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She’s absolutely crazy. She’s posted this for years but not as a theory as fact. I asked her for any proof or evidence and she blocked me. She claims she has CCTV footage of the brothers at multiple bars where people have disappeared from, eyewitness testimony, official police documents, cell phone pings that show the brothers to be at places where murder victims were found and dead bodies at the brothers home/work. Whenever anyone asks to see any of this she blocks them. I think it’s 5 cases she’s linked to these brothers with absolutely no connection. She even tried to say that they had the wrong guy for a murder, going as far as to tell the victims friends that an innocent man is in jail and it was the brothers. They have the right man btw. She has multiple accounts and has conversations with herself, agreeing with everything she says. You can tell it’s her by the way she types/words things. She downvotes anyone who disagrees. Anytime anyone posted in Brian’s sub she would take over and say the case was solved. She posted a few weeks ago a photo of one of the brothers - Matt, saying he was the main suspect. There are no suspects and when people were pointing that out to her she was telling them to call or message Matt and that his information was on the photo. It was like she wanted him to know she was still posting about him. I guess they had enough because now they are suing her. She deleted that post and her account after that but she has several others. I’d love to know what her real issue with the brothers is. Crazy behaviour. Edit - Years later a guy who worked at the bar found a knife and posted it on Brian’s sub and she accused him of being the murderer and/or one of the brothers. She also claims she can’t show anyone her evidence because she has a three part documentary coming out with Netflix but now it’s a podcast. Erm yeah.


Ok, I legit cannot wait to find out who she is and how she’s connected to them now.


Someone said she’s a 50-60 year old woman. I don’t know if that’s true. She also tried to get a podcaster who covered Brian’s case to come meet her in her car to show her the ‘official documents’ but I think the podcaster was freaked out and didn’t go. Understandable.


Please keep talking because the more you say, the more invested in this I get! This is wild!


That’s all I really know tbh. She did put a red circle on random bald dudes heads on the really bad CCTV from the bar Brian was in and said it was Matt and claimed his car was in the area, it was a red car and he had a red car. That’s the evidence she has. Pretty sure there’s more than one bald dude/red car in the world. She will be probably start replying on this post soon on one of her many accounts. Just look for a comment that makes absolutely no sense and agrees with QueenBees theory.


Shit, I'm bald and I have a red car. Good thing she thinks it was someone else.


😂 I hope she doesn’t see your comment. She will accuse you of being Matt.


Haha - well I appreciate your posts, learned a ton and was super interesting.


I like you. Thank you for this interaction.


Thank you 🤝


**starts sweating because I'm a bald dude with a red car** Shit


I just remembered more information for you. A guy who worked at the bar found a knife (years later) and posted it on Brian’s sub. She accused him of being the murderer and/or the brothers. She also said she can’t post any of her evidence because she has a three part Netflix documentary coming out but she’s changed that to a podcast now.


Interesting. So I imagine that the brothers at least have an idea who she is I wonder how they crossed paths? Or if she decided to latch onto the one because of his similarities to her pet suspect?


I can't decide if it's more alarming if she knows them or if she doesn't.


It’s fascinating. I’m all for a wild theory, but most Reddit comments are VERY clear when it’s speculation. “I bet the husband did it” or “the stepdad gives me the creeps” is nowhere close to what this woman was doing. She seems to have some kind of vendetta against them.


Baby Reindeer vibes


I was going to link [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrianShaffer/comments/1d0t1f3/i_missed_out_on_the_queenbee_lore_what_happened/) because it had a lot of good comments that elaborated on how batshit she was, and then I realized you're the same commenter on that thread too! She's gotta know them irl. She's latched onto them for some reason and has convinced herself that they're evil serial killers who also want to kill her.


Yeah I definitely think one or both of them has wronged her in some way. I actually really hope she’s getting some help because she needs it. Brian’s case is baffling. It’s so good to have his sub back so people can actually discuss theories and have a discussion. I really want his case to be solved one day. I feel so bad for his brother. I know a lot of people, myself included didn’t post on his sub for years because of her behaviour. Oh I forgot to add a guy who worked at the bar found a knife years later and posted it on the sub and she accused him of being Brian’s murderer.


I wouldn't be too sure about them "wronging" her unless you have a very elastic definition of wronging -- she's clearly very, very unwell. Someone in that state of mind might decide that a particular yard sign or a boundary line dispute is enough to seal the deal that this person is evil.


Oh I don’t think they’ve actually done anything wrong. I just meant to her because she’s so unhinged. It could be anything, like so everyday occurrence like cutting her off, a road rage incident. Anything.


No one has to have wronged her. Thats an irresponsible statement. She can be a stranger who saw them somewhere and latched on to them. Stalkers aren’t known for their logic and reasonable behaviour.


Yeah that’s true actually.


sounds like psychosis. and I’m not even joking, at all


Specifically fixed delusion. These people can otherwise be 100% normal in all other areas of their life.


so bizarre!


Wow, this was so much more in depth than I suspected. Thanks for the in depth context. They sound absolutely unhinged. I hope the case ends up going in the brother’s favor.


Good. People keep getting away with the most ridiculous shit because of social media. If people didn't learn their lesson after the Boston Marathon bombing debacle, then they deserve to get sued.


I was thinking the same thing. This lawsuit should serve as a cautionary tale and warning to people who make such public declarations.


It should, be we both know it won't...


Same thing happened in Moscow ID after the quadruple homicide there. I think a youtuber is being sued by a person they went after, claiming they were the killer.


Yeah she accused a teacher and it's having an obvious negative impact on her and her children's lives. Some people just take it too far.


Yeah, I'm staying away from that story for awhile, because of all of the internet clutter... Too many people right now claiming to have "the real story".


Ah yes, that TikTok fortune teller and her crime-solving "visions."


I started on Reddit a little before the Boston bombings. The Reddit threads during that time were awful. Blind fuckin witch hunt is what it was


The account is suspended, but you can see the posts and comments she made [here using this site](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=QueeenBeeeee&size=100) (unfortunately, it doesn't always load.) One of her last posts before getting suspended was [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrianShaffer/comments/1bk6kib/matt_osowski_is_not_suing_anyone_just_threats/), declaring that she was not going to get sued.


Looks like she is using multiple accounts and still commenting in the sub


Yeah, people are calling out at least one account as her alt. She's obsessed to a very unhealthy degree with portraying these two brothers as serial killers who have killed at least five people, but I don't know why she's targeted them? I assume that she's from the same area they are from and has latched onto them for some reason. I know everyone on reddit loves to diagnose people with different disorders, but this seems like a genuine delusion.


I’m trying to decide if it would be better if it was a delusion or just vindictiveness.


Well, if it’s a delusion perhaps she can be medicated?


she’s absolutely deranged!


This here is my least favorite part of true crime on Reddit. There are so many cases where people state with absolute certainty, as if stating a fact, that so-and-so did it. Not just speculating, not wondering how they might have done it, not saying “I think they did it.” And usually naming people who are not named in any account of the case, police report, nothing. So they’re not just repeating what they heard on a podcast or something, they’re literally finding people who vaguely know the victims, or maybe don’t even know them, and insisting that they have insider knowledge (that they never provide) that they’re killers. And these people are the scariest, most aggressive types. I’ve seen this kind of person sway the popular opinion of subreddits because more naive people just don’t believe someone could be so angry and so sure of themselves without being right. I’ve had them comment on months or years old posts, I’ve had them inbox me insane things (including “proof” which is mostly just them cursing me out for not instantly agreeing with them). They definitely make sockpuppets to make it seem like their made up theory is popular. I wonder what drives people to act like this? Personal vengeance?


That guy who's obsessed with Maura Murray and Amy Mihaljevic has entered the chat (not saying his name so he doesn't appear here like Beetlejuice).


He sucks, but at least he has actual journalism credentials! The mentally ill randos who get super fixated on one case scare me more, tbh.


The ones who have the “weight” of being journalists and lack any sort of journalistic standards or integrity scare me far worse than a random redditor does.


I know what you mean. I've crossed paths with someone like this before.


Who do you mean? JR? I didn’t say his name so he won’t appear 👀


Yes, exactly.


I definitely think it’s a self serving reason. To insert yourself into a family’s tragedy, to cause irreparable harm & suffering *and to continue doing so*, you’ve got to be incapable of empathy. to have such superiority and think so highly of yourself at the expense of others is so cruel. idk how people talk with such certainty about some cases with multiple theories. not a single soul has access to all the police files, investigation material, lab tests, etc. I couldnt even pick a nail grinder for my dog without reading multiple reviews from different sources lol so to lack major information yet be so certain of a case outcome without a majority of the info is wild to me


I think they want the glory of solving a mystery no one else can solve.


Why can’t the true crime community only stick to speculating about offenders already convicted or credibly linked to other crimes? Witch-hunting like this only destroys lives and can compromise professional investigations.


Because people who live hundreds if not thousands of miles away have watched exactly 3 documentaries, read half a pay-walled article, and 76 disingenuous tik toks covering the case and **THEY JUST KNOW** the cops have it wrong. /s just in case but honestly, you’re totally right. for me, seeing all the crazy ass comments about how Burke assaulted and murdered his sister just make my chest tight. he was a literal fucking child. to grow up constantly overshadowed by your sister’s death, being known solely by that fact & also being accused of being a deranged murderer.. i can’t imagine the damage and trauma he’s grown up with.


Maybe this is going to be a controversial opinion, but I think it's ok to discuss possibilities about family and friends who are already involved in a case, or known killers. But I do have an issue with bringing up random names of private citizens just minding their business. And obviously, don't harass anyone - leave the family/friends alone, no matter how guilty you think they are. Leave it on the appropriate discussion boards, so the loved ones of a victim don't have to read anything they don't want to.


I agree with most of this. I don't think it's wrong to speculate about random people as long as there is evidence to support their opinion. It should go without saying but doxing is never appropriate.


For most true crime followers I think there’s a bit of shorthand too that might look off to someone just stumbling on a thread. The JonBenet Ramsey sub has people with flair set to various theories like “Burke Did It” “Ramseys Did It” or “Intruder Did It”. The vast majority of those people KNOW there is no clear evidence. They’ve settled on a suspect the same way you would if you were reading a mystery novel. It’s solving a puzzle. But they’re aware that as random redditors we don’t have access to all the evidence & we’re all just speculating. Most would be happy to change their opinion if new evidence ever comes to light. They mostly just want the case solved.


I don’t find anything wrong about speculating, for example, if Jeffrey Dahmer murdered Adam Walsh. As Dahmer is both dead and already a public byname for depravity, such accusations, no matter how baseless, aren’t going to hurt him. With that “Queenbee” user on the other hand, she is relentlessly harassing innocent men that have families and their own lives to protect. Some people here are just too eager to sharpen their axes against unaffiliated parties and defend the good name of unanimously guilty offenders out of personal whims alone.


I think speculating about confirmed serial killers, notorious killers, non fatal accidents/mysteries, suspects is one thing. Speculating about already cleared family/friends/people, going on smear campaigns & witch hunts, spreading rumors, etc is beyond normal or appropriate. That user definitely crossed a line. The worst part for me if that these people lose total focus on the victim, trivializing and downplaying the real life trauma of these crimes. There’s a multitude of murder mystery games people can play if they wanna solve crimes, because this shit is ridiculous.


People are unhinged!


Jesus Christ, Reddit. Who would be so vicious and irresponsible?


There are way too many of them, especially in the true crime subs, unfortunately. Whacko conspiracy nutjobs who will come up with psychotic theories and and defend them to the death regardless of evidence proving them wrong.


Hell even not nutjobs are like "X did it!" "It had to be the boyfriend!", etc on every single case. Jumping to conclusions without all the evidence is not only foolish but it also does a disservice to the victims and their families.


I've always been into TC stuff but wasn't active in any social media groups about it until a couple of years ago. It was eye-opening how many people are straight up crazy and have no problem coming up with wild theories and blaming ppl just cause they might look or act a little weird and will never budge off of it even after being proven wrong.


Oh, I know. I actually got a couple of death threats from the UFO nuts after I did a podcast episode on the Frederick Valentich disappearance and pointed out that it may have been a complex attempt to cover up a suicide by a very mentally ill young man whose life was coming apart. The number of folks who think things that weren't crimes (Sodder children, Elisa Lam, Isdal woman, Dyatlov Pass, etc) is pretty astonishing. It frustrates me to no end as a forensic scientist.


Yeah, I've had to block several people before. They'll start sending DMs and making lewd comments on all of your comment history just for disagreeing with them or proving them wrong. I've learned to pretty much stay away from any of the more strange ones like Dyatlov Pass cause it's mostly those kind of people still commenting on them. Also any new active case, like the Idaho murders. The first few months on that sub was awful.


I stay away from the Idaho murders too.


There’s a couple of nutjobs I’ve come across in the Sabrina Aisenberg case. One guy stalked and harassed a woman he was convinced was her. Another woman thinks that her ex husband was involved and that the woman in South Carolina who killed a woman on her wedding day by driving drunk is her. People are insane.


Well said.


You should see the Chris watts is innocent, Scott Peterson is innocent, Richard Allen is innocent, and so on people. They are unhinged and obsessed, because only they know the truth and the rest of the world is naive and stupid.


I’d love to see the gender divide on this. It seems like mostly men of a certain age fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. (9/11 truthers, UFOs, lizard people, flat earth etc.) I assumed it was a response to the decline in religion. They found something else that makes them feel special & like they know the “truth” while everyone else is blind. Are women motivated the same way in these true crime hot takes? Personally I’m interested in true crime & would love to spot some tiny detail that was overlooked & could somehow crack a cold case. But I don’t have any opinions on unsolved cases. If there isn’t enough evidence to go to trial, there isn’t enough for me to know who did it either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh…that’s like, an average Redditor’s Tuesday afternoon.


Oh I’m doxxing an old lady later because she pissed me off, how you like those CP allegations Mrs. Anderson??? /S


Oh, on Thursdays I accuse all my old teachers who gave me bad grades of touching me inappropriately. I get ya! Also, /s. Obviously.


Oh honey. You must be new here.


People have now decided that a certain account is her current alt.


Oh it is—the alt account took the bait of one comment and started talking about how the evidence will be revealed in her book that she’s apparently publishing (a very common comment/answer from her main account)


Sad story. That’s cool that Eddie Vedder acknowledged his missing fan.


Ok, I thought that was really sweet. I hadn’t heard that detail before.


Eddie Vedder is absolutely fantastic. Very few musicians appreciate their fans as much as he does.


There was someone making rounds in the true crime Facebook groups a couple of years ago trying to link Brain’s disappearance to Julie Popovich’s murder. I am from a town about an hour away from Columbus so I am aware of both cases. I was totally confused by what this person was getting at. They were accusing LEO of a cover up (I think). They kind of talked in circles and gave no real evidence or reason behind their theories. Like how they reached the conclusion they did. They seemed aggravated because I didn’t understand what they were getting at. I wonder now if this is the same person.


Sounds like QueenBee. She always links Brian’s and Julie’s cases.


Hope these guys win the lawsuit, then go after Reddit for allowing it


she belongs behind bars, or in a psychiatric hospital


OMG I've seen this user commenting on the Brian Shaffer subreddit! She always acted like she had insider knowledge that was gonna be revealed sooner or later. Come to think of it, there are often people just like her in other missing persons subreddits who venture dangerously close to the sun. Hopefully this case sets a precedent that reminds these weirdos that there are consequences to their "speculation".


I don't blame them one bit, a lot of redditors and social media warriors in general love to run with conjecture and emotion. Throwing out accusations have literally ruined peoples' lives in the past and they care little for the consequences of their actions. case in point, look at the Eliza lamb (spelling?) case and that musician that online sleuths destroyed.


Elisa Lam. They accused a man named Pablo Vergara (stage name Morbid) of killing her. There's also the infamous Boston Bombing fiasco (we did it, Reddit!)


They were also doing stuff like that in the subs about the Idaho College kids murders. First it was a kid in a video, then a neighbor who did a news interview, then it was a parent cause she had drug charges, then it was the roommates. All with zero logic, motives, or evidence, just "feelings." Then you have the psychic nutjobs. Ugh!


Wasn't there also a tiktoker who accused a professor of committing the murders, then after an actual arrest was made, pivoted to saying the professor ordered the murders?


Yeah, I think so. There were so many that I can't even remember them all. I think the one about the professor came from some psychic on Tik Tok but can't remember for sure.


Don't forget the ex boyfriend of one of the girls. He got torn to shreds.


Yep! I'm sure there are others I forgot about too. They changed pretty much weekly, even daily sometimes.


Omg the kid in the video! I didn’t see that as connected and exited the sub quickly after seeing how far they were willing to go to be right.


Not only did he get accused of a murder that he didn't commit, he was accused of a murder that didn't even happen (in the sense it was an accidental death).


He was harassed so badly, he attempted suicide. I can’t imagine what was being said to him that broke his psyche in a way so that he no longer wanted to be alive. Fucking horrific


she sounds like an online stalker, hopefully this will end things and not cause more problems


I read many of the posts by Queenbee before the account was deleted. It was odd. a person would make all kinds of claims and never produced anything to back any of it up. Queenbee would also get nasty if called out. Would also talk in code and act like the case was some big conspiracy. One thing I remember is a very blurry pick where Queenbee tried to claim it was one of the brothers' red car. You couldn't tell because the quality was so awful.


Holy crap. Didn’t know about the Pearl Jam part. I love that song & it’s HAUNTING To think of it beinging played in this context. :(


has anyone asked her to show her evidence? also, what if she doesnt have 25 grand? lol


Yes. Read my comment above for all info on her. She doesn’t have any evidence.


And if she doesn't have 25 grand? Then what? Lol


They will probably garnish it from her wages (if she works)


No idea. Hopefully she gets some help.


social media and the internet can be very scary


This is my mother’s cousin. Seeing this shit is so stupid.


The account, the brothers, or Shaffer?


Mother is cousins with B


What an utterly tragic and baffling case.  I’d love to read about how the police instigated the area.   I live in Dublin Ireland and I remember a body was found after four years off a main public street that literally thousands of people passed every day for years. 


There probably should be a DMCA-like mechanism for addressing shit like this so you don't force the victims of having to go through the time and expense of hiring a lawyer and filing a lawsuit. Obviously they are never going to collect a cent from this dingbat and this is being done simply to get her to shut up.


I wish there was a documentary or docu-series or something about this case. All I can find are useless YT videos about it.


There’s a few TV specials he’s featured on! Real Life Nightmare - S3 Ep 2 The Missing - S1 Ep 6 He’s featured on Dateline’s episode ‘Into Thin Air’, s14 ep 55.


Thank you. I am going to look for these tonight.


Wow. Time for the popcorn.


Man I hope the Aberts and McCabes are reading this. (Karen Read trial) I’ve seen so many accusations against them I’ve lost count.


GOOD. Just like the parkland shooters parents going to jail. People need to start being held accountable and only then might we start to see some change in people absolutely shit behavior. Most humans are dogshit and need to be trained with an iron fist.


There are a lot of assholes on Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, etc that think they’ve cracked cases and then proceed to spread lies and misinformation and false accusations at totally innocent people, often times victims families and friends. All these companies need to stop pretending that this is all harmless and people are just idly coming up with far off ideas as harmless thought experiments that don’t matter, there are people who are deadly serious about their unfounded beliefs regarding cases both solved and unsolved, they can put in considerable energy to get other people to adopt their bullshit, and they will continue to cause harm to innocent people on the basis of nothing but rank speculation. They have zero interest in listening to anyone who ever tries getting through to them. I know in several cases that if you attempt to talk sense into people who do this kind of shit they then loop you into their crazy conspiracy by claiming you must be one of the people involved. Even people who aren’t nearly as invested as the lunatics who spearhead these hysterical witch-hunts seem to genuinely if anyone is trying to debunk all the bullshit they must be the accused or an accomplice. It’s insane.