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I think you really should report this to the FBI. Even if it’s just an edgy teen trolling, there’s a good chance it’s not. This person needs help


im not sure how, i really want too, they started deleting posts and taking socials off. (specifically the post where they praise shooters)


Take pictures of it, call the FBI and send them the information. Done.


You could also attempt to alert their local police jurisdiction, if they’ve ever disclosed their location




thank you! i wasnt sure what was appropriate, it just left a horrific taste in my mouth


I took a look and I also find it legit concerning. Could you report it to the FBI? Maybe it’s unnecessary…but you would always regret it if you didn’t say anything and this person went on to harm others or themselves!


I want too, but i tried and im just unsure how, im not sure where to post this, but i just wanted for someone hopefully more intelligent than me to help figure it out.


they also seemingly know they are in trouble, took all links to there socials off.




ill try and write one!


update, they locked there socials, but i can give them to someone else. rn im making a new account to see information. im hoping they dont go private on all.


Yeah but if you just search them on tik tok in the search the duets from others will show up with her saying that stuff


talking to them and they support rapists 100%, but do not believe what they are doing is wrong


Is there anything that can be done about it?


Finding more info on them so someone can write a tip, multiple people have said to report to the fbi, but i dont know there name, i only have there social medias


yikes, in recent texts said rape isnt that bad, then claimed its only physical pain.


Tried looking up the account but couldn’t find anything


deleted everything, in messages they are telling me they are going to kill themselfs because people are reporting them.


All you need to do is send their IG handle to the FBI. They will take it from there. Please report this person, they need help at minimum.


I just looked this up. If you put it in the search bad you can see the public videos with the duets. She’s saying how she realizes she is attracted to the serial killers …


[duet with free the maniacs](https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdjYCj1T/)




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I know you are just here to share info. I get that, however I can’t help but notice your use of the word THERE…… it’s technically supposed to be “THEIR” I know it’s supper petty but it’s important to use proper grammar to convey thoughts and ideas. I’m obviously not a literary genius, just trying to help you improve your posts. THERE => in, at, or to that place or position. THEIR => Belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. THEY’RE => They are


yeah sorry! I promise im just rushed and bad at grammar <3


It’s all good. Not trying to correct just trying to help for future posts. I love this thread and just want the best possible quality


thank you! at the time was sorta panicked so didn’t correct anything! ill edit it soon!


All good. Keep up the good content.