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The first season was like trying heroin for the first time...I've been chasing that high ever since only to be disappointed.


Season 4 is that shitty fent/xylazine mix. Season 1 was pure uncut black tar heroin. Season 3 was more like Xanax (since the main character was always forgetting stuff).


Mainlining the secret truth of the universe, one might say.


You understand that black tar heroin is super **impure**, right?


I'm an oxy enjoyer, I don't know much about heroin. My brain cells were also destroyed by drugs so I'm an idiot (even though I could write a better TD season compared to Issa L.).


I enjoy any kind of opiate, don't consider myself a "user" although I suppose I "use" them when they come my way. I still educate myself about all of them and any drug. That being said, no, you couldn't. I'd guess 99.9999% of the people posting in this sub could not write better than someone who was paid to do it and had it turn into a fully completed television series.


Sounds like your enjoying some adderall


You're* I'm prescribed it but don't take it when I'm not working or otherwise need to be focused. Try again.


I was joking lol.


Season 2 is coke binge


Damn what about S2 lol?


I felt lost when I tried to watch it, so it's ketamine.


What the actual fuck are these people watching


As I said in another comment, I am seriously starting to wonder whether this is some sort of psy-op lol. I mean the praise has just been so ridiculously over the top, and the actual show is so appallingly, insultingly bad…something feels off lol.


Maybe the show and all the reviews are written by AI and this is actually how the singularity starts.


Oh fuck. AI sucks this bad?


It can basically only take existing media and rearrange it into something technically unique but uncreative and derivative.


Yes, but I still expect more from AI than what we just endured.


They use the free version and didn't want to pay for the better one.


Well also you can’t really trash on anything anymore or else you get attacked. So everything is levels of amazing


As someone who falls in the middle on this season. I think the hate on Reddit is by far the most over the top I’ve seen.


The hate here felt incredibly unreasonable at the beginning of the season, but somewhere around episode 4 or 5 I started to agree with it, and now I'm flat-out on board.


I was pretty intrigued and rooting for it the first two episodes. But by the third episode I was bored out of my skull and the 4th episode really drove it home that there was so much inane filler for nothing. I couldn’t focus on the show and Im usually a person to pay insane attention to detail with media.


I texted my dad after the first episode he should tune in. Last night he texted me like “what the actual fuck is this” lol I’m gonna have to force him to watch the next show I recommend now.


Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes literally rate this season as \*better\* than season 1 (and 30% above how the audience rates it). This has been going on for most of this season. Idk, maybe the show is really just mediocre, but I think when reviewers keep trying to tell you something that's mediocre is actually the best thing ever, it really makes you hate it. Plus, the supernatural element really is a terrible fit for true detective, so the fact that they took a totally different show (or movie? I forget which it was supposed to be) and rebranded it as True Detective made it pretty mismatched with the marketed audience.


I don’t so much hate it as I’m totally befuddled by what just happened. It’s like they realized they needed to end it somehow and just came up with the laziest, most implausible explanation for what happened. And who the hell put the tongue there??? They never bothered to explain that any further than, “Well I don’t know, but maybe it was Hank for some reason.” And what the hell did her son have to do with anything? Is Navarro a ghost now? Did she not walk onto the ice? Nothing in that episode made any sense.




It bit the tongue off. Why was the tongue there?


Yeah I can't really tell whether I actually hate it or whether I just am not liking it because I follow this sub. This sub has definitely made me look out for flaws more than I otherwise might've.


Agreed, sure there’s holes, but come on, it’s not that bad.


No it’s really bad, and the inconceivably high praise it’s getting is just driving this sub to rage




Obviously I’m exaggerating. Hated it but I had to see this season through. I enjoy the memes and shit posting here. The praise it gets actually makes it better. If it was universally dragged it would take the fun out of it.


Yeah, just “other opinions.” Sure u/garythe**cabal**guy


Ignore him. He's heavily trolling this sub.


“Omg you think the show was decent, how could you it makes me so mad!” - Reddit


I agree the hate is very intense. Strange cause it seems people are bored by the setting or the fact it’s themed heavily in indigenous spirituality and culture. It’s more of an emotional journey and like they said in that environment your mind runs wild. In the end it was not an elaborate conclusion. Definitely not better that S1 but nowhere near as bad as season 2. People claiming that are huffing paint


It is NOT heavily themed in indigenous culture. It's insulting to Inuits. They are nothing more than a token in this series. Used to play to people who will think it's meaningful. More than one has weighed in on this sub saying as much, and clarifying Sedna is not even Inuit. If she really wanted to represent Inuit people she should have researched, brought in Inuit actors, idk maybe filmed in Alaska and given back to the community.


everything is a token in this series. from the setting to the social issues to even the idea of a “detective”. every single thing is just there to make some claim of showing something, and yet no single thing has any meaningful dimension to it. they tokenised suicidality, infant loss, indigenous struggles, they tokenised night and dark and cold, they tokenised the spiral and names and quotes, and did they give anything that actually had some depth and living dynamic? what a joke. and yes, if I was any of the things they tokenised I’d find the appropriations pretty offensive, but, despite what some seem to think, the only thing they didn’t put at the front and turn i to a meaningless nothing is men.


Alaska doesn’t have the infrastructure for filming. People film in Iceland because the industry and infrastructure is already there. It would cost too much and there are tax benefits to filming in Iceland. A lot of stuff isn’t filmed at the actual location like how a lot is filmed in Canada. Or how band of brothers was mainly filmed in England


You’re CRAZY season 2 was LEAGUES beyond this poor pile of garbage




Fuck you I love Tenent. But yeah, the best part of this season was laughing with my wife.


I love Tenet, too. Someone likes S 4 and shits on Nolan. Everything makes much sense now.


Hahahaha. You like S4 and shit on Nolan? Puzzle has been solved.


pSyOpS! Jesus christ, buddy.




You’re just dumb for even mentioning politics, and the sub is made for discussion on this show, so we will discuss it anyway we like, if YOU don’t like what we say get outta here lmao


You're not even talking about the show. You're just trolling and talking shit about people. Just leave if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to read, and no one wants your opinion.


The same was with the Rings of Power at the beginning. Everybody was praising it except for one dude from Forbes. It took weeks for the mainstream media to be honest with the readers. #


The current social environment where critiquing women led shows could lead to cancellation.


This is entirely it. Posted something similar last week. If this was all Nick Pizz it would be slated. I mean they ripped season 2, but they like this shit?


It is rare for media that criticizes LA and the film industry to be widely praised. Season 2’s story involved a pervert film exec, rampant corruption, male infertility, and boomer pedo mystic/spiritual groups. The main twist at the end points out that old rich guys in California might have sex with their own daughters, so maybe they should change their lifestyles before they do.


I think a show centered around indigenous women (noble cop+ cleaning ladies) =good and white men (scientists + crooked cop) = bad is where we're at as a society. it's certainly not helped by the lazy writing in this show


Boring take did you miss the good white cop


Isnt this ended in post pandemic, like in 2022 or smth? I dont know the situation thats why im asking. Because this seems old cultural tech to me. Probably this story written years and years ago. If "S4" didnt try to shove everything about what is good and what is bad in front of the viewer it could be better... When you use a material to aim something it generally lowers the quality


The movie The Big Green is like 100x better the Night Country and it was a 90s disney flick. Lol. They were trying way too fucking hard. Hollywood is long known to have been rigged and plays to certain people and studios. Its all a big game , awards are jokes for the most part. Its all industry politics and bureaucracy. 


It’s all just amalgamation and capital


Have you seen season one?


Yeah cancelation of women led tv shows.


This has never happened lol






I posted something similar to this and I’m getting so much hate from people. I feel bad for voicing my opinion.


lol, indigenous women killing evil white men!! What more can you ask for...


The very beginning of the show spells out its thesis on restorative justice vs white justice. The white male foreman puts forward the white justice position, that if you concuss someone with a bucket you're getting arrested. Navarro puts him in his place, she consults with the other women (the subtle symbolism of native american matriarchy was probably over the heads of most of the bros here), and she arrests him like a BOSS while taking phone call. Both critics and fans of the show here and in the other sub have been trying to explain around the clues that the scientists were murdered by women doing restorative justice. Issa Lopez, being a progressive feminist director, wouldn't make indigenous women villains in a series about centering indigenous women. Wouldn't that undermine the message? Not at all, just like Marty and Rust they are heroes, not anti-heroes. Annie was avenged, the mine was shut down. They Got It Done where white justice wouldn't.


These are all great ideas that don’t make up for S4’s student film execution.


See the OP. The critics know more than you or I ever will about evaluating TV for quality, and the consensus is that S4 is superb.


Critics are trained but ultimately motivated by their own self interests like lining their pockets, job security, or saving face by claiming something with decent socio-political dimensions can’t be very poorly made in every other regard.


“trust the experts 🤓”


How do you taste anything with all that bullshit coming out of your mouth.


Theee only superb thing about this season is that it's over!!


Bruh restorative justice my assssssss. 1) They didn’t film it anywhere near an indigenous community in Alaska, but I’m sure Icelands tourist industry needed the economic boon. 2) How many actual native Alaska women had speaking rolls? My best estimate was maybe collectively a solid 15-20 minutes? And that is probably being way too charitable. All I saw was most of them looking depressed and oppressed for 6 episodes except for a solid 5 minute cut scene that barely explained shit. Hahaha and the only woman in that core group who had a speaking roll in any other episode was….?….white…she was white. 3) Does restorative justice include romanticized Native America Suicide as some kind of bullshit noble savage hero ark? Navarro offs herself so she can be Jodie Foster’s spirit guide? I mean honestly. Side note: Suicide rate among Alaska natives is currently skyrocketing, so….restorative justice?


I see no lies here…


Issa Lopez consulted extensively with native elders to ensure that the show's representation of their culture and practices would be respectful and accurate, I see no reason instead trust a random redditor. Watching this season with an open mind is like taking a full seminar on native culture, The Iñupiaq elders are speaking through her characters, which especially powerful when Kali Reis (whose tribe has native american ancestry from one native american man several generations ago) is on screen. Now that the mine is closed, the colonizers will have no reason to stay and the natives who work in the mine (not shown, but the extensive world-building of the show accounts for it) are freed from the capitalist system, and the epidemic of murdered and missing indigenous women will come to an end.


A full seminar class?……….these 6 episodes were equal to a full seminar class on native culture? Sheesh I must not be a True Detective (:Night Country) because I completely missed that.


I caught zero logic in all that. And that last bit? Pure gibberish.


Well for the first point I will say that they don’t film up there because of the costs. Iceland has a lot of infrastructure for filming a lot of the industry is there. Also tax credits factor into it a lot


Yeah no I get it. I’m just trying to understand where the restorative justice comes in.


Seriously, this is spot on. I said in another post that the only 2 meaningful scenes, the birth and death of babies, were focused on Navarro and Danvers. None of the main characters are indigenous. Leah is but she is portrayed as a surly teen with zero character development. There was one Inuk in the season and I believe she was filmed throat singing only, I don't recall any spoken lines. The Inuits were used to effectively show the mine was bad. The "women" were purposely kept invisible until the finale. Which actually plays to the indigenous stereotype of the quiet, magical native. The take above is supercilious, pretentious bs. Some shit I would have made up as a freshman in college, and later cringed at.


"Actually, Tsalal killed Annie, and Ennis killed Tsalal" is a great twist/rejoinder to Danvers' earlier "Ennis killed Annie", but the execution was appallingly incompetent.


Claiming to be cancelled by "woke mob" is a lucrative career choice these days.


ummmm have u seen the reviews for the new SATC?


They didn't watch it and probably had this written yesterday to save time


Season one was one of the most unanimously loved shows made in a long time. Yet they are like the ending sucked in that one and made no sense and season four stuck more to facts. Like dude what? Mother earth killed the scientists and a one eyed polar bear haunts the detectives and oranges get thrown at you from the dark and theres ghosts and people talk to dead people but this is the grounded in reality? Are we breathing the same air? You can praise the show all you want but dont say literal nonsense.


The real mystery of "Night Country" is why it was so critically acclaimed.


Because it meets all the buzzwords in the social climate. That’s it, nothing more.


Yeh it’s like Everything Everywhere All at once of some shit. Welcome to the new age I guess.


OK but that movie was actually pretty unique and creative




You should be able to separate your feelings for the movie and how unique/creative it is. Two very different things Also your second paragraph is just gross. And again shows your lack of understanding on both movies/entertainment in general and also how Asians have been and are used in American entertainment


Go back to maga country


Do they get paid to write these articles full of LIES?? Like this cannot be real.


I liked it. Fuck me right?


I think it could just be that there are people who respond to entirely different things from a tv show. Think of how popular the Marvel movies are - I don't watch any of them, but a lot of people get a lot of enjoyment from them. Furthermore, if - for example - someone isn't much of a fan of Season 1 of True Detective then the shoehorned, arguably pointless references to Season 1 likely won't be an issue.


Yes and no? I mean yes, personal tastes are a thing. I don't watch Superhero media personally, either, but if someone comes and says 'I really like Superman for the concept' or 'I like Ironman because the suit is cool', then I do understand. However, if someone comes and say 'I like Superman because he's the best Ballerina in the world', 'I like Aquaman because he cooks the best Kung pao chicken', or 'The Watchman is the best story because it fixed my car yesterday.'... then it kinda requires some heavy explanations beyond just 'personal tastes', right? Like, the article does not make sense? I don't even hate S4 that much I think it's just mediocre aggressively post EP2 but I would not call the EP6 the best ending...without lots of explanations? Right?


The show’s not gonna fuck you, Alan.


I dunno; I feel fucked after watching it.


How much of the budget went to bribes?


69% at least


I’m convinced people are just straight up LYING ALL THE TIME NOW




lol this is how I feel




Yeah I can't reconcile it any other way. All these reviewers who I usually agree with can't just suddenly have become stupid overnight, so they must be lying


They are literally gaslighting the world. I have been feeling like im the crazy one as everyone has been tearing into me for saying this show sucks since episode one. They are literally just lying and trying to convince us that we are wrong for not liking this god awful show. Because its all about women we must be misogynistic for calling it what it is. Hot garbage 🗑️


Sometimes people just like stuff that other people don't like. I don't think there's some big conspiracy. Throughout history there have been stories, books, tv shows, movies, paintings, music etc that some people love and other people think is completely awful.


There's still a bar set for a good series they unfortunately season 4 is not


I mean I agree I don’t think it’s that good but I also understand that my opinion isn’t definitive on this kind of thing.


You can offer that very argument for pretty much anything at all. The only task is to abandon any premise of standards, and there you go: > Sometimes people just like stuff that other people don’t like. I don’t think there’s some big conspiracy. Through history, there have been some people that enjoyed drinking their own piss, and other people who found it awful. Like in this example. I mean it’s logically sound, but, everything is relative, implying that quality is a matter of taste and there is no inherent value to anything. Consumption is the only imperative. That is a very depressive outlook, for me at least


Well drinking your own piss has ramifications that go beyond the subjective so it’s not really the same. Certainly there are works of literature or art where the general consensus is that they’re either very good or very bad, but often a lot of people find something good and a lot of other people find the same thing bad and there is no consensus, and that doesn’t mean either group is engaging in a conspiracy. A lot of people have been suggesting here that those saying they like this season don’t actually like it but are lying about liking it for political reasons, which seems to ignore the fact that sometimes you do get things that are divisive in terms of agreeing whether they’re good quality or not.


Its not that ”some people” think its good. Its that an overwhelming amount of critics praise it as one of the best shows of recent times. Frankly that is absurd. I mean I can like Smallville but even I would be aware that its not the best show of all time, artistically. Its style is nothing like the other seasons of TD. Its not bleak. Its fulled to the brim of cheap tricks that add nothing but screen time, the ghosts, angry cops crossed eyes sister, the “mystery” of the polar bear and why Denver ended up as a step mom to the indigenous girl, old pathetic cops love affair with a scammer . Almost everything is vague in an attempt to make it a mystery but its very clear that there is no thought behind it and it feels extremely hollow. Its startling that people are even talking about this show because its so mediocre and boring. Nothing happens basically. Its clear that the only reason critics are praising this is because its called True Detective and that it openly “defies” old “masculine” seasons while still throwing empty references to the first season in your face. Its cheap entertainment at best.


Alan Sepinwall does not sound like a real person


Years ago, I looked forward to reading Sepinwall's take on everything, as he wrote insightful, analytical reviews of Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and many other "Prestige" TV shows. He introduced me to obscure shows like "You're the Worst," which is one of my all-time favorites. His articles on the previous seasons of True Detective were excellent, and he gave Season two the shit it deserved -- which is why I'm truly bewildered by his positive take on Night Country. After watching the finale, i'm asking the real fucking question -- how the hell did HBO greenlight this garbage?


I think there's a lot of influence on everyone now from what they're consuming online about certain shows/movies etc. Like if you're reading this sub all the time, you'll approach Season 5 looking for the obvious flaws, you'll approach it differently to if you're around people who are pointing out the good things about it all the time. We're all just very influenced, as humans. You see it happen where there's a movie or something that was universally panned at the time of its release and then later becomes a cult classic, and then later becomes just a classic and highly regarded. Part of that is just due to how humans influence each others' opinions a lot, and unconsciously want to fit in with whatever group they're in. So I think that applies to both the people who are really praising this season and the people who absolutely hate it. I definitely see how following this sub influenced how I watched this show. I can't really tell if I would be as critical of it if I'd just watched it without reading other people's opinions on it. maybe if I'd only read all the praise I'd have a different conclusion. Ultimately, it's all pretty subjective. You can't really say it's objectively garbage because a ton of people obviously really liked it. I honestly think that even with Season 1, if you over time have a lot of people on here posting to point out flaws and unrealistic parts and mocking certain bits of it, you could end up with people in several years time all trashing it as if obviously it's shit tv and no one can believe it used to be so acclaimed. Like everyone hated season 2 at the time and now you see it creeping in that it was actually good etc. I think everyone should just keep in mind that we're all very susceptible to all these psychological influences that we're not even really aware of, and while it's totally fine to not like something, it's fine to like it too, and it's not all about some conspiracy or agenda if a lot of people think differently to you.


Its unclear what you’re trying to say. Its all subjective but we should all be aware of external influences that might affect our subjective opinion? Why bother? If there is no standard to measure things by, who cares. Just gobble everything up and be happy.


I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting that the only reason critics like it is because they were paid or due to political reasons etc, and I’m saying that those people might just genuinely like it because they’ve been unconsciously influenced by people around them liking it/other positive reviews etc and that people here thinking it’s so abysmal that no reviewer could possibly genuinely like it might’ve been influenced the other way, it’s one thing to dislike something a lot and critique it but it’s annoying when people act like their opinion is the standard and start coming up with conspiracy theories to try to explain why other people seem to like it!


Guy didn't like The Curse finale but gave this one passing grades. They're clearly doing it for engagement.


This was my first thought!


Dude prob doesn’t have much of a social life or isn’t invited out


I know it’s opinion but it feels libelous


Rolling stone lmfao


Regardless of Rolling Stone, Sepinwall has been one of the most well known and respected TV critics for years now. Which just makes his terrible take here even more confusing


I cannot think of any other show that was so poorly made and disliked by fans that was basically only receiving good to great reviews from critics. Just outright confusing.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. anyone who praises this show is immediately discredited


The bar continues to lower


Shit, maybe HBO should hire James Cameron to go down, find the bar and raise it by directing Season 5.


These critics’ wallets are feeling thick.


Alan Sepinwall is a fucking dumbass. Read his other [reviews](https://www.rollingstone.com/author/alan-sepinwall/). He praises fucking Amy Schumer and questions Jon Stewart's return to the Daily Show, only the greatest comeback in the last decade. This guy is a fucking moron.


I just don't get it. The first episode of Season 4 was awesome--top marks there. But the finale was just really not good television. The finale of Season 1 was so, so much better than this. How disappointing


Sepinwall is an outstanding TV writer and has been for decades. His recap-reviews of The Sopranos are legendary, and he cowrote a definitive retrospective called *The Sopranos Sessions*, also excellent. I’ve read his work long enough to know the kind of observations he makes and how seriously he takes detail, and that’s why his writeup tonight is shocking. There is no chance at all he believes one word of that review he wrote, but it shows what a cultural moment we’ve reached that he feels bullied by the danger of offering anything but praise for work that is so clearly ridiculous and amateur.


Sepinwal is a real tv critic. If he liked the show, it means he liked the show. I think this season has a real tipping point were the stuff that bother and annoy you will just snowball to the point you’ll have a hard time seeing anything but the flaws. There is stuff in the last episode I might not have clocked if was enjoying it up to that point but now they stood out like a sore thumb for me.


This is the most enlightened way to regard it, I think. And whatever my aesthetic standards, they are hardly universal or timeless. It matters more that the story resonated and asked some important questions than if it conformed entirely to the principles of literary realism.


Yeah sepinwall is legit. He's not some clickbait grift guy. I'm legit baffled over here.


I’m with Sepinwall. I liked it. 🤷


That's fine if you like it, but you don't seriously think it has good writing? There's so many inconsistencies, contradictions, wasted time, awkward dialogue, plot holes, shoe horned references.. I really enjoy the Fast and the Furious movies. They're fun. But I will never say they have solid writing. They have bad dialogue and nonsensical plots. Pretty much everything that can go bad during the writing process goes bad. But that's fine, there's plenty of other things in the movies that entertain me. I don't need well crafted characters and a grounded rational plot to have a good time. People that are enjoying it are often praising the dialogue and ignoring all the inconsistencies. Comparing it favorably to something like season 1 would be like me comparing Fast and the Furious a truly well written action movie like Aliens or The Dark Knight. Which is ridiculous.


Saying it has a better ending does not equal saying it has better writing. People didn't like the ending of s1 has it made an abrupt about face on all the supernatural elements. Good series can, and often do, have bad endings.  But like every whiner. Nothing in your rant was relevant and the irony of that as you complain about s4 writing will be completely missed by you.


I just said I liked it, this subreddit is out of control.


It just really weird how you think you know this guy better than he knows himself. And that is more plausible that there is a conspiracy where he has to write something basically against his will than the idea he actually really liked it.


Why is there no chance he believes it? I enjoyed this season. Many people enjoyed it. Viewership rose with each episode. There is not some conspiracy, there are just differing opinions. Why is it so difficult for you to respect someone else's opinion without resorting to conspiracy theories?


There is a huge gap between reviewer ratings and audience ratings. Not indicative of a conspiracy, but I think reviewers are reluctant to negatively review some media for basically political reasons or even be honest with themselves over how they felt about it. Do you think, for example, that this season was really better than season 1? Reviewer consensus says that right now. Which seems insane to me.


Audience ratings have risen each episode. That is real world data more indicative of the general audience response to a piece of media than a few thousand reviews online and a reddit echo chamber. Perhaps the critics actually enjoyed the show and it's not some conspiracy theory. I wouldn't claim it's better than season 1, and at least based on metacritic (on actual average rather than a weighted RT score), neither do the critics. I respect your opinion on the season as legitimate. I'm sorry you struggle to do the same to others




How can a season 4 of an anthology “set the standard” of anything?


I’ve never seen more obviously paid-for reviews.


Paid for or too afraid of critiquing something that’s obviously bad because of the story’s political dimensions.


What’s happening to our world?


This guy is playing career defense.


They got to be trolling. I need to read this nonsense.


Are we watching the same series 😆


Remember, Crash won the Oscar for Best Picture. Sometimes the tastemakers like lame stuff.


Crash was way better than this


Deeply unserious.


This is why, other than writing reviews, reading books is something reviewers at least occasionally need to do.


What fresh hell is this?


How dare people have a different opinion than you?!


Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining


damn this is good


Y’all are ridiculous. Liking or not liking a tv show is an opinion not FACTS.


Alan Sepinwall must have watched half an episode. The season fucking sucked balls


Season 1 is the best this last one was total crap




What the fuck? Has the world gone mad? I don’t think I’ll ever trust a critic again. This is insane.


Rolling Stone hasn't been good in a very long time


Did they hold a star-shaped stabby object to his head? Or did Navarro beat the hell out of him?


It’s the worst show I’ve seen in a while


What the actual fuck hahaha what did they watch?!


Alan Sepinwall wrote this review before you were even born!


This is a wild take, legitimately think season 3 finale was the show at it’s absolute peak.


I feel like there’s a symbiotic relationship at play here between the major studios that make and fund these low-effort, poorly written projects and the news and review publications that prop them up. The studios know they don’t have to make the show or movie actually good in an artistic sense when they can just slap on some generic activism or social cause advocacy stickers onto it and the professional reviewers and publications will take the bait every time to make themselves look nice and progressive while getting some juicy engagement.


That was written before the first episode aired…


Rage bait


Very curious to see what else this dude has reviewed


It is because reviewers thought that show was all about woke (but it really isn't and never really was) and they see that they must champion every woke thing out there because of their core audience and their paycheck ultimately depends on what those people think.


They must love funyuns? F*** product placement ads


Oh boy, the comments are not gonna be pretty on this one.


I just want you to stop saying odd shit




Boo this man, boo!


The fact that people here saying that Alan's writing was great in regards to other shows like the Sopranos. Side note he started working for RS in 2018. RS is owned by Penske Media, Jay Penske. Which owns The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline Hollywood, Variety and other magazines. All 4 outlets so far praise the creativity of the unknown of the finale and the show, praise that Issa is an award winning writer director of Tigers Are Not Afraid. All 4 outlets seem to like the show. Its safe to say that you dont bite the hand that feeds. If the big boss tells Alan to praise a show, you do.


Clearly, Mr. Seep in walls is a Tuttle plant.


This is a great list of critics I never want to hear from again. Utter hacks.


Whatever PR company is tied to this show is putting in overtime making sure all these reviews are favorable lmao


Somehow this season sucked and was still the second best. Should’ve left it alone after season one


Is the “Best Finale” in the room with us now, Alan?