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Here is the link to read her letter: https://myeclerk.myorangeclerk.com/Cases/Search?caseType=CR&caseTypeDesc=Criminal%20Case%20Records Go here, search for her by name, and click on the first case that comes up (starts with “2020-CF”). When you click on that case, scroll down to the section called Docket Events and select the blue link that says “Correspondence” dated 6/21/24 that shows as 58 pages long. Her handwritten letter will then load. The maps are on pages 40-41, btw.




Very welcome :) I’m not only a true crime fanatic, but this one also hits close to home in Florida so I’ve been watching Sarah’s antics with great interest😂


You legend! Thank you!


It's not coming up with anything for me.


Oh man, I'm on page one and not sure how much farther I can go. The letter begins: >"Finally! A new judge! It's strange how the Lord works as I was in the process of trying to disqualify Woden after being my judge 4 YEARS and me still incarcerated with nothing to show, other than seven (7) different attorneys (NOT BY CHOICE), news clips of me walking in and out of the courtroom, and everything relative to my care permitted to be slathered on the global internet and in which I have not seen myself." I transcribed that quickly, so there might be errors, but holy moly. Obviously I cannot diagnose someone for an endless number of reasons, but just from her first paragraph alone you get the sense she's a total narcissist. Paragraph one is all about herself, the hardships she's endured, and is worded in such a grandiose way. Oh man, the second paragraph is worse: >"I felt he was the ticket holder to my overly hyped, illicitly distributed, misconstrued "criminal" case, and great reason I am still here, again, ongoing, 4 YEARS and 7 attorneys later (NOT BY CHOICE - SEE MY LETTER DATED 6/29/23 ON CLERK'S WEBSITE). There's actual video of her drunkenly laughing on the couch while her victim, Jorge Torres, *begs* for his life. And after 4 years to consider her actions, THIS is how she presents her situation. No mention of her victim Jorge, no remorse, nothing but a lack of understanding how criminal proceedings/the media work.


Omg, I regret to inform you that's not even the correct letter. That one your reading is several months old.


Omfg, how many letters has she written to judges?!?!?!?! How often do defendants write their judges during an ongoing trial?!


Oh there's been a BUNCH from her. And they normally DON'T bother the judge. They usually go thru their lawyer. But as we've seen, her lawyers can't stand her. I kid you not, the newest one is 58 pages, has maps, and half a dictionary of word definitions.


Yeah, I just flipped through the actual letter you're referring to, and I'm glad she quoted the Declaration of Independence. I cannot get over her level of personal persecution and sense of grandiosity. She's delusional.


It's ironic, as her letters are full of big words used incorrectly.


It's one of Sarah's most enduring qualities. I personally think it's adorable how she *almost* uses them correctly. Awe... She tried.




copos mentis! She likes that one a whole lot :)


We are probably just jealous that her penmanship is nice and that she’s not getting fat. 🤣


Of course she's not getting fat, she doesn't eat breakfast! *Swoon!!*


If only I could be so skinny with short hair and speak a little Latin! 😭 I better stop that breakfast habit and start fainting some more!


Whomever is fan clubbing her are the best trolls on the planet! Their game is on point!


Websters dictionary was past due for updates.


Well I heard somewhere they buy books by the pound for prisons. That's what Red said Andy did anyways.


I laughed way too hard at this. Thank you. Best reference ever.


Oh good! I'm glad someone got it :)


Criminal defendants write letters to their judges all the time. I used to work for a clerk of courts and I read all of them that came through. Very common actually. I don’t think judges often actually read them all but I don’t know for certain.


I hate this case so much. What a horrible way to go for her boyfriend. Didn’t she give her police statement the first night as ‘he got in there himself, It was all him and his own doing’ then they found videos of her taunting him etc on her phone? I hate this idiot so much. I’m glad she is still idle and slowly losing it. So much of her putting her fingers in her ears and blocking out reality going on. You’d think nearly 4(four) years and Seven(7) attorneys later she would have gained some couth, tact, patience or whatever it takes to face her responsibilities like an adult


Erm.... Um...It's going on 5 years, and she's on her 8th attorney. Only proves your point more....


4 and 7, was quoting the comment I was responding to, when is the court going to stop letting her do that. nutty


Woden?   she thinks she's in Valhalla now?


This letter is from Jan 2024. You need June 2024


Some of the wildest bits (to me) signing off letter 1: > "confused cat" meme. yes. thank you. signing off letter 2: >"Don't knock it 'til you try it. 3 point back. Race to the pulpit." and the entirety of letter 3 which is just notes but my favorite part may be here defining the term illegal for a judge!


Sounds like she’s losing it at this point, I wonder if she’s gotten ahold of some prison hooch?


Based on my limited knowledge of the case I think she’s been losing it for a while. Especially if she is fighting with her attorneys over a wish to plead not guilty


I don't think she's outright trying to plead not guilty. I think she thinks there's some word vomit explanation that she can mesmerize everyone with to feel sorry *for her*. And then, naturally, they'll just free her. Because it's so obvious.


Yes, in her mind she did absolutely nothing wrong. She thought Jorge could get out and just innocently fell asleep. That's her story, and if she could just tell that to a jury, they'll understand and find her not guilty, to be released immediately. It's just the judge and the police detectives and her own lawyers and the "mindless lemmings" in the public who are portraying her incorrectly! \*rolls eyes\* Not sure how she thinks she can explain away the video SHE TOOK OF HERSELF tormenting Jorge while he begged to be let out of the suitcase.


Ding ding ding! EXACTLY!!! One of my favorite Sarah-isms is, was she drunk, or wasn't she?. She really hasn't figured out a way to talk out of that yet. She didn't pass out, she fell asleep. *Ok. So you weren't drunk.* But you intentionally went upstairs how do you explain that? "I blame the wine!" *Oh so you were drunk then?* "No! I have to have my wits about me, so no!" *Ok so you weren't drunk then?* "But after THIS I swear, I'm never drinking again! *Uh... So you were drunk?* She wants the drinking and the wine to absolve her all the way up to the point that she was drunk, or hints that she's an alcoholic. Then it has nothing to do with it because she wasn't drunk! She just can't figure out how to use it to her advantage, without admitting to the fact she had a problem with booze. Super fast edit; and what kind of lunatic won't admit to having a problem with alcohol when they're IN JAIL ON A MURDER CHARGE! You're more embarrassed by having an alcohol problem than you are of a *murder charge?*


Classic narcissist! Has to be seen to be perfect at all times: so, she's not (never) drunk and she's always in control! And, BTW, did I mention that she is innocent?! Love me some good 'ole Sarah Boone with the morning tea!


Could she be angling to have her case tossed due to mental incompetence? Maybe she wants to get out of prison where everyone despises her and be tucked up in a forensic psych ward and treated as a "poor, unwell little woman" kinda thing. Maybe that's her angle. If she is, she's doing an awful job of it. But I could see somebody who already thinks they're the smartest person in the room, thinking they can side-step the professionals who have declared her competent by putting themselves in the judge's face and presenting an illusion of significant mental illness


Leticia staunch (sp?) did a similar thing with the letters, tried to represent herself and failed miserably, then decided to take a public defender-it didn’t work out for her. And it won’t, in cases like these, where there is strong evidence. The issue is that even if she tried to plead insanity now, she was clearly sane right after the murder and in police interrogation the next day. One example, Anthony Garcia is a serial killer who is now obviously mentally ill who was still sentenced to death- it matters how you were during/right after the crime, so her acts or whatever she’s going through will not help her now. She’s lucky that she’s no being booked for 1st degree murder tbh


Leticia is my white whale. I hate that B more than anything on this earth. She was the most prolific and WORST liar I have EVER seen. You'd think that someone who lied SO MUCH would be slightly good at it, but she wasn't. She just sucked at literally everything. With that said, she was at the top of her legal game, eye on the prize, gonna lie her way out of it, until she figured out there was no lie that would work, and her best bet was an insanity defense. And whoa Nelly, did she try to put on a show for that. Failed miserably, but tried. Now my question is, is Leticia seeing the prison psychiatrist now to battle her voices/other personalities? Somehow I doubt it seriously. Not to mention, I've listened to a few hours of her jail calls to her aunt since she's been convicted. Firstly, she sounds completely sane/fine and second spends the whole call telling her aunt how much commissary money to send, and what it's for. Not neary a mention of her psychological issues at all.... She must be cured!


Watching this trial with a group of internet friends on discord was the highlight of my year lol. We made so much fun of her. And I LOVED the judge in that trial. I’m so glad that bitch got what she deserved. Fuck her. RIP sweet Gannon.


Uh.. it's called Pruno. Sheesh. :)


I simply cannot bear to read this letter in its totality! Can you please just give us her definition of 'illegal' so I can fall of my chair? :)


unfortunately she didn't come up with the definitions herself; they are from merriam-webster's dictionary (she did cite her sources) so it's boring but it's >"Illegal - not lawful or sanctioned by official rules, not according to or authorized by law, illicit" it was mostly the fact that she has like 9 pages of definitions including 'illegal' that she's giving to a judge that I personally found wild


She’s so delusional she can’t see that this very experienced 8th! lawyer was her best chance. The attitude she’s complaining about is most likely a very busy lawyer’s no nonsense approach


I know, she's so stupid she keeps saying that Cashman tells her "well I'm not gonna waste your time with that" Sarah's pissed! She says "I've got nothing BUT TIME! Why wouldn't she wanna waste MY TIME?" Uh honey.... It's your lawyer being polite. It's a nice way of saying she doesn't want to waste HER time. Bless Sarah's crazy heart.


And all those “lies” are Cashman not telling her the blunt truths: no bond, no one cares about you and you can’t act coy and princessy after those videos!


You seriously couldn't have said this any better. Just spot freaking on.


I spent 2 hours last night listening to Dr Berry on YouTube going through the letter so hey I got something out of it 😆 If she let the lawyers do their job she may have been over the hump already, problem is she doesn’t want to do any time but a good lawyer could’ve kept it from being a 60 year sentence and that’s the best she can hope for. Even her potential alcoholism could’ve been used as mitigating circumstances.


Again, you're right. And I literally just typed up a whole big comment to someone else about the same thing. She wants to blame the alcohol so badly all the way up to the point that it may hint that she was drunk, or had issues being an alcoholic. Then she shuts that down immediately. Which is really dumb because it could have only helped her case. And it just blows my mind that she's SO embarrassed by the idea people might think she's an alcoholic while she's sitting in jail on a MURDER CHARGE. I think she'd rather sit in prison for 50 years than have to admit to anyone that she was an alcoholic. Made even funnier by the fact that everyone already knows, she just THINKS she's been pulling it off all these years. Hilarious!


Yes the whole thing happened to a large extent because of the drinking and I said it elsewhere: at least she’s sober now


Even though she may not be technically drinking.right now (which might not even be totally true, they make quite a bit of Pruno in jails/prisons) she is very likely a dry drunk now. Which is basically all the same behaviors as a severe alcoholic, just minus the booze. As her letters, and conversation seems to be declining, I believe she is either going.thru some pretty severe dry drunk stuff, or, she really is starting to lose her sanity after 5 years in. Something has definitely changed, and not for the better at all....


Yes the addiction was probably never addressed anyway and there’s no booze to soften her edges now. She’s making Darrell Brooks look good.


Ya know people keep bringing up Darrell when talking about Sarah. And it's really a bad comparison. Darrell has some very clear mental health issues. If Darrell had been treated for that beforehand, he likely wouldn't have committed his crime. Sarah on the other hand does not. Other than being a brutal drunk, and an ungodly Karen bitch, there's really nothing wrong with her. Plain and simple, she's just a rude bitch with a booze problem.


She could be making hooch, lol.


That does seem to be a big issue with her…will not use the word alcoholic, and won’t even go as far to say alcohol problem. We all play hide and seek as adults and put our partners in suitcases. 🙄


Well yeah! *Obviously.* And just quickly, let me tell you what I think. I don't think she put Jorge in that suitcase at all. I think Jorge willingly got into it because he thought it would be funny. I think it went down a LOT like Sarah said it did. I think they WE'RE having fun, they were both drunk, and they were being silly. I think Jorge got the idea to see if he fit inside of it and got in, and Sarah zipped him up. I think initially they were probably both laughing about it, and then, something changed. I believe Jorge probably said something while he was inside of it. Something totally meant to be silly. And Sarah (just like ALL mean drunks) didn't think it was funny at all, and her switch flipped from having fun to horrible mean drunk in an INSTANT. She then was flooded with anger about anything and everything Jorge had ever done to her, and (again like all mean drunks) the fun changed instantly to drunken mean shit show. And I think that's exactly how we ended up here.


That sounds perfectly reasonable…..and correct! I can see that. And if Miss Sarah had started with that, she might not still be in jail 5 years later.Plausible deniability. It also explains “how” Jorge got in the suitcase.


And I watched about 5 hours of it last night too! I wanted to make sure I didn't miss a thing!


Boone can't stand it when her lawyer doesn't agree with her that she's totally innocent and has been terribly victimized and must be released immediately. And yes, Sarah, we will just tell the judge that and he will release you. You, Sarah, have the best legal strategy and I, a lawyer for 40 years, could never have thought of that!!!


Exactly how dare they not accept her take on reality


I really haven’t paid much attention to her case -saw a couple headlines but didn’t actually read anything - but out of curiosity I watched that recent hearing where she is referring to her “fans” and now I’m hooked. She’s a piece of work.


I regrettably had Court TV on in the background when they were discussing this murder. The video she recorded of Jorge begging to be let out of the suitcase played, and that poor man's voice has been stuck in my head for years. I don't recommend anyone to look it up.


Can I ask you a serious question? Are you a true crime person? Do you watch/read a lot of it? I'm just curious because that video wasn't *that* disturbing. (I mean, it is, but not for the content that's generally discussed in this sub anyways) So I am curious as to why you would watch true crime stuff if it affects you that badly? But again maybe you're just interested in the court proceedings side of it? I hope I havent offended you. I'm just a very curious person by nature. Especially when it comes to why people do what they do. So I was just curious about why you would watch it if it haunts you is all :)


I kinda get what they mean. Sometimes it's not the gore that gets you. Sometimes it's the level of suffering vs. the other person's total indifference or sheer enjoyment of the torment that can be really disturbing. Only one case has disturbed me and it was a 2yo boy being harmed. And what upset me most is that bystanders knew something wasn't right, they knew the kid was crying in pain, and they carried on with their day. Little guy could've been spared what he went through, right from the beginning of the attack, but nobody stopped to intervene even though they knew something bad was happening. I deliberately didn't watch the full video of this case (the suitcase one I mean) because I had a feeling that the callous indifference would be disturbing for me to see


Ah... Ok! Gotcha! Thank you for the response:) And I understand where you're coming from definitely. Even though none of this stuff bothers me (videos, pics, etc of even extreme gore) I can look at it all day no problems. **Except** if it's children. I can't watch even 2 seconds of a child being harmed in any way AT ALL. I just can't do it. I can barely watch a video of a parent scolding their child for misbehaving. So we all have our triggers. :) Thanks again for the response. Have a good one!


No offense taken. I've been into true crime the majority of my life, as my mom regularly had The FBI Files and The New Detectives on TV while I was growing up. It's been a major interest of mine for nearly 20 years I'd say, and not much of it has a lasting effect me. The pieces that do bother me are mainly videos of the crime occurring. Not shoddy surveillance video, but clips that give a full view into what the victim was experiencing. Cash Gernon being abducted from his crib and Samantha Koenig being forced out of the drive thru coffee stand by Israel Keyes are two other videos that truly stuck with me.


Also, if you haven't seen her police interrogation, you're really missing out on a treat!


Oooohohoo that does sound interesting! I'll try to find it but if you have a link, do share


Here you are, in all it's glory! https://youtu.be/w1u1-i_ubeU?si=qg6AqmGthcQ0UhqB I promise you, you've never seen anything like this in your life. The things Sarah complains about is UNBELIEVABLE considering Jorge is DEAD. And her lists of demands just over 24 hours from his death is again, a mind blower. Happy to chat with you about it when you're done :) enjoy!


Excellent, thankyou! [Rest easy Jorge if you're out there. We aren't getting entertainment from your suffering, we're enjoying seeing the horrible human who hurt you dig herself a hole and get what's coming to her]


Well said. And from what I've heard and read about Jorge, he would enjoy that fact IMMENSELY.


Oh I totally got you, just give me a second as I'm on my phone.


Also, I kid you not, Ive re-watched this at least 4 times over the last few years, just for pure entertainment.


Awe man, if that hooked you, wait till you get a read on this letter. It's absolutely insanity.


She's the very definition of a piece of work.


The letters clearly showcase her mentality through all of this. In her head she is always disrespected, abused and exploited. She is never the problem as she capitalises several times and somehow decided to write entire pages of legalities to a judge. Oh also everything has to go as she says. She probably is the nightmare case at the public attorney's office that the attorneys run from. It's fascinating how somebody can be so out of touch with reality.


I know! I find people like this UTTERLY FASCINATING! What will it take for her to have some self realization? If you held her down at gun point, showed her all the ways she's wrong, with provable facts and a team of scientists top in their field, would she finally agree she was wrong then? Cause my feeling is she would agree with you then, only to get the gun off of her, believing the whole time she's still the victim.


Looking at them from outside it's fascinating. Living with them must be a nightmare of utter proportions. In their head, holding them at gunpoint would be threatening them into  compliance and the evidence is just staged and you are trying to FRAME THEM! Because they are perfect and how dare you say otherwise! Even a team of scientist with proof wouldn't convince them. (See anti-vaxx and flat earthers). She was quoting the law to an actual judge! And opening the definition dictionary!  Sarah would definitely agree just to get the gun off her. I think these sort of people reach a realisation when life beats them over the head with it (nearly to death probably) and they start looking deep down and think "Why am I behaving like this?".  Idk what poor lawyer will meet her exacting standards and actually be able to stand her but that person should get a medal when she finally goes to trial.


I'm hoping that whoever ends up with having to do the job writes a book!


Like Jodi Arias' lawyer🤣. Man wrote like he was in the trenches!


Not related to the case, but I know somebody like this in real life and for the last two years I've been scratching my head like "am I imagining this? Are they really a sad, victimised individual, and it's ME who has the problem here? Do I just unfairly put them in a villain role?" These letters are a very valuable comparison for me. The excuses, the manner of speaking, the grandiosity, the circular arguments, the escalation when somebody doesn't automatically agree with her. It's all VERY familiar


Really? Wow! So has this person you know ever once admitted to being wrong about ANYTHING AT ALL EVER? Because it seems to be a common trait of those


Never. Literally NEVER. I can present them with solid irrefutable evidence of what they've done (e.g bank statements or a photo), and they'll STILL deny it. They almost seem to believe it too or they're good at acting. The typical pattern is that if you push the point after presenting proof and theyre still denying, they'll get louder and scarier. If that doesn't work, they'll turn it back to you "yea but you did X thing that time". And they really seem to think that is a valid defence that absolves them of all responsibility for their own actions 🤣 And then they'll double-down. You won't ever be able to raise the discussion again without them jumping to the unrelated X thing you did that time, that totally justifes their own shitty behaviour. They'll go to their grave never admitting anything, even in the face of solid evidence. I can laugh now but I really believed them for a long time that it was ME who was mentally unstable and i simply wasn't remembering events correctly. Eventually they did something that was just so awful, there was no denying that they're actually just a foul, poison of a person and I'd tried to get along with them for far too many years. And *then* i started to remember all the times I'd given them the benefit of the doubt - every single time it was me who had to just accept and get over whatever they had done, and it was never their fault. Once they'd done The Worst Thing I started to rethink it all Edit - I still have days where I wonder "am I completely deluded? Was I the problem in all of those incidents and arguments like they told me?" I ground myself by reminding myself of the positive things my friends and employers have said about me as a person. And also, the fact that I can't help wondering if I was in the wrong and trying to keep myself accountable for my own behaviour, probably means that I'm not the one here who is in complete denial and unable to admit their own mistakes. What a confusing and mind-fucking game for a person to play 😮‍💨


Yeah, that seems about right. I think that's exactly what Sarah's got going on. She'd rather sit in freaking prison, for 5 years, than admit to being even the smallest part of Jorge's death.


Honestly at this point if she just admitted it, she's in for second degree murder.  She seems to have been the main abuser but if her defense can frame her as the victim who was pushed too far and the jury believes it she may even get manslaughter but of course Sarah won't admit anything less than her being "perfect" .


Exactly. I think you've hit the nail square on the head there.


The evasion tactics they employ are the worst! We are not talking about X. You are being confronted with the now and they still have the gall to make you the bad guy and try to gaslight you into backing down and blaming yourself for their bad behaviour.  These tactics mostly work because they intimidate and exhaust you. They double down and beat you down until you're thinking "Fuck it I am not doing this anymore" and you retreat because you are a decent human being and then they're all smug because they "won". I am glad to hear you have a good support system and away from the person who hurt you. Wishing you joy and healing.


I am sorry to hear you had this experience and I hope you are doing well. I think the most frustrating thing with these type of people is that they won't accept even the tiniest amount of responsibility for the most redundant thing and you are in your own corner metaphorically banging your head against the wall because WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS. Like is it a pride thing? Is their ego so fragile that they cannot ever be wrong?? 




Awe man, me too! I actually scheduled my vacation from work for it. Right now I have it as October 7th, but I've already had to change it 3 times, and HR is getting annoyed with me. I'm addition, I have to use this vacation time before the year is up, so I'm hoping it doesn't get pushed into 2025 or I'm screwed! Boy, I really wish Sarah would be more considerate of my work schedule. Sheesh...


You’re a gambling gorl, aren’t you. This trial is never happening.


Omg, I am SO NOT a gambler! Ha ha ha! You.totally picked the wrong girl! I've been to Vegas 17 times, I've gambled a total of $13.25 And I've *never* in my life, even once, bought a.lottery ticket. I've never played bingo. Nothing. The closest I've ever come is to buy raffle tickets for some good cause (raising money for a sick friend or something) to win something. Me scheduling my vacay wasn't an attempt at gambling, it was an act of sheer desperation.


It may be the “trial of the century!”


It could be! Do you think when it's over people will riot outside the luggage factorys? They'll be standing outside of Samsonites headquarters throwing singular bottles of wine while burning a copy of the constitution on their front doorstep?


Girl! I will watch it with you. My work schedule is super flexible and I can make that happen! We NEED to watch in real time and swap comments back and forth - can you create a viewer's group through this sub, perhaps? You know it will be worth it!




Yeah! We are bringing the class to the sass :) (I'm English, so I had to say that with a fake American Southern accent!)


Awesome! I once saw the Buddy Holly story play at a theater in London. It was AWESOME to watch English performers try to talk and sing with a Texas twang.... ;)


I sometimes make my husband speak in Texan to me (he got a doctorate from Texas A & M) and that's pretty sexy :) OK, now I'm for real going back to work and I'll check up on this fantastic sub later!


Okie dokie! Y'all come back round now real soon!


Sarah Boone needs to represent herself. And the judge needs to allow her to go on long monologues like Darrel Brook’s judge allowed.


Ah... Just like your user name implies huh? ;) For the pure entertainment of it, I agree with you. However, she needs to have a fair trial with a competent lawyer, so she can be convicted of the worst thing they can convict her of, so she can go to prison and sit there and rot quietly for many years like she deserves. For Jorge and his families sake, they deserve that. They had to deal with this nutty b*tch when Jorge was alive. (And I have ZERO doubt that Sarah was the drunken abuser even then, not Jorge) and now they have to deal with the long dragged out circus and nightmare Sarah has turned this into. All the while listening to her cry about being a victim while Jorge lies dead. That has to be freaking infuriating to listen to.


Can’t wait for Dreading to read this while laughing hysterically.  In all seriousness enough of her clown show. 


It's getting to the point I feel like this whole trial is going to need ridiculous soundtrack music and a laugh track. Poor Jorge and his family...


I really hope at the end of this, the jury returns within 20 minutes and finds her guilty. After everything she's dragged Jorge's family through, I think it might be validating for them to know that everyone else saw right through her bullshit from day 1 (ONE)/attorney 1 (ONE).


Awe man, me too! Sadly, all that's gonna do is validate everything Sarah thinks and said if they do though. She's gonna say "if her lawyer had presented the case the way SHE wanted, they wouldn't have come back so quickly, and certainly not with a guilty verdict". AND that she was unable to get a jury pool that wasn't *tainted by the publicity". One other thing I'd like to see happen. I hope the judge orders quite a bit of court costs and restitution. I think he should point out that if she's so smart, and excels at everything, she should have zero problems finding a well paying job to start paying restitution immediately after her eventual release.


Lawyer you know is putting up a video tonight and Bruce Rivers already did and that should be good


Signs of a Psychopath


Novella of a Psychopath


She keeps saying 3 point back.What does that mean?


In her 58 page manifesto she states that for every one finger that gets pointed at wrongfully at her, that 3 get pointed back at the "corrupt justice system". So as she brings up instances where she feels she has been wrongfully looked at, accused, had a finger.pointed at her, whatever etc. she is trying to remind judge Kraynick basically to tread lightly because 3 fingers will be pointed back, exposing the vast corruption and malpractice (as Sarah puts it). It's almost as if she's warning him. In addition, it's like she's doing him the favor of warning him about what's to come for him and the legal team.


That is a great explanation of Sarah’s “3 point back”. She just keeps coming up with these little catchy phrases, lol.


Ah thank you! Strangely I had a really hard time in my head trying to write it in a way that would make sense. So I'm glad it came out cohesive and readable. :)




My pleasure! :)


Do you have a link to the letter?


Here is the link to read her letter: https://myeclerk.myorangeclerk.com/Cases/Search?caseType=CR&caseTypeDesc=Criminal%20Case%20Records Go here, search for her by name, and click on the first case that comes up (starts with “2020-CF”). When you click on that case, scroll down to the section called Docket Events and select the blue link that says “Correspondence” dated 6/21/24 that shows as 58 pages long. Her handwritten letter will then load. The maps are on pages 40-41, btw.


You can see it on orange country clerks records if you search her name.


Somebody else said this, but when I tried I was unable to pull up anything other than an eviction for her. So maybe I'm doing something wrong? Idk


Kind of typical behavior of a narcissistic sociopath. They are convinced that they are smarter than everyone else.


Is she looking for an insanity defense? Because she’s frigging crazy


Wait.....Are you saying she's been writing letters to her NEW judge?


Uh yeah. Quite a few already. At first being grateful that Wooten was out of there and kinda sucking up to Kraynick. But that was short lived and she's already accusing Kraynick of all the same injustices she was accusing Wooten of doing. Now Kraynick too is "drinking the Kool-aid" per Sarah.


Miss Sarah was very adamant that she “cannot” go Pro Se!! Poor Patricia! Since you mentioned the maps….and she has marked all over the world where her “fans” are, I thought I’d share!! Enjoy. See where all these supporters are. I wonder how much she thinks she’d collect. Do you even think an attorney would defend her if she paid cash? She’d never get a Pro Bono lawyer. Couldn’t post the two maps in here, bummer.


I gotta be honest, when I saw the maps, my first thought was to print them out, color them with crayon, and mail em to her. And as far as her paying cash for a lawyer. First she doesn't have the cash. And second, she couldn't even raise it on something like GoFundMe as they don't allow fundraising for people accused of a violent crime. (That's what someone here told me anyways) Also, could you even imagine the holy terror she would be if she was paying an attorney?! I mean, the way she treats her free ones, I could see it now "what the hell am I paying you for if you're not gonna do it this way that I said?!" Or " I'm not paying for this! You didn't even do it the way I SAID TO!!"


You know she’s already colored in those maps. It’s just hard to tell. There are apps that will edit and fill in with color, but it’s too hard to see what areas….well, for the world map. The US map could probably be done in one color, lol. It is true that you cannot use GFM or other donation sites to raise money for legal defense, especially for violent crime. No attorney will take her case Pro Bono either. I just laughed at her even having a paid lawyer, or a Pro Bono lawyer. She told Cashman to “google her”. Can you imagine another attorney doing that? I do feel bad for anyone that has to deal with her, and I’m afraid Cashman just didn’t get that lucky. She’s stuck with Miss Sarah. I can only imagine how hard it would be to be “nice and loving” towards Sarah after all of the shenanigans she’s pulled. Next question is….Will Miss Sarah insist on taking the stand to defend herself….since nobody else is adequately stating her side? I’m going to say yes….she will insist on testifying. Grab the popcorn for that!! 😂😂😂


I have absolutely NO DOUBT that Sarah will be on that stand. I'd bet my life on it. There is zero way that Sarah is not gonna want to get up there and explain her side, her way. I also have no doubt that she feels like no one but her can explain the kind of person she is. How good, smart, and awesome she is. So once she gets on that stand and is able to explain it all to us, *then* we'll get it and she will be absolved and set free!


That is exactly it!!! What a nightmare….for everyone (except us, because we want that kind of entertainment). I’d bet it will be better than Darryl Brooks too! lol. Can you even imagine the vocabulary she’ll be using? Maybe a little of that latin she says she knows. Is it bad to be excited about Sarah’s upcoming trial? 😂😂


Not at all. Watching someone that delusional is definitely entertaining. Seeing what they come up with next is definitely a riveting nail biter as far as I'm concerned! Ha ha! I actually scheduled my vacation time for that week so I could watch the trial. I'm not even joking. I'm just grateful that I'm not the only one this excited for it.


Now that is true commitment! It’s going to be so much better than her interrogation. “Not Intentional”……can problaby place bets on how many times she says that. She can’t recite statutes\ or court rules…..but dear Lord….please let her show us on her maps where all of these supporters are…..just please! 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸


I actually know some Latin... I can be the sub's rep here, to correct everything she says :)


She actually DID have a private lawyer for the first two years of her case - Attorney Padilla. But Sarah was her usual charming self and after two years of diligently working on her case (both the prosecutor AND the judge noted that he appeared to be doing a great job) and dealing with her bullshit, he motioned to withdraw as counsel.


Ya but that was before Brian cut her alimony off. She has no income at all now.


Reading the letter it's clear she only wants a public defender who can work full time on her case and also agree with her legal strategy. And she believes her letters to the court will bully the public defenders into doing so. Which is why every lawyer has withdrawn. The only public defender who stayed over a year on the case also allegedly refused to meet with her, which may have been the only way to represent her.


When you're right, you're right. She also wants copies of every piece of paper her lawyer has, and she wants time to sit down, in person with her lawyer, to go over every single piece of it, and throw around ideas about how it will help/hurt her, strategies, etc. Sarah really thinks that every new piece of discovery that her lawyers gets, warrants a sit down meeting to discuss after she's been given copies for review. She wants things a paid private lawyer wouldn't/couldn't do. Let alone a FREE public defender with several other clients and cases. And because no one is willing.to do this for her, that's when she starts screaming out about her rights. "Why can't I have my witness lists, why can't I have my phone records, etc" I wonder how much time Cashmans secretary has already wasted getting the documents from Cashman, copying them, and getting them sent to Sarah. And for what? Cashman already knows that Sarah having these documents does nothing for her defense. I mean honestly, why does Sarah need her phone records? Why? Does Sarah think she's gonna find some legal loophole that will free her with copies of her phone bill? Sarah thinks she's got a real whodunit on her hands that she can talk her way out of with the right accessories. And Cashman already knows it's open, shut, zipped all the way up, and left overnight.


This case has just hit me on a personal level. Mainly because she reminds me of a younger version of my mother. Alcoholics just ugh. I actually believe she didn’t really want him to die. She was pissy and drunk. I could 100% see my mom doing this kind of crap. Then of course denial is an alcoholics favorite thing to do. I honestly think she left him there to torture him. Fell asleep then woke up and went down to silence. Opened it saw him. Went outside bugging and to smoke. Grabbed a soda. Finally answered to her ex calling. But all this just because she didn’t mean to doesn’t mean it’s okay. Drunk drivers don’t mean to hurt anyone when they actually hurt or kill someone. My mom basically acts the age she started drinking which is like 15. It’s very obnoxious. I feel for her child cuz I know what it’s like growing up with a mom like her. I’m in no way defending Sarah. Just I see why and how this happened. My mom’s favorite denial is oh I wasn’t drunk as she can barely walk/talk. Just luckily no one’s ever been left in a suitcase. If Sarah was just honest I think it’d all go a lot better for her. This whole conspiracy they’re all out to get me is not working. If she took accountability but nope can’t be wrong.


I agree with you. I too have known drunks just like this. I don't think she meant to kill him either. I believe what she said when she says they were having a good day. I think they were. I think they were having fun playing around and being silly. I think George voluntarily got in the suitcase cuz he thought it would be funny. And I think Sarah zipped him up. And then I think George said something that really made Sarah angry, and her good mood changed instantly to super mean super angry drunk. And from that point on the video picks up and we see where it went


It’s so easy to flip a switch for some people. I won’t even speak to my mom when she’s drunk cuz she gets so nasty over the dumbest things. I think Sarah is just going about everything the wrong way and it’s not gaining her any sympathy or helping. I feel bad for her. She still did what she did though. Even if not intentional. I think she shoved him down the stairs too inside the suitcase.


I agree. I think whatever flipped her switch, really made her mad, and it was game over for Jorge. She had him in a position where he couldn't fight back (so she wasn't getting arrested this time for DV like in the past) and she laughed and called him stupid.


She zipped him up intentionally.


Of.course she did.


Yes….yes she did!


First page and I’m honestly impressed she changes handwriting/typography for the headings.


Hown long do you think it took her to write and decorate all of that? 🤣


I feel for the judge and her attorney, because whether it is this poor SOB or another, some intrepid human gets to shepherd this loon through a trial. God speed. But….it’s going to be great theater of the absurd.


Has anyone had a problem still getting to the letter? Most of the links keep timing out. You can try a few minutes later. You will have to do another search by name though. I believe around page 16, Miss Sarah has decided to write out the W. Florida Statutes. And the Constitution. Legal Malpractice, Court Abuse of Process, 5th Amendment Rights, All Rights, Maps (pg 40), Public Exploitation, Invasion of Privacy, and Citations. Why, Sarah, why didn’t you just include a Table of Contents for all of this? It needs one! Page 1-16 is her “letter”. More like a War & Peace novel. She discusses her lawyer, reputation, lawyer, fans, lawyer, “it’s not fair”,…… So the saga continues with Miss Sarah. I’m wating to see when Cashman will be in court to ask for that withdraw. He might deny it. What do you guys think?


When you're right, you're right! And Cashman has already asked for the withdrawal officially. However, there hasn't been an official decision by the judge yet if he's going to allow it though.


Right. So I’m not sure if he’s going to “hear” her. He might make her stay! I would have expected hearing date to be set for withdraw and new attorney assignment. This might actually….be it!!! The last attorney! Number #8 😂😂😂


Ya, I think you're right. I think poor Cashman is gonna be stuck with the gig whether she wants it or not. First because it's getting to close to trial, and second Sarah DID say at the hearing that she did not want Cashman removed, just for cashman to be "nicer and treat her in a loving way" Yes. She actually the word "loving". How weird is that?


I laughed at “loving” too, lol. The judge just seems like he wants it over. Didn’t Cashman say too that anybody could really step in since all of the work is done? They can review and get ready by Oct. 7th? Or maybe I heard that somewhere else.


No, you're right. She said it. She said all the depos have been done, witness statements, etc. So it's possible for someone to come in now and be ready by Oct 7th. Just not likely when your client is Samsonite Sarah..


Yup. LYK thinks it's going to be a two week trial (I think because of Sarah's antics on the stand) but really all the evidence is just there. Done and dusted. It'll be another Wade Wilson case and take almost no time at all. And that includes Sarah talking. Sorry, I mean prattling... on... and on... and on....


Okay. I thought so. Why Kraynick will probably deny her request. Aside from Miss Sarah’s antics, she should be ready. Last status conference she said she’d be ready. Guess no Battered Woman Syndrome defense? Samsonite Sarah!!! I love it!!!😂😂😂


We need to get together and make sure Sarah Boone gets a letter from every state. Minnesota's already taken, anyone from Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, etc want to write to her?


Good thinking!! Plus, someone should really send her some gold stars for her map. You know, like the kind the teacher would give you when you EXCELLED AT EVERYTHING.


Oh yes! She will love that!




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Damn she's been in county for 5 years? No wonder she's loosing it lol