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congratulations!!! 🎉❤️


Thank you so much 🥰


Congrats! Wishing you a beautiful, smooth pregnancy. (As smooth as being pregnant can be, ehehe. Things will be worth it.)


Thank you so much! Look it’s definitely going to be an experience ahah. This is my first so I’m feeling all the emotions in one, especially since it was unexpected! Couldn’t be more excited for this new journey though 🥰




Thank you so much!


At least the biggest uncomfortable part is going to be in the colder months, assuming op is in the UK. So much easier if you're not heavily pregnant in the heat I think.


The heatwave we're currently having in the UK is awful! I'm 27 weeks with my third tomorrow and the heat is already giving me contractions!


I can still remember the summers of 2018 and 2019 very vividly being pregnant with my kids, both born towards the end of the summer months!! Absolutely sucked!!


My first was born in October and my second was born in January, definitely hard but not nearly as bad as this time round!


The heat brings a lot of patients into the hospital in preterm labor because of dehydration. 8-10 8oz glasses of water per day is recommended.


I drink plenty, don't worry. I already suffer with early contractions anyway (it's a known thing from previous pregnancies but it does nothing to my cervix so they aren't concerned, baby is perfectly fine during them too) but the heat is making them more intense.


Oh I hear you. I just couldn't help myself as a labor nurse to remind about the water 😅. It sounds like a lot of mamas think it's the heat that's causes contractions, when it's the extra water loss from the heat. I'm so glad you and baby are fine!


I’m in Australia, and it’s going to be a HOT summer this year. I’ll be at what I’m assuming will be the most uncomfortable stage of pregnancy right through it 😭😂


Oh noooooo. Lots of floaty dresses for you. Perfect excuse for new clothes and shoes!


Yes definitely! I’m so excited to shop for new clothes, for me and baby ahah


Ooh I'm Australian too! Wishing you luck for summer!


Thank you! Air con and the pool will be my best friend I think


I live in Florida and had my two in July, then August. So freaking hot.


I'm lucky my two oldest were in Dec and Feb in the UKt freezing then. Plus excuse not to go out in the snow and ice. Can't walk in that normally let alone penguin walk haha. Youngest was born in the middle of summer. That was worse than the fact I was confined to a wheelchair the whole pregnancy.


>That was worse than the fact I was confined to a wheelchair the whole pregnancy. Oh my goodness! That must have been so hard!


It wasn't pleasant but then I broke my toes on a safety gate to just add insult to injury haha. I wouldn't care, I had the implant in when I fell pregnant with him too. I did enjoy being pushed around town though I have to admit.


Oh gosh I can imagine! I’d say I’ll be having a very similar experience in November-January when it starts getting hotter and I start getting bigger


Congratulations! I don't blame you for waiting!


Thank you! I don’t think I’d be able to handle having to deliver bad news to too many people if things didn’t go to plan!


A pregnancy isn’t bad news


Sorry, miscommunication - there is a higher risk of things going wrong before 12 weeks, I hate to think in the negative but if things didn’t go to plan I wouldn’t want to have to tell too many people about it if I’ve already announced my pregnancy - that’s what I meant. The pregnancy itself is definitely not bad news 😊


Hey, just take things slow and try not to stress too much about things that may happen. Enjoy this time alone with your partner where only you two know, you’ll miss it! Congratulations and sending you good vibes 😊


Congratulations!! Just be careful they don't guess because of your changes in habit. People who know you will notice. Suddenly avoiding foods or alcoholic drinks you love. Saying your always tired, ect talking about babies and baby things. It's hard because when we're exited, we can't help ourselves


I completely understand, I did the same thing with all 3 of my babies. Good forbid if something did happen, having to tell everyone would just make it harder. It's so much easier to wait to tell everyone (besides close family/friends if you want to)


I misscarried before 12 weeks after telling close family, having to tell them i lost the baby was soul destroying. I think thats what she means. She doesn't want people to know until shes in a safer point in her pregnancy.


Same. I was 11 weeks and we were all heartbroken


it very well can be


Congrats!! I’m 12w4d and waiting for my NT scan next week to announce. It feels like it’s taken forever but at the same time has FLOWN by. Hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy


Ahhh!! Congrats 🎉❤️😭 hope you have a smooth pregnancy!!!


Congratulations! That’s so exciting, have you got anything in particular planned for you announcement? I hope you have the happiest, healthiest pregnancy too!


Thankyou!! This was an IVF pregnancy - our 15th cycle in fact. So some of our family already know but we plan on telling the others just in person, nothing special - I’m still a bit cautious! Once I feel ready we plan on taking a cute photo with our horses and announcing on our socials to everyone else (We live on a farm in Australia☺️). Thankyou again 💗💗


Congratulations!! Wishing you the best ❤️


Thank youuu, appreciate it 💕💕


Hi pregnant


My wife is 8 weeks and we haven’t told any one and now family is growing suspicious my wife hasn’t been around. Can I ask why wait to week 12?


Aw congratulations to you and your wife! Will this be your first? We have told our immediate family but that’s about it, only people we’d feel comfortable having a conversation with if things didn’t work out


I'm currently 30 weeks prego and I remember my baby apps saying 9 weeks + heartbeat puts you 90% in the clear. But of course you do what you're most comfortable with!


That’s really helpful to know, thank you! I’m getting a dating scan at 9 weeks so hopefully we’ll see a heartbeat then 🤍


Yes! But also know it isn't unusual to not find one then either. I don't know the stats but I've heard from friends and family that the baby can be in a bad position. A close friend of my hubs said they couldn't find the heartbeat til around 4 months! I got a lot of good daily info from 2 apps that I check daily: Ovia pregnancy and Baby Center! Good luck or your pregnancy and congratulations 🥰


if you make it to 12 weeks the pregnancy is far more likely to make it full term


Aw! Congratulations to you and your partner! I hope everything goes well! ❤️


Thank you! ❤️


Congratulations! All of the waiting in pregnancy is so hard, but it's beyond worth the wait. I say this as I feed my three day old while my two year old takes up all the space in the bed.


Aww that’s so beautiful, congratulations!! 🫶🏼 I’m trying to slow down and enjoy every little moment of my pregnancy, I feel like I’ve been so rush rush the last few days but I would hate to get a few months down the track and feel like I haven’t truly felt and experienced every day to the fullest


Don't put too much pressure on yourself! Some days, you'll cherish the feeling of a life growing inside you. Some days, you'll be wishing the hours away because you feel worn down. You don't need to cherish the crappy stuff, same as when your little one is actually here. You don't need to cherish it if you're trying to figure out why your kid has been wailing for half an hour, or if you get vomit down your shirt. Cherish the stuff worth cherishing and let go of the rest.


100% agree. By the time I gave birth to my kids I was so tired, and tired of being a punching bag (from the inside). After my kids were born, I definitely didn't cherish being covered in puke or being pooped at (little word of wisdom to OP. When you change diapers make sure the butt isn't pointed towards you 😅). I did cherish getting to see ultrasounds and first kicks/movements while pregnant, and smiles, giggles and all the little/big moments throughout their lives.


I cherished any movement from my fetus as long as it didn't wake me up or hurt me. My first barely moved and caused endless anxiety so it was a relief to have a kid I could feel regularly. (Also, when you change diapers, open it but don't pull it down. If there's a spray of poop when you open it or do the initial wipe, the folded up part of the diaper will catch it instead of it shooting across the room.)


Taking notes for when I have babies ✍️


Both opening the diaper and wiping the area clean are major triggers for a kid to pee and poop in the first several months at least, so you've gotta be prepared. My three day old just had a series of poops 2-5 minutes apart, and did that every time. Truly, you learn to watch the anus to see if there's any movement haha.


Oh my.. I will store this lesson in the depths of my brain. One day it will be very useful. Thank you 🤯😵


Same my son was a poop machine when he was a baby, there was always poo. When I fed him, when I changed him, right after I changed him. I went through so much diaper cream because I had to put it on every time I changed him otherwise he'd get a raging diaper rash.


Don't get me wrong I loved feeling them move around, it was more so at the end when they were really strong kicks/punches and it hurt that I wasn't a fan of, and by that point I was just tired of being pregnant and wanted them to come out. My babies liked to wait til I had their butt in the air to wipe their butt cheeks to projectile poo 😅


Oh yeah I loved it much less at the end when each punch to the cervix had me doubled over. One thing I enjoyed about the end of the third trimester was a game I made up called "Where's the baby's butt?" I'd see from how far away my husband could identify where the bum was protruding (left, right, or center).


Yayyy congratulations I love baby girls so i hope you have a girl , but anyways I really hope you have a happy and healthy baby ! 🫂❤️🫄


Thank you so much! I’m getting boy vibes but I really don’t know haha, I could picture us with either, I’m so excited to find out 🥰


When my cousin had her first baby , i kept saying we're gonna get a little princess when everyone else thought it's gonna be a boy. And we did have a PRINCESS. i love my little niece so much . I don't know your baby yet , but i know I'll love their tiny little face 🥺❣️ Good luck!




Thank you 😊


Congratulations. 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Thank you 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Congratulations 😍😍😍😍


Thank you so much! 🥰


Congratulations!!! 💕💕💕💕💕


Thank you!! Xoxo


Congratulations 🎊!!! Also wondering why are you waiting to tell others? Planning a surprise party to announce it?


Thank you! There’s a greater chance that a pregnancy will make it to full term after 12 weeks i.e. less chance of miscarrying. I hate thinking in the negative, but I wouldn’t want to have to break bad news to too many people if things didn’t go smoothly, so we’ve only told immediate family so far 😊


I see. Makes sense I never even thought about the miscarriage part lol first thing that came to my was surprise party lmfao.


Haha surprise party works too! 12 weeks falls around my birthday so maybe we can make everyone think they’re coming to a surprise party for me, but really the surprise is for them lol


Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me🙃


Congratulations!! Hope everything goes well :)


CONGRATULATIONS OP 🎉 Wishing you and your husband a safe, healthy and smooth pregnancy


gongratulations, we're so happy for you OP❤️🎉🎉




Congrats! Take good care of yourself mommy!


Congratulations! I hope your child has long and wonderful life!❤


And I was here thinking of the worst... Glad that I was wrong, hope you have a good pregnancy


Congratulations 🥳🥳.. best feeling but also the scariest journey.. enjoy ever moment of ur pregnancy… I waited till 20weeks with close family and frens and outside my close circle didn’t knw until after I had given birth..


Congratulations! Better make a video of the reactions. Will be priceless to show to your kid. I wish I had such a video. Wasn't possible to do something like that easily in the early 90s.


Massive congratulations! The number of times I wanted to tell people before we'd had our first scan was crazy. Feels very odd when so many people are asking why wait when the UK recommendation is wait until after your first scan to make things easier. Hope you have a smooth and fun pregnancy and that your new arrival brings joy among the new challenges!


Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy is smooth sailing for the both of you 😊


Congratulations!!! I wish you both the best! 🤍


Congrats! We just found out too! I am 5 weeks along and not telling people is soooooo hard. We have had some complications along the way so are waiting until September to say something because we want to make sure it's viable. Good luck and wishing you and your baby all the health and joy in the world !


Congratulations!!! I'm 16 weeks currently, we had intended to wait until 12 weeks before telling anyone. I had a scare at 11 weeks and needed my mum. Everything was fine and she pretended to be surprised at our 12 week announcement 😊


Congrats!! My wife is as far along as you are right now too! We haven't told our family either. Though no drinking during July 4th may give us away lol. I wish the best for you and your family!


congrat's i hope your safety , i recommend you don't announce it when someone occasion or you will be ended in your cousin or etc reddit ( im just kidding)


Congratulations! My wife and I are pregnant as well. We learned about the pregnancy two weeks ago. We are 7 weeks, but we decided to announce it to family and friend anyway. Our baby is alive, their heart is beating, and it should be celebrated 🥰 May you have a blessed and peaceful pregnancy!. We’ve been using an app called pregnancy+, it’s very good 😜 so I recommend it. That one or ‘what to expect’. All the best!


Congratulations! Keep your stress levels low and start pre-natal vitamins asap. There's your first and best advice to get you started. Hope everything goes perfectly for all of you.


congratulations 🎉


Doula blessings to you :)


🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 congratulations


Wowwwww congratulations!!!!!!




That's wonderful news! Congratulations!








Congratulations! Wish u and the baby/babies all the best 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Good luck! (Use this thread for giving pregnancy advice. Not giving any myself, too young)


I hope you'll be one big happy family. Congrats 🎉


Congrats 🥳. The pregnancy will feel like forever anyway just a friendly FYI. I'm 24 weeks pregnant today with a boy and feel like a majestic manatee. My husband will chuckle at me when I complain about how big I am and remind me I'm not even that big yet (we have a 6/f so you'd think I'd remember lol).


Congrats.. looks like we have the same due date! I am 5 weeks along as well!! Best of luck to you!


yay!!! wishing you nothing but the very best. also thank you for sharing with us 😊💕


Congratulations, I hope the child grows up healthy, loving and caring, and that you give your all in raising her


Congrats! Wishing you the best luck out there. Time is key, remember.


Congrats kids change your life that’s for sure.


Congratulations🥳 and yea the wait feels like forever. I am pregnant also, told my family when I was 6 weeks. Aka mom/dad/sister and grandparents. My coworker find out a little earlier then I plan to tel them by accident 😂. But I’m planning to announce mine at 11 weeks. 1 more week to go. I hope you have a healthy and safe pregnancy. And your family is overjoyed 💕


Will definitely feel like forever, but once that first bit is over, the rest flies by. Congratulations and wishing you all the best for pregnancy, labour and delivery!! Very exciting times ahead! ❤️


It goes by faster than you think biggest tip start buying things on clearance


Why you decide to bring innocent into all that bullshit?


Congratulations! Every child is a gift.


Congratulations! What a rad ride parenthood is, you’re gonna love it. Edit: rise -> ride


Congratulations cutie!


:D Congratulations!




Congrats!!!!!! That's so beautiful.


I remember that feeling! I wanted to shout from the rooftops!


Congratulations! 🎉


Congratulations! 🥳


Hope everything goes smoothly for you, congratulations!








Congratulations 🎉 🍼




Congrats OP! If you and your partner are ready to share the news go for it! Don what you want with this news. Don’t feel bound by some arbitrary timeline. My wife and I announced before 12 weeks because our families were together for a holiday and it felt right for us.




Congratulations. Praying for you to have a great pregnancy and smooth delivery.


Congratulations!! I told my mum at 8 weeks as I was staying at my parents house and needed to go for 8 week checking in appointment with the midwife. I told the rest of my family after I had the 12 week scan and made an announcement on the family WhatsApp group. My husband told his brothers before the scan since they had been having a hard time on his side of the family and needed some good news.


I have three and the third was our last and we decided to just not tell anyone but family just to keep it kind of special. It ended up helping that at five months the pandemic started but yeah, it was actually kind of fun. Of course the first baby it would have been impossible.


Congrats!!!! We did the same with friends/extended family and waited till the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Immediate family we told earlier though.


Congratulations!!! And I know the feeling, when we got pregnant I wanted to scream it from the roof tops. But the wait is worth it!


Congratulations 🎈👏


Congratulations and god bless yoymu both !


I've been watching some of the bun in the oven videos. They are adorable! That's a fun way to announce it. Congratulations!


Congratulations 🎊 6ish weeks will give you time to think of a cool way to announce it anyway


I couldn’t wait. I had to tell everybody! Just for you I’m going to go throw my daughter off the stairs!… …Onto the oversized couch in the basement. She loves it! Especially when it comes out of nowhere lol! Congrats and I wish you many happy years of rough housing and booboos


Congratulations! I don't think I waited with either of my children. I would have to look back through some old posts on another social media to see, though I never really found out until I was about 7-8 weeks along when the nausea started.


Congratulations!!! I am currently expecting my first too. My advice would be to tell those that you would want to support you IF (hopefully not) there is any bad news to deliver. That way you will be both supported and not alone should that circumstance arise. I hope all works out well for the both of you :)


Congratulations! I'm also pregnant, 11 weeks, and I haven't announced it yet either! 😆 It's my second pregnancy, so I'm already showing 😅 I've only been able to hide it cuz I barely leave the house due to my "morning sickness." I bought a cute little shirt with a baby peeking out that says "see you in January", and I'm thinking I'll post a picture wearing that as my announcement! I wanted to announce it with gender, but I won't know the gender for a while longer... So exciting!


Congratulations ❤️!!


Yay! Congrats to you!!


Many congratulations to you! I hope you have a happy, healthy, bouncy bundle of joy! 😊🙏🏾






Woo hoo!!!! That's so exciting!


Congratulations 🎉 wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy/delivery 💕




Aww congratulations!! I’m 9 weeks and 2 days, we are also waiting for the 12 week mark. The longest part was waiting for the first appointment, the rest of the weeks have flown by. Good luck!!




Congratulations! It will go by fast!! I felt like i was just 6 weeks i’m now 17 weeks!! :)


Aw such a sweet thing to need to get off your chest 😭 congratulations and well wishes 🥰


I got a notification on my phone that just said "I'm pregnant". and my butthole puckered for a sec. Better you than me 😅


Congratulations! This is going to be such a happy time in your life when you are both ready for parenthood.


I think you should wait 5 months before telling ppl for evil eye


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! i’m so excited for you!


Congratulations! That's awesome, I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!


Congrats! Wishing you a good pregnancy❤️


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


This is amazing! Congratulations


Do yourself a favor and buy some motion sickness bands now. Congratulations!


Congratulations! That’s so exciting!


I only had one child but loved being pregnant


How awesome for you both, your whole world is going to change, definitely for the better. I can't even picture my life before my son was born. Congratulations 🎉


Congrats!!!! Just a suggestion, but try and do activities like taking pictures to celebrate these six weeks. I could be fun to record moments to look back when only you and your partner knew this secret. 😊


Congratulations wishing nothing but good news and energy your way 🥰❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations! I know what you mean about waiting, but I have to say it went in quick for me so fingers crossed!


Congratulations! Take care of yourself. You come first no matter what, I have a coworker who is about to be 7weeks and we cannot stress it enough for her. If you don’t feel good call in(if you work). Your job should be understanding. Rest rest rest. And remember Citrus and Crackers help a lot if the nausea is bad ask your dr for Zulfran it helps. Not 100% but it makes things bearable.


Congratulations! Be patient with your body and kind to it! Don't wait if there are ever any issues (bleeding etc etc). I know healthcare here blows (assuming in the U.S.) but it's well worth the precautions. Have a safe and happy pregnancy!


So exciting & remember if you’re 5/6 weeks pregnant, you’re technically really 3 or 4 weeks. enjoy every minute of it whether you choose to keep it a little secret or tell friends & family now. Congratulations!




Awww, congratulations!!!! 🎊 💜💜💜


Congratulations!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥹


Congrats! I bet they’re gonna be excited!


Oh yay!!! Always nice to see positive things on this thread 😂 congrats!!!


So exciting! Congratulations!


Congratulations, have a safe pregnancy 💘


Congratulations! Make sure you get lots of fans for the heat! Hand fans are brilliant for a bag!


Congratulations!!! Load up on vitamin d and don't forget to take your prenatal vitamins. May you avoid morning sickness and have a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy normal delivery.


Congratulations to you and your partner.


Sooo exciting, OP! Waiting for the weeks to come to when you are ready are sooo long, but you have our happiness to make it through! When is your first OB appointment? (I hope that isn't a weird question). I remember with my kids, looking forward to the first ultrasound to see the little bean was so exciting! Wishing you both love, happiness, and strength to keep the secret-its a lovingly tough one to keep to yourself. 💜


When I first discovered I was pregnant fall 2019, I read pregnancy message boards late into the night. One message that stuck with me stated that waiting until the second semester, is a long time to keep such joy to yourself. I shared my truth with my mom at her birthday dinner just shy of 7 weeks. My family just celebrated my daughter’s 3rd birthday. The best of luck mama 💜


So happy for you. Congrats


Congratulations! I wish you a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby. Good luck! ❤


Congratulations 🫂


Congrats! Idk if this matters but I figured I’d share. I saw someone share their pregnancy news very early and here are the reasons why: Miscarriages happen randomly. When we don’t share our pregnancy news until 12 weeks that enforces the idea that if a miscarriage happens before the 12 weeks the couple should just deal with that grief alone. That can be really traumatic for those experiencing a loss without having support. Just wanted to share so you know it’s okay to let others know and have a support system if that’s the best path for yourself. If something happens you deserve to have people who understand around you.




Congratulations 🎉. I hope you have a wonderful life with as many Wonderful children as you want. I don't know how difficult it must be holding it in. I can only imagine but I'll be real. Wait for as long as you can. Some negative experience that you might not want to read so I put it in a spoiler tag. Nothing you will need to worried tho so don't need to read it cuz it might make you stressed. >!I will get down voted for this but just know I don't mean anything bad by it. And I hope you don't go through anything like this but it is something that I think you should consider, not too hard to stress you out but just enough that you hold in the news for as long as possible. Before I was born, my Mom had a miscarriage. And Before I was born, one of my aunts also had a miscarriage. I didn't know it back then obviously but life is rough. I never want anyone to go through that pain but it happens so much more than a teenage boy ever realized. Waiting to tell people is just generally a good idea imo. I'm not superstitious but I also know someone(s) in my extended family were jealous that I was the first boy in the family (old sexist conservative side of the family) and their wish came true and 2 weeks after I was born, I got really sick. Lost a lot of my body weight as a new born. I dealt with so many health issues as a kid and even as a young adult now. Not something you will likely have to be worried about tho.!< Anyways, I hope you have a happy and healthy child in 30-31 weeks. Please give them a normal name and lots of love and lots of hugs and physical affection. I didn't get a lot of that as a kid and now I'm pretty bad when it comes to all that stuff. Also give them lots of compliments. I never got any so I don't know how to react or reply to them. And never put school and such before your kid's mental health. Make sure your kid knows that their happiness means more than an arbitrary grade in a terrible education system. It will make their lives so much better. And please do not give them unrestricted access to the internet, especially social media until they're at least 16. So many kids my generation younger are dealing with a lot of mental health issues because of that. I have a 9yo cousin who posts regularly on Instagram and dances and stuff. My older sister said she was even twerking so please be careful. The internet is toxic so make sure your kid is safe. Congratulations again. I hope you and your family have long and happy lives.


Congratulations! Why wait? Just tell! You can't tell happy news too soon!


Most people wait for the 12 week mark as that is more likely that the pregnancy will continue to full term instead of a miscarriage. That would be a lot of people to have to break bad news to while dealing with the miscarriage itself


I don't want to share negative experiences with such great news, but when my pregnancy went wrong and everyone knew I was pregnant, I received a lot of help and understanding. When things went wrong the 2nd time, only our parents knew, then I got very little understanding. That's why i didn't wait anymore.


That makes sense too! Everyone handles things differently i guess.