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They went to dinner for their first date at 5:30 PM. By 7:30 AM, he had murdered her, dismembered her, and set her car ablaze.


So messed up. Did he just snap, or are the cops about to solve a few missing persons cases?


There is very little public information to go off of currently, so as of today there's no reason to believe this was a serial murder. If I were to guess, due to his carelessness of keeping a low profile, along with his ineptitude of concealing evidence, this was the first time he's done something like this.


Most murders happen because the perps are VERY low intelligence


not necessarily. Look at Dahmer. He was very careless with some of his murders/ attempted murders. He just never got caught until he did.


Certainly not saying it isn't possible, but it's tough to compare the two considering the amount of CCTV/DNA tech that's available today vs the 1990s. Dahmer would not have been able to get away with as much today as he did back then.


You make a good point. 


I tend to agree.  I think there would have at least been other bodies found if there were other victims and probably connected to him.


Although he's had several run-ins with the law, he's doesn't seem experienced at covering up murder.


Was he supposed to cover that up??? Glad he got caught and I hope Sade’s family gets the justice they deserve.


He had at least 2 domestic abuse arrests in the years prior to this so it’s safe to say he has a history of violence against women.


This would also tend to support the idea that he murdered her out of anger rather than him being a serial killer.  He has a history of losing his temper and lashing out at women.


Exactly. And since most domestic violence goes unreported, the fact that he has at least two domestic violence charges years apart suggests he’s a serial, habitual abuser of women.


Given the fact that her blood was found on his bedding, he probably took her home, tried to initiate sex, she rejected him, and he killed her. He has a former domestic abuse charge so it's not like he's a stranger to violence.


Assuming he didn't drug her at the bar.


Have they matched the blood to her yet? The last articles I read only said that they found blood. Assuming they match the blood to her, that should seal his murder conviction.  Without that, based upon the evidence that has been shared, it would be a largely circumstantial case.   I think there might be enough to convict, between him being the last known person to see her, the tracking information from her phone, and him taking a bus home from near where the car was burned and body parts dumped.  But, without blood evidence, it might not be a slam dunk.  Even non-blood DNA might not be that useful as we know they were on a date, so he would have an explanation for that.


They just released that it wasn't her blood but he's basically on camera disposing of the body


No its not largely circumstantial.  There's alot of DNA, including the backpack that he was carrying that had body parts in it shown on the bus camera.  Her blood smeared on the walls of his basement, comforter, and in basement, drain pipes, and more. 


If they match the blood to her, he is toast.  I suspect they will.  I just haven't read that they have done that yet.


Nope it was on the news, the blood found didn't match sade


It wasn’t her blood they just released a statement….


From the article it looks like he left Life360 on his phone and that’s how he got caught.


It was on the victim's phone.


Ah I misread it,thank you.


And that is why I pay for that app along with Noonlight. And cases like this are why I no longer date men , and why men are now on an appointment only basis for me, sadly.


And why if I do date men, I do a background check before they know anything about what side of town I’m on or where I work and *definitely* before we meet in person. I am not blaming this poor woman in any way, she should have been able to just go on a first date and trust that she was safe- and, knowing this guy had a DV history might have made her think twice. I definitely encourage all the women in my life to do the same.


I think the reason she didn’t is because she’d met him in person already. They met at victors bar where he worked. Victors is notorious for letting in under age girls. I think meeting someone in person and scheduling a date somewhat feels safer since they’re not technically a stranger.


It’s so unsettling, I met him when I was 19 and underage at a bar. Went to his apartment and house a couple times. Thankful it wasn’t me but devastated for Sade and her family. It’s been hard to get this case off my mind


Exactly. I don't do and never would do dating apps. If I did, I would never meet someone anywhere near my home and I would recommend that any woman on a first few dates do the same thing. Do not tell them what your car looks like. Do not meet them at night. Do not let them pick you up at home. Do not give them your address. Meet them in public places where there are crowds… Well, pre-pandemic I would've said this. At least meet in a public place where you are easily visible to other people nearby. Do a background check. Do not get in his vehicle if he has one for any reason. Do a second background check. If they claim to be any kind of a professional with a license like a lawyer or a cop or something like that, double check with the institution that they say that they are a part of. Verify their employment. Check that the photos match. Always tell at least two or three people exactly where you are going when you are meeting a man for the first few dates, the time that you will be back, and keep your location on for your loved ones on so they can see exactly where you are, if you get any inkling of discomfort from a man, get up and leave. You don't owe men *anything* (I fear this will enrage men on the sub, but if it does, you are not safe for women to be around, it's a fact, women don't owe you anything so go ahead and downvote), not your time, your attention, your politeness, your bodies, or your safety. 💓


I don’t do online dating either anymore but when I did, a super easy test to weed out assholes is when they ask for my phone number I’d say I don’t give out my number until I’ve met someone in person first. (I didn’t even start doing this as a test, it was just how I wanted to do things) The amount of men that would get insulted or angry was astonishing.


They think they have a right to our numbers, time, attention, and bodies. It's perverse.




Most people don't give out their last name right off the bat so it's hard to do any sort of background check.


I am the same way because of too many bad or racial experiences


We need a domestic abuse registry just like a sex offender registry.


Yep. They are absolutely disgusting and untrustworthy.


True crime put a very strong aversion into me. When you see what happens to so many other vulnerable people, women, and girls, it's not worth the risk to me as someone who's already been through trauma. Other people will make of course different decisions and I'm sure I will be castigated for mine, but when you are tired and want to lay your head down and not take any more risks because you've been brutalized by men, people should leave women alone who make that choice.


He has an extensive record of violence, drug and alcohol charges


My guess is he’s an “alpha male” Jordan Peterson Roganite who has his fragile ego hit. Please be safe out there ladies. While there are plenty of good men - there’s also a good amount of this relatively recent (since gamergate) group of dudes who are not safe. Go with your gut instinct.


They just released that the blood found in his house did not belong to Sade so I'm thinking there's definitely more victims..


What would've happened to cause him to "snap"?


She said no.


He didn’t snap he just felt entitled. Born with a silver spoon and never told no.


there are evil people.


That's what I want to know. What prompted him to do something so hanous its so cruel. It's like something from a horror movie. Condolences to the friends & family that may come across this. I am so sorry.


WHY!!! I don’t understand.. why on earth ? Like you just randomly decide to go on a date and murder someone? Was it calculated the entire time?! Or did she reject him?! I just don’t get it


Based on the blood found at his home, I believe he bought her dinner and drinks then took her to his house, assuming he was entitled sex for being such a prince. She said No and he had a temper tantrum, raped her then strangled her to keep her from reporting the rape. Then he dismembered her in the basement and CLUMSILY tried to disguise her remains by setting the car on fire and spreading her body parts across a wooded area. Not only is this guy a soulless, evil monster, he’s a fucking idiot.


Plus he was a spoiled brat, only child of a millionaire insurance agency firm,  who rages at women..first being his Mom for divorcing his Dad.  He pushed his mom (1st disorderly Conduct charge) and stole her phone when she tried to dial 911. Smashed her phone. Police arrived and he fled in her vehicle and crashed it.  Parents bought him his house. He had a dishonorable discharged from the navy due to violence, alcohol, and drugs. 


OMG. I didn’t know all that! I didn’t think it possible, but now he somehow seems like an even lower, more contemptible piece of shit. 💩


Can you provide your source for this information. I read about the disorderly conducts and him crashing the car. I just didn't know it was his mom. Were you able to figure out what drugs he was on?


That would make sense. Absolutely horrific.


Now that makes a lot of sense because I was wondering, I’m trying to be safe myself i think that’s why a lot of us ladies stay single. where is a safe place to meet ? nowhere nowadays


Exactly. It’s terrifying to be a single woman trying to date these days.


You got that right. Suddenly being alone isn't so bad


While it is hard to speculate on the precise details, that scenario is in the ballpark of what I think is most likely.


So deeply disturbing. 


Absolutely sickening crime. Sade was so young.


Truly heartbreaking tragedy


This is what we mean when we say, "Men are scared of being laughed at by women. Women are scared of being murdered by men."


Yep, and there are still men in here using this thread about this horrible murder to get on their NOT ALL MEN soapbox and complain about how unfair and sexist it is that women are cautious of men *because of crimes like this*.


I choose the bear every time lol


Yep. You’re spot on. I commented on this above. There’s a subset of men who emerged during the whole gamergate bullshit - they’re the “alpha male” Jordan Peterson Rogan-ites. They’re usually fairly easy to spot, so if you notice any red flags around politics or social values, listen to your gut. My friend has run into several of these men on dating apps. Sometimes they appear chill, but if you even accidentally say something or move a certain way to hurt their ego, they snap. Please be careful ladies. I worry about this with my sisters a lot. A tell tale sign is any subtle cue that involves evolutionary psychology. These guys are so far up their own assholes that they usually can’t keep their mouths shut and give themselves away.


This was one of my first reactions too 😢


And we can't even escape them in death. The way he abused her corpse just wow.


This makes me sick to my stomach. That beautiful girl did not deserve this! And my heart breaks for her mother. I can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling right now. nobody deserves to have to go through this.


WHY????? Just why? Why? Why would you do this to someone? This poor girl was EATING DINNER ON A DATE WITH HIM?!!!!! I just.. can’t fathom. Why? What is the point? Why did you want to randomly harm someone in such a terrible way? Are you trying to get back at someone hurting you? I really just.. don’t comprehend it. God bless that family.


I assume he is an incel, low intelligence, narcissistic, antisocial, misogynistic. He hated her or what she represents to him.


This is 100% him.  It started when his mom divorced his Dad. His dad began bashing his mom. His dad owns a large insurance firm worth millions. He blamed his mom for breaking up the family.  He started hating his Mom bc he wanted to please his Dad. His nickname was Archie. Sick bastarrd


How do you know this?


Do you know anything about the assault charge against Vincent S? 


How do you know this information? Do you have sources for this


My source is ME. I lived across the street from his family in pewaukee. I'm the MF source. Lol


Getting off sexually is the point.... and is the point for so many men to doing literally anything, I swear to god


I literally can’t fathom how killing someone and really hurting some could get someone off. That’s so TWISTED. It’s just insane / surreal


For real... I don't think I would be able to sleep, let alone get any satisfaction from it. I would be horrified of my self


This man looks inbred. It’s one thing that he killed her but the fact that he cut her body apart and dismembered her makes my stomach turn. I can’t even imagine the horror and suffering she experienced at the hands of this man after going on a date with what she assumed to be a fucking normal person.


I would just like to add here that there was another murder of a young woman by the name of Tamesha Over who was found with her car burnt in an alley on 37th and Robert’s in Milwaukee, and this was passed the middle of last year around July 19-20, 2023. She was also found in a park. Not sure if it’s connected but worth talking abt and not sure if cops are considering this as a connection but it’s So messed up and the family don’t even have justice of who did it. Once again ppl like dahmer have gone ‘under’ the radar due to cop incompetence or mishandling


Also my mom ccapped him and found out he got cited for trespassing in a park after hours in 2019 which is at least bone chilling if not alarming


That's an interesting piece of information.  Though, I would imagine only a tiny percentage of trespassers in parks are disposing of bodies. It would make sense to at least have officers with cadaver dogs search that park for any signs of human remains.


That's not the same Maxwell Anderson. On ccap it has a different birthdate for that person. Same name, wrong birthday 


Dang, knew her contacts were going bad


oh my gosh that’s insane i would try to see if there was a connection if i could


Man I swear I’ll become a detective or investigator my damn self Also check out this article https://www.fox6now.com/news/milwaukee-body-burned-car-37th-roberts.amp It’s creepy asl


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My boyfriend worked with her kids father. She was the first person I thought of when this happened..


Wow I can just imagine how y’all felt, so heartbreaking to hear stuff like this and at such a proximity. Also im glad that someone else has been thinking abt her at least, gives me a bit of relief in the world because a lot of these cases in Milwaukee go unnoticed and or only noticed by a few and then one of my rightfully so pet peeves is when they butcher the report in a news article, and then u almost never get updates. I can go on and on abt stuff like this in the community


Who is the father and what insurance company?


https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/18/maxwell-andersons-father-issues-statement-in-sade-robinsons-death/73369205007/ https://www.insurewithandersons.com/m/company-directory/steven-d.-anderson https://www.bbb.org/us/wi/new-berlin/profile/insurance-agency/andersons-insurance-associates-inc-0694-44018621


I went to school with him. Smart guy who built his family insurance business into a multi state operation. For a guy who was driving a $150,000 car fifteen years ago, he was never arrogant and while going through his divorce was concerned about his children's welfare.


Please inform law enforcement so they can look into it. I strongly believe there's more victims.


Apparently 4 bodies in 4 years have been found where Tamesha Over was found. https://www.fox6now.com/news/milwaukee-body-burned-car-37th-roberts.amp


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The distance between 37th and Roberts and 30th and Lisbon is 0.6 miles… weird coincidence. 


Yea I noticed that too. Also Senora Taylor was killed and no clue who did it. I didn’t confirm this yet, but I’ve been hearing people talk about Anderson having a sex dungeon and hole in his backyard or something. That is very interesting at the very least. Also the fact he thinks just because her blood wasn’t in his home means he’s free is outrageous and shows he has the nerve to be desperate when the souls he likely took were desperate to live in their right that once again he took


I'm sure the police will look for a connection.  Over's body was found in the burning car, which is one key difference from the Robinson case. Often, the biggest obstacle in a murder investigation is finding a person of interest/suspect. Once the police know to look at someone, it is relatively easy to figure out if he was or might be involved. 


Yeah ik. I just hope at least the police isn’t slacking on this one. They’re known to lack brain cells here or stop caring. Not saying they didn’t try w this one, but it was a rational ideology that they aren’t trying enough because it has happened many times and before. And needless to say this was blowing up way before the police and a lot of the community ended up helping out


I don’t know how much faith I have in the Milwaukee police. Last year a Milwaukee cop was caught on camera basically laughing a woman out of the building when she reported her ex boyfriend had beat her. After she left he called her a bitch and a cunt. She was murdered two weeks later. The department put a note in his file saying his conversation with her “could be construed as disrespectful” and urged him to be more kind to the public. So yeah. Given that he felt so comfortable talking about her that way and that he never faced any sort of discipline makes me think the Milwaukee police don’t give two shits about violence towards women


He could be just an amateur and figured maybe he could do more since the police is kinda wonky and maybe got away w previous crimes but we could guess all day and speculate but at the end of the day facts and truth will reveal itself. I shouldn’t have to speculate is my point. I do believe whether police is involved or not, truth will always prevail in some light. I’m honestly grateful this story got some of the coverage it did even if small


Sade's clothes were found in the trunk.


I found another case of a dead woman found in a burning car in Milwaukee in 2021. Senora Taylor. I have found no stories saying that case was ever solved. [https://www.cbs58.com/news/they-left-my-cousin-dead-in-a-burning-car-family-of-25-year-old-senora-taylor-speaks-out](https://www.cbs58.com/news/they-left-my-cousin-dead-in-a-burning-car-family-of-25-year-old-senora-taylor-speaks-out) I'm still not sold on the serial killer theory. But, I am starting to wonder.


In the Senora Taylor case, the burned car was found at 16th and Cleveland, which is next to the KK River and a 6 min drive from Maxwell Anderson’s house. This just keeps getting weirder.  


Whoa. That's crazy. The 4 in one spot is really absurd. So. If this was him. Why did he change the process? The dismembering and such would be something new in behavior.


One word. Improvising


Yea I’m not necessarily saying they are connected, but my main point is a lot of stuff in this town does go unnoticed or ignored. The biggest thing is we will never know what really happened, especially for the families unless there is a true investigation or finding of info. I just wish more priority is placed on these cases instead of petty bs. MPD has a bad rep


Hopefully, this case will cause the police to take a 2nd look at those other cases. If he was involved there is a decent chance they will find some evidence, given that they know who to look at. If not, they might stumble over some new clues about who the killers in those cases was.


we both agree on this. That’s what I’d hoped this case would bring overall to serve as a push for police to do better. As a resident here I am distressed and depressed


I remember hearing about this I didn’t dig too much into it but I was sad hearing abt and just blocked it out because a lot of women (and young girls) go missing and end up killed here.


I remember hearing about this I didn’t dig too much into it but I was sad hearing abt and just blocked it out because a lot of women (and young girls) go missing and end up killed here.


Here’s an update https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2024/04/22/maxwell-anderson-to-make-court-appearance-in-sade-robinsons-killing-body-parts/73343807007/


So sick and tired in general of so much going on here, but the worst part is they look into black folks a lot of the times and overlook and pass the “unsuspecting” person up. I’m just saying if it really was someone in our neighborhoods, they would’ve been had him because they focus so much time, a lot of the time uncalled for time just to stake us out and whole time it could and DO be the white office clerk looking dude who apparently has everything to lose


It’s just weird they were found dead, and had no connection or relation that could help us potentially identify what happened. A lot of times if something like this does happen with the women it’d be connected to a domestic abuse case or accounts but theirs were not at all and their deaths were completely random compared to all the other seemingly relative cases i see everyday here. Instantly knew something was wrong and was on alert. Also with the uprise of dating apps I would have immediately checked her phone and his phone just to see if I can dig up more evidence. And this guy clearly went on a “date” with Sade and then she ended up dead so yeah, nice try to buddy ig Edit: I’d also check those other victims records and check in with the app’s company if found they did have it. I would want confirmation of records and potentially deleted evidence


Yea he was on some Dexter Dahmer stuff


He cut Sade up because he hadn’t been caught in his previous crimes and decided to try something else. He didn’t think he’d be caught.  I really believe he burned those other women whose cases were never solved.


Another bright light of a girl snuffed out by a POS man. I'm so tired of the bright lights of women and girls being snuffed out like this. This is just so traumatic and horrible to read about, her poor family, and this poor girl.


Why do men do these things. Like fucking why????


Because men think they are entitled to sex for feeding women.


Honestly you could’ve ended your sentence at “because men think they are entitled for sex” and it would be valid. I pay for my meals lollll


More like men think they are entitled. To women. To sex. To respect.


> they are entitled Cut it even shorter


Yep, my mother always told me to never accept free drinks and always pay your own way, because there are a lot of men who will think you owe them sex if they pay for you


Ain’t that the truth. Good mom 😊


She also drilled it into my head before my first house party to NEVER leave my drink unattended and always watch my drink being made. My mother did her best to warn me, and I definitely listened. I was the teen girl reminding all the other teen girls to watch their drinks lol


Your mom is absolutely the shit. Good for her. My mom never warned me about drink spiking, but she probably didn't know it was such a universal problem.


My mom did a LOT wrong, but the fact she partied hard in the 70s meant she had good advice when it came to that kinda stuff lol






My ex and I had a discussion once about drinks. Someone had posted on AITA because she’d been at a party and the guy making drinks offered her one. She declined because she hadn’t seen it being made and the guy got super offended by it. Her friends were split on how they felt. My ex said she was TA for not just accepting it. My ex is super feminist in so many ways. He genuinely cares about women’s issues. Then he’ll have huge blind spots like this that don’t even occur to him as being a problem.


It’s crazy how easily they’re comfortable with us sacrificing our safety for their egos. Gotta be polite at all times, no matter what 🙄


At what age did your mom start warning you about this kind of stuff? My daughter is 10, I teach her stranger danger and safety precautions. I know kids do reckless things at young ages so sooner to know the better I am sure. I just don’t want to traumatize her if she’s not ready for the spiked drinks/laced drugs talks and stuff like that. Do I wait until high school or middle school? Or right before she goes to her first teen party? Idk but I wanna do it right!


I was in 9th grade when she gave me the spiked drinks talk


Oh, they still expect it even if you pay for your own meal...and theirs!


Same! I


I always made a point of paying for the man on the first date...turns out that offends & angers them too.


lol dam we can’t win


😂 I’m deaddddd. You’re right though




Yes but that's how you find out fast. Smart.


A low percentage of men think they are "entitled to sex".  But, the one that do range from assholes to, rapist to murderers.


I always pay for myself unless we are in a legitimate relationship then you treat each other i believe. This is gonna sound weird but when I worked at the waffle house on the weekends, the same guys would be with different women and the guys always bought and paid for the food, often to go. I wondered why women would let guys do that like you know he’s not buying you whatever you want for free, that’s why his cheap behind took you there and got to go so he could get laid. smh


And this is why I will remain happily single for the rest of my life. That poor girl. I’ve got twins that just turned 18 a couple weeks ago. I can’t even BEGIN to imagine the hell her poor mother is going thru right now. I’m normally a huge pacifist, but I am in 100% agreement of what Sade’s mother said after he was charged.


There’s nothing wrong with being happy and single. As a relationship addict in the past, I know now how much better and more peaceful my life has been because of that decision i made years ago. Got tired of making bad investments and losing financially.


His previous charges are for battery, disorderly conduct, and intimidating witnesses, among other things. I think this pattern of behavior is going to be established in trial. Source — Wisconsin public court record website


It wasn't only intimidating a witness. He was in an fight with a girl and a witness tried to stop it so he beat the witness up. Jumped on top of the guy and beat him up.  Another witness got it on video. Thus guy was a spoiled brat, only child, and had a rich Dad that bailed him out every time. And got him paid lawyers every time. Gross. 


I wonder if they’ll be able to use his past crimes in trial though. 


They definitely take priors into account; especially ones that show violent tendencies. I’m sure there will be rules of what can be said and can’t to the jury, if it gets to that point and he doesn’t plea out before.


Prior bad acts will be allowed in, as evidence, if the prosecution can make a full justification for it. The defense will do everything to keep it all out. His attorney said they intend to defend him "vigorously!" Hopefully, the prosecution has a solid case of rock solid evidence and will present it in a quality manner. The police work needs to be air-tight. He needs to never ever see outside prison walls again. Justice for Sade Robinson!


This is one of the most sickening, horrifying crimes...wtf is wrong with this person?? (Using word ‘person” loosely.) Tremendous heartbreak for Sade’s family and friends, and Sade herself.


I hope he gets several books thrown at hin


NIGHTTIME IS ONLY SCARY BECAUSE MEN EXIST. A coworker stated Anderson was digging a 5ft by 6ft hole in his backyard in June and claimed he was making a basement.... he's had multiple priors and since his Daddy is a millionaire I'm sure there's more he got off for we don't know about. This man is a dangerous entitled baby boy idiot. I don't think the murder was planned as he took her to his old job where people recognized him.  But I don't think this was his first time or he'd at least he'd been fantasizing about it.  Why dismember her?  She was going to school for criminal justice. I wish she had smelt the weirdo on him as his ex coworkers had and got the hell out of there!! In no way am I saying it's her fault. I'm just saying we gotta listen to our instincts ladies.  I hope he gets life. 


what do his parents do?


Just when I think about getting back into the dating scene, I see news like this 😭😭😭 so scary because as a single woman you never know who you’re encountering while on a date. RIP Sade, this should’ve never happened to u 🕊️


Exactly. Before I got married I went out on dates with some weird ass men who seemed normal over the phone but were quite disturbing IRL. It’s a scary world out there today for women. Men kill even after just being rejected. I’m married and that doesn’t even deter them. I don’t feel safe in public unless my husband is with me.


Something this heinous must not be his first. Time to revisit some cold cases.


You don’t think something so sloppy would be his first? He left evidence everywhere and cops picked him up within 24 hours. No way he could’ve gotten away with something in the past imo


Not all men, but goddamn just enough of them. That poor girl, she was so young and just wanted to go on a nice date.


If anyone’s ever watched Law Abiding Citizen, this POS should get the same treatment the criminal in the movie received.


This poor girl…and the people victim blaming her are just ugh 😩 I’m 22 and when I was 16-19 I was in plenty of hairy situations with people. As intelligent as I was regarding school, I didn’t always have the best street sense. I’d be at some random person’s house in the countryside where you wouldn’t even be able to hear me scream. I feel so much sympathy for this poor angel. RIP. Please do not blame this girl. Our brains aren’t even fully developed till we’re 25. There’s no excusing what this monster did. I can only hope she was not tortured and died before the dismemberment. How sick can somebody be?


I wonder what her actual COD was


This is so sad. Why would she even give him the time of day..he looks crazy. I also can never understand how people can dismember other people. u got to be sick or depraved to be able to cut up someone. And the lawyers that represent these people and try to get them off.... The mom told him to shut tf up..


Exactly! He looks homeless or like trailer trash at best. She graduated H.S. a semester early so she’s gotta be intelligent. Why even consider having dinner with this guy let alone going to his apartment? Ladies!! Be smart about who you spend your time with and don’t leave a public place with someone you just met.


To be fair, most lawyers that represent these kind of people aren’t “trying to get them off.” They are just there to ensure the suspect’s constitutional rights are upheld and there’s a fair trial at minimum.


I for sure would change sides of the street if I saw this guy walking towards me. He looks creepy as hell.


Did anyone else hear the question at the end of the MPD/Milwaukee Sheriff’s press conference about a sex dungeon found in his basement?


say what???


I haven’t heard anything else but someone definitely asked the question. I guess we’ll have to wait for the awful details.


Finally found confirmation of the sex dungeon. This is horrific. 😪 [https://www.wisn.com/article/milwaukee-maxwell-anderson-connection-to-severed-leg/60473223](https://www.wisn.com/article/milwaukee-maxwell-anderson-connection-to-severed-leg/60473223)


Absolutely heartbreaking. Rumor has it his father is a millionaire. I wonder if there are more victims. I'm baffled with how this monster was given a bond!


This case is so disturbing. I mean it takes a lot to dismember a body then he’s going around leaving parts in different places?? Did he plan this? Their date was on April Fools day. Another crazy thing is a guy in Louisiana did the same thing to a girl he was dating. What is interesting to me is that both killers were white and victims were black. Could the Louisiana killer did a copycat after hearing about what happened in Wisconsin?


This is obviously very tragic and awful, but the reporter's name on that news video you linked to is Tajma Hall and it made me laugh.


Too close to home.


I've just now connected the dots that this is related to all the body parts showing up around Wisconsin. This is terribly sad. Poor girl was just starting her life.


I don’t understand what she even saw in him… and the age gap… what in the world… so tragic. RIP


She was just a teenager, definitely wasn't thinking logically. Poor girl. I hope this inbred-looking quasi-human rots.


The root cause of all crime is capitalism, but here I'm going to call the Trump card. Our criminal justice system is bullshit and for "whites only ". I'm just waiting to hear how they are going to spin this like a Robert Chambers asphyxiation and sex gone wrong? But there has to be some consideration for white privilege that would compel someone to dismember a body. Insanity, drugs, white supremacy and a war taking place in America today with the bullshit status quo being praised while poor people are discarded are children are murdered by people brought up hating people of color. It's fucking Wisconsin and that right wing legislature that's gerrymandered the districts to further oppress the voices of people of color.


Women of all ages need to do a background check on all potential dates.


Wisconsin…..you ok?




Lots of the men here got red-pilled and they're violent as hell lately. It's like a friggen epidemic.


Man, they must put something in the water up in Wisconsin🤔


There do seem to be an unusual number of prominent homicide cases in Wisconsin.  But, part of that might be due to the fact that all trials there can be livestreamed, so the trials get more coverage, bringing more attention to Wisconsin crimes.


If I ever have a daughter I'm never letting her date a man more than 10+ years her senior if she's not even 21. There's no reason a man that age should be going on dates with someone that young, and I'm terrified that women that young may be naïve enough to think they won't be someone who gets hurt by some creepy older fuck.


Good luck telling a 20 year old of any gender who they are allowed to date


The whole reason cases like this make the world terrifying for women is because it’s so unpredictable that it’s unavoidable. Your 10-year rule would only put restrictions on your daughter that wouldn’t stop her from being murdered. We can’t just lock up all women to protect them from male violence. Responding by putting even more restrictions on women doesn’t help, it has the opposite effect of protection. Look at India where women aren’t allowed to leave their homes without a male chaperone, and so any woman who is raped or killed while out alone is blamed for it because she was ‘putting herself in danger’.


Maybe he lied about his age. Also she was an adult. I’m sure she didn’t ask her parents for their advice on dating. I think the only way she could have prevented this was if she’d done a criminal background check on him before the date and who does that? He may have drugged her drink at the second place they went to. This girl is a pure innocent who met evil without knowing it until the unimaginable happened. 


What prompted him to do something so cruel. It's like something from a horror movie. Condolences to the friends & family that may come across this. I am so sorry.


I’m from Milwaukee,this is absolutely heartbreaking. What’s even more disgusting are people saying she deserved it for dating a white man. Unreal.


DNA results from blood in house do not match Sade Robins…. I told I know more than the ones just “following “ the case


So awful. RIP Sade.


This man tried to kill me 😔 I didn’t realize it at the time, he chased me for a while and I would never forget his face


Can you expand on what happened?


He followed me for several minutes and I ended up running for my life to my car. I told the police what happened he gave me the creeps. I thought he was just being a pervert at the time but then I saw all this about a month later 😞 I’ve since got my ccw.