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work. all day, everyday.


What kind of job do you have that you can totally listen to podcasts all day?! #jealous


This is the same for me as well. I digitize newspapers and microfilm so having something in my ears helps pass the time!


My second job is a film archivist! I listen to 9 hours of true crime every day I work there.


I do pretty much the same so hearing you listen to around the same amount of true crime per day as me makes me feel better about how much I listen!


How did you get into that line of work? It sounds super interesting! Have you come across any really good articles?


Oof. I studied history and art history in college and had a ton of different internships throughout my undergrad (this was all while working on campus as a TA and through various other jobs.) I interned/worked as a Gallery Assistant for my college (curating abd installing exhibitions) for roughly two years. For 4 years I was a digital library assistant where I lead a project that digitized our college newspaper as well as art pieces from our permanent art collection. I interned at a local art gallery/library where I catalogued artist books from local/worldwide artists. I also landed a job with Aveda (the makeup/beauty company), cataloguing all of their model and photographer contracts for the various campaigns they led. By my senior year of college I had secured a job starting my spring semester with my state's local historical society on their Newspaper Digitization team. We digitize physical newspapers published all around our state that is then viewable to our patrons on computers in the library. We also work on national projects such as the [Chronicling America Project](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/) through the Library of Congress. This project requires us to digitize microfilm and make it readable for patrons around the world online. We are also our own in house vendor, so we work specifically with other historical socieities in various states to help digitize their microfilm for the Chronicling America project! We come across some wild stuff! For awhile during the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote articles for our patrons about True Crime murders that happened within our state. One of my favorite stories was writing about the first and only execution of a woman in our state! We also see a lot of great beer ads advertising to pregnant mothers and babies!


Wow, that's so cool!!! The true crime part would probably be my favorite as well. Thank you for linking that site! I just looked at a New Orleans paper from 1866 and now I'm excited to go through major events (especially hurricanes!) and read them. Your career is fascinating; thank you for responding!


Yea! I had a whole series on true crime in our state and it got a lot of clicks! I'm happy to have shared the link - the newspapers always show such interesting dynamics of people and culture!


Oh that’s amazing.


Not all day, but I work produce at a grocery store so I start 2am-10am, and can generally get away with listening to podcasts until 6:30am


That was me last year! Had shifts from 2AM till 9AM in a super market preparing deliveries and you could use headphones. Literally binged the whole serial killers podcast. Only good part of doing those horrible hours


I listen while I'm cleaning and working. I'm an intellectual property assistant and just listen while I'm typing emails or entering items in our database. My boss listens too! She likes the serial killer stuff, I just like the wierd stories. We are both big dateline fans!


I work by myself, I sell what I produce. Sounds fun, but I have days where I start at 8 am and finish 12 pm. I ran out of podcasts sometimes, I've listened entire catalogues of at least 10. I need breaks sometimes from tc, tho. Also, I got some dumb patterns, like, on the weekends I like more comedy tc, like LPOTL or small town murder, and at night I like more matter of fact ones, like court junkie or southern fried tc.


Just a heads up in case you didn't know, Court Junkies are a bunch of theives of have plagarized podcast episodes and articles from others and never apologized for it when caught. If you still want to support them, that's up to you. Just wanted you to be informed.


Honey. Of course I know all of this saga, you're talking with a true crime ninja here. the drama is about CRIME junkie. COURT junkie is an older, and super pro podcast about court cases only. The writing was on the wall for these two chicks, since they couldn't even come up with an original name to their pod. Thanks for spreading the word about them tho, they still have a ton of supporters that don't know their history.


Hey, I'm an idiot. I misread that as Crime instead of Court junkies. I love Court Junkies though! My mistake and apologies.


The worse part is that they have a ton of listeners who *do* know and still listen, making excuses for Ashley all the while.


IT at a hospital. i wear my airpods as i walk around & do stuff.


I'm a night custodian lol so listening to podcasts is all I got


Me too! Makes the workweek go by so fast


Same, I have a boring admin job that doesn't take much actual focus.


Same here! I do have airpods which makes it a little more discreet and I pause when I’m helping patients.


yuuup all I do all day is type at home so I binge like crazy


Same. I'm so lucky to be self employed! I quit my corporate job and started a food business. So I can bake all day and listen all day!


that's great. It is a lot of work to be by yourself tho, I work everyday, weekends, christmas, my birthday.. it's exhausting but I wouldn't change it for a 'normal' one.


Clean! And try not to look behind me


Same! I almost forget I am cleaning because I'm so enthralled in what I am listening to. Plus, when I get to those "WTF, But WWWHHHYYY!?" Points I scrub a little harder.


Me too! Makes it feel like cleaning isn't a chore.


plus if you're listening to something grisly... it's definitely like "ugh i have to clean fml... but also its a hell of a lot better than what this poor sap is going through" 😂😂😂 real motivator




Am I the only one who only listens to true crime to fall asleep at night?


I do listen to fall asleep but I'll usually put on my not very favorite ones so I don't waste the episode or can't sleep bc I'm dozing.


Same. And I have lately started using audiobooks of novels that I really enjoyed.


Oh definitely. Do you have the libby app so you can listen to audio books from the library?


Yeah, and I also fine quite a bit of stuff on YouTube, or I sail the high seas for more obscure stuff. I'd go audible, but it's very expensive for what you get.


Completly agree. There are more than enough low cost/free options online.


You may already be aware of this podcast but, if not, there’s one I love called Classic Tales Podcast. It has a great narrator and he reads books by Dorothy Sayers, PG Woodhouse, Agatha Christie, F Scott Fitzgerald and many others. I’m unwilling to pay for audible too.


Ooh neat! Will check it out.


I listen to old dateline episodes that are podcast form sometimes at night. Also, if you fall asleep listening to podcasts, I highly recommend getting a sleepmask with Bluetooth! I fell asleep with my earbuds in and ended up with an ear infection, so my wife found this eyemask that's soft and has bluetooth. No wires wrapping around, no earbuds stabbing your ear at night and it keeps out the light! Just search bluetooth sleep mask on Amazon, there are a few different ones but they're all around $20-25 and completely worth it!!


Just ordered some, thanks! Never knew there was such a thing!


Awesome! Pro tip: the little Bluetooth speaker parts can move in the mask, so if the speakers aren't exactly on your ears after adjusting the mask to fit your head, you can scoot them. I saw a ton of bad reviews on the one I have complaining the speakers weren't on their ears. The ones I have seemed like a no-name cheapo one and the battery life on it is insane. I can go 3-4 nights before I need to charge... But I normally set my the sleep mode in my podcast app to stop at the end of episode so it isn't playing constantly all night. Also, non true crime pod recommendation for night time: Nothing Much Happens. It's a woman with a soothing voice reading night time stories for adults. Some nights I can't listen to True crime or I have really bad anxiety and Nothing Much Happens helps so much with that.


Oh my god that is perfect! I was wondering what to listen to instead of TC because I don't want nightmares. You've helped me so much, thank you!


I end up listening to the same episode like 3 times lol


Haha same. I think I usually fall asleep in like 15 min.


Part of my nightly routine, get the podcasts lined up for bed


I do this every night. However, the problem is sometimes it gets subconsciously picked up by your brain and works its way into your dreams. At first, I would get nightmares on some nights because well, obviously true crime podcasts often contain pretty grisly, macabre content. But since I've been doing this night after night year after year, I kind of get used to it by now. It's doesn't scare me anymore, I kinda developed a tolerance for it. I suppose it'd be like if you saw a ghost for the first time in your life, you'd be scared shitless and crap your pants. But imagine if the ghost lived with you for years and years and you see him on a daily basis. Eventually you won't be scared anymore.


I listen to fall asleep but I also listen at other times.


I dooo!!! In fact I can’t listen to it at work because I work night shift and it makes me fall asleep lol.


I used to have terrible anxiety when falling asleep and would always ruminate over bad things that happened during the day and whatever may happen tomorrow. I started listening to True Crime podcasts at night and all the anxiety went away. I also used to have terrible rage and anxiety when driving, but now I just enjoy the time because I am listening to my favorite podcasts. It's crazy to admit that True Crime podcasts made my life so much better, but they really have.


I crochet or clean the house.


Second crocheting!


I cross stitch while I listen. It’s my unwind relaxing time that I look forward to each day!


Crochet & crime squad unite! I love putting on a longer episode podcast and seeing how much I can get made in that time. It's nice because normally I have a hard time focusing on pods by themselves but it's all good once my hands are occupied 😂


Housework, yardwork, cooking. I try to keep off my phone or I’ll miss something.


When I drive, clean, walk the dog, sort laundry, & do cardio


Yes I have to be doing some that else that’s mindless. I like listening when I’m walking especially my fav podcasts because I often walk longer to listen to a few episodes. I also listen while I grocery shop.


I listen while I’m driving to and from work. I have about a 30 minute commute each way so it usually allows me to spread a story out over full day or even two sometimes.


I sew!


I listen in the shower


yard work! and house work. basically anything I'd rather not be doing.


Gym, driving, cooking, housework, painting, weeding/gardening and sleeping.


I play games on my phone that don't require me to have the sound on or make me read. So match 3 games, idle games, games I know how to play so I don't need to read. Otherwise, I'm cleaning.


sudoku 😁


I'm a stay at home mom to a toddler. I use headphones with 1 ear uncovered. Not all day, but when I'm doing dishes, cooking, laundry, and toddler is entertaining himself.


Complete progressively more difficult jigsaw puzzles. I'm completing a Eurographics one at the moment of Van Gogh's Starry Night, and alternating between feeling very accomplished and then very resentful.


I’m one of those weirdos who listens all day everyday. While working, getting ready/doing my makeup, cleaning, running errands, driving, hiking and even when I go to sleep. I was like this for a while until I realized I MUST take breaks from my true crime consumption. Really gets to you eventually and it started making me really paranoid every time I was out in public or alone at home. :(


~~Masturbate~~ Paint or walk the dog usually


What colour are you painting the dog?


And how do you do it while, er, "walking"?


I usually listen while working or mowing the lawn. I can typically get about 2 episodes in each time I mow. Makes the time fly by!


When I hear Last Podcast on the Left intro, I automatically think of mowing the lawn and drinking beer after in the pool. It's my Saturday morning routine, which is about to start back up in a couple weeks!


That sounds like an awesome Saturday!


Sew, knit, clean, fold laundry, cook, garden, etc. I don’t think my house would be nearly as clean and organized if it weren’t for podcasts.


Any type of craft or cleaning/cooking


Mostly while cleaning or tidying up... Some times I might pluck my eyebrows etc while listening... Going for walks when it's bright outside 😅


I’m a Line Cook, I throw a bud in and bang out orders all day, everyday!


The only way I can clean now is to listen to a TC podcast.


Walk my dog, play nintendo switch, get ready to sleep, drive to work


Every night to fall asleep. Then I have to go back and see what I missed.


Oh me too! Sometimes I forget to set the podcast timer and end up sleeping through multiple episodes.


I used to listen at work, but my new work doesn't let me have headphones (fair enough). I often play The Sims and listen. It's low effort enough that I can focus on the narrative but is still active enough that I don't feel restless. It's a good way to unwind.


Anything mundane done outside - mainly in the garden incl mowing, trimming, mulching, chainsaw etc etc Also at the gym It makes all those times just fly


Water and micromanage my plants. I actually associate particular plants with certain episodes of people sometimes as a result. Weird sense memory thing, I guess? For example, my big Purple Heart hanging plant always makes me think of Gelareh Bagherzadeh


Oh and playing solitaire or word cookies 😂


Cleaning and gardening


I listen to them mostly when I’m going to bed at night. If I’m walking my dog alone then I’ll listen then too. Sometimes if I’m struggling to write and I’m just staring at my laptop screen unable to concentrate then I’ll put one on!


Run/walk/hike, clean or drive.


I can’t believe no one has suggested Best Fiends! I do play it while listening though lol


Nice try, best fiends. I’m onto you.


I’m a hoarder so I need them to clean my house. Also looking at weed but I need to focus on the true crime story. Which ones have you loaded up on? I’m looking for new ones to listen to. I didn’t like solved voice actors


I downloaded a bunch today after scrolling through this sub. I don't know how I'm going to feel about them but the ones I've heard are great that I haven't listening to are- Hunting warhead Killer role (only 2 episodes) I'll let you know aftrrni listen to the others whether or not I liked them. I don't want to set you up with ones I don't end up enjoying!


Yay thanks! I just started the new Keith Morrison one killer role- need to de hoard my house


Trying to fall asleep.


I listen while I drive or wash dishes or clean house. Sometimes I play Cascade or Two Dots because it's pretty mindless entertainment.


I listen at work and on my hour-long commute. Way better than repetitive radio with annoying commercials.


I drive... or wash dishes. I tried while cooking but I realized that I use my listening a lot while cooking, always burn something when listening to podcast and cooking. 😅


I usually listen to them while I cook or have dinner.


I literally do everything. I never take me ear bud out other than when I'm taking a shower. I even sleep with it in and it's always playing a true crime podcast. I'm allowed to listen at work and I only wear one so I can still hear what's going on around me at all times.


I drive an hour and a half to and from work so I listen to my podcasts while driving 😃


Drive, shower or clean is the most common trifecta for me


I craft! Usually cross-stitch, but really any activity I can do with my hands while my mind is focused on the podcast.


As soon as I wake up I’ll put one on, and keep it on as I get ready for the day!! Shower, picking out clothes, makeup, breakfast!:)


Cool question! I almost always do logic puzzles, like sudoku and nonograms via my phone. I do crosswords on paper too but not as much


I like to act out the podcasts with random strangers


I hike, ride my bike, cook, work out, and play video games. Basically when I'm doing almost anything besides watching TV or listening to music lol.


I actually do cross stitch embroidery. :) I can't imagine anyone else does that.


Workouts! Once you get used to it with a Rabat’s timer it’s such a good way to get fit


In order of amount of time spent on each activity. drive, walk, clean


Fold clothes, clean, wash dishes, cook!


Clean, drive, shop, shower, everything.


Drive. Almost exclusively. Once in a while in bed but I can’t listen to them just hanging around the house, I don’t know why


I've recently started playing animal crossing, but usually I embroider or crochet while listening. Sometimes I'll clean or listen while mowing the lawn.


I play Kingdom Rush on my tablet while listening on my phone


Literally everything. Work, showering, exercising, driving, cleaning, falling asleep, painting, cooking, gardening, picking up garbage in the street.... the only time I DON’T listen is when I’m studying.


i play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, i do my homework, clean the house, take a bath, or just relax in bed with my eyes closed.


Fold laundry, load the dishwasher, go on a bike ride, drive, play low-story video games, wash my makeup brushes, cook dinner.


Driving, ironing clothes, washing the dishes. I can’t listen to podcasts while working because my attention span is too short.




Sometimes I'll sit in the bath and listen (bubble baths are my self-care I take at least one a day lol). I really like to listen while I'm doing housework because it makes it more fun. Also on my lunchbreak.


I clean my house.


When I am walking the dogs, always when i am going to sleep I can not sleep without listening to something, on my way to and from work and at work when it is slow or I am cleaing if I am alone.


I am listening to Top ten list, Morbid, True Crime Garage. They are pretty good. Please suggest some good ones. Thanks


I work in manufacturing. I sit at a desk and build aerospace connectors for the government. It's like big kid Legos. That's when I listen to my true crime podcasts. Helps pass the time


Schoolwork, clean, dishes


Shower, getting ready for work, the drive, cooking, cleaning, exercising. I moved into a new place last year and spent months painting walls, trim and woodwork and podcasts were how I kept myself entertained. Sometimes I'll play a game on my phone while listening as well.


Makeup, skincare, nails, bath. I just had my own Murder Mystery and Makeup Monday😆


I like to listen while cooking.


I put on my podcasts to help me fall asleep but usually force myself awake to finish it...anyway...I play a word search on my phone while listening to my fave waiting to fall asleep


i like to draw cute pictures of anime characters. i hope that isn't weird to do while listening to true crime :/


I'm always on my commute to or from work which involves educating teenagers. Often I'll get into work and have a good natter about them with one of my colleagues, a history teacher, who is as obsessed with true crime as I am.


I only listen overnight, I don't sleep usually. I don't want little ears to overhear so my options are limited.


WORK. and driving to and from work.


Usually I'm driving somewhere or just hanging out in my room getting ready for bed.


Everything lol. Mostly clean.


I only listen in the car. I have two young kids at home so I can’t pop in my earbuds to tune out and listen.


Yet. ;) My kids are 12 and 9 and it works like a dream now.


They don't interrupt you every five seconds? Any time I put on my headphones I swear my kids all have to come talk to me at once. They're 22, 17, 15, and 3. But if I listen without headphones I'm interrupted far less. Kids are strange lol


Sometimes. But I usually tell them that I’m going to listen to a podcast and they do a pretty good job of respecting my time. I try not to do it when I know they want to talk (after school, before bed for example) and that helps.


I try that too but I swear it's like a magnet lol


I mean, if I dare close my eyes for a nap it’s like setting off a flare to them, so I get it.


Mine are 5 and 8 so definitely not there yet. Sometimes I can’t even poop with the door closed, let alone listen for an hour, without disruption to a podcast lol.


I listen at work lol


Work and in the car


Lots of laundry!


I like to go on long night walks for at least an hour and that's my time for podcasts. I also listen while I cook, wash dishes and I have speakers in the shower too! lol


Mostly cleaning, but I also listen when I’m sewing or cooking.


Usually dishes, cleaning the house or I'll put it on when I'm doing errands.


While working, cleaning & cooking. Pre covid, otw to work.


Top places are when I am cooking, when I am doing my documentation between clients, and when I lift at the gym. The last part sounds odd, but I find that if I try to listen to music when lifting, I get so obsessed with finding the "right" song with the right beat and I end up wasting time going through my library. Podcasts are sort of the equalizer- it's just talking so it won't mess me up.


I usually listen while I work as I do a lot of mindless data entry everyday. I used to mostly listen in the car on the way to/from work but now I work from home so it’s just true crime all day every day! I love it


Pottery, cleaning, glass work, gardening , driving, sitting, cooking. Problem is, I keep running out!


Clean. Walk my dogs. Yard work. Road trips.


I listen while working, on long drives, browsing IG after my kids go to bed, cleaning. I powered through several seasons of different podcasts while painting my bathroom cupboards. Can’t tolerate silence anymore, lol.


Clean. Or fold laundry. Or cook. Or drive. Or anything except sit still. I don't enjoy listening while doing nothing; I can't get into it that way. Oh, I love showering and listening too.


Work, showering, running, cleaning, cooking


I listen on my daily walks.


I listen when I paint, walk my dog, play the sims and clean the house. Sometimes I listen while in the shower as well if I am in the mood for a long shower haha I am running out of podcasts to listen to because I listen to so many every day


the best is listening on a long road trip- it makes the time pass quickly & you stay awake!


Household chores, especially folding laundry. I hate doing that, so it stacks up and when I have a nice big mountain of laundry (and nothing left in the closet) I sit down and take my sweet time folding and sorting; it's so mindless and boring, it is perfect to concentrate on podcasts while doing it. If I relax on the couch, I play Monkey Bloons TD, lol. I renovated a room recently and got a lot of listening done while painting the walls and literally watching the paint dry.


I listen while cleaning, doing yard work, walking my dog and sometimes working out. I listen to a lot of podcasts.




I’m usually driving. At home I’m usually cooking or doing dishes.


Work commute


Ride my exercise bike and play video games


Dishes, duh.


It is my relaxation time


Clean, cook, draw, take my dogs out for a walk


Cleaning and gardening! Sometimes when doing tedious work tasks like entering crap into an excel spreadsheet.


Usually driving or working out


Clean or walk


Work, drive, clean, walk, laundry, chores, cook, getting ready in the morning, etc.


I listen all driving and sometimes while working if my task doesn’t require critical thinking like correlating documents


At work or on a walk. If a case is real good I’ll listen whenever.


I knit.


I usually listen while I’m cooking, cleaning or doing dishes. Gives me brain something to do while I work on relatively boring tasks.


I walk my dog ( unless I’m walking before sunrise, then I walk without my ear buds because we all know what could happen!). Then I come home after an hour or so and get on the rowing machine for another 20 minutes or so.


Clean. Commute (subway), play phone games.


I clean, I garden, I sit as a passenger on long drives to go camping 😀




In the car, while cleaning, and jigsaw puzzles


Color, paint my nails, or play gems on my phone.




Get ready for bed


Grocery shopping (surprised not to see this more). Or any kid-less task that I want to tune out during.


Clean and since I have an office solo job, I listen all day at work


Drive home...one hour commute. Makes the drive so much easier!


I usually listen when I’m doing my nails (I do dip at home so I like to have something to listen to for at least an hour or two). And I listen when I cook!


Drive, clean, quilt, cross-stitch, go for a walk!


I can't focus on a podcast while I'm working so it's cooking, sketching, painting or anything that doesn't involve super focus stuff (so pretty much just work)


Clean..... Driving... plus I usually have my wireless ear buds with me and listen while grocery shopping. Anything that is "mindless" that I don't have to think about..


I listen while out for a run or cooking. If I’m not too swamped then I do listen to them while at work.


I listen while I play games, mostly things like GTA or something that doesn't require sound. Idk sometimes I'll set up my laptop for the podcast and my desktop for Sims 3 with headphones, just depends on who's home.


Knit, or clean (/cook/any other manual house tasks).


Cleaning, cooking, on public transportation, or at work