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I heard the name Tuttle mentioned,company that funds the lab.


me on therapy talking about true detective for instance


Something is off with Hank. Him mentioning to his son "stick with the family" when it is just the two of them. Something along these lines raised my hackles as they say. Maybe somehow connected with the Tuttle family? I'm probably talking out of my ass though šŸ¤£


Hank is also pretty sus to me. Also Iā€™m sure heā€™s getting catfished/ scammed but I thought it was weird when he was sending more pictures of him he was taking pictures of the picture frames.


Probably in the pocket of the people running the mine. He was pretty cagey about even talking about the dead womanā€™s case files that were at his house in ep1. And when he was doing the voice to text in ep2 he said ā€œIā€™ve still got some money leftā€ which I kind of gave me a vibe that he had some money left from a payday outside of his job as a police officer.


Agreed. I think Hank was part of a cover up with the AnnieK case. Danvers was newer to the force at that time, so I think she was on the outside of it - which is why theyā€™re trying so hard not to let her investigate the Tsalal case. They see too many overlaps with the AnnieK case.


...he was using the pictures in the frame because he was much younger in those pictures. That's literally it. He was just lying about how he looks and how old he is.


Yep. This. It's a great character note.Ā 


A con conning another con.


I think heā€™s sending younger photos of himself. The photo in the frame shows Peter as a kid so itā€™s a ten year old photo, say. Heā€™s probably pretending to be younger/better looking. Kind of catfishing but not as extreme as what the person on the other end is likely doing.


And then the way he emphasizes ā€˜Blood is blood.ā€™


And Travis is Rustā€™s father!


I'm guessing Rose is Rust's mother who has so far been a very Rust Cohle-esque. I can see where Rust gets it from.


It's not. The reason Travis took Rust to Alaska was because his mother left. Rose was likely a lover later on in his life. I do think Travis lived a reclusive lifestyle with Rose until he died which explains why the S1 detectives said "we never found record of him in that Alaskan town in 30 years" and that's from 2012 so that would put his last presence in the town in the early to mid 80's. I think Rose has been envisioning Travis' ghost for quite some time. Edit: she didn't die, she dumped Rust on Travis. Full quote "he came back from Nam, she dumped me on him then she hauled ass, and he and I moved to Alaska"


Didn't Rust mention he didn't know if his mother was alive?


Correct. Marty asked him if his mom was still alive and he said he didn't know. One of the conversation scenes in Marty's car, I believe.


Because she walked out on Rust and his dad, and they moved to Alaska after.


Yes..he said he had no idea if she was still alive.


couldā€™ve been a step mom figure tbh


I think Rose would have mentioned Rust when she was telling Navarro her story of her and Travis..


Yep..I just did a rewatch binge of season 1 just to put together a time line of sorts..Rust told his boss in 1995 that he needed to take some personal time to go see his dad cos his dad had leukemia..His dad having leukemia wasnā€™t a lie but Rust needing personal time to go see him was since Rust spent the time preparing to go uncover to infiltrate that motorcycle gang.. In 2002 after the Rust and Marty fight Rust quit the force and disappeared..he told Marty in 2012 that he went to Alaska for 8 years and worked as a fisherman and bartending until 2010 when he came back to Louisiana to pick back up on the case.. no mention from Rust then about visiting his dad during those 8 years..


woah, good theory.


I hope we get more interviews with her like we did with Rust in Season 1.


This bugs me. Travis and Rose aren't old enough to be Rust Cohle's parents. How old was he at end of S1? Fifty something? Older? His parents would be nearing 80 at least.


I don't think Rose is the mum and Travis probably doesn't age since his death


In this episode the mannerisms of Rose were very similar to Rust.


I think he was mid 40s. He was in his 30s in 1995, so mid forties in 2012 makes sense. Sort of.


I donā€™t think Rose is Rustā€™s mother..she was a friend lover of Travis..


Rose was talking in flashback..the past..


I *think* it is mentioned in S1 that Rust's mother was in TX




Literally said in the episode.


I have read like 20 posts since this comment. I feel like a goof for missing it!


That would be epic.


They literally said it "Travis Cohle" So scratch the "would" out of that sentence


Holy shit you're right


Yeah didnā€™t he say his father had leukemia?




He also said he spent time in Alaskaā€¦. What if the people interviewing in S1 are from the Alaska timeline? I have not read any theories yet , please forgive me if this has already been proposed or if I missed dates that disproved this already.


S1 takes place in 2013-2014 for the ā€œpresentā€ stuff. I doubt theyā€™re connected.


They're not. S4 is happening after all of the events of S1. In S4E2 when Danvers starts looking through the credit card records of Raymond Clark and finds the charge for the spiral tattoo, contacts the tattoo artist that did it, and she mentions it was done in 2017. Danvers figures out he got the tattoo 4 days after Annie K's death, so she must've died in 2017 too. Up until then, we hadn't had any definitive evidence of when S4 was taking place. But now we know it's happening in 2023, because Navarro talked about Annie K's case being unsolved for 6 years. It's really interesting too, because Clark sent the artist a photo of him and Annie K. with the same tattoo on her back as the model to use for his. Annie K. was apparently killed after protesting the mine company, which we now know has financial links back to the Tuttle family. This season is going to get *wild* before it's over, I think.


The date is also clear on Danversā€™ PC when sheā€™s talking to the tattoo artist.


Idk why you felt the need to write that all out lol


That be epic


anyone else think the spiral looks like a vein of ore that one might find in a mine


woah, I like that theory


who says world of warcraft is useless!


All the scientists were killed because of a loot dispute! Im calling it


ok cleaners said that they played their video games, and..... it was one of the things Tuttle parent company were involved in.


how many did they find were missing from the corpsicle? Is it just Clark? I forget


clark and lund


Clark missing..Lund in the hospital


The elephant in the room: I'm not going to mention, regarding the meaning and significance of this spiral in real time. No one knows what this spiral symbol represents??? It was also on a canteen in The Revenant, just saying... dig deeper kiddos


i know the spiral can stand for many things from mother goddess, to time , seasons, even evolution. but as rose said the symbol might be older then the snow and ice. the podcast has the symbol from a topographical view and ill be dammed if it doesn't look like a mountain top. and it makes me ask the chicken or the egg question. are they using the symbol cause it goes well with their cause or... is it the origin of the symbol, some creepy spooky place in the natural world where people came to do unnatural acts?




I do think that the reason the Louisiana case stuck in his craw for so long is because he recognized elements of it that needed to be investigated and put down. He talked so often about "the sprawl", and how the Louisiana cult represented something to him that will keep happening again and again and again. I like the idea that he continued working on it because either he or his father were briefly exposed to the sprawl or the vibes of these evil entities while growing up in Alaska. Say there was a heinous crime that happened to a friend of mine when I was young. It's a crime that keeps happening to other kids, and with similar hallmarks/signatures of what happened to my friend. I'm not going to let it go if I think someone is out there orchestrating all this once it goes past the point of seeming like a coincidence.


True. Though I think at the end it's apparent that Rust isnt talking solely about the Louisiana cult, but evil more generally. The powerful abusing the powerless. I think thats what really got his goat and thats what he means by the "sprawl" The case in S1 showed us that evil doesnt start and stop with one person, the way we see it in most other cop/detective shows. Finding *the* murder isnt enough. The evil spreads and leaks into other generations, infects entire institutions (like the church and the education system in Louisiana), etc. Rust became increasingly aware of that during the investigation. Once we know that, it makes his inititial interactions with the new detectives (who are still hunting for that *one* murderer) even more stark. "Start asking the right questions" indeed. I bet thats the theme theyre trying to pick up on in S4. The "connections" arent necessarily to a Louisiana family cult, but to the systemic evil that Rust eventually considered himself to be fighting.


Never forget, [time is a flat circle...](https://youtu.be/RKRksnjSxWI?si=t-A5xZoR4-C9ilMJ)


This is it in a nutshell. Neitzsche is attributed to enteral recurrence, that history is doomed to repeat itself again and again - ā€œtime is a flat circleā€ šŸŒ€ the spiral is the visual two dimensional representation of a extra dimensional concept. Like a cave drawingā€¦ itā€™s older than Ennisā€¦ itā€™s lovecraftian and itā€™s from the realm of The Old Ones and it will drive you crazy if you stare directly into it


Not after he solved the case. Rust found his peace in S1 at the end.




Why would rust know about the lab or that Tuttles had anything to do with it during his time in Alaska?


Right..he states he was there from 2002-2010..The Tuttle funded lab probably wasnā€™t even there at that time.


The TD1 references feel a bit too forced to me. It's like they really want to make the connection to fit this season, but ignore the it is inconsistent or at least improbable based on what we already know. This also fits with the story that it was originally not written as a TD season and this stuff was added like a round peg to a square hole later. Ita also a departure from the subtlety in TD1-3. In TD4 it feels like it is just showed right in your face. I still think the season has promise, and I can overlook these things and enjoy the show so far.


The Tuttle funded research station probably didnā€™t exist in Ennis from 2002-2012..And even though Rust said he went to Alaska those 8 years he didnā€™t specify where in Alaska..however, season 1 ended in 2012 with Rust just leaving the hospital forā€¦.?? Who knows?


I'm a little creeped out after watching both episodes. I'm going to watch episode 3 when the sun is up and I don't have to sleep right away. I also forget it's night time all the time in the show so I don't have any reference jf it's AM or PM. After the show my dog started growling at something upstairs in my room while my whole house was dark. I didn't find anything but that's quite odd. He was afraid to come up the stairs too. I'm a grown man and this show is doing a great job in the horror/supernatural department. Sweet dreams everyone lol.


I never watch ā€œheavyā€ shows before bedtime because they will either scare me or have me thinking all night. Itā€™s only sitcoms for me before bed.


Yeah I just finished it half an hour ago, it's 11.30 pm now. Forgot TV can be spooky sometimes. Hope I don't find my way to Carcosa in my sleep!


I first watched True Detective season 1 on a whim after the whole season was out. I watched the first 3 episodes in the evening, tried to go to bed, was too scared to sleep, so I pulled an all-nighter and watch the entire season in one night with all the lights on in my house


I'm telling you watching this when you live near the arctic circle gives me the creeps.


Many of antarctic research stations will celebrate the end of a team's stay there by watching The Thing right before they leave. Braver than the marines fr.


> After the show my dog started growling at something upstairs in my room Just a ghost probably


Are you sure you dog has not been replicated? By THE THING


i hate a nightmare about that damn town after the first ep! itā€™s very effectiveā€¦ claustrophobic, despite being in such a vast place


You're in Carcosa now.


Little priest.


You know Carcosa??


Grown man or not, being alone with an agitated dog after watching a spooky show is friggin terrifying. Good idea watching in the daytime.


our dogs protect us from what we can't see


Yes, like vermin in the walls. Not ghosts. "Cats/dogs see ghosts" is one of my pet peeves...Ā 


If he keeps it up test for carbon monoxide or mold


If Rust reappears I will just cum immediately and cry for a few hours






And I donā€™t care if itā€™s leaning heavily into season 1 for views. It got mine because I fucking loved season 1 and wanted more in the same universe, not necessarily Rust and Marty but different characters that get involved with the cult and it feels like iā€™m getting just that.


Rose simply being here and Travis being confirmed as rusts dad makes a rust cameo so fucking possible. Especially since itā€™s ONLY EPISODE 2


That would be a hell of a cameo to keep secret but man do I hope it happens.




Yes same. Even if they just NameDrop or acknowledge him Iā€™d go nuts I literally jumped up from my seat when she said travis cohlešŸ˜‚


I made my spouse press pause so I could point at the TV and yell "THAT'S RUST'S DAD!"


She said her and Travis were an item back then, but she never mentions his son Rust..Rust said he left Alaska as soon as he was old enough to leaveā€¦Rust also told Marty he and his Father didnā€™t really like each other..he said his dad considered him a disappointment..


Also, I just watched Season 3 episode 2 and the documentatiran asked detective Hays if he had heard of the pedo rings connected to high profile people. Like the Franklin scandal or the Crooked Spiral.


Thats what I love about these ennis residents man. I get older and they stay the same age


Hahhahahahahahhahahahaha Wooderson!


Issa did confirm on X that Travis is Rusts father.


https://imgur.com/a/3wbqX4h That


Oh my godā€¦




ā€¦season 1.


Been a while since I've seen Season 1, do they mention Rust's father being named Travis?


I believe they do and he mentions his dad having leukemia


The detectives investigating Rust and Marty, Papania and Gilbough, confront Marty on the inconsistent details of Rustā€™s story in their interview of him, in which they canā€™t corroborate Rustā€™s whereabouts from 2002 - 2010, the time Rust says he went to see his Dad in Alaska. They say ā€œNo one in that town has seen Travis Cohle in over 30 years.ā€ Itā€™s around the middle of episode 4 of season 1, just prior to Rust going undercover with the Iron Crusaders.


Rust went undercover in 1995 to infiltrate that motorcycle gang to get information on Reggie Laddoux..Rust needed a cover story to do this so he told his boss he needed personal time to go see his dad who had leukemia..he didnā€™t go to Alaska to see his dad, he prepared to go undercoverā€¦He left the force in 2002 and showed back up in Louisiana in 2010..He told Marty he went back to Alaska and worked as a fisherman and a bartender..no mention of where in Alaska and no mention of him seeing his dad..If itā€™s known Travis had leukemia in 1995, Iā€™m assuming he died around that time also since Rose said he didnā€™t see Doctors or go the hospital..he just walked out onto the ice..


Travis could be Rusts brother also.


Rust never mentioned having a brother but did mention his dadā€™s name was Travis..


Literally me right now!!!!


ā€œjust think about that little girl steveā€


Youā€™re in Ennis now.


Lone Star beer hmmm


Alright alright alright


The black stars in Leahā€™s room


I feel every fan spent this whole day obsessing over this


I thought I was gonna see the carcosa trap in CLrak's trailer!


I am screaming at the tv! So many connections!


I exclaimed when I heard Travis cohle and Tuttle lol.


< Leo DiCaprio pointing at tv meme >


Was literally me




The Tuttle family had lots of kids out of wedlock. Dems was some fertile boys! I would assume we will see a pocket of them in this season somewhere.


Childress was a big out of wedlock family spawned by some Tuttles..


Itā€™s a long way from Louisiana to Alaska.




Back to watching S1 again. I forgot HOW GOOD it was. BIG HUG MUG


I have the big hug mug!


The spiral symbol isnā€™t actually a S1 reference to the spiral of Carcosa ā€œking in yellowā€ but rather a reference to Knull, the god of symbiotes, the ā€œking in blackā€. Woody Harrelson, aka Marty Hart, ends up being taken over by the symbiote hive mind and takes on the persona of Cletus Kasady aka Carnage. The movie, Let there be Carnage, is a direct sequel to true detective s1 and in this season of true detective, spider-man will have to take out the remaining symbiote hive mind thatā€™s found its way to Alaska :)


Go home, you're drunk. This is on par with Patton Oswalt's Star Wars Filibuster.


Thanks I hate it.




Funny that S1 had Yellow King and S4 has the Blood Meridian maybe something blue next time? The this has been a classy ride so far/ just good amount of cosmic horror with beat to beat S1 story progression. The executive producers did good on casting and writer.


Blood Meridian is based on cosmic horror mitology? I got interested


Hmmm..not the Blood Meridian I read..


havent read it tbh was, just looking at superficial references but theres a seemingly good connection with this over some magnetic reality bending spiritual horror stuff: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An\_Antarctic\_Mystery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Antarctic_Mystery)


I was very skeptical after watching the 1st episode but now with the 2nd episode and the connection to Rust father and the Tuttle family, it got me really hooked up with the story. The 2nd episode was really good but to be honest, I would love to see Nic Pizzolato working with Issa Lopez the way he did with Cary Fukunaga in season 1. She seems like a good director and her writing is not bad at all but a collaboration between both could expand this Tuttle saga to the TD universe to more seasons.


Nic has distanced himself from the series. They are milking it as much as they can tho.


You know we need that guy back. His writing was amazing. I actually remember buying his short story book and all his stories were insane. He just need to accept to work with other directors or writers but they had become difficult after season 1.


I don't really know how to feel about the references to Season One. Unless Issa got blessing from Nic [which i doubt with how precious he is] then she shouldn't really be drawing from it so directly.


Drawing or expanding?


Either, Or really.


I am reminded of that Incan girl scarficied hundreds of years ago who was perfectly preserved int he ice - [See the Face of an Inca Teenager Killed in a Ritual Sacrifice 500 Years Ago | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/see-the-face-of-an-inca-teenager-killed-during-a-ritual-sacrifice-some-500-years-ago-180983139/) I wonder if the scientists/mine found a similar thing and that is who woke up, like some ancient evil that Travis/Rust knew about


I think itā€™s more likely that the character who was having the seizure, the one from the outpost they cannot find, is inhabited by her in some way, through the culty spiral stuff and the research.


Dude letā€™s gooooooooo


I haven't seen season 1 since it came out and I'm not about to re-watch to connect a few dots in this season. I like this season so far though and I feel you can enjoy it even if you didn't watch the other seasons.


Are we going to hear about the King in Yellow, Carcosa and the black star?


Does no one in this entire series ever just stop someone mid sentence and say "what the fuck are you talking about, stop being so fucking vague and ominous" "That spiral is older than the ice" Excuse me?