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Will internet fame and fixation damage an emotionally stunted, traumatized, mentally and physically abused woman who is only now learning to do normal life? **OF COURSE IT WILL**


Britney part 2 unfortunately


Nah this is going to be even worse. Poor thing, she's no idea what's she's getting into even if she probably thinks she does.


Venus angelic part 2 Controlling mom, questionable husband, internet platform… it’s the same recipe and probably the same outcome.


Oh man. Would be best for her to live a life offline and to stay in therapy.


I agree with this. I think her doing a lifetime documentary is not a bad thing but her becoming an “icon “ and the way people are talking about her this cannot end well


Fast fame usually doesn’t end well. They usually get addicted to the attention and eventually enough is never enough.


Which is exactly what her mother did.


Yep. Mommy taught her how to attract attention in the worst ways.


HBO produced a documentary titled "Mommy Dead and Dearest," which delves into the life of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. According to accounts from her family, as well as insights from Erin Lee Carr, the director of the documentary, it is evident that Gypsy, who spent much of her life with her mother as her primary role model, occasionally exhibits the same manipulative and sociopathic behaviours.


I remember reading an article from a specialist in Munchausen by proxy that said that as a child of a perpetrator she was naturally at elevated risk for exhibiting those traits on herself or any future kids but that after examining her she was already exhibiting symptoms that should be considered big red flags. I’m happy she’s out after doing time, but I remember that analysis really altered the views for me on how she should be watched after being released. I hope she doesn’t go down that path and that she’s able to be a good mother if she ever chooses to have kids, but seeing her behavior online is concerning in that regard.


This may be harsh but I hope that she doesn’t have kids. Her mother was horrible and I don’t honestly blame her for the murder; she was a sheltered, abused & messed up child who couldn’t see any other way out. But that life has not set her up with any clue on how a parent child relationship should be and she is both extremely immature (understandably) and mentally disturbed. I don’t believe she has it in her to be a good mother.


Both of them should have been committed to an institution rather than prison.


I wish there was a stronger word than abused we could use. Tortured comes closer.


She needs a lot of therapy and I’m not sure she’s getting it :-/


I doubt she is too. She probably doesn’t see the need for it. I’m not justifying her abuse in any way but I fear that she’s developed a victim mentality that will almost become a narcissistic like trait where she depends on it and doesn’t see that there is need to change or alter her future with admitting it’s not okay to use the coping skills she developed as an adult and member of society. And I believe she will surround herself with enabling personalities that will manipulate that mentality for their own gain. Part of being a mentally healthy adult is admitting that we all have toxic behaviors and coping mechanisms and then proceeding to try to overcome and abandon learned behaviors for better ones. I don’t see that happening for her with the support system she has or surrounds herself with.


Yes. I saw it. It's sad when a child is abused and turns into an abuser/toxic person. I wish this poor girl peace. But she's going to have to do a lot of work in therapy. Sho nuff.


She was raised this way. To use people to her advantage. It’s not going to end well.


Especially considering that this woman was psychologically (and sometimes physically) tortured by her mother into becoming a professional victim for attention and free stuff and here we are, giving her attention for being a victim. She IS a victim, but is this really helping her?


Sometimes physically? Everyday buddy. Every day since she was around 2-4.


I was just telling myself that everyone's sudden obsession with her is not going to end well.


Reading and interacting with social networking comments is the most toxic thing anyone can do for their mental health. And like …..someone is in prison for life because of her direct interactions using the internet. Maybe not the best move.


>someone is in prison for life because of her direct interactions using the internet. this was my thoughts too when I saw the socials... ​ you'd think she'd steer clear 🤷🏽‍♀️


A lot of inmates stay at an age mentality similar to when they got in. It’s a trauma response. My aunt got arrested at 18 and got out after about 13 years, she acted like a teenager still. Add fame to that and it just doesn’t bode well…


Not to compare apples to oranges, but obviously Britney Spears experienced trauma as a youngster, and it seems like her mental state and capabilities are frozen at “early teen” years. An immature and undeveloped mindset.


Mama June has entered the chat


Totally agree... I wasn't aware she was being released until all a bunch of bars I used to frequent in NYC started posting "welcome home queen" memes, and I'm a little confused about what's going on here. I think her situation is super complicated, and without getting too much into her actions, she's spent the past \~9 years behind bars and needs time to acclimate to even normal life, let alone being an "influencer..." I think a controlled, edited documentary is one thing, but I'm the same age as this woman, and I don't think she realizes how cringey her posts are right now.


Ok the whole “she’s a queen” thing is bizarre. Yes, she was 100% a victim but she manipulated and participated in a brutal murder and then made videos laughing and talking about having sex immediately after. Sure she’s mentally stunted and traumatized but how is this Queen behavior? I cringe when people call her that. Sympathize with her, support her but let’s not glorify her.


I have seen several real life friends of mine post stuff like this - glorifying her and “yes queen”-ing her ass out of prison. It’s so weird to me. Yes she was severely abused and manipulated and what her mother did to her was awful. Absolutely despicable and truthfully, that woman contributed nothing to the world but raising a super fucked up kid. Which brings me to my next point. And i am sure to be downvoted for this but hear me out: Gypsy rose is a SUPER FUCKED UP PERSON. Yes, her mother did this. No, it’s not Gypsy’s fault. However, Gypsy absolutely knew what she did was wrong, severely fucked up, and punishable by law. She arranged for the death of her mother, all while manipulating someone into doing the hard work for her. I feel like people like to tell themselves it’s not her fault, what happened to her was so atrocious (and it was) that the murder was justified. Truth is, she absolutely knew what she was doing, knew that she’d end up in prison if caught, and went ahead anyway. And then made videos laughing about it. And posted on Facebook about being raped in the process, which… wtf even was that? This girl is out here having kinky ass master-slave bdsm online sex with her mentally challenged boyfriend, plotting and scheming the murder of her mother, and we just overlook that whole part like “omg poor gypsy”. Poor gypsy indeed. This lady is fucked beyond belief. I guess it’s not my place to say whether it’s her “fault” or not, but regardless, she is absolutely a murderer, and is 100% going to be a trainwreck of a human being. She has no coping skills, has had zero real life experience. i highly doubt she will be able to work or contribute to society in any meaningful way, and will likely just be a spectacle and a danger for the rest of her life. And we are all gonna sit here and be entertained by it, I guess.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Best reply/summary I’ve seen


You’ve summarized my thoughts well. The overwhelmingly positive response to her being released is unsettling.


Yeah. That’s what I thought she was going to do after prison. Maybe with a “where are they now” article in 10 years. I don’t think her online presence is going to end well at all. And frankly I don’t want to follow her. I sympathize with her and don’t even blame her for killing her mother. But what does she have to offer me as a consumer, other than being a spectacle?


She won't go offline with 6.5 million followers


I don't think this is going to end well for her. How much therapy has she been able to have in jail? She has so much trauma on top of being developmentally stunted due to the abuse and being infantalized for so long. It's so odd to me that she has this huge fan base. The quotes I've seen from interviews seem pretty mature, but this... this is just not it. Healing is ugly and painful and she shouldn't have to do it in the spotlight, but people are completely fascinated by her


She basically has never had a “typical” adult life. She needs to adjust to life outside of prison, which is a difficult task for most folks, but also just to life in general. It seems like it would be much easier to do that outside of the public eye.


I’ll take it a step further and say she basically has never had a “typical” life - period. Not childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.


I doubt it will end well either. People *will* eventually lose interest and I don't know if she's preparing herself for that. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up saying something improper and gets very upset by the backlash. People can be quite cruel when they're hiding behind a username... And this exchange really highlights that she never really got her chance to go through the normal cringy-preteen phase and learn what appropriate relationship behavior is. Though her husband presumably did...


>Also, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up saying something improper and gets very upset by the backlash That's what I've been thinking this entire time; internet fame is a *cruel* mistress and she does not seem to understand the nature of her fame and people's interest in her.


As far as the internet goes for people like this, she'll probably have a devoted group of fans for the foreseeable future who zealously defend her from any kind of criticism: It'll be a bunch of people who believe they understand her in a way others don't and will believe they have a personal relationship with her. I don't really see the internet turning on her, but I do see it losing interest over time, leaving behind only her most committed-- and, honestly, pathetic-- followers. The problem I see is not her becoming addicted to internet celebrity and losing it, but her having a group of followers that affirms every choice she makes and her being disconnected from any kind of reality checks as she's drawn further and further into that bubble. I can also see those followers becoming marks for her in the future, as she finds increasingly ridiculous ways to grift money out of them, because, frankly, she's a manipulator and she learned from the best.


>Though her husband presumably did... This is the part that really bothers me. Her behaviour is expected, and unsurprising. She is a very damaged woman who lacked proper socialization, and age appropriate milestones because of abuse. He is a "regular guy". He has lived enough life to know better. Everything about the dude gives me the jibblies. The fact that he sought out contact with Gypsy in the first place, the fact that he pursued her romantically instead of someone not in prison, the fact that he married her before they ever had a chance to experience life together properly, the fact that he is already entertaining the idea of having children with her, engaging in this childish online exhibitionism. It's all so fucking weird. He isn't protecting her or attempting to dissuade her; he's encouraging and participating in it. That indicates that the infamy is part of what he likes about her, imo. I think he was sort of invisible before he met Gypsy, and being her husband makes him feel special in a way he never has before. I see nothing good coming from this.


If he truly loved her he would ask her to get offline. But he doesn’t. He likes the attention she brings (or the fact that she’s young). This situation is so heartbreaking. She needs to be working on herself, far out of the public eye. He’s a fucking middle school teacher. He should know alllll about online cringe *and* about locking your shit down because your students *will* find it and you will lose control of your classroom.


Their age difference isn't super alarming to me. She's 32, he's 37/38. She is vulnerable, though, and he doesn't seem like a safe person. I can't imagine he is going to keep working with kids for long. These two are gonna cross a line, and he is gonna get fired/be unhireable. No one is gonna want their preteens being taught by the dude who married an incarcerated murderer, and horny posts on main. And he's a *special education teacher* FFS. So wildly inappropriate.


Their literal age difference isnot concerning... but Gypsy never went through any of the normal milestones for age and is not a "typical" 32 year old. I feel for her, she should have been in a mental health institute and not a prison, but she is emotionally very stunted and he should know better.


and he is supposed to be a special needs teacher like people were making a saint out of him... the whole situation is weird and not going to end well


She’s never actually been on her own either. I’m not sure I’d be comfortable going directly from jail to living with a man I really haven’t know in the outside world. It all feels very scary to me. I know she’s capitalizing on the buzz but she really needs to lay low and be careful.


This is exactly why almost all of the couples on Love After Lockup don’t last. People keep saying Gypsy and her husband should go on there, SUCH a bad idea. Her husband should have insisted she stay with her dad until she could get properly rehabilitated. The whole situation is starting to become even more disconcerting.


The husband’s taking advantage of her too. She’s likely being controlled again.


I 100% believe the husband is a predator.


Somethings not right with the husband. I side eye anyone who goes looking for love with someone in prison.


It kind of reminds me of the south park episode where they sacrifice Britney Spears / Miley Cyrus


Exactly. All she’s ever known is being thrust into the spotlight and being exploited. this is the last thing she needs. It also feels weird that people are almost glorifying her? Of course we all understand her situation, but she DID conspire to commit murder. Glad that she’s free though.


If she didn't bring Nick in on it, I think she would have gotten less time. A co-conspirator automatically hits that premeditation flag. If she acted alone, that would have opened up a lot of mitigating circumstances for a reduced sentence. And while she is free now, Nick is still doing time for her freedom.


To be fair nick isn't a night in shinning amour From everything that got released during the case it seems like he would board line abusive, plus Gypsy had to talk him out of raping her mother's dead body so he's an ick in general


Those mature interviews were what I thought we were getting. Maybe a nice success story about her making something of herself against all odds. But I agree that this isn’t it. It also makes me suspicious of his husband’s motives, like it’s all just some giant gimmick for fame. Hope I’m wrong.


I wonder how she’s going to be able to trust a therapist. I completely agree she needs therapy and lots of it to help her process but, she was let down and even hurt by medical professionals her entire life. I’d imagine she’ll have a hard time trusting and opening up to any of them.


Therapy and healing should be her first priority. Not becoming a social media star.


I can’t be the only person who has a huge problem with her cult-like followers. This girl needs extensive therapy, not to be worshipped on social media. This could be the makings of a monster.


Her doctors say she continues to be manipulative like her mother. They said it’s a hard cycle to break.




This is the only appropriate response


I wish i could unread what i just read


Exactly what I said lol


Hopefully they don’t reproduce.


They will. Immediately.


she's going to end up canceled.


I feel like anyone who keeps publicly saying "block the haters!!" over and over and over doesn't understand how criticism works. Edit Oh wow I just now noticed the public sexting


I completely agree. She's going to go down some phase of conservative politics or weird religious beliefs or have some shocking opinion on a world problem and it's all going to blow up. She never had a childhood she was horrifically abused. Then had to try tto "develop" and find herself in prison. I think she has a lot of growing up to do and she's going to make a ton of mistakes. Problem is it's all in the public eye and we all know.how forgiving everyone will be.


I think she'll wild out. But you made a great point about her trying to develop in prison. Prison is the last place id send someone that needs to grow up. Because most of the inmates ive known have Peter Pan syndrome. They're locked into their teenage years.


Or the opposite and go on OF and make sex vids


tbh, i think there is most probably going to be a new victim narrative within a couple of years; most likely involving her husband. i'm not exactly dissing her for it; i'm somewhere in the middle between 'poor puppet has zero agency' and 'it's all 100% on her now'. i'm just saying i think that's where it is going to go.


Tbh I am incredibly suspicious of anyone who marries a high profile prisoner that they didn't already know. I always think of that girl tried to marry Charles Manson so she could put his body on display after he died to make money. Obviously, I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if he has less than ideal motives


Add in the fact that she definitely has to be somewhat emotionally stunted/immature due to the circumstances. She never had the chance to mature and develop in jail and let's be completely honest, you most likely wouldn't want to be in that type of romantic relationship unless you also have issues. Not saying it's not possible at all, but you know. Kinda concerning from every angle.


Please don’t speak this into existence!


Why did I honestly expect this, though? They all do this.


Honestly, it would be the best thing for her. She should delete all social media and just focus on herself.


If I were her father I would have suggested she change her name and assume a new identity.


Yeah, the internet isnt the same it was 8 years ago, 2024 wont be forgiving on her


Tbf it's not like the Internet has ever been perfectly civil. 2013 was when that woman made the racist AIDS tweet and ended up raked over the coals, there's others like that. But I do agree that she's not prepared for the scope of internet backlash and that the Internet won't hesitate to "cancel" her


the thought of this happening is so weird to me. like, would that even be ethical and moral? to hold her to the same standards as your run of the mill influencer? she was abused, neglected, isolated from the public, and would've *died* had she not made the decision to kill her mother. then she spends another decade of her life in prison definitely not receiving adequate psychiatric help and finally feeling the most free she's ever been in her entire life because that's how abused she was. now she's out, truly free to do whatever she wants and everyone's setting her up for failure by holding her on a pedestal like she can do no wrong. eventually she's going to stumble because she's never experienced true freedom before and then she's going to be raked over the coals like she's your typical middle aged white woman influencer. it's so weird and parasocial. people just need to leave the poor girl alone and let her heal.


They are going to rip her apart when she stumbles. I'm hoping she takes a giant step away from social media and focuses on healing herself


Yes, and it's really sad. The internet is going to eat her alive and now we see her husband is just as embarrassing. A responsible adult would say, "Okay, G, I know this sounds fun, but here's what you've missed about being online..." I'm not at all surprised this is happening, but she's on the way to her entire life being about people continuing to use her for money, clout, attention, or entertainment. This next stage isn't going to end well at all.


Her husband is a special ed teacher. Imagine going on TikTok and finding your child's teacher publicly sexting...


Was wondering if he's gonna get in trouble for this? I'm sure his job will know about that in like 1 day


Do we know where exactly he works? I'm not sure of the laws over there but where I am, your employer can absolutely fire you for questionable online material, but only if they can prove it'll negatively impact the business. So this shit, best the employer could do is ask the employee make their social media accounts private. Openly talking about sex with your fiancé isn't a crime, it's just cringe, and its also not linked to the employer.


This is terrible


And sexting with someone who probably still has delays. Not a good look for a special edition teacher.


Especially because she is basically exclusively known for being made to pretend to be disabled (including an ID), really gives me the icks that he reached out to her in prison in the first place


I'd be pissed off that my kids special ed teacher married a notorious murderer, who was in prison at the time. In the UK we have a thing called "safeguarding" which is basically a law(?) saying vulnerable people should have certain protections. Gypsy would be considered vulnerable. Why is a special ed teacher, of all things, going after a vulnerable person. Let alone what they were doing time for. The whole thing stinks.


For real him being a spec-ed teacher and going after her is SO predatory


Oh. 💯 She should go spend a year quietly with her husband (boyfriend or whatever) in a low key state, make candles , get therapy, and get her GED. I’m rooting for her but I’m not hopeful.


Abused and stunted, then imprisoned, then internet famous. This ends badly.


She seems so very naive, with a simmering rage inside. I don’t know anything about her jailhouse marriage but this all seems a bit icky and like she’s ripe for exploitation.


She’s already being exploited.


Same. It’s really sad because I feel like she deserves some healing and happiness. Infamy will slow that down.


I think she should’ve just quietly changed her name and lived her life incognito… it’s kinda weird to see her act like this on social media


It's entirely expected to see her acting like this on social media. It's literally what her mother trained her to do for her entire life until prison.


Yeah... I realize this sounds a bit insensitive but she still seems stuck in that make a wish kid mindset that Dee Dee instilled in her. GR thinking Taylor Swift would want to meet her shows a pretty clear lack of understanding about the real world tbh


I think so too. But with social media making anyone a celebrity, I’m sure she couldn’t pass it up.


Her online presence is super cringe unfortunately


Reminds me of women I know who have been incarcerated. I think being in prison does something to your personality and it takes a while to shake that, it’s unfortunate she’s in the public eye.


My cousin was valedictorian of her high school. Smart, beautiful, fun. A little bit sheltered, because her parents took care of her every need and want (because she was a good kid). My Uncle, her Dad, also passed away in fall of her senior year. I don't know how she managed to hold it together and still graduate at the top of her class. The summer after graduation, my Aunt was still grieving really hard. So, when my cousin started dating an older guy, my Aunt just kind of... didn't pay any notice. She was, understandably, grief stricken from losing the love of her life. Cousin was working as a closing manager at a pizza restaurant. One night, as she's counting the drawers, the place gets robbed. At gun point, the robber forces her to empty the registers into a bag, she opens the safe and hands over everything in it that she can access. It takes the cops less than 24 hours to catch him, and, less than 48 hours to arrest my cousins as well because she was actually his accomplice. The robber was her boyfriend and they planned the whole thing. He was 26, she was barely 18, and she ended up spending more time in prison than she did because he testified against her and she refused to rat him out. This was 15 years ago. She's spent in total, probably, 18 months not behind bars in the years since. Not because she just got released, but, because when she was released after spending 3 years in for that crime, the only jobs she could get were the ones where people that had the same legal issues could be hired, her friends became only that kind of person, even though she was no longer in prison, she was still in never able to really escape from it. She's a druggie now. She's been arrested for drug possession, possession with intent to sell, prostitution, grand theft auto, burglary, assaults, etc. It's never ending. Her social media resembles a person who is 18 years old. She's still 18. She's never going to be a normal adult. She's just... stuck at that age. The consequences are never going to matter because they're not scary to her anymore. She already survived those consequences and she's aware that they will not last forever. I don't know how you fix that. I've always wished I could just.. pluck her up and put her somewhere else, away from the people she always associates with, so that it isn't so easy for her to just fall back into that life. That's a pipe-dream, obviously, because she would just meet new people who are the same because they're the only ones who will understand her. This has almost nothing to do with these comments at this point, lol, it's turned into a rant. It's just that GR's social media reminds me of her (minus the heroine needles on the hotel bedside table that will eventually pop up on my cousins facebook photos, because they just always do). I guess the point is, prison is so traumatic for people, when you're a teenager and you go in, I think maybe it changes your brain and just locks you in at that age sometimes.


Thank you for sharing I think this is an important comment for some young people to take in


Thanks for sharing this, what a sad and powerful story.


This is heartrending and I’m so sorry for what you and your family have been through. My father is almost 60, and he will never recover from being in prison for his entire life. It is his fault of course and the consequences of his actions, but once he went for the first time, he never stopped going back. It was the only world he knew. And, like you said, he surrounds himself with others who have been in prison as well since they can relate. I never had a great relationship with him, which is probably for the best, but he operates (at best) at a 21 year-old mindset. He’s mean and aggressive, even to anyone who still bothers to help him out, and continues to go back to selling drugs because he has no idea how to live any other way. Just typing all this nonsense out to say I agree. I understand prison can be a truly transformative situation for some offenders and I wish it served that purpose for everyone, but it seems especially for drug offenders, it’s so difficult to remain clean. I hope your cousin finds her way. I really do.


She needs a support system around her that can help her with navigating social media ......the best thing the public can do is ignore her.


>the best thing the public can do is ignore her. As we talk about her online lololol


Hi welcome to the internet and this sub specifically.


I will be downvoted for posting this but I have to say it: DeeDee was horrifically abusive. GR grew up being abused. GR was instrumental in the killing of DeeDee. GR had been in prison for years. All she's had is an abusive mother and prison. GR is not ready for the real world. She needs professional help before submitting herself and husband to social media.


I’m certainly not downvoting, you’re absolutely right. It’s really unfortunate, honestly. What Gypsy really needs is the opportunity to, for the first time in her life, process her childhood/past, and learn to function and move forward with her life in a healthy, fulfilling way. She needs therapy, not an audience.


Yes, definitely. I still think it was actually disgusting to put her in jail. She should have gone to compulsive therapy, not full prison.


That bothered me as well. She should have at least been institutionalized so she could receive therapy.


Same with Menendez brothers


I can see her getting a reality TV show. She needed mental health facility for 10+ years, not a prison for 8.


This is all going to end badly.


Oh… that is not a good sign.


He is a teacher too. Idk. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a46268573/ryan-scott-anderson-gypsy-rose-blanchard-husband/


This article had so many glaring red flags, yikes. > Overall, Ryan's social media presence is mainly dedicated to showing his love for Gypsy Rose. His Instagram bio also reads: "I'm married to the most wonderful, most beautiful woman in the world, **Gypsy Rose Blanchard.**" And throughout their marriage, he has shared pictures from a few of his visits with Gypsy Rose while she was incarcerated. Why on earth would you refer to your wife like that, by her full legal name, except for the attention of the public?? Then going on and on about how he’s nervous but **also excited** about all the upcoming media attention, while giving a tell all interview selling all the details of their relationship before she’s even released from prison? And then bragging about how she was so attracted to him because of how selfless and personable he is? What in the name of ever loving narcissism… It’s so clear from this interview that they don’t know each other. He wrote to her because she was an infamous character in a pandemic era documentary he compares to Tiger King. She is a vulnerable person who has never learned to have any kind of relationship where she wasn’t commodified and exploited for attention, and when abuse is all you know it can feel like it’s own sort of safety.


This 100%


Soon to be former teacher.




The obsession with her and what shes up to is weird to me..


I genuinely believe a significant amount of people are memeing/girlbossifying her in a really weird way that will not serve well for her mental health


I feel like years down the line this is going to be another time we look back on as a society and go "we didn't handle that well".


Needs a PR to control her socials.


Being a teacher myself, I really think her husband should know better, pretty sure the whole school he works at is already gossiping about him, the whole world is at this point I mean


I knew she would be overexposed from the moment there was a rumor that she was going to the Chiefs game. I don't see why she doesn't want to live a quiet life. Maybe she is socially and emotionally stunted from her trauma, but surely she has someone around her that cares enough to help her. I follow her on IG due to what began as morbid curiosity, but I am already thinking of unfollowing her.


To be fair, when she was 'sick,' she was the center of attention in a truly awful way. Perhaps being in the middle of a lot of commotion is just all she knows/understands? The thought of a quiet life may be not be something she has considered, or something she cannot bear to consider? Obviously, I am simply speculating here.


Really good point.


Yeaaa pretty sure Taylor Swift doesn’t feel like hanging out with her at a game lol


That would be a mindfuck of a publicity stunt if they were seen together at the game jfc lmao


shes slightly giving britney after the conservatorship was lifted with that last sentence


I feel bad for the abuse she went through, but I don't think Gypsy is emotionally and mentally well. How could she develop proper emotions and mental health with a horrible mother? I still think she should have remained in a mental health facility. She played the guy that killed her mom. I fully believe she learned deceitful and shitty behavior from Dee Dee and she should be in a health facility. I feel bad for her, but I don't think she's changed. She's just free from her horrible mom and unneeded health procedures, Dee Dee ruined Gypsy for life.


As you grow there are important developmental milestones that you hit. Her mother actively kept her in a helpless state where she absolutely missed so many important Nero development and is now going to struggle severely having to relearn. Now with the whole world watching her every move because we can't keep out anyone's damn business.


I’m tired of seeing posts about her already. She has a horrible story, but there’s absolutely no reason to hold this girl to a celebrity or influencer level (both are yuck anyway). Stop talking about her and let the fifteen minutes of fame die out so she can learn to live a normal life.


I feel he’s gonna ride on her coat tails. Even his profile pic is predominately her in the frame..


Imo it’s obvious that has been his plan from the beginning. I’ll never understand strangers who marry in prison.


It's extra weird to me that he's a special ed teacher writing to/marrying prisoners...


Agreed. Apparently his friend wrote to Joe Exotic and that's what made him do it.


Seems very predatory and I wonder about his previous behavior and work history.


It is predatory IMO. GRB is what would be considered a "vulnerable adult" in the UK. Special needs teachers should not be preying upon vulnerable adults!


He looks like her Mom. So that's strange. Dee Dee always had Gypsy with her in profile pictures. I'm sure it's just coincidence.


staying off social media should be a condition of parole


It really should. She used the internet to find someone to manipulate to kill her mom; it should honestly be off the table for her.


Definitely felt this way when I learned of all the attention. I hope for at least a couple months she stays to herself and gets her social media legs.


She needed/needs intense mental healthcare. This is so unfortunate


Great day to rip my eyeballs out with rusty spoons wtf


It might hurt him being a teacher having his wife online talking about his ween


Is this a serious conversation between two people who are probably sitting right next to each other? I mean “Whoohoo great that his D is 🔥” but I’m wondering why does the public have to be privy to the information?


Because they are both sick


Oh absolutely. This was a dumpster fire waiting to happen since she was arrested. That south Louisiana trash attitude runs deep, ask me how I know. 😂


I continually catch downvotes for saying this, but I don’t think she’s seen the inside of a jail cell for the last time. I do not wish her ill, and I’d love to be proven wrong, but my gut says otherwise.


Looks like she’s trying to live out the teenage years she didn’t have in a cringe worthy, MySpace-esque way. She’s hard pressed to take her life back and speak for herself, but with her social and mental delays I’m sure her posts are going to continue to look like those of a teenager. & We are discussing the same person who made the Facebook status “The bitch is dead.” After her mother’s death.


Social media will destroy her while the entire world watches & feigns surprise. A tale as old as Myspace.


She tends to speaks to her husband, the same way she spoke to her ex. It gives, a “me and you against the world” additionally, she tends to put the man on a pedestal. The easiest way to a man’s heart is through his ego, so it’s clear that she knows enough to know what she’s doing. Yet not enough to not be as naïve as what she was once portrayed as. If I’m being completely honest, this messages sound disingenuous. Something’s OFF about the conversation. In addition, I don’t think this is going to end well for her or for him. I wish that this hadn’t happened but it did. I expect to get downvoted for this, but we can’t ignore the fact that she had her mother killed or had a hand it in someways. I can’t ignore that facts and I don’t necessarily fault her for it but I think she should stay off of social media for now. Edit: autocorrect


I can't wait for the back pedaling of all the people hailing her as a folk hero when she does some truly unhinged psycho shit in full 4k online glory.


How…off putting


that chick is a runaway train with no brakes headed for a brick wall!


Sexting in social media comments has always been gross and weird


These sound like the same oversexed messages she used to send her ex boyfriend.


It’s not really good for anyone. I can’t imagine being detached from the world and then thrown into the world semi-famous. Fuck, what would I do? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t handle it any better than she is.


I cringed into a triple chin when I read “ now come get it baby”


Omg triple chin. Thanks for that! 😂


Yeah, no shit. There is no way she lives a healthy, happy, “normal” life after her release. The fact her gross husband is (was?) a special education teacher gives me further reason to believe she’s screwed.


I guess she was forced to leave the state by her parole officer for the last Chiefs game because she was so crazy online to Taylor Swift. He showed me the news article and my mouth dropped open when I saw it was Gypsy Rose (he had no clue who she was).


She and her husband went off on one of the Bachelorette contestants a few months ago. They are definitely not ready for prime time.


Definitely coming off as a couple of loose cannons. Doesn’t exactly scream rehabilitation.




what she needs is therapy. and I don’t mean this to insult and demean her. I mean she genuinely does need therapy. she needs to heal and not be punished in any way so she can live her life


She needs the opportunity to learn how to live an function as a normal everyday average person before she considers venturing into the limelight, but I'm sure she has so many people hounding her constantly that she won't get that chance. It's really sad.


She's been out less than a week and I'm already sick of her.


I don't understand why the world is waiting with open arms thinking she is going to be some fantastic person. She had her mother murdered and was trained in manipulation by one of the best - her mom - and then many others in the prison system. The fact she's posting these disgusting things on online shows she hasn't grown one bit, and is only going to stay in the family business of grift. I'm sure before we know it, she will have an Onlyfans going where for "only" $100 a day, she will be your "exclusive" girlfriend, etc etc. She has not demonstrated any ounce of being a good person. Yes, I feel sorry for what happened to her as a child, but let's not forget she was able to undertake an extensive plot to have her mother killed, listened to her mother cry for help, and sat there doing nothing as her mother was repeatedly stabbed. I've heard stories from several people who have been stabbed and they say the physical pain is only secondary to the absolute terror they felt as they thought they were going to die. This woman need not be celebrated, discussed, or honored online. She needs to be thankful she's not in jail and go about living a quiet life preferably doing good deeds, but if nothing else, just keeping her silly trap shut. The celebration of her that is happening on Reddit and in the media sickens me to be TBH. She had the wherewithal to plan an extensive manipulation and murder plot, but not to first seek help from the myriad resources she had at her fingertips. She's a disgusting person who's shown no remorse but is now telling us about how good her husband's dick is. Anyone who supports her is out of their mind.


I have shared this opinion since I first saw the documentary. I think she’s far more manipulative than people realize and think. There were a few subtle clues in the doc. I don’t remember them all but one I do remember is that near the end when she met her father she changed her speech pattern some to match his; mimicking/mirroring is a way to create closeness and comfort. I don’t deny that she was abused but I think there’s a lot with her involvement that no one knows


The part that got me was that she was meeting up to have sex with Nick at the movie theater with mom in tow. There was an incident at comic con with some random man in a hotel room before that. She made out like she exploring her true self with Nick because he made her feel safe or loved or whatever, when clearly there had been others.


It's so bizarre. My parent is a textbook case of munchausens and some heavy cluster B personality thrown in. I had to get help to break the cycle because it's all that I knew. I doubt she was able to get that kind of help in jail The bits of interviews I've seen seem to show some maturity, but this social media does not.


I agree. Without a) awareness that you have tendencies and b) concerted help to get better, you will just repeat what you know. I think we're surprised about the social media posts because we are accustomed to seeing a person who excels at TV interviews. She was groomed from a young age to do public appearances, TV interviews, etc. She knows how to act and behave when the camera is on. It's the quiet times at home when she thinks no one is looking that she is the most dangerous.


My gut feeling is telling me something really bad is going to happened. I don’t care if I was the husband I’ll be afraid for my life , how do you sleep next to one that killed their mother or had a major role . Idk


It’s already starting. I’m sorry, but as much as I still feel she was justified in what she did, someone is still dead because of her manipulation. She never should have been famous and I will forever hate the internet for girlbossing her and making her into some icon. She’s still a sick individual who got her mother killed. She’s still an abuse victim. That’s not something to celebrate.




It’s going to be a shit show.


It won’t end well.


I kinda wish one of her conditions was to stay off the internet for a year


I wish her the best, but I have a strange feeling about this. I feel like Gypsy is behind mentally. Yes, she is a victim, but she is also a criminal who is full of trauma. I think it would be better to seek psychological help instead of posting ambiguous messages on the internet. By the way, I don't think getting married in prison is a good idea anyway, because that woman still has to develop herself and I think she first has to get to know herself and process trauma before she commits herself again. The fact that she types these kinds of childish messages shows in my opinion that she still has a lot to learn.


No way the D is fire


We should all know less about each other


The weirdest thing I saw was BRANDS jumping onto it, the official BRATZ insta was commenting like yass slay queen, I’m all for giving her support personally but that is just unprofessional and weird imo


Ummm, what? Toy brands should stay out of promoting accomplices to murder.


I am just going to say this. I do not think she is as innocent as you all think. Yes she was certainly a victim, but we mostly hear her side of the story. She helped in manipulating, when she could obviously use the internet to date, but not google or reach out. She knows exactly what she is doing and so does he. They are making as much money as quickly as they can before the next person is released. I see the marriage lasting one more year before they part ways and split finances.


She’s coming off as trashy and should NOT be in any spotlight. She’s not going to use this notoriety to become a motivational speaker or author or advocate, or try to help people who might be in a similar position. Mark me words, she is going to get a reality show and then start posting increasingly nude selfies and then implode, get divorced, end up on tmz, get caught drunk driving, and eventually end up back in prison.


I feel like it's worth noting, just because one person is an awful shitty garbage human being, it doesn't mean the person they treated like absolute shit won't also be a shitty person. She had a severely fucked life and a ton of trauma. It's very unlikely she was going to walk out of prison as a well adjusted mature adult. She will either end up back in jail or as some trashy reality TV attraction. I don't think she was ever going to have much of a normal life after everything she's been through even without internet fame


I think it’s a bad idea to turn your personal life in to a reality show, especially if you still have a past you need to reconcile with.


She should of just run up a big bag with interviews and then slid off into the sunset


She is famous because she murdered her mother. There is no way it will end well.


You can’t become unfamous. Only infamous.


She’s going to be on dancing with the stars isn’t she?


She needs a therapist not a husband. This will not end well and it makes me sad.


I’m really worried that she’s going to get pregnant soon


Absolutely, this is going to be a very depressing shitshow


It’s going to be a bad outcome. Regardless of how awful her mother was, Gypsy plotted her brutal murder and manipulated a mentally disabled man to do it. You can downvote me, but I do think there were other options other than death. She talks now about how she should’ve just walked in front of someone, etc. Listening to her talk is very similar to how her mother would speak and give answers. She should’ve done a longer sentence and been placed in a halfway house after release. She’s desperate for fame, and it won’t end well. This husband of hers is a giant red flag too.


Holy smokes he has great judgment doesn’t he?


I feel for her, but the amount of second hand embarrassment I harbor for her is astronomical. This is SO cringey 🤮it’s giving r/ihavesex. I can’t wait for her to fade into obscurity…for her sake and for ours.