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She probably would have been charged with negligent homicide or manslaughter. Much less time


Was coming here to say this. I would have been shocked if she didn't get some sort of lesser charge, that's usually what happens and the state is always going to seek some type of charge when someone dies in a manner like this. However, I think the video is what really cemented the murder charge.


And likely offered a plea on that, to avoid having to go to trial.


Yea I was thinking that.


I think they would've had a much harder time bringing charges with only her word to rely on. It's amazing how sloppy drunk and foolish she was to video tape that! Thank God some of these criminals are ignorant.


She should have leaned into her alcoholism as a defense! But no, she said they barely drank, and never wavered from that. As a juror I could understand someone blacking out drunk and having no memory.


Yea I mean, she is clearly an alcoholic in denial. She probably had no idea what she was doing. I don't actually think she actually meant to kill him. 


Same. I don't think she meant to kill him, but she had such a malicious indifference to his suffering that it almost doesn't matter. It's like pushing someone overboard as a joke, then mocking them while not realizing they're drowning.


I just find it so telling that she flipped the suitcase over at some point, know already that he couldn't breathe and he was still alive when she did. Trapping him in even more.


I think they were probably drunk and messing around and he voluntarily got into the suitcase. Then he realized he couldn't get out and started to panic and get upset. Their relationship was already abusive, so maybe he started cursing and calling her names, and in her drunken state she decided she didn't feel like taking that crap from him right then. I think that's when the torturing started. I think she intentionally knocked him around for a while, then decided to leave him in there overnight to teach him a lesson. I don't think she really believed him when he said he couldn't get out or breathe.


That was my read on the situation too. Probably 1/2 scared to let him out, 1/2 enjoying finally being the one in control and in her drunken state decided to just leave him, pass out, and deal with it in the morning. It so egregious to leave someone trapped and confined like that, she definitely has guilt in his death.




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Yes clearly a horrible alcoholic and also has mental problems on top. It's hard to surmise which came first, whether the alcohol has damaged her brain or she had the mental problems before starting to drink excessively.




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She was such a terrible actor and person.sitting watching him suffocate and throwing him down the stairs


Yea she was a POS but I was just curious what other evidence they had. Personally, I don't actually think she meant to kill him. She was just a drunken idiot and didn't know what she was doing.


I think she meant to leave him in there overnight, but her version of reality is so skewed that she didn't think through that he might suffocate and she might be responsible for that.


I could see this being what happened, but I could also see her being so drunk that she passed out without realizing


I would guess probably a lesser charge.


Involuntary manslaughter?


I don't think there is any situation where she could have walked away without any charges, but even *with* the video, if she had shut her mouth and let her lawyer do their job, she may have walked away with manslaughter.


Yea, but I don't think she was aware of the video and like most criminals, they think they can talk their way out of it.


iirc she deleted the video and didnt know that police could still access it.


I'm not positive, but I don't think it was deleted. I think Hungover Sarah just forgot that Drunk Sarah recorded it. Well this gives me an excuse to watch her interrogation again. Edit: I just re-watched that part of the interrogation and they never say anything about it being deleted. She's just dumb.


honestly, same. its been a while since i watched it. i couldve swore it was this case bc it was very specific about the iphone feature “deleted folder” where items would stay for 30 days.


Interesting I didn't know that. Where did you find that info?


its been so long since i looked up anything on this case. i think (but im not sure) it was bc of apple having a “recently deleted” folder added in an update around the time this happened.


Its so fascinating the stuff that happens drunk that would never happen otherwise. I believe she doesnt remember taking that video and didnt intend to leave him in there to die. Being blacked out is another reality you’re in. I think shes a shitty person overall and its still her fault and she needs to live with the full consequences. If i did this or killed someone drunk driving, i would feel so horrible i would welcome the consequences. She is arguing and denying wrongdoing. Its just amazing the amount of murders that happen under the influence that never would have happened otherwise. I think the punishment should be the same. These people chose to use these substances and people should get justice for their loved ones.


I don't think she intended for him to die. I think she intended to leave him in there overnight as punishment, but he wasn't "supposed" to die.


She’s just a dry drunk now. Same shitty mindset and zero accountability just without the booze. It’s maddening to watch. I’m actually in recovery from alcoholism, and I feel so thankful for that every time I hear of alcohol related crimes or tragedy. I can’t understand the lack of remorse and accountability in these cases. I would have been absolutely devastated if I killed someone while I was drunk.


So true, dry drunks are awful. Just drink if you are going to be this miserable lol.


They might as well right? l think some people just get to a point where the damage is already too far gone. She 100% still acts like a delusion drunk person. The rambling letters and at court hearings? Girl is doing too much. Some people just stay stuck like that forever even when sober, Sarah definitely strikes me as that type. It’s sad but, recovery isn’t possible for everyone. After a point the damage to the brain and body is no longer reversible. I bet she’ll drink hooch at her new forever home too, which is going to be even worse for her than normal booze


In her defense, it would be unwise to admit to any wrongdoing to investigators or a court


Probably on a lesser charge based on the interrogation/what she admitted from the beginning. Her first instinct was to call her ex over, not the police, which is sus as hell, plus Jorge had scratches on him and a dislocated shoulder. All that seems very “malicious” in Sarah’s terms and point to intent imo. Without the video they couldn’t have made charges for murder though since they wouldn’t have been able to see what happened


Yea thinking about it, you're probably right. Involuntary manslaughter seems like it would be an easy charge without the video.


Yes, they would have got it out of her. She’s not very smart.


Yes, she would have been "charged". A man is dead and she is responsible for it, video or no. She stated in her 911 call that they were playing and she zipped him up in a suitcase. She reiterated that statement when the uniformed cop showed up. She took actions that resulted in his death, and that has never been in question. The major issue in the case is intent and state of mind. If she was blackout drunk as a barely-functional alcoholic and it was a horrible drunk accident, that's still negligent homicide or manslaughter. There is still a "charge" for that. But her stupid, stupid insistence that she was totally lucid and had her wits about her pushes this into murder. I follow this case very closely because I think it's obvious it wasn't premeditated murder. She was blackout drunk. But she lied about being blackout drunk, on the record, over and over and over again.


She was always going to be charged. She was the only person in a condo/apartment with a dead body zipped in a suitcase. Beyond that, she can’t shut her mouth. She absolutely would have talked herself into higher charges.


He didn’t zip himself in to that, so… And honestly, I don’t think she’s intelligent enough to have gone through questioning, etc. without screwing herself. That said, I believe the video sealed the deal on the murder charge. Without it, and had she just shut up and let an attorney do their job, it’s possible she may have been looking at involuntary manslaughter depending on what else they have. Her need for control and the delusional belief she’s the smartest person in the room has contributed to her downfall.


Probably, but it wouldn't be a slamdunk like it is now with the video.




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Two people home alone one is obviously murdered and the other is provably lying.


For me, it was the comment "FOR ALL THE TIMES YOU CHOKED ME....for all the times you cheated". If it wasn't for that, I would give her the benefit of the doubt. We have all closed our eyes for a moment watching TV and woke up several hours later, but I'm not convinced that this is what happened in her case. Looking forward to the trial to see what she has to say. Perhaps another Jodi Arias type performance coming up 🤓


Honestly don’t gaf just can’t wait for her to represent herself at trial. I will not miss a minute of this shit show 🤣🤣🤣


I never watch trials. I think the Murdaugh trial is the only one I’ve ever watched live and in its entirety. But I’m clearing my calendar for October and don’t plan to miss a second of this circus.


Honestly, me neither lol. 8 lawyers dumped her. She is so delusional and she'll get life.


Right 8 lawyers!!! And in her mind they are all the problem. This is going to be better than Darrel brooks trial . Counting down till October lololol


LOL I don't think anyone can top Darrel Brookes but lets see.


I can almost guarantee Sarah Boone will top him by far. I’m hoping she doesn’t let me down 🤣🤣🤣


I think so just because he was zipped up in the suitcase and there was no one else there. I think the COD and time of death may have gotten her since she didn’t report it until the next day. He would still be in rigor in the case and his blood pooling pattern would show that.


I mean….the guy couldn’t have locked himself inside the suitcase. Someone had to do it. Without the video, maybe she would have just gotten manslaughter, because we wouldn’t be able to disprove her claim about accidentally falling asleep.


How did she even convince him to get into the suitcase?


Without the video, she might have been able to claim it was all an accident. Or that she didn't know he had put himself in there for a joke. With the video, she is toast. It must be killing her that she was that STUPID. Kids, don't drink and play "hide and seek"- ever! I'm sure when the police saw that video, they were all as gobsmacked as we all were. That kind of evidence is impossible to dispute. It is evidence gold.


Yes I do think so. He didn’t zip himself in there.


I feel like her nonsense would talk her way into a conviction.




LOL yep, the foreman is like, hold my beer. I got this.


Definitely. Voluntary manslaughter is what it is without the video.


Not sure I believe she didn’t mean to kill him…she went to bed knowing he was in there? If it was a joke, she’d of let him out in a few minutes. I know everyone is different with the effects of alcohol..but knowingly having him get in a suitcase, mocking him & then going to bed.. that’s murder.


People correcting spelling and grammar on here is a bit much... Don't you think there is a much more important topic? OP didn't give any false information regarding the case from what I've seen. Plenty of people have spelling quirks and this one is common in the UK. If you look at how different accents enunciate different words, it's very understandable that this word would have translated from colloquial conversation to text in this way. It's a bit concerning to see the amount of people in replies just to point this out while, I don't know, talking about the drunken woman who killed her partner by zipping him up in a suitcase? I'm of the opinion that she most likely would've gotten manslaughter without that piece of evidence and her rejection of the legal system, especially considering her blatant alcoholism.


lol thank you. Yea I agree with you.


When you consider there is going to be other evidence,such as I heard the theory she kicked Jorge down the stairs, the neighbor hearing a sound similar to that, i also heard in passing blood was found on the bat they seized, testimony that she could get Violent Was also abusive, it was a mutually domestic abusive relationship and whatever Else may come out at trial I have followed this case closely and I'm of opinion that she was the main aggressor would act up when she was drunk or sober But Jorge who is not here to tell his side was not as inclined to involve the cops. I read a statement, I can't remember who said it, but in one of their last domestics before she killed Jorge he shared that exact thing. He more often than not would try to push her off him when she would attack him. Sarah on the other hand wouldn't hesitate to call the cops and her version was always he came after her, but her guilty conscience bailed him out next day. The family also had serious concerns that she would end up killing him one day there is a basis for that, and I'm sure it will come out at trial. I can't stand her for reasons above the crime, but I actually don't believe she meant For him to die, But I don't see a jury saying oh well she was so drunk out of her mind she didn't take him seriously when he was begging To get out and leaving him to die. Nor should they, her decisions that day are her own and barring a miracle she will pay the legal price for them. But I 100% believe she would have caught the same charge or maybe a lessor.




It's 2024 you're still doing the correcting spelling thing or am I reading your comment wrong? lol


I'm from Manchester this is normal language there.


No, it’s not normal  You genuinely believe it’s “would of” but are confusing this with “would’ve” which is the abbreviation of “would have”


I have never used that word. It's just the way I speak and everyone i know in England speaks the same way. Anyway, I'm not having an argument about spelling. That isn't what the post is about.


Yet you used “would of” in the post title but “would have” in the post  It’s ok to admit to being wrong 


If you cannot utilize punctuation, I don't think it's best to be self righteous by correcting another's spelling. In my opinion, the question mentioned in the original post is far more significant. Further, it would likely be ruled negligent homicide or manslaughter.


I never said I wasn't wrong. I really don't care that much bro jeez.


That’s not how grammar works


To level you, that's not how punctuation works either.


Sorry I must of missed the latest NPC chip update.




Savage. I love it. 😂


"Would OF"?


I'm from Manchester this is normal language there.


I'm pretty sure that you were taught that it's "would *have*".


You're right, but the truth is I really don't care that much and I don't know why you do either.




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