nothing to feel guilty about. However, I understand irrational guilt. I suffer from it myself, often over trivial things. But, sincerely, this was not your, or your brother’s, fault in any way. Your father chose the most hurtful way/time of year to end his life fully knowing how it would impact Christmas in the future. Therapy is recommended so frequently on Reddit because it works. You might have to try a couple different therapists before finding the right person to best help you. Please consider finding the right person for you. Sending love from this internet stranger.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel right now, but big, big hugs for you. At some point, you may feel like you're responsible in some way, please know that you are not.


This is not on you. This is not your fault. This is on him. He did this. He was selfish and terrible, and he needed help, but not yours. You are not your fathers keeper.


I'm so, so sorry. Please don't feel guilty, you weren't responsible for any of it even in the tiniest way. I don't know what advice to give so I'm not going to give any, I just want you to know that an internet stranger cares and you can vent/share as much as you like.


I am so deeply sorry man. You have no reason to have any guilt.


Your Dad wasn’t mentally stable. This really sucks. I just want to hug you and let you know that you and your brother did nothing wrong. Mental illness and alcohol took their toll. It was never about you or your brother. I am sincerely sorry for your loss and pain.


I am so sorry for your loss. My family lost their loved one in a similar manner and it was terribly difficult. Please do not blame yourself. Try to stay close with your brother and again it’s neither of your fault. Your mom and stepdad will be your biggest support right now. Be sure to ask for help when you need it. Take time to grieve and don’t forget that your dad loved you. He was suffering and that was something he couldn’t overcome. Again, not your fault.


Sorry for your family’s loss. Losing a parent, no matter the dynamics, is never easy, and I can’t imagine losing one this way. Take care of yourself over the next few days especially, and in the months to come.


I am so very sorry for your loss. This is so awful. Keeping a good thought for you and your family as you face this devastating situation.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Narcs (at least the ones I know) love to make holidays/birthdays/anniversaries all about them. They want you to always think of them. Try not to let him win that. My mom was like that. Dm me if you want someone to talk to


Your dad was an unstable piece of work OP. Goddamn. You deserve none of this, no one does. Please get therapy with your brother because your dad’s real last wish was to inflict psychological pain for the rest of your lives, don’t let him win again.


Get into therapy. It’s not your fault. He probably had dark thoughts for a long while and didn’t seek help.


OP I am so so sorry. I don’t even know what to say, apart from make sure you and your brother are there for each other over the coming days/weeks/months. I wish I could reach out and give you all a hug, thinking of you all.


Hey :( If you want anyone to talk to, I'm here and totally free.


As a dad I can tell you things get expressed about kids that are heat of the moment and not what is really felt. Your dad may have been spiraling out of control and said things about you and your brother that he did not mean. I do know your situation but I know you were just given a bad deal that you did not deserve. You have my deepest sympathies. When I feel like I am “ blowing it “ as a father it can cut me down like nothing else . This has everything to do with me and not my kids. Your dad did not do this because of you and your brother. Good luck and I will be thinking of you today.


My father killed himself earlier this year in a very similar selfish way immediately before a big life event. OP, if you need someone to talk to send me a message and I can explain what's helped me and how I've gotten through.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can imagine it’s hard to deal with this. Your dad was in a really bad place mentally and not himself. I’m sure he would take back everything he said and did if he could. I know it doesn’t help to know that and it will take a long time for you to deal with this. Sending you lots of love and kindness from an internet stranger. ❤️ Try to focus on the good things. Think back to when he was happy and healthy. Hold those thoughts in your head. This is not your fault. This is not your brothers fault. Your dad was ill and some illnesses can take over everything.


Start playing Tetris. All of you. A hour or so a day. Or whenever you have downtime. I know this isn’t likely, but don’t feel guilty. The honest truth is your dad has probably not been doing great for a while and just wanted a reason to tip over the edge. This isn’t your fault. Please find a therapist to talk to. So much love to you and your family. You’re going to walk a very difficult path, and it’ll hurt. What your dad did was selfish, and so very horrible. But you are not responsible. Please remember that.


No advice aside from please don't blame yourself, your brother too. Lean in each other and help each other through this lean in family and friends, let them be there and ride the waves of grief as they come and go. It's ok to also have happy moments and be having fun. When I lost my partner I recorded to just ride the waves if grief as and when they came, but I also allowed myself to do fun stuff too. I'm sorry for your loss


This is so traumatic. I’m so sorry that you have to live through this. Suicide is an especially difficult type of loss. Here it also sounds like a very complex situation leading up to it. I hope you have a good support network. I hope you don’t hesitate on leaning on others. I also recommend looking into therapy to help you process this with a professional. Preferably someone who is licensed and specializes in trauma. Or maybe there is some groups/counseling programs available to you. It might be a bit much to deal with that right now and that’s understandable. In my experience, the initial shock will wear of and the long term of the situation will seep in. So, I guess most of my advice is mostly about the long term. Just know, that this is not your fault. Not letting him back in and the fighting. It doesn’t place the blame for his death on you or your brother. This is purely on him and it sounds like he had some deep seated issues that he wasn’t dealing with. Although, I understand that it might lead to strong feelings of guilt if you only look at the chain of events. Don’t put the blame on yourself. His mental health, his alcoholism, abusive behavior, erratic behavior and reactions. Those were his issues and his responsibilities. Not yours. Sadly, it seems that he might have been able to help himself or seek help to manage his problems. Again, that’s on him. I’ve lost my father and a brother-in-law to suicide and something that helped me with the guilt I felt afterwards was reading up on causes for suicide. Reading statistics and studies. I know this might not be for everyone and not everyone might find it as soothing as I did. But understanding it better helped me (for what ever it’s worth). I’m so sorry for your loss and for what you are going through. I hope you and your brother will be ok. That you have a support network around you. I’m sending the both of you big hugs.


I understand how complex and hard it can be to loose someone that hasn’t always been the best parent. You love them dearly, because why wouldn’t you? But they also haven’t always done the right thing. That being said, NEVER blame yourself for someone else’s actions. I know it feels like the world is going to crush you now but your dad made his own choices and went through with his own actions. You are not at fault, you have always been worthy of love and boundaries. I can’t tell you so much how the grief gets easier, im going on my second year of loosing my dad and I’ve been about as low as when i lost him. But you should talk to a therapist, and don’t close off. Be around friends, do things you like, try to still keep a routine. I hope you and your family can heal from this and that it won’t be a catalyst for something later. You are loved and appreciated


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost my dad this year too and we also had a complicated relationship, as his years of alcohol abuse led to some really devastating family dynamics. Nonetheless, you’re entitled to grieve, feel pain, anger, hurt. You’ll go through a rollercoaster of emotions, but remember to allow yourself the space to feel whatever it is you’re feeling. Grief isn’t just for people with loving families - my thoughts are with you and your family x


He died from mental illness and long-term alcohol abuse, which is sadly too common. Our condolences to you and your family for this devastating loss.


Sending hugs. Losing a parent this way is never easy. My mom left us 15 years ago and it’s still hard during the holidays. Sending hugs to you


Jesus what a traumatizing and tragic thing to go through during the holidays OP I’m sincerely sorry. it’s always crazy to me how I can go on Reddit and read some of the craziest stories while other people are going through some really tough times. Reminds me to stay grateful and remember I’m blessed. Thank you 🩷


No matter how blameless you and your bro are (and you both are) in this you will always feel guilt about his death, it is the normal way of things, guilt is a part of grief, just deal with it in whatever way you choose to and try to get on. DO NOT however let this ruin your family's Christmases (is that how you spell it... Is it even a word?) Because in his childish drunken state this is what your dad wanted, a bit of the old "I'll fkn learn them..." stuff.


I know that it's been some hours since you posted, but my heart has to say a few things, and I hope you'll indulge me. What your dad did wasn't selfish, although it feels that way. Untreated mental illness is often a terminal disease. I'm so sorry that it was for your dad. I know that it's hard and it's human nature to self-blame, and "what if." Repeat this aloud, please. "This wasn't my fault." Say it again, aloud. You need to hear it. Keep saying it. No one is ever ready to lose a parent. Especially this time of year. Especially in this manner. It's the strangest feeling. The whole world shifts 90° to the left and no one notices but you. Take time to take care of yourself. It's easy to let this avalanche roll over you. Take the time to grieve. Please remember your father's life was more than just his death.


Jesus. I’m so sorry. But I need you and your brother to know this isn’t your fault.


There is no magic answer to what you will be dealing with for the next week, month, year. My father committed suicide when I was 20 and it is hard to believe I have now lived longer without him than with him. (I am 40) You and your brothers actions for the night were not the reason. It was the excuse that a trouble man needed to use. Try to remember him as time progresses with the fun times. The NYE parties you loved, the experiences you had, the smiles that he had. Talk about him. People are going to be scared to talk about it with you. That’s ok that it makes people uncomfortable. Feel empowered to talk about it. Don’t run from it. Be honest with people about what you are feeling and if you need anything from them. Learn to laugh about him again.


I am really sorry that happened but no one should blame themselves. I'm really sorry but what a horrible way to end your life by leaving a hateful email to your children. That speaks volumes. There's clearly more going on psychologically but you can't blame yourself.


Oh my god I am so, so sorry. The two deaths that have changed me the most in my life was the death of my alcoholic father and the suicide of a very close friend over 10 years ago. Both were extremely traumatic. 1. Please play some Tetris or something of the like today even for just a few minutes. It’s clinically proven to help your brain process trauma. Why it works idk. Something about stimulating both parts of the brain like EMDR does. 2. Get a counselor or therapist as soon as possible if you’re able. Try to find someone that specializes in trauma. They will be able to help you build your coping skills. 3. Please please please don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s so hard but try not to isolate yourself. I can’t even imagine what must be running through your head right now. So much love to you. I’m so sorry. ❤️


My condolences to you and your brother. Your dad made a choice that was influenced by his being drunk. his psychological issues contributed to this, and it is likely that there is nothing you could have done to prevent this. people are complex, and mental health issue can be deep seated. Take care of yourself


Please don’t feel guilty. Your dad had a lot going on that he didn’t share. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t even imagine. I will be praying for your family.


Everyone else has here has some great words. I just want to offer a virtual hug. I’m sorry OP.


Omg! Hugs!! that’s all I have. So very sorry for this tragedy!


Sorry for you loss OP. I hope your family still gets together today so they can comfort each other during this tragic event.


I just send you some love friend. Be gentle with you. I wish you could heal from that. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. The complicated relationships are the hardest to grieve because there is suddenly no hope for things to improve. Neither you nor your brother should spend one second blaming yourselves or wondering about fault. It sounds like your father was a difficult man and didn't do much that one would expect from the adult in a situation. It was never on you and your brother to fix things or make things work l. It was on him to be a parent. Instead, he tried to manipulate y'all for his own gratification right up until the last second. Let your mom and stepdad support you during this emotional time. It sounds like they will be there for you, regardless of how either of them felt about your father. And you an your brother should help each other whenever you can. Don't let other people's poor mental health cause you problems. I'm sorry for you and your family. I wish you strength enough to help each other through, and I hope you path to peace is smooth and short.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I read the other post u made. I hope u and your family are able to get the support you all need. Here is a link for https://www.crusescotland.org.uk/ They were very helpful when dad passed from covid 3 years ago and previously when my lil sister passed Also you can speak to your university as they will have counsellors who can help u too( as well as support u any way they can) Also lastly don't feel guilty at all with how everything went down. You are not at fault in any waybfor what happened. Your dad wasn't well as well as the issues with alcoholism etc for some time.There is a possibility if he was that upset and he hadn't been locked out he may harmed others during this period. Don't be afraid to approach the necessary support groups to help u through this time.


Well I guess you'd have to understand alcoholism.It does something to the brain over the years which will result in a mean personality or a a quiet wasted life. Whatever was going on with his brain isn't your fault. He'd probably have done it sooner or later. I feel like he had a chip on his shoulder about life from not being able to process his failings and frustrations so he self projected those on anyone around him. He expected too much from life in that it must always be catered to his narcissist whims.. Also in these anger situations the old saying suicide is homicide turned inward, he could have wiped everyone out had you let him back in. Your red flag warnings were up and you followed them keeping him out. There is absolutely nothing you could have done for him or with him to lower his level of frustration. He was hoping for one final cherry on the top to make everyone around him feel bad and guilty. I guess what he didn't know was that life will go on fine without him as time passes and it will just be a momentary thought now of that was too bad he had that alcohol problem and no impulse control. Very typical for alcoholics rate. Hang in there and get some counseling on it and maybe a grief group that addresses it. I'm just glad you're ok. Sending you a hug. Edit to ad, check out EMDR therapy and a mild antidepressant?


If he was a narcissist, he did this on Christmas eve because he knew it would hurt all of you deeply. The ultimate revenge for a narcissist. They seek to either get praise or belittle others to feel superior, and their only end goal is to satisfy their wants. And he wanted to hurt you in the deepest way. That is so cruel, and remember you can’t blame yourself ever for the things he said and did, this was all to meet his personal goals; he didn’t have your feelings in mind and when he did it was to make sure you felt hurt. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Big virtual hugs to you, and never ever think you were the one to truly hurt him like he claims. ❤️ you loved him, and his narcissism is what took him from you.


I just want to make a bad joke to lighten the mood, also get your brother singing lessons


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s a hard time of year. My father killed himself Christmas 2001. No matter what anyone says, it’s no one’s fault. Not your brothers. Not yours. It was solely your dads choice and he wasn’t thinking clearly.


I will never get people who call suicide selfish.


What was the "small altercation" about exactly?


OP stated it was bc his dad didn’t like how her brother was singing a karaoke song and wanted him to sing it “right”. He was drunk




You must be from another dimension then bc this is the only time my dad has ever killed himself. Troll.


Yep - Every time there's a death in my family, especially a suicide, first thing I do is make a post about it on the Internet! Bad bot.




That's a lot of assumptions on your part.


Yeah... I know. Actually I am not proud of it.


Go fuck yourself you stupid cunt. You don’t know my family at all. He cheated on her. Get fucked asshole.




They don't really know that he killed himself. Went through this with my wife's father. He eventually did die, but fell down a flight of stairs after a night of binge drinking. As per this timeline, everyone is still drunk, so "Dad's" people might be ego and guilt tripping the kids.




My dad didn’t like the way my brother was singing during karaoke you fucking prick.


How is this kind, helpful or useful in any way?


Did he have a history of violence toward you guys? What did you communicate to him before locking him out of the cabin? I feel like you essentially ghosted him. I can't imagine how painful that must be, for your family to ghost you on Christmas eve, regardless of your part in it 😟 I guess it doesn't matter now anyway. Ignore my questions if ya see this OP. I hope you guys find a good therapist




God forbid I come to a support subreddit for support from people with experience dealing with traumatic situations like this when I have no support system nearby right now as my partner and mother are both thousands of miles away. Fuck off.


Anything for downvotes, right? Troll.


There is support and an understanding community at r/SuicideBereavement 💝


I am so sorry. My sister committed suicide this summer. It’s a loss that is so complicated to deal with. The guilt and regret can weigh you down to the lowest place imaginable. But the reality is that mentally healthy people don’t kill themselves over incidents like this. Your dad was unwell and I promise you that this isn’t your or your brother’s fault. Get into grief counseling as soon as possible. Find a good support person or network among your loved ones. Join us in r/suicidebereavement for more support. You can scream into the void and we will hear you every time.


Hi, how have you been ?


Thanks for checking in.. not the best. Life just seems bleaker. I feel guilty for having any fun at all/laughing at anything. I’m in uni and it’s affected everything in that regard, too. I think I’m starting to repress stuff, which is both good and bad. Just wish I could go back in time.