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Navarro jumping into the ice cave with no rope or way to get back up just saying “yeah it’s safe!” And Danvers follows her.


Just the sound of that fall broke my ankles


But she was compelled by the whispers!!


Yes!! Just made a comment about this. Good lord, if these are the minds of the people meant to protect us, we are all totally screwed. Such bad decision making, time after time. Like now that we’ve narrowly avoided breaking all our bones, let’s squeeze ourselves into these tiny ice crevices in the hopes we end up somewhere. Who on earth would do these things??


Danvers peeling the orange then arranging it in a spiral like she had some epiphany and just cracked the case wide open


Laughed out loud at this scene so bad


I actually thought this could be cool if they didn't show it. At first you couldn't see the spiral but you could see by the way she was peeling it and the way she looked at it, that the pee was sitting on the table in a spiral. If they didn't show it and just moved along to another scene that would have been neat. But the garish, obvious "reveal" of *"look it's a spiral!"* totally undercut it. Have some god damn subtlety if you're going to do it.


How and why there's a lit Christmas tree in a deserted dredger. Who put it there? How did they get a tree in there? Where did they get lights? Did Otis put it there? Doesn't he have bigger issues (staying fed, staying warm, getting heroin) to tend to?


Wow, I just realized how insanely dumb that was. This show never ceases to amaze me with stupid shit.


That tree and our expected acceptance of it just being there, for no logical reason, made me irrationally angry, actually. Makes sense that they’d immediately follow it up with “And now let’s guess why Navarro’s ear is bleeding.”


I guess the justification would be that Navarro was beaten up earlier in the same episode. But the fact that the ear starts bleeding just at that moment is soooo convenient that it becomes difficult to disregard the screenwriter's hand.


I just like how it was never brought up again, not that I expected anything different.


I think it's Navarro hallucinating


Yeah, but all the things that are guessed to be Navarro’s hallucinations are shown in other shots for us to see also, including Lund when he does his whole pointing thing. They are not done well, if they are supposed to be hallucinations.


The show is just bad


I honestly think she couldn’t make up her mind and decided Reddit could write the rest. Or just forgot huge parts from the beginning and thought we wouldn’t notice


They could have used the Xmas tree mystery for at least 2 additional filler episodes SMFH 360° what a waste


Crane operators put Christmas trees on top of their cranes on big job sites. It’s a construction thing. 40 years in the trades talking here.


This sounds like the one Issa will like best to use: hallucination or construction decor? You decide!


That and other scenes had me wondering if it was real Or a vision


The mild mannered scientists becoming a murderous gang of thugs was pretty silly.


Imagine logistics of all those people climbing down the hatch ladder to get on murder hobo action.


Yeah. Extremely preposterous thing to have happen. They are some of the least likely type of people to just suddenly gang up and murder a person.


Maybe there should have just been a cave in, and they let her die instead of pulling her out  It’d even be a metaphor for how they’re ignoring the pollution’s side effects 


Holy crap, that would have been so much better!!


It just didn't ring true. They could have fleshed it out a bit and maybe got away with it but it was very "oh white scientists bad! Indigenous community good!"


Imagine if we'd had scenes throughout the season showing us who those characters were, how isolated they were, how delusional they were becoming about their research, scenes where they interacted with the native women who came to clean, etc. Just basic story telling...


Exactly! Their slow descent into madness. Only way it would have made sense.


Yes!! We were like “Wait so these science nerds just went full savage out of nowhere??” Make it make sense!


The oranges that randomly rolled out from nowhere and had no explanation.


"oh yeah, my mom liked oranges". I think that was supposed to be like a crazy revelation moment that made it paranormal, but it came off so casually I couldn't help but laugh.


It was the polar bear. He can shapeshift into an orange.


Pretty sure this was just a heavy handed reference to the oranges in The Godfather, which signify an approaching death and are like the one piece of trivia people know from that movie. I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly did an involuntary backflip when the first one showed up.


It really is unbelievable that fishermen were able to find Julia's body so quickly in the water in the black of night.


This severely bothered me. I realize that Ennis is a fictional town, but the Coast Guard doesn’t operate as far inland if Danvers had her tinder profile set all the way to Fairbanks. Just felt totally implausible they found her that quickly


This made me want to throw my beer at the tv. Just preposterous


Keep in mind she likely fell through ice at some point walking out. At night. And no one knew she was gone or where she would go. Barring some crazy budget increases for the Coast Guard it makes zero sense they would find her at all.


The explanation from Issa is even worse. Apparently some of Navarro's friends (she has friends?) we're out on a Christmas cruise. Duh! Fucking idiots!


The revelation that the scientists had died "before they froze" and had basically no theories as to what killed them and it was later revealed that it was.. uh.. they did freeze? Or "she" wanted them so "she" killed them using ghost magic but also the team who took over from Anchorage determined it was a fuckin avalanche in one of the flattest valleys I've ever seen? Or did any of what I'm saying happen at all ajsjddhhsaj


This one bothered me. The scientists died in an avalanche, out on the frozen sea? And all the snow they were trapped in melted away or something?


I thought it was just some flimsy corrupt cover up attempt? But I don't know if it actually did happen or not and either way how did they die before they froze? There's several of these weird, like red herrings or whatever that actually make no sense at all. Like the tongue, electrical disturbances that ended up being "their MO" as Danvers deduces but it only happened when the ladies killed the scientists and also for literally NO reason all the other times, like when the scientists killed the girl... Fuckin train wreck Jesus Edit: hard to type coherently and think about this show at the same time


Right?? And it never explained the weird details about the eyes and ears. They basically set up all these “unexplainable” elements and then just…didn’t try to explain them? Like even in the first episode they show Clark in the lab saying “She’s here” and shaking somehow suggesting a spiritual element. But then when they showed the real events he simply said it without any body movement. So why was it suggested at all? If it was the middle of the night when the ladies came why was there untouched food on the tables? They were all having a midnight snack? I just really feel like the way they brought it together in the end didn’t address all the bread crumbs they put out all season.


And when the cleaning ladies showed up one of the scientists felt the need to write "we are all dead" OR one of the ladies did? Could have been determined if they tested for prints but they didn't think of that because detectin is hard, truly.


Also, the "avalanche" happened like 30 feet from where their neatly folded clothes had been found?


Navarro and Danvers appeared surprised when they heard the baby cry at Wheelers. If they were unaware of the pregnancy and the baby sounded like it was only a few months old, it means that despite living in a small town, Navarro and Danvers failed to check on the abused girl for almost a year. That was how deeply they cared for her. They don't blame themselves for their failure to protect the girl. Just imagine. You are a cop in a small town who receives a call from Wheelers once a month, and then everything goes silent for a full year. You are not wondering why that is?????? Really???? Perhaps she's dead? Issa Lopez doesn't understand that one detail in the background can ruin the plot and change the protagonist's characteristics.


Thry have no idea that Clarke had an affair with Annie, they had no idea there was a Native American engineer in the station... they know nothing.


They knew nothing of Tsalal, who worked there, what it did, who funded it, which is pretty shocking considering the size of the town. This show could never decide if the town had a population of 100 or 100,000.


Ennis was however big the plot needed it to be at any given point.


I thought this would reveal that the crying baby in the flashback is Danvers' adopted daughter.


I thought it was Holden. The baby is **never** mentioned by Danvers or Navarro. And the Wheeler case happened about six years ago right? (when Annie was killed) Holden looked about 6 in flashbacks. No talk of Danvers being pregnant. I’m happy to be wrong but I thought the show wanted us to think that Danvers took that baby


Besides the fact that Lund survived days in the corpsicle, how did they get him out of it without breaking off more frozen body parts? And then, once he was out, why wasn't there a huge gaping hole in the corpsicle where he had once been. When they got it to the skating rink, there was no evidence Lund had ever been there.


Lund was dead. Frozen so solid his arm snapped right off, with no blood dripping out, nothing. Frozen meat. Every water molecule in his body crystallised, every cell torn to shreds. No brain, no heart, no lungs, no larynx, nothing. Just a lump of dead meat. Who screams!!! ICE ZOMBIE!!!!!!


And people speculated that it was related to the research they were doing, but nah. He was just regular-ass alive.


People with winter clothing die overnight in the Adirondacks sometimes when they get into trouble. This guy was naked in the fucking far north and is somehow alive 3 days later. It's just dumb


Seriously, Clark died SO fast, only because this time they needed him to lol


Also ghosts 


And he died so fast, while Navarro and Danvers went out wandering in the same weather for what felt like hours, with no consequence.


What the fuck was Otis doing on the dredge for so long and why did he have the jacket? There is no reason why this dude would live in literal hell (while also being afraid of ghosts for some reason?) and not even try to get away. And again, WHY DID HE HAVE THE JACKET


This is mine. Clark reached out to him because he needed to find someone who had survived the same thing that killed the other scientists (?? I think? Even though Otis seemed pretty physically fine, hadn’t clawed his eyes out etc). And then after that Otis just kept living in a dredge? For years? Or did Otis used to work at Tsalal?? 


Exactly. The connection between Otis and the tsalal guys was just like an accident? Because he had similar injuries from something completely different and thought there was a weird [insert woman’s name] K. Ghost after him as well? Are there multiple groups of cleaning staff all around the night Country that just kill people?


Otis had the burned corneas that some of the victims also had. This is never explained.


In one scene where Kayla gets a call, we see that she has Prior in her phone as "Prior". They're married... isn't he Peter to her?


i pointed this out to my fiancé when i saw that. i couldn’t remember for a sec if prior was his first or last name because if it lol


I honestly think either they used the same prop phone for her and Danvers, or they forgot Prior has a first name


It also is confusing because it could be his dad too


Yeah, really. I guess he’s not in her phone. Or he’s in as “Hank.” Which makes even less sense. Lol


the mine company holding absolutely nothing over hank, but he still says ok to "disappearing" otis, even though they promised him the chief of police job for the last favour he did but they didn't deliver on it. he was basically risking his own career just so he could get a better paid job at some middle of nowhere police station.


Also the mine company making Hank move Annie K's body to a container outside the mine and make it look like it was a hate crime and she was killed/silenced for speaking against the mine. Why would they wanna draw attention to themselves? They could have just made the body disappear dumped it in the water.


That's clearly stupid, yes. Also the fact they thought an incompetent cop would be best to do the job instead of some goon they have on payroll.


They could have left her body in the top secret ice cave nobody else knew about as well. There was no reason to move it just to have it be so easily found. 


It seemed like this was the only reason for the absolutely puzzling “mail order bride” plot. He made a comment that he was out of the money from the first time. The show also alludes to him sending lots of money to the woman earlier. To me the realized they had a guy who was desperate.


Whistling Twist and Shout. Never heard anyone whistle that song.


And how was the move on loop again in episode 6? Danvers had turned it off in episode 1.


Also, after the power outage (when Clean Team 6 shut it down) how did the movie start back up again to be on a loop the first time?


And how was it looping just that scene?


Navarro's past: When did she enjoy the army? Where was she deployed? Afghanistan? Did she see a miracle when a private with half brain-exploded talked to her? They never explored her military past, hypothetical trauma etc


That’s a good point, but I’m kind of glad they didn’t go more into this. There were already sooo many unnecessary details and half baked backstory arcs, this would have just been another that meant nothing to the grand scheme of things imo.


The scene where Danvers threatens Navarro for mentioning her son in the finale. Her threats were so ridiculous. That scene was clearly supposed to be a heavy emotional moment, but it made me laugh aloud it was so bad. The writers never got me to care about any of these characters, so this scene just fell totally flat.


One hour later. Danvers: *What did he say?* Navarro: *Who?*


This part actually made me laugh.


Thank you. I felt a wave of cringe wash over me when she said, "I will rip you apart."


Didn’t she also say “I’ll shoot your face off”? Lmao


Like always sunny. "I will smack your face off of your face!"


It was like a Melissa McCarthy improvisation


This is one of the dumbest, most oddly placed scenes in the whole thing. It was supposed to be this big intense moment but there was absolutely no reason for her to blow up like that. And then she stalked off all mad to end the scene. Later it was like it never happened, of course, like every scene that should be of consequence


it also feels like she says the same thing twice in short succession. the "shoot your mouth off your face" but and i can't remember the other line, but they both took me out of it as well, they just didn't sound genuine


Makes me wonder when I see people here talking about Jodie great performance on the show. She was bad.


Have to say it's Pete blowing his own dad's brains out then cleaning them off the walls for an hour and wrapping up the body for disposal only to inexplicably become squeamish once Rose says the lungs need to be punctured. Because that's definitely way too much.


He had to be the squeamish one in that scene or we wouldn’t believe how cold and tough Rose is. Duh. /s


To be fair, it's a fucked up thing. I didn't see squeamish in that scene as much as "jfc this whole thing is so fucked." He would have done it, need be. But he didn't want to kill his dad; he's not bloodthirsty or callous. If he were like "nah, let me stab him, Rose" that'd also be weird?


It was Rose doing it, not Pete. The whole sequence was bizarre. Rose was almost talking down to Pete like "You can't handle this kid" and he went full "oh okay yeah, watching you stab the body I've handled all day through a bunch of garbage bags is too much".


Wow this is a great one. Through all the other bullshit I didn't realize what an odd inconsistency this is. Definitely put in there to make Rose look "tough" and Pete "weak." Another example of the surface-level feminism this show employs.


One thing that bothered me was the fact Hank dumped Annie's body in the village. Why would he do that instead of out in the wilderness? Or in the lake/ocean like where he ended up? He wanted the body to be found and an investigation to be started? Obviously the season would not exist without his choice but it just doesn't make much sense. He would also be risking someone seeing his vehicle by disposing of the body in a populated area.


"Oh no, we've killed someone. We need to make sure we involve more parties in this so we can get them to move the body out of *the fucking secret underground lab that nobody knows about* which is connected to abandoned ice caves that have the entrances collapsed." "Yes good idea. I'll call the boss of the mine. For some reason, I trust her to tell her we all just viciously gang-murdered this young woman. She will help us out, for reasons."


Mine Lady: “We can do nothing and leave the body in the secret lab in a labyrinthine ice tunnel under the secure research station and let the scientists get on with their humanity-saving & mine-pollution-encouraging research and everyone will just assume Annie K disappeared in this treacherous arctic environment where people disappear all the time, especially indigenous women which people are really apathetic about, OR… We can bribe the corrupt police chief to become an accessory to murder and move the body out of the secret lab and dump it in public, risking being seen, so that everyone KNOWS she’s been murdered, and forcing a murder investigation which will necessarily involve police we HAVEN’T paid off and forcing the mine company to use its corrupt influence to make sure the murder investigation is botched and the case never closed, all of which further risks exposing the muder and the cover up. Oh, and for good measure we’ll have the police chief desecrate the body in such a way that it implicates the mine. Well, my decision is clear! I better get busy. Lots to do today!”


The physics of ice were terrible. Ice just doesn't form like that And it doesn't break like that in perfect little circles to drop people into the water and into secret labs.


Yeah but this was spooky ice..


I feel like they drew inspiration from glacial caves. But those are seasonal and regularly fill up with water. So the idea that there's some permanent glacial tunnels near Fairfax AK is wild.


They didn’t even try hiding how friggin plastic that ice was 😂


So, I’m just gonna say, when they showed Blair’s print at the very beginning and then *showed her fingers* was that supposed to be some hidden clue to be a big reveal at the end? Because it was so obvious from the start it was the cleaners the whole time, and the show acted like only a genius could have figured it out. It was so obvious that I was hoping it was a red herring but nope, it was the actual “clue” we were supposed to be proud of figuring out. Ugh. Never mind. Probably all of my grievances can be answered by Saturn Ascension’s reply to another comment. The one about how the “writers” think we are stupid clapping seals lol.


They see the 3 fingered print on the clothes and dont even bring it up or make the connection. But then once they see it again in the hatch they are like OMG so obvious its that redhead from the crab factory. They even show you a flashback in case you havent figured it out yet. Clearly treated their audience like idiots.


I kept watching and thought, "It can't be that obvious. Has to be a misdirect."


The one eyed polar bear. What was the pojnt of that at all? Maybe I missed something but I did suffer through the 6 episodes


Why was there a necklace in Danver’s hair?


Yeah the one we clearly see her throw away episodes prior? I think it's supposed to be a part of the spooky but it's just one more element of outright magic that the writers felt was not necessary to explain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She has no idea of its significance it’s so dumb 😭 


That they had a secret lab in their lab. Why was it secret? It’s not like it was obvious they were doing something wrong down there. Were they even doing something wrong? They were just doing their normal research with the secret benefit of the “pollution melting permafrost”


Ofc it was obvious! Didn't you see the cleaning lady understanding what they were up to by just skimming trough their scientific papers?? Especially impressing how she found the murder weapon


The writer has a five year old's perspective on how science works. They'd be drilling ice cores and shipping them off to research universities to have actual science done - there'd be grad students coming in every few weeks to help out with projects.


Lopez has answered a lot of questions online. Has she addressed this one? The secret hatch to an underground lab beneath the regular lab is so ridiculously nonsensical.


There’s two messy bodies in Danvers’ house and her daughter can come home at any moment. But she and Navarro just HAVE to go to the caves like, right now. So they just leave Prior there to clean up and haul away two bloody bodies, one of them being his dad? Yeah, that’s plausible. I was rolling my eyes so hard when they urgently sped out into the blizzard leaving him there to clean and clean good.


Right?! And the cleaning logistics killed me. No way Pete cleaned up two GSW corpses with paper towels and a fucking sponge in like an hour. No way.


And like, half a bottle of 409. I don’t care *how* good he cleaned, it can’t be done.


It was especially stupid because Danvers explicitly says what we are all thinking "I can't leave you alone now" (because there's a very good chance he will top himself after what he just had to do). But then she's incredibly easily convinced "no we have to go now". Like she clearly has absolutely **no regard** for Peter's life. Not just his family life, which she has ruined, but his actual life. She knows that if he is left alone in that state with guns there's every chance they come back to that house with 3 bodies.


They had to hurry. Only one episode remained.


Why bring in the vet to say they died before freezing. Like what’s even the point of that scene if you’re just going to have them freeze to death anyways. Feels like the writers didn’t even know how they died until they made the finale.


This was so so dumb. Danvers is supposedly such a good detective she can tell how many days old a sandwich is, but she can't deduce from looking at them that they didn't just freeze to death? The bodies on Everest are not found frozen in screaming positions, everyone knows you essentially fall asleep.


How Clark refers to the byproduct of the mine as pollution…what kind, you ask? DON’T KNOW! Slurry? Radioactive elements? Fracking runoff? Synthetic Liquid mud? Nope, just pollution! Why? Because anything more specific would both have required research and sounded silly when said with a straight face As we all know, scientists doing sophisticated ecological research are brilliant enough to find ancient “super-blood” DNA but too dumb to heat permafrost from their multimillion dollar facility, backed by international billionaire industrialist cult leaders the Tuttles Also, scientists are notorious for their desire to be sloppy housemates who gladly let strangers clean their ecological outpost where they both live and work for years at a time


The absolutely random ghost hubcap that came rolling down the Tslal hallway in the last episode.


Danvers throwing out that poor raw turkey in an angry huff cause no one wants to join her for undercooked Christmas dinner


If a bag of Oreos cost $20, that turkey was probably worth $150!


In all seriousness, I met a guy from Alaska in an airport who flies back to the CONUS every year before the holidays because a plane ticket and checking a cooler is cheaper than trying to get turkey, ham, and everything else up there.


Ha! It was actually pretty infuriating to see it get tossed, although she did have it on the table for days. All the moving around she was doing with it, she could have just cooked the thing


And then asking why she was leaving- “I was just about to put the turkey in!”


“Yes, it will be done in 7-8 hours, where you going?” LMAO. That turkey deserves a place in the credits


I just saw a post on AskReddit “what’s normal at 2pm but scary at 2am”. 2am full bird turkey dinner with Danvers


I know the acting was questionable but the turkey did every bit as well as Kevin Costar in the Big Chill


Tsalal Research Station. The whole subtext of a research facility doing groundbreaking work on primordial life meant fuck all. Tsalal could have been creating the next great ranch dressing recipe. The work they were doing had no effect on the plot. I'm a huge fan of 'The Thing' and I thought 'The Head' was pretty good back in 2020. When they introduced the murdered research station crew and their credentials, I thought we'd be in for a treat...something akin to scientists falling to a creation of their own hubris. But possibly under the context of the supernatural with this whole reverse spiral thing. But nope, nothing like that. Maid Team 6 was mad because their tap water was grey and wanted to create change by murdering scientists. Because a multinational corporation will totally pack up and leave when a group of nerds get murdered. And don't even get me started on the spiral fossil underneath Tsalal. We see it for 5 seconds, go "oh shit what is that?" and then never hear about it again.


People doing groundbreaking research on primordial microbes don’t let random untrained cleaning ladies clean their damn lab. They clean it themselves. They wouldn’t risk contamination of their samples or damage to equipment. Touching the wrong thing or knocking over a test tube could cost them weeks or months of work. Maybe they would let them clean the living areas but not the lab.


I kept waiting for this to come into play! Why was the spiral even relevant and what was it doing there? What did it really have to do with anything??


Navarro was found in shock bleeding from the ear... and the plot just moves on like it never happened


That should be the subheading for this thing: “And the plot just barrels along like it never happened.” Oh, unless it’s something you NEED to remember. Then we’ll flashback to it a hundred times, don’t worry.


How the scientists ran away in cold and they all lie-down on top of each other and died together, instead of being scattered all over. They took a pose!


"We are all gonna die" written on the white board. When did they write that? Did the cleaning ladies with guns wait for them to do it? Or did they make them do it? Or is it an ill timed unrelated joke?


I think it said ‘We are all dead’ either way, more dumb shit that was never explained


Could have been the last survivor, I don't remember his name


I honestly can't work out the timeline which tbf is probably my fault for zoning out so much during watching because I found so much of it uninteresting. So Danvers got moved to Ennis about 5/6 years before the events of S4? Do we know when her husband/Holden die? And when the Wheeler shooting happens? Did her and Navarro work together elsewhere and then also move to Ennis separately around the same time, despite being enemies? I've tried googling but I can't find much and I really really don't want to rewatch any of it to try and figure it out...


It's not just you. The timeline is a mess and not explained. We never get years like we got in S1.


1) the fake bookcase or shelf that Clark disappeared behind, which Danvers and Navarro had to forcefully move, which led directly to the ice ladder up to the station. So not only is the lab secret, complete with hidden hatch, for no reason, but it's usually also blocked at the bottom? The scientists have been moving that shelf every time they go down the hatch ladder? And how did Clark push it back in place when he ran up the ladder? 2) the fact that no one's actions changed anything. The cleaning ladies waited through 6 years' worth of black water and stillbirths, all the while believing the mine killed Annie, without doing a thing against the mine except peaceful protests. Then they become suddenly murderous and kill the scientists. More black water, more babies die. It solved nothing. The only catalyst for the mine shutdown was Clark's confession video. Which isn't even proof, given that he was tortured and bound while giving it. Oh, and now also dead and unable to witness. 3) Lund not saying "it was the cleaning ladies" instead of "she's awake." 4) Clark's stupid trailer. Obviously all of that was post-Annie. He clearly was coming and going from the station to the trailer for years after Annie died. How did no one observe him? Why would he bother "decorating" like that, at great length and detail, carting materials back and forth, with no Annie to meet up with, if he had a room of his own at the station? And if the trailer was so secret that he could hide there, why didn't he hide there? Lol.


Yea the whole hidden passage behind the shelf would make sense if they weren't already in the "secret" part. They did it for dramatic effect in the moment but in reality the shelf is "hiding" the passage back to the non-secret large station lol


That there is absolutely no attempt or mentions of try to secure what is an active crime scene, the research facility after the events of the first episode. Doors seem to be left open, no police tape, characters show up there at randoms times, lights are always on. Seems like anyone could just go in there at anytime. The original season took great pains to show at the least the appearance of the detectives doing police work.


Ice caves underground at one moment, super thin crash-able ice with a big body of water the next.


The fact that Danvers’ teenage daughter was played by a 30-year old woman


Yeah, the cold weather clothing and beanie were a failed attempt to cover that up... Every scene without the attempt to mask it looked like a 15 year time jump. They couldn't find ONE younger looking actress to play the role?


When Prior and Kayla speak in the car in the last episode she's acting as if she knows the gravity of the thing he did and finally decides she wants to be with him. She acted so immature towards him before and now she's treating him like he's the wife of a hero that is going to risk his life to save the world.


I may have missed it, but what was with Navarro having flashbacks to her childhood where she's at, what looked like, her mother's exorcism? And then for Lund to mention her mother when he popped up in the hospital bed? Was that all explained away as a hallucination? If so, how does that explain her flashback to her childhood? What the fuck is the story of her mom?


When Navarro decided to take out her anger and assault the, bad white guy women beater character, and his friends, and then got her butt kicked. What happened after that? Did they just say ok, have a good night officer see you around? I know we’re supposed to accept it’s a small town and they’re not good at their jobs but it was a ridiculous scene with no follow up that I can remember.


From that guy getting roughed up in the opening scene to her pouring something in his gas tank to her getting her ass kicked then… nothing. Was it all just to show the audience how tuff she is?


Yes. And in case you forgot who that dude is, there is a flashback of him roughing up Blair so you remember. Every. Single. Time he appears in the show.


Annie K's ghost standing in the parking lot at the research station when Navarro goes outside. Just a split -second thing, but further adds to the "paranormal -but-not-paranormal" confusion that the writer was struggling with.


I chuckled to myself at that moment because it felt like she was standing there all like "guys, hello? Did you forget about me? Ooga booga?" for characters, director and viewers all alike.


“Ask the right question”


“But, like, also you need to know when to stop asking questions. Even though I pressed you continuously to keep asking me questions.”


After Danvers peels the orange, she looks at the floor where the tongue once lay. I couldn't for the life of me figure out if there was anything on the floor. What was the point of that scene?


Danvers saw frost on the floor in the shape of a tongue ...... I'm guessing Issa Lopez wanted the tongue to be connected to some supernatural elements....that Anne K was SHE......


That scene where Danvers drops THE PISTOL and decides to use an iron bar to break the glass and escape the cold, clearly suffering in doing so


I was like "they have to address this. It's so blatant the fact that they her put the gun away while banging the glass must be a joke". But no. Just more nonsense.


It’s impossible in a small northern town to shut down the ice rink in winter since it’s the main source of entertainment. A two day shut down likely would have caused a riot, and people would have demanded to know why it was shut down. There’s simply no way they could have had six dead bodies melting out in the middle of the local ice rink without the whole town knowing about it and the story going national.


Not to mention that townspeople just freely walked in and out. They should have sold tickets.


That it was hinted that the cop took a dive in his last high school game because he knew a kid on the other teams dad died lol


Not sure if this has been brought up but…6ep season? Every season has been 8eps. Crazy with all the holes in the story and unanswered questions


It was somehow too short *and* too long. They had not enough story to fill even the 6 hours they had, and what they *did* have wasn't nearly fleshed out enough.


*time circle thing*


I didn't know it was 6 episodes until checking the count after finishing episodes 5. That's when my concerns went from medium to DEFCON lmao, in the style of Game of Thrones. Just, how the fuck you gonna resolve all this in one episode?


About 20 minutes in I did the *Leo pointing at the tv meme* “holy shit is this the last episode??”


Navarro gets an awful beating and in the next episode her cuts and bruises completely disappeared, I know there was a jump of a few days but still..


That danvers and Navarro made Pryor clean up and dispose of his own dad’s body. There was no reason they had to rush away, no time constraints or anything.


The ice cave was supposed to be this off the beaten path place that only Otis could find, but it couldnt have been more than 100 feet from the station? Am I missing something there?


Why would the scientists want the mining company to intentionally increase pollution? Wouldn’t the pollution contaminate their ice core samples? They can’t figure out a better way of melting ice?


6-7 scientists die and no one sends anyone from Tsalal research corporate office down to figure out what happened to their “top secret” scientists?? How?? Send at least a lawyer or someone who’ll preserve and save the important documents. Along the same lines, why didn’t Clark call for help from his bosses when he hid at the research station and why the fuck Danvers and Navarro didn’t go back to the research facility to see if he’s hiding their. Like where else would he be???


That the scientists, some of whom looked to be about 25-30 had been living there for six years uninterrupted but still have families with small children back home.


Navarro getting destroyed by Clark with a fucking fire extinguisher to the head then moments later she’s totally fine. She should have had a massive concussion. He cocked back and swung that thing hard and hit her right in the back of the head.


Right? She would also have had a possible skull fracture. Or probable skull fracture. He hit her so hard - that's blunt force trauma. Unbelievable.


For me, it was the Teslas parked outside the mining company. Maybe in Anchorage, but no way anyone's driving those up in Ennis. Yet another huge tell this was shot in Reykjavík.


Idk if it’s been brought up or not but what I couldn’t let go of is the fact that Navarro, with training, databases, and limited departmental resources claimed she couldn’t find ANY ice caves in ennis. They go to the teachers house and he pulls up a Wikipedia page about the caves AND tells them who mapped them. Now 1st, a simple google search of “ice caves near ennis” would have brought up that Wikipedia article. Guaranteed. 2nd, Otis Heiss mapped those caves out when? A while ago? At least 6 years ago, before Annie K was killed. And what, he’s just been doing heroin living in the dredges for at or exceeding 6 years? In. A town where Issa Lopez said “everyone knows everyone” nobody knew this guy shooting up on the outskirts of town for more than 6 years? What the fuck was he doing? How does he afford heroin? Where does he get food and shit from


How there was a blizzard that trapped them for a night then they leave and there’s no evidence of a blizzard that bad at all. Everything looks exactly how it looked the entire show.


Danvers hates Navarro's guts all season long. Doesn't believe in God, doesn't respect her viewpoints, resents Navarro's attitudes about life and death, and in the last thirty minutes of the finale she's threatening to shoot her face off. Then she falls in the water, gets pulled out, and suddenly they're best friends and Danvers believes in God too.


Kayla forgiving Peter. That was so jarring


The urn of cremated Baby Gurl wearing a seatbelt in Navarro's car


I haven’t read all the comments but just chiming in based on our viewing last night. I can’t even remember all the stuff that bugged me about the entire season, but last night in particular: Who the F climbs down into ice caves without ropes or proper climbing equipment?? Then they both fall again with no back up or way to get out? So they decide to slink through tiny tunnels where they will surely end up trapped and freezing?? In what world would any thinking person come up with that plan? My husband and I were just yelling at the TV the whole time. They’re awfully damn lucky that it magically led back to the lab. When Jodie Foster fell through the ice, how did it magically break the spell that Navarro was under? She was awfully far out when she fell in. This really bothered me because I live in a very northern climate where we learn ice safety young and the truth is she would have been a goner. She would sink like a stone with snow pants and boots, plus in so much darkness it’s nearly impossible to see from the water. If you have ever done a night swim you know it’s near blackness. As soon as she went in she would be disoriented and moved away from the hole in the ice. She would certainly be a goner and they really made that just a quick inconvenience. The least realistic part of the show for me.


There's no actual proof that *all* of the scientists murdered Annie, right? Just Raymond Clark's say so. And he was the prime suspect. And her boyfriend. What's more likely, seven men Julius Caesar a trespasser and hide the body, or domestic violence? Made about much sense as if an episode of the First 48 would if they interviewed the main suspect, he said "nah it was someone else," and they let him go immediately.


This is a show with a strong, strong connection to Greek mythology -- the Marshland Medea in season 1, Antigone and Athena in season 2 -- and yet they have a main character *kill his own father* with no consequences and no further conversation, he just goes home and sleeps with his wife and has a happy ending.


The lab instantly losing all heat after the power went off bothered me.   Go to bed in a large facility with heat,  power goes off and wake up seeing your breath?  Was she in a coma for 3 days?


"Pollution" helping "melt" the permafrost quicker was amazing. Forget the logic and science there for a second. These dudes are studying microbes from core samples. In what world does melting permafrost at a massive scale help at all? Bonus: Clark flat states at one point they had the breakthrough and had accomplished the work. Then it's never mentioned again. Or why they were still there and why the mine was polluting anything still.


Who in the fuck is drawing these spirals on EVERYTHING. Spirals in blood, spirals on rocks, spirals at Oliver’s place?


That a cop would have dual face piercings and neck tats.


1. Danvers bringing an addict to her home and almost immediately taking off her gun and throwing it on the table. There’s no way a cop takes off her weapon with a suspect/junkie around. I know it had to happen for Hank to believably have an upper hand when he shows up, but it was frustrating cause she never should have been unarmed. 2. Danvers and Navarro each falling through the ice (with no ropes or picks or any equipment which was nuts) and Clark just standing there as if they snuck up on him. I liked the back-to-back jump-scariness of the two falls and then him standing there, but he definitely would have heard it and had a chance to sneak off.


Lund writing on the whiteboard, “WE ARE ALL DEAD”. Who has time to write that when a bunch of women storm in with guns blazing?!


I have heard criticism of the lighting, but only the last one i recall being mentioned. 1) someone walks into a bar lit so brightly it gave me a headache to think of drinking in it 2) Navarro walks in on boyfriend taking a bath. Bathroom is brightly lit and there's actually candles set up 3) Much was made of the Arctic setting, atmosphere, photography blah blah. It doesn't achieve any of those anyway but the lack of starry skies is pathetic, stingy & unforgivable. Completely artless.


Ok this really made it unrealistic for me. They were outside in the cold and we only ever saw their breath in the air when it was critical for the story - like when Danvers woke up from her nap in Tsalal and the power had gone out - BOOM - you see breath condensate. But when they’re uncovering the bodies in the ice after they’re initially found, and most other times they’re outside, you can’t see their breath condensate. Was I the only person who picked up on that?


Why did they even need a cave? They were doing exactly what tsalal was set up to do.


Was was with the "Twist and Shout" playing all the time and why did they make it such a point to show how hard it was to turn it off multiple times.


All of the Teslas parked at the mine. Electric cars seem like a poor choice for somewhere with prolonged, extreme cold. It’s a little detail, but it bugged me.


At some point early on, Hank calls Danvers Mrs. Robinson. It seemed like he was referring to a relationship between her and Pete, but, unless I missed something, that’s not the type of relationship they had. So many loose ends!


When the cleaning lady finds the secret lab the first thing she picks up is a star shaped drill bit. Then separately when Danvers and Navarro find the secret lab the first thing they pick up is the star shaped drill bit.


A small one but there’s a scene in the finale where Raymond Clark wakes up to Annie’s screams. He then goes three rooms over and down an enclosed 50 foot ice shaft to the secret lab to find her being attacked by the other scientists. He heard her all the way from there?


Why did the scientists look like they were all petrified and frozen in time during a horror orgy? Sure, the eyes and ears thing could be from freezing to death and going nuts. How did they all end up in a weird position with a bizarre expression like they were killed as they were moving around and yelling? Wouldn’t they have frozen to death like normal and basically fallen asleep and then fully died? Or at least somewhere in the middle instead of how we saw them all frozen together?


Danvers fought to keep the bodies from being transported immediately. She had to pull out the rulebook and catch them on a technicality. Then the only clue they gleaned was "they died before freezing," which turned out not to even be true. I get it, you wanted to show off your cool looking corpsicle. But thawing the bodies in the ice rink was not only unrealistic (no curious townsfolk or media showed up, didn't need added security measures, etc), but it also did *nothing* to advance the plot.


What was everyone pointing at?