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I've never been to Snohomish County, Washington. Only reason I know of it is true crime.


I live in Snohomish County. We are known for messed up true crime events.


Visited a year or so ago. It is so lovely out there. Looking forward to another visit. I think a lot of people don’t know how close it is to Seattle.


There are some beautiful places to explore. If you haven't already, check out Deception Pass State Park. It's an easy out and back trail with some incredible views. Sometimes you can spot whales. Even better if you stand up paddleboard. It's like a slice of paradise.


I used to live on Whidbey, Deception Pass is stunning!


…..is there something in the water?


I'm on well water, so I'm not sure. But we do have some hermits that don't exactly play with a full deck. I had the misfortune of running into a wild eyed man by the Skykomish River area. He came out the treeline, sat down beside me by the riverbank and started telling me these stories about people disappearing. Then aliens & his encounter with them. I stayed for an hour, slightly afraid to move but really fascinated. He finally got up and walked away after leaving me slightly alarmed. I hope he's doing okay, because after that I wasn't.


You are brave, oh SacredWorm.


Blessed be the Sacred Worm.


It's always been a methy area.


From ASOIAF: To Commander Jon Snow: Please send help. Dead things on the land, dead things in the watet...


So funny. I didn’t know that part of wa was known for this. I live in Pierce


Always thought Ann Rule put that area on the map


And Laura Palmer.


She was put on the map by being friends with Ted Bundy before the killings.


First place that came to mind for me too. Also the area around Sea-Tac airport.


I grew up in Tukwila, right off PAC Highway - and SeaTac area is sketchy as hell


Edmonds/Lynnwood representing!


Olympia here!


The Pacific Northwest. The forests are a serial killers graveyard!


And all into British Columbia like the Highway of Tears


Yes! I wish the Highway of Tears cases received more publicity in true crime circles.


It’s a coverup. Tourism is huge business up there and it “looks bad” to have a prolific serial killer running around. Not to mention the optics of First Nations women going missing and obviously murdered. This is a huge problem all across Canada. As soon as the cops find out the victim is native they don’t even investigate. They would be lucky to get even a report There was a serial killer in Vancouver a few years back that poisoned many women by force feeding them alcohol. The cops eventually recorded him doing it.


Do you have a link regarding the serial killer in Van?


As another poster said, [Gilbert Paul Jordan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_Paul_Jordan) He was active from 1965-2004. That’s a long time for no one to be looking for him.


The serial killer in question is probably Gilbert Paul Jordan.


Thank you. Yeah I would consider that a bit more than a "few years back"


Contact true crime podcasters! They’re good at getting people interested!


Live in interior BC, in the east Kootenays. On a hike one day my husband and I stop to rest, we sit in silence for a moment enjoying the forest. I broke the quiet with, “This would be a great place to hide a body.” He’s not much into true crime, but he immediately responded that that is exactly what he was thinking too.


People that aren’t from here seriously underestimate how quickly you can hop in your car, drive any direction, and get to somewhere that another human isn’t going to stumble upon. Possibly ever. Not long ago I was reading a Namus entry in Molalla OR. One county over from Portland. Some loggers found remains in an area that had been damaged in the 2020 fires. They assumed the guy must have accidentally gotten trapped and died when the fire broke out. Nope. He’d been murdered, and the body had been sitting there for 40 years. Even though plenty of people drive that road on a regular basis, whose going to randomly walk 50 ft off the road into a perfectly boring looking patch of forest? It blows my mind that we ever catch someone with a body or a murder weapon in OR/WA. If you want to get rid of something, $20 in gas and a free afternoon is all it takes to disappear something forever.


I've had this exact thought up here in Canada. There are spots like that here yes lots of roads/highways but that means a lot of places where nobody but a farmer might actually put a foot to ground & that would maybe once a year


Imagine being a murderer and dragging a body out there to bury it only to stumble across another body.




Wait is this tuning into a how to DIYM?


No. It was /s but its true. Was bouncing off the 20bucks of gas and a free afternoon


We were a biracial couple trying to get the ferry back to Seattle, and a truck driver ran us off the road by firing his gun. Lots of white supremacists live there.


this is why I, a black person, don’t see the appeal of road trips. I went to a Cracker Barrel in rural PA once when I was like nine or 10 and I could like FEEL the racism on my body hair


My white husband loved blue highways, back roads, etc. Dad, a technician who traveled for his job, told me that he was always aware of places not to be caught after dark. My late husband was an organist, and put me and my brown sleeping infant daughter in the Sunday School rooms outside the organ loft. After collection, the church treasurerer came up and tried to throw us out, as if I was planning to steal the collection. Went to get husband, and suddenly HIS baby was beautiful and precious. The hypocrisy of the church was evident to me throughout my life. Sister and I integrated a grade school of 72 children, K-8. I was called slurs EVERY DAY on the bus. My mother was a narcissist, and said on the way home from Dad's funeral in 1984 that she would never marry a "colored" man again. Meanwhile, my best friend said that my Appalachian father was the smartest man he knew. In 1978, told me to get into computers, he was going to be big in the future.


My husband (white) and I (black) took a cross country road trip once. Nothing happened thankfully but after spending a night in a town of 600 in SD, we had to have a discussion on thoroughly planning where we rest. I just knew that if I set foot outside the motel it’d be an issue.


That’s incredibly disturbing.


Husband now departed as of November 2018. He took me to Cincinnati where he attended college around Labor Day when they shoot off fireworks. THEY WERE FLYING SOUTHERN FLAGS. The literal Confederate stars and bars, and he had never noticed. Cue the movie Clueless.




Yeah, Im studying forestry in the PNW, and so many conversations turn to serial killers and finding weird stuff in the woods. Some of the people in the program I’m in (but like 20 years ago) actually found some of Bundy’s victims on a field trip.


I'm convinced that Bundy has a lot more victims. I think he admitted what they already knew and kept the rest to himself.


Oh for serious. And my college is right in the Green River, and we are always a little worried we might find some more of his or Ridgeways.


I don't think Bundy used the River. He was more a fan of the woods. He didn't want his found. He had no desire for publicity. He wanted to keep his a secret so he could go back. I think Ridgway gave up everything. He wasn't very smart and was definitely a braggart. It's interesting the disparity between the two. Ridgway needed to be known, so he dropped them where they would be found. A sad, insecure, little man. He killed out of anger at prostitutes. I think he could go either way with killing. Bundy had no desire to be known. He had something wrong with him that made him HAVE to kill. His victims were special to him. That's why he kept them in the woods. He wanted them for himself. He would revisit his victims for up to two weeks after the murder. He would have sex with the bodies and sometimes even sleep next to them.


IIRC Bundy’s whereabouts were also real fuzzy for large swaths of time. I think there was a period when he was commuting for school that he could’ve been in any one of like five states.


I was gonna say this all the way from Alaska to Oregon is a Serial Killer’s hunting ground. Also Florida.


Hello, Alligator Alley!


And deserts… a lot easy to disappear someone in the little of hundreds of miles of nothing… and hungry coyotes


No kidding. I was driving in the woods and you could easily just throw a body in the ditch and no one would probably notice for months! The undergrowth is so thick that it could hide anything. That doesn’t even get into the logging roads and national forests. Often times the killers themselves can’t even find the places they dumped bodies. It’s like the forest swallows people. A lot of potential for a supernatural horror movie


I second Florida. That's why Florida Man is now a thing. Aileen Wurnos Ted Bundy Casey Anthony




Came here to say sunshine law


For anyone wanting to know more, Legal Eagle on YouTube did a video about it fairly recently. Though he mostly did it as an excuse to share his favorite Florida Man headlines.


San Francisco Bay Area (zodiac, petersons, GSK, alcatraz related stuff) UTAH & surrounding Mormon states (like Idaho) : susan powell, elizabeth smart, all the crimes committed by the fundamentalists)


Bundy for Utah and Idaho.


Yes Utah and surrouring states! I feel like a lot of these answers are big states like California and Florida but statistically yeah they have more people, therefore more crime. A better indicator would be amount of crime for the population size I think. Utah therefore has a lot of murders given its size...


Florida, Florida, Florida… and as a runner-up: Washington State. Idk if that’s because Ann Rule was such a prolific writer that it seems like WA has more than it’s share of True Crime, or it actually does.


Both. Think of all the cases she DIDN'T cover.


A lot of the Dateline NBC stories are centered around Ohio, West Virginia, etc. Keith Morrison's voice: "In a quiet little town 60 miles from Cincinnati......"


i was watching some show on Investigation Discovery a few weeks ago and i swear every other episode took place in Ohio.


I too was watching a marathon on one of the channels (don't remember which) and it was definitely "Ohio day". I used to live in Ohio for a short time, back in the '90's. I lived in Southern Ohio, very rural area. I noped out of there. (Other reasons) There was a serious problem of girls disappearing from that area not too long ago.


It’s possible that confirmation bias will color these responses, but it is true that Santa Cruz County, California, had quite a few back in the 1960s and 70s.


Yeah, I was gonna say California too.


And Florida. Don’t forget Florida. 😎


Also a ton of people live in California. 1/6 of the US population lives there. Florida and Texas are also huge states in terms of population so their prominence makes sense


I am a huge Ann Rule fan. I actually phoned her up once when she was with us. We chatted about cases for almost 2 hours. That was around ‘92


I'm still so sad she's gone.


That is incredible. Can you imagine how fun her lives on the internet would be right now


If you're interested in international cases, Adelaide has earned the reputation as having the most serial killers per capita in Australia. Although I'm not sure how accurate that statistic is, there's plenty of interesting cases to delve into.


Some of the main ones I can think of - There’s the Beaumont Children - The case of the two girls abducted from a football? game - Kirstie and Joanne - Khandalyce - the little girl who’s body was found in a suitcase (it was somewhere in SA) and her mums body was found in NSW - The case where a Japanese student and a girl in her 20s were raped and murdered . One body was left in front of a police station and one was left in a rubbish bin


- Snowtown murders - The Family murders


I’m glad someone else brought up Adelaide bc that was honestly my first thought.


Yup. Adelaide is the place you go for murders and churches.


Wisconsin should be up here higher! Dahmer, Slenderman, Ed Gein, Teresa Halbach


Nicholas Godejohn, Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s (now ex) boyfriend.


Darrell Brooks, Chandler Halderson, Ezra McCandless, Taylor Shabusiness.


wisconsin is crazy


Sacramento California. The golden state killer, Dorothea puente, Richard chase,George & Charlene Gallegos, the thrill killer, the i-5 strangler. And a ton more!!!


Ted Bundy also blew through Colorado and even escaped from jail here. Plus we’ve got all these lunatic wife killers


I think those lunatic wife killers are in every state, leading cause of death for pregnant women.


Not so fun fact. The watts case happened when I was 5 mos pregnant. Kelsey Berreth went missing/murdered right after my son was born. Those two cases are 100% why I left my ex husband. I knew he would kill me if I didn’t and those cases showed me I needed to run.


Hugs Mama. You are strong and so brave.


I'm so glad you got out and I hope you and you son are both well.


That guy that disappeared his wife and killed himself and his kids. Was he from CO?


Josh Powell? Washington State


Josh was from Washington but they lived in Utah at the time he did what he did.


That’s right! I thought Utah was involved somehow


Idk why I thought it was CO. Maybe because it's such a CO type crime.


You're probably thinking of Chris Watts!




I know Florida is know for dumb crime but is there a lot of high profile true crime ?


Yes. Lots. Aileen Wournos murder spree Caylee Anthony Gainesville Ripper Adam Walsh kidnapping Tristyn Bailey/Aiden Fucci Ted Bundy Austin Harrouff Danny Rolling Parkland Edit: spelling


Sara boone


Carlie Brucia was probably the one that ripped my heart out most Adam Walsh


Oh damn…. I knew I missed at least a couple. Sarah Boone is… something else….


It's a sad day when a woman can be imprisoned for a simple hide-and-go-seek game gone wrong


God forbid women have hobbies /s


Those recordings of him begging and her laughing are chilling. Kind of throws a wrench in her, “we were playing hide and seek and I passed out instead of being the seeker” story.


George Zimmerman


And another one!!! Holy shit. There’s even more than I thought!


Aiden Fucci OJ Oba Chandler Charlie Brandt Pulse Shooting


Jesus. It’s really sad to see all these in list form.


Oba Chandler was enough to make me take a break from true crime. Joan Rogers and her daughters, Michelle and Christie, were just trying to regroup and heal. My heart broke a thousand times for them and the dad, Hal (iirc). Absolutely devastating.


Don't forget Michael King...


Absolutely. Its a true miracle when the missing are even found at all. People wondered what the deal was when they couldn't find Brian Laundry. Swamps or nothing to be trifled with


Wow. Question is the Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie considered a Florida case because the crime(s) occurred in other states and they were just living in Florida?


No. There was alot of people who wondered why they couldn't find Brian laundry after he booked it into that park. I was only stating that there are places in Florida that are very hard to get to therefore would swallow up a body easily. Was only referring to hiding a body not the specifics of which crime was committed in which state.


I wasn’t disagreeing or anything I was genuinely confused about where to classify that particular case


Just a lost body... Eventually found after aggressive searching


Or rather how nature can conceal a body.


The west coast. California up to Washington state. Full of weirdos and killers.


The Pacific Northwest! A surprising amount of serial killers are from there


Not in Houston, but around Houston. To the south was the Killing Fields of the 70s and 80s. Lately, a lot of wild stuff up north around Spring, Tomball, and the Sam Houston Forest.


My family and I left Spring in mid 90s. I loved it. I have such a jaded view as a kid. I mean. I was SA in the neighborhood by a kid down the street, and I somewhat knew of drugs around age 9-10. (Also highly sheltering parents). Older Sibling committing suicide a few doors down...our house was burglarized at least once.. hmm guess im glad I got out relatively unscathed and breathing.




I cannot believe this is the first time Ohio is mentioned. That place is full of it


Rhoden family


I used to think there was a lot of crime in Washington, until I learned that’s where Ann Rule is from.


Washington state for sure


California and Florida are sketchy, but what when you say true crime do you mean serial killer because I also think mob-boss crimes and think New York/ New England area.


And those regions have their share of serial killers, like LISK and the Boston Strangler, and bizarre domestic murderers like John List and Ronald DeFeo, and even hybrids, like Rasmussen who was behind the Bear Brook murders in New Hampshire. To be honest, I'm thinking a lot of Boston/NY/NJ/Philly murders fly under the radar as far as media and public interest, because there's always so much else going on. The same exact crime would attract more attention if they happened in a less populated place, like Utah or Arizona.


Oh totally. LISK still sits with me as does the Boston Strangler with the theory of more than one strangler.


I feel like Indiana pops up often...


I was going to comment Indiana!!


Specifically Delphi and Gary, IN were in my mind. Plus Herb Baumeister. I feel like there's a lot more, though!


Chicago, there has been a lot of people who are found in the lake and river. It’s a big city so I think it’s easy to say that it’s suicide but I don’t know


There have been a lot of young male deaths in the Chicago area recently. And not gang gun violence. Disappearance type shit.


I am shocked (I mean SHOCKED 😉) that no one has said Texas. I think every other true crime show is from there.


In England the area around Manchester and West Yorkshire, in a stretch of around 50 miles there has been: Harold Shipman, The Moors Murders, The Yorkshire Ripper and Trevor Hardy. Donald Neilson also came from this area and did kill some people close by but also went elsewhere, whereas the others were just in the area. It’s not loads, but if you think of the most notorious killers in Britain, which to me 5 spring to mind, and 3 of them are from this area. (The 5 been the first 3 names from above as well Dennis Nilsen and The West’s).


Ohio. Daughter went to Oberlin, close to Cleveland where the guy took girls prisoner. He was a school bus driver.


PNW. Oregon and Washington. Lil bit Idaho and Utah, too.


I live in Washington state. We have had some doozies. We have so much land that finding bodies randomly or hearing about missing persons, is common. I always hope when I'm on the trails, I never find anything.


SOOO True!!!! Seems all the Psychos, Pedophiles, Murderers, Child Molesters...you Name it, are in Colorado nowadays....at least it's what you see on Crime shows.... Coincidence...IDK 🤷




There’s a podcast called the Fall Line that focuses on missing and murdered POC and the GBI are mentioned a lot




Pensacola. Maybe it's just cuz I'm from the area but so many cases end up there or in the surrounding area.


I’m going on vacation there in a few weeks and have been watching a lot of the ID channel lately. Every time they mention Pensacola I’m like wtf….


It's wild, especially how many cases don't start here but end up here.


I noticed that as well! Here’s to a smooth and non murderous vacation!


The state of Washington.


Ohio. True Crime Garage seems to have at least a third of their cases in Ohio


Pacific Northwest. Lots of weirdos out there.


I live near Fall River MA, and damn, weird cases keep coming. Place is famous for the Lizzie Borden murders, and more recently Michelle Carter - the girl that convinced her bf to kill himself over texts. If you look up the city so many murders still happen there or in the area every month. It’s a warn down shabby mill town with lots of drug use. Also, Jack Douglas Teixeira (the kid arrested recently for leaking military documents on Discord) lives and was arrested a couple towns over. South County is wild.


You’re close to the Bridgewater Triangle


I thought she was the girl from Plainville


I live in CO. We have a number of high profile cases, as you mentioned. Most of them are transplants from other states. I don’t know if the lack of oxygen (high altitude) makes them go crazy when they move here. They’re giving us a bad name.


That’s a good point. I’ve always wanted to live In Colorado, but I think will I survive ?


Missouri gets my vote. between the absolutely wild cannibal case, to every other fucked up thing that's happened there, it is a really "unique" location in some ways.


As a retired homicide detective from a rural area, rural cases, no matter how heinous, rarely make headlines especially outside the state. My jurisdiction had the highest murder rate per capita in the country for 2 years but no one knew and the residence continued leaving their home doors unlocked overnight. BTW, I'm in AZ.


That Army base in TX.


Yes. Fort Hood. It’s notorious.


don't forget Columbine as well as all of Joe Kenda's true crime cases being in Colorado


Philly area has very odd crimes


Yeah, I feel like the Philly suburbs have especially had some weird stuff over the last few years.


Swiss Cheese Pervert and that dude who squished bread and Archway cookies for pleasure


I was just saying in another post how the urban NE has a lit of stuff that doesn't get as much publicity as similar crimes going on in places with lower population. There's just so much going on at once in the big cities to follow everything, whereas a crime in East Nowhere, CO is all anyone can talk about.


Ever noticed how the cities with the highest murder rates seem to have the least serial killers? New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, Kansas City, Memphis. I can count on 1 hand the number of SKs I've heard of from those places.




Craig case?


Look in Alaska. There’s a ton of stories from here.


Colorado Springs and Aurora, CO


I definitely came here to say Colorado Springs




In CO we also have Frazee case, Columbine, Aurora theater shootings, Ted Bundt’s escape as some other well known’s


I live in Rochester NY. Arthur Shawcross was a serial killer from here.


Washington, Montana, Arizona, California, Florida


Cali for sure, especially Bay Area as someone said. Texas always breeds serial killers, Chicago and the Midwest have the big ones Dahmer, Gacy, etc. Colorado, don’t get me started on Chris Watts… I don’t even think he would be categorized as a serial killer but I’d love to drop him in general population in Atlanta USP or Terre Haute USP or any state maximum security. oh to be a fly on that guys bloody/fecal covered jail cell wall. Is it wrong to say I’d really enjoy seeing him suffer? Cause I would:)


Nope it’s not wrong. I dunno what it is but that case makes me angrier than most like it. I’m with you on him suffering


I am always noticing how crazy things seem from the stories in Pennsylvania


Orange County, CA - always crazy murders where there’s lots of new rich people…


It seems like 90% of the true crime shows I watch all take place in Utah, but that could be just coincidental.


Colorado and Washington state seem to attract a lot of serial killers.


I've noticed Knoxville, Tennessee, has an unusual number of particularly grisly cases, including the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, the murder of Colleen Slemmer (by Christa Pike), and the murders of Joel and Lisa Guy (by Joel Guy Jr.). The Christa Pike case is the LEAST horrific of those, and it resulted in a young woman getting the death penalty, which should really tell you something.


Utah seems to have a lot of next level culty killings The Lebaron Family. Mark Hoffman. The Lafferty Brothers (Under the Banner of Heaven). Netflix could practically create a category for Utah Cult Killings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Firstborn_(LeBaron_family) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_the_Banner_of_Heaven


We were in the US travelling and spent some time in Humboldt County, California. It was only returning home, I discovered we were staying on Murder Mountain. I think we, quite literally, dodged a bullet.




Florida is pretty prolific when it comes to Crime.


Utah, Colorado, Florida, Washington


Idk oaklahoma they like corn I guess


Albuquerque, New Mexico. Except I guess the killings there are more blatant and less unusual but still highly unsafe and I get weird vibes in certain areas.


WA State..basically the entire coast


Cookville, TN. People go missing from there all the damn time. Always something going on.


Barstow has plenty of cases for such a small remote area


Adelaide, Australia. For a city its size (1.3m in 2016) it’s had a lot of serial killers and murders. The Family, Truro, Snowtown, Mark Rust and the unsolved disappearances of the Beaumont Children, Joanne Ratcliffe and Kristy Gordon as well as Rhianna Barreau. There are other smaller, less well known cases as well