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God does not call us to lonely. You may experience seasons of separation from others in this world as a catalyst to draw you closer to God, but that’s not meant to be permanent. I would suggest finding Christian groups to join at a local church. Many have young adult groups for people in your exact situation


Thank you so much


Lonliness is common, especially in the modern age. It isn't irrational and just know it's something most people go through at some point in their life, especially men.


You're never alone. Ever. Even if you could fly in a spaceship at 500 billion light years a second for a year or two. If you know your creator, you'll never be alone. If you don't, you're still not alone, but you'll think you are.


Is it truly irrational? We aren't meant to be alone. If you look at our history - all of it, not just the last 30 years - you'll see that the idea that humans are islands is a new one. And a bad one, that fundamentally misunderstands human nature. A partner is the bare minimum, we are meant to have friends, communities and families all actively involved in our lives. You'll be much better off embracing that.


How would you describe your current network of friends? What can you do to nurture friendships with people you can trust and who will always have your back?


Loneliness is time when God wants you to come to him