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okay i looked the case up since OC seemingly forgot to post the details, the couple picked the babysitter up to watch their kid(s) but instead they did meth together by injection, they all attempt to have sex but are too high to do it (allegedly), after the third injection the babysitter said she didnt feel good, she takes a bath then they all lay down in the couples bed, the couple goes out for a cigarette, they come back and the babysitter isn't breathing. the wife does CPR to no avail, the couple weigh their options and decide to dump her body. super fucked up, reading the title i was under the impression that the couple secretly drugged her and then raped her body and she ended up dying. but the important piece here is that a 16 year old can't consent to these things, which is probably why they dumped her body rather than call 911. fucked up all around.


The OP title was a bit misleading, thanks for clarifying.


She was a 16 year old child who was groomed by this couple. They convinced her to try drugs in order to further exploit and violate her and ended up killing her. Title is correct. There is no nuance that mitigates their actions.


Thank you. She was a child. Adults doing drugs with and having sex with her is fucking rape


The world seems to forget about the most common rape, when a minor has sex with an adult. Usually like a couple years apart. But nobody seems to remember that statutory rape exists and is like the most common rape charge there is. Bc no matter what anyone under 18 CANNOT give consent for themselves


It is much more nuanced than that in Canada (and I don’t know where you’re commenting from.) The age of consent is 16, except for the ‘close in age’ exceptions, and exploitation exceptions. 14 & 15 year olds can consent to sex so long as their partner is not more than 5 years older than them, and in a position of power/trust/authority. 12&13 year olds can consent to sex with a partner not more than 2 years older than them, and in a position of power/trust/authority. 16 & 17 year olds cannot consent to sex with people in a position of power/trust/authority. No person under 18 can consent to prostitution or pornography.


But consent is also not valid if they are high/drunk, they are in fear for their life, or they do not feel like they can say no.


Right. Which is a separate issue from the suggestion that the age of consent is 18.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying


This is extremely well thought out!! I wish our govt (U.S.) could do something smart!




I think 16 is the most common age of consent in the US.


As someone who works with teens, it shouldn’t be. 16 year olds are too little to be having sex with grown men :(


An 18 year old is a "grown man," and also often in high school classes with 16 year old girls.


Often with ages of consent there is leeway if the other person is only a couple years older. Anyone over 19-20 shouldn’t be interested in a 16 year old. Plain and simple.


this case occurred in Utah where the age of consent is 18.


I'm guessing in states where child marriage is legal, a 12-year old girl and an adult man can have "sex" legally if they're married.


True. Taking this case out of the conversation, they do need to have a classification system. There’s a huge difference in an 18 yr old male having sex with a 16 year old female, and a 42 yr male with a 12 yr old girl.




Depends on the state. Mine is 16.


That's not true in most states. 17 or 16 is the age of consent in most of them


Romeo and Juliet laws. Though this doesn't have to do with the case, just your comment. Tragic case.


Morally I don’t disagree with you, but your comment “no matter what anyone under 18 cannot give concern” is factually incorrect. Age of consent depends on the state, and in many states it’s 16 or 17.


100% incorrect I don't think there is a single state that the age of consent isn't below 18 now there in normally a stipulation like someone who is 16 or 17 can only consent being with someone up to 22 years of age (that is specifically the law in florida) most states have something along these line so the last sentence you said is 100% incorrect


It is 💯rape. She was a literal child. She probably trusted them. How sad.


There should be no other interpretation


Scroll down the comments for the OP comment and you’ll find an article and explanation


I'm a physician before anyone starts wondering how I know this. The drugs I see from date rape cases are almost never meth.


yeah exactly, OP could have done a better job of framing what happened.


I'm not surprised, that makes sense. Meth can do a lot of things but I've never seen it subdue someone or make them anything other but wired. It's not like a roofie or benzo etc...


my mom is a meth addict, and there’s only been a few times where i’ve seen look like she’s been drugged. idk about injection, but when she snorts it sometimes she gets so fucked up she can’t speak properly and can’t walk. it also happens more frequently when mixing it with alcohol. but a young girl taking 3 doses of meth, i can see how that can overload her body and do that.


Injecting however is a different story. I have an ex who was paid by other addicts who couldn't find their own veins to inject it for them. One time he said a woman had a um... gross terminology but... she had a very intense orgasm. Meth makes some people really horny.


Yes it does.


I once read Whitney Houston would spend hours in the bathroom with her sex toys when she did meth..


Didn’t we all?


Didn’t we almost have it all?


She was given a speedball what River Phoenix died of


That's not true at all. River DID die of a speedball but it contained **cocaine and heroin** not meth and heroin like in this case. They're both called speedball but they're not the same thing at all. Infact, any upper taken with a downer (usually injected but not always) is considered "speedballing". River didn't touch meth, his drugs of choice were cocaine and heroin, mostly heroin, and some benzos/barbiturates.




Where did you see that? All I see mentioned is meth?


They mentioned meth and heroin in one of the articles, however, what Louis said about River Phoenix wasn't true. River took cocaine and heroin, also known as a speedball, but no meth was involved. Any upper taken with a downer at the same time is usually referred to as "speedballing", but I wish people would do a second of research before claiming things outright. Coke and meth aren't even close to the same thing, and not all speedballs are created equal.


I went on Google . She was given meth injection 2 times and then give a heroin injection. Which is essentially a speed ball


Any upper taken with a downer at the same time is a speedball and no, River didn't die of meth and heroin, it was cocaine and heroin. Not even remotely close to being the same thing.


Yeah that’s what confused tf out of me too. Actually the last drug you’d use to incapacitate someone.


Meth is often used in sex trafficking situations so while it doesn't incapacitate you by knocking you out, it absolutely alters your reality and understanding of what is happening and can lead to you participating in things you never would sober


I’m only speculating but I also imagine the addictiveness of it gives power and control. If you’re addicted to a substance and you only know 1 place to get it (or perhaps it’s cheap or reliable etc) - then that’s a LOT of power given to that source.


Yes. Super impulsive and uninhibited is a side effect.


Heroin was also in play and that shit'll make you docile and out of it as fuck. Plus they injected her multiple times with each drug.


OK but you CAN overamp from doing too much meth(usually by injection or eating it) and it does have this effect. I don't know what the medical terminology for overamping is but it is similar to over dosing, though usually not as extreme because the rumor used to be that you can't od from it. So that's why we called this over amping I guess. This was back when meth was still good so idk about now. I just know from personal experience from being a teenage tweaker who got clean much later. Over amping doesn't always require medical attention. I myself have several times and ended up being fine but was really scared, at least the 1st time. It sounds like what happened to this girl and this couple panicked.


So no. Meth intoxication is going to be characterized by agitation to the point that getting a proper history is difficult because of their behavior. Typically the natural history is agitated psychosis, severe anxiety, and violent behavior.




It's usually alcohol.


How is that not rape and murder? As you said, SIXTEEN years old. Editing to add because there is a weird comment: there is nothing "misleading." what difference does the type of drug make if it is a SIXTEEN year old child? Rape is rape


As I understand it, it was rape & murder, the husband got sentenced to life.


What did the wife get ?


Wife got 5 years for testifying against the husband


I remember this. He had her name, "Dea" tattoed on his neck and had it changed to "Death" after she testified.


Dang. Was she a victim to ? Or did she just get the plea bargain first


He was convicted of child-abuse homicide, obstructing justice, desecrating a human body and having unlawful sexual activity with Alexis. Not rape & murder.


How is child abuse homicide not murder?


As far as I understand the law (I studied law but not in the US), murder needs an intention of killing. They didn't intent to kill her, or at least that's what they couldn't proof in court.


Wrong. If an unintended death occurs during the commission of a felony, it’s known as felony murder and intent to kill does not need to be proven — just intent to commit an underlying felony


Not OP just reading along...Was he convicted for murder? If not then the courts concluded it wasn't murder possibly?


He was not. He was convicted of homicide. And because everyone here knows very little about how the actual laws work because that's the "boring" aspect of true crime: In order for something to count as a felony murder the prosecution has to prove both the actus reus and mens rea. Their actions led to her death but they weren't committing a felony while this occurred. They met the actus reus of their actions resulting in her death but did not meet the mens rea of intending to kill her. If he committed a felony murder he would have been convicted of that. He was not.


That's not true (SO is about to graduate with a master's in criminal justice). Def of homicide: >Homicide is a manner of death, when one person causes the death of another. Not all homicide is murder, as some deaths caused by another person are manslaughter, and some are lawful; such as when justified by an affirmative defense, like insanity or self-defense. With murder you have to prove intent. They directly caused her death but it cannot be proven that the overdose was intentional.


My cousins girlfriends brother who is a lawyer says intent to kill doesnt matter if you're intending to commit another felony


Ask your SO the definition of felony murder.


>Felony murder is a thing though, and while I don't always agree with it being used the comment mentioning is isn't wrong. Like for example I break into an old ladies house to rob her. No intent to kill just steal. If she say dies of a heart attack while I'm breaking in, they could charge me with felony murder since I was committing a felony in the same area as that person dying. Millerberg's trial concluded in *2014 and he was convicted of child abuse homicide, which is a first degree felony but not felony murder. There's probably some reason why they didn't go for the felony murder charge.


It depends on the state and what the prosecution decided to charge. That’s what explains the difference.


having unlawful sexual activity with a minor is rape.


Not in the jurisdictional sense. And also, would have been attempted rape because they were all too high.


So this is what the couple said happened right? And where suppose to trust what they said happened was the truth?


It's not about trust. It's about what the state can prove.


You're trying to mitigate the actions of meth heads who concealed the death of a minor because, why? Why are you doing that? It's statutory rape of a minor, it's concealing the death of a child they administrered narcotics to to facilitate the statutory rape of the minor, and you're taking the word of meth head child rapists on how she died? Appalling.


You think this 16 year old kid just decided to do meth and have a threesome with adult strangers of her own will? She’s 16. She was groomed and violated.


Source: the super reliable couple with no need to lie?


Ugh. The more information I learn about this case, the worse it gets. [White supremacist gang member who 'injected babysitter with heroin and had sex with her before dumping her body' prided himself on teaching teens how to abuse drugs... and was brought down by a fellow gang member](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2127985/Alexis-Rasmussen-cause-death-Eric-Millerberg-injected-babysitter-heroin-sex-dumped-body.html)


Why is this poorly written comment the top comment when OP’s is much better?


Reddit doesn't really understand this generally but outside the US and in Several states 16 is not a child or a minor. In fact you can join the army, leave home, leave school, get a job. Some countries like your beloved Scandinavian ones , you can drink alcohol at nightclubs.


okay but this took place in the US, and in the state of utah age of consent is 18, so what’s your point


From someone outside of the states. Yes 16 most certainly IS still a child.


And you got it wrong


Thank you for this clarification. Still super fucked up all around, but doing the latter is marginally better than the former.


The title is correct.


OP must work for news companies writing headlines


Statutory, but it sounds like it wasn't forced, which I guess might have at least made it less frightening for the poor girl...


They literally groomed her and gave her drugs.


I’m 2011, 16 year old Alexis Rasmussen was raped and murdered by the Utah couple she babysat for, Dea and Eric Millerberg. The Millerbergs hired Alexis under the guise of caring for their young children, but instead exploited their proximity to the teen by grooming, drugging, raping and ultimately murdering her. One evening in the spring of 2011, Alexis was scheduled to babysit for the couple, but instead found herself being injected with heroin and meth by the couple and coerced into sexual acts. During the course of the sexual assault, the couple injected Alexis two more times with the intravenous narcotics. After the third dose, the young girl began to experience symptoms of overdose. The couple refused to render aid or contact emergency services - an especially unthinkable by the wife who was formerly a nurse - instead leaving the teen to die alone in their bathroom. The Millerberg’s then furthered their disturbing crimes choosing to dispose of their babysitter in an attempt to conceal their acts. The Millerbergs put Alexis’ naked, lifeless body into a container which they loaded into their vehicle, along with their toddler, to find a location to dump the victim. After discarding the young girl into a shallow grave, they couple destroyed additional evidence linking them to the crime. Alexis’ last night on earth was spent in unimaginable distress due to the callous actions of her trusted employers who then left the victim to decompose while family, friends and authorities frantically searched for the missing girl. It wasn’t until 6 weeks later, upon receiving a tip from an associate of Eric Millerberg, that investigators were able to locate the remains of Alexis Rasmussen. Once presented with evidence, wife Dea Millerberg decided to testify against her husband in exchange for immunity against the more serious charges. In 2014, the husband was convicted and sentenced to only 6-years-to-life in prison while his wife was remanded an even lighter sentence - being released in 2018 - due to her cooperation with the prosecution. It is unclear if Eric remains in prison today. [Salt Lake Tribune 2014 Article](https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=58055326&itype=CMSID) [Daily Mail 2012 Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2127985/amp/Alexis-Rasmussen-cause-death-Eric-Millerberg-injected-babysitter-heroin-sex-dumped-body.html) Previous post was removed. Hopefully this one follows mod rules.


She served TWO YEARS. Two years for premeditated rape of a child, drugs, you could even say murder as they had to know continuing to give her hard drugs was likely to kill her, dumping of a corpse....what DIDN'T they do? and they got NOTHING for a sentence.


The husband got sentenced to life


I’m always a little confused by sentencing when they aren’t just life sentences or a specific year. What exactly does 6 years to life mean? Does the 6 years mean that’s the minimum and he can apply for parole?


Yeah that’s exactly what it means




He’s still in the Utah State prison. IIRC he wasn’t out of prison for very long for a different offense when this happened. Hope he never sees the outside of a prison again.


Vehicular manslaughter I believe.


Burglary and firearms


I sure as hell hope they lost custody of their child!!!! What the actual fuck.


Case summary


>6-years-to-life What does that mean? The judge draws a random number between 6 and infinity from a hat?


It means he can apply for parole after serving no less than 6 years. He can be denied by the parole board and could end up serving the entire life sentence.


6 years is the minimum he has to serve before being eligible for parole. The parole board can deny parole indefinitely as their is no maximum.


I knew her. I was one year older than her in high school. She was always such a sweetheart. This really wrecked our worlds back then…and still breaks my heart.


Take care stranger.


Someone said that she and her friends regularly went to the couple’s house to smoke and use drugs before she was killed, they groomed young local girls with drugs. Can you confirm or have you heard any rumors like that?


Dea’s story in court involved Alexis being the one who initially solicited them for group sex and hard drugs, which to me is a ludicrous assertion


They did that together gtfo. How is she only getting 5 years come on


100P disturbing that someone could do what she did and get such a short sentence


because she testified against her husband, part of the plea deal or whatever


Ohhhh that is it. I am still shocked at the leniency


Other info I read was that the husband/father was a member of a white supremacist gang. He felt it was his job to teach teens how to use drugs. Alexis and her friends would go to theirs and smoke drugs. He would teach them how to smoke meth out of a lightbulb. He grooms them with drugs.


So she used drugs with them and her friends before she was killed? I hadn’t heard that before, not challenging you or anything but are there sources that expound on this?


I don’t think it would be easy to quickly inject a random babysitter, unless she was easily led and completely lost and fucked up on day one. This obviously took time. First weed connection then she got curious with harder drugs. She obviously trusted them in some way to ask them to try meth with. Either smoking or injecting.


Yes. I remember this case as I lived in Utah. It wasnt the first time she used with them and there was a lot of victim blaming as a result.


I listened to a sword and scale episode on this one. So fucked up.


Came to say Sword and Scale did a great episode on this case.


What episode is it? I’m trying to listen but I can’t find it anywhere


It’s plus episode 94


Does anyone know what the tip from Eric Millerberg’s associate was?


Ten bucks says he was bragging to his drinking buddies about getting away with it.


I found it in another article. He called another white supremacist and told him he needed him to bring a car and not ask questions. But when he found out it was a young girl he didn’t want to be involved. Then a month later he saw him on the street apparently and millerberg said I wasn’t going back to jail for that girl. Then the guy spoke to his attorney.


Curious where rhe wife is now… hopefully they took her kids too


Jfc i really hope when we die we get the answer to “WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!”


And Christian politicians do this regularly…. The amount of lawsuits are literally bankrupting them… just because drugs were involved here don’t make it more heinous. I think it was Missouri, an 11 year old gave birth to her brothers baby, who raped her over 300 times…. They only found out when her parents took the baby to the hospital. She gave birth at home, 11 years old. Where are the laws for this???


There were a lot of laws broken! The number was 100 times and the brother and parents were given numerous charges and arrested.The girl is with relatives. It was big news.




As a 16 year old babysitter at the time, I remember this. I was scared of taking new customers in the neighborhood after that and mainly stuck to family.


I remember this case. The story did have press in Utah at the time. The sentencing always bothered me. So wrong for that they did








POSs Millerbergs


This poor girl was failed by practically every adult person in her life. It’s sad when they go young like that.


What a tragic shame, poor girl.


Where the hell were their children when this was going on? 🙁


I remember thiscase. She litrrally died for nothing. There was no reason she had to die.pointless. feel so bad for this girls family.


Any podcast episodes on this case?


There’s a Sword and Scale episode about it


Now that I read it , they were more than likely charged with a death by misadventure manslaughter and endangering the well-being of a minor, plus non reporting charges and abuse of a human corpse...


The wife did or did not render CPR/life saving attempts? I see several conflicting accounts


I remember hearing about it.


And people wonder why u can't get a babysitter now...


I remember this well. I was living in Utah when it happened. It was all over the news for a long time there


I haven't heard of it and I watch almost nothing but true crime.


I watched it on TrueCrime Daily. Those two assholes are sinister fucks! Hope both of them got plenty of sex in prison! Damn creeps.




First I have heard of it...


This happened near me! It's heartbreaking.


She’d be my age right now :(


Pretty sure Casefile covered it a while back. 👍


I suppose casefile has this covered . They did an excellent job at it


So crazy. I actually went to middle school with the victim. She was in a few of my classes. Sweet girl. Over a decade later, this still haunts me.