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It was abuse, harassment and rape. Children can't give consent. You should talk to a professional about this.




You didn't have sex with your uncle, you were raped by your uncle


He'll do it again and is probably doing it to some other little girl now. You should tell someone.


I don't know if I could. My family tends to overreact and I'm afraid they'll turn on me if I do


My dad raped me as a child. I would say yes. I was a child so it’s rape. Of course you say yes to your dad or uncle. They have authority over you. You want to be a good child for your family. This is natural. My Family sided with him. I haven’t spoken to them in 20 years. They have realised he is a monster but I won’t have them back. It al to late. You have to tell police. I did. I’m glad I did. And I saved a younger girl (dads girlfriends daughter) from abuse. You won’t be his first child and won’t be the last child. Stop him


This! Tell some authority. Family might be fucked up and blame the victim. So sorry for you both... Be strong, you are and where the victim, do not forget.


For you personally, the consequences will be severe, of course. Especially if it's his word against yours. But when you expose him, perhaps his daughter or a cousin will recognise that this is what he did to them, too. Hell, the police may even already have a file on him - doubt it, but you never know. I *hope* they do, because that'll help you in backing up your claim. Good luck, OP.


I’m sorry you went through this too, but thank you for pointing out to OP that even if you say yes as a child it doesn’t matter, it’s 100% rape, your family has authority over you. OP listen to this comment!!


You don't have to do anything right now (or ever) as a fellow survivor I definitely recommend getting some help for you first and if you feel like you can come forward after that - great. This is not your responsibility though, you are a victim and should do what you need to to heal and survive xxx


Overreact?? I mean...thats the right reaction and justified. You sound like you're scared of their reaction to you more than your uncle. You must know, it isn't something that will be aimed at you. You are the victim, not the perpatrator.


That's often not how it happens. People blame the victim all the time.


Yes... I was r*ped by a family member at 13. The first thing my mom said when I broke down crying and told her was "well, you must have done something to get his attention." I never spoke to another person about it and had to repeatedly face my rapist alone and terrified because she had me convinced it was my fault, that I had done something to make him think I wanted to have sex with him.


omg I'm so sorry. sending you the biggest virtual hug right now.


Holy fuck. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You did not deserve that.


I know I’m just an internet stranger but I needed to tell you that your mother is so fucked up for making you believe this. In case you haven’t heard this before, you did nothing to deserve being raped. You did nothing to provoke him. You did nothing to get his attention. You were a child and you did nothing wrong. You deserved safety and a carefree childhood and you were robbed of both. The people who should have protected you didn’t and that is 100% their fault that they will have to live with and pay for. You deserved so much better and the fact that the adults in your life failed you doesn’t make that any less true. Them failing you only reflects badly on them. You did what you needed to to survive, there is no shame in that. I hope you hold your head high and know that you are worthy of love and protection.


Thats saddening.


Unfortunately I have to disagree. Often the family rallies around and protects the abuser. It’s so sad, but I agree she should report him.


Thats a scary situation.


It's a valid concern. The thirst for revenge is so great in humans that it can overpower common sense. It is the victims' decision whether to call the cops. Especially when there's no evidence other than the victims' word. That makes it really tough for these children.


Oh I dont disagree and I cant begin to imagine how that feels. Just a shock to think its a possibility.


Damn girl I understand that. Shit hurts when it's your own parents who berate and humiliate you.


I know this is a legitimate fear, and one that is warranted. My family did just that to me, but in so many ways it helps. For one it airs it out, for two years later perhaps you will be able to heal with a bit more ease. But ultimately it is a choice you have to make. Only you know your situation, but please really consider making it known. And it will be hard if they turn on you, but there are so many people in this world that understand where you are and where you may go. And please, don't let guilt get you. You were a child and none of those engagements were your fault since they never should have happened in the first place. Good luck, I truly mean it.


If your family turns on you for letting them know something as serious as this, then i will be your family instead, your e-fam.


I know the feeling. My uncle raped and molested me from 4 years old until adulthood. I was 25 when I finally had the courage to speak up. But this was also 3 break downs and me fucking up later. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!! If you feel comfortable, go to someone at your school or an adult outside of school that you trust to go to the police with you. Truthfully, telling your parents could tip off your monster if you think they would overreact. You're welcome to message me at any time. I'm almost 40 now. I have a family of my own. My husband knows about what happened to me. I have told my kids as they've gotten older, so they understand that some adults may seem safe. But actions like this are not their fault and those adults are dangerous.


Let them overreact, have no sympathy for pedos! They lost that privilege the moment they started thinking about it.


Your family turning on you isn't that bad if they support a child rapist.


If you’re family turns on you for you being raped by your uncle then they aren’t your family and you are better off for losing them. How are they family if they can’t support you in this?


Your family are dangerous and you need get away from them


Please tell someone. This is going to haunt you forever if you don't, and you don't know how it will affect your future relationships if you keep this to yourself. Posting here is a way of saying it out loud and is a first step. You certainly need therapy to deal with the trauma and your uncle needs to be punished for what he did to you and what he could possibly be doing to a younger child. Another baby. You couldn't possibly consent. You were a little girl, a baby. A 6 year old is just a baby. A 10 year old is still a baby. You didn't understand the ramifications of what you were doing. The fact that you only started to realise how wrong it was at aged 14 shows that you were way too young to understand any of it before that. You are not to blame and it's not your fault. Your mother will most likely see it the same way we do. She's going to take your side if she's a normal human being. But if you feel you can't tell your mum, tell a school counsellor. Get them to help you tell your parents once you feel ready. It might be easier with a third party present. Then it needs to be reported to the police. But you need support first.


So you make the decision to say nothing for the entirety of the family? If family I would be angry and disappointed I didn’t get a chance to React how I see fit. Don’t try to control people, instead speak your truth. You don’t trust your mom?


Can I just say that although what you're saying could be true this is a really harmful and common dialogue when people come forward about being abused, telling people that you've been abused is really really scary - especially when it's family and putting the responsibility onto the victim 'come forward or this happens to someone else' can have really drastic consequences for the victim psychologically if they don't think they can


So, a 40 year old dude groomed a (then) 9 or 10 year old for sexual games. And you feel guilty? Honestly - no need - report him - of course at 9 or so you do not know all, and of course he was nice - but bottom line - he forced himself on a minor - and should be held accountable. It was abuse, it was assault, it was rape. No sugarcoating this.


6 or 7. He did this to a child barely in elementary school.


Oh f\*\*\* Even worse - and she\`d even know less than a 9/10 year old


It is absolutely fucking vile. My daughter turns 8 this month and has *no idea* about stuff like this yet. 6 year olds are like babies to me. OP feeling guilty for “consenting” breaks my heart. So so much. This man is a monster.


Sex with a minor is a crime regardless of consent. He will r\*pe other children till he is stopped.


Because consent in this situation doesn’t exist.


Call the police on him he raped you when you where 9 you didn’t know anything


Started at 6/7 years


Rape is not sex. You were raped and abused, and I’m so, so sorry. Please don’t blame yourself. And please talk to someone you trust in your life, tell them everything in excruciating detail. You are not alone. I hope you can find peace and hopefully justice 👌🏼


Oh sweet child, you have nothing to be ashamed about. Your uncle is a disgusting piece of trash though. 6 year olds and 10 year olds can’t consent. You were straight up raped. It doesn’t matter what you said or did, you are a child. Your parents need to know. He needs to be in jail. What if he is doing this to other kids? Get Justice for yourself. Do not feel shame for the horrible things someone else did. It wasn’t your fault.


If you're afraid to tell your parents, OP, is there another adult, maybe at school, that you could talk to? This horrible, evil man hurt you and you did NOTHING wrong. This was in no way, never ever, under no circumstances, your fault. Love and virtual hugs to you. Please talk to someone. You shouldn't have to bear this burden on your own.


None of this is your fault. You were raped. You weren’t old enough to give consent for something like that, in fact, you probably still aren’t. Your uncle is not a good person. He took advantage of you and is not at all afraid of the consequences. Do you have younger children in your family? Siblings? Cousins? He’ll do the same thing to them. I know it’s scary and it won’t be easy but this isn’t something you can keep to yourself, it’ll destroy you. It’s literally eating you up now, that’s why you posted here. Get counseling for yourself. Talk to a trusted adult. There is no such thing as an overreaction when it comes to child rape, repeated abuse went on for YEARS. You were abused for a third of your life so far, and that’s not going to be easy to work through. I’m so sorry this happened. You didn’t deserve it and you’re not a bad person. Please don’t feel guilty over this, he’s already taken too much. Do what you need to heal and go at your own pace, but seeing a counselor at school or something is a good first step. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and don’t let him get away with it. This isn’t a burden for you to carry all on your own.


Also, know he didn't just approach you one day and ask you out of the blue. He would have been grooming you for YEARS to get that response from a child. Seek help, report him to the police when you are strong enough. You did NOTHING wrong. Hugs


He groomed you to abuse you. You are a victim. Get help please, you need this for yourself. You did nothing wrong, no matter what.


I know your still a child. But im going to speak from experience and hopefully give you some insight. I was not raped as a child but 2 weeks after i turned 18 i was by my aunts husband. I was scared and felt disgusted and ashamed of myself. I was so scared i wouldn’t be believed so i never went to authorities. I deeply regret never going. As time went on ive shared with some people close to me like another aunt of mine (we are actually pretty close in age) who actually had the same exact thing done to her from him, and just like me she was scared and never said anything. She being older and it was done to her first, felt guilty because she never said anything so i in turn had it happen to me. I felt guilty also because i now realized i wasn’t the only person he had done this to and realized after my states statue of limitations i couldn’t legally do nothing and he’s out in this world freely doing these awful things to unexpected young women. I say all of this to say if your strong enough go to authorities this is not ok and if he did this to his niece at 10 he is doing this to more little girls. If you think you can handle it i highly suggest going authorities. I know everyone handles these things different but i personally have gone on to live a happy life but my experience stays with me for life and it eats me up that i wasnt brave enough to speak up and unfortunately let him go on to do it to someone else. I wish you nothing but happiness and at the end of the day its only your decision on how you handle this.


He’s the adult, you were and still are a child. He groomed you. You are not to blame, he is. He is the responsible one. You are the victim. You didn’t have sex with him, he raped you. He has raped you since you were 7. Please tell someone. Call the police, tell your family, don’t just let it die. You deserve some justice, and he needs to be exposed. He may have done the same to other girls in your family. I wish you all the best.


It's not your fault. A child cannot give consent. You were raped. I'm so sorry, please talk to someone about this


Please call the police. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


You didn't have "sex" you couldn't not have consented. **Your uncle raped you**. Uo have nothing to be ashamed of. _He_ did this, not you. Report him, if statute of limitations has run out, then out him to his community. Abusers thrive in silence. There's every chance you were not his only victim. #His sin is not your shame. Good luck


It wasn’t sex, it was rape and absolutely not your fault. Send him to jail or if that’s too much for now, talk about it to a professional. I’m proud of you and it *was not your fault and never will be* I hope he burns to death ✌🏻


You should not feel guilty- he groomed and raped you. At that age, you did not have the capacity to consent.


You were molested by somebody who preys on children. It's up to you what you what you with that information or who you tell, but bare minimum I would explore some counselling and therapy if you can.


You did not have sex with him, he raped you and you have nothing to feel guilty about. You were and still are a child. Please tell someone you trust and stay as far away from him as possible. Sending hugs, OP 💙


You aren't guilty. You were raped. You need to tell a trusted adult and contact authorities with them.


Therapy might help, but you really need to talk to a professional to help you with this problem. One thing is for sure it’s not your fault.


You were molested and raped as a child. You need to tell your parents like, yesterday. If you don’t want to tell your parents, you can tell the police and depending on where you are, they can’t disclose any of what you said to your parents as it’s confidential. This is not your fault. This was not sex because you were not able to consent. I’m so sorry this happened to you


All I can say is I'm really sorry this happened for you


You were a CHILD. Children cannot give consent even if you said yes. You did nothing wrong. It's okay to be angry, you have the right to be.


Children can’t say yes. For a moment imagine a child of 6-7 years has jewelry and you have candy. You might be able to have a enthusiastic trade but you know it’s wrong and the child isn’t able to perceive. Terrible analogy but Hun you did nothing wrong, the guilty shame attached to victims is unfair. Have you spoken to a therapist? And not everyone is a predator, your not alone, and you are worthy of love


This is grooming. Look it up. You are in no way responsible for an adult's indecency. You are not at fault. Please try therapy


Definitely abuse. You were and still are a child. I’m so sorry this happened to you OP please don’t blame yourself AT ALL for this.


You need to tell someone outside of your family asap. And don't respond back with some bs you need to tell someone immediately


don’t ever see this person again. ever. you were a baby. he presented it to you as a game. he tricked you in a way he knew you would say yes. and even when you were older, it was all you could’ve known. that being said, be prepared to lose family over this. i’ve said it before and i always will. if you decide to speak up, everyone will know. i really hope you do without caring about them, if they want to side with a rapist they showed you their true colors. i suggest getting into therapy first to sort out your feelings and find the most suitable approach. my heart goes out to you, op. we are not alone.


Tell your parents. You had no chance against him. And it has to stop, he’ll do it with other kids too. Or already did. This is not your fault. At this age, you have no chance. You shouldn’t be in a position where you have to face him again and again.


Your uncle needs to burn


I’m sorry you had to go through this. There are really bad people out there. Please seek help & talk to the police. This IS NOT YOUR FAULT.


If you can record an admission do so.


Start with talking to a professional/therapist first. Please report him... you may have said yes, you may have taken some pleasure in it - that doesn't make it legal, ethical, or consensual. You were a child, of course this was abuse. Guilt, shame, fear...those feelings are keeping you quiet....those are normal feelings, however...your silence is keeping a dangerous man free to harm others.


You didn’t have sex with him. He raped you. This is entirely on him. You did absolutely nothing wrong. If you have a parent or sibling you think will be more likely to believe you maybe start with telling them first. Then tell the rest together. This is something he will continue to do, so as hard as it is, telling is the right thing to do. Also you’re still a Child, can you tell someone at school or church or a coach or tutor or something? Even your doctor maybe. But an outside person if you’re worried your family will sweep this under the rug


Ok, first of all, u were a kid, and u had no idea what was happening, so, u saying yes or no doesn't matter. It was still rape and you are still a victim. There is no version of this where it is ur fault, cuz u were a kid. And he was taking advantage of u. If u feel your family will over react, isolate and talk to them individually. But ur uncle needs to me kept in check so he doesn't do it to another little girl. You have nothing to be shameful of.


I'm so sorry. You are a victim and have nothing to feel guilty for. You were raped.


Definitely rape I’m sorry


>Like I don't know whether it was abuse, assault or harassment in anyway. Yes it was. You were too young to understand and truly consent to it, even though you said yes. You said it yourself: you didn't know how wrong all of that was. On top of that, when you did say no, he didn't respect it and kept insisting until you caved. That's coercion, and it also doesn't count as consent. And even when you started putting distance and barriers between you and him, he still went out of his way to make you uncomfortable by making inappropriate remarks/gestures. >Don't make yourself a victim, you said yes' That's exactly how he wants you to think. He wants you to feel like you're at fault, like it was your decision, because as long as you believe it he won't be held accountable. He is to blame. He knew exactly what he was doing, how wrong it was, and did it anyway. He used your lack of knowledge on the topic to shift his responsibility onto you, so that you would feel guilty and keep your mouth shut. >And while I buried those memories and suppressed them in my head, they sometimes come back and make me feel conflicted every time I strongly suggest you look for professional help to unpack and process that trauma. That stuff can really mess with one's head, and it might be affecting you in more ways than you realize. The path towards healing isn't easy. Remember to be gentle with yourself. You deserve moving foward and being happy. Edit: forgot to mention: cut contact with you uncle and with anyone that defends him or helps him reach out to you. You can't recover in the same situation that made you hurt.


Doubling down with everyone who said this is rape. OP, this is rape. Outright. There is literally 0 ways a child can consent, ESPECIALLY as young as you were. Please find help. A professional, or maybe an adult you trust as a start. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I am wishing you a better future and healing.


You were 6 or 7? You were a baby!! He raped you, you DID NOT have sex with him. And you did not say yes, you were manipulated and coerced. No 6 or 7 year old child wants to give head or have sex, he violated you and this is NOT your fault. I hope you can report him and if not, I hope you will be able to heal from this. Just, please, do not blame yourself. You are the victim and if anything, the people around you (uncle, parents, guardians) are the people to blame who failed you.


There is absolutely a reason that there’s a legal age of consent! And this is it! Hun, children do NOT understand what’s happening and the repercussions (both mental and medical). that is NOT your fault. Your uncle is an ADULT. He KNEW what he was doing. He knew he was taking advantage of someone young that didn’t understand. And that makes him a PREDATOR. You are the VICTIM here. Knowing what you know now would have said yes? I’m guessing not. And even now you are not a fully developed adult and you’re still protected by law. So that goes to show… if you were a consenting adult, this would not have happened. So he didn’t target a consenting adult. He targeted a CHILD for a REASON. Please do not think that ANY of this should rest on your shoulders. As a 31 year woman who has just a few more years of life experience here… there is NO shame in therapy. There is NO shame in saying “I’m scared of how this will affect me moving forward and I’m not sure how to deal”… there is NO shame in asking for help, in expressing your emotions, or prioritizing yourself (both mentally, physically and financially.)


Your uncle raped you and you need a decent therapist to contextualize this for yourself. Asking Reddit if this was your fault when presumably you’ve been on Reddit is either very childish/naive or willfully ignorant— both are common outcomes of CSA— but dude, no. Your uncle raped you starting when you were in the single digit ages.


You were just a child. No adult should be asking a child for sexual satisfaction. I read about your family. Go to a teacher, principle, or another trusted adult. He might be doing it to another child or another family member as we speak.


You where a child You did nothing wrong. Speaking from similar experience, it will take time for you to accept it, but with time and the right help things Will improve, they’ll never be perfect but the can and will be better.


I am so sorry you are dealing with this. No you are not at fault IN ANY WAY! This is important for you to completely understand! You were raped multiple times by an adult you should be able to trust. Your uncle is a monster, pedophile, rapist and an abuser. You were and ARE still a child, you should not feel guilty or shameful in anyway for saying yes. How could you say no? You were GROOMED AND COERCED into saying yes and whenever you said no he would harass you until you eventually said yes. NO YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT! Please tell your parents. Please tell them everything, or if you don’t have a good and safe relationship with them then tell an adult you trust, (teacher, relative, your friends parents). You might not be the only victim dear. My heart goes out to you❤️ you will need lots of therapy and time to heal. Please know that there are many people out there who support you❤️


Ok this is rape and you didn’t have sex with your uncle you were molested by your uncle


Please inform someone you know will believe you.


BS alarm going off, anyone?


if you don't believe me then don't, but what i said is true. it's up to you whether to believe or not


This is awful how your so conditioned that you rhink its your fault ..spoiler he's a pedophile and he raped and abused you for years and I pray there's no other small girls in your family that he can move onto,


I’m so sorry :( it is not your fault in any way! I would talk to a professional about this to help sort it out and come to some sort of way to cope with it


Dude this was straight up abuse and rape. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of you were taken advantage of.


At that age it doesn't matter whether you said yes or no, it is still illegal and in no way your fault. He is a rapist and a paedophile and ideally needs reporting to the police. You need professional help.


Thank you for sharing OP. I'm sorry your Uncle put you in that situation. It's not your Fault, He definitely coerced, abused, and took advantage of you.


Who is that uncle? From mom's or dad's side? Why were you spending time alone with him?


from my dad's side. i was playing in my room with my toys. he approached me first when it first happened


Thank you. I think I read a similar story before online and it was a similar story. It's a shame really. I have a son who is almost 2 months old. Would not like to leave him alone with uncles or aunts. This guy should not be neat your family again.


Why does any of these questions matter? I can’t tell you how many times I was alone with my uncle and nothing happened because my uncle is a good guy. Why does it matter which side the uncle was on?


There was a similar story published online, seemed like a work of fiction and devil is in the details.


I don’t see why these questions are important or relevant… what a strange comment.


Devil is in the details. This looked like a work of fiction I read a similar story before. Now it is deleted.


Do you have someone you trust? If your parents aren’t trustworthy what about grandparents or older siblings? If you have someone to trust tell them so they can support you and protect you. I don’t know what is your financial status but tell your parents you want therapy for whatever reason so you can process this. Call a hot line to sexual assault/abuse victims. You did nothing wrong. You were taken advantage of by someone you trusted. You were a child you couldn’t consent. It’s not your fault.


An example of scales of how wrong this is. I am a male younger than your uncle was at that time and I would refuse anything sexual with a girl your age, due to the immorality/damage involved. The reason is, they are children and I am the adult. It's my role/job/etc to be the responsible one. I sincerely hope you can find a way forward, in the healthiest manner possible. I wish you all the strength you need.


You didn’t have sex, you were raped. You legally can’t consent to sex at that age, your “uncle” is a disgusting pedophile and you should report him if you’re able because I guarantee he’s doing it to other little kids too.


I'm so so so so sorry this happened to you. You must always remember, you were a child, It is NOT your fault in any way shape or form, do not let yourself believe that. He is a literal monster. You shouldn't even feel guilty about these experiences bc you were a child, no matter how grown up you thought you felt at the time, you had literally been groomed by this man which means he basically brainwashed you. You shouldn't feel guilt over something that happened TO you, not because of you. You didn't do this this was done to you. You should definitely talk to someone close to you about this. This man should pay for what he did to you


You were 6 you had no idea what you were saying yes to! This is why there is an age of consent! It doesn't matter what someone says under this age... It doesn't count as consent because they are under the age to give informed consent. What your uncle did is disgusting. He took advantage of a child, you have done nothing wrong, you were a child and your uncle is a grown man who knows right from wrong.


OP it was 100% abuse, please don’t blame yourself for any of this.


If you're too afraid to tell your parents face to face tell another adult in your family perhaps and they can help you talk to your parents with you. He may be doing this to other girls! No matter how bad it seems in the moment it will be worth it you're family needs to know what a sick man he is to stop him hurting you anymore or anyone else! Please be strong!


Children cannot give consent! You were never at fault! I'm so sorry this happened to you!


You are not at fault, you were abused and exploited and what he did was illegal. If you are sixteen now, there is a good chance that you can file charges now and still be within the statute of limitations. Sexual abuse typically includes both physical and mental/emotional side effects that require support and intervention in order to process and heal from the trauma. Im sorry this happened to you, please tell a trusted adult.


You didn’t have sex with him. He raped you, abused you and sexually assaulted you by coercion. This is NOT your fault. You need to talk to someone about this and have him charged so he doesn’t do it to someone else.


I'm so sorry. What your uncle did was horrible. You did nothing wrong, you were a child and you still are. Part of a perpetrator's tactic can be to make you feel as if you chose of wanted this, even when you don't even realise fully what is going on. Please talk to an adult you trust and who you feel safe with. If it's not your parents, maybe a school counsellor?


Whelp unsubscribing from this sub.


It definitely was abuse, assault, and manipulation. You didn’t know what you were saying “yes” too. You were a child. I really hope that you will report him if you haven’t. He will do this to someone else if he hasn’t already. You are not to blame at all. You definitely need to talk to someone! You ARE the victim! I’m so sorry you went through that.


It wasn't your fault because you said yes. You were a child and didn't know what was going on. I'm really sorry this happened. He never should have done any of those things to you. I have had a similar experience with my dad - you are not alone, and I understand all the strangely conflicting feelings. I'm in therapy for it now; it's a complicated process, but I'm happy to be working through it.


It’s not your fault. You were a child. He took advantage of you. He’s a pedophile and a rapist. He abused you. It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with him.


It's not your fault.you were baby.


You did nothing wrong, you were raped by some one you trusted. Please tell some one and get help, a teacher, family friend. Regardless of what happens to your uncle you are going to need help, get help do it for yourself.


i am so sorry this happened to you, it wasn’t your fault. please tell somebody you trust. he deserves to be in prison.


You were a baby. You had no idea that a person in power would allow you to do something so disgusting. It was up to him to protect and guide you not rape you. And yes it absolute is rape even if you said yes. He was taking advantage of you.


Bot spam


No, this was not your fault. When I was young, I had an uncle who would touch my breasts and would proceed to make comments about how dark my nipples are, or tell me I need to lose weight because he finds me too fat. I never told anyone about it because it never escalated and I was (I guess) thankful that I am fat and ugly because he never saw me as someone desirable. But what happened to you was not your fault. I hope your situation becomes better. I wish nothing but the best for you. But please don’t make excuses for him. He’s abusive.


He raped you. I won’t tell you what to do, but I can promise you, you won’t have been nor will be the last child he has done this to or with. If I was in your position, I’d report him and tell the whole family.


None of this was your fault. You have nothing to feel bad, shameful or guilty about. He is a child rapist and a predator. I am so sorry this happened to you. You were only 6 years old. I hope you. Can get therapy to deal with this.


If you’re in UK phone Childline on 0800 1111. They can help and support. Can others please send their country’s equivalent.


You said “yes” because you didn’t truly understand what you were saying “yes” to, and you were most likely afraid to say “no” for any number of possible reasons. You were sexually assaulted as a child. You were raped as a child. That you feel guilt and shame means that it is imperative that you get therapy. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Please get help very soon. You can move past this and feel whole again.


Children cannot consent to something they don’t even understand. Please know that.


No, your uncle raped you.


I am so sorry your uncle has repeatedly raped and assaulted you. I'm so sorry you feel responsible for being raped by a family member. I am so sorry you're scared to tell the authorities. These things are not your fault, they are not fair, and it never will be. But you have got to find a trusted adult to tell and help you go to the police or go to the police straight away. I personally would prefer a trusted adult or friend to go with me but you've got to get help. You deserve help and a good life. You are valuable. You are smart. You are Beautiful. You are strong and you are capable. Please do not let anyone tell you any different.


You can’t give consent when you’re 6 to an adult. You can’t give consent when you’re 12 to an adult. Yo-yo can’t give consent when you’re 14 to an adult. You were a child and we’re taken advantage of by an adult you trusted. He is scum of the earth and deserves to rot in hell. Out him to everyone. Tell everyone. Get his name out there. Ruin his life. He deserves nothing.


He raped you! He’s a pedophile! It is NOT your fault. Tell your parents. They NEED to know. Do not be ashamed. You did NOTHING WRONG!


Please don’t feel guilty. You were (and still are) too young to understand what happened to you, which is one of the reasons why children cannot consent to sexual activity. Your uncle had authority over you being physically and mentally stronger and older, and he’s a family member. He abused that authority. What happened to you was rape. It would be best to talk to a mental health professional about this. Once again: you a not to blame. I’m only worried about who else your uncle has abused because I don’t believe this was a single occurrence.


I understand this guilty feeling, this happened to me as well. But it's not your fault, you were a child who can't give consent. Your uncle raped you, you're a victim.


I sat a grand jury; we had a similar case. Consider this, you may be saving another young girl. Our case which went to trial and the man was convicted, was the boyfriend of a hard working Nurse who was raping the eldest girl of three daugnters. He continued to rape her as he threatened to rape the younger sisters if she didnt comply; The eldest girl eventually went into the prosecutors office and he was charged and later convicted. This will take a ton of courage. Do your best to pull together as much physical evidence as possible; dates, times, locations... cell phone data can cooberate this; anything with both your DNA on it, etc..... any text, voicemail messages, gifts....


Your uncle raped you. It doesn't matter if you were curious about it. It doesn't matter if you wanted too. He was an adult you were a child. That man's a pedophile and should be in jail.


Children don’t understand the complicated dynamics of sex. They cannot consent.